The TROLL Level That Broke Me...

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hello my friends and welcome back to another episode of the troll series a series where we are continually showing it can be a lot of fun to look like an idiot the level that's gonna be making me look like an idiot today is code if this player dot brain equals null by steve-o's ER as always I'm super excited to dive into the level steve-o makes great troll levels and it's been a while since I've last played one of them so gird up buckle up we're gonna fire up steve-o's level and see if he really does play me like a fiddle all right here we go I'm very curious this is the first troll level I've played since the Mario maker to version 2.0 update has come out I don't know what new things lie in store for me since this new update has has come out so alright right off the bat we're greeted with a poky which is new what was that right did I do that right was he try it with steve-o trying to get me to jump on top of the pokey come on steve-o said you're gonna play me like a fiddle let's go alright now I can see there's some ground underneath here so we should be safe to hit that oh wait wait wait am I not good are we not good here okay all right all right all right you got me there steve-o all right I'm ready now actually what's over here that's kind of cool haha it was kinda cool it still was cool even though he died we know not to hit that question mark block right at the beginning there we just want to swing up here and we don't want to hit the p-switch we just want to hit the on/off switch and we can fall down here now the question is what is going on here oh did I do something right again the answer is new wait honestly I'm pretty happy with how I'm doing so far we've avoided a couple trolls we know that pokey doesn't stay on the track it's gonna fall off there and then we have to run back here otherwise we would have been trapped in with that launcher so we want to go up here dude there's there's checkpoint 1 are you serious it's never it's never that easy I'm very excited about this troll about I don't know if it incorporates a link or not I'm guessing that it doesn't but I love how steve-o has incorporated the pokies already he's incorporated the P blocks and he's incorporated the spiked balls which is which is awesome steve-o is really using the new items as kind of like his playground here so what do I want I just want to go up here I think I want to go up here okay spikes come out of there last time I hesitated and the muncher came out of there and Wow almost killed us a second time what's going through the door I'm not sure can I jump here what I die if I jump here I haven't played enough team precision levels to know if I'm safe to jump here I don't think I am so let's yeah I'm even more excited now the master sword is in the level this will be the first troll level I've played that is incorporated the master sword oh how excited I am so let's go back through the door and we know hit that yes can I blow that guy up can I blow up the Piranha plant there's not enough blast power dude how do i how do I not lose link I don't want to lose leg dude wait what if I do this [Music] no oh I'm okay I promise I promise I'm okay I still have trouble remembering all of Lynx moves and I've played countless linked levels I mean we obviously have to hit that POW block and one would think one of the links coolest moves in the update is that you can do like a ground pound kind of thing a Down thrust onto the spiked balls and link will bounce that work was it did I do what I was supposed to do did I do what I was supposed to do there wait a second there was a blue pipe that led to checkpoint one no dang it we made excellent no no no to say we're in excellent progress on that last life but yeah let me uh remind me to edit that out so something I just want to point out here maybe you've noticed this maybe you have it something I've always wondered about look at pokies face is that a smile or is that a mustache these are the questions we need answers to my friends scientists are out there wondering how to solve the the diseases in the world I'm wondering if pokey smiling or that's a mustache grab the master sword again take out an arrow you can't you can't make this up dude you can't make this up how did I miss I was point blank range and I missed there's absolutely no way this is right there is no way this is right but the arrow is pointing down dude oh good for it please don't judge me my IQ is so high sometimes I make the easiest decisions look difficult it looks like this has to be the way we go so we're back here sadly we lose our link power up but I think we just want to chill out right here not worked [Music] do I want to sprint here what do I I'm going for it I'm gone in no wait oh no you guys hear that do you guys hear that there's a faint fiddle playing in the background get that to fall shells gonna come up Wow that was scary all right more pokies look at them dancing through those dancing pokies no no no no yeah or is it listen there's a chance if I'm MLG I can make this play if I am MLG I can make this play MLG there we go there we go now we just want to go fast up here let it spit the lava bubble go for it check Boyd's City baby have I mentioned it is a beautiful city that checkpoint City have I mentioned that alright so here we go this is all brand new territory looks like it's saying we need to link though of course you can't see it cuz my face cam let me move it really quick but remember I mentioned we need to be linked well there it is here we go again hit that go through the pipe now we know there is a master sort that comes out of the pipe which is at my head we just gotta get over there there it is beautiful ok we're gonna sprint across no we're not gonna sprint across that's something I just learned something new apparently you can't sprint and take out icicles I just assumed that you could but that was that knowledge will serve me well for the future knowing I can't I I can't can't do that oh oh gosh ok we're alive we are alive let's go through the the kumquat pipe kumquat pipe has never lied to me ok can i down thrust a beetle can i down thrust a beetle I'm gonna try it oh well you can but you don't get good results if you do so last time we were here we learned that down thrusting a beetle leads to very messy results what happens there so I'm literally just supposed to jump on him okay there we go there we go that's such a cool idea and then I spoke and I spoke [Music] I had no idea that worked that way why did the sword when I hit it with [Laughter] what okay well another chance here shoot the power/lock with an arrow and continue on our way ponder no longer Ruth the problem was I was still thinking about this room coming up when we went to the next one which was a big no-no when you play at role level you have to clear the troll and move on through the door and I think we want to go in there I want to say now that we have the dry Bowl I don't know where do we want to go now I was not paying attention oh it's just about to say I don't know what's below my feet well now I know there's there's lava below my feet oh I just realized something listen I don't want to talk about it I don't what why didn't that work so I thought I thought I had figured it out because I totally forgot that you can press down inside the dry bone bowl and you know kind of protect yourself but that didn't work here okay why didn't that work last time why didn't that work I'm so confused it took me so long to get past apart okay so what is this telling me what is this time to tell me I lined it up perfectly there's nothing in there okay um we're just gonna uh excuse me I have no idea what is going on I think we had it figured out because then we could take the dry Bowl back with us oh my gosh we almost had it figured out boys but he really didn't I think we wanted to leave one of the Piranha Plants yeah I'm pretty sure we wanted to leave one of the Piranha Plants because what that would have done is given giving us a way to get back up top here okay so this and everything looks good here but what we need we need to drop wait a second no how would this work all right now I'm even more confused I'm even more confused now than I was before a wait no I okay no you know what I do think I haven't figured out let's see if young David can make a big brain play that does not count all right here we go boys watch me now watch the big brain come through in the clutch so I just want to hit one of them plus the big brain on this next play all right it's time to make a play it's time to make a play it's time to show we belong to make plays with the big boys here we go just want to do that thank you sir let's go now I should in theory have this figured out got it order of operations here that that let's go let's flip and go baby let's whip it go I made a play I told you I belong with the big brains in life you on musk ben franklin dexter from dexters lab i got them all covered ok so what do I want to do here wait a second I don't know what I just did did we did so good only to do so bad honestly figuring out this section felt like I was in advanced trigonometry man the order of operations on how you have to do this is very compl why did that happen white why did the brick land in a different spot this level sentient I think the scariest thing about this level is we have an even touch checkpoint - yet my friends we've not even touched checkpoint 2 yet I don't understand dude no please no I don't I can't keep doing that part ok like it's taking me so long to get to that part and then I have no idea what I'm supposed to do to get through the pipe throw me a flippin bone Steve oh wait what is the one up have to do with anything what does that one up how to do with anything wait a second [Music] No No you've got to be kidding me my mind is it's blown it is blown I didn't even notice that one up last time that is so crazy how that works it's so inconspicuous you don't even think to touch the one up dude what steve-o that I don't even have words man I don't even have words to describe the brilliance behind the design of this level like did you guys notice this one up there I sure didn't I can't get over this level man it is just so crazy so crazy so how do I want it okay through the pipe dude we still haven't gotten second checkpoint we still have not gotten here we go again dude my sword missed the POW block I'm going insane dude if we eventually get cp2 and get sent back to cp1 i am going to go ballistic I have been stuck on the CP one section so painfully long I never want to see this section ever again steve-o you are the definition of a rapscallion alright here we go again let's do it if he did last time through the pipe [Music] ok we're all right we're good here what is going on please sir please sir please have mercy on me Stevo drop that what do I want to do here do I just want to go I just want to go take the damage boost bro Stevo I have a wife I have children you can't do this literally going insane dude this this level is pushing me so my sanity's brink dude okay I'm just gonna use my invincibility frames and run through here steam oh alright come on please okay through the door second checkpoint it's Christmas Devo you have made me a broken man please don't send me back to checkpoint one please don't send me back dude so scared I am absolutely terrified of what else is gonna come from this level dude I have terrified this is honestly the first troll level I've ever played I'm scared of what comes next legitimately scared of what is gonna come next you know know I just keep dying okay so we should make progress there now logic would tell you've trust the arrows man did I do it right did I do something right friends no there's something's got to go over here there's something going on over here there's no way that that's correct I'll check up again just chill out there dude we just got to chill out let the muncher spew out okay then we can go up the pipe so this must be the right way what's that say young nine fire Pippi pipe wrong pipe true story I was unhooked on phonics as a kid so reading is hard reading is hard okay so apparently we've gone in the wrong pipe but which pipe do we want to enter then I I don't see another pipe to enter besides the old kumquat pipe spewed spit and balls out but I don't see another yeah I see another pipe anywhere what is missing my friends a wait a second oh oh I figured it out I figured it out that it's such a good idea we got to go in the kumquat pipe the answer is always to kumquat pipe that was it you'd watch try this sucker down let's go let's go they say red balls at night sailor's delight okay here we go again we got to be quick we know that's coming okay this is all brand-new this is all brand-new dude so I don't even I no no no no wait what is this I'm not falling for that door I'm not falling for the door nope I'm not doing it I am NOT doing it I will sit here for two hundred and sixty seconds so I don't get cp1 I will not I refuse to go back Oh Cameron check [Music] [Music] bless you Stevo bless you that's my trunk read I cannot even express the gratitude I have that I didn't get cp1 there it's like on a whole nother level dude I am just beyond thrilled that we didn't get cp1 I don't know if my brain could have handled it dude okay what is this oh my gosh the layers it's like a bloomin onion dude there's just layers upon layers of sticky gooey troll dripping goodness to it like I said I've never been scared of a troll level like of what comes next but this level has changed that this level has made me scared Stevo has indeed laid me like a fiddle so this is what we're supposed to do right how why didn't they give me the victory why was that not a victory okay so what exactly [Music] are you serious it's not over are you hacking kidding me right now are you hacking kidding me well looks like we have to go up the pipe we have to go up the pipe I have to do it all over again oh my gosh oh my gosh mother of Sacagawea Steve oh I have never been so close to dropping so many unfriend family friendly words that I was with this level dude I this will forever go down for me at least at least at this point in time as the most brutal troll level I've beaten in Mario maker - what is it you hear that you guys hear that yeah that's that's the fiddle that steve-o literally play the entire level on us oh it feels so good to post that comment well I really I'm really at a loss of words I don't know what else I can say about this level that you didn't just witness all I can say is if you decide to play this buckle up gird up you're gonna need it I if you have played it and have watched me suffer through it I'm curious if you suffered a similar fate as I did again shoutouts to steve-o for creating the most brutal troll level I played a might make it to so far and now I remember why I haven't played with it steve-o's troll hopelessly hidden in a hot minute but we're gonna go ahead and wrap up this video I wanna thank you guys so much for watching I hope you have a great rest of your day and until next time take care [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 586,005
Rating: 4.9146676 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, carlsagan troll, troll carlsagan, carlsagan42, carlsagan mario maker, mario maker carlsagan, mayro, mayro troll, troll mayro, mayro smm, carlsagan troll level, worst troll level, best troll level, best troll level ever
Id: AildSZX4-R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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