I Summoned HORRIFYING BEASTS To Destroy All of My Friends - Dread Hunger

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wait are are we sailing now we're about to can i drive no i want to try it we're leaving it's not that exciting oh my god my steering wheel's covered in blood are we playing poker no it's a very watered-down baby version of poker what's the goal with this what am i supposed to get you're trying to get any sort of like poker thingy yeah oh thanks that's informative all right all all right but we're not do we just need to get pat we need to finish the approach so we can play on the brand new map called summit so whoever's a trader [ __ ] off okay okay so how much fuel do we have right now okay [Music] kill him kill him yes we win oh my oh my god holy [ __ ] oh hey dude i got some food hey guys can you let me out i'm sorry i swear i won't do it again oh my god look at this i stole it guys we're already failing we're very behind well if somebody didn't try and attack me we'd be way ahead can you guys let me out um [Music] sorry what was that oh [ __ ] what's up dude let me ask queens oh no no no wait wait there you go just in case you get out hey i want to show you something dre here this is what i did you [ __ ] oh you're dead dead i chopped your head off that's probably why you're dead [Music] [Music] come on oh god that gun you're holding a gun already jesus i wonder who the thrall is all right everybody get their fists out fists only what's up all right no seriously though we're going to beat this we need to focus seriously i've never played wow start with listen what do we do i don't even know what to do shut up [Laughter] in four days there is going to be a blizzard that is literally going to kill us unless we can stay warm okay all right so just drive forward no forward three forward stop going left and right go forward just forward just forward why are you punching me i'm trying to strengthen i'm trying to straighten it don't straighten and just go forward when you're running into this oh my god yeah we're supposed to run into your eyes we gotta cut through all right three stops just keep going yeah keep going all right just keep he he's gonna drop us right in the middle of the [ __ ] ocean because he's not turning left he's no he's looking we need to go forward three three three holy [ __ ] [ __ ] why are you yelling at where are you weirdos i told you to come back near the boat because there's call here no he's the traitor i'm not the traitor i am not the traitor either that means in this trick you absolutely are then what do you mean grey's not the truth because i'm i'm not oh yeah no neither one of you could be lying right now sure i'll i'll go to the helm and put your poland i'll throw the girl right in the boiler or should i put in the store right in the boiler oh my god my cold is going down really fast right now start we'll trade off it's starting it dude i'm already freezing yeah the second i stop hitting w i die all right sorry it stops oh my god i'm dying i can't [ __ ] sleep we're going though we need someone out there going forward just keep going forward there's a bend in the river up ahead though i'm telling you i saw it oh god see i'm running into something all right go look yep i'm going uh i got about like five seconds uh okay i'm only halfway well i'll just i'll take i'll take the i'm cold so i'm going right to the front uh you're going good straight okay i'm taking damage i'm coming i'm coming up there you're holding double you keep holding you're good i you probably want to stay close to the land right yeah absolutely we're out we're out we're out we're out we're out we're out that was six pieces of coal we got to go to land where's landry turning right to the left okay i made it beautiful okay can you like light this fire please i think so because i don't have any wood can i eat the food raw no i put all my wood in the cat vomit oh son of a [ __ ] all right yeah just take that there's some wood down here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm working on it i'm gonna i'm gonna start a fire on the ship no no no no no there's a cooking place [Music] you just stressed me out okay i'm not mad at you i'm just disappointed wait where are you guys how far did you go we're we're almost on the ship oh you're on the ship [ __ ] yeah we're starting to like fit and stuff i got a wolf three pieces of media over there do you need help no did you just take my [ __ ] meat dude i'm [ __ ] i'm literally almost dead you're my [ __ ] meatbag you don't know what i'm doing you pressed e to pick up my meat is what you did i was trying to put my meat on it okay so how do i cook this there we go it's just autumn no [ __ ] that's mine i had three points i had three pieces i literally called it conceal you literally there's a cooked meat here stop arguing mom turn on the fire i gotta die oh no oh no this is the end there we go turn it on please please i'm dying he doesn't have it he doesn't have it okay oh god you guys are so mean to me i think you're the traitor you're obvious we already established that you're the traitor how would you summon stuff because you got all defensive when i called you a traitor because i'm not a [ __ ] traitor what do you mean you are a traitor oh hey me blizzard student so let's get ready how much wood and coal do we have we should probably get back out and get this coal yeah i think i only put in two or three oh my god you don't feed me maybe because you don't do any [ __ ] work we have 20 woods in the cactus quarters we don't have any coal we do have coal i put some in here not in the car it's in the steam room you told me to put it in the steam room just put it in like a cabinet or something as long as we have enough to last the night that i don't think the blizzard lasts more than 24 hours i ate all my food oh my god what are you why are you yelling at me i'm not even full food it's all right man i get it can't all be selfless okay can you show me where do we have to be doing them please during the blizzard show you what for the buried stuff is no idea uh we have to be in the captain's quarters i believe should we go now like no because it's not blizzard yet i mean it's cold so you can hang out inside so you're not there's nothing i can do over there so i've already left how do i dig this oh there we go what was that what the hell is that do something noise there's a beast there's a beast running around whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what what help help house what did you do what dude i'm [ __ ] getting hit by this where are you guys let me open this strong box real quick we're outside oh another gun it's a human i got human meat they're cannibals yes dude all right uh i don't think we can die i'm dying dre where were you i was i was over here doing what are you the traitor i am not the traitor we just got attacked by [ __ ] cannibals can you hit this see if it breaks that's what i was doing you have to go guys let's go trees we got to light this [ __ ] so i'm sorry dre what were you doing oh no no i was trying to get wood with my new hat of course so dre's the only one who wasn't attacked he was not attacked that was on the island and they ran towards you so yeah so they didn't attack you okay oh my god all right so don't don't waste anything for me not to attack you guys i'm not attacking you guys don't waste fuel for now okay don't keep it lit because i just like it is this still burning i put one coal in there like two minutes ago it's still burning it's still burning so we don't need to light it just now though that's the thing so the wizard's here the fireplace is not yet blizzard's here how much cold we have blizzard's starting um it's day time though we need to go out right dude sorry i'm gonna go dig up yeah and then i'm coming back yeah yeah and hopefully i don't get killed by dre's minions again you're blaming me it wasn't me it's definitely igp i i honestly i don't know which one of you is because they ran past ray and they ran past igp and went from it only i believe it only ran past me because i was up here do you think i'm smart enough to spawn zombies yes honestly my opinion of you has gone up recently i imagine that if you are the traitor because i can check i see stream right now i verify he's not he's not a traitor dude they they liter first of all [ __ ] off saying the ball they ran past me how could i be the traitor oh oh i can't wait i'm sorry they attacked me how could i be the traitors yeah and they hit me too they were gonna passed you they i i think they only ran past me because i was on top of this tent when i heard that noise okay no you know what it doesn't matter because we're all friends here right has anybody seen a tree uh no since cindy's not replying because he's currently plotting our demise excuse me i'm getting meat i have [ __ ] three pieces of meat from this goddamn [ __ ] i just heard a roar i didn't hear anything so that must be close by you it's not over here like i'm all the way over here dude is this you over here yes what's up what oh my god i think dre is the truth what a [ __ ] troll food i will get you food when we get i stopped here dude you're okay you're following me way too close you [ __ ] i i understand i'm holding an axe that looks good you know you're holding an axe and you're like riding my ass please stop i'm just looking for food i got food i'm bringing it back to the ship for all of us today the blizzard's getting i'm taking damage now i'm taking damage now over here to the right to the right right here make me fee are you lost i am lost yes what do you mean am i lost yes i am freaking captain of this vote you don't know where that don't know where anything is all right i'm putting it all in here i'm do the iron scrap do anything turn it on turn it on i'm freezing uh oh [ __ ] i don't have any fuel dude get fuel i i have i think i have one [Applause] yes but we were both down here i'm going to get wood okay i have wood do we have any coal we're going to okay there's there's way more than three in the captain's quarters okay good good good good all right we're warming up cook that meat up i will cook it you eat two pieces including a human and then i will eat the other two i can't promise i won't eat three can you eat just one in the human meat please no if he's the true okay fest up if you're the traitor because you can eat human meat without a menthol swear to god i'm not the crazy i am not the truth i don't want to turn into a zombie eat the human meat then dre eat it cannot cook the meat i'm not the freaking trader just eat it anyway you still get food it's raw i'm not eating raw meat can i please have access to the cooking station he is currently eating all of our food because he's a traitor oh my [ __ ] dude look at i you i i took two you asked me to tell you the [ __ ] human meat i can't cook it wait what i'm not the traitor like you so i can't cook it you can cook the human meat even if you're not a traitor what do you mean the fire's gone do we have more okay never mind whatever i'm just gonna eat what i have you guys are a bunch of [ __ ] trolls how much time do we have what are you holding the attack it's out just we're going down no shuts up there's coal in it put some power [Music] you know what you seem angry shut up or someone get shot okay i'm so sick of this can we go out yet no no guys we're dying can we start [ __ ] what is wrong with you guys start the goddamn fireplace it's not good enough i'm starting it it's not hot enough okay i'm still going down yeah closer to going down too that didn't work it doesn't help wait there's i mean it's going really slow we're not gonna be okay how long is this blizzard the whole day no turns close the door no it doesn't it doesn't take me just doing anything maybe that's not it's going really down it's going really down what the freaking call it hold on oh but close it i'm starting it i didn't stop you didn't start it i'm dead you're dead yeah i didn't realize my cold was going down so fast i'm dead and i wasn't the [ __ ] traitor god so annoying it look it's telling me right now that you are it literally just said you were the traitor i'm not the traitor oh we didn't get anywhere damn we suck oh you have to get through the passage before the blizzard hits you can't outlast it i like how it shows you the trail that you or the path that you took oh that's so cool the entire time you played that's cool indy you were the trainer i told you i wasn't why don't you [ __ ] listen to me wait how do you know i was the traitor because you're a big [ __ ] thing around your name uh [ __ ] damn it i wish it wouldn't have said anything that would have been great i love how you're like no we're not gonna be playing traders and [ __ ] and then the whole time you're trolling the [ __ ] i j p i see saying i'm the traitor yeah i mean but i didn't kill it i didn't kill anyone i tried to kill icee i hope i'm the traitor this time so i can just not betray people and be like confident in the fact that we're going to be fine man i love how you're like really forcing this idea that there is not a traitor in this game i love that because i think this is i love how you're basically amazing the in-game morality on whether or not you're going to play the in-game rules that are given to you as a trader wow all right excuse me oh man i'm i'm so just naturally good at this game why i see why or who is that dre [ __ ] just staring me down with the evil [ __ ] look i got a two pair i got ace high again i got a two pair with these high too nice but one's better oh you got you got two pairs i got two in a pair no no you got one oh my god if you've never played play i had like the number was two but that was the pair traitor's not me okay i'm the traitor good i bet it's straight still he's just covering for him grace dre has that kind of face doesn't he dude yeah so where are we we've never been on this map before so let's have a look yeah we're in the ocean let's kind of don't start the boiler yet let me put this oh my god we're wasting all the [ __ ] coal you are such i'm playing we're moving we're not moving we have to sit on the [ __ ] helm and hold w that's true oh i'm sorry well they get on there and hold w i am why are you so mad dude what the [ __ ] actually was that you guys are so angry come on we're just going on a nice little vacation hey look the cannibals did not eat you oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what i fell i've been like this is a perfect spot what are you talking about don't be mad at me dang there's a lot of wrecked ships out here yeah it's lit bracelet this uh the ship over here there's the the like lancers and [ __ ] are lit think it's pirates i don't know i'm about to go find out i'm throwing coal in the boiler you'll come with me okay uh i'm over here right now i'm gonna build another totem ah what i see are you [ __ ] with me dude no i'm over here what was that i just heard a cannibal there might be cannibals naturally on the map i don't believe you i think it's i don't know i just heard something growl and it did not sound oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there's bears [Music] oh god he's not running after me oh yo that's horrifying holy [ __ ] we need a hunter for that well we can just build a gun you got that gun part i gave you right no i did not oh oh that's oh he's coming he's coming where is he uh in the ship with me where oh my god oh [ __ ] yo he came upstairs dude we're gonna push him [ __ ] someone help me dude i don't know where you are i'm in the ship did you go did you go through the cave like our mainstream no no keep going you'll see the lights from the ship i'm gonna fight i'm gonna die yeah i'm i'm gonna die oh come on guys doing so well don't die save your ass please don't come up here oh god he comes up here okay i don't know where the ship is oh all right well i'm bringing them to you why why because i have to run what do you mean why i just ran out of stamina bring them to me i don't know where it is i might die oh my god i'm dead are you good i'm dead are you dead oh great go unlock the skeleton key you can unlock them i don't have a skeleton key you drink you're [ __ ] useless he's eating me he's saying i'm useless and i just cooked five meat so shut the [ __ ] up and yeah we're over here surviving i got killed by a [ __ ] polar bear dude it was pretty he it's relentless you you're not faster than it and he chops you up in two hits can someone let me out uh [Music] i'll bring a ton of food you don't need to say what you're saying you know that right yeah i'm an entertainer make it sound like you have to say that or the entire video is ruined i'm just gonna get my [ __ ] and come straight back that's what i'm doing hopefully the bear is not near it's near it's right on top i see it yeah it's waiting for me to come back that [ __ ] camping [ __ ] uh there's just a body hanging on this tent what the hell did i find has it got food on it there is a penis is it edible there's the i found some game of thrones told me that penises are edible he didn't eat it it was a pork sausage you're a pork sausage i'm going to die i'm dying right at the fridge if you have soup eat eat it because can you get me i'm right at the front of the ship okay front of the ship right in front of it no no no no no no no what did you just do you [ __ ] i just accidentally blinded you it's fine it's not it doesn't like reduce your warmth or anything damn look how acrobatic i am dude that's [ __ ] nuts yeah take me back what am i doing out here i should be doing a strong man we're so dead i guess i gotta put you in the i can't [ __ ] see put me in a warm room or something no i gotta put you in the [ __ ] time yeah the car there you go thanks daddy we have to start making progress now no we no no if it's one day until the one day that that means tomorrow it's gonna blizzard the broiler is gonna be full once i empty this right we're going we will freeze to death during the blizzard no unless we're at the boiler and the boiler has enough coal to last through the bottom no you don't you cannot last through the blizzard i told you this blizzard lasts forever what what do you mean yes the blizzard lasts forever i don't know how else i can phrase that how we've never survived the blizzard how do you know that because i told you i was going to look it up so we're dead we we lost there's no way we're trying to move it the boy is full the boiler [Music] get to the helm and start driving at the helm boiler is on holy [ __ ] we're not gonna make it pointless pointless well let's at least make some progress for what so we know how much progress we can make what and then we can accurately engage right to set the blizzard d2 [ __ ] try oh you want to cheat i got you okay i was only suggesting doing a custom expedition in order to get to this map why do you want to be cheap why you want to be true because this is an eight-player game yeah but you wanted to prove that we're good let's do it dude so do i have to bear right right is someone on the watch do i go around and laugh after like starving do that because trey's on the pink i guess i'll go left can i eat something i can't really see all that well i'm going to assume i can go left there is a path on the right why are you playing it looks like it splits i can't see that i got a big old [ __ ] mask right in front of me the ship's giant [ __ ] is [ __ ] slapping my face right i need to start driving more no [ __ ] because like running back and forth the [ __ ] areas yeah yeah we're terrible so time consuming all right take a slight ride doing it i'm just cooking meat very slightly because i feel like the way this [ __ ] chip turns is crazy a little bit more i have an iceberg on my right side i don't want to do too much a little bit more you're you've got an iceberg on your left yes i have it on my right as well dude we're gonna are we gonna miss it okay we're missing we're fine all right start wheeling back around to the left yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] dude that's some titanic [ __ ] right there on both sides yeah i'm going yeah oh we said we have some meat i got too much of a fat ass man see so from here we can just jump off and start looting like these things yeah we're bad we're bad it's fine are we out we're out of fuel yeah we're out is there any damage we have to repair no here's something yeah yeah maybe oh i don't have a [ __ ] hammer if you if you hit it then yes no you just need wood you don't need a hammer in the back you said i don't see a leak back here you can hear it oh the other side the front it hit us in the back it did not hit us in the front well it was the front is leaking i'm repairing it it's definitely the back you're confused i'm dude shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] you crashed the ship four times it only hit once there are four leaks there's ice oh it's probably yes it's probably because we did not tend to the leak right away and it's spreading dum dum we got hit once you literally were on the ship when it happened yeah i mean you're dum-dum i'm gonna [ __ ] eat you drake i didn't realize i was i was doing this dang you heat up fast down here we're hitting it we hit it hey give me give me directions uh we're running right into a rock oh thanks buddy i didn't know i was the navigator i was just walking around i want to kill him can i kill him yes where are we going drag give me directions he left his post we were done he abandoned his post i'm going i'm going up all right let me fix this this uh you're doing good go left to bed there's blood in the water now okay okay straight straight straight stop lining straight i'm healing the boat i'm healing the boat we got over halfway though this is good lightly left this is good slightly left good save the blizzard on day one and day three we would have had access to all of this yeah we would yeah let's do that we can do this without changing the dates i'm telling you or changing the days look we're already well over halfway as far as we got before the blizzard started yeah and we still have the day of this day to go and get you the damn of this day today the day part of this day yes there's two different meanings of day no the blizzard's starting i can see the snow starting to fall oh my god what's up here guys come with me if we're gonna die we may as well go check this out look do you see that up there like a ladder whoa yeah let's do this come on i'm excited wait wait wait wait where are you guys we know what we're doing just come out the front of the ship to the right i'm i'm on the other side hold on oh there's a wolf or as dre would call it a woof can we build something that no much coal around we've really got to move more yeah yeah yeah we really do i think we can do this with just us that was so sick you blocked it with the barrel you did listen as i murder this guy in front of your eyes i want to say i'm not going to leave you off here this is the end of the video but we got something else for you if you want to see us play the best game ever made click this video right here right now subscribe to the channel that it brings you to it's very important you do that don't even think about it just do it it's a great video you're gonna love it and of course if you want more dread hunger let me know in the comments because we got some more for you anyway see you
Channel: IGP
Views: 710,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dread hunger, dread hunger game, dread hunger gameplay, dread hunger early access, dread hunger pc, dread hunger funny moments, dread hunger best moments, dread hunger igp, igp, dread hunger gameplay igp, igp and icycaress, dread hunger survival game, igp survival games, survival games, games like among us, horror games, dread hunger update, dread hunger news, dread hunger full release, dread hunger trailer, dread hunger summit map, dread hunger summit
Id: qfVEQ3Nnj_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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