Elon Musk JUST Revealed The Last And Most TERRIFYING Secret We Are NOT Supposed To Know

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Bill Gates said there is no one in our time who has done more to push the bounds of science Innovation than you well it's kind of to say well that's nice thing to have anyone say about you nice coming from Bill Gates but oddly enough when it comes to AI actually for around a decade you've almost beening the opposite and saying hang on we need to think about what we're doing and what we're pushing here and what do we do to make this safe and and actually maybe we shouldn't be pushing as faster as hard as we are like I mean you've been doing it for a decade like what was it that caused you to think about it that way and you know why do we need to be worried yeah I've been somewhat of a Cassandra for quite a while where where people would I tell people like we should really be concerned about Ai and they be like what are you talking about like they've never really had any experience with with it but since I was immersed in technology I have been immersed in technology for a long time I could see it coming so but I think this year was that there've been a number of breakthroughs I mean you know the point at which someone can see a dynamically created video of themselves you know like somebody can make a video of you saying anything in real time or me and so the sort of the the Deep pick videos which are really incredibly good in fact sometimes more convincing than real ones and deep real and and then and then obviously things like CH GPT were were quite remarkable now I saw gpt1 gpt2 gpt3 gp4 that you know the holes sort of lead up to that so it was easy for me to kind of see where it's going if you just sort of extrapolate the points on a curve and assume that Trend will continue then we will have profound artificial intelligence and obviously at a level that far exceeds human intelligence so but I'm glad to see at this point that people are taking safety seriously and I'd like to say thank you for holding this AI safety conference I think actually will go down in history as being very important I think it's really quite profound and and I do think overall that the potential is there for artificial intelligence AI to have most likely a positive effect and to create a future of abundance where there is no scarcity of goods and services but it is somewhat of the the magic Genie problem where if you have a magic Genie that can grant all the wishes usually those stories don't end well be careful what you wish for including wishes so you talked a little bit about the summit and thank you for being engaged in it which has been great and people enjoyed having you there putting in this dialogue now one of the things that we achieved today in the meetings between the companies and the leaders was an agreement that externally ideally governments should be doing safety testing of models before their release I think this is something that you've spoken about a little bit it was something we worked really hard on because my job in government is to say hang on there is a potential risk not a definite risk but a potential risk of something that could be bad you know my job is to protect the country and we can only do that if we develop the capability we need in our safety Institute and then go in and make sure we can test the models before they are released Delight of that happen today but you know what's your view on what we should be doing right you've talked about the potential risk right again we don't know but you know what are the types of things governments like our should be doing to manage and mitigate against those risks well generally think that it is good for government to play a role when the public safety is is at risk so you know really for the vast majority of software the public safety is not at risk if the uh app crashes on your phone or your laptop it's not a massive catastrophe but when you're talking about digital superintelligence I think which does pose a risk to the public then there is a role for government to play to safeguard the interest of the public and and this is of course true in in many fields you know Aviation cars you know I deal with regular throughout the world because of stalling being Communications Rockets being Aerospace and cars you know being vehicle transport so I'm very familiar with dealing with with regulators and I actually agree with the vast majority of regulations there's a few that I disagree with from time to time but 0.1% probably of or less than 1% of regulations I disagree with so there is some concern from people in Silicon Valley who who've never dealt with Regulators before and they think that this is going to just Crush Innovation and and slow them down and be annoying but and it will be annoying it's true they're not wrong about that but but I think there's we've learned over the years that having a referee is a good thing and if you look at any sports game there's always a referee and nobody's suggesting I think to have a sports game without one and I think that's the right way to think about this is for for government to be a referee to make sure the Sportsman like conduct and that the public safety is you know is addressed that we care about the public safety because I think there might be at times too much optimism about technology and I speak I say that as a technologist I mean so I ought to know and and like I said on on balance I think that the AI will be a force for good most likely but the probability of it going bad is not 0% yeah so we just need to mitigate the downside potential and then how you talk about referee and that's what which de right there yeah well there we go I mean you know and we talked about this and Demus and I discussed this a long time ago like literally facing right at and actually you know Demis to his credit and the credit of people in the industry did say that to us I think you say it's not right that Demus and his are marking their own homework right there needs to be someone independent and that's why we've developed the safety Institute here I me do you think governments can develop the expertise one of the things we need to do is they hang on you know Demis Sam all the others have got a lot of very smart people doing this governments need to quickly tool up capability wise Personnel wise which is what we're doing I mean do you think it is possible for governments to do that fast enough given how quickly the technology is developing or what do we need to do to make sure we do it quick enough no I think it's a great Point you're making the pace of AI is faster than any technology I've seen in history by far and it's it seems to be growing in capability by at at least fivefold perhaps 10-fold per year it'll certainly grow by an order of magnitude next year yeah so so and and government isn't used to moving at that speed but I think even if there are not firm regulations even if there's not even if there isn't an enforcement capability Simply Having insight and being able to highlight concerns to the public will be very powerful so even if that's all that's accomplished I think that will be very good okay yeah well hopefully we can do better than that hopefully yeah yeah no but that that's helpful we were talking before it was striking you know you're someone who spent their life in technology living More's law and what was interesting over the last couple of days talking to everyone who's doing the development of this and I think you'd concur with this is just the pace of advancement here is unlike anything all of you have seen in your careers in technology is that fair because you've got these kind of compounding effects from the hardware and the data and the now yeah I mean the two currently the two leading centers for AI development are the San Francisco Bay area and the sort of London area that and there are many other places where it's being done but those are the two leading areas so I think if you know if the United States and the UK and China are sort of aligned on on safety that's all going to be a because that's really that's where that's where the leadership is generally I you actually you mentioned China there so I I took a decision to invite China to to Summit over the last couple days and it was not an easy decision a lot of people criticize me for it you know my view is if you're going to try serious conversation you need to but I what would your thoughts you do business all around the world you just talked about it there yeah you know should we be engaging with them can we trust them is that the right thing to have done if if we don't if China is not on board with AI safety it it's somewhat of a moot situation the single biggest objection that I get to any kind of AI regulation or sort of safety controls are well China is not going to do it and therefore they will just jump into the lead and exceed us all but actually China is willing to participate in safety and thank you for inviting them and I and they you know I I think we should thank China for for attending when I was in China earlier this year the my main subject of discussion with this the leadership in China was AI safety and saying that this is really something that they should care about and they took it seriously and and and you are too which is great and having them here I think was essential really if they're not participants it's pointless it's pointless yeah no that and I think we were pleased I they were engaged yesterday in the discussions and actually ended up signing the same communic that everyone else did which is a good stop right and I said if we need everyone to approach us in a similar way if we're going to have I think a realistic chance of of resolving it I was going to you talked about Innovation earlier and regulation being annoying there was a good debate today we had about open source and I think you you've kind of been a proponent of algorithmic transparency and making some of the X algorithms public and you actually we were talking about Jeffrey Hinton on the way in he he's particular he's been very concerned about open- Source models being used by bad AC you've got a group of people who say they are critical to Innovation happening in that distributed way look it's a trick there's probably no perfect answer and there is a tricky balance what are your thoughts on how we should approach this open source question or you know where should we be targeting whatever regulatory or monitoring that we're going to do well the open source algorithms and data tend to lag the closed Source by 6 to 12 but so that but given the rate of improvement that there's actually therefore quite a big difference between the the closed source and the open if things are impr improving by a factor of let's say five or more than being a year behind is you're five times worse so it's a pretty big difference and that might be actually an okay situation but it certainly will get to the point where you've got open source AI that can do that that will start to approach human level intelligence will perhap succeeded I don't not know quite what to do about it I I think it's somewhat inable that there'll be some amount of Open Source and I I guess I would have a slight bias towards open source because at least you can see what's going on where it's a closed Source you don't know what's going on now it should be said with AI that even if it's open source do you actually know what's going on because if you've got a gigantic data file and you know sort of billions of of weights and parameters you can't just read it and see what it's going to do that's a gigantic file of inscrutable numbers you can test it when you run it you can test it you can run a bunch of tests to see what it's going to do but it's probabilistic as opposed to deterministic it's not like traditional programming where you've got a you've got very discret logic and the outcome is very predictable and you can read each line and see what each Line's going to do a neural net is just a whole bunch of probabilities I mean it sort of ends up being a giant comma separated value file it's like our digital gu is a CSP file really okay that is kind of what it is yeah now that point you've just made is one that we have been talking about a lot because again conversations with the people are developing their technology make the point that you've just made it is not like normal software where there's predictability about inputs improving leading to this particular output improving and as the models iterate and improve we don't quite know what's going to come out the other end I would agree with that which is why I think there is this bias for look we need to get in there while the training runs are being done before the models are released to understand what is this new iteration brought about in terms of capability which it sounds like you would would agree with I I was going to shift gears a little bit on you know you've talked a lot about human consciousness human agency which actually might strike people as strange given that you are known for being such a brilliant innovator and technologist but it's quite heartfelt when I hear you talk about it and the importance of maintaining that agency in technology and preserving human consciousness now it kind of links to the thing I was going to ask is when I do interviews or talk to people out and about in this job about AI the thing that comes up most actually is is probably not so much of the stuff we've been talking about but jobs it's what does AI mean for my job is it going to mean that I don't have a job or my kids are not going to have a job now answer as a as a policy maker as a leader is actually AI is already creating jobs and you can see that in the companies that are starting also the way it's being used is a little bit more as a co-pilot necessarily versus replacing the person there's still human agency but it's helping you do your job better which is a good thing and and as we've seen with technological Revolutions in the past clearly there's change in the labor market the amount of jobs I was quoting an MIT study today that they did a couple of years ago something like 60% of the jobs at that moment didn't exist 40 years ago so hard to predict and my job is to create an incredible education system whether it's at school whether it's retraining people at any point in their career cuz ultimately if we've got a skilled population they'll be able to keep up with the the pace of change and have a good life but you know that it's still a concern and you know you what would your kind of observation be on on AI and the impact on labor markets and people's jobs and how they should feel about that as they they think about this well I think we are seeing the most disruptive force in history here you know where we have for the first time we will have for the first time something that is smarter than the smartest human and that I mean it's hard to say exactly what that moment is but there will come a point where no job is needed you can have a job if you want to have a job for sort of personal satisfaction but the AI will be able to do everything so I don't know if that makes people comfortable uncomfortable it's you know that's why I say if you if you wish for a magic Genie that gives you any wishes you want and there's no limit you don't have those three limit three wish limit nonsense you just have as many wishes as you want so it it's both good and bad one of the challenges in the future will be how do we find meaning in life if if you have a magic Genie that can do everything you want I I I do think we it's it's it's hard you know when when when there new technology it tends to have usually follow an S curve in this case we're going to be on the exponential portion of the S curve for a long time and you we have to ask for anything it it won't be we won't have Universal basic income we'll have Universal High income so in some in some sense it'll be somewhat of a leveler or an equalizer because really I think everyone will have access to this magic Genie and you'll able to ask any question it'll be certainly be good for Education it'll be the best tutor you could and the most patient tutor sit there all day and there will be no shortage of goods and services will be an age of abundance I think if I'd recommend people read in Banks the the banks culture books are probably the best envisioning in fact not probably they're definitely by far the best envisioning of an AI future there's nothing even close so I'd recommend really recommend Banks I'm very big fan all his books are good does not say which one all of them so so that's that that'll give you a sense of what is a I guess a fairly utopian protop future with with AI yeah which is good from a as you said it's a universal High income which is a nice phrase and that's it's good from a kind materialistic sense AG of abundance actually that it kind of then leads to the question that you pose right I'm someone who believes you know work gives you meaning right I talk a lot about that as you know I think work is a good thing it you know gives people purpose in their lives and if you then remove a large chunk of that you know what does that mean and where do you get that you know where do you get that drive that motivation that purpose I mean you talking about it you you work a lot of hours you know no as I was mentioning when we were talking earlier I have to somewhat engage in deliberate suspension of disbelief because I'm putting so much Blood Sweat and Tears into a work project and burning the you know 3:00 a.m. oil then I'm like wait why am I doing this I can just wait for the AI to do it I'm just lashing myself for no reason yeah must be a glutton for punishment something call Demus and tell him to hurry up and then you can have a holiday right that's the plan yeah no it's a it's a tricky it's a tricky thing because I think you know part of our job is to make sure that we can navigate to that very I think largely positive place and help people through it between now and then because these things bring a lot of about a change in the labor market as we've seen yeah I I think it's probably is generally a good thing because you know there are a lot of jobs that are uncomfortable or dangerous or sort of tedious and the computer will have no problem doing that be happy to do that all day long so you know it's fun to cook food but it's not that fun to wash the dishes like but the computer's perfectly happy to wash dishes and I I I guess there is you know we still have a sports like where where humans compete and like the Olympics and obviously a machine can can go faster than any human but we still have we still humans race against each other and and have all you know have these Sports competitions against each other where even though the machines are better they're still I guess competing to see who can be the best human at something and and people do find fulfillment in that so I guess that's perhaps a good example of how even when machines are faster than us stronger than us we still find a way we still enjoy competing against other humans to at least who the best human that's a good that's a good analogy and we've been talking a lot about managing the risks I just before we move on and finish on AI is just talk a little bit about the opportunities you know you're engage in lots of different companies neural loping an obvious one which is doing some exciting stuff you touched on the thing that I'm probably most excited about which is in education yeah and I think many people would have seen s's video from earlier this year is Ted talk about as you talked about it's like personal tutor yeah personal an amazing personal tutor an amazing personal tutor and we know the difference in learning having that personalized tutor is incredible compared to classroom learning so you can have every child have a personal tutor specifically for them that then just evolves with them over time could be EXT extraordinary so that you know for me I look at that I think gosh that is within reach at this point and that's one of the benefits I'm most excited about that when you look at the the landscape of things that you see as possible what is it that you know you are particularly excited about I I think certainly AI tutors are going to be amazing perhaps already are I think there's also perhaps companionship which may seem odd cuz how can the computer really be your friend but if you have an that has memory you know and remembers all of your interactions and has read every you're going say give it permission to read everything you've ever done so it really will know you better than anyone perhaps even yourself and where you can talk to it every day and those conversations spold upon each other you will actually have a great friend so long as that friend can stay your friend and not get turned off or something don't turn off my friend but I think that will actually be a real thing and I have a one of my sons is sort of has some learning disabilities has trouble making friends actually and I was like well you know he an AI friend would actually be great for him oh okay you know that was a surprising answer that's actually worth worth reflecting on that's really interesting I but we're already seeing it actually as we deliver you know Psychotherapy anyway now doing far more by digitally and by telephone to people and it's making a huge difference and you can see a world in which actually you know AI can provide that social benefit to people um just quick question on X and then we should open it up to everybody you made a change when you in one of the made many changes but one of one of the one of the changes you love that letter got a real thing about it you really do you really do one of the change which you know kind of you know goes into the space that you know we have to operate in and this balance between free speech and moderation is you know we grapple with as politicians you were grappling with your own version of that and you moved away from a kind of manual human way of doing it the moderation to the community note and and I think that's it it was an interesting change right it's not what everyone else has done it would be good you know what's what was the reasoning behind that and why do you think that is a better way to do that yeah part of the problem is if you if you Empower people as sensors then well how there's going to be some amount of bias that they have and then whoever points the sensors is effectively in control of information so then the idea behind Community notes is well how do we have a consensus driven I mean so it's not really censoring it but consensus driven approach to truth how do we or how do we make things the least amount untrue you can say like one can't pass perhaps get to Pure truth but you can aspire to be more truthful so the thing about Community notes is it doesn't actually delete anything it simply adds context now that context could be this thing is untrue for the following reasons and but but importantly with Community notes everything is open source actually so you can see the the software every line of the software you can see all of the data that went into a community node and you can independently create that Community note so if you've got if you see manipulation the data you can actually highlight that and say well this this there appears to be some gaming of the system and you can suggest improvements so it's maximum transparency which is I think combined with the kind of wisdom of the crowds and tring to get to a better answer as and really one of the key elements of community notes is that in order for a note to be shown people who have historically disagreed must agree and there is a bit of AI usage here so there's populated parameter space around each contributor to the community notes and then a parameter space so so everyone's got basically these vectors associated with them which so it's it's it's not as simple as as right or left it's saying it's more it's several hundred vectors that that because things are more complicated than simply right right or left and and then we'll we'll do sort of inverse correlation so like okay these people generally disagree but they agree about this note okay so then that so then that that that gives the note credibility okay yeah that's that's the core of it and it's working quite well yeah I've yet to see a note actually be present for more than a few hours that that is incorrect so the batting average is extremely good and when I ask people say oh they're worried about Community notes sort of being disinformation like send me one and then they can't so so I think it's I think it's quite good I mean the aspiration is with with the xplatform is to inform and entertain the public and to be as accurate as possible and as truthful as possible even if someone doesn't like the truth you know people don't always like the truth no not always but that's the aspiration and I think if if we are if we stay true to the truth then I think we'll find that people use use the system to learn what is going on and to I think actually truth pays so I think it'll be what I mean assuming you don't want to engage in self- delusion then I think it's it's the smart move excellent very helpful right let's open it up to all our guests here we've got some microphones they'll come find you we got yes go for it thank you good evening uh Alice bentin from entrepreneur first uh thank you for a fascinating conversation I suppose a question for each of you prime minister the UK has some of the best universities in the world we have the talent what will it take for the UK to be a real breeding unicorn companies um being a Founder in the UK is still a non-obvious career choice for the most exceptional technical t what are the cultural elements that we need to put into place to change this thank you you want to go first go for it sure well you're right that there are um cultural elements where you know the the culture should celebrate creating new companies and and there should be a bias towards supporting small companies cuz the ones that need nurturing the larger companies really don't need nurturing so you know just you can think of it's sort of like a garden if it's a little Sprout it needs needs nurturing if it's a Mighty Oak it doesn't need quite as much so I think that that is a mindset change that is important but I should mention that London is you know London and San Francisco or the Bay Area are really the two centers for AI so that so London is actually doing very well on that front the two Mo I say the two leading locations on Earth you know San Francisco is probably ahead of London but London's really very strong well London area greater London home counties I guess so I'm just saying objectively this is the case and but you do need that you need the infrastructure you need landlords who are willing to rent to new companies you need law firms and accountants that are willing to support new companies and it's generally a mind it is a mindset change and I think some of that is happening but I think really it's just culturally people need to decide this is a good thing you yeah no actually well thanks for what you said about the UK it's something that we work hard on lots of people in the room are part of what makes this a fabulous place for inovative companies Including Alice so Alice what I'd say is my job is to get all the you know the nuts and bolts right make sure that all of you are starting companies can raise the capital that you need everything from you know your seed funding with our incredible you know Eis tax reliefs all the way through to you know your late stage rounds and we need reform of our Pension funds and the Chancellor's got a bunch of incredible reforms to unlock capital from all the people who have it and deploy it into growth Equity right that is a work in progress we're not there yet but I think we're we're making good progress we need talent we need people you right so that means an education system that prioritizes the things that matter and you've seen my reforms I go on about more maths more maths more maths but I think that it's important but also attracting the best and the brightest here if you look at fastest growing companies in in this country and I think it's probably the same in in the US over half of them have a non-british Founder right and so that tells you we've got to be a place that is open to the world's best and brightest entrepreneurial Talent so the Visa regime that we've put in place I think does that makes it easy for those people to come here and then actually it's the thing that we spent the beginning of the session talking about the regulation right making sure that we've got a regulatory system that's Pro Innovation that yeah we of course we always need guard rails on the things that will worry us but we've got to create a space for people to innovate and do different things you know those are all my jobs the thing that is tougher is the thing that Elon talked about which is culture right it's how do you transpose that culture from places like Silicon Valley across the world where people are unafraid to give up the security of a regular paycheck to go and start something and be comfortable with failure you you talked about that a lot I think you talked about it more in when you were playing games right but you've got to be comfortable failing and knowing that that's just part of the process and that is a it's a tricky cultural thing to do overnight but it's an important part of I think creating that kind of environment yeah if if you don't succeed with your first startup it shouldn't be sort of a catastrophic career ending exactly thing it should be you know well good I think gener should like should be like well you know you gave it a good shot you know and now try again exactly and it's so one thing I was going to mention is like obviously creating a company is sort of a highrisk high reward situation but I don't know quite what the how it works and UK I think it's probably better than Continental Europe but I'm not sure how is in the UK but but if somebody's basically going to risk their life savings and with and the vast majority of startups fail so I mean you hear about the startups that succeed but most companies are most startups consist of you know a massive amount of work followed by failure that's actually most companies and so it's a highrisk higher reward and so the higher reward part does need to be there for to make sense I think that was a very soft pitch for tax policy that I that but I actually I can tell you so look I AI agree and we have so we have I think relative to certainly European countries but certainly the US definitely California a much lower rate of capital gains tax right so for those people who are risking and growing something like we think the reward should be there at the end so 20% capital gains tax rate and on stock options I don't know if we've got anyone from index ventures in the room so you know index one of our bleeding VC funds here they do a regular report looking at most countries tax treatment of stock options and you know when I was a chancellor of you know treasury secretary equivalent you know we were I think down at we were pretty good but we were fourth or fifth and I said we need to for exactly the reason that you mentioned I like this has got to be the best place for innovators we need to move that up and I think in the last iteration of that report we had because of the changes that Jeremy and I had made we have moved up to I think second from memory so hopefully that should give you and everyone else in comfort that we recognize that's important because when people work hard and risk things yeah they should be able to enjoy the high risk High reward yeah and I think we have a we very much have a tax system that supports that and those are the values that you know I believe in and I think most of us in this room probably do as well right next next question I've got seven in front of me and then I'll come over here go on thanks very much we've talked about some really big Ideas Global changing ideas I'm really interested particularly in the context of creation of Science and Technology superhubs and so on how does that map onto the everyday lives of of people living in say Austin Texas to choose around more in my case Nottingham East Midlands what is how do you see that evolving for people you know every day the sort of everyday effects of AI for context Elon say Seb runs are equivalent of CVS right or Walgreens so you know when actually I visited right so he's got millions of people coming in his shops every day and it's making sure how do we make this relevant I think so is your question how how is this relevant to that person you know maybe actually let me go I'll go first on that because I I think it's a fair point I was just going over with the team a couple of things that we're doing cuz I was saying like how are we doing AI right now that it's making a difference to people's lives and we have this thing called gov. which is which actually when we when it happened several years ago was a pioneering thing all the government information together on one website and so you need to get a driving license passport any interaction with government it was centralized in a very easy relatively easy to use way better than most so so we're about to deploy AI across that platform so that is something that I think you know several million people a day use right so a large chunk of the population is interacting with gov.uk every single day to do all these day-to-day tasks right every one of your customers is doing all those things and so we're about to deploy AI into that to make that whole process so much easier because you know some people will be like look well I'm currently here and I've lost my passport and my flight's in 5 hours at the moment that would require you know how many steps to figure out what you do you know actually when we deploy the AI it should be that you could just literally say that and boom this is what we're going to do walk you through it and that's going to benefit millions and millions of people every single day right because that's a very practical way in my seat that I can start using this technology to help people in their day-to-day lives not just Healthcare discoveries and everything else that we're also doing but I thought that's quite a powerful demonstration of literally your day-to-day customer seeing actually their just day-to-day life get a little bit easier because of something that you know Elon Demis and others in this room have helped create yeah no exactly the the the most immediate thing is just being able to ask like having a very smart friend that you can ask anything you know ask how to make something how to solve any problem and it'll tell you so and obviously companies are going to adopt this so I think you'll have much better customer service I guess essentially that'll probably be the first thing you notice and and then if we talked about education yeah so having a tutor so if you're trying to understand a subject like having a phenomenal tutor on any subject that that's really pretty much there already almost I mean we need to obviously a needs to stop hallucinating before you know it can't give you I mean that we we still have a little bit of the problem where it can give you an answer that's confidently wrong with great grammar you know in bullet points and everything and citations that was not real so it has to be okay we need to make sure it's not it's not it's not giving you confidently wrong tutor answers but but we that's going to happen Qui pretty quickly where it is actually correct so yeah I going to say for any parent who was homeschooling and realizing what their kids needed to be helped with that will come as an enormous relief I think they very good right have we got let's go questions over here who have we got we any microphones or Brent are you there perfect hi Bren hobman so you know you've spoken eloquently about abundance and the age of abundance so it feels obviously with AI it's everything everywhere all at once but with with robots and to get the age of abundance we'll need a lot of robots I know you're working hard on robots as well are there sort of constraints that we should think of and our politicians should be thinking of that we might get one country might get heavily behind in in robots they can do all these things in enter the age of abundance and therefore be at a strategic disadvantage well really anything that can be actuated by a computer is affect a robot so you can think of frankly Tesla cars are robots on Wheels anything that's connected to the internet is effectively an endpoint actuator for artificial intelligence so you've got Boston Dynamics obviously they've been making impressive robots for a while I think they're this point mostly owned by Hyundai so I guess Hyundai is probably going to make robots of that are humanoid and and and some rather interesting shapes that I wasn't disting like the one that looks like a has wheels and looks sort of like a kangaroo on Wheels I'm not sure what that is but looks a little dented frankly but but there's going to be all sorts of robotss you've got the company Dyson in which I think does some pretty impressive things and I think the UK will not be behind actually on on that front UK also has arm which is really the best one one of the best perhaps the best in chip design in the world Tesla uses a lot of arm technology almost everyone does actually so I think UK is in a strong position Germany obviously makes a lot of robots industrial robots I mean I think generally countries that make robots of any kind even if they seem somewhat conventional will be fine I do think there is a a safety concern especially with humanoid robots because um you at least the car can't chase you into this building not very easily you know or chase you off a tree or you know you can sort of run up a flight of stairs and get away from a Tesla I think there a Stephen King movie about that if your car gets possessed so but if you have a humanoid robot it can basically chase you anywhere so I I think we should have some kind of hardwired local cut off that you can't update from the internet so anything that can be software upd dat from the internet obviously can be overridden but if you have a local sort of off switch where you have to say a keyword or something and then that puts the robot into a safe State some kind of localized safe State ability and off switch you know where you don't have to get too close to the robot I don't know so we' got millions of these things going all over the place you're not selling it just you know like no I I know I'm saying this is something we should be quite concerned about because Robert can follow you anywhere then you know what if they just one day get a software update and they're not so friendly anymore we've got a James Cameron movie on it's actually that's it's funny you're saying that because we in our session that we had today I you know just would say who they made exactly the same point right d so we're talking about they're talking about movies actually without mentioning James Cameron they're talking about James Cameron movies but they're saying if you think about it is not just those movies but any of these movies trains Subways metros they said all these movies with the same plot fundamentally all end with the person turning it off right or finding a way to shut the thing down and they were making the same point that you were about the importance of actual physical off switches yeah and so Al the technology is great but fundamentally this same movie has played out 50 times we've all watched it and it all fundamentally you know you know the point I'm referring to right it all ends in pretty much the same way with someone finding a way to just yeah do the thing which is kind of interesting that you said a similar point right it's probably not the it's not the obvious place you'd go to but maybe that could be one of the tests for the AI which say like blank is your favorite James Cameron movie fill in the blank yeah excellent right yes we got over there yeah perfect Hi H question for you both so I'm a founder of a Ai and ml scaleup in the third Center for AI which is leads in the north of England I'm a bit biased since the launch of chat GPT three months after that we saw a real increase in fishing attacks using much more sophisticated language patterns what do we do to protect businesses consumers so they trust this technology better and how do we bring them along that Journey with us well I think we shouldn't trust it that much actually it it is actually quite quite a significant challenge because we're getting to the point where even open source AI can pass uh human capture tests so you know are you a human identify all the traffic lights in this picture you're like okay is going to have a no problem doing that in fact it'll do it better than a human and faster than a human so we're like how you know at the point of which is a better human better passing human tests than humans then or what tests actually make sense that is a real problem I don't actually have a good solution to it that one of the things we're trying to figure out on the xplatform is how to deal with that because it really we really are at the point where even with open source you know readily available AI you don't need to be sort of leading the field you can actually be better than humans at passing these tests and that's sort of why we're thinking well perhaps we should sort of charge a dollar or a pound a year it's a very tiny amount of money but it's it still makes it prohibitively expensive to make a million bots so and or especially if you need a million payment methods then you run out of sort of stolen credit cards pretty quickly so that that's that's sort of where we're thinking like we might have to sort of just charge some very tiny amount of money .3 cents a day effectively to deal with the onslaught of AI powered bonds and if and that that is still a growing problem but it will be I think perhaps an insurmountable problem next year so and then you have to worry about well manipulation of information is making something seem very popular when in fact it is not because it's getting boosted by all these likes and reposts from AI powered bots so that's why I sort of think somewhat inevitably it leads to some small payment in order to dramatically increase cost of a b so frankly I think probably any social media system that doesn't do that will simply be overrun by Bart you know I think my general answer would be you know we we need to show that we are on top of mitigating the risks right so people can trust the technology that's what actually the last couple of days has been about on the safety Summit is just showing you know we're investing in the safety Institute having the people who can do the research on these things to figure out how we mitigate against them and we have to do it fast and we have to keep iterating it because I think all of us probably in this room believe that the technology can be incredibly powerful but we've got to make sure we bring people along that Journey with us that we're handling the risks that are there and I said there's a job to do and the last couple of days I think we made good progress on it because we want to focus on the positives and manage these things but that requires action and and that's what the last couple of days has been about your story your analogy there was part of the research that actually you know the team working on the task force here published and presented yesterday I don't know if you saw it was which is a essentially that it was using AI to do to create a ton of fake profiles on social media and then infiltrate particular groups with particular information and actually at the moment that is a set to your point it's like costree it's it's getting to the point where it's like really you can have a 100 for a penny sort of thing ridiculous and if you think about some of these social networks that quite a neighborhood or town level there's not that many fake profiles quickly suddenly they're everywhere and there's some loal issue that might be of importance and you know the team have have run versions of how that would look like and suddenly they're interacting with everybody and then spreading misinformation around we literally as part of the research that we published on misinformation yesterday it's a real challenge yeah exactly to your point I mean the images it's it's you don't even need to steal somebody's uh picture because then that's traceable but you can actually just say create a new image of a person realistic looking but doesn't exist and and then create a biography realistic but doesn't exist and do that on mess and practically the only way you'll be able to tell us that the grammar is too good did giveaway no tyos come on now I'm getting waved at because I think we are out of time I don't we take one very brief last question and let's make a good one yes sir go on you're right in front of me go on question for you related the xplatform are there simple things we can do especially when it comes to visual media you alluded to the fact that it's fairly straightforward and effectively free to make people like yourself say and do things that you never said or did can we do something like cryptographically signed media I'm from a Adobe were working on this project Twitter was a member Lov to see X come back digitally signed media to indicate not only what was created by AI but what came from a camera what was real to imbue a sense of Trust in Media that can go viral that sounds like a good idea actually so if some way of authenticating would be good so yeah that sounds like a good idea we should probably do it there you go and actually on that on that point at already and it's so this is particularly pertinent for people in my job right and I've already had a situation happen to me with a doctored image that goes everywhere negative by the time everyone realizes well that's fake and we should stop sending it the damage is damage and actually we were again reflecting today if you think next year you've got elections in you know I think you know the US India I think Indonesia probably here there you go massive news and actually you've got just an enormous junk of the world's population is voting next year right and you got EU elections as well and you know actually just these issues are right in front of us you know next year is where big elections across the globe probably the first set of Elections where this has been a real issue so figuring out how we manag that is I think kind of mission critical for people who want you know the Integrity of our democracy yeah I mean some of it is quite Ting like the Pope in the puffer jacket have you seen that one I that's amazing but I mean I still run into people who who who think that's real I'm like well what are the odds he's wearing a puffer jacket in July in you know be sweating but it actually looked quite quite dashing I say in fact I think AI fashion is going to be a real thing so so I Doom and Gloom like we live in the most interesting times and I think this is it is you know like 80% likely to be good and 20% bad and I think we're if we're cognizant and and careful about the bad part on balance actually it will be the future that we want or the the future that is preferable and it actually will be somewhat of a leveler an equalizer in the sense that you know I think everyone will have access to goods and services and education and so you know I think probably it leads to more human happiness so I guess I'd probably leave on an optimistic note perfect yeah well that's a that is a great note to end on I think that you know we all want that that better future we think it's there the promise of it is certainly there lots of people in this room including yourselves are working hard to make it happen our job in government is to make sure it happens safely but on the basis of this conversation in the last couple of days I'm certainly leaving more confident that we can make that happen so it's been a huge privilege and pleasure to have you here thank you very much for having [Music] me for [Music] [Music] they [Music]
Channel: Star Investing
Views: 1,524
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Id: 9qy_q5Z7zEw
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Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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