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all right another day at work another day at block labs i got my lab coat on i wonder what raise junior is doing all morning he's been on the laptop yo ray junior you wanna you wanna come and see science man i'm about to go to work you know he said eh nah wait why not he always wants to see zions man what about to i'm watching avatar you mean the last airbender hmm that was a pretty good show growing up for me you know what you know what i respect it i respect it okay hopefully you enjoy the first season okay all right bye-bye see you later rage junior man avatar the last airbender probably one of my favorite shows growing up but i'm going back to block labs once again and uh putting my life at risk because you guys already know dr panic is one crazy dude well welcome back to another episode of block labs all right let's see what crazy dr panic has in store for us today and of course he's waiting up there as always sitting up on that pillar he's eating some cookies beck left some good cookies dude he loves them cookies so much yo dr panic i'm here what's he doing up there oh and wait why are there fire particles on his hand you you good doctor panic uh you're you're on fire dude you're what happened to your eye did you accidentally burn yourself i got something for you in the back but but are you okay i'm concerned for you right now oh he said i'm oh okay all right i hope i really hope you're okay okay well he said he has something for me in the back is this is this some sort of suit let me put it on what wait isn't this the outfit from the avatar isn't this what aang wears uh dr panic you have some explaining to do we aren't done what do you mean we aren't done what is that in your are those scissors i need that hey what are you doing what are you doing what did you just do to my hair what the heck what did you do to me and why do i have an arrow on top of my head yo did you just turn me into aang what is going on dude what are you doing doctor why are you why is he smiling he just chopped off all my guys i'm bald now i'm bald rage now back to what we are no no no no we're not going back to what we were doing what did you just do to me you're making me panic right now i got a new friend for you to meet i don't care about no friend you chopped off my luscious hair my luscious hair what the heck is he doing dude he's like spitting out fire and like lightning or something like that dude are you even the same doctor panic that i know i'm i'm scared of this dude yo yo yo this is suspicious why did he just close the door on me i don't feel safe get me out of here what do you want from me man are you even dr panic you just chopped off my hair we are making you well what are you what are you making the next airbender what do you mean like the airbender as in the avatar who is this yatso what is taking that crazy science dude so long yo giatso from the avatar oh my gosh i can't believe rage junior is missing out on this like he was watching avatar this morning so this is the one yes sir i mean i guess i am this stupid man took forever what do you mean stupid man huh you're the one who dropped off my hair without telling me he's pretty dumb oh dr panda i'm about to quit don't say that yeah i'm about to quit dr panic oh my goodness i mean it's true oh my gosh guys i'm really about to quit alright so his training must start though um okay so um apparently i'm gonna become the avatar or like the airbender okay rage let's show you the basic elements first man i i know the basic element i grew up watching the avatar wait so we have what is this water yes it's water come on man uh we got grass right this is grass we got water grass and we got fire um i don't know why you're just walking inside of it and one more one more as in air bending right did he just fart for air yeah so chiatzo gyatso do not do not sniff that's probably poisonous coming from doctor panic crazy dude isn't he he i think he might be a little more than crazy i don't know but i guess my training starts now are you ready uh i i think i'm ready to learn water bending oh man i thought i was supposed to learn air betting first because you know we got gyatso right here but apparently not okay so read upon these all right i'm gonna read these real quick insert three scrolls of the same or universal type to unlock bending okay so i'm gonna put three water bending scrolls into this and now i have water bending whoa what water bending ability experience okay so we have a few of these moves right here dr panic how do i hit you with my best shot if uh if um i don't know how to use the abilities i mean i see some water right here am i supposed to grab this water or something like that you need water okay so what is this we have a water skin okay well i think i need to set my ability or something so we have a water arc let's try that oh wait oh my god no no no no holy crap he struck me with his what his fire that hurts so much okay i'm gonna oh did i hit you did i hit you dr penny he said yeah let's try again because water is stronger oh let's go water is on oh no no no no no he's gonna strike me with this fire i'm gonna stay in this water right now yo if you guys didn't know wait this is the chosen really he already said that i'm the chosen one just from one move i'm gonna beat you dr penny i'm gonna beat you dr penny look ha look at that look at that all right let me see if i have any other abilities okay i need to oh he has lightning bending as well that's kind of scary i'm not gonna lie take this dr panic oh no i i completely missed ah yo the fire actually hurts a lot guys the fire actually hurts a ton what oh my gosh i'm taking a lot of fall damage here take that doctor panic okay okay i'm gonna try to hit him oh look yo giato is helping me out i think i won this nah nah nah nah i don't i don't think you won this yet i don't i honestly didn't think you won this yet hold on give me a give me a second it kind of sucks that i need a water source to attack him but let's try this again all right all right dr panic oh man he got me he got me oh my gosh all right here we go here we go and oh my gosh he just struck gyatso with lightning you good giato okay okay are you ready for ice hmm i i feel like i haven't mastered water too much just yet but you know what i'll try it let me go ahead and try to master this as well let's see if i can do it guys let's see if i can do it oh look at that guys i just enabled ice bending what abilities do i have so ice burst okay let's go ahead and unlock this one as well all right let's go ahead and set this one up too hey dr panic come over to me i need to test this on you real quickly i feel like i need water on me whoa look at this yo try attacking me dr panic oh i bet you can't even hurt me oh oh gosh he actually got me okay okay okay i can't use this all right there we go i used it again try using fire betting on me watch it's knocking and it's not even gonna hurt watch oh dang but i didn't take any damage when he broke the iceberg he said wow see i'm able to learn multiple abilities except you can't huh look at you dr panic all you can do is fire ben all right that's pretty cool that's pretty cool let me see if i can use any other abilities all right oh look at that i trapped him in there okay watch this watch this watch this i'm gonna trap him all right i'm gonna keep trapping him i'm gonna keep trapping him i'm gonna keep trapping him look at the iceberg stop dr petting i'm tr i'm testing this out on you all right so i'm using the iceberg on him oh i'm running out of kai there we go i'ma swap and then use the water ability on him at the same time that would be pretty cool wait i need water dr pan do you have extra water i kind of want to learn how to use lightning bending in the future still got a lot to learn i do i do all right let's try this again okay so i'm gonna do this use an iceberg on him and then use water betting on him at the same time dude look at that combo wanna see my combo all right i'd like to see you try all right come and get me all right let's let's see what combo doctor panic has in store for us oh my gosh he has lightning and fire at the same time oh i'm scared of him i don't know how much dr panic has been practicing but i'm kind of scared whoa that almost struck me that lightning almost struck me okay okay no more no more dr panic i'm gonna catch up to you sooner or later all right he said nah here's my uh water bending scrolls if you need them back i'm ready for the next ability he said i'm too good are you sure about that talk to gyatso okay hey uh gyatso what else do i have to learn obviously you know a lot about the avatar right mainly of all air bending oh okay i mean you are an airbender after all wait he's already back that was so quick i am here all right what's next dr panning i'm ready i'm ready to learn whatever i have to learn to become the avatar we got earth our bet teach me some earth bending doctor panic oh by the end of this i should be able to bend every single element of the earth okay so let's try learning some earth bending instead of using earth control i think i'm gonna go with ravine yo look at this ability right here let me unlock it all right i'm going to use it on him he said are you ready oh i'm more than ready look at that yo i just did some earth betting on him look at him look at him just fly away yo okay oh no no no no no no take that fire somewhere else take that fire somewhere else yo where's gyatso what is this strange thing oh wouldn't you like to know get back here gyatso get back here look at this i'm about to strike gyatso with this oh oh gosh i think gyatso is mad he's like what are you trying to do to me hey yo he just flew back so far i'm gonna keep using it on gyatto but my kai keeps running out he said not bad ah yo i still need to learn lightning bending because that thing is strong why does dr panic have such a strong ability he said he's still old yeah he really is and and you're you're pretty old to yourself i'm not gonna lie he said hey you are pretty old yourself aren't you all right let me let me use some water ready oh he said i'm only in my mid-20s no you aren't stop lying to me stop lying doctor panic i'm on fire i'm on fire so so far i've learned three abilities which is actually pretty crazy to be honest oh my gosh i'm running out of kai super super quickly so you what about me what what is gyatso doing up there just because you can fly doesn't mean you should be up there are learning fire finally i'm learning oh my god relax doctor are you trying to get are you trying to kill that old man oh finally some fire bending all right time to get some fire betting all right let me go ahead and enable it real quick there we go we got some fire betting all right what else do we have so we have light fire all right we'll start off with some light fire let's go ahead and set this one up real quickly we also have a fire arc okay let me unlock this as well okay i think with just these two abilities we should be fine all right let's try it out oh wait this is my ability now how do you let oh the doctor this ability is actually so strong i am so sorry dr panic i'm you are dang what immortal potions have you been drinking my goodness look at this guys boom just lighting him on fire yo we ah we're doing fire versus fire now i see how it is i see how it is dr panic fire versus fire oh i i just totally missed right there oh my goodness how are you doing that yo i actually want oh i got him midair guys wait let me go ahead ow ah he's using that's not fair you're losing lightning on me oh check this out i'm doing what you do oh look at that my jumping is level for you what dang oh my goodness oh my god he keeps sending me super super far but look i can jump around as well now this is actually so cool no wonder he loves using this ability so much like it's actually super fun to use plus this ability makes it super strong as well yo i'm just lighting him on fire as well now this is actually crazy yo guys i have like four different abilities i can use now i can use eye spending water bending fire bending and earth bending but guess what this man right here is about to teach me the final element gyatso are you about to teach me some air vending today i'm super excited for this one why yes okay i do look like an air bender so i don't know why i didn't learn air bending first you need lightning lightning oh finally i can kill you really quickly alright hook me up with some lightning bending oh yeah this kind of intertwines with fire bending okay let me put this in real quick oh we got some lightning bending now oh let's go let's go for lightning bending we have lightning arc let me go ahead and unlock this one as well all right let me try where'd he go where'd he go oh ho you're not ready for this one whoa wait that was my ability just now your lightning bending is a little strong guys sorry giatso but i had oh i totally just missed gyatso just now let me try hitting gyazo once again oh i'm so sorry gyatso poor gyatso oh no you good did you have a heart attack he said i'm okay i'm so sorry for striking you with lightning just now i don't know why i'm still on fire right now but he said you're old dr pettit be nice man be nice my goodness just because you have strong abilities doesn't mean you can abuse them all the time my goodness i'm about to use them on you how did he just take in the fire like it was nothing i had to redirect your lightning so that's what you did like how do you know how to use these abilities it was gonna hurt me back hey but but but you kept striking me with lightning too if you knew it was gonna hurt me that hurt you that much then why do you keep striking me with lightning ah man you're a rage what's the next thing what's the next thing what's the next thing air oh yeah finally finally yo that that's why i need your help giatso what's up guiatso what do i have to do to become an airbender oh you you obviously know all the secrets he said all right piazzo stay away what's up you're telling him to stay away from that portal when you always push me in there dude what's look at that spear around him that air sphere oh gosh he's starting a tornado around i'm scared i'm scared are they fighting each other yo guys relax relax i thought i was going to learn how to airbend i it seems like he knows exactly what he's doing so you know gotta follow the master yachts ow what is happening oh i need water i need water i'm gonna burn to death i'm actually gonna burn to death oh no no no oh doctor panic dude he this man has a problem i swear i'm really about to burn you all right he said in here okay what's in here oh air bending scrolls oh okay i'm ready to learn airbending and we also have an airbending staff and what's this spawn flying bison no flippin way oh my gosh that's upper yo legendary bison armor bison whistle bison saddle and we got some oh my goodness yo i i really want to spawn in oppa but first i need to learn air bending right all right so now that we have air venting we can oh there's another flying ability air jump oh this might be better than the fire jump and we also have an air gust let me unlock this one as well oh okay okay let's try this one oh so this is an air gus i'm sorry dr panic this is just payback is it even hurting him oh it's just blowing him back okay so to try the air jump i'm gonna try it outside let's try the air jump all right oh what that's actually so cool oh yo the air jump is actually overpowered look at this so small what do you mean so small so small and weak you're so small and ow okay well air bending is supposed to be nimble you know you just don't know how to learn air bending yeah you just don't know how to oh who is that up there oh my god i didn't even need to spawn in appa oppa's waiting for me up there no stop doctor panic stop what the heck i was trying to call him over with the whistle oh no that was gyatso's bison oh no doctor panic okay well it's okay because i i should have my own bison anyways i thought it was food dang well these two can hash it out but but i'm just gonna go ahead and spawn in the flying bison right here oh we got alpha right no don't fly away wait i'm gonna use the bison whistle no apple come back i'm using the whistle he's not coming yo dr panic oh my gosh dude are you serious oh i just put a saddle on him wait can i ride oppa wait a second oh he's trying to tame him i just put on the armor on him i don't know if it worked i i think it did i think it did actually okay okay i have the bison whistle come on let me let me ride you please please oppa oh wait we got air bending we got water bending and fire bending and everything now yo this is actually crazy oh look he just flew back so far oh my gosh he got me again all right all right let's see let's see what else i have oh wait oh no okay good thing i have the iceberg look at this it basically stops the lightning from hurting me oh there we go i got dr panic yo dr panic how does it feel that i have learned every single ability that the avatar can learn oh my god oh no no no no no oh because i'm an airbender i didn't take that much damage now this is actually so so cool you mastered everything so far yep i've learned all four abilities and and lightning as well super super overpowered but now you need to test me why why do you need to test me he says stupid gyaza why do you guys hate each other i thought you guys were friends so it can be perfect okay so what's the first ability we're starting off with i'm i'm super excited i'm gonna pass this test hit me with okay let's start with water hit me with the water rage okay so i have the water oh look at this the fact that i can bend water is insane okay and hit him it yeah let's go dr panic has fire bending but little does he know water bending is way stronger he said good good earth all right let's try earth okay so since we're underground right now i don't think i can use the earth abilities very very well i'm gonna try earth bending on you see if it works and let's go i got it see see it was because of the lab it wasn't it wasn't because you know uh you know you know see now that we're outside i was able to hit dr panic with it this place is a mystery all right what's the third test we start with fire okay okay let's do let's do fire then uh no this is too strong no i oh this is the first time he didn't redirect lightning i'm so sorry dr panic all right let's try it fire bending he said fire bending right there we go we got dr panning with the fire i hope dr panic is like not mad at me for he needed it okay guys stop arguing please i know you know he has that burn mark on his eye but that doesn't mean he's zuko okay that's not zuko he's not from the fire nation actually is he is he part of it but he captured me what he captured you and put me to is that true dr panic i thought he was your friend he trapped gyatso here what okay yeah so what's the what's the final ability i need to do the final is air so i got lightning bending and look at this guys look at this yo look at this combo i'm lighting ben ow i think i just hit myself with lightning bending but look i did it i did oh no oh no oh no yo so gyatso do i pass do i become the next avatar you are the chosen one i am let's go oh my goodness i can't wait to go home and tell raise junior i am the avatar after all he's watching a show about me right now all right yeah so thank you so much for teaching me how to become the next avatar and thank you dr panic for capturing yatzo and trapping him in your lab i i'm gonna drive home now guys i'm gonna drive home now i i can't wait to show raise junior that what i can do see you later see you later guys i'm heading back home oh my goodness oh yeah those two can those two can duke it out but i'm gonna go show race junior that i have become the next avatar let's go [Music] you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 646,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Avatar The Last Airbender, Avatar in Minecraft, Minecraft Avatar, Avatar Mod in Minecraft, RageElixir Becomes the Avatar, Becoming The Avatar in Minecraft, Airbender in Minecraft, Waterbender in Minecraft, Firebending in Minecraft, Minecraft Mods, Block Labs, Block Labs in Minecraft, Minecraft Block Labs
Id: Q3to4bz7cxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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