I learned to code from scratch in 1 year. Here's how.

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In this video, I'm gonna show you how I learned to  code from scratch in just one year. I'm gonna show   you the exact path, learning resources, tools, and  most importantly, the learning hacks that I used   to go from a complete beginner to a self-taught  programmer building and shipping complex apps   and workflows that are now used by thousands of  people, so you can do the same thing if you want   to, or maybe even get a job as a programmer if  that's a goal you have. We're also gonna talk   about two secret weapons that I use both to learn  faster and to build and ship things much more   quickly as well, and one of those has even become  a surprisingly good source of side income for   me, and I think represents a pretty interesting  side hustle opportunity even for people who are   not expert level coders, but I'll talk about that  later on in the video. First, here's an outline of   everything we're gonna cover here. I'm gonna try  to make this as comprehensive as possible so it's   a jumping off point that you can use if you want  to learn how to code, and we're gonna talk about   how I picked my language, how I got started, the  exact learning resources that I used, all of which   are completely free, by the way. We're gonna talk  about those two secret weapons I mentioned, a few   learning hacks I used to learn even faster, and  some of my favorite programming tools. Feel free   to skip around this video all you like. I have  timestamps in the description down below. We're   gonna start off with a bit of a discussion on  how I got started and how I chose my programming   language because one of the most common questions  people have when they want to learn how to code is   what language should I start with? So personally,  I started with JavaScript, and I focused   specifically on what's called backend programming,  and backend programming has to do with everything   that happens sort of under the hood or behind the  scenes, whereas front-end programming has to do   with the actual interfaces and controls that you  actually interact with on websites and apps. So   think of backend coding kind of like designing or  building a car engine, whereas front-end coding   would be like designing the car body itself, but  also the controls like the steering wheel or the   ejector seat button. So for example, my favorite  project that I built so far, also vastly the most   complex project I built so far, is called Notion  Voice Notes, and it's a few thousand lines of code   that essentially take an audio file like a lecture  recording or voice note or a podcast, transcribes   it to text, summarizes that text with AI into  lists like the main points and the action items,   and then creates a brand new page in my Notion  note-taking system with all of that detail. So   I can basically take notes with my voice. And  to interact with that system, all I have to do   is upload an audio file to Google Drive, and  then everything happens automatically in the   background. That's what I mean by backend coding.  And I'm telling this story because that workflow,   taking notes with my voice, is actually one of the  primary inspirations I had to learn how to code in   the first place. I have wanted to be able to take  notes with my voice for years. I go for a lot of   long walks, and I've always wished I could just  record a voice note and then get like a perfect   transcription later on that I could read through,  skim, add highlights to, all that good stuff. And   then literally in the airport on the way to  my honeymoon after getting married last year,   I came across a blog post in line for coffee by  somebody who was using JavaScript and a few other   free tools to transcribe podcast episodes to text.  And as I was scrolling through that blog post,   I couldn't understand any of the code in it at  the time, but I was confident that if I could   come to learn enough JavaScript to understand that  code, I would be able to modify it and I would be   able to build my voice note-taking workflow. So  the choice for me was clear. I needed to learn   JavaScript. There was another reason as well. I  wanted to send my notes to Notion and the Notion   API is primarily use the JavaScript. That made the  choice clear for me. And if you're watching this,   if you're confused about what language you  should start with note that I'm not telling you,   you should start with JavaScript, but I am  telling you, you should start with the same kind   of inspiration. You should pick a language that  will let you build something that is interesting   to you personally, because at the end of the day,  programming languages are just tools. So if you're   just saying, I want to learn how to code, it's  kind of like saying, I want to learn how to use   a hammer and yeah, I can get a loose piece of two  by four and have some nails sticking out of it. I   can teach you how to swing a hammer, but you're  going to have a lot more success if you start   with something that you actually want to build.  Like I want to build a house or I want to build   a computer, because once you have the project  in mind, you're going to know what tools you   actually need for it. So once you understand the  project, you're going to understand what tool you   should pick, but you're also going to learn a lot  faster for a couple of different reasons. First,   having a goal in mind, having something that  you're interested to build is going to focus   your attention because programming languages are  full of tons of different subskills and methods   and classes, and you kind of have to know which  ones to learn and focus on at first. Otherwise,   you're going to be very, very scatterbrained.  The other thing, the more important thing is   when you have an end goal in mind, your brain is  going to understand that what you're learning,   even if it's kind of boring in the moment or  on its own, is relevant to something you care   about. So it's going to be stickier. You're  going to retain it much more easily. Now,   there are some other factors that go into language  selection, like the popularity of the language,   how competitive it is in the job market if  you are trying to get a job as a programmer,   the difficulty of learning language in general.  And there's a whole great post on Free Code Camp's   website that goes through these considerations  and talks about them. I'll link to that in the   description below. But the really nice thing  about starting with a language that's going to   help you build something interesting in the short  term is once you learn that language, if you have   to learn a second language in the future, it's  going to be much, much easier. And the reason   for that is that we can break programming down  into two general categories of sub-skills. We   have language-specific sub-skills, so things  like the syntax of the language, its quirks,   maybe the frameworks or tools that you use to  work with that language. But then we have a much   bigger category of universal programming  skills, so things like data structures,   working with functions, just the logical practice  of solving problems with code. And once you kind   of hone your skills in this category with your  first language, you take those skills into your   second language and all you have to do is kind of  apply them to the syntax and the quirks of the new   language. So learning a new language, if you have  to for a job or anything else, is going to go way,   way, way faster than learning your first language.  And speaking of learning, let's now talk about the   learning resources that I use to learn JavaScript.  So the main one that I'm going to recommend   for anybody who does want to learn JavaScript,  which I think is a great first choice if you are   interested in building web apps or doing backend  programming like I do or building websites,   is this JavaScript algorithms and data structures  course on freecodecamp.org. Like I said,   everything in this learning resources section  is completely free and as the name in free code   camp implies, this is a completely free course.  I also think it is absolutely the best beginner   resource for anybody trying to learn JavaScript.  And the reason for that is there are tons and tons   of mini lessons in this course. There's a whole  bunch of modules here and every one of them has   a bunch of different mini lessons. Each one of  those mini lessons is kind of a self-contained   challenge. So you're immediately having to write  code while you're learning. So for example,   we have understanding uninitialized variables  right here. It gives you a little bit of a lesson   on what it's trying to teach you. And then it  immediately asks you to write code and it has   a button where you can run tests and see if your  code is actually right or if there's a bug in it.   So this immediately gets you writing code instead  of just like reading theory or going through a   book. And I think that is the best way to learn  any programming language, not just JavaScript.   If you can get your hands dirty and start coding  right away, you're going to learn a lot faster   and you're going to be a lot more motivated to  keep learning. Now, before I go on to the next   learning resource that I want to recommend here, I  have two little tips, things that I did with this   course that I think are worth mentioning. First  and foremost, alongside this course, I had a   little test folder in my own programming editor. I  use VS code right here. And basically when I would   run across a particularly interesting lesson,  I would try to take the lesson and remix it and   challenge myself to go do something different  with it. So for example, if the lesson was   teaching me how to write a really basic for loop,  or just prints out one, two, three, four, five,   et cetera, I would go into my editor and challenge  myself to kind of up the ante a little bit instead   of going one, two, three, four, five. What if I  skipped every third number or what if I went just   the even numbers in doing that is a great way to  take a challenge that's just a tutorial challenge,   something that someone else has laid out for  you and turn it into something that you have   more ownership over and something that you care  about more. In business, there's this idea called   the Ikea effect where people have more affinity.  They're more proud of the furniture they own from   Ikea because they had to actually go through the  process of building it themselves. This is also   applied really successfully in video games like  Minecraft, even in software like notion. I think a   big reason people love notion is they get to build  stuff and be proud of it. And when you're learning   programming, you can use this concept to your  advantage. You can take the tutorials and take the   concepts they're trying to teach you, remix them  a little bit and kind of turn it into play almost.   The second thing, and this is going to be kind of  controversial that I did here is I went through,   if I go back to the free code camp course, I  went to the basic JavaScript module, which is 113   lessons. Then I went through the ES6 module, which  is 29. And then I actually quit the course. I   didn't go through this regular expressions module,  the debugging. I didn't go through any of these   because ES6 and basic JavaScript taught me enough  to go off and build the thing I wanted to build   at the time. I had two kind of main inspirations.  The first we already covered, which was me wanting   to build a voice notes workflow. The other one  is I really wanted to teach the notion API over   my second channel, Thomas Frank explains.  And I had this really fun project idea that   I wanted to build. I wanted to make an automated  Pokedex generator where I would pull Pokemon from   an API and bring them in automagically. And  after going through those first two modules,   I felt that I had enough knowledge and I had  enough tools in my tool belt to go off and start   building that. I also had enough knowledge  to now go out and look through references,   look through kind of like reference resources  and figure out things that I didn't know without   having to go through a structured course. So one  thing that I would recommend that you follow,   something that I do all the time is no matter what  kind of educational resource you're going through,   don't feel that you have to complete it 100%  before you can go off and try doing your own   stuff. Instead, think of the educational resource  as a reference. Maybe you need to go through the   first few modules to sort of just get your  feet wet and understand the basic language   of the skill you're learning. But then if you get  inspiration, if you want to go build something,   don't feel that you have to complete the entire  course before you can go do that. Let the   inspiration carry you. Okay, so I went through the  JavaScript algorithms and data structures course.   That is the main resource I would recommend here.  The next one is the modern JavaScript tutorial,   which you can find over at JavaScript.info. So  this I think is a great compliment to that free   code camp course because where that one is a  little bit light on explanation and heavy on   exercises and actual coding, this is the exact  opposite. So let's say I searched for arrays   here. I think they'll probably have an article on  arrays within this. Here it is. This is basically   a really well-written online free book that  basically can teach you everything that the other   course isn't teaching you. So if you're going  through an exercise in the course and you want   to kind of understand the concept that's teaching  a bit more, the modern JavaScript tutorial is my   number one resource recommendation for going  through it. There's also an actual reference   guide, which I'm going to cover next, but I think  the modern JavaScript tutorial is a bit easier   to read. It's a bit more fun to read. So consider  that to be an important tool in your programming,   especially JavaScript-focused tool belt. And  the third one that I'm going to mention, which   I think makes up the trifecta of the ultimate  JavaScript learning resources, in my opinion,   is the MDN Web Docs. So these are basically like  the de facto official documentation for JavaScript   and for a lot of web technologies actually, but  they have this whole JavaScript kind of guide   you can go through. I think you could actually  learn JavaScript going through just this website,   but the real strength here is any sort of  function that you're trying to use or piece   of language you're trying to understand, there  is comprehensive documentation on it on this   website. So for example, there is a function  I use all the time called map, and right here,   array prototype map, they have a whole article  on it. They have a demo, they have syntax,   they have parameters, and most importantly,  they have examples right here. So if you want   to understand how to use a function like this, you  would go to the MDN Web Docs. And for that reason,   I would recommend keeping this in particular as  a bookmark resource on your computer. A couple   others that are worth mentioning. First, there is  a weird JavaScript course by Fireship on YouTube,   which I think is really, really fun. It's kind  of like a high level overview of JavaScript and   all of these videos are super entertaining to  watch. Highly recommend watching those and also   just subscribing to Fireship in general. He has  some of the best programming content on YouTube.   And then the last learning resource I want to  talk about here isn't anything in particular,   it's more of a general recommendation to kind of  just let yourself get obsessed with coding. If   you feel the interest, just sort of like start  learning by osmosis. So this is something that   I definitely did as I was watching through videos  like Fireship here on YouTube, I started to notice   that my recommendations had more and more stuff  about JavaScript. And so a lot of times if I was   like eating dinner or lunch or something, instead  of going to Netflix or watching a movie, I would   watch programming content on YouTube instead and  just sort of learn by osmosis. For example, when I   was going through this Fireship course, my YouTube  algorithm took notice and started recommending me   lots and lots of JavaScript related content on  my home feed. One of those videos was this video   right here on what the heck is the event loop  anyway by Philip Roberts. And I just watched   that while eating dinner one night. And now I have  a much better understanding of how asynchronous   code works in JavaScript. I probably wouldn't have  even thought to look that up in the first place,   but it was just recommended to me and I watched  it and I'm really glad that I did. Okay, so it's   now time to go into secret weapon number one in  this video. And that secret weapon is chat GPT,   but probably not in the way that you think,  because a lot of people, especially a lot of   people that I follow on Twitter or that end up in  my feed will say chat GPT can write code for you.   We have GitHub copilot, which uses chat GPT  to basically generate code on the fly. And if   you're already a professional programmer, that  can be a great way to boost your productivity.   But if you're trying to learn how to code, letting  chat GPT write code for you is actually a bad idea   because you are not going to come to understand  how that code is actually working. You have to   write it yourself. So what I did instead was I  use chat GPT as a learning tool. And I came to   discover that it has two major strengths that the  courses and reference materials that I was using   primarily kind of lack. The first one is that chat  GPT can tailor the level of the material that it's   generating for you on the fly to your specific  needs. Something like a course or a reference   guide can't do that because it's written for  lots and lots of people. Whereas with chat GPT,   you can say, Hey, I didn't quite understand that.  Could you give me some more examples? Could you   bring this down to say like a 10th grade level,  something like that. So for example, I have a one   piece of history here where I was asking, what  is a set? Can you teach me about it? And how   running the has function in it is more efficient  than some alternative. I can't remember what the   context was, but here it basically generates a  mini article for me. And if this wasn't enough,   I could ask for more examples or more guidance  just to make sure that my understanding was clear.   The other thing that I've learned with chat GPT  is it is fantastic for eliminating what's called   a second order incompetence, which are basically  the things that you don't know that you don't know   literally the stuff in a skill that you just  don't even know exists yet. And I found that   if you prompt it right, chat GPT is really good  at helping you discover these kinds of things.   So just to give you an example here, here's one of  the prompts I gave it. I gave it a function that I   wrote myself and I said, here's a function I wrote  that fetches Pokemon from the Poke API, creates an   array of objects with their data. You don't have  to worry about what this code does in this video.   This isn't a technical level video, but this  is key. How would a senior JS developer improve   this code? And then I said, for each suggested  improvement, please explain why you've suggested   it as if I'm a student unaware of it. So I pasted  my code below the prompt here as context. And   then it gives me a whole list of suggestions here.  Use promise.all for concurrent requests, refactor   error handling, separation of concerns. And a lot  of these concepts, the first time that I wrote   a prompt like this, I had no idea existed. For  example, this concurrent requests suggestion here,   I didn't know what that was. And it turned out to  be one of the most useful concepts I ever learned   as a programmer. And I'll just take a little  bit of an aside here to explain it. So a lot   of what I do with my programming is I write code  that reaches out to APIs and then gets responses.   So for example, if I want to get a Pokemon from  the Poke API, I have to make a request and then   I have to get the response. So if I wanted to  get say a hundred Pokemon, I might write a loop,   which is one of the first things you learn about  as a programmer. And it would do it as many times   as as needed, reach out, get the response, then  kick off the next iteration, reach out, get the   response, and do that a hundred times. When I  learned about concurrency, I learned that you can   basically write code that will reach out and it  doesn't have to actually wait to get the response   before it will send the next request. And just to  show you an example of how powerful this is, over   on a platform called Pipe Dream, which spoilers is  my next secret weapon, but I'm going to show you   here. I wrote some code to show just how much  faster concurrency can be than what's called   serial programming, where we're just waiting  for the response before we kick off the next   iteration of our loop here. So I wrote some code  that grabs the first 50 Pokemon, both in serial   and using concurrent code. And we can see here  to get these 50 Pokemon names with serial calls,   it took seven seconds or 7,000 milliseconds here.  Whereas the concurrent calls doing the exact same   thing only took 530 milliseconds, just over half a  second. So we get this massive speed increase just   by implementing concurrency. And again, I didn't  know about that at all. I didn't know it existed   as a concept until I asked that magic question.  How would a senior JavaScript developer improve   this code? And then please explain the suggested  improvements. Now I could probably do a whole   video in the future on Chat GBT. I've used it for  a lot more beyond coding. What I will say to wrap   up this section is still realize that Chat GBT can  get things wrong. So it is really important not to   lean entirely on Chat GBT as a teaching tool. I  truly believe you should go through courses and   get very familiar with the official documentation  at the MDN Web Docs, and then use Chat GBT as a   support tool that supports those official  resources. That brings us to secret weapon   number two, which I've already showed you a little  bit in this video, but the tool is called Pipe   Dream. And it's kind of like Zapier or make.com.  It's like a no code automation tool that allows   you to sort of hook up different tools together.  But the real difference between Pipe Dream and   something like Zapier is Pipe Dream makes it super  easy to write JavaScript code that can actually   support your workflows. And you can even bring in  packages that make your code even more powerful.   And the reason that I'm listing this as a secret  weapon is I have found Pipe Dream allows me to   build and ship really useful workflows incredibly  quickly. And that actually encourages me to go off   and do it. One of the biggest blockers that kept  me from learning programming for a very long time   was all the infrastructure and all the extra  stuff around the actual code that you want to   write. Traditionally, if you want to ship an  app, you got to write your code for the app,   but you also have to get servers. You have to  think about authentication. You have to think   about OAuth for APIs and all kinds of stuff like  that. And the beautiful thing about Pipe Dream is   it's a platform that basically takes care of all  of that for you. So if you're like me and you're   very focused on backend programming, where  you're sort of like building little machines   that automate work between different tools, Pipe  Dream makes that incredibly fast. And I want to   show you an example in this video, just to show  you how powerful this tool can actually be. So   here I have a very simple workflow set up, which  is called audio to Notion. This is basically the   exact same thing I talked about in the intro where  we are uploading an audio file to Google Drive,   and then we're transcribing it and sending the  transcript to Notion. And currently I'm using   only no code components. So we have a trigger  here. It's going to then download the file to   what's called temp storage. We're going to connect  with OpenAI to transcribe the audio file to text,   and then we're going to create a brand new page  and a note-taking system in Notion that has that   transcript. So here I've got that note-taking  system, I'm just calling it voice notes. And if   I go ahead and test this workflow right here, we  get a success message after a couple of seconds.   And if I go back over to Notion, we see voice  sample.mp3. I can open that up and you can see   we have a full transcript of an audio file that I  recorded. And you could do this in a traditional   no code automation builder like Zapier or  make.com. But there's one problem that I see with   this transcript. It's a wall of text. There's just  so many lines of text here. I would love if this   was broken up into paragraphs, but unfortunately  the no code components in Pipedream don't have an   option to do that. So that is where adding code  into the mix becomes really, really useful. And   the way we can do that in Pipedream is just by  adding a step and choosing the node step right   here. So node JS, if you don't know about it, is  what's called a backend runtime for JavaScript. It   basically lets you run JavaScript outside of  just the browser. You can run it on servers,   almost like a true backend language like PHP.  And here we can use it to basically write code   that acts as glue to do extra stuff within our  workflows in Pipedream. So I'm just going to   grab a hello world component right here. And I've  prepared some code that I'm just going to copy and   paste directly into the step. Again, this is not  meant to be a technical video, so you don't have   to worry about what this code is doing or how it  works. But basically, we're importing a really   powerful library called natural, which can split  our transcript into sentences. And then I have   some simple code here that is going to basically  make groups of two sentences per paragraph. So   if I test this out, you can see what it does.  And you can see here on the return value area,   we now have our transcript, but we have some  line breaks between these groups of paragraphs.   So if I copy this path here and I come down into  our create page from database, no code action,   and I basically replace this page content call  with that variable, we can test it one more time.   And once again, we get a success message. We can  go back over to Notion and now we can check out   this brand new page. And would you look at that?  We have actual paragraphs and each paragraph is   an individual block inside of Notion. So that  is really what code can allow you to do. Once   you kind of come up against the limits of no code  platforms, a platform like Pipe Dream basically   says, "Hey, write your own code, work around  those limitations, and you can build a workflow   that does pretty much exactly what you want." So  I started using Pipe Dream in that capacity. I was   building no code workflows and then adding little,  little snippets of code just to sort of add things   that I wanted. And over time, I got more and more  involved in the platform to the point now where   my Notion voice notes automation actually works  on Pipe Dream. That is where it lives, but it   is entirely based on code. Nothing is using a no  code component at this point. And I wrote probably   2,500 lines of code over several months to make  this entire thing work. And that's actually the   reason that I am listing Pipe Dream in this video,  even if you are not a backend focused developer,   because it represents a concept that I think is  very important for learning how to code. And that   is the removal of friction. Like I said before, I  was originally intimidated by all the extra stuff   you have to do around coding, like authentication,  security, servers. Finding a platform like Pipe   Dream basically gave me a tool where I could just  write simple code, write the code that I knew how   to write, and get something that actually worked  and did something interesting. And that gave me   enough momentum. It gave me a result that pushed  me to keep improving my scripts until eventually   I was coding entirely code-based scripts that  weren't using no code components. And now I'm   to the point where I actually do understand things  like authentication and servers. So if I wanted to   go ahead and turn this into a non-Pipe Dream based  workflow, if I wanted to build a full stack app on   it, I'm now much better equipped to do that. And  I don't think I would have gotten to that point   quite as quickly without an interim tool like  Pipe Dream. Now in the intro, I also mentioned   that one of those secret weapons has become a  source of side income for me and represents a   pretty interesting side hustle opportunity. That  actually is Pipe Dream as well. And I want to show   you exactly why. So first and foremost, Pipe Dream  has a feature that a lot of other no-code tools do   not have that I think is super useful. And that  is this little share link feature right here.   Essentially I can create this, I can choose some  settings and I can generate a little link that   when anyone clicks it, it's going to automatically  rebuild this entire workflow in their Pipe Dream   account. So it's almost like a Notion template.  And the other thing Pipe Dream has is an affiliate   program and a pretty darn good one at that because  when people click through and actually upgrade to   a paid account, the affiliate gets 33% of their  payments for an entire year. Now Pipe Dream is   also incredibly powerful on its free tier. So I've  been working with their affiliate program for the   past few months. And I think only 1% of the people  who have clicked my affiliate link have actually   converted to a paid account. But just that 1%  of people, about a hundred customers so far,   has generated $4,000 in commissions over the past  few months. And that number is only growing every   single month. So it's this really cool thing  that I get to do where I get to basically   build free software, share it with my audience,  which I mainly do over on my second channel,   Thomas Frank Explains, and a small portion of the  people who use that software eventually upgrade   to paid accounts, maybe their teams, or just have  a lot of automation needs. And I'm able to earn   some income that way without having to actually  sell anything. But if you're following along,   you might be getting an idea here because these  share links are kind of like Notion templates   in a way. They're just links that kind of help you  duplicate something that I've built. And if you've   been following me on Twitter, you might know  that a large part of my business these days is   selling paid Notion templates over on my website.  Well, I think you could do the exact same thing   with Pipe Dream. You could either build bespoke  workflows for clients. In fact, I've done that   for Nebula. Or you could build workflow templates  like the Notion voice notes template that I made,   or Notion voice tasks template that I made.  And you can actually sell those as useful paid   software. I don't have the capacity to do that  right now because I would want to offer support   for it. It's just one of my values. But I think  somebody who had a bit more time and a little bit   of programming skill could really deliver value by  putting together workflows in Pipe Dream and then   selling them. So keep that in mind as a potential  source of side income. At this point in the video,   we are now going to move on to the next section,  which is three of my top learning hacks for   learning programming even faster. The first one is  the simplest. Write code often. Write code as much   as you can. And I'm saying this explicitly because  a lot of people when they try to learn programming   get caught up in tutorials and they get caught up  in watching learning materials. That's important,   but it's much more important that you actually go  write code and try to build things. And anything   you can do to make the process of writing code  easier for yourself, anything you can do to   remove friction from that process, you should  do. It is one of the main reasons I chose to   feature Pipe Dream so prominently in this video  because it's the tool that allows me to just   spin up useful workflows really quickly where  otherwise I might say, "Oh, that's too much of   a hassle right now. I'm too busy. I'm not going  to do it." For example, a few months ago, I was   on a Discord with some people and one person was  like, "Man, I really wish I could pull Magic the   Gathering card art into my Notion database." And I  was like, "There's a Magic the Gathering API. It's   called the Scryfall API. I think I could whip up  something really quickly in Pipe Dream that would   pull the cards this person wants from Scryfall  and put them into Notion." So I built that in   just about 20 minutes using Pipe Dream, gave them  the share link and they were able to use it. And   I learned a whole bunch of cool code tricks along  the way because it was a new and novel challenge.   If I didn't have a tool like Pipe Dream, I might  not have taken that on because I only had about an   hour of time worth in that evening to do it. And I  will recommend another tool aside from Pipe Dream   for this purpose and that's called Replit. So Pipe  Dream is really about building automations between   APIs. Replit is actually almost like a full coding  platform in the cloud. You can write code in tons   of different languages. You can actually run that  code. You can deploy full apps. I've used it. I've   even embedded some Replit embeds in some of my  coding tutorials on my blog and you can literally   run code in them. So definitely check that out  because it's yet another platform that will   allow you to spin up something very quickly. And  again, it removes that friction from the process   of trying something out or starting a quick  project. Learning hack number two is once you   start building projects that get pretty sizable,  you want to have a testing folder aside from that   project where you can write specific functions in  isolation and test them. And I want to show you   kind of an example here. So once again, to jog  your memory, this is my biggest project. It's   called Notion Voice Notes and it is absolutely  massive. Now typically you probably wouldn't write   code files this long in normal modern projects  that use modern design patterns. My code is in   one gigantic file here because I started on Pipe  Dream and initially I was writing in the actual   Pipe Dream app where you kind of have to have  everything in one file. So I could split this up,   but still this is a gigantic project and it  has a lot of moving parts. And if I want to   test something in the middle of the project, then  the testing process can get really, really tedious   and lengthy because it's sort of like handing  stuff off to other functions. So instead, once   you get a project around this size, maybe even  a little smaller, you want to give yourself like   a testing folder here. And this will essentially  allow you to write small functions and then test   them out directly to make sure they work before  you plug them in to your bigger project. So here   I have a very small function that is going to take  a list of Pokemon objects and I can sort them by   a specific criteria. So down here, just to point  this out, I'm sorting my Pokemon object by their   type. And if I run this code, I get an error and  it says type is not defined. This is an example   of quick iteration. Here I can immediately get  my error. Whereas if I was writing this function   in my giant project, I would have to go through  this entire build process and it would take me   a lot longer to get this exact error message.  So here I get it right away. I can go, whoops,   I accidentally forgot to put my quotation marks  around this word type here. Let's go ahead and   save the file. Let's run the code again. And do we  get an error message this time? No, we don't. And   we do see that we have our Pokemon objects sorted  in reverse order by their type, water, grass,   and fire. So again, give yourself a little test  area where you can write functions in isolation   and you're going to tighten those feedback loops  and make much quicker progress. And speaking of   progress, learning hack number three is to build  yourself a code snippets note, or maybe even a   code snippets database. So I want to show you mine  really quickly here to show you what this is here   in my note taking system in Notion. I've got a  note called code snippets. And basically whenever   I find myself using a snippet of code all the time  in my projects, I will create a snippet for it in   this note. So I've got one here. This one's kind  of a verbatious, I don't know if that's a word,   but I'm gonna come down here to show you this  one, import the Notion SDK into pipe dream. So   basically if I want to work with the Notion API,  there is this import statement. And then there's   some specific code for creating an instance of  a client that I can use to work with the Notion   API. I often forget how to actually type this out.  And that's kind of okay because memorizing coding   syntax specifically for like libraries here is  probably one of the least valuable skills you   can have as a programmer, especially as AI starts  to become more and more part of our workflow. It's   much more important to understand the logic and  the creative problem solving process. So here, if   I need to import the Notion SDK into pipe dream,  I'm just gonna come grab my snippet. I'm gonna   paste it in, and then I'm gonna start coding from  this base. And that is going to allow me to code   much more quickly and spend a lot less time trying  to remember, hey, how do I do this thing that   I've done a million times before? It's all about  efficiency. And speaking of efficiency, I wanna   now talk about some of my favorite programming  tools that speed up my workflow and basically   make work a lot easier as well. The first one  is what's called VS code or visual studio code.   This is an editor, and there are a lot of editors  out there. It's like sublime text. There's like   Notepad++ if you're really old school, but VS code  is kind of seen as one of the most popular, one of   the most powerful out there. It's the one that I  use. And for basically any programming language   that you're working in, you can probably use VS  code. And in particular, I want to point out a few   different extensions that you can actually add to  VS code to make it really powerful as a learning   tool. So here in VS code, which is free, it's on  basically all the major systems. I can open up   my little extensions area and you can see that I  have five installed. Code runner is the number one   extension that I would recommend installing.  I think you also need to install node.js,   which is pretty easy. You can just go to the  website, which I'll link below, install that   on your computer. And the reason I love Code  Runner so much is it lets you run code really,   really quickly. I've already shown it in this  video, but I'll show it one more time. Basically,   if I clear the output here in the output tab, if  I just right click and hit run code, it runs the   code and I can see the results and I can see any  errors if it's going to throw an error. So this   is the fastest way to just run a snippet of code,  get an answer and tighten those feedback loops.   There's another extension that does a very similar  thing. It is called live preview. And this one,   instead of basically outputting the results  of your code in this little output tab here,   actually creates like a mini browser window inside  of yes code. So this can be very helpful if you're   actually writing HTML around your JavaScript. So  just like before, I have this very simple HTML   file, but we have this Pokemon sorting function  that I've built here. And if I just click this   little preview button right here, I can actually  see what the table is going to look like inside   of a mini browser window. And the cool thing about  this extension is it will automatically update if   I change the code. So let's say I come down here  and I change my sorting criteria from attack to,   let's say name. Now we can see it is sorting by  name in reverse order. If I remove this reverse   call here, now it's sorting in alphabetical order,  ascending order. And again, this is just a super   quick way to iterate on your code, make changes  and actually see the results in real time. Another   extension that I highly recommend that is a great  learning tool is called Quokka, quokka.js right   here. This will basically execute code directly  inside of your editor on a line by line basis.   So to show you an example of that, I've got this  loop test.js file here. It's doing something very,   very simple. It's just doing a 99 loop here. Then  it's basically just printing 99 bottles of beer on   the wall, 98, 97, et cetera. And you can see here,  Quokka actually will output the result of this   console log statement in the editor itself. This  is a great way to learn and to show you a very,   very simple example, just to drive it home,  let's do something super duper easy. We'll   do console.log two times two, and you can  see immediately it goes four. So you can   see exactly what's happening. Maybe if we use a  division operator, we'll get one. And again, this   just teaches you in the moment what your code is  actually doing. A couple more extensions before we   move on to some other tools. I really like ESLint,  which is just this great extension that basically   adds what's called linting to your JavaScript. It  will basically change the colors. It'll highlight   errors, things like that. And then we also have  Prettier, which is a formatter that will basically   just format your code with indentations and line  breaks as needed. I love that. Okay, a few more   tools beyond a VS code that I want to recommend  here. First one is called DevUtils. This is a   macOS app that basically just has a huge toolbox  of little utilities that come in real handy when   you're programming. So for example, there's  like a JSON validator and formatter. There's   a text difference checker. There is like a regex  tester, I believe. There's all kinds of really,   really useful utilities that before I was using  DevUtils, I would often have to Google for. So   if you are in a Mac, check that out. If there is  a Windows alternative, I will link to it in the   description. I'm not aware of one right now.  Another really useful one is called Recbin.   This is just a website that allows you to send  API requests or send a post or get requests to   APIs. I use this all the time when I'm building  pipe dream workflows. Just a really easy way to   send those requests without needing like a special  piece of software for it. So I recommend that. And   then I also recommend, of course, GitHub. GitHub  is probably something every programmer should get   familiar with, or at least some kind of what's  called version control system. So basically,   I can write code on my computer. I can commit it  to what's called a repository or repo. And here   on GitHub, this is an example of a repo. I have my  notion voice notes dot MJS file. It's a JavaScript   file. Just put an M in front of it for, I believe  it's module. And I can go into the history of this   file. And for any given commit, I can literally  see what was changed and what was added. So all   of these lines here were added in this commit.  These lines in red were deleted and replaced   with these lines here. So if there's like a screw  up or you're working with collaborators and they   need to understand what has changed about a piece  of code, that's what version control is really,   really good for. And I would highly recommend  learning at least a little bit about GitHub and   how to use it if you are getting into programming.  Okay, I want to share one more tool with you in   this video. And it's actually a tool that you  might find useful even outside of programming. So   earlier I showed you my code snippets page inside  of my Notion note taking database. And that notes   page is inside a greater system that I built for  myself called Ultimate Brain, which is an entire   productivity system inside of Notion. A few years  ago, I got really tired of juggling all kinds of   productivity apps. I had a note taking app. I had  a to do list app. I had another task management   app for my team. And I eventually got to the  point where I just wished everything could be in   one place. And when I found Notion, I started to  realize that I think I could build a system that   would accomplish that goal inside of Notion.  So I spent months tinkering, experimenting,   learning how to use the tool. And eventually I  was able to build a system where I have my tasks,   my notes, my goal tracking, my project management,  everything I need to organize my day-to-day life   is now inside of Notion inside of a system I  built called Ultimate Brain. And in particular, my   favorite part of the system is the project manager  that I built because for any given project,   I can see both the tasks for that project and  the notes for that project all on one page. And I   find that super helpful because I'm often creating  tasks as part of a project using the context from   those notes. And in addition to just using this  myself, I also released it as a product last year.   And since then, over 25,000 people have bought it.  And my team and I have collected dozens and dozens   of testimonials from people who find it just as  useful as I do. Now, you probably know if you've   been watching this channel for quite a while that  traditionally we've always relied on brand deals   and sponsorships as our main source of income.  And that's been great, but I have to say, being   able to build something that is both useful for  me and for my audience is even better, especially   since we're not just selling a Notion template. We  also include access to an active support community   where you can not only get answers to every single  question you have, but you can also swap tips with   other people on how to improve your template, add  additions to it, customize it, and improve your   overall productivity system and your workflow. And  if you haven't already picked up your own copy of   Ultimate Brain, now is actually the best time  to do it because we are running our first ever   Black Friday sale. For the rest of this month,  you can get Ultimate Brain at a huge discount,   50% off by going over to thomasjfrank.com/brain  and using the code BlackFriday23 at checkout. Now,   you might be asking yourself, why is Tom running  a Black Friday deal? He's never done it before.   It's a valid question. But in this instance, we  actually have a very good reason for doing it. And   that reason is we're actually building another  tool that's going to make both Ultimate Brain   even better, but also Notion better for anybody  who uses it. That tool is called Flylighter,   and it is going to be the ultimate web clipper  and idea capture tool for Notion. It is a great   tool that's going to help you capture screenshots,  highlights, add annotations to those highlights.   Basically, it is the idea and knowledge capture  tool that I have always wanted. And the thing is,   we want to build this sustainably. We  want to build it in a bootstrapped way,   and we don't want to take VC money. I actually  already have VCs in my inbox asking about this,   but I think that if we took VC money, we would  eventually be forced or at least pressured into   making decisions that weren't aligned with what  you actually want. So instead, what I would love   to do is be able to use the products we already  sell as a way to self-fund the building of this   new tool and allow us to have a great free tier  in addition to the premium features that we're   planning. So that is what Ultimate Brain allows us  to do right now. And there's also a ton of synergy   here because Ultimate Brain is already the best  organizational and productivity system for Notion,   and Flylighter is going to basically make the  capture part of that system even better. So if   you want to help us build this tool, you want  to also supercharge your productivity and get   the best organizational system for Notion, the  best second brain for Notion, you can go over   to thomasjfrank.com/brain. And again, use that  code BlackFriday23 at checkout to get 50% off   of any edition of the template. You can pick up  the standalone edition, or if you're a creator,   you can also get the Ultimate Brain plus Creators  Companion bundle. And that also gets you the exact   system that my team and I use to manage all the  content on this channel, on Thomas Frank Explains,   on Twitter, on basically all the places where  I put out content onto the internet. If you're   a serious content creator and you want to put out  more and better content, I think you're going to   love Creators Companion as well. So once again,  you can go over to thomasjfrank.com/brain and use   that code BlackFriday23 at checkout to get 50% off  of either edition of the template. And with that   ad read over, because it's kind of an ad read, but  it's my product, to wrap this video up, seriously,   I want to say thank you because not only do I  get to make this kind of content for a living,   but now it's so cool. I get to make a literal  startup for a living. And I feel like there's   a way forward where we don't have to take VC money  to literally build this really cool piece of tech.   And that's all thanks to you. I've been putting  out content for 10 years, but if you weren't   watching it, then we wouldn't be able to do any  of this. So seriously, if you've bought one of my   products, if you've supported us on Nebula, if you  have supported my sponsors, or even just watched   this content and helped boost it in the algorithm,  thank you. We would not be able to do this without   you. Seriously, I appreciate you so much. To wrap  this video up, because this is a coding focused   video, I have a couple of different resources  that I want to point you to. First and foremost,   if you want a project that kind of just like  takes everything I've covered in this video and   shoves it into something you can actually do, my  Notion API Pokedex project is something you might   want to go through. It's a two hour video, and  there's also a written version of it that links to   literally all the resources I talked about in this  video. Secondly, if you do want to learn to code,   then learning how to learn more efficiently  is going to help you in your journey. And that   video right there will help you with that as well.  Thanks as always for watching, and I will see you
Channel: Thomas Frank
Views: 369,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thomas frank, productivity, education, how to learn, studying, how to code, javascript, learn to code, chatgpt for coding, chatgpt for learning, chatgpt for teaching, self taught coder, programming, self taught programmer
Id: NpUuuT_EzSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 54sec (2514 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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