I Spent 100 Days on Fjordur... here's what Happened...

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imagine waking up on a mysterious Beach surrounded by Icy Wilderness what would you do take shelter and pray for rescue or summon the courage to embark on an extraordinary Quest brace yourself as I face the ultimate Challenge 100 days in the perilous realm of fjordor and this Frozen expanse where snow dinosaurs and danger lurk every corner witness my journey to not just survive but Thrive will I defy the odds and etch my name into history or will I succumb to the Relentless forces of nature don't miss a single moment as I test my limits and Chase immortality in this epic battle against time welcome back my glamorous people if this video gets to 1 000 likes I'll give my dog a piece of cheese and post it to my Twitter if this video gets to a hundred thousand views and a thousand likes I'll give her half a block of cheese my dog really likes cheese so go ahead and hit that like button now without further Ado let's begin my tale began like any other day one I washed up on the beach and took a moment to admire my new Alpha implant when I heard a pitter-patter of raptor feet ah yes the locals welcomed me with open arms and Jaws and I died day one was not looking so great I washed up on the beach in a new hopefully safer location and once again took a moment to bask in the glory of me being an alpha but there's deodon wanted to give me a reality check and reminded me that I'm not the alpha anymore I ran away and managed to lose a salivating sow and began my Ascent up the Switchback the beach had offered me very little respite and I could hear the deodon squabbling amongst themselves about how they wanted to eat me as I slipped further away as I headed up the trail I started Gathering resources to give me a head start on survival and hopefully some weapons to defend myself I'd managed to find some Stone on the path and this Pego stole it right away all right I'm not gonna argue further up the way I had stumbled upon a curious floating rock that had carvings on its surface and I reached out it had vanished and I felt quite rejuvenated I knew right away that these Stones held some awesome yet suspicious power I kept a sharp eye out for any more on my travels they could be very important I walked for what felt like hours my feet were sore and my back hurt but thankfully another strange Stone lamp ahead I grabbed it and once again felt my second wind I noticed a small monkey wandering around and decided to offer her some berries in return for guidance maybe she knew some directions I gathered what I could from the nearby brush and fashioned a set of clothes to make myself decent for her acquaintance she was hesitant at first but over time and a few berries later she became my first friend she didn't talk much like at all actually it was fine I wasn't feeling very chatty anyway further up the path we encountered a little compy most of you are familiar by now my 100 days playthrough said I am not a nice person an arc hopefully and I do what is necessary for self-preservation or to further my own goals so I hit it with this pickaxe and then another showed up in another and before I knew it and before I could apologize I was surrounded by a pack of angry and hungry copies so I decided to lay the smackdown and I accidentally hit this Packy and it was having none of my nonsense so I turned and ran I thought I gave him the slip and started mining this rock to make an ax so I could chop a tree down for some wood to make a spear to better defend myself after playing cat and mouse with this pack of copies playtime was over and I started laying down the law I killed some dinos for meat and hide on my travels and I kept my eyes peeled for any tames that could help me in my journey and unfortunately none fit the bill quite yet during the end of the day I found myself on another beach with a lot of shipwrecks maybe there were other people here too I hit a crate with my stone tools and was rewarded with metal ones seems like a fair trade to me the gods were merciful I'd need to find civilization if I were to survive there another Rune as the sun set below the Horizon and made a campfire to cook some meat to satiate my Hunger but was assailed by this Tech Raptor and put it down and I ate an uneasy dinner it made 4 torches with materials that I had scavenged in the area to keep the grounded light as I waited for the dawn the Knight had brought more adversity than I had anticipated I relaxed for just one second and I'm already in the Gaze of a hungry Predator I took my new metal Pike and tested it against this little beastie's hide after basking and Glory I took a moment to look at my inventory when all of a sudden oh yeah akano somehow managed to sneak up on me you know it's only four thousand pounds I dropped my belongings and made a Brig for water I had almost died and out of fear I swam for the safety of this small rock but Carno swam in the shallows like a giant meat-eating submarine oh no he wasn't done with me yet and began swimming over to me and I begged the strike for Sanctuary but I got none the trike in the Carno had began fighting each other and all I could do was just watch helplessly time for me to go I wanted to tame that Carno it would be a valuable asset on my journey and I began making a trap with what little tools I had left I opted into making it from Stone I was still shaking from the night before and I didn't trust the sturdiness of wood I made the Trap and hurled insults at the Carno you go forward and gave Chase I led him into the trap with some minor negotiation he really was on my heels when I get out of here I'll pick my teeth with your bones he screamed I readied my crossbow and said welcome to the party pal I'm not very good at one-liners but I did knock him out and I took care of some of the pests in the area for their meat before long Dozer the carnal Bruiser had seen my perspective I apologize for what I said earlier I just needed to get his attention that's the only way I knew how water under the bridge Dozer responded he was surprisingly quite reasonable a Carno really wow this really was indeed a Strange Land after saddling up Dozer he and I were ready to cause some Mayhem we took out this Pera that got a little too nosy like a typical HOA no bones about it Dozer was looking mighty spooky in this new skin that I was rewarded after defeating the Overseer in my last 100 days but enough about that Dozer and I had a very important Mission today I needed Crystal to make the coveted spy glass and together with Chica the monkey in tow we sallied forth to find some mineral deposits little did I know I would end up going on a very wild adventure we searched for what seemed like ours we didn't find any Crystal we fought many battles and Dozer was in pretty rough shape we took a moment to have some lunch and after we were all replenished our journey continued we stumbled upon a huge fight between all these trikes at an alpha Raptor best not to linger my money's on the alpha Raptor and Dozer wasn't anywhere near ready for that kind of fight he found this little yellow fellow on our travels and offered him a berry with the light he joined us but he was kind of slow so I left him behind I'm so sorry mustard we ended up in a small village and after looking around I found some vegetables that would make for a great on the road snack and I was running low on meat eventually we made our way across the mountains and into this Valley I saw an Equus that I wanted to tame and they were great travel mounts and they also doubled as a walking mortar and pestle I didn't know this at the time but it was a unicorn I was in Discord with a friend at the time and she told me that I couldn't bury tame it so I had to prove her wrong The Taming went all the way into the night and it was very quiet and things are going well until I saw damage numbers Dozer let out a cry and then silence out of fear I stayed on this unicorn for safety until the sun rose the Unicorn was almost tamed and I wouldn't let dozer's sacrifice be in vain everything was aligning ever so perfectly until this dialo it had bitten the unicorn and reset her progress to zero all right carrots it is my friend won her little wager and I don't want to sit here again for another hour and suffer like this second time's the charm and my new unicorn opened the way for so many possibilities she said her name was ixion and we became Fast Friends [Music] ah after running around looking for Crystal we once again came up empty-handed Knight had fallen and it needed meat for the journey ahead I found this turtle that looked like a really good candidate when all of a sudden two deodon ambushed ixion and myself we fought and I pushed her a little bit too hard unfortunately our lives were on the line and She fainted from exhaustion so I grabbed my Spear and readied for a fight I would defend Dixon until she woke up or die trying all I could see in the darkness were the ripples of the Dead on healing Aura and then one came after me and when all hope seemed lost ixion woke up and we began fighting as one once more the deodon began his retreat and we gave Chase we knocked him out on the beach and this deodon may be able to redeem himself if he helped us on her journey it was either that or be turned into bacon when he came to I gave him the ultimatum he wasn't too keen on being breakfast and he agreed to help us as a gesture of Goodwill he began healing ixion's wounds and apologized profusely he said that he retaliated because we stepped on a truffle that he wanted to share with his friend he said it was the best and tastiest looking truffle he had ever seen I gave him the benefit of the doubt and I continued on my quest for Crystal I kept a nervous eye on him I asked him for his name and he said it was basil an interesting name for an interesting fellow ixion still didn't trust him at all which is completely reasonable our path was blocked by another Carno ixion and I charged him headfirst expecting basil to turn coat but he didn't and he began healing us the three of us working together managed to bring this car note down and through some persuasion and a gift of meat we convinced him to join us on our Quest when the Carno awoke I asked what do I call you stranger he honked the words Bullseye and name that hits the Mark I thought to myself we walked onwards searching the land for Crystal and still found none but I was granted a serious Boon by finding this shipwreck and I took advantage and searched amongst the float sign for more tools after Scavenging what we could we left for Inland we stopped for a moment this androsarcus attacked Dazzle and Bullseye jumped into The Fray to defend ixion and myself Bullseye unfortunately fell to the Rabid Pig left with little option aseon and I ran basil was crippled on the beach we couldn't just leave him there so we doubled back to basil and with great effort we killed this Andrew Sarkis ixion and basil thank each other and we took a moment to breathe and recuperate before moving on after traveling through the night we encountered a raptor that coily taunted us as we traveled she never left the shadows and she never attacked yet she would mock us and jeer if I didn't know any better her pack was lurking close by somewhere and sure enough an alpha Carno blocked our path he demanded I give up ixion and he may yet spare my life if he was in a good mood Over My Dead Body I shouted he grinned wide and his eyes gleamed as you wish he and his cronies charged us we fought as best we could he gave the order eat them all the Raptor was the first one to be devoured basil was next but this Mammoth defended him basil still buzzed with adrenaline attacked the mammoth by mistake the mammoth fought us until the very end they would not listen to reason we managed to evade The Brute after he became distracted by more tantalizing morsels Haggard and bloody he pressed on to find crystal I was about to lose hope and give up on my quest but there in the distance like a shimmering green Beacon their placed upon some hexagama rocks the precious resource that I had so perilously sought days prior I was overjoyed and I swam across Frozen Waters I mind as much as we could carry completely elated at our small victory here I decided to make a new camp I had the resources that I needed and it seemed to be safe ish so I laid down the foundations made a forge and a Smithy from the tech dinos we had vanquished along the way basil and ixion were resting quite comfortably it did my heart good to see such a sight I crafted ixion and Basil's Saddles so they'd have better protection from danger I began farming meat to make narcos so I could tame it Pteranodon and become skybound I found one and started kicking it with ixion and of course it fled and it ran right to the path of the Brute from earlier ixion and I tried to fight but he was way too much for us we fled and he gave Chase he was very very fast for his size he managed to evade him again because he started attacking Penguins but he had lost him for a moment and he sunk beneath ice and we left him to his fate basil began tending our wounds once again and after a few hours of rest this Pteranodon landed near our camp I acted quick with my Bola and ixion made him quite punch drunk basil helped with this Diplo for his prime meat before long Ridley joined our merry band of Misfits on day seven I began farming the materials necessary to build a taming trap I wanted to move across the water and establish my base somewhere on the mainland so I was keeping an eye out for an argentavis but Lo did I find something even better than that a 145 snow owl looking fresh and ready to be tamed I used Ridley as bait and slowly began leading the zygodactyl-footed friend to my stone trap it took a bit of coaxing this practically was a Crossland flight but we managed I lured him into the Trap and oh yeah in truest of Glam fashion they made the bars too big and he flew right out left with little options I mounted Dixie on and began bucking at him until he flew away from high torpor well here we go after spending the better half of the day chasing him down Landing shooting and Landing again he finally knocked out But Here Comes This random argentavis ruining my taming Effectiveness let me break character for just a sec by saying that this made me so uncontrollably mad I chased this owl for so long and was this argentavis that you guys have no idea just how crazy this made me oh okay okay I'm composed I'm composed I took great Delight in putting this thing into the dirt oh yes I used some RG meat and tamed hail the snow owl we flew back to camp and I used the last of my chitin to make him a saddle hail wasn't really a chatterbox it was very precise and stoic a very no-nonsense kind of vowel but what he excelled at and was gathering organic polymer and laying waste to these penguins after smelting some metal and Gathering the resources necessary we flew over to the blue Obelisk to make cryopods I cried up the team and waited for the dawn as the sun rose Hale and I took to the sky looking for our new forever home [Music] I flew all day but nothing felt quite right but this area by the lake seemed really nice it was Central and next to some metal and water just over the ridge there was an abundance of Crystal this area was very perfect for my needs I played it safe in my last 100 Days by living at the Hidden Lake but this time oh no this time I figured I'd get more bang for my buck by living closer to the danger it would definitely keep me on my toes we landed and I began on crying everyone to begin the long day ahead of us first I dealt with the locals I'd use their meat and hide to keep us fed and clothed for the next few days I gotta say basil was really tanky for a little guy after ridding the area of the prairie animals ixion and I did some Landscaping I made some new clothes and we all shared a moment together under the Warm Morning Sun hail however was such a stick in the mud he really was a serious guy like all the time he never laughed he never smiled he just stood there stared but I didn't let it ruin the mood today was a day of Celebration and it would Mark the day for the rest of the days to come the founding of the chapel of Glam my Dojo I began harvesting resources from around the area then began the long process of building the Temple as night fell I cried up the squad and went drop farming with hail for the rest of the night I got a really nice ascended crossbow from a drop I continued the construction until the sun set and finished off the day by receiving the Slants from a yellow drop to Arms Squires defend thee from thoust grinning dragon have at the vile Beast Know Thy Lance and tremble under its heft wow this thing kind of sucks I had just finished building the roof of my house when I heard a loud stomping from outside this Carno just saw it upon himself to enter how dare you I do not tolerate uninvited guests at least give a courtesy call this Diplo was being quite nosy as a neighbor and he got his comeuppance all right anyone else no I didn't think so I had noticed this peculiar acting piscavor walking on the shore next to my house and decided to scope it out wow look at that I think you all know what comes next they began bucking her with ixion to save on some precious tranq arrows she ran away and of course I chased I narrowly managed to dodge this cap row just barely oops I don't know what happened he just jumped at me and then he kind of turned into hamburger must have slipped where was I all right the berry she got stuck against the wall and I committed an unspeakable act no not that what's wrong with you I just wandered her closer to my house so I tied her up and dragged her to my front door all right all right I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that time that one did sound weird but you know what just never mind I tamed the berry and I couldn't think of a name at the time so I just kind of left it as the default later that night Hale and I went loot hunting once again check out these gloves pretty nice huh these are the young creeper if I ever saw them thanks all father the next day I found an absolutely perfect 150 Theory wandering the hills beyond my house I made a mental note over location and I flew home with expedience to make some narcos I needed the potential for Boss dinos and a 150 would be the best start a guy could ever ask for I made a lot of tranqueros but I'd save most of them for a rainy day Axion was really good at knocking out dinos for their kicks and we were on a serious Aero budget you know this was working surprisingly well all things considering although I did sweat a little when she'd slap and my health would drop in huge chunks but we got it sorted I didn't have a whole lot to do so Hale and I went swooping ring explored the map a little more dude is that Helms Deep the fall of Man begins now okay I'll admit it I'm having a great time playing fjordor it Sparks a light in my heart that I haven't felt in many Winters after a while of berry taming this Theory she woke up her stats were pretty Neato if I do say so myself I potted her up swooped home and let my other team stretch their legs as well I had a nice little army under my command don't you think the fairy needed a name her colors were almost like Fusion Suit Samus in my mind so I named her Samus hmm Baryonyx this one stumped me for a bit abusing the berry for ocean exploration I thought about Pirates of the Caribbean Caribbean pirates hey get out of here you I'm having a moment stupid PT anyway I named the Baryonyx Calypso gotta load of this guy or gal see ya in a while early Cretaceous crocodile after taking care of the filler content I noticed this 140 frog she was hip-hopping along and I decided to hop into action and knock her out look this is the most exciting stuff that happened today okay you could watch me build more isn't this cool check it out here it is baby the chapel of Glam my custom made built by my hands Blood Sweat and grit please ignore the fact that I fell into the water while trying to do a walk around thank you what do you mean it's a basic design yes I do like my pumpkin spice latte as well thank you very much now that I was properly established I decided now would be a great time to finish my home with the basic starting Necessities such as forges in a Smithy I made Samus a saddle and is she Jazz handsome what silly anyway this 145 of argentavis literally delivered itself onto my doorstep practically begging to be tamed I didn't have any arrows on me at the time and I was too lazy to literally walk 30 feet and just go grab some so I went for over reliable after giving this argentavis some brain trauma I'm really certain that kicking animals in the head can't be good I chased her down to see what direction she was flying in and I ran back home to fetch some crank arrows I I should have just grabbed them while I was there I I don't know I don't know why I do the things that I do I use the trunk I was to finish the job look okay I know that it looks like I'm a super sniping Legend but between you and me I just edit out all the arrows that miss it makes me look really cool I needed prime meat because this big bird wasn't going to tame itself so I took Samus out for a spin and then I slapped this Gator around for looking at me funny yes friends the new turbo Ginsu it slices it dices and makes french fries in three different they're already teamed up I didn't name her unfortunately I'd need cementing paste in my near future so today I decided that I would be proactive and burgle some from the local Beaver population in spirit of vikingdom what's theirs is now mine XD the only problem is these beavers were not to be taken lightly but I'd be in and out before the Beavers could become angry at the time I didn't know that you had to like actually swim inside the dam to loot it but uh I got it figured out I reached my hand into the cookie jar and ran Smash and grab I don't know exactly how or why I dismounted hail but I wasn't quite the pickle now uh oh go ixion save me I almost died I looted the other beaver dams and got the heck out of there on my way home I saw some dinosaur Rex and the light bulb went off in my head and the gears started to turn knee take egg me Ray Zig me kill Dragon boss easy genius but before I could steal some eggs like a little pesky Thief I need to lure the parents away I led them one by one into the lake ah 130 egg nice oh my goodness gracious look at this egg doing um an alpha Rex no not now now is not the time for this I went home and decided to hatch the babies and made a small amount of torches and and the fireplace of course the young would need some nourishment so I went out and farmed meat with basil but this Capital grabbed me ixion saved me Samus save me oh that sucked anyway I went to the house and took care of the babies the rest of the night I named both of them irons in Albedo is there an alpha Raptor outside of my house [Music] I spent the night raising the dino babies and waited for the sun to come up so I could get back to my chores they wanted to go deal with that Alpha Raptor right away before it tore my entire house down so when the sun came up I worked up the courage to step outside and uncrowd Samus she was undoubtedly the heavyweight champion in this first half of the playthrough we searched the woods nearby my house and Sam has said that I was just being paranoid look okay I know what I saw we ran back home and I checked the babies for just a moment and I searched a bit more ah see I was right there was an alpha Raptor last night Samus and the Raptor engaged in a huge slap fight I was just there for emotional support the Raptor dropped these strange Rune Stones it would be important for later I flew with Samus to where we saw the alpha Rex and I wanted to get into her little scuffle staying home all day was getting very tiresome and honestly I lived for a good fight unfortunately this Alpha Rex hit like a semi truck he did some scary damage numbers it may not seem like much but 10 bytes is 1 000 damage and some change and that's basic maths still though we locked it down they kept pushing us into trees and Samus slapped the trees thus uncovering herself with wood thus preventing us to run if we needed to her health dropped dangerously low but we lucked out and it fell off this cliff and attacked some random para I own crowd hail and we healed Samus back up and then we entered The Fray again folded absolutely folded GG no re I decided to tickle the Rex for some reason speaking of Rex's here's a wreck-sized Segway there was a 145 wrecks next to my house and I decided to try tame it Safari style pixion and I worked well as a team every time the wrecks got close you just run shoot and run it was a good system it worked really well until I ran out of arrows I tried kicking the wrecks and yeah oh that's yeah that's not a good idea so we ran I'll get you next time my day no line was looking nice after hours and hours of reading and uh I wasn't breeding the dinosaurs okay anyway I was rewarded with the dinos with great stats I named him blur and leveled his movement speed he was really fast in everything he did he would talk your ear off but I didn't mind this was my first time riding in one of these bad boys and wow they are a huge amount of fun like seriously they're Zippy they do bleed damage they're so overpowered that they can't even transcend space and time to teleport back home I really have no idea what just happened but I am glad I was teleported home and not somewhere a lot more dangerous yes I am very dumb how could you tell using torches to hatch eggs was terrible so today I decided I'd be a little proactive in finding an easy solution I flew to the swamp Island and after watching some guys on fjordor I learned that there were bodies you could Harvest to get a king's worth of organic polymer I crowd up Samus and swooped with hail I found a body and gave it a good slap oh my goodness that was wow okay well I wouldn't need Polly for a really really long time I guess I took a moment to look around the swamp for a little bit and it was very unsettling not just because the bone torches oh no not just the bone piles either and the decaying dinos and the school bus sized crocodiles it was the fact that there were houses here somebody actively chose to settle in this place and they're not here anymore where did where did everyone go that's the part that made this very unsettling like I just wear it just gone the Swamp People the bayous consume them I guess anyway I had my still this place and I flew home my family was growing faster by the day and I needed to make more cryopods after flying home and dealing with some complaints and grievances I decided now would be a great time to tame an Ankylosaurus the middle Atop The Waterfall sang out to me glam Glam there are a lot of Alphas that spawn in the area and they can chew through Stone so I would eventually need some Gates or something I found this 145 and saved it from this hungry Carno I brought it to my front lawn and knocked it out waiting for this Anki to tame I wanted to see what a pack of these dinos could really do yeah well they live up to the hype I wanted to use them on the dragon later but I learned that they might have patched that out I don't know if they really did but I didn't want to risk it later I went out in the morning to farm up some metal and after I got home this Rex was just all up in my business so I rallied the troops and well yeah I wanted to eventually tame some of this modius and made a hefty amount of blood bags but as I was crafting this Sarco had eyes on hail I'll give you a guess what happened to him anyway I needed a way to store all this blood that I was accumulating so I crafted a fridge I was continuing with my side project when all of a sudden oh my oh my precious no the alpha Raptor almost broke into my house to get the other baby that I was Raising Samus and I were having none of it they're there Precious Precious into the cryopod you go okay I know they're just ones and zeros at the end of the day and terribly programmed AI but this is the Tamagotchi effect you put in the time and the effort and raise these Dinos from an egg and then you grow attached I I don't know why I seriously have no idea why and I don't know how to explain it but the other baby had finally grown and I took him out for a test run I flew around in the morning of day 21 looking for decent wrecks as a team for boss fights I just know there's going to be a comment coming up about it so here's my response before anyone types anything yes I am very aware that shadow Mains are on this map yes I am very aware you can bring them into boss fights no I didn't discover Shadow memes in this playthrough until like day 56 so it would be far too late to breed for mutations and good stats anyway now that we got that out of the way also hey check it out here's this Alpha carner that we beat skulls for the school Throne I'm not too big into Warhammer but that sentence will never not be fun to say after fighting the alpha in the morning we flew to the river with green Crystal I wanted to pick up some supplies that I left behind finally and to save on the cost of me having to make some new metal tools grabbed my old ones admittedly not much else happened for the rest of the day so here's me standing in the rain listening to some sad piano music [Music] all right today I found myself in the most dangerous place I'd flown to the volcano in search of oil deposits I heard rumors and from some YouTube guides I could find some here but I didn't pay attention to the exact location because the desire to explore was strong I did however get yet another gosh darn Mammoth saddle blueprint this makes my third 100 day Series where I am absolutely bedeviled by Mammoth Saddles they're a curse and a blight upon me my children and their children's children will find nothing but Mammoth saddles in life mark my words 300 days total 40 Mammoth Saddles an estimate yes but it sure does feel like I am Laden with these stupid things anyway nuclear meltdown aside I decided that I would tame some dung beetles while I was here the only problem was I didn't have any poop to give but I'm pretty big brain when it counts and on cry out Samus and then crowd her again and repeated this process a few times until I had the necessary amount of dung Nintendo please don't send me a decent assist before my career event starts please I tame the first beetle and look at how proud I was the second Beetle was surrounded by lots of bads so I used Samus to clear the way all of a sudden a theme that will be very common in this 100 days I can assure you a fire wyvern came out of nowhere and we got into a huge fight thankfully and luckily it was a low level and we dealt with it rather quickly I tame the second Beetle and potted them up I honestly thought about going home but hmm a fire wyvern would be nice they are my favorite type of wyvern in this game after all yeah let's go full send and get some eggs the first couple of eggs were bad hmm level 90. they can definitely do better than that I ran into a few wyverns but Hale is really good at maneuvering them kinda I decided to do a full fire wyvern Roundup and lead them all away from the trench so I could steal the eggs in peace there were a lot of prey animals in the area so losing aggro wasn't too difficult at all then Boom the jackpot a 155 fire egg there were still some wyverns in the trench so I flew for dear life at least I'm safe inside my mind after giving them the slip I went back and took a few more eggs they would be low level but I would just read out the bad stats with the 155. after a while they all hatched into the cutest bunch of fiery death machines ever I lucked out because the 155 was the female the rest were males so I was very spoiled with choice on what colors I'd pick in terms of breeding and vanity fire wyvern maybe if I turn the save into a full-on series I'll do some super breeding and get my perfect fire wyvern with awesome colors maybe Samus made a really great Nanny I'll admit it I felt pretty safe with her around and I stayed home for the rest of the day normally I'd like to find the start of my boss Army around day 11 so I was falling behind the goal was to beat all three mini bosses then the big three on Alpha if I could and then fight fenra sulfur today the mission was to find Rex's Yes you heard me right Rex's what glammys and rexes for his boss fights is this the end of days pinch me I must be dreaming what have you done with the real what have you done with the real Glam no no no no I chose not to use owls this time because after 200 hours of hearing them growling and stomping they could really grate on your nerves besides I used them in my last playthroughs and I wanted to do something different to keep myself entertained plus I never made super Rex's before so it'll be fun it'll be fun he said to himself time to go find some rexes spoiler alerts I did not find any rux's none that would meet my obscenely high expectations and standards wow I really am becoming just like my parents weird anyway after searching everywhere just about I found a really nice looking snow owl since I didn't have the means to make a trap yep I tried telling her the good old-fashioned the way that wild card had intended the shot and flew flew and shot for the rest of the day I'm kind of bummed out I managed to trank her out but my 1650 was going Supernova so it lagged a bit honestly my PC struggled to run fjorda or without a lot of frame skips but it's okay after she teamed up I named her snow blind and flew home for once in this playthrough I saw a hail smile it was love at first sight snow blind and hail wasted no time in producing the cutest Outlet you have ever seen look how cute she is I got the wee baby imprinted and left once again to find some decent rexes to build my Army managed to find two really good rexes and Safari style tame them I don't know why I enjoy taming stuff like this it's just so fun to just be in the nitty-gritty instead of hiding behind a trap of course there are exceptions like gigas and cacarodontosaurus anyway I had two high-level rexes to start and that was something as the sun set I fought this Alpha Carno all the way into day 25. when I arrived home my heart sank Alpha Rex had spawned at my base to protect my home and the rest of my teams I paid the price and blood I sacrificed my two high-level rexes to fight this monstrosity both of them went down unfortunately the snow owl baby Avalanche was the next to go Samus and I fought as hard as we could after fighting this Behemoth for what felt like ages it finally went down I was in utter disbelief my Dodie survived the onslaught somehow I ran over the item cash from the poor snow Outlet my heart was crushed remember when I said the Tamagotchi effect is real yeah it hit me really hard just now I took a moment to survey the damage and began more breeding as well as repairs the alpha Rex put a primal fear into me and I needed to protect my teams by making more troops to patrol the area my plan was to raise decent wyverns and let them wander the area to protect our home I stayed back and imprinted I finished off the day by repairing the roof of my house we're right into the action on Day 26 I started recording just before taming this guy I almost forgot oops he chased this big fella all over the area as RG wanted to smoke Sideswipe and I went on a fun little ride for a bit I've never done that before and I'll admit it was pretty fun anyway we kept tracking the wrecks and unfortunately white out the other snow owl what yeah out of Rage I dealt with the attackers and watched one Ragdoll out of control the wrecks went down quite photogenically on the crest of the Hill what a sight he teamed up with a really high stamina stat it wasn't really what I was looking for but if I needed a cruising Rex I'd definitely take it after I returned home I set the baby wyverns loose upon the surrounding area of course this Baryonyx would hit me through the mesh why wouldn't it as the day closed I took my Yankee to farm some metal and called it a day after breeding my wyverns I finally got a male with some really good stats luckily there was a 140 female Rex wandering around in this small Marshland and I began teaming it up the valley kept her somewhat secluded so it was a breeze of course she would wander into the water a few times and I was quite hesitant on finishing the fight but it eventually worked itself out as the sun went down she went to bed the next day she tamed with some really good stats she was gonna be my melee Rex after returning home there was another decent level wrecks just hanging around the house so second verse same as the first after I tamed her up she had some Stellar HP stats finally the last piece of my boss puzzle I wasted no time in London the rexes get to know each other honestly for once in this playthrough I had a real goal and I felt like I had made some sort of progress also finally got a breeder female for my wyvern line so things were finally really looking up I also started building my wall I started to make it out of metal but it wiped me out so I just decided to use stone for the rest of it I had toiled through the night and finally completed my stone wall my breeders also gifted me with a precious baby wyvern in furnace an army doesn't march on an empty stomach so I made a few feeding froths so my dinos wouldn't go hungry relatively until I forgot to fill the troughs of course boiler alert but today would not be that day with the help of Samus I farmed berries and meat to keep my dinos happy and fed I decided to let my team stretch their legs again and the safety of my new upgraded base it was the most joyous occasion the dinanakis had their little spot the wyverns could bask on the rock and all were free to mingle and commiserate amongst themselves as I prepared for the night's festivities I placed some more drums down and began to place the sunset My Real playing was quite terrible so uh here's this instead [Music] oh [Music] first thing in the early morning I went loot hunting within furnace and from a yellow drop I was rewarded with a very very nice long neck blueprint that would be very crucial in the days to come I had my fill of loot hunting and flew home now is the time to start worrying about Advanced crops I placed some foundations and fiddled with the plumbing a bit I don't have a license or insurance for this the only problem was I needed some crop seeds and I quickly found out that farming for them in a normal fashion simply wasn't working so instead of just flying around and Gathering the seeds I decided to go about it in the roundabout way and try and tame an Iguanodon to make the seeds for me yes I am very aware that harvesting the crops at the cabins gives you seeds anyway she was there if I needed her I ended up calling her Iggy also this Pronto stepped over my wall somehow so yeah Bronto burgers the Iguanodon just sat there for the rest of playthrough unfortunately I didn't use her once shame but these crop seeds weren't going to fetch themselves so the master plan today was to fly to the southern island Harvest all the long grass and citronells I could and hope for a decent seed return as well I'm not an agricultural expert or anything like that but how do lemons I mean citronella survive out here it hits like minus 200 degrees on a good day oh well this is Arc logic after all probably just overthinking it but you know what doesn't require an overthink subscribing to my YouTube channel you know I keep that thing on me mission accomplished without skipping a beat I flew home and planted all the seeds in my starter Garden I probably upgraded at some point maybe no I won't I see this in every playthrough and I never do I'm tired of pretending that I will when you know I won't and I for sure know I won't well after I planted the crops I planted some baby rexes right onto the grill haha since I was doing some heavy duty breeding huh I already made this joke am I really that shallow to stoop so low and double dip for a few extra laughs yes yes I am I wasn't breeding the dinos were yeah it yeah it didn't hit like the first time oh well we're moving on I need something to help me keep track of everything and an egg incubator would be pretty choice in this task I spent the day farming for metal and once again flew the swamp Islands to slap around some bodies for polymer I watched a video on the YouTube showing me how to get some easy peasy Rock Drake gigs and yeah I'm all about some easy peasy eggs the plan was simple team and Andrew circus or two a breeding pair if you will make a really tanky baby equip a saddle the saddle encases you and keeps you safe from the radiation that surrounded the cave it was foolproof I went into action and flew to the Bee Cave to gather some honey then I flew to the southern island to find a 150 enemy circus male I started the tame and I actually had no idea how to tame any of these things and I didn't know there was like a rage bar that filled up so it kicked me off a few times and it tried to pay cake me so unfortunately it's taming Effectiveness wasn't perfect I know I'm probably gonna get some comments about that I apologize no I don't but that didn't really matter I had a goal and nothing was going to stand in my way having wyvern close by was pretty handy to reset its aggro and after some tasty honey and some frustration IRL he was mine now all I need was a high level female and I found one rinse repeat finally had part one of the master plan yes I named it to Andrew circus Cammy and Ruby they made a wee bab and I named it Mac and he was an honorary little fella but I would need that energy for this to work just in case anything happened a little mac hopefully nothing would Ruby and Cami had another baby named Tony tough guy Tony speaking of Mac he had finally grown and I pumped his health in movement speed it would take some time for him to become hail and ready so I decided to make a breeding pen for my tech parasaurs and I'm sure you can imagine what purpose they were going to serve for those of you who might be new to my channel I'm going to turn their babies into a forge or armor I'm not sure which yet I have to I'll admit because saying it out loud makes me sound like I'm absolutely out of it but then again I really enjoy playing dead by daylight and you have to be crazy to enjoy that kind of torture today was the day of the Great Heist I was going to run into the Rock Drake trench in Asgard grab some eggs and run for your life I didn't know how well this whole operation would work so we just kind of winged it this was my first time I took Andrew Sarkis out for a test drive it was kind of fun I guess after a little bit of searching we found the rock Drake trench and then we entered I had some extreme luck that day or something because I found a 170 Rock Creek egg like right off the bat oh no son we weren't done yet I went deeper into the cave and found another 170 egg I was absolutely elated it was absolutely just bananas we ran from the trench before we got absolutely sworn by Angry Rock Drake's we teleported home and we hatched the eggs both of them were female I was in bad needed a mail to make more just in case the wars happened so back down we went Ohio check this out you thought two 170 eggs were absolutely goofy no son check this out here's a 180 egg holy moly mother of Mundus after absconding with the egg we hatched it and yep it was another female oh well I really wasn't complaining I was on top of the world at this point I had found the Holy Grail of all rock Drake saddle Blueprints and a drop at the start of the playthrough and it was going to be quite expensive to make I needed red gems and once again YouTube to the rescue I farmed as many gems as I could Mac was my beast of burden and he defended me from the cave inhabitants I farmed so many red gems that it took two trips to get the amount I actually needed as I farmed for the gems to make the saddle I also imprinted the babies I'd never flown on a rock Drake before so this was going to be an experience I drank some midnight mojito sobate I mean I I drank a mind wipe tonic to craft the rock Drake saddle unfortunately my gamble wasn't too wild in fact it was really mild oh well still an ascendant Saddles and ascendant saddle I took the 180 baby Morita on a test flight there were a lot of growing pains Rock Drake's were kind of like a mix between a maywing and a Dino pithecus and a predator so yeah this is why they're called rock breaks when they fly they fly like rocks it all makes sense now over time I think I got the controls figured out and it was a lot of fun actually I found some runes that I didn't pick up and took out some dinos [Music] after someone Massacre we Glide it home not a whole lot happened today I put on my tool belt and finished the Rex greeting pen I thought I had built my base large enough to accommodate a Rex Army was I wrong I waited for a little bit for more eggs and I crafted a hatchery assistant I only found out about this little guy from my last playthrough and I really gotta say it's essential it saves mere seconds of me having to pick up eggs manually I won't complain I enjoy a little automation I let my rexes breed and waited out the day until the Hatchery filled up oopsie I didn't record today for some reason oh man I'd swear I'd lose my feet if they weren't attached to my body if my notebook it says melee mutation and I made an indie Forge it is written so it is done speaking of notes it just says I ran a cave so let's watch the footage oh yeah I remember now Rock Drake's have the ability to cloak themselves and on top of that they can climb on walls and they're big so almost nothing will attack them making them very ideal for caving while making my way over to the cave I took a moment to visit this Dwarven Hall I used to play a lot of Lord of the Rings Online a really really long time ago so this hit some sort of nostalgia buzzers in my brain and I loved it I took a moment to really appreciate the quality of the layout I clumsily made my way to Bleak Falls Barrow wait what game are we playing again oh I mean this artifact cave there's a not so subtle wink at you I ran into the entrance and tried to fit Morita into the well okay I don't know what I was expecting honestly I potted her up and jumped into the hole I took a moment to look around [Music] [Music] I broke down a false wall and released Morita this was really broken honestly she just made all this so trivial it's ridiculous I grabbed the artifact of the hunter and Left after gliding home I was gifted to Baby Rex with yellow on its back I'd like to think this was mustard the Moz chops reincarnated as a baby Rex I kept it and raised it in his memory okay so as an apology for day 39 missing I'll throw in day 41 is a gesture of good faith today I saddled up on Morita once again and glided over to the volcano my health unfortunately was dropping like a sack of bricks and of course the artifact wasn't spawning in after finding some volcanoes residents had finally spawned and I wasted no time in pilfering the artifact of the immune and left in a really big hurry I took a moment to look at my wyvern Guardians as well that's a sight of majesty if I ever saw one but it wasn't doing me much good flying over the ocean so I called it back to the beach quite awkwardly but I got it figured out I went home and raised Mario love was in the air here at Glam Ranch I hatched a ton of babies today and then I cooked most of them in the grill or the forge mmm baby back ribs okay morbid jokes aside let's Cha-Cha Slide in the day 43 some people play video games to decompress after a long day at work where School seems that nothing goes right your shoes don't fit car won't start your crush goes after another dude your goldfish signed up for a Ponzi scheme then you lose all your money and your house becomes repossessed by the bank so you fire up a nice game of Ark survival evolved to forget for a little while as you hear the main title theme played triumphantly you load up your save of fjordor and then you load in today you think to yourself I really want to tame a desmotis that would be stress-free and fun right oh no you silly fool I attempt to Moss chops and named him falder get it fjordor fodder all right not my best work but you try coming up with funny jokes and moving days mere weeks away and you haven't walked down a place to live yet huh all right the game I came to 145 just notice today it went relatively well all things considering most of my armor was broken and hey I just became monetized so I won't be showing you guys my character's rocking body sorry fellas I know how it is a simple process such as this took all day but hey here we are one does modus Retcher I wasn't done yet however in my quest for bats with batitude I needed a breeding pair taming one of these things made my hair turn white IRL and it was an experience that I didn't want to do again for a little while at least I flew back to the southern island to check out the scene there I managed to somehow get the attention of this spino he kept shouting wallet or something so in retaliation we ate him hey it was self-defense okay he ran at me first after casing The Joint I found a 135 male who wasn't a 150 but in this situation at 135 is better than a nun 35. once again father was the father I wish I had my microphone on for this because this really really did get a big laugh out of me just the silliness of this situation and just look how funny the Moz chops look anyway imagine tame the 135 male easily finally a breeding pair I would dare say I went home and wasted no time and I was gifted one of my favorite teams in this playthrough Isabella she would be the pillar that holds this Fiesta of a playthrough from collapse I noticed earlier in the playthrough that Flyers couldn't travel inside of Asgard well I mean they can technically but I'd have to go back to the menu and then get all that figured out nah it's not for me I'm already here after leveling Isabella I took her out to explore Asgard for a little while and after flying around for a few minutes I found a waterfall with some gotchas nearby I didn't really know how to tame them so I just started throwing random things down I even made a sanguine Elixir but this didn't seem to work oh speaking of which now that I remember I had a comment on my 100 days Lost Island video saying that it was quite sus that I knew game mechanics implemented in the last few years after claiming that I hadn't played Arc for seven years up until very recently well my guy you might be aware of this but there's this thing that's been around for a few years a platform if you will free for entertainment and learning it's not very well known in fact I'd say it's quite obscure but I'll let you all in on the secret as a celebration for my newfound success on this set platform ready come closer it's called YouTube maybe you've heard of it yeah crazy you can watch tutorials on it for almost anything from fixing a car to learning about a game you haven't played for a few years not to mention a smorgasbord of other 100 Days videos where you can learn some neat stuff watch mine first though before you go watch anyone else's cool right yeah and it's free I flew around the map today looking for a super Predator a giga or a car car being so if you will I wanted to start the world bosses here very soon and I'd supplement my lack of Boss dinos with some super weapons instead I flew around for a long time and found nothing like at all even after a few Dino wipes defeated I glided over the volcano to check things out I found myself in a Magnus arcave and figured why not since I'm here my mind is well activating stealth mode I found some alright eggs I guess I took care of the nest guardian and swiped the eggs then I left before I melted after 10 Dino wipes waiting around I decided to do another Giga sweep and I did the rounds on the island until my luck had finally paid off low there in the valley below a 150 R Giga looking fresh as a daisy for the tame I went into full panic mode for a moment but I stealed myself I took care of the dinos that surrounded the area and laid down a trap it took a few tries but yeah I got her in I began the long long process of knocking her out she eventually went down and I was left with only eight darts I was cutting it close I was really worried I wouldn't make it but me being a classic scatter brain I forgot the narcos oh my God upon realizing my mistake I heard home as fast as I could I'd only have a minute or so before the Giga woke up I managed to get back just in the nick of time my heart had palpitations and I was covered in sweat I swear the powers that be were making this game die but this game will be the death of me I got her tamed and named her Scotty and then I flew home for some much much needed rest today I crafted a chem bench finally only halfway through the playthrough sorry exeon you'll always be my perfect mortar and pestle unicorn but I am a man in a hurry and I needed some expedience in my life so this chem bench was the way I did some chores around the house and bred more Rexes I was rewarded with another Health mutation and felt confident enough to call it a wrap on breeding I wanted to start the big three here very soon and I haven't even started any of the world bosses so once again my stress levels were skyrocketing a bit to soothe the soul I made a lot of sleepy time medicine yeah YouTube algorithm sleepy medicine then I ate some here we are ladies and gentlemen we have made it to day 50 in this 100 days fuel door playthrough if you stuck around for this long please rest for a moment hit subscribe and leave a like take a drink eat dinner finish your homework I'll be here when you get back oh you just want to keep going okay all right sure whatever after a few more dino wipes I was blessed with a male or Giga to make for a breeding pair I made the Trap and then I made him sleep I was bored waiting for him to tame as they say a pot of boiling water won't boil when it's being watched so I did some donuts on my rock trick to pass the time eventually tamed and I named him during oh thanks phone notification I'm just recording here or whatever while waiting for eggs to get ready for hatching I decided now would be an excellent time to make sap Taps eventually I'd have to stop procrastinating and go into the swamp cave and I'd need sap to make a gas mask or else I'd suffocate and waste away speaking of wasting away snail games am I right who buddy I picked a great time to start my arc 100 days YouTube career huh yeah nice timing as usual Glam well we're already here might as well finish strong anyway right anyway watch as I Glide into part two of my master plan or my masker plan that's that highbrow humor that all you subscribe for I went to the volcano because I'd noticed it days ago you can gather black pearls down here in the magmasaur pit so that's what I did I harvested an okay amount of pearls enough to get me by I need some of these to make some absorbent substrate on my way out I spotted this absolute unit of a car car but I didn't have the means to Landslide tame him not yet so part two of my master plan tamed some diplos it was a part three I lost count I'm a YouTuber I'm not very intelligent in my lost island playthrough I use Diplo to tame two car cars and I'd be doing it again here in fyodor as well so I went out and found a decent pair of diplos and started off right the two gigas I had tamed last week were growing up big and strong just like me look son it's been rough run a kibble budget I can barely afford to pay the bills you want some high-class Gourmet stuff when we're on store brand I had to cryo and then uncryl them a lot but eventually he saw things from my perspective I just stood around the house for the rest of the day honestly so let's just say go to day 53 so this is how it ends huh you slave over a hot GPU all day cook and clean and things you get yeah some Mother's Day yamir another baby Giga tried to eat me I can't believe it my preparations for the world boss tour was nearly complete all I had to do was wait for the baby gigas to grow up but they were just one slice of bread in this destruction sandwich I needed that car car for because reasons so I made the diplo's breed but I also needed to free up some cryopods as well so I freed up a lot of old tames and leveled some old brexit act as Guardians to warn to the forest near my house just in case anything would attack my humble little Hut the baby are gigas had grown and look at them so mighty so beautiful I'm a parent in the stages of Joy tomorrow I would go tame that car car I glided to the volcano and hit my teams behind this rock as I laid down the Trap once again I was using new blitz's trapping method I'll leave his video in the description but thanks to watching I don't skates 100 days playthroughs I learned that you can just trap these dudes with metal Billboards well that's a cheaper alternative wish I knew that before yeah I wish I knew that before I decided to slime dunk all of my metal into these Dino Gates I got the car car's attention and I thought things were going well but unfortunately he glitched and he wouldn't eat my baby Diplo peace offerings I was literally in the five stages of grief and denial at this point I sunk a lot of resources into this trap he was in I didn't want to leave he would bite me a few times and my armor eventually broke and I even died once at this point I was just shaking and upset I respawned on the volcano's Beach and ran back to my corpse and tried again after much frustration I finally got him tamed and yes for those of you who are wondering I did remember to use a sanguine Elixir I went home shaken but stronger than the day before a lot now for Rex spawn in my house now I dare it I named the car car ulumog and leveled him if you know where ulumag is from let me know in the comments you'll get a heart from me and a thumbs up it's all I can really offer I also left with gloin another baby Giga I was just about ready to lay down the thunder on the world bosses all right ads confession time I broke I'll admit it I gave him to Temptation and bit upon the forbidden fruit in the garden I downloaded some mods I downloaded Otto and grim and Dino storage I had a taste of the good life and I couldn't go back I would apologize but I'm not sorry I kind of like it and I won't change I mostly did this because I was good and sick of logging in and out switching between PVE and PVP to use cryopods five minutes adds up quite frankly and I'm on a time budget IRL I haven't even begun to pack I spent the day leveling the children and then I let them heal today was the day things would be quite different after this that's right I was going to beat Bayla today with my Giga Army plus one car car there's no kill quite like Overkill we fought the queen bee and you can probably guess how it went on like six gigas in one car car yeah it was like doing laundry she got washed and folded my dude Thor was the big bullion got the killing blow so he was rewarded with this ascendant Giga saddle that dropped from her I felt bad I imagine the surprising amount of parents that actually watch my videos would understand you get one shot at McDonald's you got to get them all McDonald's I also fought hottie in school as well this fight was a bit tougher but we locked it down tried to fight steinbjorn but I was dying way too quickly so I left I was very underprepared I wasted no time in crafting this souped up shotgun and also wasted no time in fighting the second boss on my list steinbjorn which for all of you who don't know was a giant Stone bear unfortunately he was located in the depths of yogenheim and I was freezing to death just by setting foot in there it was a literal race against the clock I eventually found the slumbering Giant's cave and proceeded to do what I do best ruin things laughs he eventually went down and I fled the scene and teleported back to safety I tamed a love her for Calypso my Baryonyx that I got at the beginning of the playthrough if you remember of course I named him Davey Jones and they had an egg the baby Baryonyx Barbados grew up big and strong and I decided to run another cave I dove into the depths and entered an underwater Cavern this stuff is so cool to me honestly okay like let me just take a moment here I wish I knew the story behind the places like this what was it for who built it anyway back on track I got spooked by bats and threw out ulumag for self-defense yep he just kind of wrecking balled the cave I wasn't complaining I am like lightning I take the path of least resistance where ulumag couldn't go Isabella could so I finished the second half of this cave from the safety of her saddle I grabbed the artifact and went home I rounded off the 10 days finally by running the swamp cave and once again a rock Drake trivialized everything I'd show you more but honestly not a whole lot happened unfortunately I went in I came saw I conquered I pilfered I left next up I ran this underwater cave with barbados's help I just swam past everything that I possibly could honestly but oh yeah you know it's dark so the artifact didn't spawn in that's great now that's what I call Ark survival evolved baby the baddies had caught up to me finally and I had a shocking experience for a little bit my heart race increased my pupils dilated I looked down and the artifact had finally spawned in I did some cleanup and grabbed the artifact and swam for my little beach Bob life k61 was going to be a big one I wanted to continue my hunt for artifacts mostly because the window between now and 100 days is closing so it needed to get done so I suited up and took Isabella to the magma cave I flew into the chamber where the artifact is supposed to be and yep you guessed it the artifact didn't spawn it was also being chased by a lot of bats and my health was dropping I was a Max Level Survivor sure so I was kind of tanky but getting Mega rabies in here would have done me in after flying around for a bit and taking out some of the volcanic cave dwellers the artifact eventually spawned in and I snatched it up without skipping a Beat [Music] next up on my list was the maze cave the path into it lay sunken under the ocean and I had to fly to the top of it with the help of Isabella foreign the path we entered into the maze and I had some trouble figuring out the door code you had to press a specific sequence of numbers to get the doors open if you messed up some bads would spawn which they did but I got it sorted out and I got through the door I got lost for a decent amount of time in here but I eventually found my way to the artifact and then I grabbed it and left from doing some research on YouTube I had learned that there was a lot of black pearls in the poison wyvern trench in Anaheim I found the cave and used ulamog to clear the path of course I had a gas mask on me rendering the wyvern's poisons pit useless I needed a lot of black pearls because I wanted to build a tech replicator and at some point I wanted to craft myself a nice set of Tech Armor for the rest of the playthrough this is the very same Survivor that I beat the island on Alpha with hey look okay I busted my rump to get this stuff I'm not about to reroll I farmed as many pearls as we could carry and teleported out of the zone it took a couple of trips to get home but we got the job done foreign 63 I did another world boss tour and farmed element today the world bosses were on a one hour cooldown timer so I couldn't spam them unfortunately but eventually I had enough element to finally get myself a tech replicator build next stop was a full set of Tech Armor I craved it needed it had to have it no questions asked Tech Armor is a lot like being a YouTuber you know you work really hard for it and spend hours on that grind but when you finally get it you just really don't know what to do next if that makes sense on day 64 I decided to stay in the main realm today and finish farming for black pearls in the volcano I had finally gathered enough pearls to craft myself some Tech Armor but I guess I miscalculated a little bit so once again I went back down to the volcano to rectify that mistake ulamog and I started the massacre we cleared out all of the magma swords and I started farming a lot of pearls I gathered a good amount and then went home then I crafted the final part of my Tech Armor around this time of recording Transformers Rise as the beasts was announced and you already know I dyed my tech gear red and blue just like Optimus and they needed two more artifacts and I'd be done for the rest of the playthrough and I did want to wait around so today I decided to wrap it up I went to the ice cave and I'm sure if I didn't have a full set of Tech Armor I'd be toast right now or a popsicle turns out prolovia can stun you in the air who knew but still Tech Armor I also had a Wu MOG and Morita in my rock Drake at the ready just in case things went South which they didn't so as far as I'm concerned all as well my health got pretty low because I was freezing to death so I left as quickly as I could next stop was the Redwoods cave once again thanks to my tech helmet I could see just what lay ahead of me and be at the ready I let ulumag out and began the Rampage I just hung back and let him do all the work don't worry I made full use of my Tech Armor and check loot drops as well [Music] I grabbed the artifact and the ulumag sort the way out on day 66 ulamog and I went around the worlds to farm for tributes oh my God night time eventually fell and I thought about taming a fjord Hawk but realistically I didn't have the patience so I just left for now my supply of element was running really low so once again I set out to do all three of the world bosses after that I decided to continue farming tributes [Music] I downloaded another mod to checkout it was called the upgrade station and I wanted to see how overpowered it was and yeah it was kind of busted you could upgrade a wreck saddle from primitive all the way to ascendant then make the saddle into a blueprint and then bam Presto instant ascended saddle I can see the benefits normally I would be opposed to such things but if I'm being quite honest I was starting to feel a little burnt out on Arc at this time and I wanted to make it easier on myself for once so that's why this mod exists in this playthrough for now I understand if that makes you upset you can close the video now okay now that they're gone let's continue Legends I brought another barrier for deep ocean exploration Barbados was kind of slow in the water and I wanted one that was bred for Speed I needed to go into the abyss eventually to farm two so tentacles and I wanted to either tame one or moza just because while waiting for the baby to raise I flew around and scoured the land for a really good UT but unfortunately I turned up empty-handed today was the big day I went to the ocean and Dove deep into the abyss the fact that I was surrounded by big sea teams in this Zone was really unsettling it didn't take too long for me to be attacked by a plesiosaur after vanquishing continued on my quest I thought about turning around oh too late yep an alpha Mosasaur found me I almost crapped my pants it chased us and I took shelter underneath these bones then I let it have it I fought this Leviathan all day and we ended up on the Shelf of the Abyss then back down to the bones after 20 minutes of harrowing fighting we smote the Foe and I claimed its tooth is my reward we swam around again and I admit this was a little too much for me right now the game must have known because another Alpha Mosasaur attacked us we fought it off and I swam away so I took the opportunity to teleport onto dry ground I was overjoyed that we had escaped intact after my moment of Jubilation I headed home I had a mission today Tama Mosasaur that was the top priority the Baryonyx wasn't going to cut it that was obvious I gathered some supplies crafted a Harpoon Gun and made a ton of track harpoons then headed back down to the abyss once again after searching for some time I found a 150 Mosasaur and I knew in my arc hard of hearts that this was the one I charged in and engaged in sub-aquatic combat I out swam her of course I did get hit a few times it was inevitable she eventually got to the point where she started to tour poor run I chased her all over the mat somewhere along the way another moza got caught up in the mix this one was 145. I debated on taming it but decided to double down on the 150. eventually the 150 got stuck now all I had to do was lose the 145 and Tamer out we dove into the skeleton once again and waited until the 145 lost interest then I swam back and I tamed the 150 and I called it a night on day 71 the female most attained and I named her Pearl I thought it was quite fitting because she was a thing of aquatic Beauty and had a turn radius of a cargo ship I had my fill of oceanic Adventures for a little while and I wanted to leave but since I was still very unfamiliar with the Zone I got lost unfortunately I had a run-in with this Alpha Mosasaur that didn't take too kindly to my trespass and I left with expedience we did cut it pretty close but through some dumb luck I made it out of the zone and into safer Waters I released her into the small pond near the back of my house and she seemed like a fish out of water but she would keep most of the Gators berries Capper runs away I really needed to stop messing around the clock was ticking and I really needed to UT for my boss Army after searching for a while I stumbled graciously upon this 150. I absolutely needed this and wouldn't let anything get in my way after a little back and forth I managed to knock it out and just chilled as a team now that I had all the artifacts I needed and I had most of the tributes at the ready I decided it would be a good time to prepare for the megapithecus boss fight it was all hands on deck now I pulled my wyvern's Rex's any Dino that could lay an egg for a useful purpose that I would not say for fear of this big yellow circle on day 74 I was still missing some tributes for the big three bosses most important of these were the Titanoboa Venom and phylicolio Claws so back into the Redwoods cave I went I did a full sweep of the cave and had my fill of Gloom for a little bit so I decided to leave on my way out I ran into this Alpha Rex just minding its own business and you all know how I feel about that by now I'm sure our battle would be legendary and my desire for combat would be slate this Alpha Rex wasn't a pushover by any stretch of the imagination he almost had us in the second round there but umag handled his business and the wrecks got sent into the crumple Zone was The fjordor Undefeated super heavyweight champion much to my chagrin I dove back into the abyss turns out my feelings were quite Justified yep you counted that right that's three Alphas chasing me two Moses and one two so I didn't need the Moses but still I needed that Alpha too so I in the chaos I somehow managed to lose the two alpha mosasaurs and then I just had the alpha two so chasing me I set Pearl to attack and I shot at it with my tech rifle I figured two forms of attack would be better than one we chased the alpha two so around for a little while but like all things it came to an end I earned myself a lot of black pearls and more tributes since I was in the neighborhood I figured I'd try and Tamo too so while I was down here I found this little level too so and decided to take its tentacles and I was almost ready to leave for the day then out of nowhere this 140 to so literally snuck up on me but I didn't put my spy glass down in time it would have grabbed me and I would have had a little taste of that genre of anime that isn't rated for children I used Pearl as bait and popped some squid pearls into its mouth and then it was mine not a whole lot happened today on the day of our Arc 76. I just stayed home and leveled Rex's check out this epic Gaming replay I really don't want to repeat myself repetition is the echo of stagnation reading monotony and stifling growth so we shall just roll into day 78 shall we ocean man take me by the hand lead me to the land that you understand ocean man The Voyage to the corner of the globe is a real trip what was I doing again all right ocean tributes today I needed some Alpha Megalodon fins so I scoured the expanse with my new tuso Kraken Lord I was gonna name him Kraken guard but Old Spice isn't sponsoring me we cut it pretty close at some point cracking Lord was about to be calamari and if I didn't have the dino storage mod it would have been bad I used the thrusters on my tech suit to make a speedy getaway and then let him out again after that little kerfuffle in the brain it was time to leave not before finding this wacky compound bow though jeez I'm spitting bars absolutely bars [Music] the plan today was to get some gigahertz for the Alpha dragon fight and well yeah I went home and empty-handed I did a few Dyna wipes to see if they would spawn in Faster nope day 80 I flew around and finally finally finally finally found two car cars they weren't gigas but they would do gigahertz dropped from them as well at this point I wasn't going to complain at all I plucked the gigahertz from the car cars true and swiftly sought Yuri lungs Anew all right here we go we're gonna start the bosses for full disclosure my people my glamorous people I didn't use the upgrade station because well yes on a longer playthrough it was a boon but I wanted to see how I could do these fights with primitive Saddles my rexes had ballpark 60 to 70 000 HP and over 1 000 melee I got too close to this thing and oh well yeah it stuck on me now why I'm on a bar of Pros check out this little Limerick I encountered the megopithecus with Lamprey stuck upon my body it looked quite suspect oh what look but one Rex refrained from entering the battle arena twist in the story quite the puzzling Enigma genius genius oh okay here's another one you ready I faced The Brood mother parched and on the brink nearly passing out feeling weakened I couldn't think unable to ride the uteranus I clung to Rex's back a gripping moment survival is what I lacked if my Rhymes Tire you alas that's too bad for I'm a poet my words to be had subscribe to my verses let your imagination thrive in the realm of poetry where stories come alive okay okay that's no more rhymes for now on day 83 I spent the day healing my wounds and resting for the next big fight I flew the swamp again to farm for organic polymer to make some metal arrows for the compound bow that I found in the sunken ship days prior after Gathering the resources I needed I crafted a whole quiver's load of metal arrows and it's time to take this little baby on a test run that's a lot of damage hey check this out yeah just call me FaZe Glam I'm an LG MLG pro on this momentous day I embarked Upon A fearsome encounter facing the Alpha dragon with an army of Mighty rexes by my side amidst the chaos of battle my attire succumbed to the intensity as my pants gave way under the strain as a fate itself conspired against me Relentless dimorphodon pursued me with Relentless determination yet undeterred by adversity I summoned every ounce of my courage and skill to Vanquish this colossal Beast emerging triumphant in a feat that shall be forever etched into the animals of Legend I once again found myself in the depths of the Abyss because I wanted to tame a mate for Kraken Lord but alas nothing spawned in so I gave up and just left when I say nothing spawned in I really mean nothing spawned down here I don't even know why I'm not sure how or why or when but I only had a few weeks left in this playthrough so I was just gonna let it be ah just kidding you thought wrong once again I went into the abyss but once again I was the one who was pranked because nothing spawned after being Bamboozled utterly Bamboozled I decided it would be a good time to prep for the alpha phenomous silver fight I'd never done this before so my nerves were shaking despite that I made my Rex's Stand Tall on the platform of the volcano I saw another Alpha Rex wandering around and remembering my personal Vendetta against them went into action this time I mixed it up and oh check it out here comes moridol with the RKO bam another win today amidst the ebbing tides of Destiny I found myself locked in a Timeless clash with fenrusso fur I named that reverberated Through the Ages by Trembling Hands tightly gripped the very fabric of my sensing the weight of imminent confrontation with baited breath I ventured forth stepping into the Ethereal Arena where Legends are forged and that pivotal instant the culmination of arduous Journey searched through my veins electrifying my spirit with unwavering resolve in our hearts of flame we charged an Unstoppable force a symphony of Courage resounding through the heavens for Odin the all-father and for asgard's hallowed sanctums we fought our Valor a blazing Beacon against the encroaching Darkness though the tempestuous battle claimed the lives of noble rexes their Resolute sacrificed etched upon the animals of History Lee stood in wavering indomitable dividing Frost has sailed my continents a testament to the heroin Tempest we faced yet or deterred our medals Shone through amidst the chaos we emerged triumphant vanquishing this Primal adversity for we were the harbingers of Destiny the embodiment of Victorious Legends this is it the Twilight of my time in this realm I hadn't forgotten my quest nay I remembered my vow to the all-father I needed to collect the rest of the runes to become worthy so days 89-93 or me collecting the rest of the ruins I needed to ascend and here's the quick montage foreign I decided to take a little break from Maroon hunting and my oodlemog test his might against this titanosaur boom that's what I'm talking about baby my man is an Unstoppable force of nature while on my travels I managed to pill for two count them two 170 I strike eggs from the frost wyvern trench I remembered rhyme Fang quite fondly and I was thinking of him when I picked these up bro those of you don't know who may have found this video through YouTube search he was the first ice wyvern I got in my first ever 100 days playthrough I finished off the day by fighting another Alpha Rex let's get ready to I can't say that guess what he won again jackpot baby well we did cut it close though but still I'll take this dub exhausted after hours and hours of Rune hunting I found my final runestone much to my disappointment I could not yet wield Thor's hammer much still needed to be done I needed to be 190 and I could do that by beating the story arcs on Alpha defeated I went home hey who's this oh it's you [Music] know Yoda whatever a community [Music] [Music] after dealing with that distraction it was time to say goodbye to ulumag and the gigas in spectacular fashion they all fought a titanosaur as the final hurray foreign my children were in good hands now ulamog was a fit father figure for all of them and I knew they would all grow upright I took the final moments look at the Splendor and the glory of my gigas and I teleported back home I had accomplished all that I had set out to do I beat all the bosses on Alpha I collected all the runes I had for all intents and purposes beaten fjordor I didn't have a whole lot to do so I just went out with fenra sulfur and leveled her for a little bit then that's it there truly was nothing but I did manage to spend the next few days trying to work on a really cool thumbnail for the video at the time of writing I don't know what I'd use I did this for about three days so in the midst of me collecting runes I had tamed a white Tech Rex I thought looked really cool so day 99 I crafted him some Tech Armor and I named him Galvatron it was an easy decision but for those of you who don't understand Galvatron is character from Transformers [Music] thank you foreign [Music] if you enjoyed watching my content it would mean the world to me if you leave a like it really helps me in the algorithm and lets me know that you're enjoying what I create and if you haven't already please hit that subscribe button to become part of our community for those of you who want to continue this 100 day adventure with me I've created a special playlist just for you check it out and let's keep pushing forward together I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you your comments likes and shares have motivated me to keep going even on the toughest of days your support means everything to me as we say our goodbyes for now remember that this is just the beginning there are so many more exciting Adventures ahead and I can't wait to share them all with you so until next time stay curious stay inspired and keep chasing your dreams goodbye my friends and thank you for being part of this incredible journey
Channel: GLAHM
Views: 134,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 Days, 100 Days Ark, 100 Days Ark Fjordur, Ark Fjordur, Fjordur, 100 Days Game, 100 Days of survival, 100 Days viking, 100 Days of Ark Survival Evolved, 100 Days Ark Survival Evolved, 100 Days ark survival evolved, 100 days ark survival evolved fjordur, 100 days desmodus, fenrisulfr ark, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days minecraft, 100 Days ark survival ascended, ASE, ASE 100 Days, ASA 100 Days, Ark Survival Fjordur, 100 Days ASA ARK
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 6sec (5106 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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