Pouring a slab in a shed

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Here we are about to start this project, and Andrew instantly got the drone stuck in the very top of that tree. It's about at the tip of my finger All right. It wasn't a great start to the project, but I think it's okay. Drones out of trees with a broken bone Good job. The project right now is doing a little work to this shed. So the plan is, I'm gonna pull everything out of here, get the leaves out of here. I want to pour a quick slab on the floor and put some doors on this and probably get rid of some junk in here, too. So the reason I want doors is because the leaves blow in here What do you think buddy? be nice to. That wasn't. Like that. Sam: Mega swan island? Andrew: We should use this. All right. Got everything cleaned out here. So the plan was going to be to just throw some rebar down and pour concrete in this thing and call it a day. This shed is not built very well. It is very unlevel and very out of square. Being a square doesn't matter too much. but The floor being un-level does so that the back is a lot lower than the front. Like, I just kind of built it on the ground. I shouldn't have. Don't build buildings on uneven ground like that. Just make the ground level first. All right. So I'm going to attempt to put a level floor in this building. There is wood just sitting on the ground, which that's I mean, it's things like ten years old. It's doing fine. It'd be better if it was up on a slab a little bit. Anyway. So the plan is to try to get everything up a little bit. So what we do is cut these walls up to where our level is and then cut off these blocks and then put a level slab in here. So the project just got bigger than I was planning on doing. Blue, what do you think, level level floor? This thing projects a level line. I was thinking, all right, like if I did like a seven inch concrete slab here and cut, you know, cut this off about there. But look at inside of it. Look what a line is. I mean, jeez, that's like 19 inches up on a wall there. That's Guys, was there a groundhog under there? You guys like groundhogs Old one was broken and too short I like to put dates on batteries Stuff under. Yeah. Yeah. It can cut those screws, but thats a new blade Yeah. Yeah, that's. Yeah, This wall is loose Yeah. Yeah. So if that was perfect. We're attempting to lift this up a lot unevenly Wait until I have this on. Yeah. Okay. This has to come up a lot. That's how much it's got to come up Hear that? Thats cool. I had the laser so you can hear it beeping and now you're steady. So this is perfect I think this wall is actually perfect now. All right, good. should be good to do that other corner now Careful this thing doesn't fall Yeah, Yeah. When I was a litle kid it was frustrated. I could never get these to go back in know. Yeah, It was one of my favorite toys when I was little We're within three inches now. Well, we should probably Jack some other spots. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. We jacked this one a lot without doing any others. Well, probably the back middle's probably loose because we haven't jacked that in a while. Oh, yeah, this one's, like, not touching about, like, an inch. So. If you find the high spot, we'll just jack up. Yeah, I think if anything, lets just jack that up. A drop. Yeah. I mean, you're talking about, like, five pumps. Perfect. Everything's been reset at this point. Nothing's maxed out. So it's just. Let's just come up a little bit right here and. All right. If you can tilt the stick and make it perfect. Yeah, you're perfect. All right. We just finished lifting this up, putting all the form boards on, and we're ready to bring in fill. So we got to get the fill much closer to the forms, you know, that corner being probably two feet up, but Nice when they start like that. I haven't started that in over a year. little more. That's good right there. and see, it's a little high here, perfect. Lacey, How's it look, girl? All right, so the gravel's all flat, and I left it a little. Like, I didn't go right up to the edge that way. The concrete on the edges can be a little bit thicker, like a monolithic pour. Did the doctor ask where your cast went? Sam: They sure did. They sat me down and said, “Wait, where is your cast?” Sam: I already took it off They were like: Oh, like, really confused. You know, I thought they would have been happier I did Half of their job for them. Blue, do a lab inspection. What do you think? The form ready for concrete? Lacey, what do you think girl? Sam: ♪♪ I’ve been wokring on the from all day long ♪♪ They're very interested in that groundhog that lives there. Dad: Where's the ground hog? It's under that brown shed. And they know it. Yeah, they know it. What do you think? Yeah, Ohh, mud Oh, he's really going over it. Yeah. Nothing's getting past him. Truck driver: Stand aside and I’ll throw it back there. What were you thinking? He was yelling at me when I was. When we did mine. He's like one of the. If we built this all up with stones, so it would not leak out Learn any lessons today? Sam: More concrete I need it back here. It turned out nice. Hey Cody You want to put a footprint on the concrete. You can do better than that, buddy. All your weight on it Andrew:Which one are you doing? Sam: Both Go walk on it Cody It's a little subtle, but. Shes like, what is happening. There we go. Hand print 4-2023 That's good. Sam: You are pulling those out already? Yeah. Building is not going anywhere Putting doors on this. Dad: Oh, you are going to do that, huh? What do you think of the floor? Dad: Floor came out good Look how much the rafter moves Sam: Yeah, I don’t like that 129 1/4 Look at this tool here. Oh. You got the wrong one. Nothing. Please. Let's get the. So it does that and then straight up it projects perfect where the top goes How sweet is that? I'm showing you all my secrets Sam: aren’t you better off laying it on door, fasten it, then cut off extra? Yeah. Yeah. You really need that. Yeah, I'm just trying. I was trying to. I want to come up and see your castle. okay. I'll see him. I'll let. You know Turn a key. Give Watch out He is going slow, but that thing zips around fast That things it's. It's very sensitive. It really lets you zip around quick when you get used to it. Once you’re used to it. Yeah. You did all right That's blue. You want a cup of tea. Yeah, sure. All right. Yeah. I don't even think these are lithium at this point. These are. That's a lot stronger. Only using a 5 amp hour battery Could put the big chain saw battery on it. Sam: When you go from having a 2 amp hour and then you slap an 8 on there, way stronger Muscles Sam: we have to trim it. Okay. Where do we need to take it? I feel to. Make it work. Those are some tight gaps. Is there groundhog under these stumps right here? he likes his Frisbee. Look at that. Dad:How'd that rot out like that? It is made out of wood Is it up all the way? That is not running on all four, it got rained on. Lets let that run a bit. Dad: Fits in there good Good. Yeah. Look how nice that is on the concrete floor. That is steel This was this old guys desk All right. There's a load of stuff leaving right there. Our guys are going to make art with that. I just kind of given stuff away here just to clean up. I've had this a long time and brought this back from the. This thing was garbage when I got it, But I'm putting it on the side of the road Yeah, that fits with room to spare. That's nice. Yeah. All right, so there is the finished product there. So that is a huge improvement to this building, getting the thing jacked up. before it was just non pressure treated wood sitting on sauna tubes that were like below grade. So that was just rotting. Now we cut all the rotted stuff off. It's up on a slab. It's built how it should have been built in the first place. nice doors. It works very easy Got a ton of stuff in here. Everything is nice and dry. The water is draining. This building is downhill from the slope, but the water is going down through here, so that's good. Dad, what do you think? I think it looks good. All right. That was a big improvement to that. Yeah, You guys doing. There's something under there and they are so interested. What's going on? What's under that? What's under that? Blue get it. Animal noise: Hear it? You guys are determined what's under there. So that's one reason I like building slabs for buildings, because they don't have things living under them. Hear it? Yeah. You hear that? There's something under there. Well, look at these guys. yeah. Look at that pressure treated, sitting on concrete. That is such a huge improvement. And I definitely got to give Sam credit for this because. My initial plan going into this was just to throw concrete, still leave the building sitting on those sona tubes. She's the one who suggested, jack it up. Just make all the walls, the same height, and then we can put a nice level floor inside of it that, that was more work, obviously, but that was well worth it. This is very nice having a level slab instead of having the whole thing crooked. All right, We're all done here. So let's get to the next project. Lacey, you're not interested in that groundhog with those two guys? They're having fun over there. Yes. Good girl. Good girl. How old is she dad? 15 years and six months. Okay, You know, jeez, while I was at it, I should just poured a slab for this thing too. What's under there, buddy? What's under there? Before this building was here, I had built this thing of stuff I got for free, and a tree fell on it during Hurricane Irene. I was going to fix it. I borrowed my buddy's sawmill. This is what ended up getting built instead of fixing that previous thing.
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 1,581,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x-zGhlqouY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 37sec (5557 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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