Taming the New Ceratosaurus! - ARK Survival Evolved [E155]

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oh this is bad oh no no stop it make it go away oh crap I might actually lose this guy so today we have a brand new dinosaur to check out our conditions just updated and they finally have added the ceratosaurus which is a creature that I'm very surprised is not actually in Ark maybe ASA maybe arc2 who knows but this little guy sounds pretty amazing we're gonna check him out in this video but first of all we're gonna need a saddle and you unlock this thing I think it's 75 is it with the ceratosaurus yeah level 75 for one Ingram point so it's pretty expensive and then obviously the saddle requirements are kind of normal so yeah let's go ahead and get one of those crafted real quick so um they spawn in grasslands and jungle according to the mod page and uh yeah first of all we're gonna need to actually find some because let me show you uh what do I type in for this thing what is it even called again hemo yeah here we go cool so um we're gonna need some of these hemo goblin cocktails honestly my dyslexia when I first saw this I read it as hemoglobin which is probably what it should have been called but I guess it's called Goblin for some reason I'm sure there's a reason behind it anyway so this thing right here requires some ceratosaurus Venom spikes which obviously we're going to need to kill a couple ceratosauruses for and once we have this we feed it to a creature and then essentially the ceratosaurus drinks the blood of our creature and then gets drunk off of it it sounds pretty cool so I'm really excited to check it out but uh yeah guys go ahead do me a favor hit the like button if you find yourself enjoying this one really does help me out I do appreciate it and uh first of all we're gonna need to find some of them so let's go out and take a little look um I've already taken a quick look around this area here I didn't even see once so I don't know if this really counts I don't know what biome this technically is it's kind of grasslands I guess I'll take another quick look though in terms of like size I think that they're roughly around the same kind of size as a Carno maybe even just a little bit some smaller they look really cool though you should be able to see them from a distance hey quick question do you guys like free stuff great because I partnered up with gamersups and they want to give you some free stuff gamersuffs produces a wide range of zero shocker and less than one calorie flavored powders which you add to water to create a tasty drink they're available with and without caffeine but personally I need my daily caffeine so for the next 24 hours you can use my link down below and get yourself some free sample packs of gamer Subs there's absolutely no catch at all you don't have to type in any sort of payment information all you need to put in is your shipping information so they can actually send it to you this is actually how I got my first taste of gamer Subs a couple months ago and I have to say this stuff is really 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anyway that's about it let's get back to the video okay so I found some of them over here uh I don't know where that one went but I think that there's another one over in this direction maybe they're a little bit bigger than a Carno they look decently sized to be honest so oh my God look at those freaking damage numbers or whatever that is maybe those are like healing numbers not entirely sure so yeah there they are they're actually maybe like aloe sized I don't know they look pretty chunky let's see the levels on them though we had 24 and we have a level 30. let's go ahead and just kill these guys real quick they don't have a huge amount of Health oh my God whoa seriously I got that money from one no way really okay hang on a second do you harvest them off the body or are they like an apex drop I feel like they're probably a harvest thing because I shouldn't have gotten 14. oh crap I didn't mean to we just got to disable all that completely uh yeah there we go cool um the other one that died over here maybe dropped a bag is this it uh yeah ceratosaurus 13 of them Okay cool so I guess we have everything that we need that's awesome now we just need to find a good one wait how much does it cost again let's see uh um yeah it only costs 10 for one of these so maybe I don't know maybe I'll try and collect a couple more see what we can kind of uh get ourselves and then maybe just craft up a bunch of those things definitely not too hard to find considering the fact that they do that like Venom effect on the creatures that they're attacking and obviously you can see that stuff from a really good distance so yeah that is perfect makes it a lot easier especially if the creature's on a somewhat smaller size like these guys uh yeah it looks like we got more here right beside a Carno uh level 66. they're roughly around the same size I think that the ceratosaurus is a little bit chunkier there we go so we got uh seven from that how did we get what was it like 14 or something on the ground out of that bag now I'm kind of worrying that that was like a max level or something crap that is uh that's not good I um yeah no we might have ended up losing a really good level by just not getting to it fast enough although I guess at that point we wouldn't have even been able to tame it anyway because I need the uh the hemo goblin thingies I'm gonna probably end up saying hemoglobin at some point yeah it looks like I'm too fat for the stairs oh whoa I feel like I hear one yeah yeah that's totally one right there man that these things are loud level 102. all right not good but we can easily kill them here we go we got six yeah look at that effect that we have as well in venomed uh oh crap yeah I didn't get to read it fast enough oh yeah we got another one over there I just saw that little 50 damage or not damaged Health number I guess I don't even know hello yeah these guys are all over the jungle 108 again so while we look for some more I feel like it should be worth mentioning that this is actually going to be the last uh creature added to Arc editions for Ark survival evolved I do believe that he's like almost done with I think it's dinoturus uh it's kind of like almost like a giant Duck or something like that it kind of looks like that anyway I think we got another one over here uh we we have that creature coming and then we also have the Velociraptor coming well they were coming I don't believe they're coming to Ark survival evolved I believe that he's gonna hold on to those until uh ASA comes out which you know is in October so it's not really going to be too long we might end up actually getting our conditions launching with those creatures if they're ready which actually would be kind of cool uh level 30 yeah these guys are everywhere I love it I think the most exciting part about Arc editions in you know ASA is the fact that it's gonna be on Console too for you guys you guys are actually gonna be able to check out these amazing creatures and just experience what you've been seeing everybody else doing on PC for like years now so yeah I'm really excited for that honestly it is the finest creature mod out there there is nothing that even stands up to this there's a lot of really good ones but nothing really that close to this one this one is just top quality just an amazing experience out of it so yeah absolutely love it honestly it's always a treat when our conditions actually updates and it's been updating not that regularly over the last year but you know we've gotten so many amazing creatures I just keep forgetting that they're they've been in the game now technically for a couple years all right well we definitely have enough of them now so I think we're gonna have to head back and make up some of those cocktails and then after that we can continue our search for a high level while also getting more spines in the meantime I'm pretty sure I don't have any blood packs around but let me just double check before I drain myself uh yeah we do not okay cool so I'm gonna go ahead and hop into here no not that way let's see lay in the sleeping pod can I use this while I'm in here no I cannot okay cool but we can use that to heal myself afterwards so we're gonna need I think it's 15 for this thing uh yeah 50 in per and that obviously takes the 10th spikes so I don't know how many I'm gonna try and make maybe three or four just to be sure we might just need one that might be a thing but I just want to be sure so yeah let me actually quickly get the narcotic for that all right so I am going to be here for a little bit unfortunately but uh yeah maybe I'll try and go for like five of them let me have a little sleep and that's gonna start healing me nice go ahead and eat some food to help yeah it's a Pity I can't use it while I'm in here although I guess I can craft one real quick uh what how is that me consuming this item what I don't even have that okay I don't know what that was then oh there we go now we're crafting oh nice it doesn't actually spoil that's great all right we should be good to go I just need two more of these and I guess in the meantime uh why does it keep saying consumed all right sure what how does that even make any sense okay never mind let's just do one more of these and then craft four of those cool now we may only need one but you know at least I'll have extras just in case so the thing that we have to do now is we need to find one that I want to tame then after that I need to feed one of these to a creature that I want to get eaten a little bit and then uh essentially what this thing is gonna do is it's going to make the uh the creature have an effect and then once the Serato like attacks my creature it's gonna start getting drunk off of its blood and then at that point once it's drunk enough we can actually passively feed it and I do believe it is the final tier of kibble that you do need to feed so we have everything that we need to possibly do this all we got to do is find a high level and in fact I think when we do find one I might actually use the Rhino to move it which I think is probably possible all right come on hot dog let's get over there let us find a freaking ceratosaurus in terms of level I'm thinking you know obviously 180 would be great 174 is also acceptable uh 168 I will take if I can't find anything higher so yeah we'll just take a little look see which one of those we can find first and then we'll just go with it although I am on here alone and I did do a dyna wipe to promote them to spawn so I would imagine that I should probably be able to find a couple high levels if I need to just all about getting the right look like oh yeah you're definitely getting hit by something let's see yeah look at that dude that is amazing if they've you're just able to see them from Super far away because of that except oh there you are okay I was wondering where it was uh did it say level 24 terrible all right I'm gonna go ahead and kill it unfortunately my mayweng is not very good so I guess we'll do a belly flop see belly flop attack nice cool and we got 12 spikes from that one so it's very random I think let's take a little look over in this area although I don't want to go too close to where the gigas can spawn because that would just not be a fun time yeah got another one here oh what the hell seriously bro freaking microraptors God damn it uh that's annoying yeah just break my armor a little bit how long am I gonna be stunned for yay thank you Jesus dude get out of here turd I hate my crafter so much like with a passion I wish they never existed oh hello you are pretty please be a high level um where did that one even go there it is uh level 60 not good definitely does seem like there's quite a few in this area so I think I'm gonna pull out mystique and hopefully we should be able to do this oh are you serious why okay uh let's see what you guys if you want to neutral are you gonna yeah go ahead and attack these guys for me thank you very much yeah thanks Misty thanks that's great get away oh man I can't even just have a normal video without getting attacked by Minecraft Raptors I swear it's like a it's a constant thing oh yeah I see you up there what level might you be not good wow we keep finding really bad ones but all this bad luck means that hopefully I'm about to run into a high level because good luck has got to come for me eventually is there one behind me there what the hell was that damage number was that that delayed or something that's confusing I definitely think that if you are just going out trying to tame these guys in the wild you might actually need to trap them or net them or something because they they just seem to be going for everything are you serious bruh why third time's the charm eh yeah I know I should be wearing a Sinnoh or a microraptor just something make them stop but I I don't I don't have any of those things with me also that's an alpha I just realized hey there we go thank you mistake I see more of them around here yeah I can tell you right now as soon as I find one I'm I'm not gonna tame it here I'm gonna bring it somewhere different oh there we go nice please be a good one oh you're surrounded by stegos bro wait where even are you I think he's dead already yeah no he's dead what level were you wanna wait okay I don't feel too bad how hurt is my armor yeah not too hurt we're okay and hello all that we're scary level 24. 15 spikes nice that Roar is very very scary I like it I like it a lot no no I see you my Crafters I'm not gonna fall for it where did you go okay I'm just gonna run I don't want to be here 174 whoa and why is it slowly approaching me like that I like it that's really cool they kind of like stalk you I guess that's awesome uh there's a free egg here as well I don't know what I'm more excited about is it the ceratosaurus or is it the egg all right well oh my God the freaking diplish to me why why oh we gotta get off of me uh I just I wanted to say I was gonna move this thing but I can't I can't get to it now yeah let me get away I want that egg as well all right can I okay perfect yeah this is exactly what I want to do just hop off away from it but that's Diplo apparently chose you know to make me have violence I guess all right we should be able to do this so there we go nice okay uh unfortunately I'm getting eaten just a little bit but that's fine oh it might be I mean we've got a lot of health so we should be okay I also don't know where I'm bringing this thing so I guess just over here love how he's able to like do the Spin Attack in my uh my claws I guess very confusing okay so I think I have a spot I can do this at and it's right over here it should be loading in this is the what did I call it containment Facility Delta I believe this is where I got the um an indominus Rex I hatched it out in here it was a whole big thing but I think I should be able to leave you in here for the moment nice okay cool oh wow you uh yeah you did some decent damage to my guy here congrats all right bro there you go uh did we just feed that then all right let me actually get down there first and oh we also gotta make sure you're on passive uh passive there we go boom and we should be okay nice we have that for a little bit and great I just jumped all the way off and flew all the way in here now I have no way of getting out there uh God damn it can I do that there we go nice okay we fixed it we're good I want to actually be down there but I guess not so yeah we just we just let it eat our creature for a little bit and then we should be good to go oh my God he is absolutely shredding my dude really he did like did like a couple hundred damage there a second ago now he's okay oh he must have been hitting a structure no uh it's okay okay well he's 10 drunk so that's cool we just gotta wait for that to get to 100 and then we'll be golden we could just do it 13 nice right crispy bacon how are you doing I assume you're doing okay you had 40 000 health and it doesn't really look like it's dealing that much so yeah we might be able to do this here okay I think the cocktail's worn off completely so I'm gonna have to do that and quickly just get up here do another one I'm glad that I made more than one how are you doing crispy bacon uh yeah barely even heard it all cool obviously we have a good saddle on there let's see yeah 120 armor it's pretty decent to be honest uh let's do that boom and then just gotta Chuck you down there for the feed let's not fly way off the edge this time there we go come on bro you just gotta get to it but there you go nice he's gonna break my camera watch this and rip camera oh he dropped in his um yeah his his like drunkness or whatever dropped I guess he got sober it's all good though we should be able to do this and I've got like three more in case just you know we'll be fine yeah all in all just judging by how this taming method works I would probably recommend trapping it or moving it to a trap yeah I mean like trying to do something like this out in the wild you could just run into so many issues I mean it could just start attacking other things or get killed and they don't have that much health anyway so definitely would recommend it one percent off the funny number okay just not fair crispy bacon how you doing you all good yeah you're good you and your alcoholic blood now one thing I'm kind of curious about is is it gonna start like stumbling a little bit when it gets close to 100 or what's gonna happen like I haven't seen this before so it's gonna be pretty interesting I feel like it's probably just gonna make the switch at 100 though okay 97 we're so close here the next uh time that pops up we should be 100 okay oh look it up he's freaking locked oh man look at you let me feed you let me give you some there you go yeah there you go nice some greasy food some greasy kibble for you look at him look at this dude oh that's great so it doesn't look like it gets sober at all in this mode I hope that it doesn't because that would make this all so much more uh painful but yeah I mean not painful for me painful for you crispy bacon you're probably okay though how long is that Gonna Last yeah 13 seconds basically uh out all right so I I guess yeah we just gotta passively feed it now um usually the second feed takes ages to come in so I don't know how long we're gonna be here for but yeah top tier of kibble best thing to feed them uh little server save going on right there we're all good definitely a very um intense taming method though you know there's a lot that goes into that you gotta hunt them down you gotta make their special item you gotta hunt down one that you wanna tame get it to beat something up to get drunk and then passively feed it so there's a lot there for sure I can't feed you there we go cool look at him he just he wants chipper at like 3am I've been there bro oh I've been there yeah 174 is pretty amazing obviously this is just one eventually I want to try and actually do some breeding and maybe see if they're viable for boss fights that could be cool but just for today we'll probably only tame this one because I'm definitely gonna need to get myself a desmotis to easily get a bunch of blood and then from there I can just you know tame a crapload of these things you know it's probably also possible to actually have multiple creatures eating the same creature that has the cocktail enabled I feel like that definitely should be a thing right yeah I definitely you could do that okay cool so maybe maybe the best idea if you find multiples of like high levels or whatever if you just want to tame them just go ahead and have one really tanky creature pop that in the middle of a bunch of these guys and then just let them have a Feeding Frenzy and then just sober them up with some nice delicious kibble hey there we go nice last feed in um I actually don't know what to call you uh uh yeah probably Sarah I don't know if I actually want to name it all right let's see let's go ahead and pop that on and just in general let me actually check out your stat points oh would you look at that that is kind of nice actually for some reason it doesn't use movement speed stats so that means that uh it's essentially kind of using the same stuff as like a flyer so usually with Flyers you can easily get like up to 50 points in a stat because of the fact that there's only six stats instead of the usual seven so that's pretty amazing just in general though its stats are fairly average for what it is uh but they're pretty decent to be honest um but yeah let's actually take a look at the proper numbers um stamina is really good for some reason on a lot of our conditions creatures they always have like a lot of stamina even if their points aren't super high although 47 points is pretty good and then obviously health is not super high but then again for a creature of this size it's it's kind of normal I would think so yeah let's check this thing out maybe not against those guys there so um you can really like you can see something down at the bottom there let's just check this out real quick so this is the running speed I believe we're gonna get a Boost after like 75 but you can see it's slowly getting faster and faster let's see oh there we go yeah we're we're super fast in 75 uh percent and above and we stop when we hit things like that unfortunately when we do get to above 75 we should start actually knocking down some things although I was told that it might be a little bit glitchy on servers which is where I usually make my videos so it might not work yeah we're getting stopped that's unfortunately just a weird glitch to do with desync and servers and yeah obviously there's no way to like fix that unfortunately but in single player it should work flawlessly and run right through things so I guess if you're playing on a server just be a little bit cautious I want to test this out as well considering we're running there we go when you stop it kind of doesn't take you to an immediate stop which I like a lot because there's a lot of really fast creatures in Arc and when you take your your fingers off of the keyboard or off your controller you just stopped dead so I like that the little like skid afterwards is great oh that's dope and I'm sure you can kind of like here let me see can we like drift with this or something I wanted to see if this is possible let me uh do some running over here I don't want to run into those dinatherium so that would be one thing that probably would be terrible so let's get to like 100 and we're gonna let go and kind of turn okay be cool if then you could pick up from your same speed but I don't know how well that would work it's just kind of like an Andrew circus in that way if you could do that so um yeah anyway what can you do with this creature well it's left click is a bite which I believe has a couple different variations in the animation let's see let's see yeah we got a couple there oh yeah it comes from the side and occasionally from the middle like that pretty cool looking you can also like do the um the quick turn oh that's dope yeah you can do that just like the um the dinosaurs as well and I think Asarco can do that too right or am I mistaken I feel like I might be mistaken I don't even know but that's amazing so if there's something on your butt you can ease you just turn around and just smack it and uh yeah you're not gonna have any issues easy turning is always a really nice thing for decent sized carnivores for sure uh right click is the horn attack let's see let me test this out real quick let's go ahead and do that to the little sheep and we do seem to have actually inflicted in the um the Venom attack oh there we go it's that extra Health that we're getting I feel like I'm gonna need to take some damage here let's uh let's just eat this little sheep so left click doesn't inflict the Venom but right click does but not when it's dead of course uh yeah let me go over here and fight this Bronto see if you can take this guy down really quick here we go come on bro all right so once I start taking up some damage we should see healing come in 57 okay did I get healed by that amount or how does that work let's see we're like slowly healing um he's hurting me a bunch there by trampling let me just hit him with another one of these is it gonna pop up when I think it probably did there it's kind of hard to spot um but it definitely looked like it came up by around 60 I think is what it said right I think that went through it's definitely hard to like watch the numbers and then also watch this guy as well but um yeah just in general not super op like a lot of creatures oh wow that tailspin attack is cool oh yeah we can just like spam right click we're either gonna do the horn or the tail spin nice okay let me just do a couple of these then obviously right click is what you want to be doing just you know based on the fact that you're going to be able to inflict the Venom it doesn't seem to want to go back down there we go okay cool uh so yeah it goes on occasionally and that that Venom is coming from the little uh spikes on it the little spines on it so um yeah that's pretty cool definitely not super great right now at taking down big beefy creatures like a Bronto but I mean if we're able to heal off of them that definitely makes it really really useful probably pretty useful for Boss Battles I would say so I I say you know what at some point we definitely need to test that out they're viable let me test out this little turn nice we could just go ahead and do this oh that's dope I love that a lot it would be kind of nice if it had the recoil as well so if like creatures hit you they would get that uh that theme like Venom on them I don't know if it does or not to be honest because like left click just put it in there maybe it does I don't know if the mod page says that don't hurt to like understand exactly what's happening because it's like my first time using this guy so you can actually combine the running uh with a horn attack and supposedly it's gonna do extra damage so let's see uh I gotta time this well let's aim for that Anki so I'm gonna come right up to it and then boom okay did I do that correctly or did I because it didn't look like it did any extra damage maybe it just stays on it for longer no oh hang on a second no you gotta hold right click okay I'm gonna try to maybe hit this Diplo with it I don't really know I'm holding down right click I'm not sure if it's working oh there we go okay so you can also slide as well my bad I accidentally let go shift that's pretty crazy actually hang on let me try that again oh we got down ethereum now if you hold right click while above I'm also trying to read and and direct this guy well above 75 speed or right click from a slide after reaching 75 speed uh we'll perform a massive uh horn thrust attack so I think if I just if I hold it then it should surely work then right let's see oh okay yeah there we go so as soon as I hold it it's gonna immediately perform it if we're already above there okay my bad let's uh let's try and time this pretty well then I want to hit these guys here okay and boom okay pretty good I mean like obviously against God ethereum probably not the best oh this is bad no no stop it make it go away oh crap I might actually lose the guy run run run oh we're okay we're okay we're okay everything's fine dining ethereum or not to be messed with I I love them they're really cool creatures but God damn there's too many of them around and they are too powerful let me try this again boom hey okay we absolutely obliterated that power source so pretty good I mean I haven't pumped anything in here as well so these damage numbers are are really good for just a straight obtain hello go away oh crap all right let me uh let me go down here you guys fight that rock Elemental maybe yeah I'm just I'm gonna I'm gonna peace out are we fast at swimming I wonder also I retain my running there when I was in the air we took a lot of fall damage though I thought I would take you know no fall damage because of the water but I guess not all right let me aim for something here I'm gonna aim for these guys boom hey nice okay let's see if we can heal ourselves because I'm really hurt after that little fall there we go we got healed from the little um the little kind of green particles around me just there you can see that that basically is when the healing came in here we go nice so we got healed by 56. so that's pretty cool I really like that um let's see try and get some more kills here I wonder maybe if you were like fighting a big army of like a lot of little creatures I'm sure that this guy would be perfect for that so maybe like caving with it actually could be really good let's see uh Health goes up by not a huge amount so I think maybe I'll just try and get that up to like 10K and now I don't have any more levels I should have probably pumped all of those oh the animations great I should have pumped all of those uh levels straight into its um melee that would have made sense but sometimes I just don't make sense with what I do all right let me hit these Raptors then boom yes okay cool come on bro yeah ruined how do I I want to do the um I want to do the uh what do you call it like the tail spin I don't know is there like a way to trigger that okay there we go if I look behind me oh it turns me around as well oh I didn't even realize that wait does it do that with the horn no it just just spin for that oh that's dope I like that a lot it's getting a little horny in here that sounds wrong uh okay I guess we can't do it to the dodex for some reason come on bro give me your blood I want all of it yeah we're definitely healing a little bit here the healing itself is not as fast as I thought it might be but pretty good otherwise wise I mean like yeah very impressive creature I am super hyped that these things are finally in the mod and uh of course you know this is the final creature for um our conditions and Ark survival evolved so it's a real big thing on honestly he did not he did not disappoint with the final creature this guy is dope but of course there will be more our conditions for ASA so you know it's not dead forever just taking a little bit of a break waiting for the new game to come out and I cannot wait to see these creatures and ue5 on ASA and oh it's gonna be so cool all right well we definitely can't leave it without going ahead and eating a bunch of baby gigas to level this thing up to pretty much Max I would assume uh let's see oh I'm also gonna need an aircon crap let there be baby gigas here we go oh yeah all right let's just wait for them to come in this might get a bit chaotic because I didn't do this in my usual spot oh crap we're not dealing enough damage come on quick oh they're getting away luckily we're fast we're gonna be able to catch up to them let's do some of this yeah that's right babies give me your blood come on all right we are healing off of everybody so that kind of answers it you know if you're if you're wanting to use this thing to its full potential fight a crapload of creatures at the same time you know maybe not so good for taking out one target taking out lots of targets for sure uh although I haven't taken out a single baby Giga so we might I don't know we might need some help they are getting away and I don't like it I need to just focus on single ones come on this one's almost dead okay sweet now that we've got one kill I'm gonna give it a second so the levels Will Roll in and come on let me get this other kill nice okay I should be able to hunt down the rest of them levels still haven't rolled in fully uh there we go nice 37 so I'm just gonna pump all that into melee okay a bunch of levels into there love that animation by the way oh here I completely forgot to show you here's the Roar how cool is that right I love it oh my God I mean they sounded really good out in the wild so it's uh I don't know it's really nice actually having that roar I love just the fact that there's like a cosmetic Roar on every single creature from our conditions it's just a nice little cherry on top like some creatures and Arc just don't have Roars which is really annoying so oh should I try it yeah I think I definitely need to let's get the furthest away ones here come on almost there boom yes get ruined stupid little baby Giga that's what you get all right well we're just gonna let these babies go free for the moment I want to actually see if we can kill maybe like a Rex or something because there's there's gotta be a wrecks around here I mean like this area here is fantastic and this is exactly why I based here the whole field is usually just filled with so many creatures to fight I mean you can see them all here we got brontos we got diplos we got Don ethereums most of the time we have rectus we always seem to have denonicus and I missed that attack completely on them oh no okay I can outrun them that's good I mean if they were constantly hitting me while I was trying to get into my speed boost that would not be a good time let's see let's turn around oh okay I thought I was gonna Collide for that dodec and let's try and do this boom yes did a thousand damage there not bad I mean you know unmutated like it's fairly level though I don't know they're definitely not made to be just absolutely beasts in terms of you know like other creatures in our like a bigger dinosaurs you can usually get crazy damage numbers out of them I don't really see that going for these guys but for sure that whole healing effect is uh definitely gonna be a nice little cherry on top for them honestly I'm kind of thinking maybe orbitals have eye drops I don't know I don't know how good they'd be able to stand up against them considering their health isn't as good but I don't know I feel like we could probably give it a go at some point so if I managed to make super mutated versions of these guys eventually I guess expect me to try them out on an orbital supply drop all right let's get in here boom yes oh man okay I look like I did 1600 damage but I don't think I did oh can we can we get some kills in here oh my God okay they are hurting me a little bit just a lot of it actually yeah yeah this is really hurting oh no come on yeah definitely not able to stand up against these guys come on at least if we need to get away I can just like do this and then we're already turned around and I think they had hit me there and I was kind of in the air and I turned in the air and that looks really cool I like that a lot um we just try and get some more hits in here try and like siphon off some more blood from everybody come on yeah we're getting a little bit I mean like lots of those purple numbers coming in the pinky purple numbers is a good sign but obviously you know fighting like some big targets like this is it's not gonna be great come on there we go oh okay we killed like a bunch of them at the same time there we're doing it we're getting there come on down ethereums we can kill you I know we can oh my God they're really hurting me oh I don't like it come on stop it ow God damn it dude these things are so insane did you just honestly heal oh man okay that's not that's not good um let's get that in let me start healing as well yeah he healed because he ate the dead body unfortunately I don't get that exact same privilege um looks like we're doing I think yeah we're getting more healing I think that they're the amount that you heal from something is based off of the total health of the creature or something I I would imagine so I think it says something like that in the mod page I just don't have it open right now I want to hit these guys over here with my Max uh horn attack thingy here we go come on um yes oh my God I just absolutely like launched that guy with the freaking orbit over there oh yeah and look at that oh my God wait hang on a second so even if you like knocked creatures off a cliff or something you'd still get the heals from them that's dope by the way size wise I didn't realize how big they actually were they're basically you know they're very similar in size to an aloe you know um definitely a little bit chunkier in certain areas but not in all areas so yeah well anyway guys I think that's probably gonna be it for today that is the ceratosaurus if you liked this video go ahead do me a favor hit the like button um if you're not subscribed already go ahead and do that as well and uh yeah I will catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Syntac
Views: 229,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival, ark survival evolved, syntac ark, ark letsplay, dinosaur, dinosaurs, dino, ark rhynio, ark rhyniognatha, ark acro, ark acrocanthosaurus, ark additions acro, ark ceratosaurus, ark ceratosaurus taming, ark cerato, ark ceratosaurus ark additions, how to tame ceratosaurus, ark new creatures
Id: R9odQj8b4OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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