Bean Burrito 2 Is The WORST UNCLEARED (0.00%) Level Of ALL-TIME

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hello let me start over hello my friends welcome back to another Super Mario maker 2 video it's time we dive back into the 0.00 or uncleared level series now as you all know by at this point our goal is to leave no levels uncleared in mari maker 2 we are making it our job to find these levels that haven't been cleared yet and do the dirty work ourselves so without further ado let's fire up today's episode and see how many uncleared levels we can take off the board the first level that were to be taking a look at today is called bean burrito tooth the reckoning now I believe there was an original bean burrito I think it was made by donkey but I'm not sure I know there's some some lore behind the original bean burrito so I don't know anything about the original I'm going into this completely completely blind here let's let's just see what see what happened what did I just sign up for okay my friends well looks like we got off we got a doozy of a level Thank You friends okay I want it ah ah ah ha but clincher City this should be fun look ma no hands okay I'm Orson we're slowly falling off alright the thing that stinks is I have no idea what's after this and so we might have to do this multiple times we may in fact have to do this multiple times I know the series is you know we're trying to leave no levels left and cleared sometimes it's like why maybe there's some levels out there that should stay uncleared like bean burrito - oh my gosh dude oh my gosh oh my gosh times like this you have time to like kind of reminisce about your glory days and I can tell you honestly when I was 5 years old I did not picture myself playing bean burrito to the reckoning and just spin jumping on top of a spiny for dozens of minutes oh there's the door there's a door let's go let's go now the question is are we gonna have to do it again are we gonna have to do it again my friends if I mess up here I will be so sad ok we didn't mess up oh my gosh you have got to be kidding me is this what bean burrito one was like the the popular bean burrito level it's so weird this is so easy but at the same time you like can get encapsulated or mesmerised and you start to clench up a little bit you're worried that you're gonna mess up you shouldn't mess up oh don't don't oh gosh Oh yet another prime example of when I speak I'm willing to bet this is gonna take up all 500 seconds this is gonna take legitimately up all 500 seconds of the timer I don't know if I can be girded this long this is a long time to stay girded up my horn is slowly losing oil oh my gosh what have I done what have I done I will not take bean burrito to lightly anymore it has my intense focus man I will not take it as lightly as I did the first time problem is I'm scared to blink I don't think I've blinked the entire time I've played this level and the more I'm talking about blinking the okay there we go huh that's like a bore I want a blink here we go my eyes are refreshed now we're just going with it baby wow this really starts to mess with your brain and your eyes the longer you do this I'm like almost in like a trance-like state and it's not good it's not a good thing it's not a good thing at all okie-dokie there's a pipe there's a pipe there's a pipe boys the sad part is I don't know what's well it's counting I mean I'm gonna have to assume all right what's down the pipe come on baby what the heck is this okay all right plenty of time okay I don't want to mess this up dude plenty of time here come on [Music] oh oh if you could feel my heart right now I'm not joking it I'm doing 160 beats per second get bopped baby get that off the unclear board let's flippin go oh my gosh my heart listen years from now internet archaeologists are gonna take a look at bean burrito to the reckoning and realize it is arguably the worst level ever made in Mario maker - and who's got the world record and first clear this guy all right the next level that we're gonna be taking a look at is called hold items while spin jumping this one caught my attention because this was a major point of contention when Mario maker 2 came out is that you can't hold items while you are spin jumping it you could do it in Mario maker 1 and you can actually do it in the original Super Mario world for the Super Nintendo for some reason Nintendo patched that out so I'm curious what this level is trying to get us to do okay here we go I have no idea what it's telling us to do are we supposed to okay [Music] interesting interesting indeed how are we supposed to go about doing this interesting hmm let's restart and take a closer look so I'm gonna guess that it has something to do with the spiny it definitely doesn't seem right and we can't hmm I actually have an idea we'll see if it works out no that's not gonna work [Music] wait what wait what wait what wait what [Music] is that known about that has to be known about right and I just didn't know about it did you know about it am I am I overreacting here I very well could be overreacting here but I what that's getting a howl for me dog what all right so I did a little digging and apparently it is known a little bit but I had not known about it there's a couple YouTube videos going over it but I personally had never seen that before that is that's pretty dang crazy next up let's take a look at lethal lava leaping that was a tongue twister to say hopefully this one's a little bit more normal after the first two levels that we've we've taken on in today's video reach the goal as fire Mario so right away since there is a clear condition we know there will not be a checkpoint so that's good to know it's just a reset door yes it is but okay okay I have a shell okay okay so we have to ride the shell here and apparently we're gonna get a get a shell wow that was really cool I actually really like that all right so we got a not not not do that I'm digging this level man I'm really am I like what's going on it's a good idea next thing we have to do is dude perfect you eat that get the fire flower let go well that's unfortunate that's unfortunate we need the fire flower okay things keep things get ramped up here a little bit we'll be ready for it this time Derek Jeter hear me that red shell thank you there we go okay okay no no this part is solo someone just subscribed on Twitch I'm not even live dude let's go wow that is that is tricky business there we go I should good why do I talk it's actually harder than it looks to throw the shell here and then hit it and then not die to the okay there we go so far okay well yeah all right we'll be good we'll be good we'll be good I just need to not lose the fire flower that should be good how was that not good oh my gosh okay all right here we go another shot at the title let's go oh saved it saved it save it now I'm just shuffling off that should be good hey let's go come on baby there we go there's the axe I just jumped I spin jumped a little too soon Kancil dude please cancel there we go [Music] smack dad axe smack it Oh that took me so long to be you don't even want to tell you I was having extreme difficulty getting my ground pound cancel to work it just wasn't working for whatever reason but finally we came through that was a fun little level in happy to have the first clear on that so I was feeling nostalgic for some of the oldest levels ever created so I went back to the very beginning and it's good to see I think some of you guys are out there clearing some of these old levels because the oldest levels that are uncleared at this point in time were made on July 7 so keep up the good work soldiers let's go ahead and pick one of these older levels that hasn't been cleared yet let's uh let's try it let's try kaizo heaven let's uh give it a shot here we go with kaizo heaven by pyro fan what do we got here taking a black ball to the face right when you start man oh yeah okay I'm ready now I'm ready no I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm struggling alright no more screwing around let's go there we go I [Music] jumped way too soon there we're good we're good we are Oh I wonder if I'm supposed to keep going with the black balls or if I'm supposed to go wait a second wait a second here's what we're gonna do I want to get another set of set of black balls coming my way hey that worked that worked but at the same time did nothing for us cuz there's no on/off switch here well now that that changes things a little bit all we need to do now is find a find an on/off switch and we should be golden man I'm just looking for that sweet sweet on-off switch bro okay what is going on here angry son got a Bowser there's a door behind Bowser so that that's nice um it's gonna chill here it's gonna chill right here and we were all right we're okay just gotta ride this baby around town the Pioneers used to ride these babies for miles look at that oh we avoided one saw I didn't think the lad was mad enough to throw two saws alright so we got back here I don't think there's anything else for us to do but go in this pipe and again hope hope and pray there's an on/off switch somewhere hidden within this section otherwise we're we're doing it wrong and might have to try a different way we're okay we're okay we're okay now we just got a yes avoided the saws come on baby [Laughter] that was gravely gravely unfortunate for some reason I did not think the angry son was going to hit us but the angry son had other ideas oh boy are you kidding Oh nowhere to go once again we get the opportunity to ride the not so well-endowed seesaw platform looks like a gherkin an orange gherkin platform that we're good we're good we're good now we just got to survive the saws and the angry Sun and we should in theory how many times this episode have I spoken and then proceeded to die it's gonna be a record amount of times in one video keeping my mouth shut yes yes okay again we got one shot here [Music] that was a that was mistake all right I'm feeling lucky the doors telling us right here so what's going this one okay it wasn't lying yes yes progress see through the key door what do we got now okay what is this okay a vine let's go I've not seen any red coins yet and this is just what is this level looks like there's a vine growing from my head hey there's one hey yay through the key door yay okay now I'm down through the pipe this should give us the victory let's go it wasn't pretty it wasn't necessarily fun either but nonetheless we got that first clear that's all that matters alright gang I think I'm good on beating uncleared levels today starting off with bean burrito two as a was a giant mistake sour taste in my mouth for the rest of the run nonetheless I think we completed four five four I think four uncleared levels so we're slowly clearing more and more levels off the uncleared zero percent as always feel free to join in the quest to make sure that there are no levels left uncleared in Mario maker 2 you can feel free to join the discord discuss with other members about how many uncleared levels you've done things like that I would love to see you guys over in a talks livestream as well so if you guys have a twitch account feel free to stop by at the streams we have we have a good old time but for now let's wrap things up thank you guys so much for watching have a great rest of your day and until next time take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 903,408
Rating: 4.9016237 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, carlsagan troll, troll carlsagan, carlsagan42, mario maker 2 new courses, new courses, new courses mario maker, new courses mario maker 2, uncleared courses, mm2 impossible level, impossible levels, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels
Id: VSBtsoPjXF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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