We Completely DESTROYED BIGFOOT Until There Was Nothing Left - BIGFOOT 4.0 Ending

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[Music] hey what's up man i i need help i need help what do you want bigfoot bigfoot bad scary caught me in trap where where's dre [Music] oh he's here hey yeah totally not you answered and yelled at me what the hell was that about me yeah you said to leave you alone oh no you called me i did call you and then you answered and then told me to leave you alone yeah listen all right listen we gotta we gotta go we gotta go kill bigfoot okay sick sounds good to me all right i'm taking the i'm taking the gun i got the gun what no i get a gun everybody gets a gun no they don't there's only one gun here but you took all the healing yeah there's healing for everybody george is empty no there isn't this is one part no there isn't yes there is there [ __ ] isn't there's no healing left ladies let's not argue yeah seriously shut up oh my god i think i've i've played this the most out of all of us because he's not at a time 45 minutes longer that doesn't mean you're good yeah you died twice so i didn't die at all all right dre who are you going to trust the guy who died twice or the guy who hasn't died yet oh god damn it tree fell on me sorry it hurt oh yeah that's a bigfoot trap by the way the tree falling oh you think he set that up if you look at the traps he like leans the tree up against the stick and you trip over this thing that's interesting oh here we go nobody told me i'm new it's gonna get dark as [ __ ] soon am i dead here he comes here he comes i hear him that was a bear no it was our footsteps in here oh god it is a bear what the will he fight a bear let him find a bear uh that'll be badass go look around so you can see him jesus christ why did we bring why did i bring you guys why did i bring you guys i'm i'm the expert you are not you were not an expert dude compared to you wow at least you died twice you know what happened to people who died in bigfoot they died i threw myself off i don't you still died the bigfoot because you're bad no i died by filling myself off a cliff oh i'm surprised you falling off cliffs yeah right front door here comes he comes i hear him he's calling you behind you behind your drink huh he's running i'm a sheridan got him once the signal player works wonders man there we go all right he's gone why did you scare him off like because he was gonna hurt dre and thank you wow we get to shoot him more he recovers by the front door quick okay where is he where is he dude he's breaking everything ow he's beating me up chase him back to the trap please don't step on the trapped you guys i'm down you're fine how am i fine i just got whacked by bigfoot all right shoot him check them explosives explosives someone put an explosive down i'm trying no he's ready oh my god there we go i have no ammo so if you chase him off you get more of a chance to date him because he always comes back which way did he go i don't know i ran around the giant he's not so the awesome thing about trapping him while he's attacking is he doesn't break the traps he gets caught in him and then comes out immediately yeah i know it's that also did you notice he has way more health now that there's three of us all right well that was a good first time that was pretty successful yeah i don't have any health kids yeah indeed took them all i don't have any at all you have two i do not i have one i stood and watched you oh because you used one right okay i didn't use one i have 46 health i'm not afraid of bigfoot he's coming back he doesn't come back it's just because bigfoot felt bad for you dude he was like damn this is too easy i'm gonna let up a little bit give you some hope it's like pennywise trying to instill more fear because you're tasty that way uh india i got a rifle for you oh yeah [ __ ] yeah yeah what's that that's the better rifle you had drain i have the r 700 which is basically 360 no scope this [ __ ] ah [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what happened are you okay what you did what did i do he turned on the phone beside me no i didn't i left the [ __ ] why would you do that you can't turn on the phone that you turned it on you troll oh no he's just scared yeah okay he's marking his territory i love this game dude this game is nice the developers made such an awesome oh god there's a bear staring at me i shot him i mean i should scare him off he's over here yeah i see him everywhere uh is he hiding in the bushes because that's [ __ ] up he's now he's over here i mean he's running man you guys are really going for that per bear well we could use the me at this point it's perfect oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's the answer yeah we got him it actually makes me very sad to know that oh my [ __ ] god next to traps by the way i think that also means he's going to be looking for like bear traps and stuff more because he's looking for meat so if we put down bear scrap would be in it he's going to come for it everyone's saying that that noise is bigfoot banging on the trees to taunt us bird yeah i got a lot of people who are saying that's like actually part of the mythos it's like warning off well yeah some people were saying that gorillas do that too i just love how everyone's so sure about cryptozoology like it's definitely bigfoot hitting a tree because that's what they do in real life one of my comments was literally in real life god i wish i got that comment whoa yeah i'm at the big tree the big tree big apple oh [ __ ] what oh it's starting to get dark when you find somewhere to take cover i found a drawing of that stone arch uh with an alien spaceship above it that's hot okay you know thor's hammers right the tree got struck by lightning really hard next to me he doesn't seem to be too keen on attacking us right now oh he's gonna oh yeah he definitely will but up all right bring them back here oh [ __ ] i think i shot icee in the face oh no he got me ow all right we definitely need to find something oh screw up i got you i got you right over here he's got [ __ ] holes in him also i just want to say in the first episode when i was shooting him in the head in the face over and over again with a shotgun his skull was exposed no i see what you stepped on the trap no i didn't mike oh he dodged it yes all right for everything back up back up there you go there you go [Music] his skull is exposed dude do you have no bullet points i have no pistol i got 20 20 snipers left i got 70 snipers holy oh i thought that's why you were stabbing him holy oh wow that trap i i honestly thought he was about to rear back and just launch that sign into i have to heal yeah that's what i thought he was going to do we need more that was really cool yeah if we head to the fire watch tower there's going to be all right who has an explosive dre you still have one right one explosive okay if he comes back when he gets trapped set it right by him and then back up and shoot it when you find car batteries that [ __ ] knocks him to the ground uh camera three camera three i didn't pick up a tablet who has a tablet yep he's right there yeah he's in the bushes i can't tell what direction he's going yeah here look this is it indeed turn off your flashlight see it's the rock with the alien spaceship above it oh [ __ ] right it's that rock and i think there has to be a secret there of some description wait wait uh suspected suspected conditions wait psychiatrist perform really aloud well returning myself okay the developers are russian oh [ __ ] come here come here come here come here there's an alien head stamp right here on the back of this tower oh [ __ ] wait really yeah oh [ __ ] there are aliens in this oh if we can find aliens that'd be so cool oh psychopath sorry i was thinking if i could kill the bird oh my god jesus christ that one fell down without anyone touching something i almost died oh god oh god oh oh god oh oh oh you oh they're hurting something is trying to kill me yeah it's bigfoot there's another rock right there what is that did you do that i didn't hear it listen the rocks someone is up there moving them oh yeah no they're they're running it's a trap is that you maybe it's the aliens no it's not is that him whoa okay that's a little freaky and the plane plane's flying over yep i still don't know what those are they're happening i tried to signal them once we found crystal cave oh we fell right into it oh there's a note about crystal cave yeah there's a lot of dead bodies one of the kids went there so you'll find one of their bodies yeah oh something is trying to kill me it just dropped boulders again jesus christ straight yeah calm down man it's just big [ __ ] oh yeah calm down it's just bigfoot oh god oh god what is why dracula stay away from me dude you are literally being stalked i already loaded these oh here's an explosive for you indeed andy explosion coming coming right there okay i'm going inside i'm scared all right night vision see if you can see where he's coming from he might cross the lake and there's too many lights there's too many lights here for me to use tonight no no come over here and look what do you mean he can't hit the roar came from over here look and see if he's he's crossing oh yeah right there right there right there right there [Music] bring him this right bring him this way i see yep [ __ ] he walked past it there we go nice oh oh you burned me off when you see the dude why are you yelling at me you put down an explosive in front of a tree in front of an ice well you're supposed to get back you idiot oh no i'm gonna die i'm dead i see you need to use the flint yes you need to hit him with the flare gun not miss i didn't miss he was immune to it can you res me i don't have a med kit i can't pick you up use your med kit my head is splattered all over the ground so what are you talking about you're yelling at me because i hit yours and then you and then you yell at me because i drop it down i didn't put one down you i was talking about the stupid gas can yeah i didn't put a diamond a gas can he's coming back he's right there it's not it's not my problem you stab propane tanks right i didn't do something i did not shoot it you stabbed it i was backing up and i was telling you to back up you can clearly then why the [ __ ] would you put it down because it was an opportune moment to do it and i was yelling at you to back up but you weren't listening instead you wanted to stab the program wendy was right there and i'm trying to save his ass i i was yelling at you to shoot your flare gun so scare him off so he doesn't kill me dre was born asunder what that's what you're saying it's pretty epic i see you're not you're not gonna be able to do this and i don't want to watch this so just die what no what why you can't revive us we're dead dead bigfoot comes back oh god oh god ow your face is on fire you did nothing wrong indeed i will say that you did it it was all icee's fault he had to go stab the propane tank down right in front of me oh we get levels wait what yeah i don't know what they're for you probably get stronger over there you probably get stronger characters yeah ooh [Music] oh [ __ ] i'm getting attacked yeah you try to kill me with rocks you're not getting attacked she just ran into rocks running into rocks he tried you know he put rocks down i found the treehouse oh i've already been here i didn't realize this is a oh yep he's taunting oh that's what we need to do so there's like baseball bats axes we need to use those when he's stunned and save our ammo i was doing when dre blew me yeah but the knife sucks ass you need a bigger one using a knife i was using a pipe wrench oh yeah that still sucks and do you guys start making your way over to us yeah yeah oh uh indy yo you can have the cleaver oh all right he's coming from this way i'm going to go ahead and set up a trap right here that's a bear that's a bear right there should we kill it yeah leave it oh at least scare it off you know it is not scary at all [Music] wow that did not go well no it sucks holy why are you yelling at me about my shadow i hear him oh he's running please turn right but left laughs i didn't work oh he broke that trap jesus he's charging me dude oh no [Music] yep try to run [Music] [Music] yeah don't let him break the doors well we got a lot of damage doing that tactic actually they're getting really well i'm still hitting them i'm out of battle good job guys oh you are hitting them okay take a while for the damage to show up press where are you going to see him damn it i should have followed oh there he is [Music] come here you son of a tackle holy [ __ ] we demolished that guy yeah you're totally right i just look at the holes in them night one and he's almost halfway dead yeah he'll heal a lot though he's coming back what the hell is he doing he's running in circles because we keep hitting him he's changing his run away passing trying to get away from us yeah i hit him again uh oh i think that's it over here this is so stupid he's trying to shack his ass he's like stop it guys that's enough he's just a horse i only hit you one where is he a hero right here i must have went around the wrong way damn it dude this is unbelievable is he coming back again i don't know ah i think we're good by the way you don't need to zoom in with this gun it just hits that you don't need to zoom in oh why am i zooming in yeah any guys oh all right um well i'm gonna start heading i'm gonna start heading towards the shotgun location okay is there like a bigfoot damage modifier because we are messing him up yeah this is he's going up the hill maybe we should film it up no okay maybe not then sorry dude look at that health they always up here he's gonna heal up to probably about seven hundred people oh my god you're still hating him yep oh oh [ __ ] i fell where is he he's over here fight by me i just hit him with five dude he's at 470 jesus christ where'd he go where'd he go keep trying he's over here somewhere i don't know where he went oh no dude we could kill him right now actually i only have five bullets left amazing day one kill yeah yeah you're gonna run out of ammo though i am a hat that's it yeah i'm i'm out running looking for more ammo for us okay we need ammo that worked out so well oh wow i need to heal too oh there he is he's running to the right where leave him alone he's in the bushes up here yeah i got him is he lost can he not find home he can't find his uh where'd he go oh he's down the street he's down the street what down here it's just running down the street is there some crazy old man in a furry costume that we're so like shooting today oh there he is he's coming back he's coming i'm coming i'm hunting him i'll i'll get you guys ammo i'm here come here bigfoot beat you with my bat oh my god oh i hear him i think yeah he's up in the cabin to the left we legitimately are just hunting this guy down with such aggression we should probably stop let's stop yeah we really need to hold here no he's way too far but there's no point he's way too far ahead we have no bullets uh give me a second i need to go back to the safe i think i just got the cord for it well just do it tomorrow why would you do it now because we're going to kill him today we probably are we're not we probably what do you mean no we're not we took out thor like three fourths of his [ __ ] lucky was doing a marathon around us all right do we really want to move tonight because there's a really nice location here let's make the trip dude okay okay okay we got this nothing to worry about dynamite yeah yeah yeah i found that before too i never i haven't used it in my solo one you got it from a safe oh my god oh god oh oh god oh my god what the heck what happened bigfoot trapped me [Laughter] that was amazing i'm so glad that wasn't me yeah that's great here's my thought process though because dynamite is so important like as an item i was thinking that there's probably some like environmental reason yeah to use it rather than just on bigfoot like you know like you naturally would be like oh i can kill bigfoot break down uh but it could yeah maybe it'll reveal the aliens in that rock arc you know first aid kit here you go thank you you gave me three i gave you one you gave me three i gave you one i had two i just i know i have one you must have already had a bunch give me one right there [ __ ] yeah no i get one to three i have one i you one andre has like four now i have three we're good this is just everybody give me one then you i'm sorry i have one oh per baby i have one shirt you don't listen how does it feel i listen to you it sucks that you never listen to me oh god oh let's go go go to the open go go to the open oh i'm behind you guys i'm going to die i'm going to die put the trap down underneath it when he goes to break it he'll just get caught in the trap where does he attack it from oh you already have underneath it okay i'm gonna get ready should i put the dynamite here uh no no i think we're gonna save that for an environmental thing i'll put the car battery there though we're probably gonna kill bigfoot right now so drake get up here what he'll go underneath the car battery might hit us well you know what i'm saying he'll go underneath the tower he'll hit the trap we'll run out shoot the car battery and then gun him this is terrifying i just want to tell you we're just waiting to be so dark yeah it's so dark it turns out there's a reason so you can see i can see with it you turn your flashlight on night vision right here your comments oh god dude get him off me get him off me he's off here he's off he's off he's off i gotta heal then he'll fight why are you running away he's gonna attack me no he's gone he's killing me for so long 106. where is he he's the left he ran to the left the left oh no no so close did he disappear no he runs away yeah but he went to the lighthouse he actually runs oh we wanted to check the code didn't we so that's not a bad thing i got the code where did he go he ran over by me that was an amazing night we were so close how's your bullets everybody uh i'm good i got plenty to kill him all right i mean he'll take 11 bullets to kill him 11 sniper shots to kill him it'd be nice if indy gave me his pistol do you i mean if you want it i'll give it to you yeah because that's not good oh wait wait wait wait come here come here come here come here what did you already go in here something inside the tree to explode no no what oh yeah yeah there's an accent here and meat how did he get in there right here you just passed it you just passed it small little opening dude that's so this is cool this is like a hobby can i have the axe please uh yeah it's right there here stand still i'll give you my pistol he doesn't like that we're in the tree give and then nine millimeter give you all there you go oh god be right here what the [ __ ] oh [Applause] [ __ ] in [ __ ] running did he go off we have to find him yeah he must have gone up oh my god no no no come on he's got to be here [Music] oh god did you get him no no he's over this way how did you all miss no i think he jumped off yeah he jumped he jumped ah yeah yes dude i want to look at his cave is it over do we not get in there no oh i thought we had to drag them like last time we don't get to explore maybe we do oh no we're leaving watch out for those people we're out of here man we did our job we're gonna have to play this again at some point find all the secrets oh my god that was great oh my god that's all that's all we got well i i never really held this damn i [ __ ] him up you did yeah dead he's dead he was alive in the other ones though oh he's dead now
Channel: IGP
Views: 737,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bigfoot 4.0 ending, bigfoot ending, bigfoot game ending, bigfoot 4.0, bigfoot 4.0 update, bigfoot 4.0 gameplay, bigfoot 4.0 igp, bigfoot 4.0 update ending, bigfoot 4.0 gameplay igp, igp, igp bigfoot, bigfoot, bigfoot game, bigfoot game update, finding bigfoot, finding bigfoot gameplay, finding bigfoot 4.0, finding bigfoot 4.0 update, finding bigfoot igp, bigfoot hunting game, horror games, bigfoot 4.0 multiplayer, bigfoot 4.0 secrets, bigfoot 4.0 secret locations
Id: aHRP8iSBdrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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