Manhunt PIXELMON but I Secretly CHEAT! (1 Speedrunner vs 2 Hunters)

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today in minecraft we're playing pixelmon manhunt on the generation 3 map i must reach level 100 with my pokemon to win the challenge the twist today is i'm cheating and the hunters have no clue i installed the game shark mod it basically shows me all the locations of legendary pokemon boss pokemon you name it i can find it let's stop talking and let's get leveling [Music] welcome to pixelmon manhunt we should get started here though kraken brady you all ready to get going yeah buddy i got nothing my torchic oh i got me and my mudkip kip wait wait wait for what oh wow he's here he's already fainted he already fainted really yeah i'm ready i'm ready yeah three two one let's get started oh my god dude no all right so guys cheap while they figure it out i'm gonna get into my own call all right so you guys might be noticing right away there is lines pointing to different things you can see in the top left what that blue line is pointing to me too atelo a boss uh we got running boots from this town more some more ostrich balls from this homie beautiful beautiful beautiful oh there's a legendary right there reggie giggis but i cannot catch a pokemon that is higher level than me right so i'm gonna have to level up this tree go as much as possible um and to do that i need to find good training grounds and if i want to find certain oh well you're falling okay oh i thought that was them dude that freaking fishermen moves like who just ran through here if i want to find certain pokemon i can use the game shark mod and i can search it so um flygon or well yeah if he's in here i can search him up whatever it is i think there's a gyarados around too um but drink out level 10 i could not let him die if i let rico die i'm literally out who are you i'm getting so scared for these mpcs because they sprint around another rare candy i wish i could type in like finding different um like rare candy givers or ultra ball givers i think there's a master ball giver too uh quick card no we don't need any of that crap trico's evolving uh this is not good putting me in a position where i can't run away but we do get a grow file all right come on grow file so i want to add another member to my squad um let's see if we can find a torchic around so torchic all right i already got these guys all marked i want to get some of the uh the starter pokemon and we gotta hit show custom uh i don't know what they're pointing to so we're gonna figure it out right oh it's a blazer kit this is definitely not the area where i need to be these are all the fire pokemon are right now blaziken let's try to find some lower evolutions here combustion 29 can't catch it those must be what the torque chicks are we've almost made it boom tortix level 10. so if they're level 10 i just gotta enter into a fight with them catch them catch up this torchic is he's taken three ultra balls if i lose to this torching i i'm not no i'm not retreating i got him i got him i got him okay we're riding torchic i'm sorry i do not need you oh look who it is look who it is look what it is bud you want some of this yeah can you get back here real quick i see you got the running back you just want to talk a little bit crackhead okay yeah i lost him already oh no oh he got his heel off yes smell yeah later i just saw him battling so oh these are leaps of face uh i don't even know it's supposed to be here something pulled up on my map swampert yo what's up swampert we could probably make ourselves a boat here okay there we go is there a mudkip down this way red candies okay we can get level 19 with this i i don't really need to train right now i can just traverse the map and try to get further and further away oh those are the swamp more swamperts what's red over here okay i'm gonna shut those off so i don't need the custom ones right now i only want to know where the legendaries and the bosses are i think i just have the idea that whale mers are going to be my chances and find some wailers 4k xp oh my god dude this is do i one hit them i'm getting close i i need to save mega drain just in case we get into a fight here kraken's got torchic so she's gonna be super effective against me maybe i'll just get rid of detect there let's get a level 30. oh giga drain one hits these now i might be able to get a little 35 in like a few seconds here all right i'm gonna i'm gonna evolve the tier three here and get sceptile and then we go to the beach and maybe i find a monkey okay we're just are we just gonna keep taking damage here or we're gonna murder him thank you for murdering him i don't need slam 33 i got two more giga drains after this oh what's up okay they're are they coming to me are you holding me i don't see brady anywhere just cracking chasing me am i falling in holes looking back i'll stop skipping and jump this way we gotta lose him actually i know where some bikes are there is a bike path that oh no oh god we gotta break into the map i gotta break this dirt no okay we'll hide behind here while he's he's gonna get in the water he wants to get me break it break it go yes oh he mad he's big bad if we go through this town the beach town gets more ultra balls thank you for poke balls there's the bikes on the bike path we almost have sceptile we're just a couple levels away let's go this way oh bike bike oh we gotta tow this line here there we go we're drifting oh okay that was a close one i mean maybe this bike is not helping me as much as i thought it would whoa what was that oh we got ultra balls from that guy okay we'll ditch your bike there and we'll go along the path yes nope we are good we'll go buy this reggie ice we now know where two legendaries are so we'll just keep that in the back of our mind uh clamor sure we need to get sceptile and we've also got to get something for kraken's uh combustion soon to be blazikin okay we got it sceptile could i get maybe i'll just find a marsh dump for kraken i'm close to being on a high enough level to catch it yes booster hey uh you wanna turn around for a second uh actually gotta have something to show you get over oh no no why is it so hard to stay on these pathways i'm afl too okay yeah where is he where's he come on parker parkour hey did he get out parkour parkour yeah yeah i brought sand i was ready to fall in yeah where yeah you're stuck wait that's not a water pokemon but it's a dog so it'll do stop it stop oh okay all right that's some damage getting hit fully healed up assurance okay that's gonna do some damage yeah dual jump in there uh yeah at least i'm faster than you duel jump finishes the job oh wow leveling up but supersonic here we go here we go oh this is gonna oh no well i'm gonna water pulse i gotta go waterfall go go thank you for healing me all the way back to the town you go sir i failed again kraken go to the healers first i'm gonna heal hell we gotta get another person in our squad actually let's go back to the whalers we're already level 42. whalers will save the day whalers here i come to take you down actually uh i don't know exactly where the weldeds are so we might need to put that in wailord's show custom perfect there's some lines those are the mars jumps and i think we got some swamperts actually wouldn't be bad to train on spawn no no no no these can't be oh yes there they are okay level 58 ah let's go for the level of 36. it might be a little bit more upper alley lee played one bang that's 10k xp double 50 level 50 oh it's so close level 49 right now oh i'm so glad i'm moving and weaving oh god that's it oh we touched him give me give me give me give me yes okay more stop we gotta involve you buddy come on no okay at least we're both locked into 35. we'll switch you out for why not why why not why not not kill you that actually that hurt pretty good wait wait i can't switch pokemon does nothing quite okay i have not used this pokemon yet so i'm just trying out a few moves here i got splash a safeguard mirror coat neither of them do moves i got one option here and that's the counter hey yeah counted that what did counter do just accept your fate your friend's not coming here to save you okay yeah pretty right on the on the blue run blue run blue road stuck no i kept falling go get him go get him i see the lights i see the lights i see the lights i see the lights i see him i see him right there right over there he sees the light and i missed and no no no no no oh he's not on his pokemon though he's not on his pokemon though oh that was so good and i'm faster how is he so oh dude come on where's that where's the town where's the town i gotta cut him off he has like a level 36 or something uh water pokemon all right well i haven't trained up enough i'm not going for this battle just he's not going for this battle he says i know i was going to take advantage of a weak man but now he's a strong man you're just going to take advantage of the weak wow that's how that's how i plan to win this challenge okay guys we are freaking cruising right now they're both right now scared to take us on we're gonna see what these spawners are we got reggie steele to my right we still need to find that rare master ball npc which will give us that master ball okay so i just cleared my selection guys i'm gonna find for custom the whalers i need to be able to only locate them i can't be thrown off by anything else i just start for a split second yellow came up but now it's it was back here right oh my god oh my god he's so majestic well i don't even know what level he is i'm just gonna fight him 73 okay we gotta run that's close okay so now that i know where the wailings are i need to find something else guys let's check our surroundings okay we got a little time here it seems we need to find salamanders a legendary groudon over there okay that sounds like a good time to me no master ball the master ball okay rare candy dude let's go to the red candy dude first should i go for deoxys or deoxys must be really really high level oh my god wait does it tell me the level of the groudon no it just says 60 blocks away do you actually spawn dude salamance okay let's get the dragon pokemon we'll celebrate over the other ones in a minute uh he's level 60 57 okay i gotta i gotta train septile up a little bit let's use the rare candies right now i know sceptile you're excited i'm excited too let's get these bumblebees duel chop is that gonna do anything dude oh we just do just do damage we almost like wanna hit them that's enough ak xp per dude what's that ladies oh are you ladies or laddie you're latios dude he's like impossible to get i'm in the legendary freaking realm we're low 59 settlement where did you go fall out wait was that somebody near me oh zamp it was npc trainer okay we're fine i'm just panicking he's gonna rock me though oh no that is him brady's right behind me hello how are you what happened what happened wait whatever wait what i got what i got what's going on yeah i'm prepared for this fart oh yeah this is where i hopefully don't get knocked out in two moves yeah that's what's gonna happen here but you're gonna get hit blaze kick fire kick use the kick of fire uh oh you don't know that's a direction that's a dragon oh dragon go oh what do you mean you just use dragon breath i use dragon fire why are pokemon i mean dragon actually true maybe he might be facing the wrong dude there's a football there's two football guys that look just like you yeah i mean you know we're all on team uh team brunch here oh my god i might actually yeah fine fine i was taking it easy on you just testing my salamanders now it's time to bring in the big guts okay are you stalling for your friend to get here sorry no no no no no no no no no no he's definitely cracking cracking what move should i use hmm really got a thing all right oh that was yeah yeah yeah at least yeah not bad ellie's gonna do some damage for you yeah yeah we got her done we got her done what do we got oh no we're not leveled for this swamper oh oh wait hang on pokemon looks familiar 47 to 48 that's actually kind of hype here i flinched yeah much yeah get mud in your eye and now i'm going to clean it out with some muddy water oh you're a jerk man you're just like assaulting my pokemon and he will not take it rock a slide fine thanks for the xp bud i'll take that i'll go to the bank with it cash it okay okay okay who's skeptile no september did you just call him step tile uh you yeah you deserve to get one bang for that yeah i was just saying because i'm skeptical about your chances yeah i do oh go my una okay now let's just i'm already down here kraken crap no i missed i missed you yes i missed go go go you missed me now you gotta kiss me now you gotta kiss me i can't get into a battle with him when he's healing go go go step up no why you got me mid air oh oh no i chose the wrong pokemon you know do you crack uh kraken you kind of look like wob effect in real life okay so this i don't know why i got this pokemon dad he's absolute because you don't know how to use him well i almost went for a move you were i'm so lucky only level 42 wow you've been slacking 40 42 it's like you don't want to win no cody it's not that at all it's that i've just been focusing on catching a whole bunch of different pokemon that's what you went wrong kraken see i'm trying to get level 100 and if i reach level 100 then i own everything you own yup something like that you sign that contract guy what i couldn't move yeah because he's so fat buddy round he's worse than snorlax dude who's worse no lags are slacking wow you are truly sl i just got scammed did you get your pokemon higher level than you kraken no slacking was the highest level pokemon you had and you didn't start your candies didn't catch them that way oh okay i feel like you're covering up what are you doing he's gonna die just pick the move i don't know cody i don't know i don't know i don't know i was slacking was my hope dude you just can't even get past my swamper why don't you try to find some electric wait actually why am i helping you or a bird or something that would have been fine if he didn't miss two turns for being a loaf i'm level 70 and you barely have a little 50. kid if you want to ff right now we can do that brady i'm not attacking him until i i know i can beat him you got a train i've you just collected pokemon he's white he's shopping right now he's like i like that one i like that one i like that one he's like no oh now he hits i'm just sitting here fun fun battling and he's hitting every time oh we can do this hey guys so i found the uh the master ball guy and i found my first legendary guess his name oh you probably could tell from chat well yeah if you hover over there it says catch caught groudon why am i helping you i never know why i just repeat stuff out loud yeah well something's going on with you dude i will find you where are you it's a little place i like to call whaletown you ever been what no kraken's mom's been oh okay does anybody know the deal with my pokemon why does he say loafing around and he doesn't move he doesn't respect you trash kid you wanna know the level if you guess the first number i will tell you eight eighty-two wow you guys think i'm better than i really am i don't know okay so i think i might be leveling up a little bit faster if i turn xp all off let's do that and we just got 20k xp all delegated right to sceptile i still have six more rare candies we're level 81 we're kicking butt you guys better hit that like button i'm kicking their butt i even told them kind of where i am and they just they can't keep up we're leveling up at a rate that just is unreal now we are doing the little cheat sheet but like hey this is as legit as a guest we can just hunt down good pokemon okay that's that's the only upside i guess kraken kraken i found the whales i found the whales i found the whales there's this not uh this is not gonna be a good call out they're near the water i am not going near him until i get a few more levels buddy well you know if i weaken him and you get him before he gets back we might be able to do it i can't work with this guy i need a new hunter god what do you mean you're over there collecting pokemon i'm out here training and fighting and hunting you're over there shopping okay we need to do a coordinated attack but not yet train up i'm trained up i'm good i got i got well actually maybe i could be higher wait cracky did you find me too dad what do you know where i am too no you don't know where i am peekaboo i see you spiels shreel hello orcillo level 634 still 6k xp i will take it um let's use the rest of the rare candies guys level 90 or actually i'm gonna hold off and hold off there's got to be a rare kennedy guy around in this big big city level swallow it okay that's a one hit no so close to a one hit 10k xp like that's as half half as good as the whalers were they were giving me like 20k xp drop they're nowhere near me guys they're out there training right now there's a pokemon i need to find um i think he's i think i missed a turn really i'm gonna go through this forest we are still hunting for some more rare candy dudes i mean if i can get find one more he's gonna give me three red candies and they'll put me at level 95 without leveling at all yes these guys the tropic guys i'll see if i oh yeah three kitties i'll see if i can uh train on them pretty easy using dual chop i remember from when i was being hunted by late games that they gave a ton of xp what did they say akxp what that's okay that means that's not enough that was 12k xp so maybe i was getting some really really low level ones this guy's a little 55 he's definitely gonna be two hits to take down oh the boss kraken get to me wait where are you brady crackhead you know crack is not going to be there for you no he's going to abandon you no he just abandoned me he just called you trash he did just call me trash he didn't he totally didn't just whisper my game crashed he was making fun of me he was saying you know i'm starting to think cody might have something this is the third time i've crashed cody are you using some hack client crash me you crashed again the challenge doesn't stop even though somebody's crashed three times cody is that a coincidence have you tried uh hitting alt f4 no i haven't let me just try [Music] that didn't help i'm back in the game cody oh where do you where do you live where did i where do i live yeah what's your geo location to my saturn oh you know maybe just like two steps behind you wait why oh my flip protect the tall grass i can't you can't get me through the tall grass actually i'm just gonna stay out of this no i don't think you need to oh well i know what see you later oh my god i didn't want to interfere oh oh yes freddie yeah come here brady come here oh i thought where are you i thought brady was here no where are you he's level 97. no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no where are we gonna stop himself i'll stop him okay that was a bad idea stop stop i almost got his dad i almost got him dead pretty i think i can do it i'm only look no dude do it do it how many wait is he not yes guess what you ain't getting away get away from me stop breathing on me i can't move yeah he's in my face i smell your fear boy come on blazer kid yeah let him know i'm shaking right now go go go go go brady i'm shaking right now i'm here for backup i'm here for backup fly go no no no fly gone don't do it if you get knocked out let me know i'm just gonna start throwing balls we're getting levels okay oh he has a third pokemon i didn't know he had another pokemon doesn't affect me wait oh wait i used the wrong move that's why well i did it i used to want to move laser kits just like oh no no no no no wait are you done are you done all the xp went dude i had a dragon move i could have one hit him and i hit my rock move instead no no no no i can't i'm trying to i was faster than him too okay it's not over yet brady but it's not looking good actually you know what i don't know well i didn't even mean to do oh he's just going on an outrage that's why i can't stop him he's back to full health kraken what every time everybody's like cody you know you had potions cody you know you had potions we always forget guys brady should be training over there i thought he was gonna finish he said he was he was all excited i came to watch the victory it's okay brady i actually have a shot still cuz i just potioned my blaze again cody's scared in his boots yes yes oh did he just get did he you did yes i didn't even switch i didn't switch kraken who's plays against behind us brady brady i have one more pokemon i'm not going to use it because i'm oh die you should really what i'm going to do is i'm going to run okay i'm ready that's big that's big right you need to attack him because he will level up to 100 if i let him kill me if he kills one of my poker i don't have a pokemon that could take out a level 99 though we gotta try we have to try nothing we have to try grass yeah i have blaziken okay but he's 99 plays again three two one go go yes okay i got him i got him i'm i'm going hard i'm going hard right away what does he mean he is nothing like he's a 96 blaziken i'm just waiting for him to choose right now he's shaking in his boots okay so rather than just go to his swampert you need what oh actually he didn't heal he didn't heal you can do this what yes i just want to shut ground on get your legendary bump out of here oh god oh god i feel sick let's go come on come on come on who's next who's next um uh i don't know what uh that will do the same one the same one please oh okay brady brady it's okay okay okay what's happening potion potion potion he's done that's not gonna help that's not gonna help i should have done that i shouldn't have done that no no no no okay well here we go oh brady that actually psycho boost he has no clue how to use deoxys he you just can't he's already level 100. wait no watch me share oh it's xp all right i didn't even it's not not my blazer oh it's over finish the battle fine we'll do well if i die if i die here no we'll see if i die here uh which is not okay okay okay i know so i still have to beat you i still have to beat you if i want to be considered the the dub here oh my god is water my enol no that was i got some oh i should have just attacked with the blaziken again instead of healing that hyper potion did absolutely nothing okay oh come on come on come on yes come on yes yes we have done no yo no crack get it we have done it guys if you want to see some more pick someone manhunt but i secretly cheat hit that like button and subscribe hey you cheated wait what wait whoa what how many times are you gonna do this in a week oh i think once a week is pretty good you guys gotta keep my heart can't take this well wait wait wait i was the cheat crashing me i used no that was not i had nothing to do that was just my luck game shark mod shows me the location of every pokemon in the entire game you know that mod i had you guys install the damage indicator mod well do you even see a damage indicator when you look at a mob it was the secret mod i installed you guys had no clue i just renamed it i'm going home i'm out of here yeah this is a great it's nice seeing you guys all uh thanks for watching if you want to see another secretly cheap video hit that like button and subscribe and i'll make my friends a rage quit some more
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 1,001,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secret, secretly cheating, cheat, manhunt secretly cheating, speedrunner, pixelmon, pixelmon manhunt, minecraft, speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft vs hunter, mod, mods, speedrun, pokemon minecraft, minecraft pokemon, atlantic craft, the atlantic craft, challenge, manhunt, hunters, hunt, fun, funny, game, games, minecraft manhunt, manhunt pixelmon, pokemon in minecraft, minecraft pixelmon mod, man hunt, pokemon, legendary pokemon, pokemon cards, sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield
Id: 7srs_g34wIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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