Betraying Everyone AGAIN On The NEW Dread Hunger Map - The Summit

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the name's captain verts well-renowned captain of the ss glorious and i'm about to embark on a journey through an unknown region known as the summit but there's a catch i have no intention of getting out for too long i've had to deal with inept crew members finally i've seen the lights they all must perish and i must stay here and live like a gods [Music] all that must be done is sacrifice every single last one [Music] all right maggots listen up we're about to set forth on a journey to the arctic we've taken a path that hasn't been ventured before so it is quite dangerous you all have a role you will uh focus on that role to the best of your abilities and if we run this smoothly and everyone does their job we should make it out alive however if you around not only will you kill yourself by my sword but you'll probably doom the rest of us listen to orders and it'll all be fine chaplin to the top to the top deck i want you to say a little prayer as we set forth prepare to start the boil up december 1847 i'm embarking on the voyage towards the summit and once again have acquired a crew of morons and buffoons but if i have it my way it'll be the last all right finally i got myself a good hand here huh hmm the 1st of january 1848 i have successfully recruited my first mate bryce reed to my plot of becoming the god of the summit i thought it was going to be difficult but he's always been a loyal subject and he's also tired of the stupidity that we've had to deal with for many many years coal into the boiler first mate you know what to do get them in order get them in position all right man women get to the board and get your coal in there navigator into the crow's nest before leaving this voyage i made sure that i had the right equipment for the trip beautiful bryce reed yes sir i'll have you take the wheel navigate a goddess in uh engineer stop the boiler oil it's starting now sir ah it's a lovely day ah yes yes indeed yes indeed very good first mate just like i told you very nice nice and easy the summit was an uncharted territory somewhere that i had never been before so it was very important that i did some scouting and found exactly where i was going to strike and how i was going to do it all right start slowing it down mr reed oh we've taken some damage taking some damage can we get someone down the lower deck and repair that please navigate i need your your spy glass please oh a polar bear i could maybe use that to maybe hurt the crew cave very high up indeed i think that'll work nicely good bring it up and uh repair that ship preparing now captain lovely good job engineer hunter yes yes uh you the doctor and the cook are gonna be part of group number two i'll have you in charge of that group you're in you're in charge of getting food for us okay okay yeah we have damage back here yes yeah two holes to plug up let's go let's go what kind of materials are we looking for coal coal and more coal son it was time to make my first move i knew no one on the crew had experienced fighting a polar bear before so why not get them to fight one maybe if i got lucky one would die and we need to loot that that that shift there so we need to take care of that polar bear we need everyone together to take it out since since you are the hunter i believe that you should uh organize the attack go first i'm gonna put down a trap and i'm gonna make it um run to me yeah and then everybody shoot it give it what you got oh i got a knife and everyone over here everyone over here both groups he's already trying to shoot don't shoot yet what are you doing hunter oh god she's already shot she already shot if you've got a weapon arm mass confusion ensued it was going just perfectly what are you doing hunter what are you shooting with your bow and arrow oh we gotta meet we have two men down doc oh wait no dogs getting chased [Music] put it take him to the bed take him to the bed in the ship oh [ __ ] first mate first mate [Music] take it out first mate [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] unfortunately no one perished in the fight however i did successfully slow them down and made them waste precious medical supplies i'm here i'm here your captain's here don't worry about it what what'd you say it's i don't know if i trust you you're a man of god and you don't trust your own captain here take this take this boy he doesn't trust me i tell you what the hunter hunt is a little suspicious with her tactics of the bear attack there very interesting if a polar bear can't take out a crewmate perhaps poison will i'm not gonna lie crew that was perhaps maybe the worst first day i've ever experienced that was absolutely dreadful that's it huddle up huddle up keep warm keep warm don't no one touched that oven except for the cook no one step back step back step back that's off away from my oven i am the goddamn cook back away leave eats it let me do my damn job we need to be more organized group one again food and coal group two purely coal uh me and first mate we're definitely heading up that mountain tomorrow uh and also now that the polar bear's dead we can search that ship for some loot navigate go to a bed go to a bed first first mate get get the cook in my quarters right now ah right now all right cook you care to uh explain how it is your food was poisoned when everyone was away from the stove everyone was away from the stove i started tossing the food down unless someone exchanged the food while they were handing it out as i was putting it on the floor can you get poison on the floor first mate what do you think i was tossing the food silence i think the only the only people that were possibly close enough with the chef and the dark both of which aren't currently sick to be fair neither are we but i didn't eat thank [ __ ] god this was only in my hands only in my hands if you eat that or if i eat it then that means i did not poison right no that doesn't make any [ __ ] logical sense at all okay yeah okay never mind then all right you're gonna stay there until i think about what i'm going to do with you understand okay okay first mate with me let's go yeah before we go yes i wanted in here yeah damn [ __ ] chef trying to poison us i did not poison any silence oh very nice very nice this will do quite nicely my loyal first mate had provided me with a flintlock pistol as well as two bone charms those charms would allow us both to cast powerful spells that would hamper the crew or maybe even kill them okay first mate this is what i'm thinking uh we need to find some nitrate to destroy the iceberg up ahead i see a mountain quite a hike i've got a feeling we'll find some success up there so that's where we're gonna head we were moments away from beginning the hike up the mountainside when i had a brilliant idea all right all right listen hear me out okay i'm going to give you a second chance cook i'm about to embark on a very very dangerous mission up the mountainside to go get nitrous we can blow up the iceberg i do need help you can join me on this venture and if you prove yourself to be trustworthy then i'll let you i'll let you uh out for permanent okay i am i am trustworthy as hell captain i am with you to death all right very well okay you just stick to me okay cook i'm gonna keep a close eye on you navigator i'm it's gonna take probably a couple days for us to get the nitro and return so what i'll have you do is when they come back with coal i'm gonna have you in charge i'll give you full permission you and the hunter to move the ship okay until my return will be accompanied by the uh first mate as well so three of us we should be able to handle anything we come across unless it's a polar bear in that case we uh retreat it was me the first mate and the cook all alone hiking up the mountainside what could go wrong mr reed yes sir over here i got a i got a surprise for you something you can craft for me with your expertise let's see i can walk with that show very nice they're moving the ship lovely it wasn't long before the sun started to set and we had to camp for the night ah thank you mr reed for this lovely piece of meat hmm of course of course can guarantee no poison online yes that's a nice thing to have that luxury yes [Music] i put my meat in there for the rest of us i'm already i'm already uh satisfied so that meat can be yours i'll eat it first just in case you do that yes you're killed man chip i not no no i haven't chip do you think do you think getting poised by someone's uh reason enough to kill him i mean i mean i never poisoned anybody so you should kill me but i'm saying if we found the person that did poison him i think we should kill them for sure percent do you just eat my food oh yeah maybe just hold up let me go i could crack that and go grab the other one i wouldn't leave too far at the cave it's a little chilly out thought you ate i'm so sorry um you know i took a big risk you know letting you out and giving you a second chance and now you're eating my first mate's food you know there's all these threats about me poisoning people when i obviously didn't poison anybody you're just a little you're a little jumpy you're a little jumpy calm just calm calm don't be scared you're amongst friends yes friends we are all friends right 100 friends correct hey okay cool all right it's almost morning we've got about four days until the blizzard hits so we get to the mountain peak tomorrow um and we start bringing it down the mountain as quickly as possible nice yes i've never messed with nitroglycerin though is that is it is it tough to do or i was gonna just shoot the cook in the back of the head once you reach the peak of the mountain but the fact that he knew nothing about nitro inspired me to come up with a better idea something a little more fun all right get your cleaver out son we got to kill some wolves here and clear the path [Music] there's a wolf no i've got it son okay hey we've reached the cave yes captain i am very excited all right just take our time i have no idea what's in here let's just be careful stay with me aha yes my suspicions were true nitro [Music] all right yes just uh grab a box and we'll get moving we've got to get down there as quick as possible you can run just don't bump into everything don't bump it no not everything anything do not bump into anything nice and easy nice and easy just follow me i'm going to make sure you don't bump into anything and you'll will be fine of this day captain now when you start moving it's gonna start smoking again do not panic just don't bump into anything and it's it's fine okay okay all right okay you can start moving faster from here okay all right go all right we're gonna bring back to the ship let's go yeah back to the ship let me see where they are back to the ship i told you don't panic keep moving keep moving it's fine don't panic don't panic all right till death very well okay [Music] hey say hello to our friend do you miss him hey look at me i'm the cook i didn't poison anybody i swear let me out let me out let me go on a mission with you please he did sound like that all right uh pass me that wood you've got every every piece of wood you have up on top of the mountain was a very safe place to avoid prying eyes that's why i chose here to start building totems totems would make our spells much more powerful the more totems the more powerful the spells become we're gonna make our spells a little bit more powerful uh down the bottom of the cave is uh the nitro you might want to grab that so we don't come back empty-handed it looks suspicious [Music] exactly also uh the fool got attacked by a wolf and panicked and ran and that's why it exploded uh here's what i'm thinking we throw all the gun powder into uh a barrel and we put in the lower deck for detonation so any coal you find just grind it down to gunpowder i'll take the nitro ss glorious captain i got the nitro it's the cap he's got the knife he's got the [ __ ] oh geez don't jump okay hold on well well well i mean well well what do you mean where have you been oh yeah i'll tell you where i've been that cook is a [ __ ] idiot first of all the cook was carrying the nitro down the hill okay we made it halfway down and then a wolf attacks him and he decides a good a good thing to do is to run with the nitro it [ __ ] explodes kills him and i'm gonna go all the way back up the [ __ ] mountain to bring down a new one that's what happened uh never gonna grab this [ __ ] nitro i've carried it i've had enough of carrying it okay blow it up boys good shot ha ha excellent all right let's head back to the ship do we have plenty of coal to start moving tonight we feast and then tomorrow we escape we feast on polar bear you got the meat right how adorable it was to see my crew's eyes light up when they saw that iceberg destroyed hope they were full of hope i was happy for them they were so close to escaping even my heart melted for them all right let's get some wood into my quarters and warm it up uh hunter i'm gonna put you in charge of cooking this meal for us okay cook the polar bear i think we'll get out tomorrow yes i think so too we only need a maybe a full full boiler of coal we should be uh we should be fine okay sun's up let's get going let's get this boiler filled up two days before the blizzard if you're fine are you sure we don't have enough coal right now let me check let me check let me check oh we do have a full boiler okay uh first mate onto the wheel uh i guess hunter you turn the boiler on please okay all right priest up with the first mate on the wheel and say a prayer for us navigator crow's nest [Music] straight ahead [Music] i'll get to the front of the ship i'll get to the front of the ship hold on where is he he's up in the crow's nest okay uh port side port side got some damage what the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] was that what happened with some damage we need some but we need some wood right now i'm hearing [Music] fix these holes right now if you don't have we need some people going on to the shore get some wood to repair now oh [ __ ] stay together stay together stay together hurry let's see how they deal with some cannibals in the fog i'm here i'm here i'm here i'm here where are you guys okay there you are there you are stay together stay together we're fine we're fine i already took care of it it's clear enough it's clearing up it's clearing up no the blizzard's in a couple days we're fine we're still fine don't panic i'm sorry sorry i don't know how to fix things i need wood i can't wait to warm up yeah come over to the stove i have some don't use the stove use my quarters because it's what it it heats up faster i'll take it i'll take i'll take it hold on okay no i i think it's already out of there all right put it up here [Music] what the [ __ ] is that [Music] get down get down stay together stay together don't let them go don't let them die i got you sarah [ __ ] priest is dead priest is dead oh oh no hunter what did you do doc she's dead how did i do that the cannibals were very powerful because the totems were placed on the mountaintop unfortunately for the crew they were all now locked into the brig except for the doctor she was the only crew mate remaining one two three four five six we got there's only three of us out here it's me first mate and doc [ __ ] i haven't seen first mate in forever he's right here what do you mean all righty doc come here i'm out here trying to get supplies for the next winners no don't blame this on her she didn't kill me on purpose she doesn't know what she's doing i didn't know what i was yes [Music] well here's the thing here's the thing crew i want you to say goodbye to your doctor didn't i say something earlier oh it was the first place [Laughter] i know when you go off for a long period of time i thought it was you and jason and i thought jason [ __ ] up [Music] bye
Views: 187,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vertiigo, funny, fail, troll, new, how to play, gameplay, noob, rust, 7 days to die, vertiigo gaming, Dread Hunger, Among Us, Dreadhunger, Dread Hunger Gameplay, The Terror, Dread Hunger Trailer, Thrall, dread hunger review, dread hunger guide, owned, 2021, new games 2021, new survival game, newb, fails, how to, funny fails, funny moments, dread hunger game, гитман dread hunger, dread hunger thrall gameplay, vertz, social deduction, best steam games, the summit, polar bear
Id: o7gVaeI3Tz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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