CHEESING The Oldest UNCLEARED Levels Left In The Game!!!

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hello my friends and welcome back to another episode today we're diving back into the unclear 0.0 level series in an attempt to leave no levels left uncleared in mario maker 2. at the tail end of last week's episode we dove into some of the oldest levels left uncleared in mario maker 2 and i thought it'd be fun i haven't done it in a while we're going to dedicate this entire episode to playing some of the oldest uncleared levels still left in mario maker 2. let's go ahead and fire it on up now for those that aren't familiar the way we get some of the oldest levels still left in this game is by going to the top of the detailed search page and you'll see that we can filter through pages we're going to go to the very last page available which is page 10 and let's just check out and see what some of the old levels are once you're on page 10 you'll instantly start seeing that we have some very very old levels we're talking august of 2019 a couple months after this game came out to get the very oldest levels left we need to go to the very very bottom and let's just let's just see what we have in store for us oh wow we actually still have two levels left from july of 2019 we have the back rooms and this japanese level these will be our first two tests of today's episode let's start with the very oldest one though which is called the back rooms and it says don't get lost fact that it's telling us oh gosh okay oh we have to do oh boy we got to defeat all 10 magic cubes look at all the oh gosh there's no music whatsoever there's no music i'm putting on the shelmet um there's one down okay there's a key there oh boy oh boy friends [Music] oh we got a key okay it's nice we got a key and we've killed two magikoopas along the way [Music] okay [Music] i'm just gonna keep holding the shell we're just gonna keep going right i guess and okay let's it's gonna keep going i guess um okay so we have some munchers oh gosh okay um spiky shellmet don't mind if i do friends don't mind if i do okay that now that kind of stinks we can't uh we kind of regret leaving the shell now but that's okay keep going here so no magikoopa in here no there seems to be no magikoopa in this room okay this is um this is uh oh boy this is something friends oh goodness is this something okay we got a key let's just go through the key door okay extra p switch another key there hmm question is okay let's see see if this p door leads okay [Music] everything seems fine no are you kidding me [Music] oh my gosh i don't i know oh oh okay then okay [Music] okay so we're back here this time i brought the shell along with me okay we're doing six out of ten and how many red coins do we have [Music] okay oh my gosh uh okay so we picked the right door however doesn't really help us in the fact that okay we oh dang it [Music] are you serious are you serious [Music] what i don't no okay so it's great we got a key but this literally doesn't help us at all i was scared our key would lead us to that soft lock area but we gotta try it we have another key [Music] well as always when i can't figure out a level you know i'm i i we're we're on the cusp we just basically need to find a pal block and uh we might be able to finish that if we knew where a pow block was but i i i'm gonna be honest i don't feel like playing anymore this level to find out where the pow block is but if you want to get this one off the unclear board let let me exit out so you can have the level code there you are friends if you want to get one of the oldest uncleared levels off the board there's there's the level code well after that poopy start let's try this other uncleared level from july 31st called uh actually i have no idea what it's called right wow we have a lot of swamps oh boy oh boy okay wait a second okay i was wondering if we could damage boost to get through the pipes okay okay okay all right oh boy okay well we can't take any more damage buns butts butts butts butts i thought i thought we had it uh let's go to the pipe oh yeah baby get that one off the unclear board first try 26 seconds that feels pretty good i won't lie well we're one for two on the july levels let's go to august early august and let's look for some levels here this one sounds interesting muncher ride of death too hard i haven't been told something's too hard okay here we go okay do we literally just have to i thought i thought maybe we were saving that little crack no this honestly seems like it's gonna be a pretty neat idea for a level i'm just gonna chill but no okay well that didn't quite work out okay holy rip okay oh my gosh okay it's [Music] this is getting this is getting intense oh my gosh [Music] all right it's pretty hard i wonder if it'll be better if we're at the front of the i think we found the key to success friends being at the front of the muncher train oh gosh oh no no we were doing so well okay front of the muncher train leben but you do have you do have the risk of falling off though we've downloaded the deep lore for this level the deep deep lore has been downloaded no [Music] when i speak then i die this is most definitely the solution here staying at the front has got to be the right right solution it's raining oh gosh oh no [Music] oh my goodness how many chain chomps can you fit in one level no oh oh yeah okay progress city here much beloved progress city that was really dumb that was really dumb but we it paid off [Music] let's go let's go that was an interesting level once we figured out to stay at the front of the muncher train it became way easier than staying at the back but it was it was still pretty tough but it wasn't too hard check out another one from early august this one has quite a few attempts compared to the other ones that we have played today so it's probably gonna be kind of difficult not gonna lie are we up for the task well let's find out what do we have in store okay we have a pipe right at the start i do see that we have to get three red coins or not necessarily need them okay maybe we do need yeah probably do all need all three red coins okay that was pretty easy door number two of course i take damage there i open my big mouth and take damage okay so there we go we got two of the red coins now we got door three what's behind door number [Music] three death is behind number three so i think the big brain play here is to not touch the mushrooms till we need them by going through door two so because we don't don't need it going through i almost died we don't need it now we're gonna get a mushroom we still have another mushroom in the mushroom reserves if you will and now we have the ghost room just literally damage boost our way through there i played that so badly this time we're gonna start with the ghost room okay all right all right all right all right we're through we're through we're through we're through i'm still gonna save the mushroom in the reserve okay we got the key now we have our mushroom let's go we can finally make a little bit of progress city by just entering the door let's go [Music] oh let's go still have our mushroom oh it's a boss gauntlet great okay all right another key to the key door oh cat sit let's go cat suit aka the game changer all right i gotta i wanna i don't wanna go fast here okay we're running we're running we're running we're running yes let's go that actually wasn't too bad either okay well this one this one friends this is the one all right andre it's your time to shine friend okay what do we have oh builder suit look at that starting off with the builder suit this isn't bad at all okay [Music] so far not too trolly not gonna lie i mean we gotta try yolo right it's it's a must that we try yolo bolo's been fixed i guess i need i forgot how big my head is slide it on up okay here we go friends you know that you know how this works make a yellow jump we put on the old ball yolo well it yeah technically technically it worked well i guess we need to go down the pipe with the arrow what could possibly go wrong here stop can we go up this pipe oh you can you tricky rap scallion you tricky rap scout and you can go up the pipe that was bequeathing us oh it was bequeathing us builder suits okay we're just gonna ride this baby used to ride these babies for miles okay what [Music] um honestly i was curious if there was something hidden behind the those coins and there wasn't but now we know ride this guy ride this puppy for miles okay okay i bet you if we had the oh maybe we can still make that i don't think i think we need the builder suit friends think the builder suit is necessary necessary [Music] so let's stack some boxes builder suit was not necessary okay [Music] now do we want to keep the i feel like we want the builders to i feel like the biller suit could come in handy here all right we're just gonna yes it did come in handy wait are we no dude wait a second yes oh boy salvage this oh we're alive we're alive let's go we totally cheesed this let's go let's flip and go let's flip it dough that was cheesy delicious gouda give me the first clip baby thank you andre we will take that first clear and we will happily get it off the unclear board oh my word oh my sweet goodness let's do some investigating here let's see if we can figure out which is the way we need to go before actually playing this hold on i need to write this down then top third again will take us to the green pipe and then from there it's uh it's anyone's guess at that point let's see if my maze skills come in handy hopefully i followed those pipes correctly all right so the first one we have no choice we literally just have to go through the pipes and see what i'd avoid the sushi if i were you it's a little fishy what's e.t short for because he's only got little legs all right all right all right oh okay we're almost here we're almost here let's see if our selections count here so number one straight down here yep top three [Music] see if this works so far my may skills have been impeccable friends oh i just noticed there's a time limit too what the butt all right and then top three again this should take us to the green pipe now i don't again i don't know what's inside the green pipe but the ending ends up outside of the green pipe so i think the green pipe is where we want to end up [Music] oh checkpoint city baby it's a beautiful city that checkpoint city what's through the door [Music] boom let's go let's go our impeccable note-taking skills maze skills lead us to the first clear let's flip and go let's take a look at this one now just look at that look at that thumbnail what could possibly go wrong here i'd say there's a pretty good reason why these levels weren't cleared they are uh interesting to say the least anything down here there's a door down there yeah okay let's check out the door through the door so it begins friends can go up this pipe okay hmm [Music] okay let's try this uh fight feel like we can maybe somehow cheese this a wee bit [Music] okay so we can't cheese it that way but there might be more cheese than we think all right what's in this first pipe what's in this first pipe at the starter [Music] not death it did not lead to death [Music] hmm did not lead to the end either so it's a door a door leads us to all right right is always right take us home dang it all right here we go again i wonder what's over here what's over here dang it so okay we know okay this should be the ending then i feel very confident by saying a dgr guarantee that we're going to beat the level on this attempt as long as i don't die on this jump here [Music] we didn't die so i think if we pick the leftmost door right here this should give us the win right yeah dgr guarantee i told you guys there's this weird rumor out there that the dgr guarantee always fails no friends we never lose with the dgr guarantee since we are considered the mario maker garbage man let's check out this one multiple choice i mean these are basically this is the in the levels that we've been playing this entire episode so let's get one more out of the way oh 80 seconds this is not quite what i envisioned so far the levels today have been more about perspiration more than uh uh oh gosh perspiration more than oh there we go how about inspiration it's been more perspiration than inspiration we've been basically plowing through levels um using you know they're not necessarily hard they just require you to keep going oh can we go up this pipe cannot go up that pipe okay how about this one cannot go up this pipe either all right let's try this top pipe maybe this will lead us somewhere [Music] well it did it it it did lead us somewhere all right let's go left here okay we can go down the pipe i should have taken a box with me oh i bet you you are supposed to take a box with you you're supposed to take a box i'm such come on dave oh come on dave you can do this [Music] maybe not maybe you can't maybe you can't okay 17 seconds left to be a gamer i got 10 seconds left to be a gamer no oh gosh come on come on oh how do we not so bad dude oh my gosh i think that's what we gotta do friends yes oh checkpoint don't mind if i do thank you so much checkpoint city it's a beautiful city that checkpoint city uh okay yes [Music] oh no uh let's try door number three not door number three door number two middle middle middle chicken dinner i'm so glad we got the checkpoint because i don't know if i've ever mentioned it checkpoint city you know it's a beautiful city that checkpoint city let's go through door number one [Music] what okay second checkpoint it's christmas oh we got a key this has got to be the ending this has got to be the ending okay let's think about the creator yeah i was gonna say the creator had to beat this in one shot there we go friends although i feel like man i feel like we could totally cheese that with another shell jump let's go though it doesn't matter we got the first clear and that's all that flipping matters all right all right one last level i refreshed and we have a bunch more levels from july 31st uh let's which one should we do it felt like yoshi's nightmare had the most time and effort put into it so let's let's maybe this will be a good one i'm holding out hope all right so we got yoshi yeah this seems decent enough so far so far no no [Laughter] [Music] the level is still young though friends still very young as crazy as this is to say this might be the first like legitimately challenging level that we've experienced today friends now can we make this jump yes we can there's another yoshi and a p switch no just a coin [Music] oh boy all right here we go again [Music] run did that real did that really just happen okay here we go friends this is progress city good good good doing good [Music] you but no the key was in the thick hammer bro [Music] there we go through the key door let's heck and go [Music] this creator had some really good ideas going in this level but they just couldn't avoid the allure of the trolls my friends they couldn't avoid the allure of the trolls friends here we go again friends tiny spin jump okay swamp coming down hot ah three thwomps okay so right i this was this level was made well before the meta for right is always right was a thing so let's go through the rate [Music] [Laughter] i've gotta be oh man shiver me hecking timbers dude [Music] shiver the absolute timbers out of me [Music] that was our swan song level for sure that was it last level of the day we'll take the first clearing sometimes being the mario make two garbage man stinky job all right my friends that's gonna wrap up another episode of this unclear level series we got like another half doze maybe even more off the unclear board and it was really fun going back and taking a look at what creators thought was you know considered a good level back when this game first released now that's not to say level creation is perfect now you know there's still a lot of stinkers out there but i don't know i always have fun going back and looking at some of the older levels there i have a good time regardless what levels we play as always feel free to join in these efforts trying to leave no levels left unclear to mario make two go back in the archives see if you can complete some of them but yeah we're gonna go ahead and wrap it up thank you guys so much for watching i hope you have a great rest of your day and until next time take care [Music] you
Channel: DGR
Views: 587,463
Rating: 4.9084682 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, mario maker 2 new courses, new courses, new courses mario maker, uncleared courses, mm2 impossible level, impossible levels, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels, lil kirbs, lilkirbs, lilkirbs mario maker, lil kirbs mario maker
Id: 4phrJFC8dJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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