I spent a day with TOMMYINNIT

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i'm anthony padilla and i spent the day with tommy in it to uncover the truth about why he chooses to live in a [ __ ] apartment hey his words not mine okay he'll reveal what happened when the bully who used to pummel him in school confronted him on the street years later and he'll address why having tens of millions of people scrutinizing his every single move at just 16 years old nearly drove him to abandon everything hello this video is sponsored by better help online therapy visit betterhelp.com padilla because sometimes just existing is exhausting it's true you started creating content at the very young age of 13. maybe even younger than that maybe younger hello there fellow humans of the internet this is tom from challenge you were forced to think about how your actions would be perceived by the world at a very young age i remember being in um in class and i was like really excited to go home into youtube and there was a [ __ ] in my class you just like because i just kind of took it was just sort of sat like punching me in the arm and my strategy when i was getting bullied would be to just shout like because then the teacher would look at me and be like why did you sweat i'd be like miss cuz he's punching me and then she'd be like right both of you stopped because then you don't like get told off of being a snitch because then you get better more because you know that snitches snitches don't get [ __ ] they get stitches right and we know that tommy gets lots of it lots of better [ __ ] no snitches please no snitches and we had this substitute teacher i was like this he's [ __ ] whacking me in the arm if everyone can see i was like getting a bit pissed off like on the verge of tears and he was just doing that and i remember all the other people in the class being like just clocking one mate then i had this moment i was like right well if i punch him one it'll be embarrassing not very strong but two more importantly then i'll get detention then i can't go home and edit my videos that was like sort of a turning point like right this doesn't matter i'm just gonna get through this and then welcome me now and you're totally over it right yeah yeah so i sort of had like one sort of guy and a few other people that would just sort of be [ __ ] about it and they'd like apologize for it now it was the first time wilbur came to nottingham which is where i grew up yeah and we went to the city center me and wilbur sat down and then my bully anders mandom came and sat down next to us i suddenly like receded into like back in school and i just sat there awkwardly and he like sort of apologized about it then after we left will was like you were really all good at the house then the next day phil was in town i told phil about it it would have been like oh i would have [ __ ] punched him one mate my man phil some minecraft would have beat up some kids for me is there a difference between tommy and tommy in it yeah absolutely yeah it almost feels like a version of me i think there has to be two versions of it otherwise i'd be miserable i think one of the most important lessons for me has been that like work life separation i've had so many times where i've had you know like hundreds of thousands of people critiquing me like angrily so i've had time so that's been really so difficult separating that and being like right you know when i look in the mirror before bed i can sleep at night knowing like i'm not all these things being able to like learn that and go cool all right this is like the sort of two separate things it's been really good for my mental health i think it's pretty wild that you've realized that there is that separation and that you don't have to appeal to everyone and that if someone doesn't like you it doesn't mean that it's you i feel like i'm just learning that within the past few years i would take things personally when someone would say something about the me that i presented if one person or ten people or a hundred people think this thing how many more aren't saying it i think this thing just became this whole overwhelming thing people don't like have to like me and that's like you know like if you that's totally fine i think having figured that out it can make me feel like a lot more comfortable and there are still some times where i get really overwhelmed and like fixated on like a holy [ __ ] yeah but you know remembering like i'm just a person making videos even like celebrities and other youtubers everyone is just a stinky person that like has to shower you know like you know yeah smells like bo and like you know gets anxious like everyone is you know it's like a really key thing to remember [Laughter] when i sat down with nia chu and tina kitten they both mentioned having imposter syndrome the idea that you don't deserve what you have that people are going to figure out that you aren't really the person that they think you are because they have this idea that you are this great person that does this great thing that they love when you see these huge numbers and this huge sort of reception being like this is hard to process this is like what okay i've had times being like am i like good because this doesn't make sense like this is like how is this all because you're not able to fathom the fact that all of this is happening yeah i mean i've had times where i felt sort of guilty about you know because people work so hard for what they have and you know aren't that train hasn't came in for them i think rather than feeling guilty about you how do i start giving to charity and being better with that how do i you know make more of an impact for me what can i make next that's like good that is you know meaningful and like people won't forget i think that's been my sort of way of dealing with it i think the thing i'm most proud of is i think if me four years ago i would be my god this is okay such a dick do you think this sounds good i think i would be my own favorite youtuber because it's like i make stuff for me like something that i would like what about your confidence issues you said that you had a lot of confidence issues growing up there's the kids who are like cool you know and they're like good-looking and they have girlfriends and i wasn't one of the guys i had a few years of like trying to be and posting a hip instagram selfie then be like nevermind is it still there yeah i remember when i started putting my face in my thumbnails it started performing better because of that spent a lot more time like looking at my face i'm like looking at you know how i like am yeah like cutting myself photoshop and being like and then seeing numbers go okay like it sucks you weren't born the hot guy yeah except now you know you're not more than the hot guy you make it right you realize when you get out of school no one is good looking or bad looking everyone's just a person who is attracted to other people that they happen to be there's not a right or wrong way to look so of course it's not you know sort of realizing that i totally felt big sort of confidence boost and just sort of connecting with what you actually like like for me i really like wearing like bright colors you know i like expressing myself with my clothes and being like this is like how i feel is bright and white and red that's like yeah i think it's great anyone could do that yeah that was how i uh had sort of guys with confidence issues by remembering i'm the best in the world marry me girls keep trying to marry me and i don't know why i keep saying too many too many women they keep trying to marry me anthony a lot of you know self-deprecating humor implants those thoughts into people and your style of humor you actually do the opposite you're like i'm the best feels good to be the best my approach to all of it is to not take anything seriously and sort of view things as it's like obviously kind of ridiculous like tonight charlie and dixie demilia invite me around to their house to go to their party it happens it's just like that's just funny because i could i could dress up very well like be like silly enough but that's like are you gonna wear this yes i've got a bit of deodorant but it's like just not taking anything seriously everything's serious like yeah just being nobody i live in a dingy apartment in the middle of i die i genuinely don't know why i live in this apartment it's just funnier to live in this [ __ ] you said you live in a [ __ ] because it's funnier because it feels like it feels good i get more fun out of it the other day i had like a little wasps in my apartment i think you can either see things really seriously and strange and there's a very immediate flick that it can just be funny right so whenever something is a bit too stressful i go this is funny uh start filming that's why i always film funerals i'm a poor guy subscribers they're dying of laughter i don't know but i'm like it's funny in it [Applause] does being called a child ever gets you no you posted a picture the other day with like a full-ass beard that you would grow it's really really weird when god made me he like jitter clicked the hair grow attribute completely inexplicably every day i've shaved and i thought that was like normal to shake my face every morning yeah and then i went away for two weeks i was like don't shave i just come back i was like this is hilarious so now i've started being like right whenever i go away i'm gonna come back with different i'm gonna only have neck beard and then like i know i look weird for a bit but it doesn't matter because it's silly does it ever get to you when people call you annoying and stuff like that because you even wrote it in the beginning of your videos your intros were like because because people actually do like so many mates that used to watch my videos and now powers were like yeah i actually used my knowing and then i started and i was like this is a common theme she'll just take like a knowledge and now i genuinely had the biggest bump in subscriber girth and i was like no trust me i am annoying but i promise if you stick with me it'll wear off and you'll you'll see that it's funny [Music] has your self-worth ever been attached to your numbers or your growth or your success yeah i get very um very like fixated on like problems and solving them yeah so i think the thing that's changed recently is like what is success because i'm sure most people watching will be like yeah all these sort of you know dream people all these superstars is great like super successful then it has the sort of comparing and comparisons like the thief of joy yeah you spend so much time comparing the individual doesn't always feel like successful since i sort of hit 10 million being like right is getting 20 million subscribers does that like film me does it mean anything like cool but like no and so really dissecting that's really hard and really stressful i think for me the times i felt the most successful is when you know my friend told me she was watching one of my videos with her sister and then i did a joke where i crawled around on the floor [Music] and it's just a spout of water laughing that's right i think that feeling of like laughter and like i've done something good is what makes me feel successful which is different because that form of that was numbers but numbers are did you have the right metadata did you publish it not you know if george not found the video i do mine get both of us get less views that is numbers that is the video game which in in some sense reflects quality but you know our mcdonald's the best burgers i think that most people would say no exactly right but they're the ones that sell the best and that is wilber said that absolutely you go oh i think getting over that hump you know because i had a year of just going up going infinitely up and infinitely and then about a year ago it's you know had been down downs and ups and downs and now you know i see a video gets comparatively a lot less views yeah i have 10 minutes of being like a little bit initially bummed down like oh okay i'm going right what can i learn from that you know like maybe it was a thumbnail maybe it was people just aren't interested in this topic and then going cool let's do the next thing and not letting that control me because it is just an element of my life it's not my life i've been on youtube since the dawn of humanity yeah 17 years ago and really for reals so i was one where one you were one year old jesus how old are you 34. seriously yeah really yeah you look really confident are you serious you're really looking at my age right now you're really looking it up what are you typing it oh my yeah hell yeah don't worry guys i'll teach you all my skincare routine on the next episode i spent a day with my skin [Music] what was your childhood like before fame i can see my dad over there how does he feel about what was your childhood i think i'm sort of very fortunate because my parents always like showed me lots of art and like every night before bed i'd watch like the simpsons or like every sitcom is that kind of what built your sense of humor i think so it's just immediately sort of this quite wide perspective of what like comedy is what's entertaining i did like volunteering with me mum i still still do that but i'm back in nottingham yeah i've never said this online um with like adults with like learning disabilities it's why i've always been very adverse immediately to sort of elements of offensiveness and my mum before what she does now was like an actor so that was very she was sort of quite in that very show busy and singing and encouraging me to do stuff like that and my dad did a lot of stuff like with video games and my mum always swears oh this was really yoga i see so many cars like dude you got to stop swearing like nah mate god this is in my family what about your dad does he swear as much as you my dad swears but as always deny it comp just denies it always tell me that he doesn't i do not swear it was very much like video games actors oh look once youtube it was like it was pretty made for me i mean i've always just loved making stuff and being creative and then it was like this like outlet where there's that and then there's like you know likes of rewards so the biggest thing for me was on my favorite minecraft server you got this reward that was like a rank which hit 30 000 subscribers i think i've made it clear that my one and only goal from this entire youtube thing is to get a high pixel youtube rank that was like surreal that was that was the pinnacle of success that was all i imagined wanting maybe i could get that so that was like the holy [ __ ] and then you pass the holy [ __ ] mark yeah and then since then i've just been like i think i usually would use the word surreal but just unusual you know highly unusual my dream was always just to like be an editor in a film studio and just sit on premiere and that's my job it's quite british to not be like yeah dude i'm gonna strive to be the best then i'm gonna have a million and i deserve it because i worked hard you should be doing an american accent yeah dude i'm gonna get my millionaires then i'm gonna have my mansion surrounded by beaches when something just naturally falls into place it just feels right a direction to go with your career because you enjoy it so much i think that's when you can actually set up that dream that a lot of people have where it's like if you have a job that you love you don't work a day in your life i think most of it is look the way i think about youtube is imagine being at a train station and at some point completely randomly it might be tomorrow it might be in a year might be in like five years a train is gonna pull in you don't know when while you're in this train station you can either be packing your bags and really neatly folding your clothing be super prepared to be right right on the tracks ready to go or you can be in stumbling through not really asked about your ticket put it in and then you're like oh [ __ ] trends that you also have to be prepared to improvise so in order to stay on it you have to be prepared to go wherever it takes you yeah totally yeah and that's scary it is it is it was sort of at this time where um sort of started impacting people around me like the whole internet found like sort of my mum's social media and stuff and then at the same time i was having privacy issues and getting recognized the most i'd ever been and i couldn't see any of my friends because i was in lockdown remember having like a serious bit where i was like is this what i want to keep doing because this is too much and i had this moment where i was like reflecting like this is this is so different to what i could have imagined yeah and that feeling of like fame that you know i wasn't even sure if i wanted that like i just like making funny videos i had a sort of a few chats in that time i spoke to wilbur and he was saying you know mate this is a really hard time i wouldn't be surprised if you quit if you can get through it you'll be massive you'll be fine but like this is the hardest road bump and it totally was i think sort of really connecting with like my roots and being like yeah i just love this did you ever go through a period where you're like oh god everyone knows who i am and they have their preconceived notions of what i am and what that means and like did you ever get in your head about that it's like the feeling of being watched like going into the mall because you can just feel one you can feel when someone's looking at you staring at you and you're like suddenly like getting used to that yeah like it's fine which is what it is now it just took a long time for that to become right normal i remember going out in public being like like wearing a disguise yeah like putting on glasses still getting recognized just to like see just because you felt sort of suddenly out of control of like yeah i just want to go to the places like like my favorite park was like someone waiting there they were really innocent about it was so sweet like they thought they might see you there yeah i've been waiting for like four hours and i was like yeah and then you have all this pressure to live up to the expectation that this person has when they come in from out of town and they're there waiting for you for hours that took a long time to sort of figure out a way that that's like cool you feel the need to justify that that it's cool that you're grateful for it because yeah you are but at the same time you can't really avoid this feeling of like oh this is a little bit much this isn't what you signed up for yeah when you want to make videos with your friends right sort of in the public eye yeah it's yeah it's really weird do you feel like blowing up so quickly at such a young age has forced you to grow up quickly yeah and you know it's time to thank betterhelp for sponsoring this episode therapy has helped reframe my view of the world and myself by allowing me to feel empathy for my younger self and therefore understand who i am today better but therapy can be customized to whatever's right for you and can be useful in helping with motivation or feelings of depression anxiety stress insecurity or whatever else you might need better help screens all their therapists to ensure that they have experience and that they're certified licensed and provides customized therapy that offers video phone and even live chat sessions with your therapist so you don't have to see anyone or even speak over the phone if that's not something that you're comfortable with as you may have found out by now therapy can be expensive and the price of finding a therapist that you connect with can be overwhelming which is why better help offers a more affordable alternative to in-person therapy where you can start communicating with your therapist in 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need to worry about my homework i need to worry about my social relationships i need to worry about the person i have a crush on and like that that's kind of your world and then now you have so many new things to worry about you know worrying about how you worry and just so much weird yeah yeah i never thought because it spins you know sort of so overwhelming and in my face what is the most insane thing you've ever done for a video cocaine jump out a plane probably throughout a plane and then sync it in the edit to dual nose theme because that's funny [Music] that was probably the best game but you started this channel where you do in real life insane things like jump out of a plane is there anything to constantly striving to push yourself outside of your comfort zone that has stuck with you do it less because i didn't like bungee jumping i it was like well i genuinely know it's like something reprogrammed in my brain that now whenever i like look over the floor i can like imagine being there also how this weird thing where as soon as i start rolling the camera whether it's physical or verbal i'm just like what is funniest and i just like do it with this one where i was like in public dressed as a minecraft character yeah i like didn't remember it because i fell so hard into character that i'm just like i i did stick the microphone really into that guy's face and i did i did shout at some call a roman incestual like to their faith something about turning a situation into entertainment just takes away all the elements of stress and anxiety and seriousness yeah when i shot a documentary where i dressed up as an anime cafe maid very very awkward in my normal life i would feel just so put on the spot and uncomfortable but with those cameras rolling nothing knowing that i was there to document and entertain people as they see me do this thing that most people would would feel so strange do yeah i just had the most confidence in the world like you're a showman in it and if you were on a stage you wouldn't just stand there being yourself he was not a camera you'd be like hey everyone i i'm uh and you start doing jokes you you'd figure out a way like that i think a lot of youtube and success is like about playing to your strengths you know yeah so dream is like incredibly analytical and really good at like studying and seeing patterns because he's like a coder and wilbur is really good at sort of you know like no nothing and it's like really hard working he did it for like 10 years and constantly be like looking at the next thing and trying and trying and trying i think like my strength is talking to people and being passionate about things and chatting so i'm like i bet every youtuber you could name i've probably had a call with them going what do you think about it all because i don't really get it they call me the sponge the sponge so it went from famous does sponge tom boyce pants sponge on voice pants please love me i've learned like so much from dream like have like a google doc of just like words he said wilbur's taught me much more about perspective and like how not to fry your brain while you're doing all of this a further stand which has been like mr beast of like you know one of the craziest things i ever said cut every sneeze like things that are slightly gross people tend to click off more on and like so you must cut things that are gross gotta keep those sneezers in the video and i think the thing you know after taking all these perspectives is the thing i sort of pride myself on is like really knowing that scientific and analytical side and applying that to my videos but making sure that the soul and the content is that [Music] what's next for tommy in it i really uh enjoy youtube but i want to sort of you know sort of try out like other things for me now that's like me and wilbur just like wrote this book that we're doing together because it's been really fun going around to his like every day and writing for a few hours so you're pushing yourself to go outside of your comfort zone or the thing that you know you love and try new things and experiment and see what else you love yeah totally like you know what alliance is success and that for me is like make people laugh it's like does a book feel like that doing a live show that's the biggest thing you're not gonna feel laughed at like after i do this i might suddenly go oh my god i want to tour the entire world how does me being a [ __ ] and not taking it seriously translate to a stage can i make you know everyone in the audience fart at the same time it's funny that's an experiment that's never been done oh wait why not and then everyone's pissed off because they're stink that's funny in it i want to keep you know entertaining these people this is absolutely my dream to be here remaking this i can never comprehend this but i can sort of reflect on myself and be like this is so cool and i think every moment in the past year if you could describe it to me from a few years ago i would have like passed out you'd be like no i think the fact that it is real it's probably the thing that i'm most happy about you're happy that your reality is your reality bloody feel i've been inside for two years and i've came out and now everyone seems to know what my face looks like and then i went and met the side man and then now i'm like can make videos and millions of people see it like don't make any [ __ ] sense but it's real and that's pretty strange cool and i like uh i like that but it does not feel like my reality it feels like i'm not woken up yet we're not going to pinch you yeah okay oh john don't do it too hard i wake up genuinely it's just it's just incredible so i'm just like pretty happy i spent a day with tommy in it and one thing that really sits with me is his mission to see everything in life through the lens of humor even the heaviest moments in life are much more bearable when they were accompanied by the likeness of laughter and i feel like every moment in my life would be better if i were able to maintain that perspective throughout my daily life as well [Music] people think i'm six foot one and i'm i'm six foot three right you're definitely six foot three should we do a high test real quick yeah yeah so i'm 511. so you can see yeah that there there's this is it's been it's been proven today yeah um yeah well sit down okay um yes sir um
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 2,151,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, i spent a day with, interview
Id: UMYpuPn-5O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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