I Spent YEARS Coding: Here’s 10 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner!

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hey folks Aldo here for those who may not know me I'm a ztm alumni who went from absolutely no Tech background or experience to becoming a full stack developer and now I've made it my mission to help others Thrive and succeed in their own Journeys today we're exploring a topic that's close to my heart and I believe can be incredibly useful for aspiring coders especially those striking out on their own or making a career shift the 10 insights I desperately wish I knew before learning the code our mission with this video is to arm you with not just advice but transformative principles that go beyond the code these are the type of insights that will not only save you time and energy but also a bit of your sanity this isn't about quick fixes or Surface level hacks it's about diving into the core strategies that will create a fulfilling and successful career in Tech so grab your cup of coffee sit in your favorite chair and let's go over the 10 insights that will revolutionize your coding Journey let's go kicking things off the very first Insight is all about choosing the right language now you might be wondering isn't coding all about loops conditions and functions regardless of the language well yes but there's much more to it the truth is the language you start with can shape your learning experience influence your problem solving skills and even determine the types of jobs available to you in the tech World it goes beyond just syntax it's a it's about finding a community that supports you resources that guide you and projects that ignite your passion for instance if you're drawn to web development then JavaScript could be the best starting point ever dreamed of developing apps then Swift for iOS and cotland for Android could be your calling the key is to align your language Choice with your interest in goals remember there is no one size fits all the best language is the language that keeps you curious and motivated to learn more moving on to our second key Insight we're talking about the fundamentals you see in the rush to create something quickly or jump into more flashy aspects of coding it's easy to overlook the Bedrock upon which all coding skills are built the fundamentals think of it like building a house without a solid foundation it doesn't matter how beautiful the design is it won't stand strong over time and trust me I know it's difficult when I was first learning a code every new tool felt like a shiny object simultaneously exciting and distracting me but spending sufficient time on the fundamentals even when it seems less thrilling will make all the difference it's like learning the chords on a guitar before trying to play a song Yes it isn't the part that gets the crowd cheering but without it the music just isn't possible our third Insight is often overlooked but an absolutely critical aspect of coding and Beyond and that is learning how to learn mastering this skill can exponentially speed up your progress allowing you to absorb and apply new knowledge more effectively it's not just about what you learn but how you approach learning in itself methods like the 8020 Rule and the findan technique are perfect examples of this at zero to Mastery we believe in this wholeheartedly which is why we have a course dedicated to learning how to learn if you want to learn more no pun intended you can watch the course outline video in the description below anyways in incorporating these approaches into your learning routine can make all the difference they Empower you to break down complex information retain it more effectively and apply what you've learned in real world practical settings next up our fourth Insight is a skill that every coder needs but not everyone talks about the art of reading documentation yes it may not sound as exciting as writing code but it's equally as important documentation is your road map in the vast landscape of coding whether it's understanding a new library troubleshooting a bug or getting familiar with the new framework here's a tip from my own experience start with the overview or introduction sections to get a broad sense of what you're dealing with then dive into the specifics as needed you don't need to read it like an insurance policy either remember practice makes perfect the more you interact with different types of documentation the more intuitive it becomes mastering this skill will not only make you more independent but will also sign significantly speed up your Learning and Development process so while it may seem boring at first investing the time in understanding how to properly redoc umentation will save you countless hours down the line now our fifth Insight might seem counterintuitive embrace the bugs Yes you heard that right every coder from beginners to season Pros encounters bugs they're not just obstacles they're opportunities bugs are a natural part of the coding process offering invalu lessons in troubleshooting critical thinking and resilience each bug that you encounter teaches you more about your code how it interacts with other elements and where your understanding might need deepening instead of fearing bugs view them as a puzzle that needs to be solved this mindset shift can transform your coding Journey making it more about exploration and learning rather than getting it right the first time remember overcoming bugs is a badge of honor in the coding World it means that you're pushing your limits and growing diving into our sixth Insight it's all about why practical experience outweighs theoretical knowledge while understanding the concepts and theories behind coding is essential nothing beats the Hands-On application in the world of coding doing is learning building projects experimenting with code and solving real world problems develops your skills in ways that theoretical study alone cannot for example you can read all you want about riding a bike but until you get on that thing and collect your bumps and bru is you ain't learning how to ride and we also can forget that these practical experiences are what build up your portfolio and demonstrate your capabilities to Future employers so make it a point every day to work on projects that challenge you don't be afraid to break things it's all part of the game next let's dive into Insight number seven which is the undeniable importance subversion Control Systems if there's one tool that levels up your coding prowess its Version Control with Git being the most renowned version control systems allow you to track changes collaborate with others and manage your projects efficiently think of it as a safety net for your code enabling you to experiment fearlessly and revert to previous versions if something goes wrong embracing Version Control early in your journey not only eases collaboration but also prepares you for industry standards and workflows so if you haven't already dive into understanding and using Version Control it's a skill That Pays dividends in every aspect of coding moving on to our eighth Insight we're talking about the significance of soft skills while mastering programming languages and Technical abilities is essential soft skills often determine your success in a team and the industry at large communication adaptability teamwork and problem solving are not just add-ons they're fundamental components of a thriving Tech Career these skills enable you to articulate your ideas clearly collaborate effectively navigate changes smoothly and find Creative Solutions for complex issues remember technology isn't built in isolation but instead in communities and in teams fostering these interpersonal skills will make you stand out in a field often stereotyped for lacking them so invest in developing your soft skills alongside your technical abilities it's a balance that will not only level up your coding career but also enrich your personal relationships and projects our ninth Insight is a challenge that many of us face but few openly discuss and that is overcoming impostor syndrome impostor syndrome is that nagging feeling of doubt that voice inside your head that tells you you're not good enough or that you don't belong in the tech World despite your achievements I've battled with impostor syndrome who has it transitioning from a non-tech background to becoming a full stack developer there were moments where I felt like I was just hiding waiting for someone to discover that I didn't believe long but here's the kicker those feelings are normal and they can be overcome the first step is recognizing that impostor syndrome is a sign that you're growing you're stepping outside your comfort zone into something new and challenging talk about it with your peers and mentors you'd be surprised how many of them share these same feelings and always remember every expert was once a beginner embrace your journey acknowledge your progress and know that impostor syndrome is just part of the process last but not least our 10th Insight the role of community and networking in the tech world the Journey of learning to code and building a career in Tech isn't meant to be a lonely one the communities you engage with and the professional networks you build can significantly influence your growth opportunities and your overall experience in the field being part of a community whether online or in person offers a wealth of benefits it provides a platform for sharing knowledge seeking advice finding mentorship and receiving feedback on your work this is one of the pillars that Zer to Mastery is built on which is why we've nurtured a Discord Community to nearly half a million members strong before I stepped into my role at TTM I was a student immersed in this Vibrant Community and if I'm being honest I attribute most of My Success to the support inspiration and connections that I found within this network regardless of the community that you're considering joining remember that the value it brings extends far beyond technical learning it's about building relationships sharing successes and setbacks and ultimately growing together and that wraps up our journey on the 10 pivotal insights I wish I knew before diving into the world of coding from choosing the right programming language to the indispensable power of community in network these insights will guide you towards a more informed efficient and enjoyable career in Tech if you found this video helpful please drop it a like and consider subscribing as always always feel free to share any thoughts comments or questions down below keep growing keep coding and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Zero To Mastery
Views: 7,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 things I wish I knew before programming, things i wish i knew when i started programming, how to learn programming, things i wish i knew before programming, things i wish i knew before coding, how to start programming, things i wish i knew before starting programming, what to know before learning to code, what you need to know before programming, zero to mastery, andrei neagoie
Id: fvtbkq2twHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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