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in this video I started out with $ z a lawn mower and a Truck and now I have the challenge of building a profitable landscaping business from scratch but there's a Twist I only have a year to do it will I grow broke or will I make it big stay tuned to find out and if you guys enjoy content like this and you want to see more be sure to subscribe and drop that like house too anyway let's go build a business well boys it is 700 a.m. I just made into town here and I used the last $100 I had to fill up the truck with diesel and now we got $0 to our name I met a brand new town no friends no family no money and uh you know what fueld prices actually aren't looking too bad so who knows we might be able to make it in this new town after all I got my old durmax that I bought off my grandpa when I turned 16 my lawn mower that uh well I think I found that one in a dumpster but it's got a full tank of fuel so let's see if we can uh go find a mowing job or two at least make us a bit of money for food and a place to stay tonight except now I'm just waiting at a red light now it's green all right so this looks like the residential area here so many overgrown Lawns oh man well it looks like I'm in the perfect spot spot to try and make some money oh that place has got a down tree in okay I might have to come back to that place later you know what it is early in the morning but uh I'm going to say screw it knock on this door and see if we can get a mowing job yes hello sir I noticed your uh your grass was getting pretty long I was wondering if I could uh mow it for you all right sounds good I'll get right to work well that was uh very unexpected first place we pull up to we get our first job you know what I ain't going to complain this is perfect so this was actually a bigger job than I had anticipated now we got to mow all back here up to kind of the property line of this other house all around the garage back here and all the front and with the little post mower we have hopefully we can get it all done this is going to take a little while all right let's fire this bad boy up and let's get to work yeah this is some thick grass right here so it's uh a little bit challenging for the mower got to move some garbage cans out of the way here first just trying to get uh the outline of the house done if we can it's still pretty early in the morning so the grass is a little bit wet and pretty tough to mow which is not ideal hopefully once it warms up later in the the day they'll make any other jobs if we happen to get any more a little bit easier this little push motor is like the perfect size to fit right in between the garage just barely look at this the grass is almost taller than my push mower no wonder it's struggling also does no one here mow their lawns because it sure looks like it well even this little front part here took me about 15 minutes because it's so overgrown and thick it's actually kind of ridiculous all right progress report here we got the whole backside done and I should have just enough gas in the tank for the lawn mower just to finish this then we're going to have to go fill it up we've still got a little bit left here in the front the guy told me just up to the pole here in the front is good all right last pass and we are finished okay so this took me roughly 2 hours oh actually you know what there's one more little spot anyways this took me roughly 2 hours here so at 25 bucks an hour which is the average rate for lawn mowing this lawn was 50 bucks I'm going to load my lawn mower up here real quick I'm going go collect some money well I told him 50 bucks but he insisted on 100 he said the lawn was so overgrown he's surprised I only charged him that much but uh hey I'm not going to complain with 100 bucks but we got to get fuel for the lawn mower now so uh we can try to get another lawnmowing job actually before we head out to the gas station there I'm going to stop at Tractor Supply got an idea I'm going to grab a uh jury can or gas can I guess and then hopefully we won't have to uh make so many trips to the gas station that's swear I came at the perfect time 10 bucks got myself a gas can also a few other things so a lot of tractor supplies have these uh bulletin boards where uh people can post up for sale post ads pretty much whatever you want and uh I saw an had for an old lawn mower it had a trailer and uh one of those lawn sweepers for 500 bucks now I don't have 500 bucks right now but in the future when we do get 500 bucks if it's still for sale I might have to go pick it up oh perfect green light and uh that bulletin board also gave me another idea I could post up an ad for my lawn mowing services as well this might work out pretty good all right we'll get the gas cam filled up along with the lawn mower I don't know how much this is going to cost 20 bucks not too bad we're at 70 so that should get us something for lunch and hopefully a hotel room tonight well got myself some lunch that's another 10 bucks all right so I was just at the library here spent another five bucks and I made some ads to put up we're going to go stick those up everywhere real quick and hopefully we should be getting some calls within the week so with my ads now put up around various places around town it was time to go and find some new work but not before I got stopped by the train and after heading across the river to the town next door I seen another neighborhood where of course I would find my next job and funny enough while working on this particular job I secured not one other lawn but two we were mowing this entire block and with the grass not as thick on this lawn as the last one it definitely made things a lot easier but the first house done the lawn mower was basically out of fuel and needed to be filled up so with our new jury can we filled that sucker up and got to work on the next two Lawns the second lawn didn't take very long considering it didn't have much of a backyard it was the third lawn it was a real doozy with a decent backyard a garage and a lot of side area this one was going to take a while so I used the last of my gas can and it was back to work well boys I believe that is about it I'm just trying to finish up around this tree here just getting the last little bit so we we ain't going to miss any and my lawn more just died okay well it's out of fuel well there you go I guess I had just enough to finish all three of these yards I'm surprised I got all three but I guess uh all all three people that live here in this little block here are all friends they were like oh yeah I want my alwn mode too so it worked out great for me it is now late afternoon and I have spent pretty much all day here this place was pretty big to mow this one it was not that bad at all actually but this one was a huge undertaking and uh if I want to keep up with this kind of clientele I think they all said they wanted me to come back in about 2 weeks mother lawn again I'm going to have to get that lawn mower or else I am never going to be able to keep up with this pace surprisingly there's a lot more demand for lawn mowing than I thought that's a good thing everything all together was about 7 hours of mowing which was ridiculous but there's a lot of land here you got to think about that and I'm only using a push mower now if I had a ride on mower it'd be a lot easier but I'm going to go collect my money and and for 7 hours at 25 bucks an hour that should be about 175 bucks for my buy so that $500 goal is a long ways away well I've collected all the money as you can see $400 which is of course a little bit more than 175 um she gave me$ 160 he gave me 80 and the dude at the end of the road also gave me 160 that brings us up to $455 now I ain't going to complain about that but we are out of fuel so I got to go spend some more money get me some more fuel even though it don't look like it is late afternoon and I am absolutely bushed I need to find a hotel first we need supper and fuel actually there's a case's right there and that's where I'm going you can get both things there well I spent 30 bucks got everything fueled up got myself some supper let's go find a hotel perfect hotel right here well boys this is the next morning Hotel was only 50 bucks and I got breakfast there which was perfect anyway I was looking on Facebook Marketplace this morning and I found an old chainsaw that uh I think just needs a carb kit it's for free so we're going to go pick it up then head on down to Tractor Supply buy a carb kit for it and uh hopefully get it up and running cuz then that opens up a range of jobs big time all right we're back here at Tractor Supply I got the chainsaw spent 25 bucks got a new carb kit for it and now it runs great so we got ourselves chainsaw so first order of business this morning I seen this property yesterday with a down tree it has really overgrown grass it's like right up the road here and uh we're going to go see if we can work out a DLT now get some work for him hello I notice your uh grass is pretty overgrown there and you got a down tree there any chance I can interest you in getting the lawn cut and taking away that tree they would be interested okay awesome all right that works good for me I'll get to work well son of a gun people are just too nice here I know there's a dump not too far away from here where uh you can bring in trees and all that but I don't have a trailer all I have is the truck bed but it cost a dump fee it's only about five bucks but still I think first order of business is we'll get everything out of the back of the truck and then we'll get to chopping this up now that I have a chainsaw and I think with the money we get from this job we should have just enough to get myself that little lawn mower it'll be a little better than uh having a push mower all right so I got everything chopped up real nice here we're just carrying some of these smaller logs out we'll get them chopped up a little more out here and we'll get them all loaded up now I'm going to try to load everything I can up into at least one load if we don't have to take two loads that's awesome because then we don't have to pay another dump fee that means more money for us but I'll see what I can do all right this is what we got so far here uh there's still this big old chunk back here we're going to try get it I managed to move it over just a little bit we're going to try cut it up into some smaller chunks all right there we go try to get this all loaded up we'll see if we can B it on there okay I backed the truck up this was uh getting a bit much to carry everything over holy smokes we did it I wasn't taking no for an answer I didn't want to pay a second dump fee but we are loaded down all right well let's see if we can get this to the dump well that's another 10 bucks down the drain for the dump fee but we got the tree taken care of well with that out of the way now we get the fun task of mowing all this oh man this is going to be a good time I need that dadc mower already dang looks like this dude has uh what looks to be the start of like a super cool Rat Rod or something not too sure it is really cool but we're making really good progress on this lawn not a whole lot left well that should be the last of her oh no there's still one more strip up here one more little tiny piece this mower's got to be running low on fuel can't be much left in the tank all right load this all back up we'll grab our money and well I guess we'll see if we can go get a lawn mower well new one at least well new to us all right so that job got us $100 now that seems like a lot for this lawn uh but it was mostly because we had to C up the tree take that to the dump had to charge them dump fee all that other stuff so wound up to about 100 bucks now in theory we don't have $500 to buy that lawnmower but it's a good thing I'm a master negotiator okay so I gave the guy a call we're going to go uh check out the lawnmower there and hopefully I can get it for uh less than 400 bucks oh shoot red light red light maybe not less than but at least 400 bucks well I'm pretty sure this is the place up here and it looks like it's up by the shop yeah there she she is my ticket to more money and a successful landscaping business so this is a John Deere 56 I I guess yeah just just 56 um it's got this little dump trailer on it along with uh this Lawn Sweeper now I don't know if he's around here he should be coming out any minute now I'm want to try to get this thing for cheaper than 500 bucks my goal is to get it for 350 now this thing's pretty clean so it's it's going to be a hard time negotiating that kind of a deal also I may have not thought this through I don't know how I'm going to like transport this thing I need a trailer badly holy smokes boys I think I just made the deal of a century $350 are all of this and he was asking 500 150 bucks off he said 350 bucks and you have to load it yourself so I guess I get to load this thing myself now um I move my lawn mower over along with my gas can I should have just enough room to get this thing in here I hope oh yeah this thing going to work great can I just tow the the trailer with the truck we're going to try that out um I don't know if it's going to work but we'll try it out now if we didn't have this lawn mower in here and the jury can we could probably make everything fit no that ain't going to happen Okay is it sketchy absolutely do I care no not one bit it's going to work but no I really do need a trailer because I can't haul this around like this all the time also I found a place to rent and it's about 1,000 bucks a month all the utilities included now a hotel is 50 bucks a day so that's more expensive than uh renting a house so hopefully in a little bit here once we start making some more money considering we now got a lawn mower that I can actually sit on and not walk around for you know hours at a time I think we'll be able to make things work also I need a trailer and the road I'm going down is closed well boys it is first thing in the morning here I'm just about to fill everything up with fuel last video I got a lawn mower and uh a couple of little attachments in hopes that we'd be able to expand the business into some bigger Lawns and of course make some more money but speaking of money we got we got- $50 for the hotel room and then we'll see how much fuel is I guess we can only fill up to $36 well I just filled up and we spent a whole $30 we're down to $6 so we may be down to our last couple bucks here but another thing I did last video was put up some flyers for my lawn M business and we happen to get a couple calls so we're going to go to those this morning hopefully get those done and make some more money anyways a lot of you guys suggested in the comments of last video that I should up my wage my hourly wage that I charge for mowing lawns uh yeah yeah we were barely making any money and people were tipping so much anyway I'm just going to up my rate and considering I'll be able to get the work done a lot faster now that I have a lawn mower I think it's Justified all right so we're just pulling up to our first job this morning now our goal for today is to get a trailer and maybe expand on our equipment depending on how much money we make now currently uh we've got everything sitting in the bed of the truck which is not ideal so I think a trailer would definitely help that out but we don't got much time to waste so we better get to work all right I'm excited we get to try out a new lawn mower the guy said it had fresh blades on it it so I guess we'll see how it cuts this is phenomenal okay a heck of a lot faster than using the old push mower just got to move this little tank out of the way here also if I can this week I'd really really love to uh get a place to live instead of living out of a hotel honestly it's not ideal so we made it to the backyard here now there is a lot of junk around here and the owner said just to mow around it but if I need to move it I can there's there's just a bunch of crap sitting around here bunch of random stuff okay so mine is moving a few things here backyard is almost done we still have a little bit of a chunk to do up in the front there but so far so good just going to move all this out of the way and I know the backyard looks like quite a mess right now but uh we still got to run the Lawn Sweeper over it they also did not want to pay for a disposal fee of the grass so uh we're just going to dump it in a pile back here well that's it for the backyard back in the front yard here just got to move some garbage cans and we're just about finished with the mowing that is there's still a lot more work to be done okay yards finished and another thing remember how I said I was going to charge by the hour for a lot of my mowing services and just about everything else well before I started the job I asked the clients if they would be interested in just paying a rate for the yard after I gave them a quote and they were happy with that so depending on the job I guess we'd make more or less just giving a quotes versus the hourly rate but I think it's all going to work out just better but this new lawn mower is working absolute wonders it makes my job so much easier holy smokes that makes all the difference and my lawn mower is stuck trying to go over this anyways cleaning up all the grass clippings makes it look a lot better and we just got do the backyard and done we'll dump this out here and go collect our paycheck my favorite part of the job oh man there's there's a lot of grass in here all right any day now you can you can quit it just keeps going I um yeah it's going more this just ridiculous oh man okay finally finished uh there's a lot of grass set some chairs back we'll be good okay all loaded up again this is a massive pain in the rear to load this all up into a truck bed anyways hopefully we can get a trailer soon and there there we go $300 now if I charged an hourly rate I only would have made 180 but charging a set rate people are happier with it it seems like and uh well I make more money okay so I just stopped in at McDonald's to uh get some food got myself cheeseburger that was five bucks anyway I asked the McDonald's if they had anyone to mow their lawn and they said uh no the last guy retired so I said for the you know the nice little fee of $180 I would be happy to mow their lawn they agreed and we're going to get this done I also said anytime I come here I want free McDonald's They of course agree after getting the McDonald's lawn mode I loaded up my lawn mower collected my $180 then I hopped back in my truck to go across the river after stopping in at my local Tractor Supply to pick up some much needed sunglasses best 20 bucks I ever spent I'd seen an add in the bullets to board for a trailer and we were off to go look at it after driving halfway across the countryside just to find this place it finally made it and after checking the trailer over we settled on a great deal of $350 with our new trailer now acquired this would make things a lot easier and not long after getting back into town our mowing ads seem to be paying off because I got a call for another house and after talking to the neighbor we secured his house as well which with how big the Lawns were this was going to be a pretty substantial payday okay so the only sucky thing about this uh new trailer is there's no ramps so I kind of just have to take the lawn mower off like this it does work it's just a little bit frustrating eventually I'll have to get ramps but since we're doing both properties I'm just going to go back and forth here the long ways cuz why the heck not we also did the property right next door a little while ago man I could not imagine trying to do all of this with a push mower that would royally suck as well get around the houses here while we have the chance but what's nice about this little tiny mower is you can get right next to the house so you don't even have to weed whip which I don't even have a weed whipper right now I should probably get one at some point but for now I think we're okay the mower may be small but we can absolutely Cruise which is awesome I may have to get new blades for it eventually though got to move some bins real quick here cut those around back perfect man these jobs are so much easier with a rideon versus that push mower also the cut is also looking a lot better considering you can see awn that we mowed with a push mower all right finished off on this side just a little bit left in the front of this house and that should be it for the Mowing and we got to go around and breake all this The Lawn Sweeper that's going to take a while all righty that's it that's all let's go grab our Lawn Sweeper so they didn't want us to take the grass off property take it to the dump anything like that so we're just dumping in the back brush there and it should be good there's just a lot of it all right we're full let's go dump this off here check it out look how good the lawn's looking man lot better with this new Mower and this Lawn Sweeper definitely going to have a lot more happy customers but I think after finishing off these last two wwns here we should have enough money to possibly go rent the place I want that way I can actually have a place to stay and I'm not having to stay in a hotel every night which does get very expensive and that's all perfect we'll get this all loaded up and I'm going to go collect my paycheck also this lawn mower needs to be washed in like the worst way it is extremely dirty all right first house 450 and second house I'm going to charge the exact same there was a crap ton of grass here and it took a lot of time so that's why it's so much all right and another $450 and with our first $1,000 in the bank I'm going to say we could go probably rent that house that I want or we could go buy more equipment I think I need a house though and by house I mean tiny little apartment now it might not be much but here's the thing I already talked to the landlord he said I am free to put whatever I want back here or along the side as long as it's not messy so just lawn mowing equipment pretty much whatever I need to I can set it back here which is perfect we have this little kind of room here on the corner it's nothing fancy but it will work it's already furnished now the rent is $500 a month so I had to pay a month in advance will be good for another 30 days now since we can put some equipment on the side of the place here got some ideas to make my life a little easier we're going to switch out some equip here okay I made it work so basically we have the Lawn Sweeper loaded in the front mower in the back it seems to fit in the trailer not the greatest we can have to drive the mower up on here but it will work and since we don't really need the trailer for a whole lot of jobs it's just going to sit back here and I've also got the push mower and gas tank in the back of the truck we're not having to unload trailer and the Lawn Sweeper all at the same time it's just easier this way and we're right next to a gas station how awesome is [Music] that well boys I just left a house here and fueled up so that is going to be $40 so that puts us just under $500 to start the day here I just got everything loaded up it's all looking a little bit dirty uh yeah definitely going to need a wash sooner than later but I think before we get to some calls that I've gotten for lawns today we're going to head out to the local dealership and check what they got you know I'm probably in absolutely no place to be coming here since I literally have no money to spend but uh we're going to check it out anyways and see if there's maybe something that'll be in our price range eventually oh man one of these would be sweet but I think just this mower alone is about $10,000 that's a lot of money this one is the 72in deck so I think it's a little bit more and there's a nice little Gator here really got no use for something like that but it's kind of cool okay so I just talked to one of the sales guys there and uh yeah those mowers are definitely out of our price range but they just got a trade in here and this might be something that's a little more doable so the guy traded in this big Tech Lawn Care trailer I guess he's another local lawn person around here uh I have not seen him anyways just traded this in along with this mow mower it's kind of like an off-brand John Deere looks the part probably works the part but uh costs a lot less money now they said they'd let this whole setup go for around $10,000 which is an absolute steal considering one mower in there that's brand new is worth 10,000 and it comes with we whackers and a bunch of other little miscellaneous lawn care equipment so I think this might be the move plus it's a bigger trailer than what we have now and we could definitely fit a lot more on there but enough messing around if we want to afford something like that we' better get to work so our first property this morning it's across the river now I haven't been out there to give him a quote so we're going to quote them and uh hopefully they accept well this is the property up here and uh it's actually looking not too bad the grass is decently tall but it looks like something that's definitely manageable going to whip around to the side here and we're going to go check this place out all right decent lawn here in the front nothing too big now they said on the phone that they had three trees they wanted taken care of and I think oh man I think these are definitely doable but they are tall holy smokes and it's a pretty closed in backyard but uh I think I got an idea we'll take this tree this way this tree will go this way and this one will go this way I think that should work I guess they want to build some kind of a patio back here so they said the trees need to go and I'm thinking for all the mowing all the cleanup getting rid of the trees oh I'm I'm kind of teetering on a th000 000 but since we're going to be getting money from this wood cuz the Sawmill is not too far away from here I think we could probably squeeze out about an $800 job plus that means if we go a little bit cheaper they'll probably have us back regular Mo all right just got the okay for them on the quote $800 we're going to get to work so first order of business here is to take care of the trees before we get to mowing grab my chainsaw out of the truck here Timber there she goes He second one perfect and the third one man there's going to be a lot of mess to clean up so first order of business is to get these trees delimed and then of course we got to figure out how to get them all hauled to The Sawmill well so far so good here uh we have got a lot of tree all over the place but we got one more left to di Lim and then it should be pretty straightforward from here well that's it that's all after you cut off all the limbs there is not a whole lot left okay so my idea to kind of get this transported is really just to use the trailer because I don't really want to ding up my truck bed trying to get trees in there so the trailer is kind of our best bet here got everything unloaded that can just stay there for now I'm going to attempt to back this trailer in there that might be easier said than done come on backup skills don't fail me now okay this should work I hope now I just got to figure out how big of a chunk and actually get loaded into this trailer here yeah this is definitely going to be quite a few loads of trying to figure out just how much we can stack in this little trailer we're essentially just playing a big old game of Jenga at this point all right that's probably all I'm going to be able to get might be able to fit one more on there there we go dot certified right there yeah that's definitely going to work we should be able to fit the next one on pretty easily and then all the branches are going to be uh fun to try load up well I sure hope we get some money for this we're uh we're risking a hefty ticket from the do right now after managing to make it to the Sawmill without getting pulled over we dropped off our load and made a nice $1,142 and after making it back to the house we got the trailer loaded up and this time we filled the truck bed as well and with our final load netting us an extra $1,600 we were well on our way to affording our new mowing setup with the backyard now free of trees was time to get to some mowing all right yard's looking pretty good here just got the mowing left I also got a call while I was hauling trees that apparently there's this like new mowing company in town or something and uh I guess this particular person that called had a really bad experience with them mowing their lawn so they called me and asked me if I could come down and mow theirs later today because they just apparently left this lawn in shambles so for a brand new mowing company to get complaints like that I don't think I have much worry about competition around here I'll be happy to take any jobs that uh they don't do properly but I am thinking I might list my current mower setup for sale see if I get any bites on it and then possibly by that time if I have enough money I might be able to get the new mowing setup that's at John Deere well that is the backyard pretty much finished here just got the front yard left and then we got to rake up all this which luckily we have a Lawn Sweeper see one thing that is really nice about having one of these small small mowers is you can squeeze into the tightest places so you almost never have to weed whip it's one of the disadvantages having a big mower but uh the end of the day big mower means I can mow Lawns a lot faster and make a lot more money all right that's it for mowing we'll just rip through the lawn with the Lawn Sweeper and we'll be good to go this part usually goes pretty quick and they said just to dump it in the back of the yard and uh they'll burn it later once it all dries out saves them the dumpy I guess well lawn is raked and there's a big old pile of grass here they'll deal with that I'm going to get all loaded up and hopefully wash this thing before we head to our next job cuz it is filthy actually maybe after our next job yes cuz we're going to get dirty anyway I guess okay all loaded up let's go grab our paycheck and I think while I'm down here I might go grab some lunch from McDonald's they give me a discount since I'm ow their lawn and $800 holy smokes that brings us up to $4,000 dang we're almost halfway there we a $10,000 goal so we can get ourselves a new lawn M set up well just popped by the McDonald's here and they recognize me so they gave me my meal for free sweet well let's go to the next mowing job holy smokes well here we are uh this is apparently the lawn that uh my competitor I don't even know if I if I should call him that because this is the way they left it my competitor Riverside Landscaping this is how they left the lawn they haven't even been back to mow it uh there's ruts everywhere on the lawn there's grass still everywhere is that wood chips apparently they cut down a tree and then they left the chunks that they didn't want of the tree just all piled up next to the trash cans like really this is the way they're leaving Lawns well I think I can definitely get this place a little more fixed up and try help them out with this because this is ridiculous yeah they're definitely not going to be in business very long if this is the way they're leaving Lawns so first things first we are going to try mow some of the front yard here try get a little more cleaned up because no one should have their lawn looking like this especially if a landscaping company was just through they also said they got some grass seed for the uh ruts in there so we're going to put that down for them and hopefully make this lawn a little bit better we're also going to clean up the wood chips of course can't leave those around but I hope I can try to fix this lawn a little bit I'm okay with some competition but man Riverside Landscaping if they're going to leave Lawns like this yeah I'm not going to have to worry about nothing see this is another lawn that I did look at how clean and nice it is versus the lawn that they left and apparently they charged him a crap ton of money to do this and left it like this so yeah at this point I just feel bad luckily I don't think they touched this side so it still looks somewhat decent but this is part of the yard I don't understand why they wouldn't mow it if it's part of the yard okay so I've got most of the lawn mowed up here now I'm just going to move some of these logs and the trash cans so we can mow up all around here and then try rake up all this grass there we go that looks a little bit better okay now we got to try to deal with all these logs hopefully I can fit them all in the trailer in one go but holy smokes some of these are huge after getting the trailer completely loaded down with logs we hopped on the mower and began cleaning up the mess of grass that the previous company had left and after a little bit of work the lawn was now looking a lot better after fixing the ruts the lawn was now finished finished and we can collect our paycheck which brought us to $4,200 and on top of that we now had a full load of logs to sell for profit with the logs bringing us in an extra $1,300 we headed back into town and picked up our mower to finish out the day well boys I stopped at Tractor Supply spent $500 and picked myself up a pressure washer so I could get everything cleaned off I could have technically stopped at the car wash but I figured I was probably going to have to use a pressure washer a lot more so hopefully this is a worthwhile investment anyways I think I'm going to try get everything cleaned up here and try list it now I only have $5,000 but I did talk to the bank and I think I could get a loan anywhere from $5,000 to $3,000 so hopefully that should be just enough to get that new mowing set up well boys it has been a couple hours here but I ended up listing this whole deal here the trailer my lawn mower and my little dump trailer for I think what was it like $2,500 I had a dude reach out to me not like 30 minutes after I listed it and said would you take 2,000 which is ridiculous for this because I think I only got a couple hundred maybe a thousand into it so I took that and uh I think the loan from the bank should come through here in the next hour or so and we might be able to get that new setup by the end of the day well the guy came by to get it I think he's just writing out a check or questioning life I'm not really sure check it out $2,000 that brings us up to $7,000 total holy smokes I think we might be able to do it but I'm going to head to John Deere and see if I can get the rest financed on that whole setup well 5,000 down and I have myself a brand new mowing setup so this whole setup was $10,000 I have a loan for the rest of the $5,000 hopefully we'll get that paid off before the end of summer but we now have a whole mowing setup and a nice one at that now I still kept the Lawn Sweeper just in case we need to uh pick up some grass but this should do a heck of a lot better job than that old small Mower and now we have a massive trailer too now all this stuff is used so I'm assuming that this mower is going to need new blades and probably a couple of little things but I'd say so far we're doing pretty dang good well this is how the new setup's looking got everything loaded up ready to go for our next [Applause] job well boys it's another day another dollar trying to build a mowing and business from scratch we've got just over $2,000 in the bank account this man looks like he's questioning life and we're going to get to work now this morning we're headed across the river to go to a very big job I'd say our biggest yet actually with the new and setup it should work good I'll explain the details of the job once we get there but I was scrolling on Facebook Marketplace this morning and I found myself first gen cumins with a dump bet now currently we don't have enough money to buy it but depending on how this job goes we might be able to change that so I just stopped in at Casey's here spent 50 bucks on fuel everything's now full and I think we're ready to go across the river has way better fuel prices than uh the side I live on man someday it'd be sweet to have a big mowing compound out here here but I think we're going to have to mow just a few more Lawns to make that happen all right so we're just pulling up to the property now and uh it's not exactly what you think Gates unlocked that's good so this side of the property is not the side that we're going to be working on today there's a couple storage buildings out here none of this is a concern of ours it's a property a bit more up the mountain this road is looking real rough this ought to be fun oh boy it is sure Rocky the old dmax is struggling but I think we might just be able to get it I'd lose my mower if it was and strapped down to the trailer all right this is the owner here he's meeting us take a look at this place and see what we all need to do all right so coming up this property here there's a bit of a road there's a bunch of down trees man this road is a little worse for wear anyways there's a bunch of down trees that need to be bucked up and hauled away that's a lot of good firewood money and then coming up the uh laneway a bit more is this old grain bin house basically a grain bin that's converted into a house bunch more down trees there's a bunch of lawn that needs to be mowed back here cleaned up which I think we could definitely do but first things first is cleaning up all these down trees and getting them out of here okay so the owner left gave him a quote we secured the deal this is going to be our highest paying job to date $4,000 to get everything mowed up to the property including around the property cleaning up all these trees getting everything to look nice on top of that we get to keep all the firewood that's a lot of money in itself so I'm thinking what I'm going to do first is I'll get the chainsaw out we'll buck up all this get kind of stacked away to haul later on and then we should be able to work our way up the property here and get it all mowed all right I got my chainsaw let's get to some cutting okay first set of trees oh boy we got one rolling down the hill anyway first set of trees is all bucked up here I think we're just going to try uh rolling down the hill here hopefully they don't Smack a truck there we go get them all down the hill and this might be a little easier said than done there we go that's the way to do it just push them all down there perfect okay I got all the uh trees on the hill here kind of roughly stacked up doesn't have to be pretty it's getting loaded in the truck later today anyway let's see if the old durmax is up to the task of actually getting up this hill all right so far so good not looking great great though we still don't have a skid steer or anything so we can't really offer anything to him for uh smoothing out this path or anything like that for now we just got to stick to Mowing and uh brush clearing kind of all we can do at the moment but with a little more money should be able to make something happen there that's why I'm kind of hoping we can buy that first gen sooner than later after getting the last of the trees delimed cut and stacked was time for some mowing but with the terrain on this property that was going to be a little easier said than done but sure enough my new zero turn was up for the task and after getting the lane W finished was onto the house which wasn't very pleasant considering all the bushes but an hour or so of mowing later and the place was looking great we grabbed our lawn bger but about 30 seconds later I realized that the beggar would not work with this mower so Hand raking was our only option all right well it took a heck of a long time but we finally got the yard raked up I need to definitely buy a bagging system for this mower because ain't no way in heck that thing's working and ain't no way in heck I'm hand raking every lawn so that's something that's got to change but for now now we've got all this wood that we can take down to the Sawmill and hopefully make a quick Buck off of we've got the whole yard up there mode along with everything going down to the road so the guys should be real happy this property took quite a while probably one of our longer jobs we've ever done if not our longest and it's still not over yet all right so this trailer is not necessarily built for hauling uh logs but I think we're going to make it work we'll try our best anyway holy smokes that is about as full as we're getting this thing we've got the first half all loaded up here so we'll run this out to The Sawmill and then we'll grab the other half and then we'll grab our mower then it's off to the next job but this place does clean up really nice I wouldn't mind actually liveing here there's enough space back there where you could expand out back to a shop maybe one day but for now we're still broke oh boy this Road's a little easier said than done and we made it now down this road that absolutely destroys your suspension and it's probably going to break a trailer axle for me ah crap I think I might have bottomed out there we go we got it oh never mind well I think we made it after making it out to the sawmill in one piece the first load of logs netted us $8,000 our biggest payday yet but we weren't done hauling logs just yet after making our way down to the property again except this time using a questionable shortcut I got the last of the logs loaded and it was back to the S this time around it was another nearly $9,000 so with the wood hauling and selling out of the way was back to the property to pick up our mower so I just had a chat with the owner here I got paid $4,000 that brings us up to $23,000 which is the most amount of money I've ever had and I don't even know how long since I probably bought this whole setup which uh yeah we didn't even have that much then but I'm thinking while I'm ahead I'll pay the remaining $55,000 that I owe to the bank for buying this setup that way we're completely debt free and I can go look at uh some more equipment because the guy that owns this place mentioned that if I get some bigger equipment to bring in some rock and smooth out this whole path that he definitely want us out here to uh make this a lot better so I better start looking at some equipment but there goes my hard earned $5,000 back to the bank anyways now that we're debt free that gives us options to start looking at more equipment and hopefully expanding the business now speaking of expanding the business I have talked to a buddy of mine who might want to come over and start working for me the funny thing is he works for my competitor Riverside landscaping or something I don't know whatever they're called anyways they're not paying him crap so he's talking about coming over to mow for me but it's almost the end of the day so I am going to go get some food and then go look at some equipment online so I dropped off my trailer here I'm just waiting on this light It Whatever turn green anyway I found the skid steer on uh online there we're going to go take a look at it it's actually just at the auction Mark just down the road here so I guess we'll see if it's possibly worth buying dang it a train 2 now holy smokes I can't get anywhere today finally there we go all right I think this is it here the guy said the keys in it so I can uh try it out if I want to man this thing looks rough oh kind of a weirder skids T too uh definitely not something that's made from around here now this thing is uh very high on the hours like extremely like to the point where I don't even know if I'd want to buy it just because it's so high hours even though I'm kind of working on a tighter budget here yeah I'm not too sure on this one I mean it's not like I need anything fancy but on the same note I also need something that's going to be somewhat reliable and I can already see multiple hydraulic leaks and and the thing doesn't steer the best yeah I think uh I think I'm going to have to pass on this one I know I really wanted to grab a uh skid steer this week but I don't think that's going to happen well back to look at I guess well boys it's another day back out here at the mo business we got uh $18,000 to our name here we're just getting everything washed up and cleaned for the week what you looking at give a shower need a bath man all right we're good to go here so last episode I was uh possibly going to look at a first gen Dodge with a dump bed now uh I've secured a meeting with the guy and we're supposed to go check it out in about 20 minutes here so I'm going to get the trailer unhook and then we're headed to the bank because we are not just buying a truck we're actually buying a little more than that but uh you guys will see that in a little bit now uh for what we're buying we're going to have to take out a massive loan bigger than we've ever taken out before at any rate I'm hoping it's worth it now I just figured I'd stop at John Deere here and see what they got looks like they got a new dump trailer oo I like this one yeah I could definitely use this but I'm guessing the price t on it yeah I could probably let it uh let it slide that I do not have that one I really really love this John Deere what is this 34 L something like that anyways little little load of tractor this thing would be sick to have but uh again out of my price range we're buying older equipment because that's all we can afford but I got to get down to the bank so we can get this loan secured and hopefully at the end of the day we'll have some new equipment all right boys loan secured $15,000 holy smokes that's a lot of money so we're just pulling up here to meet the guy and check out the rig that we're possibly going to be buying depending on how it looks I'm not too sure just yet but holy smokes if it does look okay which so far it does we're going to be spending way too much money okay so this is what we're looking at a first gen Dodge it's really nice just really mild out but uh you know these uh old cumin they run forever it's got a dump bed on it was used for some uh Landscaping as well got a little two axle trailer here A New Holland c190 not new Holland's best skid steer in fact I don't think New Holland has a good skid steer in my opinion but uh you know what I think it'll work comes with this grapple and a bucket you came out of nowhere anyways he wants $30,000 for that setup now in a way it's low and in a way it's high because it is all older equipment and it is kind of all mild out but you try to go buy anything at auction you're going to be paying way over this at any rate he's an older dude that wants to get out of the business and go to Florida for the winter so I'm happy to oblige by buying this now I'm going to be honest we could probably take all this stuff to auction and sell it for like 60 but we're just going to give him what he's asking but first I got to take this first gen for a drive which the interior is immaculate on I did not think it would be for being an old work truck it is pretty dang good and I think it has strobes as well does I like that now this is definitely one heck of an investment to the business and uh I guess if I buy this I'll have two setups I'm just one guy I can't run two setups that's why I'm probably bringing on a second guy sooner than later all right everything seems good with this truck it's going to burn a crap ton of diesel but I think it's going to be worth it and boom $330,000 down the drain watch this thing blows up the second I take it out of the parking lot that would suck that would suck but no time for messing around I got a loan to pay pay and we got some money to make let's take this thing to work I'll get my truck later today it's fine sitting here for now holy smokes first job of the day has got me taking some back roads oh man this is rough the first gen is not enjoying it I will say that much and I'm in the cabin I'm not enjoying it all right so we're just pulling up to the first job of the day this is a campground out here now uh normally we'd be out here to mow a place like this but uh unfortunately they've already got a mowing service out here so we do not have dibs on that but what they did call us for was uh some trees that fell down and then want to get rid of the rest of them cuz now it just it kind of looks bad so we got two Fallen trees we're going to cut down the rest of them there's two three four five trees yeah we got five other trees to cut down so we'll get those knock down cut them up into some decent chunks get them all loaded up on the trailer take them to the Sawmill to make some extra money and then it's off to the next job so first chance to actually use my new Skid Steer which I'm kind of excited about okay so I'm getting this tree cleared first because it's kind of block blocking their boat launch at the moment and they need that cleared so we're going to get this out of here so they can do whatever they need to do down there man if I had some free time some fishing be awesome but I got to make money well this may not be the biggest skid steer but it definitely gets the job done even got a light bar on the top which is kind of nice I like that feature I will say though this log Fork is definitely not the best oh I almost took out that sign yeah this log Fork definitely needs an upgrade but that's down the road well that's one down six more to go after getting the last of the trees chopped down we got them delimed cut up into sizable chunks and got them loaded onto a trailer with the trees now taking care of minus some odds and ends we had it out to the Sawmill to see just how much money we can make after making it to The Sawmill without getting stopped by the dot for my amazing strap job we got everything unloaded and sold for a grand total of $6,000 with Summer now in full swing firewood prices had kind of gone down minus the occasional person buying for a campfire regardless it was still a good bit of money with the job now complete we loaded up our skid steer collected our check bringing us up to $111,000 and it was off to the next job as you can see uh the bed is loaded up with rock now the reason for that is because the next job that we're headed out to is making a gravel pad in a backyard so picked up a load full of this stuff we'll get out to the yard and get to work now the main difference between uh mowing work and skid steer work is skid steer work you can charge a considerable amount more because you're paying for a bigger more expensive piece of equip equ opposed to just a lawn mower even though there's some lawnmowers that are more expensive than this New Holland and I am definitely going to need that second guy to help me out with this business because I can't keep up with the amount of jobs there are around here right now but this new setup definitely provides a lot more work all right so this is a house I did a while ago actually and uh it's pretty much ready to be done again so I'll have to come back and do that later but for now they want this gravel pad done so we're going to get to work on that it shouldn't take too long although this truck is squatting big time with this load of rock it's not liking it anyways before we get it dumped I got to unload my skid steer quick ah I should have left that hooked up oh well we'll be fine anyways I'm going to clear out a nice little patch try to level it out a little bit hopefully I'll be happy with it okay I'm just going to drop the bucket here there we go drop my Forks grab my bucket and let's get to work I do need a wider bucket though because these tracks are a little bit wider than the bucket and it makes uh trying to do some leveling not as easy as you'd think okay so this is where we're at here got this spot took down to dirt I think we're just going to get the dump truck backed in here and uh dump some gravel I'm not exactly sure their motive for uh having it right in between these three trees here but uh I don't question it as long as I'm getting paid I'll pretty much put Rock wherever you want dump bed works good I'm liking it okay they may not need all the rock they ordered here but uh we're going to try to get this little bit spread out here man having a skid steer for all this is so much easier just a bit more leveling and we should should be good to go got it all packed down here just trying to do a little bit of clean up on the edges just to make sure we're good nice and tidy there we go dump this back into the truck Easy Money easy easy money mind you I probably could have done that by hand but made it about uh I don't know an hour faster just doing it with skid steer hook our trailer back up here to the truck load our skid steer back up here oh boy it always has trouble getting up here things looking a little bit dirty needs a wash all right I'm going to go collect my paycheck and we'll get the heck out of here 1,000 bucks even pretty good freaking day if you ask me so I'm just filling everything up here with uh diesel real quick this is going to be expensive oh I still haven't even gotten to the skid steer yet holy smokes 350 bucks to fill this all up well we did make a lot of money though that is the good part but now that I'm home a new issue arises where in the heck do I park this good night um I think my kind of best option right now is just to kind of park it next to my place now I think we're going to ride the month out stay in here just for now until uh I find something a little bit bigger because this place ain't going to cut it with two full truck setups which reminds me I've got to go call uh somebody to give me a ride to go grab my other truck but with two full setups this place ain't going to cut it no more all right I grabbed my truck we got both setups looking real good and we're ending out today with uh over $111,000 I'm not going to complain we still May $155,000 in debt but I think that's easily manageable with uh the setups we're rocking now I just need that second guys so uh maybe we can get a second Mower and knock out some crazy big [Music] jobs well boys it's another day another dollar out here trying to build a landscaping business from scratch we got just under $112,000 in the bank account here and we got a couple jobs on the board for today a couple big ones actually that are going to n us a lot of money at any rate the uh rent on my place here we have a couple more days to decide if we want to move out get a new place or stay here and preferably with all the equipment stacking up here I would like to get a new place anyways we got to get everything fueled up ready to go for today oh what's what's this guy want Hello we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty yeah yeah not not today man I'm just going to yep I'm just going to get out of here I moved 12 hours away from where I lived and he still follows me okay so the question is is diesel cheaper here at 419 or is it cheaper up here oh man it's a lot cheaper up here okay we're stopping here man they are just ripping that other place apart on prices undercutting them big time well just fueled everything up got myself some breakfast is 80 bucks anyway let's go make some money okay so we have a bunch of returning customers on this block we mowed for them before and uh they're having us back to Mo again but this time we're going to be able to do it a lot quicker than we did before anyways we're just going to park up right here and get to work so we have one new house on this block that I secured yesterday actually got a call from them and they're like hey we need a mow I came out here gave them a quote and they were happy with it we got this house this house on the corner this middle house here and then this other house on the corner so four houses all ready to go and all that mowing totaling up to $4500 so a lot of money but also a lot of work anyways I'm going to go check the Lawns over quick make sure there's no Sticks no toys no rocks no nothing then if everything's good we'll get to mowing oh yeah this is the uh property we put in this gravel pad here not too long ago uh I guess they haven't put their patio or fireplace in there whatever they're going to do deer everywhere through here oh man how many of these suckers are there okay everything seems good let's get the mower un loaded and get to work so after we're done all four of these houses here we have uh another job with the skid steer now I was thinking in the meantime maybe once we get a new property we actually have a place to store the skid steer maybe we can rent our tra trailer out I know it kind of seems risky but uh if we get the right insurance for the trailer we should be okay and by my rough calculations that should bring in an extra couple grand every month depending on how many times the trailer is rented out and don't worry about the grasson street we are coming back to sweep that up with the Lawn Sweeper I ain't going to leave that sitting there actually speaking of the Lawn Sweeper I forgot that at the house so we're going to have to go pick that up can you imagine if we had to push Mo this like we did last time when we came around to do all these jobs oh man that' be uh not a good time so the best part about having all these Lawns together is we can just go in one big shot and take out a good chunk of The Lawns minus the one house that's on the other side of the street but this new lawn mower sure makes quick work of this stuff so currently we have about a $155,000 loan out and uh we took that loan out to get some equipment now I'd like to get that paid off sooner than later so maybe we can get a loan on a property or something that's the Hope anyway not long after I started mowing I ran into a landscaper worst nightmare having to actually get off the lawn mower now I'm just kid kidding but seriously people it's trash day put your trash pins out after getting finished up with three out of the four houses on the Block we had it across the street to do the last one where I yet again ran into my worst enemy actually having to get off the blonde mower stupid flipping trash cans people take your trash cans to the curb is what I would have done if I was Riverside Landscape but we're professionals over here so I rolled them to the side of the curb nicely I should really start upch charging for this crap after finishing up the last house it was a quick drive back to home base to pick up my Lawn Sweeper and after making it back we hooked up the Lawn Sweeper and finished up well boys $4,800 we actually had a couple people tip so uh I'm pretty happy with that anyways that brings us to just over $166,000 which is enough to currently pay off the loan so I'm thinking we're going to do that well loan is paid off that leaves us with just under 1,500 bucks and I think I will be happy with that currently that's does not leave us a lot of room for buying anything unless we take out another loan which I do not want to do unless we're buying a property which Speaking of properties I might have got a lead on one so uh we're going to go look at that later but for now I've got a job to do one that requires a skid steer love these jobs okay so we just ripped across the river here we're actually on our way to a different house than where the job's at we're going to pick up a set of pallet forks for this thing I don't currently have any so we definitely need some go car green light go green means go well this is the address like I guess they must have uh pallet Forks here thought it might have been house but I guess not well just made a deal 250 bucks an absolute score for a set of pallet forks I will take it these definitely aren't the most heavy duty pallet Forks on the market but they will do for what we need okay so we're just pulling back up to the house here uh we're unloading some of the other attachments cuz we're going to need all the extra space on the trailer we can get for what we're going to be doing here look don't ask me why I didn't unload them before I have no idea just didn't really cross my mind okay so we're we here at Tractor Supply out of all places uh we're picking up a bail feeder and a water trough now we could possibly move this by hand it is a little heavy but with like two maybe three guys we could probably move this this thing's light anyways the reason for the skid steer is once we get out there the guy needs us to move some bails for him not necessarily Landscaping but hey when you need money you got to get creative I quoted the guy a $500 price not really thinking much of it cuz I was like I didn't really want to do a moving job but he surprisingly took it said I actually came in cheaper than pretty much everybody else which I was surprised about so I probably should have quoted him more at any rate we're probably going to make a good amount of money on this all right just got the bail feeder tossed on the trailer here let's grab the water trough now that will do it except I can't see for crap okay all strapped down let's roll oh shoot I should have known it was this place so uh this is Red Wagon Grill and uh I guess they're getting some horses here so now I get why they want me to do this here I was thinking oh this is is just some really rich dude who got his daughter some horses and just doesn't know anything about him but uh yeah now I see why I'm doing this this makes a lot more sense ah crap oh shoot okay there we go that's better okay so they said to put the water trough right there and then the fail feeder right next to it and then we got to move the Bales into this little pen here so the horses stay out of it I don't think there's any in here right now but there probably is going to be soon okay perfect so they said they wanted it over by the water trough but I mean you kind of want it on Open semi level ground where the horses can access it at all points and I think it's better there just going to open up these Gates real quick and we'll get these uh Bales moved in easy money right here okay finished up here we'll go close up these Gates I'm going to go grab my paycheck and we are out of here well they gave me $800 pretty sure we agreed on five but they gave me eight so I'm not going to complain about that all right so I made it back here uh I actually took off the trailer cuz we're going to go look at a property here with our loan now paid off we actually have the ability to go buy something and since I got a lead on one we're going to go take a look at it okay it should be just coming up here on the left hand side there it is except crap there's no turning you know what screw it I'm just going to cut across the highway anyway don't mind me yep there we go okay check this out this is actually pretty dang cool so this is a little piece of property here uh there's no house currently I think we got a couple acres here I'm not sure exactly how am it does have the river alongside it which is kind of cool anyway since this property does not have a house it is pretty cheap now the owner used to uh Park his camper out here for the summer do whatever but he wants to get rid of it now he has a couple uh sheds out here that were built not too long ago actually there's this little shed right here I don't know what you can put in here maybe a quad side by side something like that tools whatever and then the bigger shop right here this is actually what I'm more interested in could store a decent amount of things if if you maneuver them right you can probably fit uh one truck one trailer in here and then there is a bit of room on the property to actually add another shop kind of right here is where I'd be thinking and if the shop is big enough you could get rid of the shed here and then just park a trailer alongside here or maybe build a house kind of back in this area or Park a trailer I guess so there's lots of different options here anyways I think this is our best option because there's not really another property like this in the area uh the downside of this one is we're across the river which is not the greatest there's a couple businesses on this side but most of the businesses we need and most of the properties we're currently maintenance are on the other side of the river so not ideal but uh can definitely live with that anyways I think I like this one so I'm going to give the guy a call send him an offer and uh see if we can make a deal okay so I've been on the phone with uh the owner of this property and the bank for about the last 2 hours and I think the deal's done I got the loan approved from the bank I gave the guy an offer he liked and we now own this place with all that being said we're $50,000 in debt to this at any rate this place does have power and water so that's a big upside that's why the property is uh fairly well valued and land around here considering it's so close to the city goes for a lot of money plus the newer sheds add a considerable amount of value not a whole lot but I mean the amount of land we have we have a bit of land actually going up into the trees here so if we really want to expand the property we've got a good amount to do so so yeah $50,000 we now own the place we've got a couple more days left where I currently live so we don't got to find a living Arrangement quite yet but I think it's most likely going to be a [Music] camper well boys it's another day back out here at the landscapeing business we got $2,110 in the bank account this guy's waiting for me to move my truck and speaking of moving it is moving day I got all my stuff packed up from my uh little place over here we're going to be getting everything to the new property and I think we got a couple jobs on the board for today so it's fixing to be a busy day so first order of business here we're going to get the uh lawn mowing setup over there I don't know how we're going to get back to get the skid steer and the other truck so I'm going to have to figure something out this light ever decides okay now it's green I may just have to call a cab or something but our current problem is I literally have nowhere to live and because it was our last day in that small house over there and we're moving over to the new property there's no house on this new property and my thought was to maybe get a camper so we're going to see if we can find a camper today I don't have a lot of money to buy said camper but we're going to have to probably make some man I am just hitting every single red light today okay never mind now it's green okay so technically there's not a road across here to get to my property so I'm just going to yeah I'm just going to cut across we'll be fine all right here we are so I'm just going to leave everything hooked up because we've still got a couple jobs to take care of today I just wanted to get everything over here so we can officially move in but now I got to try to find a ride back over across the river did I try hitchhike that that there's no cars coming at all it's been about 10 minutes here still not a single flipping car what kind of highway is this that there's no car for 10 minutes all right thanks for the ride man appreciate it we got dropped off at uh Del Taco here right by my house well I'll have to come back for my pressure washer too but we're going to get this over there for now all right back across the river here my Dy is fairly low on fuel here so we're going to pull into Casey's grab some lunch grabb some diesel the Tank's pretty much right empty on this so this is going to be expensive ouch 110 bucks well I got uh I got food and I got diesel it's all we need now I'm ready to go make some money I swear red lights are going to be the death of me you have got to be kidding me of course as soon as I say anything you know they go green all right don't mind me just going to make my illegal turn here real quick and there we go well that's it moving's done minus my pressure washer I have to go pick that up but now that we're here our main objective is to get a camper we really need one we need something to live in I mean I guess I could sleep in my truck but that's not very ideal I actually want to get a decent night's sleep and then whenever uh winter comes I can just park my camper right in here or I can leave it outside but either or this is heated so it does make things a little easier okay well I think I'm ready to go make some money now lucky enough for me all the work that we got to do is on this side of the river today so it' be a pretty easy day all right back at this house we've done this house a couple times here but uh they're always a nice returning customer so I'm more than happy to do work for them click unload of the mower lower the deck and we are off after Mowing and Lawn sweeping the first house which Ned us to click $300 we loaded everything back up and it was on to the next job which took us up this big Mountain Road to a nice little acreage at the top and while this place was really nice the grass was fairly overgrown due to a broken lawn mower that the owner Jeremy had at a repair shop Jeremy later told me that there was no way in heck he was mwing the lawn with a little push mower just like this we got the lawn mower unloaded and got to work Jeremy also told me that that he did not want the lawn sweep because he told me and I quote that is a waste of my damn money along with a few other remarks I'm not even going to repeat and with Jeremy's nice comments out of the way I continued Mowing and of course it wouldn't be a normal day in the mowing business without some damn trash cans and with the finished job N US extra $500 I got everything loaded up and got the heck out of there so I'm just driving back to the shop here and I've driven past this place a couple times now it's a really overgrown property uh there's some down trees in the back it definitely needs a mow and uh it it kind of gave me an idea so I've seen these videos on Tik Tok where guys uh go to these people's places and they'll do like a free mo for him clean up the property and make it look nice again you know we've been doing pretty well this summer so I feel like uh we could afford to do maybe a free mow so I think I'm going to go knock on this guy's door and uh see if he'll maybe let me mow the property yes hello sir I noticed your uh your grass is pretty tall here uh I run a local landscaping company in the area here and was just curious if uh I can Mill your lawn for free what's the catch there's no catch sir I'm I'm not I'm not charging anything I just want to Mill your lawn for free okay so you be all right with that awesome um just out of curiosity all the logs on the side of the house there did you want me to just stack them up or did you want them thrown away or something or okay thrown away awesome all right I'll get to work on this okay looks like we got ourselves a uh property here so all the logs in the side of the house here he just wants to throw it away but this wood is actually worth a little bit of money so I think we'll we'll get it all loaded up and we'll take it to the Sawmill there but uh yeah he pretty much said we can do whatever we want with this stuff so we'll just take this away then I think we'll clean up the property this looks like a broken down lawn mower he's got in here maybe that's why he hasn't mowed in a while um I'm just going to check for anything on the property that I know about holy smokes it's an Airstream these things are worth a lot of money actually he's got an old John Deere back here okay well I think I'm going to run back grab my uh skid steer and trailer we're going to try to get some of this wood cleaned up because uh we're we're not going to be able to get around the house if we can't clean that up and then we'll come back with a lawn mower and clean this all up I almost smoked that fire hydron I was so flipping close got to try not to do that all right we're back at the property here so I am going to unload a couple of the tools that I'm not going to need off the skid steer trailer here and then we're going to take that up to the property there and get it all cleaned up I guess okay so we're pretty much not going to need anything except the grapple Forks we'll just take all this off of here drop that right there it ever wants to come off the forks come on there we go okay that should be all we need let's get this loaded up and let's get the heck out of here see what I really need now is a uh brush mower for the front of the skid steer that would work perfect for this property because there's a lot of it that's just super overgrown and uh the zero turn will be able to handle it it would just be a lot easier with a brush mower so maybe that'll be an investment in the future but for now should be able to do it with the zero turn I think I just want to get all the logs and crap out of there before we start mowing all right let's pull in here let's get to work we're going to try to grab all the big logs here first we'll come back for the smaller ones I don't know if we're going to be able to get this all in one load but we'll try our hardest I guess okay there's all those logs uh the other big logs are kind of behind that pickup truck I'm going to go ask him if I can move the pickup truck here I doubt it starts but we should be able to pull it out of the way with the skid steer okay I just got the uh go-ahead from him so we're going to try and move this a little bit I didn't notice this before it has a front end loader on it kind of kind of cool I guess huh May I need something like that for lawn care I can see it having some uses okay so I got the truck moved out of the way now uh we've got these big big logs here there's a lot of them a lot more than I thought there was I don't know if we're actually going to be able to pick these up but we can try uh try grab that I don't know if we can pick it all the way up here I got it I kind of can pick it all the way up oh don't want to smack his house careful yeah that's a little closer than I wanted to be okay so yeah I definitely did not grab this log right little chainsaw action here ain't no way this is all going to be able to fit into this this trailer here we can try our best but I don't think it's going to happen Okay so this is where we're at here uh we got one more big big log left but I don't know if we're going to be able to fit it on and we might be able to we let it roll a little bit maybe maybe not oh oh and perfect so I had to do some more maneuvering here but uh this is kind of where we're at the trailer is pretty much fully loaded so we're going to go uh take take this to The Sawmill we got a couple other logs right here butth we'll take those in a little bit but there was a lot more here than I thought there was after making the trip up to the Sawmill we got our trailer full of Vlogs unloaded and sold making us $6,000 which considering we still needed a camper pretty badly I was having no complaints and after making it back to the yard again we got the last of the wood loaded up and taken to the Sawmill making us an extra $1,300 which brought us to just over $10,000 after making it back to the property we loaded the gster up and went back to the shop to grab our mowing setup all right so we've got all the wood cleaned up I went around the property made sure there was nothing else all there is is the stump here oh there is a little piece of wood here HCK that off into the bushes there okay so we'll try get everything mowed around here and then we'll move the truck back to a better spot uh this should be pretty easy he said just up to the road here is kind of his property line and back behind his house he said just to kind of the edge of this doesn't have to be uh too crazy so we should be able to get that done pretty easily I asked him if he wanted me to move the Airstream he said uh no so we're just going to leave that there now we are going to bag up all the grass here cuz may as well get it all cleaned up and nice looking I don't want to blow any grass onto the street here so that's why we're blowing it back into the lawn I know a lot of people have comments about my mowing techniques but uh you know I'm fine with it just cut up along here we're not going to cut into the bushes because this mower can't really handle that much so uh we're just kind of going to leave that I told him once I got a bush hog for my skid steer I would come back here and uh clean that up for him really really nice old guy just can't mow his lawn anymore cuz his lawn mower is broken said it's actually blown up so he needs a new one I'm just doing two quick passes down here may as well get it a little bit cleaned up all right so I got a good portion of the front done here I'm just trying to mow around this truck right now we'll uh move that in a minute but this is looking a lot better already well we got the front done here I just got to move this truck real quick and we'll mow this so instead of pushing this thing I actually got it running I had uh a of gas and set of battery boosters that's all it took to get this thing running so we're just going to put it kind of back here just so it's a little more out of the way then I'm going to get the Lawn Sweeper and sweep all this real quick holy smokes would you just look at how much better this yard is now oh man looking good hey just went for my uh second to last dump of grass here we just got this little bit left okay we're all finished up uh the guy ended up coming out he didn't want to be on camera so that's that's fine but uh he was really really happy with how everything turned out we'll definitely be back here to finish up this property at some point but we do have $10,000 in the bank account now so I should be able to find a camper or something here I may just sleep in the truck for a little [Music] while well boys it's another day back out here at the landscaping business we got just over $10,000 in the bank account here and uh we're finally moved into the new property here but I slept in my truck last night mostly due to the part that I don't have anywhere to live here I don't have a camper I don't have a a house I don't have like a shanty I guess I I suppose I could stay in the shed but uh yeah it's not very ideal but today we got to change that and this place probably needs a mow and uh some Landscaping done to it so considering I owna mowing SL landscaping company I should probably keep my own yard up but we'll get to that in a little bit for now here we're going to take the uh first and the skid steer and we're going to go grab something that I've needed for a while now and hopefully this is going to let us expand the business a little bit at any rate we don't have any jobs up on the board for today but that may change or we may have to go find our own all right so we're just pulling up to Tractor Supply here to pick up a brand new bush hog for the skid steer now I'm hoping this actually fits the skid steer cuz if not I just spent a lot of money for uh for nothing I guess we could return it but I'm not sure what they return policy is like on Bush Hawks but at any rate this should let us mow down a couple properties that uh if we didn't have this would have to be left because our mower couldn't handle it but now that we got something that can this opens up a lot of doors oh boy it's a little heavy but I think this gets there should be good we may have to put some weight on it eventually all right $2700 so that brings us down to $7,300 which we're still sitting pretty good but I'd like to have more money all right back across the the highway for my illegal turn here and there we go okay so I got the SK steer unloaded here I think we're going to try give this brush hog go here see how it works but something I did notice here is uh I don't have a fuel tank so that might be something I'll have to get eventually but I did finally bring my pressure washer over from the other place so uh at least we can wash equipment now but this actually seems to be working pretty good I have no complaints I think we're just going to move the grass for now I don't really want to get into mulching all that back crap right now I don't exactly have time for that so we're just going to leave that to later but what this mower is going to work perfect for is kind of around the river here where we can't really get the mower that well the Steep corners and stuff are just not good for it so this bushhog should do the trick okay so there's a slight chance I'm getting a little carried away with this but uh I'm having too much fun mowing with the skid steer is a heck of a lot better than mowing with a zero turn mostly because this GID steer actually has air conditioning and on a hot day like this uh I will take air conditioning over no air conditioning especially when mowing grass so I still got around the river over there to do but we're just about finished with this side and uh after cutting the grass I see the amount of landscaping that needs to be done here yeah we're going to have some serious fixing to do but for now I think it'll be okay to leave till I get some more time and a lot more money now the trick is to not slide in um yeah we're going to try not to lose my very expensive Good Steer here well it took a bit but that should about do it for the moan on this I'll just get the rest of the grass here with the uh zero turn but this thing needs a wash badly so we're going to take some time give this thing a wash here and I think we're going to try and move some of the stuff into the shop that way it's not having to sit outside constantly I mean I have this whole space in here may as well use it get our new bush hog clean too all right perfect looking brand new I am curious of something here quick so we're going to give it a try is this tall enough to get to the top nah the ledge isn't big enough okay well I guess we'll just stick it in the corner for now and uh it can sit there till we need it again however these two attachments need cleaning big time though they are crazy bad there we go looking brand new again all we need okay so for storage wise I think this works best we can still put just about whatever we need to in through this door and the skid steer is nice and tucked away on the side so is the tools yeah this should work awesome it would be nice if this shelf was big enough to actually put tool tools on and attachments but oh well I guess we'll just use it for tires and stuff I don't know the skid steer is definitely not the only thing that needed to wash though holy smokes everything's filthy today that rainstorm that we had did not do us any favors as far as keeping our vehicles clean okay so I got everything to where I'm happy with everything's cleaned up and nice minus the uh mowing setup here we still got to use this to finish mowing all this but uh eventually we'll clean it up right now I'm trying to find a camper so I can actually have somewhere to stay all right boys so I ended up finding a camper it's a crazy nice one and believe it or not it's free but here's the catch so this camper is on top of a massive Hill it's pretty hard to get the uh camper down from and the whole camper cannot move on its own axles because well they're broken all three axles on the camper are broken so I need to hire a moving company because I don't have this stuff necessary to move it to get it off the mountain and to my place because I don't really need a trailer that I can tow around I just need something I can set there and live in it it's all I need so we're heading up there to check it out and then uh I'm in contact with a company that can bring it down for me so if everything looks good we may have a free camper for a couple thousand okay so this is the turnoff right here uh oh boy this looks fun yeah I'm trying to find a GPS location here as to where this thing's at uh this might prove to be a little more difficult than I thought usually people exaggerate when they're like uh yeah you're going to have to hire a record company to actually come out here and ha this thing out of here with a big rig yeah no no these people were not exagerating um oh oh there it is okay yeah you're definitely not Towing this out of here with a with a pickup truck not a big old camper like this and it needs to go on a trailer too cuz you can't tow it with its own axles unless you replace the axles on the top of the mountain but uh yeah it might be a little easier said than done anyway we have 24 hours to get this thing out of here if we want it for free so uh yeah I guess let's take a look everything looks good oh wow this thing's crazy nice inside holy smokes okay yeah we're doing whatever we got to do to get this thing out of here well boys we had to uh call in the calvary here uh holy smokes this is quite the setup anyways when uh your friend of a friend of a friend of a buddy who has a friend who has a buddy who also has a friend who maybe has a buddy has something like this I think you'll be able to get a a trailer off a mountain anyway uh he's just down the road here end up talking to the guy super super nice guy but uh 5 grand we're getting that trailer off the mountain there so if you think about it it might be a little bit steep but uh for him to risk wrecking his equipment to uh get that thing off of there yeah well worth it to me so that's going to bring us to uh just over $2,000 so I think he's going to get going and we'll try to get this thing out of here well it took quite a while here but uh the snow cat's dirty and we made it up here almost popped the track off a couple times cuz of those rocks but uh we're good we're going to try to get this thing loaded up I guess we'll see how it goes would you believe me if I said this was actually easier than I thought it would be yeah we're all loaded up everything's strapped down this was actually a perfect fit so we're going to see if we can get this thing off the mountain I think it should be decently easy but uh we we'll see we'll see check it out boys I'm riding in a snow cat and about the sketchiest hauling situation you could ever imagine but we're making it slowly but surely we're on the home stretch and we are out the guy said he's going to bring something else here to uh tow the trailer the rest of the way down to my property there which uh is a good bit away yet so definitely not going to be uh toned down Main Street with the snowcat feel like the uh the dot might have some things to say about what's going on here well we're checking some chains here before we get out on the highway we got a little bit of a stretch of highway so hopefully uh no cops pull us over but the guy brought out a flipping Kenworth to pull this kind of cool but shouldn't be too much longer now check it out she made it here in one piece okay now we just have the task of unloading it might be a little easier said than done well it took nearly 3 hours a lot of maneuvering and uh couple broken chains but we got it in here and all folded out it's a lot bigger in here now that the all the slide outs are out holy smokes so I basically got a $100,000 camper for free I can actually get up to the front well it might not be 100,000 now but uh maybe brand new was 100,000 now it if it was all perfect it might be worth 60,000 but uh yeah this thing's actually decently old but it's in really really good condition but with roken axles did some damage on the outside like yeah not the greatest thing but we essentially did get a $100,000 camper for free pretty nuts so now I pretty much have a luxury house to live in or at least pretty close to it but I got some more grass to cut and uh a lot more maintenance to do on the property well boys it's another day back out here at the landscaping business we have just over $2,000 in the bank account not a whole lot of money but uh today we should be able to change that now any minute now I think my uh my new business partner should be showing up he's going to be helping me expand the business get everything running a bit more smoothly and uh hopefully we can make a lot of money anyways well we wait for him uh I got to go check on a couple things so we've got a couple jobs on the board for today and and uh we might be picking up a new mower now since we don't have a lot of money it's isn't going to be anything fancy but uh with two people they're going to be able to mow now we're going to need something extra oh here he is dang he's got the nice dly hey man how's it going oh not too bad long time no see holy smokes you got the new setup here oh yeah she's a rig oh yeah looks good looks good oh you even got the death machine in the back that is perfect yep okay uh you want to get your camper backed in somewhere around here uh and then we can uh get to work cuz we got a lot of jobs today yep we do that's Colton he's going to be my new business partner uh we're going to kind of share costs kind of uh share profits however that's all going to work out but for now we've just got work we'll focus on all the money later all right yep there you go it's dropped all right so since you're here now I only have one lawnmower uh I found one on Facebook Marketplace for 5 800 bucks I can't remember what it was so I think we're going to go pick that up and then uh we should be good to go on some jobs that should be perfect for what we need yeah don't need anything too crazy just uh just enough to you know make work go a little bit faster hey you just want to back me in here real quick oh yeah I got you yeah this thing don't have a backup camera it's not that fancy come on keep keep keep coming straight there so Colton decided it'd be a smart idea to grab gas station burritos for breakfast this morning on his way down here so uh I kicked them out he's on the lawn mower how's that Fresh Air Bud oh it feels real good good stuff all right this should be the place right here I think I see the lawn tractor out front yeah there it is how was the ride man oh it was amazing nice nice and uh Breezy hey oh yeah all right all right so this is it it's a John Deere 3330 or yeah yeah 3330 something like that um it's not the fanciest thing out but I think it'll work I don't know what do you think of it she looks like a gem gem yeah it is pretty taken care of it's almost shiny clean all right well I'm going to go uh talk to the guy see if we make a deal on this thing I guess you know what is the keys in it I'm just going to yeah we're just going to try this out here real quick take for a little ride yeah I'll just take it for a little ride here real quick all right drop that down turn her on yeah go behind me there see how that cut looks pretty good the blades look sharp all right well I may need some new blades eventually but for now I think it'll do okay Deal's done managed to get it for $650 which is not bad at all uh Colson you unload this lawn mow here real quick and uh we'll load up the other one all right you want to detach that bagger it doesn't really work the best on this machine yeah there there we go okay I think we'll keep it hooked up to this because uh this has a lower draw bar and it should work a lot better okay are we going to fit oh oh I'm spinning out colon I I need to push I'm coming there we go got her up there oh and it fits Too Perfect all right and look at this mowing setup now Colton you might have parked it a bit close how did you even get out of that man your legs would be cut off skills skills okay all right you got the skills apparently Colton those burritos still going through you mm- you uh well we're going to play it safe just just hop on the back tractor there fine look man maybe you won't eat five breakfast burritos before you come to work hey you did it the other day hey but you weren't here the other day so that doesn't matter yeah I'm pretty sure it does uh-uh look just enjoy it it's nice and Breezy out there it's not too bad I'm driving next time you're driving next time then I get to ride on the back after getting our new mower picked up and Colton on the back who was not very happy with his current situation we made a pit stop at the gas station to get everything fueled up and ready to go for our first job of the day which between the gas diesel and Colton snacks ended up costing us $200 not long after that we pulled up to our first set of jobs which would be four houses the biggest block we've ever done before but with two mowers it shouldn't take very long after getting the mowers unloaded with some difficult salty we fired everything up and got to work with both mowers now running we can now mow and clean up yards in a matter of minutes with colon cleaning up the first yard I moved on to the second one it was looking like we were going to have this done in record time and with some mowing techniques more questionable than others we got everything finished up and collected a cool $2,000 from all of our work and after everything got loaded back up it was back to the compound for our next job all right so we made it back to the compound here uh Colson you want to go and uh back up to the trailer right over here the skider trailer yep so the reason why we're not hooking up my first gen to the uher trailer here is because we're going to use that to haul some gravel this is just going to make things easier yep oh oh little back yep there you go got her all right so we're getting the skid steering a couple attachments tossed on the trailer here we're headed to a job not too far away from here to clean up some trees spr some gravel all sorts of moneymaking jobs frankly these are the jobs that make us the most money so I'm happy to do them any chance I get all right so Colton's in the first gen there he's going to go grab some gravel for the project and I'm in his dly I'm going to go take the skid steer out to the project there so we're multitasking trying to get as much as we can done EAS buddy stay in the lanes hey you want a race want race you want to see who can go faster I'm getting smoked smoked oh am I catching back up I think I'm catching back up I'm catching back up all right we had to slow down red light I was going to pass you there dang it I'm so slow at the start too slow too slow I'm trying I'm oh oh crap I got caught behind the red light you got to be kidding me all right well I'll meet you at the job all right so we made it out to the job here Colton's just pulling in he's got the gravel we need we're actually probably going to need a bit more than what he's got anyways we're here at my buddy's B sight well I don't know if I can call him a buddy but uh I know him at least anyways what he wants us to do is clean up all the trees around here get them all chopped down and taken away because kind of a pain to load up these bins with these trees in the way so going to get those out of there for him we're going to put in some gravel here though it's not so soft when it rains got a couple pieces of equipment out here Colton wouldn't this be the mowing setup huh oh yeah no kidding holy smokes this thing's huge hold on I I want to see if the keys key in it the key literally in it h we we could just we could just take this and he wouldn't even know drive it no no no let's let's not let's not right now okay so what I think we're going to do here is we're going to try to get all the trees cleaned up first and then uh we'll spread the gravel around whatever we need to there you want to take chainsaw out of the truck and just get to cutting try not to drop the trees on anything too bad oh Lumberjack Colton's going to work getting all the trees down a Colton it landed in the field oops that's okay oh boy she's a littlee heavy for this skid steer I think we got her though I never realized how much easier jobs would be with two people it's it's going so fast it's not even funny oh Colton you got got one more by the shed just drop that one away from the tractor will you I'll I'll try yeah try not to get in the field either just kind of like straight back the other way from the tractor I really don't want to have that uh tractor bill on me there so oh oh it is is it going the right way it's stuck now is it stuck Colton yes how is it stuck what the heck uh okay let's just oh oh oh oh there he goes oh okay well it's in the field that'll work better than on the shed or on the tractor and that really cleans up that area now we just got to get the stumps but we'll come back for those later or I think I think the guy that owns this has a stump grinder yeah he said we didn't even need to do them I'll call him to double check but I don't even think we need to uh get rid of those watch out Colton yep I don't want to smack you with this and I know you have good insurance man but like yeah we're not going to try to test that out why not hey you just got here I I don't need you getting hurt all right uh let's try cut these up into some decent Siz chunks so we can fit them on the trailer and we'll head down to the saw get some more money all right is that everything I think we got all the pieces all right just double check here I don't want to leave any pieces laying around here for his batwing okay um I think this tree should be good yeah I just wanted the ones in the front side done so that should be about it all right uh we'll fold these ramps up and you can get this down to the Sawmill and get us some more money okay so while Colton's doing that I'm going to swap out the uh log Fork on the skid steer here we're going to get the bucket on there and we'll get to spreading some gravel okay so first order of business here is to tear all this grass out this Center Grass strip we're just going to try tear this out with a bucket that way we don't have grass growing under that gravel that's not ideal okay everything's tearing down leveled out I think we're good to start spreading some gravel here it's probably going to take a couple loads but take too long what I really need is a dump trailer but that'll come down the road okay let's see if I'm still good at this this might be a little easier said than done we'll give it a try and move forward nice and slowly easy I'm going to say this is going to take M maybe 2 and 1/2 loads of gravel yeah something like that yeah about 2 and A2 anyways I'm going to spread out what we have here once Colton gets back I'll get him to take another load of gravel back here and uh yeah shouldn't take too long okay so I ended up going to get the loads of gravel myself uh I guess Colton uh went to The Sawmill there he's just getting everything unloaded it took a little longer than I thought I guess uh I forgot how far that Sawmill is from here cuz this is probably the furthest we've worked out from our shop in quite a while oh and Colton just sold the wood 3,300 $ okay well I guess uh I'm going to tell him to come back here we'll get skid steer loaded up and we'll get out of here so that brings us to $ 6,733 hey making moves all right just made it back to the compound again here uh we got paid from that job $1,500 so that brings us up to 88,200 Bucks not too [Music] [Applause] bad well boys it's another day back out here at the landscaping business we got just over $88,000 in our bank account here uh col 's just ripped around on the trike this morning bton you being productive oh very very productive holy crap oh you okay oh yeah you landed that Holy Smokes Colton back back out of there bud you're going to sink that thing bad idea bad idea bad idea anyways uh we got a lot of work to do today uh as you can see it's starting to be fall uh not quite fall yet but pretty dang close now uh with fall means winter is coming soon we got to start thinking about what we're going to be doing in Winter which is mostly going to involve a lot of snow plowing so there's a particular machine I want to get but it costs about H $50 to $60,000 depending on which model that much money we don't have right now but we still have quite a bit of a mowing season ahead of us so we're going to continue on that anyways I'm just pulling this trailer and truck up front here Colton's going to load up his lawn mower and we're going to head out to a job first thing this morning we can go make some more money yep just rip it right up there Colton send it full send all right Colton you just stay on there bud okay okay so first task of the day here is fuel and breakfast and Casey's always provides all right Colton you get everything fueled up I'm going to go grab us some breakfast okay all right Fuel and breakfast was paid for 200 bucks holy smokes it's getting expensive nowadays hey did you forget to wash the lawn mower maybe yeah tag G it Colton okay hey like what are the chances an officer sees this and he he doesn't really like the fact that you're riding on the back of a trailer on a lawn mower uh you know I think I'll be okay with it I mean you're wearing your seat Bel right of course of course course yes yes that that lawnmower 100% has a seat belt yep oh yeah we're just going to throw a ratchet scrap over you yeah all right back here at the neighborhood where I first started the business this place is uh worth a lot of money that is if uh you know a certain other company doesn't uh steal our mowing jobs but so far we we haven't had many problems with that they uh they don't do the best work so we kind of get to keep our customers all right back her off oh easy now easy now you're going to the side of the trailer I was going to say did you have brown waters for breakfast or something no no no that's only on Saturdays right yeah all right so the two jobs we got down here this morning is this house on the left and this house on the right these ones shouldn't take too long we do have to go into the backyard of this one though so I don't know how that's going to go all right so Colton's on lawn sweeping doer there getting that all done oh I think did I go too far over here no no it's this middle divider line that's the property line here we ain't cutting nobody's grass for free well unless it's one of our free jobs but today that's not the case all right so I finished my part in the front here I'm going to run around to the backyard there and Colton's going to finish up here hey Colton yep you missed a spot uh yeah I missed a few spots you'll get them later all right yeah all right Colton you finish up on this I'm going to rip to the other yard there okay okay yard number one's done I'm surprised we haven't had a Karen come out this early and uh you know yell at us for mowing lawns at 8:00 a.m. but you know what we're trying to get everything done before the the Sun comes out and everything gets too hot to work out here all right I'm finished up here with this yard uh I don't know where the heck Colton is he might still be in the backyard there there was a lot of grass back there hey Colton I'm I'm finished let's let's get it going bro I'm trying I'm trying that little John Deer doesn't go that fast this thing slow okay well you're finishing up this I'm going to go uh get us paid and both jobs brought us in 780 bucks good money good money for our morning's work all right yeah Colton you just you just stay on there again we're going to head over to the dealership oh yeah all right check this thing out this is the machine I was talking about that I want to buy isn't that fancy I know right so it's like a skid steer side by side kind of deal uh it's really expensive but this one is used I don't think it's going to be uh 50 Grand cuz that's what they cost new which is ridiculous I think this one's closer to 35 which I think is more doable um so it's got you can basically attach any skids to your bucket to It Whatever has not quite as much lifting capacity as a skid steer but it's enough for snow removal and a little bit of landscaping work which I think will work perfect did they just leave the keys in it they did too I guess so uh-oh that's not good anyway huh I think this thing actually might work good I mean we might as well test drive it I suppose I don't know what do you think she's nice she's nice this would this would be very useful yeah it's got the four-wheel steer so you can turn well not as good as a skid steer but pretty dang close huh this would be nice for winter time I know I know I just I'm debating the price tag man yeah she comes with a nice price tag on it I don't know maybe we can deal them down but for now we got some more work to do all right so we made back to the compound here now we have another job up for today but uh we're kind of waiting on a call back from that anyways in the meantime I've been debating selling the Duramax now the reason why is because we have the first gen right here and we need it because it has the dump bed for landscaping but we now have Colton's dly which works absolutely amazing and I've kind of been debating selling this cuz we really just don't need it and we're not going to use it much however we may possibly pick something up today to replace it I'm not going to sell this one just yet but literally we we don't need it I think and I think after what you guys see we're going to buy it today possibly yeah we're definitely not going to need this thing anyways uh Colton you want to go get the first gen brought around here and we'll load up the skid steer Y what do you think Colton can we uh fit this in the bed oh I think so we'll give her a try okay I think we're good to stick this in the bed and we'll grab our bucket quick of course too and after getting the phone call that the job was ready colon was going to head there while I went and picked up something else dump trailer rental because well we didn't have the money to buy our own one just yet however before completely leaving the city I did grab one more rented item that we would be needing for our job and for the day's rent it all totaled up to about $700 after making it out to the job we got the info from the customer about what needed to be done basically all the trees need to be chopped down and this entire area needs to be gone over with a bush hog so the client can put solar panels in the area and not to mention there was a few things that needed to be moved out before we could get to work shortly after Colton arrived not driving on the road and we began getting everything that wasn't needed toss into the trailer after everything was loaded Colton made a dump run and I got to work with the Mulcher after getting everything small mulched up and out of the way Colton got to cutting some of the bigger trees I got to loading them up in the dump trailer so we could take him to the Sawmill to make a little more money after the dump trailer was filled up it was off to the Sawmill to see how much money we could make and make money we did considering we made an extra 1,600 from just the first load and with the last two loads bringing us just under $5,000 I sure wasn't complaining with the property now free and clear of trees was on to mowing all the brush and cleaning up all the grass and in the meantime I sent Colton to go get us some gravel we can finish up the [Music] [Music] [Applause] road all right mowing is finished uh well that that was getting done Colton went and spread all the gravel out I think it took him three loads or so so we're going to go uh grab the bucket this get this spread out real quick for the uh customer and I think that's about it for this job this one took a while this was an all day one all right everything's finished got that piece of property completely cleaned out the gravel road is now in and we just got paid 5,500 bucks which brings us up to exactly $20,000 hey Colton you got an idea of what we should do with that cash I do do as well we're going to get everything returned here I'm going to get uh this trailer and the multra returned and Colon's going to run back to the shop and then I think I'm going to go spend some money all right so me and Colton dropped everything off back at the shop there I'm actually back across the river here cuz we're going to go take a look at a truck it should be right around here somewhere thought it would be oh the guy's supposed to meet us not sure where he's at oh never mind just across the street so this is it oh boy Colton's already in there uh a Honda mini truck uh by by the looks of it Colton I I'd say you want this thing hey yes yes so it's a Honda mini truck uh the guy I think the guy wants like what 3500 bucks for it nothing too crazy actually for a little mini truck like this anyways our thoughts with this it'd be really cool you get a little trailer for it we put a whole mowing setup on it and it's a done deal and considering we don't have to travel very far and I'm I'm sure this thing could tow a decent trailer we don't really need a big like diesel truck anyways Colton you going to take it for a test drive oh yeah all right he's already going and that so that actually has a diesel in it surprisingly enough but it's a small diesel it burns next to nothing for fuel and he just went right over the curb yep what do you think Colton thing's great well we bought it 3500 bucks down the drain but we got ourselves a mini truck Colton's just going crazy with it now oh boy all right so we're going to head over to Tractor Supply there and get this thing all Ked out to be a mowing setup we're going to grab a little trailer there as well and uh yeah this thing should be great it's even got a little gol light on it so if we're ever mowing at night I guess we're good to go there it's got a toolbox like this thing is perfect everything we ever needed for a mowing truck we're going to have a whole Fleet of these eventually well we spent an extra $1,500 at Tractor Supply but this is how we have this thing Ked out now so we got the mini truck got some gas cans a lawn mower in the back and then a little mini trailer and then the zero turn behind that and this has got to be the coolest flipping Mo mowing setup out don't you think colon oh this thing sick this is the setup I probably should have started with when I started the mowing company this would have been ideal but for now this is Colton's little mowing setup and then I can focus on a lot more Landscaping stuff which gives us a lot more money however I still owe $50,000 on this property so I think we're going to take 10,000 of that which leaves us 5,000 we only ow 40,000 on this property and there we go chunk taken out of that well boys it's another day back out here on on the landscaping business we have well now $4,99 okay we had $5,000 uh but now we don't anyway Colton's washing the equipment how's it going Colton what's going good man you oh not too bad can't complain other than the fact that I only I have $1 do less now we had 5,000 before now we don't the heck man I don't know I don't know oh yeah better watch this anyway we're keeping the Duramax so we got to go make some more money if we want to go buy some stuff before winter anyways we got the sweet new mowing rig here I think I'm going to take this out and go do a job or two I think we got what what was the calls this morning I think we got two separate jobs I think so yeah okay so I'm going to go out do those quick and then Colton's going to run into town grab some parts and stuff and then I think we got a big job planned for later on today but uh yeah I'm going to get to work this is what we call a mobile car wash boys run Colton run run I'm going I'm going all right I'll see you in a bit well we're just in town here across the river oh what is that I think that once for sale I saw that up on Facebook Marketplace that's a whole equipment setup 25 Grand which is an absolute steal of deal that's this morning I was thinking about going to take a look at it maybe I will later today now well we don't have 25 Grand eventually maybe if it doesn't sell here real quick maybe I'll be able to afford it all right so these are the two jobs we got this morning the house right here and the house behind us could be pretty quick jobs these don't tend to take long and they pay well frankly those are the best kinds of jobs all right we'll just get this thing unloaded here oh there goes Colton he's off to the part store we need uh I think a new oil filter for the Skid Steer n yet again my worst enemy flipping trash cans all right first yard's done like I said these are really fast jobs so does not take long at all once you get going although with this customer this lawn that they have right here gets uh pretty big and they only ask me to come in modowe every 2 weeks which is a bit ridiculous when you think about it cuz the amount of rain and stuff we get along here yeah it's just gets Way Too Tall and it takes a lot longer to mow but oh well job still a job as long as I'm getting paid oh Colton's calling me hello hey uh Austin yeah what's up bud yeah we got a little bit of a problem uh-oh what happened so driving across the bridge yeah come up to the intersection huh car decides they don't want to stop ah you got to be kidding you got did you get T-Bone are you okay yep I know that intersection too and cars tend to not stop there oh my goodness total tow truck drivers already here hooking it up taking it away I'm good but the truck's total ah son of a gun dude that was our work truck I know man that one's not cheap either those those Duramaxes there they're getting pretty expensive to replace especially those older ones they're in such high demand these truck boys want to just get them and mod them out and they can't find ones like that very cheap anymore getting hard to find too ah son of a gun okay um I'll call insurance I'm just as long as you're good um shoot I'm just about done this job uh are you good for another like 15 minutes there cuz I'm like across the river right now oh yeah yeah yeah take your time okay uh I will just finish up this job I will come and get you and I guess I'll call insurance and we'll get it taken care of okay sounds good okay I will see you in a few okay later son of a gun trucks total off well I'm just about finished here so we'll just get loaded up collect our pay and we are out of here all right first try let's see if we can get it going on this trailer here it's always a pain cu the trailer is not quite wide enough got be really careful and we got it perfect WP that down real quick hold up our ramps and let's go get paid all right $750 in the bank from these two jobs here now normally we come here with the bagger and bag all this grass up but the clients have requested to leave it on there since it's close to the end of the year and uh the mode grass provides a lot of extra fertilizer for the uh lawn itself so always good to leave a little bit on there but Colton just texted me said the tow truck just left there so we're about I don't know 3 minutes away from him so we'll go grab him and get him back to the shop there luckily he's okay holy smokes there he is colon you okay buddy Oh I'm great you're great well you just crashed a truck well someone crashed into you holy smokes well as long as you're okay that's that's the good part there I'm I'm hoping insurance will give me a good chunk of change for that truck because of their uh value right now but I guess we'll have to wait and see yeah I hope so all right boys it is the next day here uh we got in contact with insurance last night and uh they should be giving me a call here in about an hour or so to uh tell us how much we're going to get for that truck Colton's okay a little bit rattled up but uh he's back to work this morning I told him he should take the day off but no guys still back at work just cleaning up the yard here doing a little bit of mowing I ended up finding a replacement truck for the Duramax so we're going to go take a look at that later today but uh if Insurance gives us enough which from how they're talking they're going to give us a pretty good chunk of change we may be able able to uh go look at some other equipment here and whatnot hey Colton don't put that thing into the river now oh don't worry I won't careful car might come out of nowhere in t- Bon you never know I'm kidding I'm kidding bad joke bad joke goon your Camper's a little bit heavy for the old mower here man I think you got too much reron in the fridge hey know all right yard's looking a little more cleaned up Colton's been at work I've just been moving stuff around for him here but uh got a call from insurance told us where we're going to be getting paid and it should hit our account any minute now and holy smokes that's a lot of cheda lot of monies Colton any guesses on uh the insurance we got for that truck say around 20 grand 20 grand uh somewhere around there probably about 10,000 more than that 30 grand for that truck 30 yeah I guess they valued it cuz it had such low kilometer or miles it was just like really crazy value I I mean we'll take it we'll take it we'll take it so we have an extra $330,000 to play around with right now and uh I think we're going to go take a look at another truck and then possibly I think we're now have enough money left over to maybe go buy something else oh that'd be sweet all right we're just pulling up here and there is the truck Bolton what do you think I like it second gen Dodge dy I said we've been needing more dues and I think this might be the move now uh it's a little bit Rusty a little bit on the rustier side and a little bit higher miles but I think it'll do I think this thing suits you perfectly this thing's perfect it's got to oh wait dude look at did you see the dent in the side holy smokes that's a little rough couple dents in the door yeah this thing's definitely seen some better days but it does have a plow Mount which is nice all right may as well take it for a little bit of a ride here real quick don't worry I'll try I won't crash this one I swear try not to I mean if you do it's not the end of the world it's already got a couple dents in it here it comes what' you think of it oh easy now thing dri is nice yeah for how many uh how many miles are on it how kind of rough it is oh yeah she'll be a good work that poor bumper has seen some better days too all right well the tires are good on it it has a slow oil leak but other than that I think it'll do hey yeah it should be a solid work rig all righty well I'm going to go offer the guy uh well something I don't know not the greatest truck not the prettiest thing to look at but it will will do the job that we needed to new work rig acquired 6,500 bucks he wanted eight I told him he was ridiculous for that so I got it for 65 which is not a horrible deal especially for a second gen all right Colton follow me we got one more stop on our spending money Journey today what are you buying now oh shoot I haven't told you yet okay well it's just right up the road here okay and here we are a tractor yep well not just any tractor a yard tractor okay all right so normally these things are an arm and a leg when it comes to price but the guy needs a gone a sap here he's moving he's selling this place this might actually be a cool place to buy H who knows anyways he wants it gone the tractor alone is about uh H I don't know 14 Grand then you got all the implements so all said and done uh maybe a bit more than 14 actually yeah I forgot there's this Digger on the back so yeah that itself is 5 grand so yeah we're looking at about 30 32 you wants 25 for it I think we can I think we can swing 25 I don't know what do you think Colton I think we can do 25 yeah there's a lot of different attachments here which I think might help out with uh couple extra projects all right I'll see I'll try deal them down just a little bit Deal's done Colson what do you think I got it for 27 27 225 I said I said 25 beforehand that's what he wanted for it I dealed him down a little bit so 225 I think that's a pretty solid deal for something like this I'd say that's a good deal with all the attachments all right well I guess we got a lot of loading to do so let's get her done okay we should be good on the road here for about like 2 minutes real quick while we load up some of this stuff hey colon you just going to ride on the back seat here while I load up some stuff yep I'm just going to chill back here that seems comfy all right sorry guys sorry we're we're blocking traffic we're just about done here hold on a minute ah crap Colton we got a problem what I don't know if we're going to fit it all on here maybe we can swing this over just a little bit hold on idea yes yeah now fold it up oh yeah that'll be perfect yeah there we go okay hop back in the second gen we'll get this back home okay yikes the do would be loving us today okay we may have also caused a little bit of a traffic jam you're just cutting around it just went through a red light holy smokes absolutely dusted Colton he's way the heck back there I can't even see the guy I'm hauling a trailer too he just got through the ditch Colton what are you doing bro I just testing out the new work ring oh my goodness hey come on man you got to test the thing out ah fair enough fair enough got to make sure it works I'm pretty sure it works okay so we're taking off a couple of these attachments so we can actually use this thing as a normal tractor we got some projects coming up here that uh we can now do I mean either way we're going to have to buy some sort of a utility tractor at some point the skid steer just can't do everything we needed to and this was like the perfect deal and it has a 72in deck on it Colton through the ditch you must have a thing with ditches hey it's fun well yeah but it's it's going to break something sooner or later nah all right well this thing can't handle crazy angles or bumps but it can actually leave a very nice Cut but I think I'm going to let Colton handle the rest of this with the uh the skid steer mower there those angles are too much for this thing I don't want to flip it over hey Colton check this out if I can actually back it up right oh nope wrong one nope still wrong one that coming I can't get it there we go finally got it going to say did you forget how to use a hitch or what yeah sometimes man this thing's slick all right check it out everything's organized mode man Stop's looking good we're only $40,000 in debt rest of us just to pay off the land and we got about $7,000 in the bank account here so I cannot [Music] complain well boys it's another day back out here at the landscaping business Colton is getting our trailer and uh lawnmower here washed up ready to be sold that's right we're selling these two along with The Lawn Sweeper I guess 3500 bucks the guy's coming to pick it up here any minute now and uh we're possibly going to go get a new trailer today along with something really cool I haven't told Colton yet but uh that that's that's a little more down the road here and it's going to cost us a lot of money money we currently don't have cuz we only have about $6,000 right now we got to go make some Colton is this thing ready to go just about just about just about okay well the GU should be here any second now so get her finished up oh here's the guy oh he just smoked the deer and he's driving a Chevy Avalanche go figure I guess Colton Colton the guy's taking it you got to get off man I I can't let this thing go man this thing's my baby dude dude I I promise we're going to upgrade next year okay this just has to go for the time being we haven't really used it much so time for it to go got to let it go that's fair all righty $3500 in the bank brings us up to about 10 grand so not sitting too too bad at the moment all right so Colton's in the mini truck here uh he's just going to go head out do a couple mowing jobs real quick this morning and he ran into the pressure W Colton those over me watch out man shees you're a menace in that thing all right anyway he's going to go do a couple jobs here and we're going to head out a little deal I've been working on over the last couple weeks here and probably pick up a new trailer in the meantime all right we're just pulling up here to the place now uh some of you may or may not remember where I did a video mowing this guy's lawn that owned this property anyways I mowed it for free cleaned up his property a little bit but um he decided he wanted to move he had a mobile home so he just moved it I I have no idea where anyways he's giving me first crack at the property for buying it and uh with buying it we acquire everything else on the property now I haven't really looked at this place all I can really see is what's here so I think the plan with this is we've got a loan approval from the bank that we can buy this place and we're going to take all the junk out cut down all the trees landscape the property get it looking nice and then sell it and hopefully make a bunch of money now this place ran me about $40,000 so with the other $40,000 we have owing on the current shop property that brings us up to about $80,000 in debt however if we were to clean this place up get all the junk out of it landscape it get all the trees out of here that are blocking the laneway this is Prime real estate building property so we could probably sell it for a heck of a lot more than that that's kind of the idea here anyways I think I'm going to give the bank a call get this deal done and in the meantime we're going to go pick up a new trailer cuz uh we're going to need it but I know the old guy that owned this said there was a couple things in the back of the property there kind of in the shrub so we're going to go take a look at that a little bit later today well I'm just pulling up to the dealership here and there's our brand new flatbed trailer oh man that looks a lot better than the last one we had holy smokes that thing's nice Diamond C double axle got the ramps yeah this is going to be perfect all right 4500 bucks down the drain but very worth it it help us out a lot anyways before I head back to the uh shop there I got to stop at the bank make some arrangements for the new property and I think still working there so hopefully that makes us a bit of extra money in the meantime okay so it's been a couple hours here just pulling back up to the shop I think Colton's back there CT what you think new trailer this thing's pretty fancy oh yeah Diamond C brand spanking new a lot better than the other one he way nicer anyways uh how much do you make for moment today uh 750 bucks oh not too bad no not bad at all so that brings us back up to 6 grand okay I can I can deal with that so I I made a barely big purchase and uh we're going to go check it out in a little bit here but we got to load up some equipment first because uh requires a lot of work and cleaning I don't know about this you'll see you'll see you you'll like it you'll like it all right so we're going to need the uh John Deere here I uh should we take I don't think we'll need the uh mower deck on it we'll need the uh box blade that's about it oh the box blade and the grapple we're also going to need the skid steer and this new trailer's slick that's money I've spent in a while Colton you got the tractor all set yeah she's ready to go perfect all right load her up we'll get out of here oh don't take it through the ditch man come on now oh settle down settle down all right I think we're ready to go here uh Colton you want to take your truck and I'll take the uh Dodge yeah sure okay just follow me we may need to run back and grab some other attachments later but for now we should be able to manage I think okay Colton any guesses on okay you're just off the road anyways any guesses on what we're what we're buying I have no idea all right all right fair enough holy smokesman settle down hey you're you're going going past remember what I said follow me what are you talking about I didn't hear you say that all right this is it this is what we bought this a piece of property yeah for a bigger shop no no no we're uh we're going to fix this place up get it all landscaped and resell the property cuz it's Prime real estate building ah smart thinking smart thinking yeah so we pretty much bought everything on the property here uh we have free reain on whatever and it looks like there's a couple things back here I haven't explored back behind the brush there but I've been told there's a couple things back there what's this thing uh it's I I don't even know what you call it it it's something I think the the city used to have it they used to uh do a lot of road work and I think snow removal with this thing it's basically a truck with a loader on it hm interesting anyway it's got a mower in the back uh I know this mower doesn't work because I went and did a free for this guy when he had his his whole Mobile Trailer thing here and since then he's moved but yeah now now it's ours hey this motor looks good still yeah I think the motor's blown in it but it it could still be functional I guess I don't know uh anyway the engine puller on on the front of the truck does not uh not look very good oh boy Colton I think this is suit you perfect I think this might have to be mine if it runs dude this thing's older than me and you put together oh we can get this thing running H maybe maybe we'll see all right I'm curious what's in the brush back here an old car this is scrap for sure looks like it was burnt up it does oh dude this brush is so thick what is this thing what the heck I don't even know what this thing is oh it's a cultivator dude but what is this I'm is it a skid steer I think it is what is it this thing's going to be old oh it's a Massie Ferguson oh you're already right at home in there hold on try try to turn the key try turn the key okay anything no nothing y that doesn't surprise me dang this thing is like buried in here holy smokes okay I guess that's one thing we got to drag out anything else back here it's like walking through a jungle holy smokes oh found something it's over here what' you find this is an old oh what is it Ford I want to say it's a Ford maybe be a GMC okay I think it might be a GMC it is GMC this thing flipping old holy smokes yeah I'm not too sure I think this this might be scrap I'm not too sure I don't know okay that's all I can see unless there's something else back here but I don't think so I think that's about it okay I think I think we found everything so couple things to drag out here I guess and a lot of junk to clean up now as well I think I want to take down all the trees here we can clean up this property a little bit more we might have to go rent a stump grinder eventually but for now we should be okay all right you want to go uh grab the skid steer we'll try mow out some of this uh brush yep dude there's a flipping boat here what yeah there's some boats a rotted one but it's a boat holy SM so it's not going to float I don't think so I think it's way past this floating days there you go get all this brush cleared out of here we can actually see what we're doing holy smokes we can actually see what we're looking at and you just backed into to our brand new pieces of equipment well brand new to us I guess you didn't see that yeah it is a skid steer why is it hooked to a cultivator that's confusing it's cool looking all right so we've been at this for a little while now we got uh new fuel in it new battery the fuel lines are probably just about shot but we'll see what we can do Colton's got The Ether going to try to give her a her a crank here all right try to give her a spray close keep spraying it oh almost going he going he going y we're running sweet oh dude that hydraulic look how slowly it moves oh my God I'm going to try to move it a little bit hey there's a hydraulic leak on the ground over here oh okay I guess okay uh I guess I'm going to see if I can try and move it before it runs out of hydraulic fluid here we're moving except I'm hitting a tree now yeah there we go we're moving these tires are basically flat all right I'm going to stop it right there the better question is why does it have a a disc on the back that is very odd or cultivator I guess huh it does have hydraulic hookups so I guess it technically makes sense but this is way too big to be being on a skid steer that's what confuses mepris it wasn't sunk into the ground a bunch all right Colton I'm going to give you a push this thing really does not want to move forward just sliding it pretty much all right that should be about good I think all right the truck is the next project here uh I think you want to go pop the hood here we'll see if uh that still has an engine in it hopefully it does yeah there's an engine in it okay I'm just trying to find the the keys here can't see any huh that's not an ideal check the glove box oh yep they're in the glove box okay all right test fire number one new batteries little bit of fuel iner these old pickups should go pretty easy oh that that was close oh I think we're going stay running she's running she's running all right into reverse it moves too holy smokes we're moving this thing is running rough though holy smokes okay well I think that's most of everything other than that truck back there you want to go grab the uh skid steer there and we'll get to trying to mow that out okay and the rest of this is pretty much just junk and SCP scrap so we'll get a little bit of money for that but not a whole heck of a lot we actually may just have a scrap truck come out and just clean up a lot of this okay we got the old rig cleaned out here you can actually see it colon you want to try hop in it and see if you can steer the the truck just a little bit I'll try I can try pick up the front end here not really letting me though oh might have it there we go I guess I don't really need you to steer it I can kind of just pick up the front end and there it is okay so we got pretty much everything cleaned out that we wanted to uh the rest of this is really just scrap and uh I think a lot of it we're going to try to get rid of I'm going to give the scrap people a call we'll uh see what they can take out of here and I think the rest will just run to the dump cuz well a lot of this is just useless junk and then I think Colton's going to continue trying to mow back this brush here try uh clean it up a little bit so we can actually see the river and then we should be good to go over the next few days we got equipment cleaned up and loaded up onto trailers and we ended up selling some of the equipment and scrap for a nice profit after all the junk was cleaned out we got the Mowing and Landscaping in the property pealed a higher price when it was ready to sell however we still had another problem free so after renting a stump grinder for the day that costed us about $500 you got cutting them down the liming them and getting the stumps ground down we got everything loaded up and ready to go to The Sawmill holy smokes that is one big load of logs all right Colton you going to run this uh up to the Sawmill for me yep I'll be back okay perfect sounds good that should be a lot of money right there anyways the property is all mowed all the junks cleaned out we we got all the trees that we didn't want cleaned out it is looking real good we just got a bit more Landscaping to do here and there but other than that we are pretty much done and uh I've already got some people interested in this place so it should sell pretty soon here when we're finished and we're looking to make a big profit anyways uh we sold a lot of the stuff other than the skid steer and the uh loader truck there we made about $10,000 off that which is really really good anyways not too sure what we're going to do with the skid steer in this truck just yet but I'm pretty sure we'll find a use for it if not we might sell them maybe we'll leave it up to you guys but uh we're going to have to run back and pick up some equipment so we can finish this year real quick oh looks like colon got to The Sawmill there uh 4,200 bucks okay that brings us just under 20 grand dang that's pretty good I'm just working with the Box leveler right now trying to smooth out some of the spots that are uh messing up the lawn oh Colton's back already perfect okay Colton you want to run this uh tractor back to the yard there and I'm going take the other skid steer okay I'm going to beat you there though okay Colton's going to run back grab the rest of the stuff here I'm going to unload the skid steer here we seem to have it running it's running really rough but uh should be able to get it off the trailer here we'll try our best well we're moving this thing's definitely going to need some new fuel lines and probably an oil change and bunch of other stuff but for now we're going to try to get it cleaned up a little bit and I don't know we might sell it try to make a profit I guess we'll see dang that is looking a lot better already we get this thing mechanically good quick paint job we could turn around and sell this thing for a good amount of money all right so we're just headed back to the property I dropped about 400 bucks on fertilizer here I grabbed the uh tractor again with the fertilizer spreader we're just going to go around there try to clean up some of the grass get it grow a little bit better even though they're probably going to tear it all out for a house but makes the property look a little bit better so can't complain there all right I got the uh fertilizer loaded in here just going to lay some of this down looks like Colton's back here to grab the skid steer I just ran into a street on Lucky those things are built tough and make sure you remember to strap that thing down we won't don't want an incident like uh Thursday last Thursday there all right got the last of the fertilizer spread here just going to load this back up and we'll head on back all right so it is the next day here Colton's working on the on the skider here any progress a little bit a little bit got the fuel lines changed out yeah hey I guess just that hydraulic leak which uh that hose should be ready around 12 the guy said okay all right well uh anyways the property's finished I got a couple offers and I've decided to accept one for $70,000 which is uh a bit ridiculous considering we only spent what $40,000 plus whatever cleaning it up and we got 10 grand for the other crap that was on the property I don't know do you think that's a that's a good deal I'd say it's a pretty good deal yeah can't complain with that so that should be coming into our account here any minute now just got off the phone with the guy so accepted it and there's 70 grand holy smokes that's we're dude we're almost at 990,000 but but but $40,000 of that is still owed to the bank true all right so 40 Grand down the drain to pay back the bank for the loan to buy that and we still have $40,000 owning on this place or I guess owing on this place so yeah we can either pay that off or what I'm thinking before it becomes winter is possibly build a house I think so yeah the campers are not ideal I guess we'll [Music] see well boys it's another day back out here at the landscape in business we got $49,000 in the bank account and uh the skid steer that we got in the last episode we pulled out of the Bush we have gotten it restored however it has costed us about $33,000 $2,000 in new paint and about $1,000 in new hydraulic lines new starter couple other little things but we have gotten this thing absolutely mint now so I was doing some research before I put this thing up for sale just seeing what I could kind of get out of it I thought originally I'd only be able to get like four or $6,000 turns out that these things are actually a little bit rare and with a completely restored like this with a professional paint job it's worth about $122,000 so I listed it up for 12,000 had a guy contact me within 10 minutes of it being up and he's on his way here right now he should be showing up any minute now anyways this thing's in perfect working order now the reason why we didn't decide to keep it is because we really just don't need a skid steer like this it doesn't have a cab it doesn't have the necessary hydraulic ports for us the hook attachments up to it's really just not NE necessary to have so i' rather sell it get the $112,000 out of it and put that towards something else for snow removal this winter oh here's the guy perfect timing anyway Colon's somewhere around here might be in his camper I guess all right he's all loaded up just going to write me a check here real quick dang this guy's got a nice truck man too bad Colton's not out here to see this and $112,000 in the bank account can this guy get out of the driveway perfect there we go 12 Grand in the bank account I am pretty dang happy with that and that is not the only thing leaving today uh the big Tech trailer the lawn care trailer now we want to go to something different next year so this thing is going we sold it for $88,000 it's like a trade-in deal we got $88,000 for it one of these big text trailers that we want to switch it out for is about $4,500 so we'll get a little bit of a kick back from trading this in anyway plan for today is we're going to be building a house and not just any house a shop house because Winter's coming and frankly I do not want to spend the winter in this camper nor does Colton want to spend the winter in his anyways if you guys remember we took this thing down from a mountain we ended up getting it for free but the axles are shot on it along with a bunch of other things and we've managed to fix a lot of those things but it wasn't cheap there was actually a bunch of problems on the inside and all that so that's really why they gave this camper away for free and we spent a couple thousand getting it down here so in total we spent about $7500 to get this thing to where it's sellable and I've had it listed for a while now I have a guy coming to look at it today and it's got to go regardless because this is where the house is going to go and I'm not sure if Colton's going to sell his camper yet oh you're finally out of bed hey I was tired okay fair enough fair enough okay uh you know what we're doing today right no you didn't you didn't hear me talking to the camera outside no okay well the the guy came and picked up the skid steer so that's gone oh that's good anyways um we're selling my big camper I'm not sure if you want to sell yours yet but we're we're building a house we're finally getting out of the campers yeah I want to get rid of this thing okay I don't know how much you're going to get for it I mean it's in pretty rough shape man hey if it goes It goes goes and fair enough if it doesn't go you know what we can do with it we can drive through it with skid steer perfect or and we'll turn it into a flat ped after that okay I don't know about that one frame the frame's not all the way there yeah fair enough someone will turn into like a ice fishing shack or something I'm not too sure okay so here's what I'm going to get you to do today so the uh the mowing trailer there yep yeah that's that's going back to the dealership and uh we're picking up a second Diamond C flat bed trailer the one that's on your truck picking up another one of those oh sweet yeah so if you want to go run that to the dealership paperwork's already done you just got to go sign for it perfect all right sounds good I'll see you in a little bit all right so while he's doing that I have been organizing all the equipment trying to get it uh ready and put away for the winter since we're not going to be needing a lot of it I think we have a couple mowing jobs left for the year but that is it and we're going to have to start thinking about snow removal stuff so this loader truck that we recovered from the last job uh we got it running good everything seems okay on it we replaced a couple hydraulic lines we we got some extra from the skid steer there so kind of just replace them it seems good I think we're going to try running for uh this year of snow removal not too sure what's going to happen we'll see how it goes okay so I'm going to take Colton's truck here and we're going to get this camper hooked up kind of a weird time to be selling a camper usually they don't sell this time of year however the person I have interested in it they wanted ASAP and they're willing to pay a good amount of money for it I think roughly $30,000 which is really really nice so they'll be coming a look at it and hopefully take it home here soon maybe they plan to live in for the winter but I am not going to do that however it is going to take a little while to get our shop housee built so uh me and Colton may be living in a hotel for a little bit which is going to cost a little bit money but uh I'm okay with that I'm not sure what Colton's got laying around in this trailer but uh whatever it is it's probably been tipped over and knocked around at this point let's grab our bucket here real quick oh Colton's back got us a new trailer okay so 3500 bucks extra all right we're moving up in the world more money all right so I got the loader off the tractor here anyways we're going to take this disc out the area of the house and then flatten it up with the skid steer make it all nice and pretty I'm not sure if we're going to take out the shed yet ah I don't know we'll see how the building plans go now we don't as of yet have enough money for the house it's going to cost us roughly $60,000 and we only have about $54,000 so I'm hoping with the sale of my camper and maybe some other miscellaneous stuff around here we can get to where we need to be all right so I got the outline of this going now I don't trust Colton to do the outline because well it's Colton so I'm going to do the outline and then I'll let him fill it in and then he's just going to go ham over there with the kid what are you Colton what are you doing bro nothing oh my goodness this is why our equipment breaks you know this right what are you talking about nothing breaks around here uh-huh uh-huh how about the uh how about how about the durmax what happened there hey that was the other guy's fault yeah fair enough fair enough okay I'm going to get you to uh dis up the rest of this here while I work on some other things okay hey have you seen my three really I've been looking for that thing uh nope nope haven't seen it anywhere man it's probably in the last place you put it are you sure well yeah where where'd you last put it in the shop or what uh as far as I remember huh maybe someone stole it I hope not now what Colton doesn't know is that thing's been up on the shelf for the last week and he's been looking for it he's asked me like this is the fifth time he's asked me and he still has not noticed it's up on the Shelf it's the most hilarious thing ever guys just been looking everywhere for it cannot find it all right so col finished up discing the uh part that we needed disc so I'm going to start flattening this out anyway the guy for the camper showed up and believe it or not Colton is like the best negotiator surprisingly enough he he's not good at many other things but negotiating that's one thing you can do best isn't that right Colton you kind of just got to be a professional you know all right well how about you go use your negotiating skills on uh hamper guy over there see if you can get it sold for 30 I'll try all right so the Landscaping part of this we can handle however the uh building process me and Colton aren't tooo good at that so we're just going to hire a contractor to do this that's why it's costing us a little bit more the 60,000 but once it's done we should have a very nice place holy smokes the Colton sell it I think he did the guy's pulling out of here I think he sold my camper told you the guy's the best now the question is what price did he get for it though yeah we'll see what he says uh Austin oh yeah what's up what' you get for that camper I got 30k for it no flipping way you got 30 out of it yep Oh dude that is sick and I got the backo hooked up to the Tractor oh even better dude that brings us up to $84,000 we can build that house now sweet okay so the reason why I asked you to hook up the BHO here is we got to dig a couple little trenches for uh Power sewer and water here we already have water on the property so we just got to dig one to the shop but after that we should be good okay did you uh stick the weight on the front no do we even really need the weight I don't think so all right hey man are you sure you haven't seen my my three-wheeler nope I haven't seen it man maybe go check in the uh Red Shed back there all right flipping way doesn't no how is he not seeing it yet there's nothing in here man ah dude I I have no idea man maybe someone really did steal it all right Jack's down let's see if I can figure out how to run this thing oh oh no that's wrong thing there we go it's going to take a little bit of getting used to here there yeah all right and down all right I think I'm getting it all right so been getting these trenches dug here everything's looking good Colton's just heading out with the uh other mowing setup there he's going to go mow a couple Lawns the last couple of the Year getting a little extra money but we still can and I'm going to continue on this all right so it's been a couple hours here we got some gravel down I paid the contractors the $60,000 necessary to get this house built anyway Colton's back Colton how much money did you ra K bud I made 2,000 bucks two grand holy smokes did you hit a couple other customers on the way back might dang there you go Bud all right well I think it's time to retire this mowing setup for the year cuz there is not a whole lot more to do nope there isn't all right well I guess get her unloaded get her pressure washed and she can go in the shed $2,000 brings us up to 26,000 perfect well boys it's been about a month here the house is finished Colton what do you think bud I like it yeah well worth the money oh yeah way better than a camper oh yeah way better than the camper so this is a uh technically it's a two-story house it's got a two big Garage in it um I'm not sure if we can fit the trucks in we haven't tested that exactly but it's not completely finished yet it's pretty dang close upstairs is pretty dang nice this leads back to the bedrooms here nothing too fancy you know we like to keep it a little bit simple so between us having to live in a hotel for about a month and then um all the other expenses around the place here ended up costing us about $5,500 and then uh yeah we're down to about $20,000 now anyways new house can't complain about that we've been working on getting the shop a little more organized and getting the equipment more organized oh where's Colton going Colton where you going bud I'm going to put up some stolen posters man I'm trying to find my three-wheeler you still haven't found it no okay get get out of the truck right right now get out of the truck right now what okay let's let's take a little walk here let's take a little walk stand right in front of here right in front of here and look up look up right here really yep it's been sitting here for almost 2 months now and you haven't noticed man what the hell that's your reaction come on man you been looking for two months and it's been sitting up there you've walked past it I I'd say at least 150 times minimum oh man that that kid's crazy I can't believe he didn't see it I thought he was playing along for a little bit but no he had no idea was up there the entire time anyways there is snow in the forecast here so we're going to be going out and buying some uh snow removal equipment here ASAP cuz we're going to be needing it we still have about $40,000 own on the property here we're not sitting too bad financially but uh we could definitely use with uh some extra coin around here Colton never ended up selling his camper not sure what he's what he's doing with that maybe he's going to turn it into some sort of an ice ice fishing shack or something else there or maybe when he gets tired of living with me he's just going to move into this or something I don't know well son of a gun would you look at that col you know what time it is snow time yes sir it is snowing anyways we're back out here at the compound on the uh Landscaping series here and we're not going to be doing a lot of landscaping today it's going to be uh a lot of snow moving anyways Colton what do you think of my uh hat choice for the day you can't be serious with that what what are you talking about dude it's it's pretty fire I think come on man you got to change that put on a touque or something what are you talking about man I am thinking I look pretty dapper in this thing I think you need glasses all right I'll put on a toque then all right so we got got about uh $20,000 in the bank account here we got both trucks in the shed now or at least the uh bottom part of our house nice and warm isn't this nice it is very nice except uh she she's a little tight yeah yeah we can barely squeeze the dues in there but we did get him in anyways we're going to be grabbing both trailers here and we're going to head out to the store and grab some snow PL equipment since really we have none and he just drove off and didn't even close the door what the heck Colton you're letting he escape that stuff cost money I kind of figured you had that detail since you're last one there oh my goodness so we got to get a plow for the skid steer a plow for Colton's truck and then a plow for the uh loader truck which should be interesting Colton don't even try to catch up bro I'm I'm still faster I'm not trying I'm not trying okay okay whatever you say anyways the reason why we're not putting a plow on this truck is because I had to look at the frame and you know you can tell by the body a little bit rusted yeah the frame's Rusted right through one wrong Bump with the plow and that frame is Snapp happen in half so we're going to refrain from uh trying to plow with this thing anyways we've already got a bunch of snow plow contracts and this snow came last minute we weren't expecting it so we're trying to get everything done super early in the morning so we can get back and get to plowing oh slow down there bucko cop I want to get pulled over today ah yes my favorite place to spend money let's go see how much we can spend today all right so these are two of the plows we're going to need here they're boss plows this one is a uh snow wolf plow okay this one's for the skid steer and then this one's going to be for the loader truck now we got to try to find one for the uh pickup truck Colton's pickup truck there do we even find a red one maybe it'll match it all right so this is the truck plow they had out back col what do you think of this one this thing's pretty fancy yeah it's a V plow now we're shopping in the used section because we don't have a lot of money we we're not new new equipment kind of money having people so yeah we got to go used this actually looks pretty dang nice I think they usually give these a repaint and put some of the deal or decals depending what you call call them back on there cuz usually they get uh scraped off pretty quick so I think we're going to try and make a deal with the salesman for all three we'll see what we can get them for well we made a deal $188,000 which uh leaves us pretty much dead broke at $2,500 we're going to need to work a lot if we want to make some money hey Colton oh yeah we need to go push some snow anyways we're going to get these back to the uh shop there and get them all hooked up and hopefully we can start plowing now I also did buy two uh pallets of sandbags there guys will see why we did in a little bit and what the Colton hey it's slippery man oh my goodness dude you're going to wreck that truck so fast hey at least it's your truck but my plow and my trailer on the back don't worry it craw D out nothing nothing's damaged well we made it back to the yard in one piece surprisingly enough with how Colton drives hey I'm a professional man yeah that's that's Up For Debate there okay so we got to warm the skid steer up here real quick that fired up nice and easy didn't even have to toss a battery boot booster on it this pick up get her fired up even got the beacons ready to go so we'll get these uh plows unloaded here real quick and take too long this isn't sketchy at all and down you go all right bring her in Colton just give me one minute there you go and good Perfect Look at that dude that is one big plow holy smokes that is ridiculous might have to test this thing out yeah give her a little test here let's see there you go look at that fancy D it you didn't see that you did see that what the heck I cannot trust you to do anything at least you got him off the trailer so now I don't have to take him off but come on man oh I can't I can't leave you alone for I was right here and you did it for anyone watching the video just uh wondering here uh yep I am taking applications for a new employee here um heyy mine tend to crash into everything and are not to be trusted with a single piece of equipment I don't know what this guy's talking about oh my I I can't with you Colton I I really can't man all right this thing seems to work pretty well but there's not enough traction on the back so this is where the sandbags come in we're going to take the two pallets of sandbags if I can ever grab them out of this rusty old truck there we go and we're going to slap him in the bed here for a little extra weight Perfect all right grab our new Skid Steer blade here there look at that fancy now this thing is going to do a lot of work here this about the most Hightech piece of equipment we've ever had does wonders and luckily the heater in this uh New Holland skid steer Works absolutely amazing cuz if it didn't yeah we wouldn't be having a good time here get to toss of snow out the side if we angle it and Colton piled up all the snow in front of the trailers Colton what are you doing bro oh just wait you piled up all the snow right in front of the trailers man how are we supposed to use them okay so we're getting Colton's rig here all set up I don't know why I'm giving him all the most expensive equipment cuz somehow some way he's going to find a way to wreck it all col I swear if you come back and this thing's in pieces oh no it'll be all in one piece yeah all in one piece yeah I'm I'm sure I'm sure all in one piece promise hey watch out you're extra wide now so uh yeah don't Smack anything oh I won't all right so I'm rolling out here with the uh the interesting rig but to be fair probably the coolest rig of all all right this is the place Colton you recognize this place bud I do that's right this is where we uh cleared out that PCH of land for a couple solar panels now this place looks a lot different than it did cuz the guy's been going to town on putting solar energy wind en energy all sorts of crazy stuff down here and uh so basically we're down here to plow out everything cuz they got to have access to it all so shouldn't be too hard of a job just going to take a little while but they are paying us a crap ton of money to do it so I will gladly take it all right so I had to take the sandbags out of the truck there cuz they were hurting the truck more than they were helping the truck anyways they're out of there now so we can get back to plowing anyways this road up here does not need to be plowed so we just kind of doing up to where it starts and that's about it Colton do you want to take one long shot all the way down to the uh highway there driveway I'm going to try all right oh hold on got to have the beacons on priority looks like Colton's new vlow is working wonders for that big road there how's that thing working Colton this thing works great perfect I got told they wanted uh couple little Trails plow out to some of the big big wind turbines like look how tall these things are flipping ridic ridiculous they got to maintenance them so just want a couple little Trails plowed out shouldn't be too hard there's one there's number two all right so we are finished this job Colton any guesses on how much they actually paid us to do this 3,000 2500 so you're pretty close oh not bad so that brings us up to about five grand and our next job is right up the road they're down there big shoots our job's right here just rear ended the crap out of me with that plow good thing we got that truck for free yeah oh yeah yeah all right you should be able to just take the vlow and go nuts with this oh yeah this truck's not liking it it's too much snow it is doing it though but surely leaving a couple spots behind hey give me a little push here you're in my way man I'm trying to get out of it and there we go all right so Colton's got the vpl out there he's going to handle the front side of the compound I've got the uh New Holland skider here we're going to go back and handle the back side of the compound big old Trucking Company these guys tend to pay a lot too look at that automatic gate pretty slick all right this thing really put in some work now look at this easy can even push it right through the fence pretty much n not quite now they have a semi- TR parked back here so I guess we'll just shove some snow in behind it here Colton I'll put this out here for you to deal with okay hold on wait wait a minute I got some more I got some more oh come on man there you go make a nice big pile for you just cruising along easiest money ever lot easier than uh mowing jobs hey Colson way easier get to sit in a heated truck all day yeah yep Easy Money Colton you having fun out there yet oh yeah this is a great time just slipping and sliding around with them uh stock tires need to get you some winter ones I need better tires see now Colton that would be an acceptable use of the company card the uh 10 bottles of your special additive to your eggnog that that's not a company expense Bud well why not well I mean first of all that that's an after hours activity second of all that's a lot of eggnog additive yeah I guess so you know maybe that's why you keep crashing equipment huh think that might be the cause of it no I sure hope not okay we're just about finished here Colton I swear if you plow more snow over my line again hey man I don't know what to tell you but keep pushing it hey Colton okay and that is it Colton's got the trailer this place is done see Colton look how nicely I loaded that up bud I'd say it's pretty good be taking notes be taking notes all right that made us another three grand uh Colton took the loader truck home it was uh having some problems staying running so uh he's going to try to limp her home and I'm going to go do some residential jobs think we make a little extra coin for the day I don't think I stopped all the way for that stop sign so we're just pulling up here to a property you guys might recognize I sold this property a while back cuz me and Colton took it cleaned it up a bunch and now there's a house on it anyways there's no driveway built cuz uh got a little too cold before they were able to get all the Landscaping done we've actually been hired for that that in the spring before our year is up to finish up this landscaping business to see if it's successful or not anyways they just want a quick little driveway plow they'll pay us a little bit of money for that all right well quick little $500 there can't complain with that anyways we're going to head back get some food and all that cuz we've been snow plowing all morning here I'm stuck at a red light this sucks there we go I swear I see light coming from in that shop there what the heck is going on Colton left the beacons on y leave it to Colton so it may be winter but it does not snow every single day so that means not every day is a work day now we still need to make a lot of money this year to uh pay off our $40,000 loan and if we want any extra equipment we're really going to have to buckle down snow plowing this year is not my only uh plan for making a little extra cash I got something coming it's going to cost me a little bit extra money it's on its way here should be here in a couple days and uh should bring us in a lot of money hopefully well boys it's another day back out here on the landscaping business and it is flipping cold get that right Colton oh yeah she's a little chilly yeah we're we're not very excited to get to work today but uh bank account's not getting any bigger so we got to we got to make that happen anyway uh Colton you want to go fire up the truck so we can uh get going here got to let them warm up a bit yep anyways we've got 8,500 bucks in the bank account right now and uh it's been snowing a little bit but not enough to the point where we have to go out and plow our contracts I've been thinking of other ways to make money well I got a plan but for that plan to work we need some more money and uh the loader truck it's time for it to go I have a guy coming to pick it up today so we're going to get this thing out of here and gone now while the loader truck is cool I'm going to be honest it's pretty flipping useless and here's the guy to come pick it up perfect he's also going to be taking the plow with it so I guess we lose one less thing for snow plowing but we need the money okay $8,000 well that puts us to where we need to be all right Colton trucks warmed up oh yeah all right perfect you know what we're doing today no I actually don't all right well we're going to head over to the store I guess we technically don't need both trucks but yeah screw it we're taking both anyway all right might as well what's a little extra diesel feel right Colton you feeling a little under the weather bud you don't sound so good yeah I'm getting that little first winter cold oh that sucks well here we are my favorite place to spend money and would you just look at that hey Colton you know what this is I actually have no idea so this is a firewood processor basically you load logs into here they'll take them cut them into smaller chunks and then it pushes them through this and it cuts them all up into individual little firewood pieces that's pretty Dandy oh yeah it's it's also pretty expensive locking in around $40,000 God damn now we don't quite have $40,000 so I put a $10,000 down payment on this thing and uh we are owing $30,000 on it so you got to take this thing and make some money with it all right Colton I trust your truck a little more than mine so just uh back up to it and hook this thing up y there you go perfect all right we had to do a little switch uh Colton's draw pitch is way too low for this thing so going to hook it up to the taller second gen to be honest it's probably better that I tow this thing anyway we don't want it ending up in a ditch real quick just flip and bought it we don't even have this thing paid for yet well we have made it home in one piece luckily all right now the question is where are we going to put this I don't even know the best spot okay I think right about here should be good okay so we got the firewood proess are all set up here but we're missing one critical thing to this Colton do you know what that is wood yep yep he's right we're missing wood we're going to have to go get some but before we do that I think we're going to have to clear out some of this area so we actually have uh a little bit of space to put the wood all right let's see if this old thing will fire up oh yeah we're good Colton you want to warm up the skid steer we got to get the trailers moved out of the way here real quick well I'm grabbing these trailers Colton's going to get the snow plow out of the way I guess we could have just hooked these up to the trucks cuz we're going to need to anyway but oh well there we go little bit more space in that area okay so I got Colton's truck hooked up to the blade in the trailer here we're going to need the blade on his truck to actually get into the area with all the logs and this part's about ready to go okay we're all set to go let's roll out ah shoot I forgot about this snow in Road They Don't Really plow this road that much so there's a chance we may get stuck except Colton's there with his V plow so he might get through no problem holy smokes Colton you're plowing right up a hill oh yeah seem's a beast well I suppose we're doing the counties work now cuz uh Colton's just plowing out everything holy SM jump that snow pile yeah I I should be getting paid for this from them all right here we are so some of you may or may not recognize this place this is uh where I got my old camper from the guy that owns this uh he owns that whole solar farm down in the uh bottom side of the property but this is the upper side of the property now he plans to build a bunch more solar panels up here so he said we can clear out as many trees as we want for free which uh works out really really well for us now it's a little more questionable getting in and out of here but we'll try our best all right I think we're going to start right about here there's a ton of big trees more than we're probably ever going to need Colton are you struggling back there bud yeah I am you going to be able to get it oh yeah oh you're just plowing a trail now perfect holy smokes you're just sending it through there oh man you got her our plan is to load up these two trailers completely full of logs bring them back to the uh compound there put them into firewood and hopefully sell them at a good price now normally we just take these trees and sell them normally I guess that was kind of a lot of normals in that sentence but uh yeah right now it's more profitable to sell firewood all right what are you thinking Colton this first one right here she looks big enough yeah I think so Timber that was awfully close to my truck oh man that was a little too close for comfort that's a big one ooh she's a little tipsy flap it right on the trailer there might be a little long oh oh shoot colon easy Bud hold on this one's a little long let me uh me trim it easy Bud there we go now we're making some progress well that is one trailer pretty much full I'd say that's about as full as we're going to get it hey Coulson I'd say so H we can put one more log but yeah we're going to be heavy as it is and especially coming out of there with all the uh dips and stuff probably don't want to tip one of these over all right load them on well that's trailer about half full here I think uh one more big tree and that should be it oh little close to the truck oh I really got to start watching for that too close for comfort all right well that is it both trailers are full to the max I think even a little too full but uh yeah that should be good for now Colton's just piling up the last of uh the end bits that we got there we'll take those in eventually but for now they can just sit here you know I really didn't think about this but we're going to need the skid steer back at the house to unload all of these logs and uh put them in the firewood processor we got the tractor there you think the tractor's going to be able to handle those well we can push him off the trailer with it yeah I I suppose well we'll figure it out now the question is if we can actually get out of here I'm just going to take it nice and easy through here cuz this is a lot of flipping weight on this and the brakes aren't good on these oh we were doing wheelie there oh come on Dodge you got it col's just absolutely sending in he don't give a crap there we go we're out Colton get out of that man's field hey it's winner still though come on man all right it looks like Colton's actually plowing a trail back out cuz he missed some of it before so now we actually have a nice clean Trail all right we're back on the road but it is icy so Colton slow the heck down Bud yeah we're all running a little low on diesel fuel so time to fill up well $450 later we got everything filled up we even filled up uh coltson slip tank there so we can get some diesel in the skid steer but at least we'll be good for a little bit now Colton's fixing to pass me oh no he's just giving me a push instead hey Colton you uh did you see those signs when you went on that road what signs the ones saying you're going on the road wrong way who says who oh my goodness dude you're lucky there's no traffic all right yeah I kind of just put it back over here just alongside and then we'll just push him off with the tractor right about there should be good okay I think we got the tractor the best set up we possibly can um we got the weights on the back and then we got the grapple on the front so this should work okay oh it's working we got her I think we pretty much got them all off minus one or two all right it's a little bit scuffed but who cares if it works all right you should be able to pull away now Colton okay well that worked actually better than I expected now let's see if we can actually pick one of these up that weighs down the tractor a little bit but we might actually be okay all right that was one truck here's the next just kind of got to force him off of there there we go almost got it can we actually get up onto the trailer like this oh we're close but not quite all right we got it perfect holy smokes this thing's actually got a little more lifting power than I thought it would oh oh maybe not maybe not got to be careful with it all right so we got the first log loaded in here we got this thing fired up just got to adjust the conveyor belt a little here we go all right and cut that push that through and we're moving how's it looking Colton it's looking good minus a few pieces falling off here and there but a little bit of a pile up I don't know why it's not going I'm trying to adjust the conveyor belt so it goes oh slowly we can push it all into one pile it's not that big of a deal all right you want to go grab another log yep there you go bring it in all right perfect working there we actually got a nice little pile going we've already got buyers for all this firewood here so uh we're going to have to figure out some way to transport it uh we would use the dump truck but that doesn't really work cuz it doesn't have very high sides on it so we're going to have to figure something else out we may have to rent a dump trailer temporarily for the winter while we're trying to run this little side business but this is already a couple hundred bucks worth the firewood it is crazily priced right now cuz there's a bit of a lack of it so by the time we're done all those logs there we should have a serious amount of money waiting for us over here all right so I think we're getting close to half the logs cut we got to push this pile just a little bit we can keep piling it up there but everything's going really well so far all right well we got a jam got to pull the logs out here there we go all right so we're just doing the last log here and I think we've got more than enough at this point what are we uh yeah we're about 3/4 through not a whole lot left but we got a pretty good looking pile all right so Colton's grabbing the second gen we're going to move the firewood processor cuz we kind of have to clean all this up and get this loaded into dump trailers or truck beds who's who's ever buying it there we'll just get this all piled up real quick all right so we had a guy show up here uh he's going to be taking a truckload of firewood this is actually my old durmax you got ended up buying Colton's just going to load him up here with firewood and I am going to go buy something even though I probably shouldn't be oh good grief Colton there you go all right one truck load done that is 200 bucks right there so that's just one truckload but uh I'd say we have probably about 20 truck loads there something like that but this purchase that I'm about to go make is going to make this a lot easier well I'm back at it with dumb purchases colon what do you think Bud ah this thing's actually useful I know right we need this so it was 3 Grand now for a dump trailer that's really cheap but this is all wood siding pretty much other than the actual box itself so yeah it's not the greatest but it will work for hauling firewood a son of a gun the tractor is not high enough to reach all right we can dump it in the back so that'll work well we did ourselves a favor and brought the skid steer back here it's going to make things a lot easier we can actually reach over the dump box now all right so this is about where we're at uh we had a lot more firewood than we thought cuz we filled this trailer completely up so we're going to take this dump trailer in that's worth about $5,000 and then we'll be back to uh cutting down some more trees and getting some more wood so we can make some more firewood therefore making more money and hopefully paying off all our money that we owe well I dropped off that trailer load that was $4,950 and I'm just getting back to the compound here looks like Colton's getting another customer loaded up so that'll be another $200 right there perfect here let me give you a hand with this wait Colton isn't this the dude who bought our uh loader truck yeah I'm pretty sure it is ohuh all right that should be full enough and 200 bucks right there and we still got a lot of firewood okay so we ended up having another three pickup truck loads that was $600 that we did and then we put the rest of the firewood in this trailer and uh it actually filled it up a lot more than I thought it would we pretty much have another full trailer here around $4,000 and uh we're still not even through our first two sets of logs so Colton's going to go drop this off and I'm going to clean up a little bit and probably get the uh firewood Mill set back up and then it's on to the last of these we actually ended up doing a lot better than I thought I would with this firewood now we still have pretty much as many trees as we're going to want going forward we making more so I think we'll continue to run the uh snow plowing business and we're supposed to actually get snow tonight that'll be a couple thousand in just snow plowing and then uh hopefully a lot more money in the logging and firewood so we should be able to pay everything off in just about no time here probably even before spring all right Colton just got back we got $4,100 for that load anyways I got the firewood processor set back up here Colton is just going to pull under that uh conveyor belt with this trailer that way it's a lot easier we don't actually have to uh load any of the firewood manually unless we're loading up pickup trucks okay I think we're all set up what do you think Colton is this going to work a lot better than having to load it all up oh I hope so well boys it's another day back out here at the landcaping business it is 8:00 a.m. bread and early we got uh a dump of snow early early this morning Colton's out plowing we' pretty much got everything set up for the firewood so we're ready to go on that once we get done the contracts for the day of the snow plowing cuz that kind of comes first anyway we got just over 13 Grand in the bank account here and uh that's sitting a little lower than I'd like so we're going to get that up today so while Colton's plowing there I'm going to go take his truck and toss it on a trailer I would use my Dy but uh it's hooked up to the other trailer there so we're just going to leave that okay so while we're waiting for Colton here uh I guess we're just going to get started on some firewood real quick we probably won't get too much done but uh at least a little bit wouldn't be bad oh boy everything's going to be a little slow in the hydraulic end it is cold out this morning let's see if the old John Deere can uh get one of these logs picked up I didn't really give it a chance to warm up but n it'll be it'll be okay oh that's heavy that's really heavy holy smokes we need like a bigger tractor out here or something maybe another skid steer I don't know but this thing yeah doesn't really do the job that well to be fair it is a pretty big log processor's already jammed all right looks like Colton's finished up here so I'm just going to finish off this log and then I think we'll head out all right well we got the truck flipped around here uh we had a couple logs spill over but not too bad I think we'll just uh keep it on the side loading there we'll give that a shot later on when we get back but for now we got some snow plown to do Colton lock the door no not a chance you had breakfast burritos this morning man I am not letting you in here oh you got to be kidding you're pulling this crap on me now oh yeah not a chance really you're ridiculous man Colton that's a red light Colton that's a red light fine oh my goodness dude they're going to get my plates here we got places to be I don't know if it's that important to be there right now still pretty early in the morning oh Colton Colton you're passing it you're passing it Colton Colton Colton you're going off the road Bud that that's not the side road I I can't find the road yeah to be fair it is pretty snowed in screw the ramps Colton I'm not using the ramps oh fine all right just scoot that trailer off to the side and I can get plowing out the front and you can go uh do the back there all right let's give this a shot you're going to manage over there Colton oh yeah we're doing just great look Colton the faster we get this done the faster you can go and watch your Saturday morning cartoons when we get back fine I was actually taking a quick look at what uh the local dealership had to offer this morning and uh looks like they got a snowblower for a skid steer wonder if that'd be a smart move I don't know what do you think Colton oh yeah maybe could be not too sure blade work's great and all but a snowblower would be sick you know how much random crap we can shred from the office in that we don't even need a paper shredder anymore all right well Colton's finishing up the front there I'm going to get started on the back here this shouldn't take too long usually this whole job only takes us an hour 45 minutes tops something like that okay so the trucking company just sent me a text uh they don't want us to plow out this semi over here not sure why but they just requested that we didn't so we're just going to leave it and same with the other one on the other side I don't know they haven't moved since we last plowed this place so maybe they just don't need to be plowed out Bolton I could have sworn I told you to wash this skid steer yesterday and it's still filthy I don't know man I watched it I swear I don't know I'm pretty filthy at the moment so that other snowplowing contract in the valley there the guy with all the uh the solar panels and uh wind turbines and stuff he said uh they didn't get a whole lot of snow in there so this is kind of our only contract for the day perfect we could try and go do some residential stuff but uh I think we're going to be better off if we just go ahead and do some more uh firewood stuff we got a lot of customers waiting on some so it's a lot more profitable all right Colton you just about wrapped up out front there just about yep all right well once you get wrapped up out there uh there's a huge huge pile of snow on the uh right side of the building you just go in that gate there you can push that up to the other side of the fence okay all right let's see how far Colton's going to make this here give her the beans holy smokes actually worked better than I thought it would thing's a beast don't get stuck now there you go keep going keep going holy smokes one more pass should do it oh oh oh oh oh CT you're running me over let go let go don't get stuck now dang so much snow drifted in here it's ridiculous hold up I'm plowing more into your path here oh this poor skid steer is struggling Colton are you stuck I just on my phone oh get off for phone man from the job get that ramp going any higher Colton you're going to go right over the fence oh I'll jump it imagine you're so excited to go build a snow for in this thing and then you just tunnle halfway through and there's just a fence just sitting there I would probably cry we've legit built Snow Mountain over here this is flipping ridiculous anyone got a snow cat we could carve this into a nice little ski slope all right that's what I call good enough that's pretty solid pile there hey Colson oh yeah she's a big one that'll work all right go grab the trailer let's get the heck out of here hey settle down there I'm giving you a boost oh man that ain't working pushing me I'll just I'll climb right over this that's what I'm going to go do uh I can't do that oh oh oh oh oh saved it slow down you're still really going to make me ride in the back uh-huh you're ridiculous Colton you know that them burritos are ridiculous that's what don't worry next time you have your breakfast burritos you know I'll be sure to stick you in the back I don't know at least you finally hit a green light two green lights two green lights three four green lights holy smokes how fast are you going uh 250 2 250 the speed limit isn't even a quarter of that the speed limit's like 65 oh wa we pass the driveway a little bit holy smokes man fedal down all right so from that one job there we made $2,000 which brings us up to 15,000 but uh we still got a lot more wood to go through here so we should have a good amount in firewood by the end of today that's the Hope anyway after we run out out of these logs we're going to have to go grab some more that property there all right Colton bring me a log I'm coming all right let's make some money hey Colton you might want to go move that trailer once you get a chance oh she getting a little full yep all right you might want to go move it right now like like right now col okay I'm going to I'm just going to move it I'm just going to move it I'm kind of busy oh crap okay we're good we're good we're good that's close got to smooth out the top of this here getting a little full little more Colton little more little more little more that's good that's good golden golden move the truck I'll I'll just go move it I'll just go move it oh man we got a couple pieces going over the side but we should be good nearly full here and that is one full trailer right there okay we got a couple small pieces we can toss in here but uh as soon as me and Colton are done filling this up here getting the last little bits he's going to run it to the customer there and that'll be $5,000 cuz that's a full trailer load right there that's right up to the brim and we only have how many more logs three here one right there so that's four more logs I don't think we'll get another full trailer load but we'll be pretty dang close so by that time we should be at about uh 20 $25,000 and then we'll have to go get some more wood there but for now this is not too bad we've actually been making some progress okay well there goes Colton here um I kind of just have to wait around till he gets back so we can uh fill up another trailer oh there's Colton's three-wheeler still up there he never got it down I wonder if the old first gen will crank over it's been a while since started this thing H it doesn't really want to fire up oh hold on I'm getting a call from Colton hello hello hey what are you doing uh was just trying to start the first gen but it wouldn't start up uh we got a little bit of a problem what's up uh you know how she's a little icy out yeah you slid into the ditch didn't you yeah is it bad no all right let me hop in your truck and I'll come get you all right wait I didn't even ask him how far he was down the road or if he even took the main road I'm assuming he took the Side Road uh no never mind he would have went down the main road where the heck even is he I don't even see him up here oh oh shoot there he is oh that does that does not look good holy smokes colon that's a little that's a little uh more than just a slide in holy smokes she's nothing's wrecked she's all good oh man well at least you couldn't made the second gen any worse yeah true you can't back out of that hey uh I don't know I didn't try let me give her a shot no we're just spinning here NADA this thing's almost in the water man holy smokes you got lucky oh yeah um dude I don't even know what we can get you out with cuz I don't think ah h a rope up I guess yeah we can try to hook a tow rope up I don't even know which way to pull you out though just from the trailer I guess yeah we'll just pull you back all right well hopefully I don't get your truck stuck I think this thing has a lot better tires than the second gen so we should be good okay golden tow ropes hooked up let's go okay ready yep all right give her all right almost there almost there keep her going all right we're repositioning here give this another shot ready go keep her coming keep her coming keep her coming keep her coming yep yep yep and good stop stop okay we got the truck repositioned here and since this one apparently has an issue with uh pulling trailers we're going to switch it over to Colton's truck that should work a little bit better all right back her up keep her coming keep her coming keep her coming a little more little more yeah good all right well he's back on the road here so I'm going to head back lucky we got him out of there second gen seems to be okay though they got a big dent in the side ain't getting any prettier that's for sure all right another $5,000 that brings us up to 20,000 and Colton's just pulling back in the yard here yeah just bring her around around the side and we'll just load this up again log needs a shove it's stuck give me one second I don't know if we're actually going to get another Trailer Load Out of this I thought we might but I guess not there you go give her a little tap yep there perfect Colton you didn't let me know the trailer was getting full got to run over here again the last log the last one already last one we got a jam in there Colson you want to try to get that out yep all right that's all said and done there I think uh we got oh what I don't know 1,500 bucks for the firewood in there that's about it thought we'd have a lot more but I guess not oh well it'll still work but we may just wait to sell this until we get more logs and then we can just uh keep filling up trailers cuz that's just money in the bank well money going back to the bank we we currently have almost none all right Colton I got the booster cables hooked up I turn her over okay oh easy oh like that all right so since we don't want to uh oh Colton you just smacked my $40,000 firewood machine you didn't see that oh my goodness anyways uh since we don't want to destroy Colton's nice truck uh we're just going to use the first gen here to uh tow the other trailer should make things a little bit easier all right I'd say we're all set up to go get firewood here but it's getting pretty close to the end of the day here so this is probably going to be a tomorrow project well y'all it's another day back out here at the landscaping business it is actually starting to warm up for once where's Colton at I don't know anyways starting to warm up here so the snow is going to start melting but uh we got to go out and get some more logs this morning so we can uh continue on the firewood processing but WN slowly starting to come to an end this is good I'm excited for more warmer weather where the heck is Colton though oh there there he is he's running the three-wheeler this morning Colton what are you doing bro I'm adventuring adventuring how's that thing handled in the snow oh this thing's great all right well we got to get some work done so put her away all right finally got a chance to use the first gen cumin haven't used this one in a while hey Colton don't go off the road with uh that truck like you did the other day I'll try and ought to okay fair enough I'm going to say it it's probably the warmest day we've had in like I don't know couple months hey Colton yeah it's nice out yeah oh Colton we don't have the plow truck today uh-oh oh man now the trail is still fairly clear okay we're not looking too bad Colton I'm spinning out I'm Spinning Out Colton come on you got all the weight I got no weight oh man yeah okay I might need a toe my trailer kind of slid off the side there oh oh I might be able to get it nope no I think I'm stuck hold on I'm going to try back up and enter forward through here ah come on yeah I don't think I'm getting out of this I can try but I'm just too hung up I'm scared if I back up anymore I'm going to go off the edge here that's that's a pretty steep Edge all right yep Bring It On in here there you go all right keep it going keep it going keep going and that's good all right we made her out looks like I'm the one that decided to go off the road today not colon Colton don't cut through the man's field hey it's not the field it's the side of the ditch you're going to hit a power pole you did you hit power pull called it you see that called it called it you're going to take out power for the whole town man if you're not careful hey we got solar power we're good moving Colton I'm going give you a little push well Colton's beating me out there he seems to be able to go a lot faster with no weight on his trailer all right well we made it let's see if we can actually oh man that's a steep drop okay I don't think I went the right way there but hopefully we can actually make it in here all this snow sure as heck ain't helping Colton I'm going to be honest here I don't think we're going to be able to get out of here with a full load of logs we'll make it I got a neighbor just up the road with a snow cat he might come out get him to plow a little Trail going out here might just give him a call see what he's up to should have brought a plow out here this is actually a lot deeper than last time okay is this going anywhere near a truck I don't think so we should be okay Timber and it went near a truck what the heck all right Colton watch out I'm about to take down a monster tree here Timber oh holy smokes was that I don't know what happened there all right Colton try to pick up this tree now all right there you go got her oh maybe you don't got her hold on let me give this thing a cut oh no you should be able to drag it out or not hold on hold on there you go easy Colton going to destroy our one and only skid steer there you go you managed her don't you think you're biting off a little more than you can chew there bud well we'll see we'll see just keep it nice and low to the ground you should be okay here here let me show you how how you're supposed to do it here all just wa wait wait all right Colton yeah this thing's going to need a TR all right we got another big one let's see if this one will go over without a hitch no not too bad okay we should have a good amount here to start loading this trailer up all right col what do you say think that's pretty full I say it's pretty good all right on to the next one you know Colton I think we might have overdone it on this load nah oh man these trailers are really flipping full well I guess uh let's try to get the heck out of here all right let's hope the old first gen can uh get us out of here there's a lot of weight back here especially since these aren't Goose necks this is a lot of tongue weight we'll come back for that skid steer in a little bit but we should be good with the small tractor at the uh yard there to get some of this done oh you got to be kidding did Colton flip oh no hold up I'm going to try rip up there let's hope I don't flip either Colton you good yeah I'm good oh man yeah she she was a little more top heav than I thought oh dude that sucks shoot yeah that's a that's a pretty strong grade there I don't I see why you tipped holy smokes I'm surprised that straps are holding these are some strong straps um I don't even know how to get you over be honest me either shoot this kind of puts a damper on things cuz there's a fence I know we got a good ways to the fence this just a lot of bush here ah crap I don't even know what to do at least it was the second gen that thing's already beat up enough crap well we had to call in the big guns I called over my neighbor with his snow cat and uh he should be able to get us flipped over he's got a winch on the back so let's hope there we go this ought to do it at least Colton's okay that's what's more important okay we got the snow cat on pretty level ground here Colton how you feeling bud you think this is going to work oh oh it should work good all right well at least you're okay out of this whole ordeal here but uh we should be able to get this over we'll try our best all right he's going to start winching oh it's just holding the thing back oh oh oh it's coming over it's coming over it's coming over there it goes holy smokes yeah you can see how that pretty much tipped right over it's leaning on its own I think he's going to try pull it on More Level ground there we go that's sitting a lot better than before okay well let's hope this doesn't tip we going to detach the winch here dang almost no damage to the second gen couple little dents there but the fender isn't even broken I guess that wheel does stick out pretty good past the fender so I think we're good pton try to start her up she started all right perfect just careful be very careful I knew we overloaded these trailers too much ooh okay that was close all right Colton's out well oh he might be stuck again Colton why'd you try going that way oh know right back up there you go that's the way you're supposed to go good thing I got neighbors with cool cool toys to help me uh hip over log trailers all right I'm staying on the top here hopefully I should be good all right perfect we made her let's just try to scoot around this corner up the way you're actually supposed to go and we're out okay let's hope we can actually make it home in one piece now Colton you're not going to pass me you're not going to pass me I don't think I can you got a little too much weight on that truck Colton's just rolling coal back there trying to get through all the snow drifts keep her pinned Colton he'll make it through well it looks like I absolutely smoked Colton in the race back here uh I think he's still just getting down the hill there he should be getting on the highway soon but we're going to get to unloading some logs here now we've absolutely loaded these trailers to the max this time I'm not too sure if that little old John Deere is going to be able to push these off we'll give it a try though well Colton mid are back in one piece here oh oh old tractor's doing it I didn't think it would holy smokes this thing's got a little more power than I thought all right Colton you to move that truck and we'll uh unload the next one yep hold up Colton hold up let me move my stack try to push it up here real quick I don't know if it's going to oh we're moving dang This thing always surprises me with how much power it has all right bring it in oh crap we got logs falling off here hold on okay this tractor might have finally met its match I don't know if we're getting this all off of here all right Colton you may just have to unfold the ramps and try pull forward all right all right yep yep there you go per that actually worked a lot better than I thought it would well we got a pretty dang good stack of logs there now I think this ought to keep us occupied for a couple days now okay so Colton has to uh service the firewood processor here real quick uh We've ran through a couple sets of logs now so probably time for Quick Service I'm going to go pick up the skids steer but I have a a different idea we're not going to take the trailer cuz that's going to weigh us down a crap ton we're just going to take a dump truck I got an idea okay I made it out here let's see if this is going to work you know what if it works don't question it let's get this thing back to the house well we made it back here in one piece get steer's good I think the Dodge is good I'm not too sure wait why are those two logs there Colton yeah why are these two logs here uh that's a good question I didn't put him here I don't remember putting them there but D we just have two logs randomly appear I'm not too sure I don't know huh all right well is the uh firewood processor all serviced good to go yep perfect let's get rolling good grief Colson we got to wash your truck this thing's filthy just a little dirty just a little all right you want to hop in the skid steer and we'll get going yeah yep all right well I want to say this trailer is pretty much full yeah it's about as full as we're going to get it well we already got a customer ready and waiting for this one so Colton's going to go run this over there so that's another $5,000 and we're just about getting close to having this firewood processor paid off or at least have the money to get it paid off Colton did you just smack the second gen no I swear I've seen you smack the second gen I don't know what you're talking about all right get that load of firewood delivered anyways even though the trailer's gone we're going to continue cutting a little bit more because we are supposed to have some trucks come today and they're going to take a couple loads of firewood quick so that should be some extra money we'll just pile a couple logs on the ground there and we should be good well Colton's down here to bring me logs so I got to go get them myself tough life being a boss all right just ran Another Log through this should be enough I think we got three trucks coming so yeah that should be enough for three of them let's try to clean up underneath the firewood processor here and we'll just push this off to the side that way Colton once he gets back here can just pull right in there we go just get this pushed out of the way quick perfect that should be plenty enough for now well Colton just made it back that was 4,950 bucks and our first truck or a pickup load of this stuff should be showing up here any minute now ain't no way this man pulling up with a Chevy Avalanche all right yeah just just back in right here get you loaded up all 3T of box he said he wanted some of it inside this whole back folds down yeah okay load her up well since he's got a smaller box be really had to load that up to make it worth his money holy smokes that's that's funny some of the customers some of the customers oh man well that's 200 bucks all right so we're back to processing firewood here we had another two trucks show up so that's another $400 in the bank but uh Colton's got to give the log a push here cuz it's stuck give her a little nudge there Colton there we go that like a probe move right there professional Colton you're supposed to let me know when the dang trailer's getting full holy smokes man oh jeez having an overflow holy smokes we got pieces of wood falling out everywhere this trailer is Right full but every full trailer is a lot of money so can't complain with that well somebody didn't park a trailer right and that somebody was probably me so I got to move this thing now I'm just going to back in both trailers here that way it's easier to get around up front and we got more room well looks like Colton dropped off the wood there and we got another we got 5,200 bucks from that load holy smokes that brings us up to the old 30,000 oh boy this isn't sketchy at all it works though well it looks like we're ready to go here for another load but I got to do something here real quick and we are absolutely dead broke um I paid off the last of what was owed on the firewood processor here it was $40,000 we put a $10,000 down payment and I just paid the rest of the $30,000 holy smokes Colton we're we're officially out of money man we're we're down to our last 850 yeah we're broke anyways it's coming towards the end of the day here and uh we were up at the crack Dawn so I think we're going to call her day well boys it's another day back out here at the landscaping business it's early in the morning and uh the snow is gone anyways we got 850 bucks in the bank account and Colton yeah what are you what are you doing bro what do you mean what what does it look like I'm doing the snow just left yeah man we got to get this grass cut you trying to get an early early start or what's going on here look at this stuff's long a dude put put put the mower back put the mower back we got other stuff to do anyways since our yearl quest to build the successful landscaping business is just about up we're going to be trying to make the most amount of money we can in the shortest amount of time anyways we've got a few of these logs left so we're going to get these taken care of put into some firewood now since it is a bit warmer now uh there is a bit less of a demand for firewood it's still going for a pretty good price but uh a little bit less than it was anyways we're going to get to processing what's left well Colson since it's warm again you going to move back into your little camper there I might we'll see oh yeah I finally get the house to myself for once yeah maybe all right yep that's looking pretty full there toss s a couple of the spillover pieces okay so this trailer is full here but uh we're actually going to unhook this because we need to take the plow off Colton's truck you don't need that on there no more and uh probably not the best thing to drive around with all right Colton take her away and no speeding tickets now we're still broke yeah yeah okay so I just had a guy pull up here he's here to BU my uh snowplows here he's taking the one off Colton's truck and then the one that we used on the skid steer now normally this would be a horrible time to uh sell snow plows but uh this guy wants them for next season and since they're kind of Barely Used other than this one I guess we bought this one used we're giving them a really good deal to come buy them so it works out great for both people involved okay I think the pallet Forks are the best way to get the snowplow on the truck we're going to try all right I got it let's just not let it slip off the forks now perfect quick strap these down grab some money from him and he should be on his way okay done deal $8,000 in the bank for that and look at that now we're not broke finally feels good and Colton just texted me he's on his way back first gen's looking a bit dirty as well give this a quick wash oh look who it is I told him those speeding tickets he better not have got one he made that trip awful fast how much we make we made four grand oo nice yep not a bad load all right so four grand that brings us up to $112,000 I sold the uh snow blades while you were gone oh sweet yeah how many speeding tickets this time you made that trip awful quick zero well that's good that's good well let's load this trailer up again and uh get some more money goon colon we got a clog I'm trying to move the conveyor to get it out but oh there we go clearing itself up son of a gun we got one more log left and the trailer's like right topped up we can't fit Another Log in there we already got stuff spilling out the sides there Colton is that is that the best way to go prob not cting through the ditch so we got one more log left but never fear I have a plan that's right truck bed can't get out any more more uh beaten up than it is I guess yeah look at that perfect oh Colton just sold the logs 4650 holy smokes I'll take that all right I'm trying to fit it all on here I don't know if this is going to work oh no oh no we got log spilling we'll just try stack the last couple pieces up on here yeah look at that that looks so dumb hey if you got straps it works anyways we're going to go deliver this I got a customer that wants a truckload oh and Colton's back but that'll be another 200 bucks for us all right I'm just back up here $200 in the banks that brings us up to $17,700 not too dang bad and Colt oh there was three pieces of firewood left of course anyway Colton's got the firewood processor hooked up and all folded away and the reason for that is because it's getting sold it was fun doing firewood over the winter but I have a buyer for this and it's getting sold for about $20,000 more than we bought it for because you cannot get these things right now I have a guy that really wants it you can't get them they're back order like a year and a half so Colton's going to go deliver it and we're going to get about $60,000 in the bank anyways in the meantime I don't think we've watched this skid steer the entire winter and it is absolutely filthy so it's about time to give this thing a bath look at that brand new Skid Steer well looks brand new at least I'm doing a bit of spring cleaning right now or equipment Shuffle whatever you want to call it anyways I've got this John Deere BHO for this thing it's literally pretty much useless to me if I'm uh going to use a backo I'll just uh rent something bigger or uh I don't know figure something different out I think I have a guy coming to buy this it's actually next to the Tractor it's one of the most valuable pieces of equipment surprisingly enough but yeah we just don't use it enough to warrant keeping it holy smokes Colton finally washing off your truck and she's nice and clean though yeah look at that that paint's actually red underneath there okay and we just got the $60,000 from the sale of that wood processor there so that brings us up to over 77 Grand holy smokes now we can't forget that uh I still have about $40,000 owing on a bank loan so we got to pay that off before we go too crazy with spending money check it out Colton I got the ultimate camping setup going for you here oh heck yeah that that's doable oh yeah no this thing looks great I mean the camper may be bigger than the truck but whoa whoa whoa whoa let's settle down here small small details small details I ought to dump this ice SW into the lake but we're just going to stick it back here for now well we had the dude show up to buy the backo here so we're going to get this loaded into his truck for him and that's going to be 4500 bucks for us literally I think we've used this thing once and that was only because we were building a flipping house okay 4500 bucks in the bank there he goes hey Colton it's a sad day you selling it Yep this setup is getting sold well more money I guess yeah I suppose I'm I'm really going to miss the mini truck man this thing was sick this thing was fun oh you want to get the uh the push Mar off from the top shelf there that goes with it too oh yeah all right strap this down oh there we go perfect Yep this thing's getting sold but do not worry we got something a lot bigger and better coming our way very soon any guesses on uh what I got for this whole setup uh I want to say 20 20 20 grand holy smokes I wish no no 10 grand 10 yeah 10 it's only a little off only about by half yeah I think I still think we're making money on that hey I think so yeah I don't I can't even remember how much we bought this thing for 3500 bucks something like that anyways you want to take it for the last drive to uh go meet the owner the new owner of it I might as well all right I'll follow you hey take it easy that thing that thing's sold now exactly it's not mine oh don't drive it like rental well we sold it in the same place we bought it $10,000 in the bank well colon what do you say we uh go to Applebee's celebrate agreed all right hey uh nice Park job there eh uh I don't know what you're talking about yeah sure sure all right so me and Colton are just pulling up to this place here with something we want to look at and the gates locked can I just open it oh wasn't locked okay look at that well Colton what do you think thing looks pretty fancy yeah it's a cat 289d slightly used uh not too crazy on the hours I don't think it's a Tweed I know I've been playing around with the idea of getting a cat over the New Holland I'm not too sure yet anyways the guys to the keys in it so I'm just going to take it for a quick little spin here check it out and everything seems good this ain't too bad doesn't handle much different than the New Holland but uh it's a little bit nicer on the interior than the old one is I suppose I don't know what are we thinking is it even worth going into a different skid here uh I don't know well maybe we'll have to think about it but uh for now we got to get back to the uh house there we got a lot of stuff to [Music] do well it's another day back out here at the landscaping business spring is sprung Freez are starting to get their leaves back it's uh it's a good day we got $92,000 in the bank account which is I think is the one of the best we've been ever sitting as far as money goes anyway Colton's just been in the shop here getting stuff ready to go for the day and the job we're actually going to go do today we've had planned out since last summer so uh yeah we're going to get to work all right Colton I'm going to need you to take the skid steer get the off of the top of the Shelf there the seed spreader and and possibly the mower as well see if I can manage anyways I'm going to grab the first gen here and we're going to go grab a trailer all right perfect Colton got the uh stuff we needed out of here hey Colton you want to go grab the uh log forks for that thing and I'm going to grab the bucket So the plan for today is we're going to be heading out to a customer just I don't know 10 minutes away from us they right close to us and we're going to be redoing their lawn basically ripping it all up spreading some new seed down adding some gravel in little fire pit area all sorts of good stuff so it's going to be a busy day o are we going to be able to fit both things on there what do you think Colton I think so I don't think so oh you know what the uh ramps will uh go in between the little disc there so we should be good all right we got everything loaded up here we're just going to head out Colton's going to go grab the lawn seed that we need which luckily is getting paid for by the customer cuz uh that stuff's expensive so we're good to go there goldon don't you try to pass me buddy go faster dude I can only go so fast I'm towing a massive trailer here all right and this is the spot we'll just pull off to the side here luckily there's a nice big open spot for us to unload and do whatever we need to do cuz that yard is not terribly big now we kind of knew that going into this so while Colton's picking up seed he's also going to pick up something else for us that we're going to need to uh actually get this lawn cleaned up now since it's kind of a tighter space here we're going to basically put disc on the front of this complicated I know but we'll we'll get it all figured out in a minute okay so start here we're going to give this lawn a quick cut just to get rid of any unnecessary crap we don't need to deal with going into this and you can even see me trying to mow here uh there is some serious issues with uh maneuverability so this thing that we need to get the disc on the front should help out crap ton oh Colon's back all right Colton you want to get that stuff unloaded yep and you can even see this lawn is just in flipping shambles as well ah yes my Arch Rivals are back to haunt me yet again all right perfect lawn's mode okay so here's what we're going to do this is going to go on the front and then this is going to go on the front of that little bit weird but hear me out with how this lawn's set up we got to get in some really really tight corners and this is literally the best way to do it check this out right up against the house absolutely perfect so while I'm doing this I got Colton taking the first gen to go get a quick load of gravel explain why we need that in a little bit but we also have to take down these three trees here so once he gets back he's going to start working on that so I'm just getting finished up with this side Colton's back with the uh gravel there and I think he's going to get to work on cutting down those trees oh there goes one hey Colton make sure those trees don't hit the House eh oh yeah all right just elimin some trees here real quick uh-oh Colton and the skid steer everybody run and hide there you go be nice and easy to grab now perfect well looks like Colton's got the last tree there he's going to run those to The Sawmill while I finish this up couple extra bucks from the sill never heard anybody I guess Colton left his cumins on the side of the road running well they went and took those trees in the heck man I had to move Colton's second gen out of the road cuz he left it running and just sitting there and left the D skid steer running too what the heck man anyways we're just about finished uh getting this all ripped up oh Colton's whipping back in there holy smokes got about 700 bucks for the wood Perfect all right well uh get those seed bags ready and we'll get uh spreading in here pretty quick I'm just finishing up the last little bits of this lawn all right and we are finished perfect this is going pretty dang good okay so took us a little while but we got the uh seed mix all filled up here ready to go this should honestly take like two passes cuz this thing spreads a massive deal of it flip it on here and off we go we'll give it a couple passes just to make sure it's nice and coated right I got to shut it off back in here real quick perfect and on it goes again unfortunately for me they didn't want their whole backyard done so that would have really added on some price but uh yeah we're just doing the front yard is what it is though we'll just get a couple more passes on there and it be ready well that is it that is all uh Colson you want to back that first gen up in there and we'll get that gravel dumped yep there you go that should be good yeah you can just dump it in a big kind of pile right there I'll do it all right so we just got to spread this out a little bit I guess we should have brought the bucket for the skid steer but oh well Colton you better be grabbing a shovel man I'm grabbing one all right how's this looking Bud actually getting Level now Perfect all right well I think that's about going to do it for this just really got to wait for the lawn to grow back now all right Colton I'm going to load this thing into the Dodge you go return it so we don't got to pay crap trap Port it I'll try to what do you mean I didn't even use it once well Colton you get it returned oh yeah perfect all right what's your guesses on uh what we made on this job uh three or four grand ew a lot more than that more yeah we came in okay put it this way we came in cheaper than everybody else's quote to them 10 yep we made 10 G's off of this job that's not bad at all no sir but uh I guess let's get back to the house all right 10 $1,000 from that job Colton's just getting all the equipment put away and uh cleaned up that brings us up to 100 almost $103,000 I can't remember the last time we had that much money sitting in our bank account here I'm pretty dang happy with that but yeah even with that $10,000 quote we still came in cheaper than everybody else everybody to do that is charging like 12 to $15,000 which I don't know how they're charging that and getting away with it that is even ridiculous even I thought a $10,000 quote was ridiculous but apparently that's not a bad deal well I finally let Colton mow the lawn he's just having a blast over there aren't you Colton oh yeah anyways I got all the equipment out here getting it all washed up uh reason for that I have a guy coming to buy us the entire lot I wasn't necessarily planning to sell this but I I I put it up on Marketplace and I honestly got an offer I couldn't refuse so we're selling all this now I know for landscaping business at this point we're really going to have nothing left after I sell this stuff but trust me I've got a plan well here he is we'll get this stuff loaded up and he should be on his way all right yeah bring him up here last piece yeah set it on down all right it it oh oh is it going to come off Forks oh it will oh there we go I'm just going to turn it sideways yo Colton yeah hey so that dude's just strapping stuff down right now uh he offered me six grand for the second gen sell it sell it tell it you really think so look at the body on this thing look at the rust yeah fair enough fair enough uh ah shoot that dude that's like oh that you know I'm a little bit offended he he said he wanted it as a firewood truck as a fire okay who settle down she's still a good work truck I know I know but six grand that's that's pretty Dam good sell it one last thing for us to deal with oh you don't even know my plan yet dang that's six extra Grand ah screw it we're going to do it might as well all right we couldn't get it on with the uh ramps down so got to kind of load it on like this it's a little bit sketchy there you go there you go perfect like dang dude I can't believe I'm selling this well that about does it 21 Grand everything's gone we we are literally down to just about nothing so with all that sold that brings us to $13,810 that's a lot of flipping money however we have pretty much nothing left I think Colon's in the house there we're going to go do some equipment shopping well we got no more equipment it's probably time we go uh at least look at some before I can even flip and get out of the truck Colton already went hopped on this thing what do you think of it bud this thing is comfy yeah oh yeah I I think this will be a good mower oh I don't know this is the 72 in deck I think I'm not too sure z994r dang I think this is the exact same one just a smaller deck but I think I think we need the bigger deck hey uh yeah maybe might help on some of the bigger jobs holy smokes the price tag on this thing man yesh well I mean we got the cash true well let me go uh talk to the John Deere rep and uh we we'll we'll see what we can do okay Colton's on a test drive don't crash it now what do you think pretty smooth yeah you think it'll do the job I think so well me and Colton made back from the dealership here we're back at the house I think we've made a decision but we're going to sleep on it we literally have no more equipment left we got nothing Colton's three-wheeler is about the most reliable piece of equipment in here and we're down to two trucks we we got nothing left we're not even a landscaping business at this point but we have lawn scheduled for next week here so we better make a decision and make it [Music] quick well boys it's another day back out here at the Landscaping Company it is a sad sad day because I have $123,000 no no that's not why it's sad that's actually very good it's a sad day because the first gen is leaving the shop yep got a guy on his way right now uh he should be getting here any second now so we're going to fire this up for last time and drive it on out of here and here's the guy Colton's still in bed I got to get him up cuz we're going to go do some serious buying today all right on the trailer goes I'm actually a little bit sad to see this thing leave I love this truck but we really don't need it because uh well we have a dump trailer so not much you support now and there we go $115,000 man what a shame hey what did I miss you Miss selling the first gen man sleeping in ah I need my beauty rest oh my goodness well I hope you you got your buying socks on today cuz that's what we're going to be doing yep all right well you driving no I guess so colon your gas can laid stuck pull it yeah yeah you try it you try it you got a beat on it sometimes it's an old truck there you go hey look at look at that truck dang it's a Ford what about it I don't know it's pretty nice I'm in the market for a new truck well too bad because that's the one we're here to buy I guess it's your truck not mine I think the guy's just inside grabbing some coffee there but uh yeah this is the this is possibly going to be the new rig this chainsaw would look real nice in this door hey settle down all right Colton's being a Negative Nancy I'm taking this thing out for a driver here real quick just to test her out so this is a 2018 Ford F350 Lariat it's uh done up a little more than we'd normally go for here but uh I love it it's deleted it's got uh nice back rack toolbox bunch of aftermarket stuff bunch of paint match and of course it's got all the strobe lights bunch of other Crazy Lights I love this thing and for for the price I'm honestly getting a heck of a deal mid to low miles on it it's just a nice diesel work truck other than wheels and tires but I mean we're just doing landscaping so yeah it's ain't going to be a ranch truck I do like them though they look cool well Colton $50,000 later you ain't the only one with a red truck now I guess not no seriously though what do you think of it ah it's pretty nice yeah no I love it it's going to be the new work rig it's it's honestly a bit fancy for a work rig oh never say that nothing's ever too fancy yeah Fair enough we just do landscaping I'm sure we'll be fine exactly well back to the yard we got some other stuff to grab oh we racing now we racing now mine's still faster how was yours faster Chevy buddy that's a GMC man ah same thing oh the tunes on on I don't know how to turn that on all right well we're pulling back into the compound here we are grabbing a flatbed trailer cuz yet again we have some more stuff to buy now towards the end of the day here we have some mowing contracts to go fulfill so uh since we're mower we're going to have to go uh fix that hold on let me pop taate oh you have a button for that now I do fancy fancy and that trailer might be getting a bit of an upgrade too who knows well since Colton decided to be a Slowpoke today I guess I got to go shopping by myself oh Colton thoughts on the new mower like it heck yeah I'll I'll get the ramps unfolded so we can get that loaded up and not just one new mower two new mowers hey gum yo we're going to be mowing in style now and you just smacked my brand new mower into my trailer Colton you didn't see that all right little more little more little more good so these were the two that were in the dealership when we went to go look the other day I think this one is the 54 in deck and this is the 72in deck or something like that I don't know but this is the biggest one that they make right now as far as I'm aware so yeah some pretty nice mowers right here and while we're here we're getting a quick little upgrade on the dump trailer and $28,000 later I think we're sitting pretty good now so we're just pulling back up to the house here you may notice I spent another $9,000 whatever I spent $9,000 on is in Colton's dump trailer all right Colton care to uh can to tell what you suckered me into spending $9,000 on well we got some dirt bikes we got some dirt bikes not necessarily beneficial to the business but you know me and Colton been working hard we need we need something to blow off some steam beneficial to having fun exactly exactly but now to pay for these we we got to get back to work so much for enjoying them I guess all right Colton hop in we got some work to do so after making it across the river and into the neighborhood we had roughly the entire block booked for mowing so me and colon were going to have some work ahead of ourselves but with these brand new Zero Turns me and Colton were going to try and make short work of this however Colton was having a fun time getting his figured out and sure enough within about 30 minutes of starting we'd already knocked out four or five houses plus with Colton figuring out his new mower across the street we were now making record time and some way somehow Colton would always manage to find himself on a rofe Colton how the heck did you do that you good oh yeah I'm great how how how don't ask and then of course we figured out we could do wheelies and of course that got out of hand quick yeah get it Colton they get us for that roll bar Colton little too much power for the wheelies you think let's just say we were being extremely professional and with nearly every lawn finished in the neighborhood in record time me and Colton raed in about $4,000 well not too shabby Colton we're Grand in an hour 2 hours here that's not bad at all all right time to fuel up colon you want to explain to me why there was an extra 50 bucks in snacks tacked onto my fuel Bill hey some of those snacks better be for me oh don't worry they are you say that now but in 20 minutes every single one of them is going to be gone well we're back at the comound here we got uh another job book for today we actually got to unload those dirt bikes out of the dump trailer cuz we're going to need that don't worry we'll get to them later I figured the best way to test my brand new truck is to absolutely load it down with a crap ton of gravel yep that sounds like a good plan Let's Roll all right so I stopped by the Gravel Pit there went and grabbed a full trailer of rock here and the Superduty is actually handling it surprisingly well it's squatting a little bit of course but that's to be expected anyway Colton dropped off the lawnmowers he's coming back here with the skid steer we got to mow this property real quick and then we'll get to work with uh laying some more gravel down they have a little bit right there but uh yeah this needs to be fixed so basically a while back last year we uh took this property it was Bandon full of a bunch of crap bought it a cleaned it right up sold it for a pretty big profit this house ended up getting built on it and it got built really late in the year so they didn't have time to lay down a fresh gravel driveway and since the start of the year we're going to do that so while Colton's making his way back here I've got to get this mode cuz that's one of our jobs as well oh Colton's back I think he's going to hop on a mower and help me once he's done backing that in I don't hit the house careful now I'm watching holy smokes talk about teamwork here hey Colton you missed the spot back there yeah I know it's all right I'll get it hey hey hey it's not bumper cars all right it's time to lay down a new driveway yeah I'm going to try my best to lay this out with here with the trailer but oh it's not really working that well come on Superduty come on Superduty oh it's not having a good time okay that works I'm going to go grab another load all right we got three loads here Colton's slowly working on smoothing it out I think he's just sitting there on his phone right now oh never mind he's going again I know it looks like a big mess of gravel but trust me there's a there's a method here not sure what that is yet but we'll figure it out as we go check it out finished we got a 3,000 from that brand new gravel driveway lonz all mode it's looking pretty good anyway we got everything loaded back up here so we're going to make our way back to the shop and Colton of course thinks this a race well Colton's getting everything washed off here but there's one more thing I've got to do pay off the remaining $40,000 owing on my bank loan that makes us completely debt free and clear and I think we're sitting pretty good so pretty much almost exactly to the day a year ago I set out with a $0 a lawn mower and truck to build a successful landscaping business and that I think we have done we have a full Landscaping setup a full mowing setup a really really nice compound and we're debt free and I don't know Colton what do you think you think we built a successful business I think we did pretty good not too bad not too bad anyways work's done for the day I think it's time we break in those new bikes I think so anyways I hope you guys enjoyed watching this series as much as I loved making it let me know your favorite episode down in the comments anyways hope you all enjoyed subscribe [Music] good
Channel: Austin Farmer
Views: 4,580,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roleplay, fs22 roleplay, fs roleplay, Austin Farmer roleplay, usa map, usa farming, usa roleplay, Austin Farmer, Austin Farmer fs19, Austin Farmer fs, farming simulator 22, the formal pickle, the formal pickle fs22, the squad, fs22, mudding map, fs22 mudding map, fs22 camping, fs22 honda atv, fs honda atv, honda atv, fs camping, fs22 truck mod, fs22 puckup truck, fs22 mods, fs22 ford mods, STARTING WITH $0 AND A TRUCK, starting a farm with $0, SURVIVAL FARMING, daggerwin
Id: 17Dl9ioqgN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 20sec (12260 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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