I Started A Full Playthrough In 2023 - Ep. 1 - Ark Survival Evolved The Island

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are you the one I've been waiting for you might be I hope so it's been so many cycles since I was her do I even still remember hope I wasn't sure you'd ever turn up [Music] the odds just kept getting longer I guess I've been losing faith while they've been gaining power you have to reach me everything depends on your survival Master this world make allies of its many creatures grow your strength and skill explore this place like I did so long ago put the pieces together and find me Survivor you may be the only one who can yeah what oh coffees hi oh my goodness okay hold on no the copies are being slaughtered viciously ah run Lord of Mercy all right hello everybody my name is Sir Lancelot and I did not know it was an intro to this game that was so cool that's actually the first time I've ever seen that and I spawned into Ultra Madness where a boots am I okay I have an idea where I am now let's get some Basics going here some wood get some Dash safe over here I don't see the delos so we might be all right uh wrong key there we go um oh wait I gotta put it in here we'll do movement speed first all right everybody how are you all doing I hope you're doing well I am starting my well I guess my oh look at all the dillos Lord have mercy on my soul don't come this way I should have made that spear instead why did I make a campfire I don't need a campfire this is no bueno uh we'll get you going but yeah so this series is going to be the start of me actually beating Arc I've never beaten any of these maps at all I've put probably a couple hundred hours into the game and I've just never actually completed the story whatsoever so before the survival ascendant or ascendant survival whichever one is called I forget right now before that comes out I at least want to beat the island I'm going to try and go through it and get all of that done bring you guys Along on this journey are you delistle over here hello they are down horrendous boys down horrendous everywhere I wouldn't mind building around here we'll see though but yeah I've never actually beaten this game so we're gonna try and get through it try and actually beat it beat the bosses Ascend to scorched Earth I think it's the next one and then as we have time I'm just gonna keep going through that but for now I'll go ahead and collect a whole bunch of this stuff gonna need fiber so one thing I do want to say like are you so close to me stay over there bud I don't need you over here one thing I do want to say to start with is I don't have any mods running but I do have some okay you guys are good I don't know if I can get I think that's a level five I do have some um what would you call them like enhanced stats basically I turned up some of the stats just to make sure the the series keeps moving along oh I can get in oh that hurt my ears horrendously okay nice I have that but yes I have gather speed up a little bit I have push you over on three and we'll bring you down to two I gotta put these on so like resource Gathering is up a little bit I think uh at a three times multiplier you know mating speed we have egg laying speed all the all the stuff I would make sure that I can progress at a decent rate here at level 72 oh my goodness bro this spear breaks whoa almost got me bubba let's get some hide and stuff off of you nice yeah basically everything I would need to make sure the series keeps moving at a decent pace so I don't get too stagnant I can't play every day so I want to make sure I can get you know at least a couple videos out a week for you guys I want you waiting weeks and weeks in between I'm just gonna keep cranking movement speed for now get the sleeping bag get these going I don't have enough for that that's all right we are going to work on getting some clothes going though look at that another level I am goaded I want to at least get this outfit going all right I think this little Peninsula is relatively no there's still one over there oh a Pteranodon nice let's see let's craft up that get all that going some more movement speed so I can outrun the Devils that are here get our foundation stuff going a wall can't we get storage box yeah that's all right nobody's stressing it is it a fight over there and you all right I at least have a little bit of armor now oh you guys are fighting nice the question is where exactly do I want to start because again I've played this map a lot I've not really played any of the other Maps but I put a couple hundred hours into this map like just just over the years you know me and my girlfriend would start and we'd just play for hours and hours and hours and never actually beat it and then we would fall off but this time is the time we actually beat it anything in here oh a megalodoodle all right not built for that just yet this is more the stone so we've got our basic tools you forget that's my whistle thing I think I should probably make a little more in the uh the fighting Department oh I'm getting so heavy though yeah see that's the issue so I need to set up just a little temp base which I might honestly just get one going down right here I don't think it would hurt to have a little two by two just on the beach like right here I do I do know spinos can spawn him back there though is that something I truly want to risk I don't know it is it is something we are going to risk it will be part of the plan well I can make two nice had no idea and get you right there get you right there absolutely glorious I need a little more in the thatch department but then we'll have at least the foundation set up there we go that should be more than enough go ahead and get this next one going we will get you down I don't 100 know if it's worth putting this down here but we need something you know we can't just be walking around with nothing going on uh let's get a sleeping bag made because I know I'm gonna need that for sure when I die and I'll get those two bad boys made up all right we are off to a moderately decent start uh I'll have the door probably right there so I'll put this right here all right I keep forgetting that's not my inventory I need to not be doing that Perfection look at how great this is all right let's get another movement speed going so we can outrun stuff I'm gonna need that that I should have made a storage box actually with the next levels we'll be able to get that 100 percent oh what do we need to make more walls how many can I make seven I don't need that let's see one two three five more total Okay so let's go ahead and make there we go make sure we are in here to do this though perfect got our last two coming put the door frame right there just because that looks like the easiest way to get in and out if I'm being honest actually Perfection not bad not bad now this isn't gonna stop much from getting to me but it will be a place we can call home for now nice ah look at that that's not bad that's not bad at all if I do say so myself uh we can't make any ceilings we need more thatch and we will need one more wood could I do auto open is that a thing nope but yeah just to clarify again we have no mods going right now it is just some enhanced stats and this is as close to vanilla as I can get without making it too slow to actually make content but can I make four no what am I missing fiber yeah let me get my fiber I have enough fiber now glory be to fiber that was low on thatch again I thought I had more than enough this time I'm down horrendous boys back to my base beautiful let's get you going get you down there perfect this is about as safe as we can get all right let's get some more movement speed storage box because we're gonna need it what do I have left in the engram I can't see is it three is there anything else we need for three nothing right now let's just focus on getting this campfire made up and which we need some Flint and leave that open here we go perfect wait I am super excited to actually finally try and beat this it's definitely going to take a while because again I've done none of the boss fights I've done very little breeding my girlfriend did all the breeding every time we would play because she really enjoyed it there's gonna be a struggle for me so if you have any tips drop them down in the comments below please I will need all of them that I can get let's get this bad boy down here right next to my face what could go wrong put you in there puts you in there and get that bad boy smelting up some fire or something up some meat not smelting but cooking you know what I'm saying all right thatch and wood to get the storage box down all right beautiful we'll at least have somewhere to put our stuff now but yeah if you guys like this this play through with no mods so you know like you know kind of vanilla I know I've adjusted some of the rates but from what I understand it's just gonna take me way too long without these rate adjustments all right not looking too bad so what should our next step be we're obviously gonna need some tames I'm thinking a trike is the first team that's gonna help us get over to hey Bubba oh get you thought you had me oh oh mistakes were made my friends [ __ ] I can't even make another what do I need to make another bullet and fiber imagine literally getting outplayed Robbie hits me with this I'm done now we're good all right we making two just to be safe come here buddy go on I forgot how bad these Spears were I forgot how horrendous these Spears were all right once we get to 112 we'll be vibing I need to guess I need to get to level 10 to get the bow and the arrows that is going to be incredibly important for me I have 11. we will need that at some point right now none of this actually helps me though none of it helps too much I just need to focus on building some stuff and trying to get to level 10 because these Spears are I mean they got me down bad although we can't go get some food from our little place put you in there get you out get you on the hot bar do I really want to do that no I want to have you on nine just in case those Pego [ __ ] [ __ ] get me close thank you all right let's take a little bit explore down our Coast just a tad see what we can see I don't see anything too major down there which is good you see some dillos but again once we have the bow those won't be an issue not seeing anything we have some turtles around here which is good I think we can use the uh the carbo eggs to make decent kibble at some point again not in too much of a rush to speed through this I want to enjoy this playthrough and really you know just take my time and just see everything there is to see do all the do all the fun stuff but with that being said I won't make it too long so it's not boring for you guys I want to make sure we're making constant progress I do know we can have spinos down this way too oh let's hope not oh we have a Perry Perry my friend one thing I'm thinking about doing is getting a raft built up as soon as I can as well canned as soon as I can when can I actually do that 16 all right we got time we need two more levels uh yeah I guess we're gonna have to kill some stuff that'll be fine uh we need some wood and we'll be vibing I got four going that's the best I can do right now I keep forgetting that it's not my thing let us get rid of you I do have a slingshot actually I could try and knock out a Perry that that might not be a terrible idea cracked out of my mind got him nice yeah we'll work on killing all these little things the issue is my weight it's so low bye Bubba I'm sorry I hate to have to do it but if I don't do it something else will no we're slow already this is what I'm talking about we're down horrendous so one thing I am kind of thinking about doing is oh a little liestro is making a raft and heading in this direction over there because there's that kind of like Inlet if you will this little peninsula show you kind of on the map so that little it's over in between 50 and 60 at the uh 90 longitude line down there at the bottom that has like three Survivor notes on it which would be a really good just to crank my levels to begin with I don't have any XP multipliers it's just your base multiplier so I don't a hundred percent need it but it'll help me get basically everything I need immediately like I'll have so much stuff so many engrams I have everything I would need to unlock without having to go to the Grind it's a possibility I'm gonna think about it for a little bit longer I want you just to unlock the stuff but I'm also you know I kind of want to go through the levels a little bit it doesn't take that long to level anyway so I don't know that's a hundred percent necessary to try and cheese that already yeah see that Turtle right there that carbo we can definitely use that to make decent kibble I don't 100 know all the Kibbles either I'm gonna have to look that up but I do want to try and tame some interesting creatures you know I'm gonna need my caving creatures so a berry would be good for the ice cave I know it's a really cold cave I just don't know what we could use for that one eh so slow so very slow come on you can do it little guy hey you buddy maybe a Pteranodon wouldn't be bad either I don't know so many options I I love the start of art because you know it's the same map it's the same game but there's so many different ways to play it based on where you spawned in well actually with that being said I did spawn South Zone it's one of the easier zones again I wanted to uh I wanted to make sure I could get this this series up on its feet to start with I didn't want the first episode to be me just dying relentlessly oh is it a Bronto or a bracking whatever it is nice but yeah I didn't want to be dying a horrendous amount if I die a couple of times all fun and games but I wanted to actually be able to make some progress [Music] so right now we're just gonna try and kill a lot of this stuff if the meter hide gets to be too heavy so be it we can work with that I could make Ebola and try and knock out one of these uh Harry is what level are you 12 not doing it also my difficulty is set to six by the way so max level will be 180. if you watch any syntax uh I'm sure you're familiar with that 16 well I mean we got the bottom of the barrel over here you my Flint how dare you give me my one Flint back you Thief you didn't see that that did not just happen it's all Mr leistro what are you doing over here Bubba will you take it anything will this be our first team in the series guys could this actually be it oh man you're a level four and you need that many berries I am noun horrendous that's all right though I don't want everything to be too easy you know again I want there to be a little bit of a challenge mostly to make me suffer for y'all's enjoyment but I don't want to just Breeze through everything I don't see anything bad spawning over here that is great news but yeah so we're gonna get this bow oh there's a dildo right there you son of a [ __ ] let's get some more well wait hold on that's gonna stay in there I'm about oh you know we can do let's actually bullet oh what one okay so you gotta move that down to the other stack there we go yeah so we're going to try and get all of these spoiled it's gonna take a second but that'll be all right there we go nice so basically what I'm doing there if you haven't played this is I'm splitting them and then putting the big stack with like the high amount the high amount of spoil time remaining onto a stack that or on the one that has a lower spoil time and that will then change the entire stack spoil time to the low one so if you see right now we've got eight minutes left we bring it down put it on this we've got 17 in the sack but only a minute and a half left and then you can go and split that and now all of this meat will spoil which I will need for a Narcotics soon and I've got plenty of meat over here right now so I'm not really stressing that and I've got 29 on me or 20 I mean sorry not 29. but let's get some of that in there let's get you in there we got plenty of hide which is huge for us let's keep those in there I do want to try and get a trike very soon if I can some Flint in there as well all right in the meantime though let's get this going Let's do let's do more weight because I know I'm gonna need it too far I'm getting a little ahead of myself boom so got that got that so we need to go back and get that going immediately fiber and wood I'm gonna try and stay in here while I build all this just to be safe what do I need I need flint and I I do have a little bit of Flint on me in here we'll go ahead and get 28 of these bad boys made up nice okay so this is going to provide me a little more protection it's a little bit better than the spears because the spears can break this isn't great by any means ah 251 spoiled meat that's huge for me right now it's you in there some Fiber in there keep all my thatch on me I will just put these little guys Into the Fire here should be fine take that take that take that put you over here uh we should be solid I'll put all this wood in there too so it at least keeps making charcoal because I need charcoal for gunpowder later again that is a Down the Line type of thing not that we need to be concerned about right now but we do want to get our narcotics going as soon as we can just to make sure we can start uh knocking out animals for taming I missed down horrendous oh you're a tough little bugger there we go nice oh they're sneaking up on me there we go all right not bad solid got another level as well let's get some more of that going and what did we unlock too far again uh stimulant it's not bad per se let's get you and you learn because I'm gonna need you pretty soon another thing we're gonna need is a large chest without any mods there's not a lot of a lot of space in these chests uh oh that's called a box yeah large storage box 16. so we have a couple more levels so we get there we are currently a level 11. rip all right on the plus side though we can just kind of go around and kill a whole bunch of stuff that'll get us to levels but I want to see what we have in the area we will need to get Crystal very soon so I can get a spyglass that's going to help immensely with taming and then as soon as you good buddy you just staring at me okay we're all friends here no need to act weird I like the colors on him uh as soon as I can get a smithian forge and stuff going up I'm going to be harvesting these River Rocks and those Little Rock piles like that right there that'll be my best source of I don't know that'll be my best source of metal in this area until I can get up to like a mountain or something with an anky oh no I don't know if taming one of these would be worth this early on it definitely wouldn't be worth later on so I guess if I was gonna do it now would be the time what's the fall dude I think scared me I forgot they make such big stumps all right I'm not seeing much around here I know some dillos are on the other side over there got some dodos I don't see any large carnivore so that's a win for us hello any bad thingies around here trikes over there trikes will be solid but I'm gonna need a trap at least with the Perrys I can just bowl of them and then chase them down sorry Bubba I feel just as bad as you do arguably worse because I have to live with what I've done yeah one of them Survivor knows sounds so good right now I will I will say that I will say that but I think what we should do is come over here and try and kill this other Parry just low level one because I believe he was another level 12 or something it really wasn't good it was pretty pretty bad yeah these little rocks right here good plenty of metal though I'm not gonna waste Ebola on them there's a 16. I missed no don't go in the water calm down horrendous right now I can't hit a shot to save my life foreign s or maybe those are rocks I can't tell there's a lot of piranhas in here so I'm not going in here right now and that berries over there if he gets in the water while I'm in the water it's game over immediately we are kind of surrounded by water on both sides here which is a little oh hello buddy level 16 trilobite this is some free oil chitin okay there we go I don't remember what's the best to get them with I got a black for two black pearls from that that's actually insane what we'll take it let's go drop this off and probably just make another storage chest while I'm uh while I'm in the area we got him as soon as we can make the raft as well I'll do that because that'll give me a lot of levels on top of everything else that'll be solid I think you get like three levels or something just for making a raft but once we get to this level 20 mark will be in a good spot wait why are you running we are 104. oh you tried to trick me you guys see that how about got Bamboozled right here it's almost down horrendous another uh another thing I could do is if I really wanted I could just spam craft like foundations and stuff they're not expensive these little thatch ones they're not very expensive to do and uh they do give you a fair amount of XP that seems a little boring you know what I'm saying what do we want to get right now again probably nothing what I will do is I'll make another box which we're gonna need some wood for some wooden fiber and then I need stone for that okay okay so what are we thinking maybe right here would be a good spot for it I like the idea of it going right here yeah all that's gonna not spoil up but it'll uh actually it will spoil up yes I'm thinking put it right there I think that looks solid we have 24 spots available that I have any Narco berries on me right now no they're all going to be in here boom boom boom boom it's you out boom boom boom boom so what we can do here yes it'll be five berries per spoiled meat so having the spoiled meat is going to be huge for me because I don't know it'll be a matter of getting berries this is unfortunately the tedious way we're gonna have to do it right now but as soon as we get a Parry or ideally a trike I mean we'll be set up enough for two more narcotic and it doesn't take too much to tame one of those to be honest that's not extreme but it is a lot quicker once you get one uh one thing we can do is we can just type in Berry and then like these we don't need so we can just drop all these that that that that that solid let's get back in here put these in just so they're going it also makes you a good bit of XP doing that I will say that much all right we got to 14. we're getting close to the Raptor right there which will be big XP and our storage chest don't need any of that right now so again we're going to go ahead and hold on to it and kind of just Farm up some more of these uh these narcos because I'm gonna need them to tame anyway so it really doesn't negatively affect me to do it by hand it's giving me small amounts of XP giving me all that good jazz one thing I will do for the next episode as well I didn't realize I didn't have the floating damage numbers on so you can't see how much damage I'm doing which is very unfortunate I like seeing that personally those bad boys in there make another three these are gonna spoil in 10 seconds and we'll hang out for just a moment my metal Stone and all of the fiber I'm gonna hold on to that fiber because I know I'm gonna need it at some point so it doesn't hurt to have on my person or have in my storage another 175 absolutely beautiful get you put you put you in there does not hurt put our charcoal back in there getting this right now is going to be big I'm only at 44 I'm gonna need a lot more of it but kind of is what it is for now oh I love that you'll love to see that don't you all right I'd say we're making good progress I would love to get a tame right now but I'm not seeing anything good around me I will actually I will go check the trikes here in a second because those will be big for me honestly that would actually be a really solid first team like a Perry would be good as well don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with a Parry up front but being able to have a trike because that'll help me get to places I'm gonna have to go at some point anyway like it'll help me it'll be a while but I can throw it on a wrap and Traverse over there and go get Crystal from the cave relatively easily like it's not a super easy Journey but if I have a trike I can make that work a hundred percent 13 more you bad boys crafted up Turtle you will be my egg machine soon my friend you just don't know it this game is so atmospheric I love it so much what is that are you a piranha it must be right oh Lord let me out let me out oh a 96. that's [ __ ] terrible really but it's the best I've seen so far oh there's only one I thought there were two trikes over here somebody comment down below let me know if you saw two trikes earlier I swear I did what are you 16 that is just I mean oof that's all right though can't expect the best of the best always you know what I'm saying I'm a shake there is on this nice getting close to that uh getting close to that 16 it'll be huge so I think what we'll my ax I think what we'll do is we'll get to 16 we'll make the raft and just for now just kind of keep an eye and see if we can find anything of decent level that I want to tame and potentially do that in the next episode because I definitely don't want this to be too too long you know I want them to be digestible episodes but we're making really good progress so far for not having any Explorer notes as well like bear that in mind this is all just from what we've done which is solid I will definitely take that I might be able to get that green drop but it's in an area where I assume there would be Raptors oh actually a moss chops would be huge a Tinto Berry these things make decent eggs for early kibble as well raw Prime fish meat which do you get that from uh piranha I don't think you do actually no nevermind let's go you're glorious oh a trilobite let's go even better body blocking oh my goodness actually Unstoppable dude these things are cracked for material that's wild oh we got a one shot let's go hope your stamina will get you across here buddy oh you are you are sinking though my friend let me tell you uh my shops are actually a really good first team too this thing will be solid for me it's not gonna be the best fighter but for like Gathering stuff let me see how it is it's not the greatest but it's not terrible right yeah that's that's better than by hand for sure that's way better than by Anne oh I love it so much oh you're my best friend now what do we have we can 30 on that only eight there melee and nothing crazy look at how much fiber that thing just got for me that fast though that is wild drop all that bring them back to our little base over here oh I'm loving them you're beautiful let me know in the comments down below what you want me to name them I'm thinking Godzilla because he's kind of got that face but let me know what y'all are thinking he's such a low level too but I don't even care it's fun hey 16. what perfect timing wooden craft large storage box I'll need that eventually I'll unlock you for now because I know I'll need it nice sneaky inside here all right let's get you in there you in there you in there you in there you in there I'd have three black pearls that's actually crazy plenty of chitin as well for when I want to make cementing paste that way I don't have to go and raid the beaver dams 100 of the time oh man go ahead and throw you in here as well oh look at it oh 20. that's crazy that's so good it's so good where's this dodo celebratory dodo kill oh here we go here we go here we want them to be neutral so defend himself but not go out of his way to attack anything oh man we're making such good progress this is huge this is huge I love it I could probably get that other one I'll see if the piranha is gonna be a raw Prime fish I don't think they do but you know we can try it and see I might need like a sickle and to kill one of the uh colon colors or whatever they're called all right but that is all the time we have for this episode I know it ran a little bit longer but it is the first one so I wanted to make sure we get set up nice and well in the next episode I'm thinking we try and find a good trike I think that's that level 16 12 whatever it was I want to try to find another good trike or find a good trike at all as a matter of fact and build the raft so that way we can start exploring other parts of the island oh just got another level of beautiful timing but thank you everybody so much for watching if you enjoyed this video and you want to see the rest of this series drop a like hit that subscribe button and as always I will see you in the next one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you
Channel: Sir Lancelot
Views: 23,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Started A Full Playthrough In 2023, lets play, ep 1, episode 1, ark the island 100 days, ark how to tame pteranodon, ark the island guide, ark the island tips and tricks, ark how to tame carcharodontosaurus, lets play sims 4, ark survival evolved 100 days, ark building tips and tricks, ark how to tame argentavis, open world, playthrough, 2023
Id: TbDL5YLup0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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