I Stripped The Bombi Down To Nothing!

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good morning it is another day of working in the shop we are working on the bomb of the day Tom Tom is off where is he at Scout camp or something but we still have a full crew today we've got Lizzy I'm here we've got Jake howdy we've got red hey and peanut look at you let me help me all right so what we've got to do today there's a couple things we're gonna put one crew siphon in the gas out of here because we've got some cutting to do and I want to fill that gas tank with water why because it's the opposite of gasoline so if that was a water tank we would siphon the water out and fill it with gas before we started cutting but since it's a gas tank we're gonna fill it full of water empty gas tanks are the most dangerous yeah so we're going to be pulling this motor and transmission out of here we're going to be pulling this driver's seat out we're going to be pulling out this front gearbox because we're going to be replacing it upgrading it possibly ruining it I don't know we're not going to ruin it peanut wants a ride in this thing so bad I'm getting straight to work by doing the first thing taking the driver's seat out poor tick [Music] foreign [Music] there we go right there all right we finally got that out of there I knew that was going to be a little bit of a job but the plasma could have quit working about three quarters of the way through so we had to finish it with a Sawzall it's actually I think worked better what's next right uh we're getting this motor out transmission all right let's get to work [Music] stay back that has caught some debris over the years hey tools that's always nice this all needs to be unbolted Rhett we need this out we need this out we need this cut out I wish the plasma cutter works too we got a lot done today we're moving in the right direction this thing is still a mess so we're just gonna get this cleaned out and we'll be back tomorrow like this good morning it's another day of working in the shop yesterday Lizzy and Rhett got this all cleaned out and washed up and now we can see all the rest of the stuff we need to get cut off of it we're about to have to pressure washer after cheesed in oh was she a mess I was a mess all right I came in early and marked all of the areas that need attention so any of these that are sprayed they've got to come off and get polished smooth just the silicone and once you get these all polished Smooth you're going to be filling in all the holes they're going to be all welded up you can run both welders if you want okay now you might be wondering what I'm doing I'm not doing any of this I got volunteered for a youth group to take them up to tokerville Falls and show them around they're from I think they're from California So Jamie and I are going to go up and help with that and we'll be back okay guys make me proud all right let's get to work sounds good so to do this job that Matt left us with which is to cut off all of this get it looking all nice weld in all of the holes and everything like that we're gonna need some flapper discs and some cut off wheels and some welding tips let's make sure we have enough before we get started on this big project here's our drawer of discs we're basically all out so let's run to scholson's and get a few things and we'll be back to get started on this all right we are up here at the beginning of the tokerville Falls Trail here is the youth group that I was talking about it is a beautiful day what do you think Jamie it's gonna be gonna be what are you driving I'm driving the banana there all right where are y'all from San Diego California all right is this your first time in this area all right so we're going to be taking them somewhere they've never been before we're gonna go do a little swimming I forgot my swim trunks got them on you always go in your jeans I do I probably will all right you guys excited all right [Music] [Music] we got the list of stuff we need and we are on our way to solstice [Music] foreign all right that is everything on my list okay got it got it thanks Rowdy we got everything we needed except for welding tips so we're gonna have to figure out something like before that but we are headed back to the shop there's a big old swimming hole down there all right I'm going in I got it you got a wallet wallet thank you is it cold we are back in the shop ready to work on this Rhett what are you ready to do I think you better start cutting knocking these things off first okay I will try and figure out how to get this stuff off so you start cutting I'll start peeling [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] we're using this other welder that we have which is a MIG and Tig combined it's really cool and as a smaller tip so we have these tips and I'm able to use this welder um Rhett cleaned up all of the holes so I can see them they're nice and shiny so I'm gonna go ahead and weld them up [Applause] [Music] all right that was awesome water's a little cold Jamie's a huge party pooper [Music] just got done welding all this up hopefully there are no holes missed so I'm gonna double check [Music] I just finished up grinding all the welds down everything's cut out so we're gonna push it back out and pressure wash it again I'm gonna have you back that off of there because it's hard to get into here I'm gonna boost you I'm gonna have to boost you in my problem I can't reach the pedals slow really slow all right we're headed back out of there we got a little bit of change in cast here [Music] Jamie's back there somewhere is it lunchtime all right so we're gonna head back we're gonna let these guys go to lunch we're gonna go to lunch ourselves and we're gonna check on Lindsay and Rhett see how much work they got done say bye everybody we made a little bit of a mess in the shop so we're gonna clean that up but I'm glad that Matt took a little bit long so that we can get this all finished hopefully it's up to his standards of where he wants it all right we got everybody back to safety and now we're gonna split ways go do our own things [Applause] all right look at that looks good all right well I was going playing these guys are here working they did a good job I really appreciate it the day is over we'll be back tomorrow like this good morning it's another day of working in the shop we are working on the snow cat today Lizzy is off this is one of the days she doesn't work Rhett isn't feeling well kind of been going around so today it's just me and Jake we are going to continue to work on this we're still in the tear down phase we're gonna get this flipped over get the axles off from it we're gonna flip water what should we do it's like the jacuzzi feature so in case you can't remember we took all the gas out and then filled the tank with water because we're going to be grinding and welding and plasma cutting around it we did that so we wouldn't explode and now we live to regret it sir [Music] it's a pretty color it's almost drinkable that's the color you want your dashboard yes yeah sorry fellas [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah well I'm going to tell you that is absolutely not a a acceptable way to use a challenger lift but that's what we did all right you gotta figure out how to get these off of here awesome all right so we know that this front axle is in line this is the this is the approximate line of where the front axle is so we know that the center line of the front axle is roughly between here and here so that all needs to be sanded down from bare metal okay so in the shape about like this and then all the way across that's all you're gonna need to be very metal okay straighten up okay those are exactly those are like zero offset Wheels both of them so that means that this measurement is our measurement all right I think we want these tracks 51 inch so these are the new Wheels we're running these are 13 inch this originally had 10 inch wheels then that fateful night when everything went to crap and we had to fix it before we went to Indianola we I got some axis dubs and I welded them on right now and there was a prediction that those were going to break off they were never going to work but it's hard to tell from here but it looks like they're working that's all going away we're putting beefier axles and we're putting these 13 inch holes we're going to be running 24 inch tall tires on this right now we've got 18s so that's a pretty big lift for the killer bee little baby bombies growing up those tires should be coming any day too yeah yeah this is getting mild star tires really batteries installed just that easy yeah so these axles have this torsion bar system on them and there's a little bit of twist right there you see that yeah when this is setting on its Wheels those are setting on the bone stocks so they're just maxed out doing nothing they're maxed out doing nothing you can see this one's still maxed out doing nothing it doesn't even want to spring back yeah suspension in the work that we were doing we found out we don't need this suspension so to simplify it to make it light and strong and simple it's going to eliminate suspension altogether it should feel better probably won't feel any better it should feel better with a bigger diameter Tire shouldn't it be smoother and the track's going to be a little bit longer not a lot but a little bit longer here's a question this is going to be awesome all right I've got to run I've got a couple things to do I'm going to leave Jake here to handle this and if you come to an impasse just Reach Out okay I'm about to get to chopping on the killer bee should be fun so Matt got me a piece of scrap metal and what we're going to do is I'm going to weld this piece of metal across the tracks there so that when I cut it off here I'm not going to have like a floppy cage I'm going to be able to like take this track put it on the ground and wheel it out the shop in one hopefully one piece so yeah so right now I'm just going to weld this on over the bars and then we're going to get to chopping thank you looking good improving welding's actually kind of fun I've always wanted to weld but uh working as a kid in like muffler shops my uh superiors were like you go back to changing oil so I've never gotten to weld so now uh that I got my little support bar welded up I'm gonna see if I can unbolt this axle over here um if not I'm just gonna chop chop chop chop this all out keep this frame rail on and we should be able to pull the wheels off in one unit slide it out the door all right you want to get this all right so got a little bit of smudge from just all the terrain that they've driven over it's kind of caked in mud I'm gonna have to dig these bolts out and then we can pull them out I feel like what is that an archaeologist Indiana Jones I'm like unearthing ancient bolts from past recoveries to chop or not to chop what would Matt do foreign those uh nuts and bolts Matt said when in doubt Derby it out so I chopped It Off [Applause] that's ridiculously quicker yeah yeah this type of tool compared to like that cutting wheel just chewy all right so we got our six pieces cut off of the axles now we got these two front ones that we got to figure out how to get that casing off and how to chop those off and then after that We're Off to the Races crud Blaster three thousand all right so I think I have solved the mysteries of this axle we unbolted all them bolts and then we got the whatever guide this is I think it is a guide that the tracks go over uh I'm not 100 on that but now that we got that we just got two more bolts this will pop right out and we can chop it off all right oh yeah all right the axles are officially chopped off the only thing holding it up is this little strap so we're going to take this off now with the lift and then we're gonna clean up this whole tub goodbye let's go clean up our tub and get it ready for sandblasting and I'm walking around without crutches now I'm Healed sort of so I'm gonna try to help out [Music] so we got a call for a bug probably in the 60s old school Buck that's stuck in a junkyard somewhere so we're gonna go lift it over we're gonna take the world's largest yeah we're gonna take the world's largest forklift to get it out up foreign I think this front axle is going to be we're gonna have to move it further forward than I wanted to because I can't attach it to the gas tank no you need some kind of barrier or support I just don't want it welded with the gas tank that's all that's pretty yeah I have my rules you have some standards axles welded to gas tanks are out of question the spacing we was we were looking for was right here 27 inch spacing we'll put this one exactly where the other one was right the next one at 20 27 inches what happens if we go 28 inches will that throw everything I get to make up the numbers yeah let's take a break from this for a second okay just take a breather I think we're both okay with that yeah I think so good morning it is another day of working in the shop we're working on the Bombi in case you can't tell it's there on the floor well Pizza Hut all that's left we're gonna get started on this hopefully we can get the axles on it today we're just gonna get after it so one of the things we've got to do is we've got to narrow these axles and that's good because we'll get to take the bow out hold that up see if the camera can see the book the camera's going to show you might need to like bring down yeah cutting the section out of the middle we're going to take that bow out which is good because we don't want any camber on these axles so we chopped one in half already we have a plan for that we're assembling one right now so we can figure out how far it is from flange to flange and we know how much to cut off the tubes so we're going to use this to press on the inside this is a really tight press fit in there it's not very strong but it doesn't have to be because then we're going to weld them together we put the hubs on here so we can get an accurate measurement we're going to figure out exactly how much out of the middle we need to cut to get those marked 51 inches right we want flanza flange 51 inch wide on all but one of them we so the break one in the back needs to be narrow 50 and a half yeah okay no we have wheel spacers on there it needs to be 46 and a half oh do oh oh yeah because of the brakes we'll build that one last after some calculations yeah these trailer caps should have a little like they should be rolled in so that they can start but they're not they're straight so I have to do this little shrinking technique to get them in and they still don't go in very nice I think we got to build a trailer axle kit they didn't just come as an axle you have to put it together DIY trailer kind of I'm gonna mark this at 51 and then we're going to pull it out just do because we're going to cut it let's just cut out the whole metal do 26 and a half or 25 and a half okay I would cut these 1 8 of an inch short so that we have that nice little Gap to fill in okay I think we talked about this but the old zombie axles or Torsion axles it has some rubber torsion spring these are gonna have none we're not going to have any but we've also established that the old Bombay axles were setting on the bump stops which was steel to Steel so we already know what it's like so you really didn't have any suspension before we're going bigger tires we can air them down lower we'll have a little bit of Tire suspension if anything this will be better because you won't have that upspring off the bump stop when you hit a nice bump [Music] so these should press in pretty tight there's a weld seam in here right there and this is a little bit thinner pipe so I'm hoping that I can overcome look at that [Music] [Music] oh look at that okay now get a hammer and hit right there I'll Trust in Jake there yeah no he's hitting really hard we're really close next to your head don't hit as hard yeah Maybe okay let's measure this let's measure major we're gonna we're gonna measure it this time we're gonna measure it I don't even know how to do a short sound there we're going to measure it measure oh that could not be any more exactly on 51. unless it was a little bit that way you need more perfect once we did this we're going for 51 man if you won oh so they have an alarm on them how do we make sure the arms like the same like that you know oh yeah how do you I don't know that's so clamp one down and wail on this one yeah let me get some clamps help me oh all right look at that you got some we're getting close are we close we're getting close down here and see oh just a couple more tappies foreign look at these cute little things 51 inches Dang Dang or precise okay hold up leave it leave that on there this is we're gonna you're gonna weld it right now we're gonna weld it on here but let's let's just check let's see how we're doing oh man I'm 0.1 I'm at point four what does that mean that means we're bent or it means one of these isn't zero or means we're super close to Not Bent that is that our way let's measure what these are let's measure what one with camber and it is I'm 1.7 and I'm the other way point one so there's like close to two degrees of camber in these that one's at 0.1 that's pretty dang good and we're still at 51. okay well nothing we got a lot of comments about this there is a lot of questions and and people wondered what we're doing so one of the comments we got a lot of was why don't we just buy a new one Tom why don't we just buy a new one because it's expensive and that's not what we do and they don't make what we want we need something that's small and super powerful and that's not how snow cats come they come small and super fragile and big and super tough and we just wanted to take the toughness of a big one and the smallness of the small one and smash them together so that's what we're doing so think of this as like the tugboat of snow caps how you doing Ed good it's gonna be hot today is it yeah are you today well yeah we're finally getting summer it was really late coming but it's looks like it's here what do you think we made our first axle we still got to weld it together but that's how wide they are is that wider than the old one same width okay I don't feel good [Music] keep going keep going I think that's good all right we're just gonna make another one of these and then we're gonna make a custom one that's a different width because we're doing different things with it we'll show you I think we have about three quarters of an inch of tolerance to play with on axle width so the fact that we're getting them all exactly perfect isn't the tracks aren't even gonna know us oh put stuff right there um it was close but it bounced back a little bit okay let go that's oh that's zero right there that's real that's zero right there okay let's check left and right and then get attack right in the middle of this thing right there is where I'm gonna go on both sides 95 and 3 8. 95 and 7 16. let's see how the square looks oh wow this is so the square is telling us a different story than what that just did I don't know how Square this thing is but if I was to guess this square is more accurate because it kind of looks crooked that looks pretty good [Music] okay that pulled you right on okay what are you thinking that's it that's our standard everything gets measured off of that okay 77 and an eight 77 and 1 8. good maybe you only have 77 on an eight I think that's square if we did build the rest to this to this okay Lizzy Tom putt attack I need from here all the way out here at this Edge to right there same thing here so just so I do these two first ping pong ping pong and then middle workout okay yeah all right so the reason this axle is going to be narrower is because it has a can be a breaking axle also so we'll have brakes on the drive sprocket and brakes on that last back axle so this is still going to be brake based steering I know a lot of you wanted hydrostatic drive but it doesn't warrant the complexity like the the duty cycle the service requirements whatever this machine doesn't require it just needs breaks that work breaks it all would be really good yeah any any sort of way to steer it and stop it would be really amazing and you're gonna have a front and rear brake which is yeah more than two times as good as what I had before yeah I yeah each end will be better I'm going to say that it's 11 times better 11 times yeah because 11 times better it's not hard to get better than absolutely no steering should be good enough we are exactly two and a quarter like two and a quarter two and a half two and a quarter exactly okay so four and a half inches so we got to go 51 minus four 46 and a half yeah so you got to take two and a quarter inches off of 25 and a quarter well we're measuring from here 22 and 3 8 do we need minus two and a quarter so that's 21 and 3 8 21 and an eighths from this flange okay what is our cut line I'm lost 21 and an eight twenty one and an eight okay I hope I hope that's good enough oh it's gonna be corn that's the corn kernel that's the corn cob they don't even they don't even care they didn't even think it was funny maybe it's because they got their mufflers on no Chuckles nothing you talking to me this is the corn that's the corn cob it's not funny it's got the juice it has this one an inch drop is this one inch short this will be a 51. we're a 48 and a half so we are two inches short we needed to take two and amazing on both sides these are both an inch long let's see if we can get it apart if we can we can cut all of it off of one of them sometimes you do the math and it still goes [Applause] another one that's it right there everybody went to lunch I was so excited about working on this I stayed and worked on it and then Coley walked in the door and he said Matt did you film anything while we were at lunch and I said no I've got these tacked in now but I'm gonna eat lunch because they brought me some lunch back and then we'll get back on this your tensioner axle yes I think this is how your attention is you roll this back yeah okay clip clip one of those on there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay okay so let's go this way just a little bit they're super awesome yeah I like that right there man foreign 's four-wheel drive makes lots of Parts they mostly focus on like jeeps and Toyotas like off-road rigs They Don't Really specialize in snow cat stuff Bombi stuff but they do have stuff that's going to fit our Bombi so we're coming out here to look through our stuff and see what we got so we can use something like this modified because I'm not going to use this on anything what about these these have no homes work let's modify these we'll take these in there all right I'll put these back so thanks to Barnes we have some of the gussets that we need to make the Killer is it the killer Bombi or the kid it's the bomb b like a bomb but a b but kill a killer Bombi the killer killer killer kill a bomb killer bee Rhett and I we're sitting out here to take the tires off of the off-road trailer I don't think they're the real tires that we're gonna put on it but it's just for looks this goes on the back axle but that's how they fit what do you got going on oh lovely he's not much better that's pretty strong see if it falls off it never does it never does so another thing we get all the time when we're working on our projects and we show a lot of welding we get a whole bunch of comments we're talking I don't know dozens that thing's gonna be too heavy to move by the time you get done welding it all together it's going to be heavier than a tank it's not going to work you always say that and you're always wrong in this case in a tank so it'll be exactly as heavy as a tank mandelbomb mandelbomb mandelbomb you don't get the reference Tom no man Izzy mandelbaum a [Music] that's gonna be the track tensioner I bet you those are gonna be hot all right we're putting this temporary turnbuckle in that's locking all the properties of a turnbuckling but it will be it won't turn or buckle Buckle if that's what we need is something that won't buckle we're dealing with approximate here it's going to have the Carolina squat here [Music] there we go all right let's put the tires on this oh I see the excitement so you should never hold your axle on with hose clamps but if you do use two of them on each end hopefully that'll hold this excellent let's flip this over and see how it looks are you sure it's not gonna slip off [Music] attention let it go don't like don't throw a disc out or nothing Let It Go oh it's high so 31s we're gonna have 24s plus plus a couple inches of track I love this so it might end up that high well it's gonna be like 26s that's a tall bombie all right we've got the killer bee rolling on its temporary Milestar patagonias and we can push it in and out of the shop now and that's good because we need to make room for the rental Jeep because mama is tired of hopping in it I can't wait to have some steps to get in and out of the Jeep because us short people we need something here let me show you something stay right there Jamie can you close that garage door you're gonna make me do that well I broke I'm not I'm not an um we got it so now that we've established that Jamie's not very tall let's get the rental Jeep in here and help solve some of her vertical problems okay here we go [Music] this is like the real Bambi turn I think Jake's on the brakes you got Jake brakes you're gonna hit zero snow if it was up this high like the tracks would be it we were right back these wheels are not the right wheels these are comically Big um it had little tiny ones where is one of those atomically small so this is a 12 inch wheel we're upgraded to a 13 inch wheel the tires haven't come yet they're going to be here Friday I think so we got all the wheels to put on so we got these this is approximately how tall they're gonna be so this is the upgrade from this to this that's a Corvair wheel [Music] 1964. do you know how you can tell by this shape right here 64 wheels are unique well I'm afraid I'm gonna ruin my seat like because I have to slide off of it so I try to kind of jump from there but I'll show you how I get in I have to put one leg up grab this and hop in it's gonna be awesome to get these installed thanks to Tanner from rockslide engineering so we've been testing these on hefe's Bronco well jefe's been testing them bent it in down oh yeah these are awesome I've slid them across a lot of crazy rocks and they're held held together very well so we took the rental Jeep out the first day on the maze yeah and Jade was so nervous the whole time and she didn't want to damage it so when she saw those on half his Broncos she said let's put those on the rental guy I'm more of a hack and Weld and grind and hack and weld so I got a little bit of anxiety here because these have to be installed with a process and in the right order rock slide engineering makes it very easy they make I moved on brackets so all you do is take off certain bolts bolt your bracket on bolt your rock slider on and you're done I take a piece of metal imagine what it needs to be shaped like I cut it out and then I weld it on that's the difference between that and myself I can't do that everything that they put on so far is the casings and the mounts for the steps this is the actual slider this is the armor to protect it and and it's replaceable so you never damage your actual casing all right all right I like that all right we got those installed it wasn't too hard it looks like it's a quality product let's see if they work as intended all right we need this out of here so we can get the killer bee back in here because we've got to get to work on it [Music] well I'm loving these already it's gonna make my life way easier if you'd like some step sliders for your rental Jamie tell them where to go go to rockslideengineering.com and use Pro all right let's get back to working on the Bombi what if you could get out and help me push that's no fun it pushes straighter than before these axles are way straighter than the other ones with the other axles on it it was always steering it was always turning we get a lot of questions about why don't we just get tracks for the Jeep like Casey Liddell does well I have an answer for that the primary reason we don't things exactly like Casey Liddell is is because we work in an entirely different Terrain in entirely different weather environment we're either going to be in no snow or really deep snow and the tracks tracks on the Jeep won't do 12 feet of power they just they won't do it also the time it takes to change them it takes an hour plus to swap tracks on and then an hour plus to swap them back off so you have to have a dedicated snow vehicle is pretty valuable yeah I was talking to Rory about this talking to Paul if I went to work like all of a sudden found myself in Rory's work area I would have to adopt a lot of what Rory does probably most of the way that Rory does it same with Casey Nel if you drop me there I would have to adopt most of the way he does things of course I'd have my own way of doing a few things and that's fine different people do different things but everybody's building a rig to match the environment that they are in and that's what we're doing with this Casey love you man Rory love you man Paul love you man Robbie you do some recoveries we love you too BSF recovery you know you guys are always going to be the greatest so Matt you're thinking about putting a diesel in this nope what about a V6 I just had one I took it out it's about an inline six what about a four why an LS tell us why you want to know oh why do we LS there's two kinds of car people people that build their stuff and people that buy their stuff the people that build their stuff are who I'm talking about of the people who do build their stuff there's two types of people people who want the simplest most reliable most effective engine to drive their things around and people who are more purists and want to stick with brand loyalty I am not that second one I'm the first one I want the simplest easiest and even if you think I should put a Hemi in this you gotta admit the smart move is an LS what other bomb we come with it came with a 54 horsepower four-cylinder Ford Industrial Flathead and a manual transmission okay so an LS will modernize and make this thing much simpler and easier to drive yeah retain run it'll be the same engine that's well effectively the same engine in the wrecker effectively the same engine in the more ver effectively the same engine and all the other vehicles we're going to be building in the future lighter more fuel efficient way more power adapts to Modern transition Transmissions yeah like and hopefully the brakes will be able to hold those wild horses at Bay when we need them at Bay but when we unleash them we want them to just go hey peanut I can't wait to take peanut on a powder job and have her jump out and she'll just disappear yeah I'm super excited to have a snow cap back and ready for this winter and it's gonna be more awesome than ever what's going to be awesome about it is I'll actually be able to let somebody else drive it well I well I was able to drive the drive yeah but I mean like not have to worry about you I'm dying like oh is she gonna turn it around I don't know so are you really going to use this thing in the summer will this really have summer capability yeah it's gonna have it's gonna have the biggest big block dual pass radiator that I can fix well it's going to be the biggest one they make because I've got nothing but room did you ever use the old version of this in the summertime ever no no did you get on the sand even in the winter the only time we've driven not on snow was like in between the patches of snow okay and in the yard but the new track will be capable to go on dirt sand mud I don't know if you saw it or not but I think this is super cool I'm super happy with the progress that was made so this thing's rolling right along literally thanks for watching well they're not helping with that
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 943,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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