5 Design Patterns That Are ACTUALLY Used By Developers

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hey friends welcome back to the channel so in today's video we're going to talk about design patterns now high level programming languages have been around since around the 1950s and since then programmers have been using them to solve all sorts of different problems over time programmers have realized that even though the problems are unique there's often some similarities between the problems and the solutions they're not exactly the same so you can't create a library or use an algorithm to solve it instead they would reuse some of the main ideas of the solution for the different problems that they come across and eventually names were given to these typical Solutions and that is how design patterns were born so what is a design pattern if you're struggling to work out the difference between a design pattern and an algorithm then maybe this analogy will help so let's say it's my birthday tomorrow and my wife is going to bake me a birthday cake to do this you might follow a recipe and this is going to give a step-by-step instructions on how to bake that cake the recipe in this case is an algorithm it's giving you step-by-step instructions on how how to bake a cake you can repeat over and over again to produce the same thing sure you might switch out some of the ingredients to produce different cakes but these are really just different input variables as it's my hypothetical birthday I also want to have a birthday party now if you think about a birthday party in your head you're probably thinking about balloons and Banners and maybe someone with a cake with candles on it coming out at least that's what you all think about now but everybody's idea of a birthday party is going to be different there's no set steps to follow there's no recipe like you have with a cake essentially a birthday party is going to be different for every person like the problems that we face in software engineering but let's imagine that you have this amazing superpower that lets you see what everyone else is thinking if everyone's thinking about a birthday party even though they're very different you would still recognize it as a birthday party the birthday party in this case is a design pattern it's the concept of a birthday party that can be reused even if everything else is slightly different hopefully that analogy makes sense but if it does let's have a look at what the design patterns actually are in 1994 four authors wrote down 23 design patterns in the book design patterns elements of reusable object-oriented software now obviously that's a bit of a mouthful it's not something you can talk about at a party for example so most people call it the gang of four book if you've been programming for a little while already chances are you've probably already used some of the design patterns even without realizing it most of them are actually just common sense I know when I first started looking at them I recognized them immediately for patterns I use in my own code even if I gave them a slightly different name so we have 23 design patterns and these are split into three main groups we have the creational design patterns so these relate to creating objects in your code we have the structural design pattern so how we actually structure those objects especially when they get quite large and finally we have the behavioral design patterns that covers the interaction between those objects and their responsibilities now you might be looking at this list and thinking wow I'm never going to remember any of those but no one's really expecting you to know all 23 design patterns but it's worth looking through them all and being familiar with them so that when you do have a problem you can think ah that sounds a bit similar to this design pattern and then you can go look it up and learn a bit more and see if it applies and the thing is out of all of these different design patterns there's only really five that I find myself using over and over again so let's have a look at those so the first design pattern we're going to look at is the strategy pattern now let's go back a bit to that cake baking analogy let's say you love cake so much that you decide to write an application that will give you cake recipes so let's say you start off with a birthday cake recipe but later you want to add in a red velvet cake and then a carrot cake now you could just do this with if statements and switch statements and add in all the cakes that way but then you want to add in a coffee cake and a lemon cake and all of these different cakes and eventually your code ends up more like spaghetti than cake and it's all going to get really really messy and the thing is the code in your application shouldn't really care too much about which cake you pick this is where the strategy pattern comes in you can split all of those cakes into their own classes and have each of them implement the same methods and then when it comes to the making a cake all you have to do is run two methods get ingredients and get method and this is really useful if you have multiple ways of achieving the same thing in your application let's say you've got a Maps application and you want to provide navigation via walking via car via cycling they're all going to have the same sort of functions but the actual implementation is going to be different for each of them this is definitely one pattern that's worth having in your toolbox to help you rightly encode the next pattern that I use the most is The Decorator pattern now if you need to extend an object without actually changing the original implementation then The Decorator pattern is one way to do that now I've mentioned The Decorator pattern before in my video about solid as it's one of the ways that you can make your code open to extension but close to modification I'll put a link at the end of the video to the solid video If you haven't watched it already again this is one of the patterns that I've used without realizing it before whenever you wrap a class in another class you're effectively using The Decorator pattern the way we normally do this is to have The Decorator implement the same interface as the component you want to extend and then in The Decorator Constructor we take in that component as an argument you can then implement the interface and still be able to call the original component but now you can add in additional functionality either before or after you make that call number three is the Observer pattern this pattern is something you're probably very familiar with already even if you've never actually used this pattern before the Observer pattern is used whenever you want to notify interested parties that something has happened if your subscriber to my newsletter the Curious engineer then every Sunday you will get an email from me it's not sent to everyone who watches my YouTube videos or reads my blog it's only sent to those select few who have subscribed to my newsletter this is how the Observer pattern works you have a publisher that implements the Subscribe unsubscribe and notify subscriber methods you then have a subscriber interface that all the subscribers need to implement to let the publisher notify them when a subscriber subscribes to a publisher they get added to an array and then all the publisher needs to do is to Loop through that array calling the update method on all the subscribers now the next pattern that we're going to look at is the Singleton pattern now when we think about Singleton's we think about creating one thing of course we have things like Global variables that you can specify and be able to access anywhere in your code the problem with that is you can also change it anywhere and that causes lots of different problems but there are cases where we do need to have a single object and make sure that we have a single object everywhere such as if you've got a database that you want to access you don't want a different connection to the database for every single time that someone needs to use it the typical way to do this is to create a sealed class with a private Constructor having a private Constructor means that no one outside of the class can create a new instance of it so you can't do new whatever you then create a separate method or a property that lets you create an instance of that class this is then stored in a static variable inside the class the problem with this code is is not thread safe you could have two threads call this code at exactly the same time they both reach that null check the instance would be null and they'd end up creating two instances of the same object now to get around this we need to have some form of locking mechanism so we need a way to stop the other threads from accessing the code if one of the threads is already there so to do this we have the same initial null check but then we implement the lock and then we check again to see whether the instance is still null before then creating it and this will prevent the two threads from creating separate instances of the object another way to do this if you're using C sharp.net4 is with the lazy type it's still thread safe but it uses a lot less code the last pattern that we're going to look at is the facade pattern now this is one that's essential to software development and everyday life in general the facade pattern is all about Simplicity we're constantly using different libraries and Frameworks and even though they save us time they can make our code messy and complicated and in many cases the libraries do a lot more than we actually need them to do let's say you're making use of a fictional logging library that isn't very well designed this Library can send logs to a file it can send it to the console and it can even send you a slack message the problem is this log Library only has one method called log and you have to specify with every single request what type of log message it is as well as how you want to log in rather than clutter up your code with all these implementation details you can create your own logger interface with simple methods that you can use throughout your code all of this messy code that's caused by this bad library is then just restricted to one class and if you do decide to change out the logging library then you only have one place to change it and the rest of your code doesn't need to be affected so these are the five patterns that I use the most and I know a lot of other developers do too but there's another 18 patterns that we haven't covered today and it's worth having a look at them so you're familiar with them if you have them in the back of your mind then you might remember at least something about them when you come to solve a problem there's a great website called refactoring.guru that covers the 23 design patterns from the book and gives examples on when you can use them it's definitely worth bookmarking so you can reference it later on if you like this video as I mentioned earlier I have a video on solid as well that's worth looking at thank you for watching and I'll hopefully see you in the next video foreign
Channel: Alex Hyett
Views: 79,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design patterns, programming, design patterns tutorial, what are design patterns, strategy pattern, singleton pattern, singleton design pattern, facade design pattern, facade pattern, decorator pattern, observer pattern, observer design pattern, c# tutorial, design patterns explained, singleton, strategy pattern example, strategy design pattern, decorator pattern c#, design pattern, c# design patterns tutorial, top design patterns, top design patterns c#
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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