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in this video I inherited my grandpa's 3 million dollar Farm but I have no farming experience and now the challenge of keeping the farm profitable and hopefully not going bankrupt will I be able to do it stay tuned to find out if you guys want to see more content like this be sure to subscribe and drop it a like helps too anyway let's go do some Farm well boys today's a very interesting day because we are headed out to a farm I have recently inherited all the way out here in the countryside so we're headed out there with my F-350 right now a moving truck is on the way probably gonna show up later in the day but uh this is my first time seeing this farm that we inherited here I don't have a lot of farming experience but I guess it's my grandpa's Old Farm and yeah this is it this is my very first time seeing it dang this place is huge all right well I guess I'm just gonna park my truck up here and I'll give you guys a bit of context as to what's going on so this is grandpa's farm now you used to have an older Farm I don't know like maybe 10 years ago or so and he used to go out there on the occasional summer and a half melt but he recently moved I guess I don't know if you can call 10 years ago recently but he moved Farms got this one all established but I have now inherited it so I don't have a whole lot of farming experience but I guess I have some basic knowledge here and pretty much I just inherited a farm that I have no idea how to run so this should be interesting so I inherited literally everything out here the property the Machinery I guess there's another house back here a crapload of land to farm uh luckily no debt with the farm which is nice everything's paid off but basically it was left to me and now I gotta run it as well I'm not just gonna sell it I mean you can't do that no you can but it's probably not the right thing to do but before I left to come out here I got some numbers and contact info of some of the neighbors around here that I was told that would be happy to help me with any questions or anything I had about running this place so I guess we're gonna see what happens anyway it is spring at the moment there is plenty of equipment here we got Cedars green carts discs Silas Chopper semi a bunch of old equipment in the back here sickle blade mower some grain bins looks like a header back there very old Kubota tractor dang actually more just a garden tractor okay so an old Ford skid steer a very big calm actually it's a fairly decent sized combine 9860 STS not bad let's check and see what's in the uh shop here oh dang there's actually a couple things 40 40 with a front end loader and a grapple bucket looks like the uh 7010 that hasn't ran in quite a few years and a John Deere 8850 big four wheel drive tractor a little bit of mix and Machinery nothing too crazy so along with this whole home plot here I was told I also own all of this through here I guess my grandpa used to raise a couple horses in here and whatever else not sure what this sheds for I think we own everything up to right here yep it's pretty much where it ends as far as our home property goes but we own quite a few fields in the surrounding area and from what I've been told I had better get to seating sooner than later now previously to inheriting this I ran a fairly successful construction business but when I learned I inherited all of this I dropped all that and I have a little bit of money nothing too crazy so I can't really afford to run the farm into debt so I guess I better start making sure this Farm makes a profit this year but while we're waiting for the moving truck I guess there's no sense in wasting time we'd better get to work all right guess the most logical thing to do here is uh grab the old 8850 here and grab our planter and last time I drove this thing I think I was 10. not a good thing I still remember how to drive it so everything on this Farm has been used or ran within the last year or a couple months so luckily it hasn't sat forever and needs a bunch of work and all that it's pretty much just make sure it's greased up good to go and it's ready to be out in the field now I guess I got to move a couple things to get to this planter so this probably wasn't organized the best all right plants are secured let's get this the heck out of here and over to the shop now I do have a full map of the property 30 on my phone here so I at least know what places we own and what places we don't and the main chunk of what we own is right here 85 84 83 and 82 which I'm going to focus on for right now because I think that'll keep us pretty busy all right so I'm gonna give this thing a quick check over to the best of my knowledge but before that I guess I better call the local co-op see if we can get some seed delivered out here because we're gonna need some of that now luckily enough for me I got kind of a list of the crop rotations what's usually planted where and all that so it should make this job a little bit easier well I think the Cedar's good to go now I checked it all over made sure everything was greased I did also make a call to co-op there the local one that's not too far away luckily they knew exactly who I was and who my grandpa was so they had no problem bringing out everything we needed they should be here in a little bit I'm just gonna wait for them and then hopefully we can have this thing loaded up and I guess calibrated I gotta remember how to do that or try to figure it out then hopefully we can get out in the field eventually but until then I kind of want to check out the rest of the property here so there is this old trailer house back here I guess this is kind of just like a little Hired Hand house or a guest house or something I don't even know I'm gonna go check in there see if the door's locked oh no it's not all right I'm gonna take a quick look well that place is fully furnished luckily there's no mice no nothing it's nice in there so uh if I ever get a Hired Hand you know that's where they'll be staying the rest of the property not too much going on but I'm sure we'll find more stuff as uh we stay here longer the rest of the house is here just this little one kind of the main house gotta go check that out here real quick hopefully my moving truck shows up by the end of the day that way I can at least get this loaded up with all my furniture but I guess we'll have to wait and see all right the guys from Co-op just pulled up here uh they got these seed bags but they said they brought something for me to uh use with my wheel loader I guess my tractor to uh help unload them and then uh just a couple of pallets of liquid fertilizer we'll be unloading those with a skid steer but I'm gonna go get the uh loader out and try to get these big bags off maybe load one or two up in this Kenzie here oh fires up man everything's starting without an issue out here I guess Grandpa kept his equipment well maintained and I think he also bought the biggest possible bucket you could fit on one of these because this thing is huge it's like a massive snow bucket I'm just gonna stick that right there for now all right well would you look at that fancy I have my door open there's no AC in here I gotta fix that ASAP all right let's try to do this to the best of our abilities here yeah I think I got it ah look at this fancy at least this thing's tall enough to get those big bags up there there we go we got it going man these are some big tanks probably gonna take a few of these I'd say at least Well that took about four big bags there so we're gonna stick the rest of these in storage get some liquid fertilizer going in there and then the cedar should be all set to go this little bag tool is pretty nice I hope they let me keep it over the rest of the planting season here I guess we'll see though all right let's get the steer fires up it's tough this thing is old I'm surprised it fired up but for how old it is it actually doesn't look very used hopefully it can lift these I don't know oh it can that's good well about one of these fills it's so we should have enough for one more fill and I think the co-op guys is going to be bringing more out Monday morning here so we should be good until then I just got a sign and I think a paper or two here real quick and that they're all good to go and then we're gonna get out into the field hopefully okay I may have spoke too soon I still gotta calibrate everything here before we go I just gotta get to a nice spot here where it's real open this field right next to our yard is unfortunately not ours though I do wish it was because it'd be really nice just to you know have something right next to our yard but no I don't know maybe I'll be able to own it next year get this sucker unfolded here dang this Kenzie's bigger than I thought in fact make sure everything's good on this side yep I think everything's good to go Gotta lift it up check make sure there's seed back there and there is okay tractor and Cedar is good to go and now uh unfortunately there is no diesel in the diesel tank right now so this thing's about half full of diesel and uh yeah I gotta order diesel before we even go out in the field so as soon as that gets here I think we're pretty much good to go I did talk to the co-op guys though and they said they usually did the spring for my grandpa so as soon as we're done seating they're gonna come out to the field get the spraying done and then we're pretty much not doing a whole lot until fall unless I uh decided I want to try my hand in a little bit of hang which I've got a fairly decent amount of money put aside if I want to uh you know get into getting some hay equipment there so I guess that's something we'll have to look into we do have quite a bit of grassland that usually gets rented out as pasture but Elise is up on that and uh we have free rent on that here's one thing I want to try though first this little Kubota tractor is pretty cool if I can get it out of here as I was saying this little Kubota tractor is pretty cool and there's a sickle blade mower back there and I kind of need to mow the lawn a little bit there's no normal zero turn or anything like that so I think this is what my grandpa used to mow the lawn pretty traditional if you ask me oh look at that I'm even wearing a Kubota hoodie outfitting everything still works apparently well it works I'll give it that I don't think this is the best solution but it's what we'll work with for now well boys it's another day out on the farm today is finally the day that we get to go do some planting last video I got the planter all set up all filled up a seed ready to go here so we're gonna head out there pretty quick but first we have to go and uh pick up something new for the farm that's right I'm already buying stuff but this might be slightly essential so that's my excuse all right new toy I mean uh essential Farm Vehicles secured we're gonna get this back to the farm and then I think we're actually gonna use it to go check up on the fields we're gonna go plants here later today then hopefully we actually get some work done all right back at the farm here I don't have a loading ramp so I guess I'm just gonna have to use the skid steer that's probably the best way to get this thing off there so originally the plots of land that I thought we had were kind of out that way but I guess we have a bunch more than that so uh we got a lot of seating to do and I guess that means we should probably get to work ervit there we go yeah this Farm did not have any kind of a quad so I figured hey probably should pick one up maybe I should have gone a side by side instead I guess I still can maybe later though anyway the property we're checking out is just this big back piece here I guess we have more out that way so I to go check on that too but everything looks good through here just wanted to make sure there was no downed trees I haven't even been over here to check this out yet so I wasn't even sure what it looked like the heck is that a barn I don't even know grandpa had a barn back here and it's not too far from the house I guess this is also where all of our grassland is if we want to uh do a little bit of hang this year but shoot I didn't know grandpa had a barn back here whoa whoa whoa whoa hold up is that what I think it is okay how did I not know this was back here that's a 69 charger sitting on that lift and why is there a lift back here I'm kind of confused why is this all back here this is just like a super old barn a couple old cars and then there's just boom a super clean 69 charger sitting here it's orange and everything yeah this thing's pretty mangled I don't even know what this is just a bunch of old stuff back here wait a minute the heck is this I'm kind of confused if it's what I think it is I don't I don't wanna I don't know we got a cleared out spot here barrels and firewood now the barrels are empty but if this is what I think it is okay let me just give my my uncle a call here and uh ask him what the heck is exactly going on here because I think like I have an idea so I just had an hour-long conversation with my uncle who lives a couple States over and uh he confirmed what I thought this indeed was a spot for a moonshine still that's right grandpa used to make moonshine which I mean makes sense because this is a pretty closed-in spot you got barrels you got lots of old firewood like this spot has been covered up for years I don't even think really anybody knew it was back here there's this Old Barn kind of completely covering it up then there happens to be this super nice charger in here and basically my uncle told me that when times got tough on the farm Grandpa used to make moonshine to keep the farm afloat which hey I mean good for him that's pretty dang cool but enough about this we'll deal with that car later because we're kind of supposed to be seating right now and uh we got a lot of work ahead of us but shoot I'm gonna have to get that out of the barn and get that back to the farm because that is so cool I gotta get that thing running again yeah Grandpa kept that a pretty good Secret I guess and I almost got hit by a car huh I didn't even I didn't know that was back there no one told me all right well Cedar's all good to go here so uh we'll get going but I think tonight I'm gonna try to get that car out see if I can get it fired up I mean obviously hasn't ran in a long time so I don't know if we'll be able to get anything working out of that but we'll try our best okay so as far as I'm aware everything's calibrated on the planter here we should be good to go oh yeah this is working great so we're going with soybeans on this field just because they're pretty high they're not crazy high yielding but they're pretty high profit margin which is nice I was originally gonna go corn on this field but unfortunately we uh we can't get any corn headers so unless I can find one we're gonna have to mostly go with soybeans this year alrighty first Headland done I had to get out and check the uh Cedar a couple times just to make sure everything's running good but I think we're okay so I'm gonna carry on here also keep in mind that Grandpa only moved to this Farm roughly 10 years ago before he passed away so that means in the last 10 years Batman has made some moonshine which is kind of funny but obviously I don't think he's really touched it in the last however long but still kind of cool and there we go that is the last of it field actually took a little longer than I thought it would but I guess I'm still getting used to uh the whole planter so that'll take a bit of time I just want to get out and check the levels before we head over to the next field here just to make sure we're good that or I might need to fill up a little bit here but we'll check hey still got some seed left we're looking a little low on uh liquid fertilizer there so I might go fill up actually yeah we're gonna go fill up here before we head out may as well that way we don't have to head back like Midfield or something just grab some liquid fertilizer here real quick get that all filled up over here perfect that should do it for that gotta use the tractor to get the big seed bags here I still gotta get the dang AC fixed in this tractor it is hot in here and is not very fun to work with I did try fixing it myself but uh unfortunately I couldn't figure it out so I may just have to take it into John Deere all right so this one I guess we own as well but the field next to it we don't apparently so I don't know what's up with that I need to pick some rocks in this field oh actually I might just go see if I can rent a roller or borrow one I think my neighbor down the road would be uh gracious enough to let me have his for maybe an hour or so actually it's a roller so we'll probably be done this field in like 20 minutes if not you know what if we're rolling this field may as well do the others because I don't want to have to be dealing with all those rocks in the combine all that so may as well just get everything rolled I'll talk to the guy down the road that has one and see if he'll let me rent it or borrow it we'll see that I just need to buy one but maybe next year kind of hard to get at the moment all right just finishing up this field here I did call my neighbor with the Land roller he said he'd be more than happy to lend it to me as long as he could uh grab my skid steer for a couple hours for a landscaping project he's got going on this summer so I was like yeah sure that works so he said I can come pick it up whenever I need so as soon as we're done seating here I think we'll uh go grab it alright so this is our last field here and our biggest one it's right next to a highway but it's nice all our land is fairly close to the farm so shouldn't have to be trucking the grain too far actually you know what just looking at my phone here there may be one or two smaller Fields but we'll worry about built those later back in the day I guess my grandpa had a lot bigger of an operation but uh he downsized a lot as he was getting closer to retirement that's why he's kind of got all this bigger equipment with such a little land but I'm thinking next year if we can lease a bunch out that would be awesome so according to my calculations we should be just about out of seed and liquid fertilizer by the time we get this field just about done as soon as we do this last little chunk I'll get out check the tanks and see if I was right yep I was right perfect I think there might have been a little too much extra in there but it won't be a big deal we still got a couple little small Fields left but we'll leave those to a later date for now I just want to go grab the roller for the day ends here and get the fields done quick so um This Land roller is a bit bigger than I thought it was um yeah we should get the fields done in no time I gotta stick to the side of the road with this thing or else we'll be cutting into the other lane all right back again okay so I'm thinking since we already got the 8850 hooked up to the planter and I don't really want to unhook it we'll just use the 4040 and it's already got the bucket on it so uh need to toss some rocks in there we can do so this tractor should be plenty big enough to pull that roller all right let's see if I still got the skill to unfold one of these we got it straight now if I just go back like this just about lock it into place Perfect Look at that so luckily with these things you can Cruise pretty quick so it doesn't take long why'd I have to pick the tractor with no air conditioning yeah this thing's taking quite a bit of pulling power to uh get this around here maybe I should have hooked up the bigger tractor but I think we got it you know got too many Hills here so not much to worry about slight ankle lines but that's about it no GPS on this one so I'm kind of doing this by eye at the moment all right so we finished up here on to the next one this one is the rock your field so I'm gonna make sure this one's extra good yeah you can already see it's doing wonders getting rid of those rocks I mean it's kind of just pushing them into the ground not really getting rid of them but whatever works we'll come through here with a rock picker in the spring and last field once we get all finished up here I think we'll get back home and we'll just take my neighbor's Land roller back tomorrow morning so want to try to get that car out of that barn tonight gotta get out of this dang tractor it's too hot in here perfect that'll do it all right so in order to get this car back to the farm here I have to go grab a uh tilt deck trailer I'm gonna say that's probably what I'm gonna have to grab there's a rental place just down the road and I hope it's not closed yet so we're gonna try to go grab a trailer and see if we can get this car out I managed to get there just in time and I got my trailer I should really have one of these tilt decks anyway but oh well okay back at the barn again let's see if we can make something happen okay so since this is an electric hydraulic lift and we got absolutely no power going to it I'm gonna have to try to lift up the front of the car tip it backwards without wrecking it and then hopefully I can get those lift posts put sideways and then we can lower this down and then roll it from there okay slowly but surely working here or we could just set it on there like that that works too okay so after about an hour of moving crap around and uh trying to lift it with this skid steer we got the car pretty much on the trailer this car is like crazy heavy and the skid steer is not really uh big enough for it but I think I'll just try to get it pulled on from here then we should be good would you look at that I wonder when the last time this thing seen sunlight probably not for a long time and according to my uncle this was my grandpa's project car before he passed and it's pretty much finished like very dang close so we're gonna take it back to the shop and I'm gonna have my buddy look at it who uh knows a bit more about cars than I do and hopefully he can get it going again okay well that should be good right there anyways we still got some sunlight left here so I might try empty out the cedar tonight so we can get some new seed in it maybe wash it off [Music] well boys just another early morning out on grandpa's farm and today is a very exciting day because we finally get to pick up our brand new hang equipment now in the last episode we got most of the seating done we still have a little bit left to do and the hay is just about ready to go so we're gonna go check out some of the Hang equipment we bought and hopefully it gets delivered at some point today and it looks like the field is also doing pretty dang good already we got rain right after we planted so that went up very fast well well well here it is so as of late we got a Vermeer dealer in town here and uh it looks like they decided they were gonna hook us up with a lot of equipment first off being their rake the r2800 their mower the TM 1410 and one of the coolest machines Vermeer probably makes the zr5 1200 their self-propelled Baler that uh it's kind of like a zero turn but that's all gonna get delivered later today so we're gonna hop back in the truck head back to the farm and get some more work done and uh that right there it's roughly about half a mil worth of equipment it all right back at the farm here so last episode I did borrow a neighbor's Land roller here and uh we finished with it so we're gonna take it back that way it's just not sitting here cluttering up room on the farm all right Land roller was returned here and since we got a little bit of time on our hands and we're well technically running out of time to get everything planted we should probably get that done anyways the Cedar's already filled up here so we can get right to work all right so we have quite a few just super small fields that are like a pass or two wide and the seat is pretty big for these but we'll make it work so instead of planting soybeans in these like I normally would we're actually going to be planting corn now the reason for that is because the combine is literally too big to get back here and actually properly Harvest however we do have a forge Harvester that is about the right size and we're gonna be doing a little bit of silage with this corn now I know what you're gonna say Austin you don't even have cows and you'd be right I don't but my neighbor does and uh he is looking to get some extra silage done and this is kind of the perfect place for it so I was happy to work out something with him him these fields back here they're a little bit bigger and we might be able to get a combine back here but I think we're still gonna keep them corn I might eventually plant these to grass or Alfalfa that way we have a little more haland but for now this will work and with this last little bit planting is a wrap we'll get this thing back to the shop get it all cleaned off and uh get it put away oh I think I just heard someone pull up here oh yeah it's our equipment delivery okay we'll get this uh washed off later yes sir look at this fancy new equipment on the farm nothing better than that okay this is my first time driving this this is gonna be weird it's just like driving a zero turn right can't be that bad oh yeah this thing is cool oh it even turns on a dime too that is awesome so yeah this thing's basically a Baler that self-propelled it has a cab it has the motor on it it's pretty dang cool now the question is where am I gonna Park all this stuff I don't really have a whole lot of room for it over here at least I'll just park it over here for now we'll deal with it later but dang I think this is gonna work good this is perfect oh now the rake okay I I think I got The Perfect tractor for this this is uh Grandpa's old 710 John Deere I did get it running the other day so uh at least we can get around with it now I don't know if it's gonna run the rake but I guess we'll find out it may not be big enough I was however hoping it would be but we'll see oh you know what there's a hitch on the front okay this might be better never mind wrong hitch it won't work with the rake yeah I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this might not work well it might alright so we still have to get our mower delivered so in the meantime I think I gotta try this out it has enough horsepower So in theory it can run it I mean I guess we're just gonna have to try it out should work though but while we're waiting for our mower I suppose I'll get uh this washed off well I got the plants are all greased up and cleaned out so it's good to go we'll just get her back undercover and it'll sit here for the rest of the year if I don't hit a pull first well that should do it all right last piece of equipment is here perfect I think the mower is something that uh the 710 definitely cannot pull but this one should be able to run it just fine although depending on how it does run it I might toss tested on the four-wheel drive back there it might be fun to try out okay I want to do a little test mail with this here real quick but we're gonna cut this anyway so may as well cut it for hay drop that bad boy down fire it up and off we go yeah I'm in we can cruise with this pretty good so should be nice I think the one grass field there I want to let it grow just a little bit more so we're not gonna get to that today but since we got a little bit of uh Hey cut now I want to try out a rake let's see if the old 710 can manage this all right drop that bad boy down and off we go yeah I don't know not the greatest we should be able to cruise a little bit faster than what we're doing right now so yeah we're we're slowly getting up to speed it might work it might I may just toss it on the 4040 instead all right yeah this is gonna have to go on the 40 40. as much as I'd love to use the old 710 for this I think it's gonna be sticking to uh auger tractor duties okay time to try this fun toy out this thing's cool I can't wait to use it I should have probably read the owner's manual but yeah we'll be all right well I dropped that down fire that up okay I think we're going here we're gonna have enough for one oh apparently we did okay not sure what happened there I don't think I know how to use this yet you can use this to scoot it out of the way yeah we can perfect already just moving around Bales with 270 000 piece of equipment like it's nothing so I'm pretty sure this thing unloads on the go I'm still trying to figure that all out okay I had to mow a little extra we're at like 97 and I want to see how this thing unloads oh so just it does it automatically isn't that fancy okay well that's kind of cool I'm sure once I get out in the field I'll actually know how to use this a little bit better right now I'm still just trying to learn the basics but oh well we'll make it work I kind of want to try this motor out on the 8850 just to see how it does and then I can toss the 4040 on the rake but I don't know we'll probably give each of them a try so it was all that equipment worth half a million dollars I don't know we're gonna have to see if we can make some money back in Hay this year we've got quite a bit of grassland so I'm gonna say we'll be able to make quite a bit of hay but uh we'll just have to wait and find out I just want to get these Bales out of the way don't want them in the middle of the yard but the Haymarket is really really get this year so I'm gonna say we'll make better profit I don't know uh how many years it's gonna take to pay off those machines by making hay but we'll see it's an investment plus all that stuff should hold its value pretty good man Grandpa would have loved to see something like that self-propelled Baler let's pick two Bales up kinda oh maybe not okay we'll just leave them there okay now I just got myself in a sticky situation here there we go I'm still working on Grandpa's Challenger that we dug out of his uh moonshine Barn there it's going good I think we almost got it running so hopefully by the end of harvest we'll be out cruising with this thing or maybe before it who knows now a couple things I'm gonna try get ready before Harvest it's because it's gonna come sooner than we think and then we're gonna have no time then we're gonna be rushing and all that so may as well get it done sooner than later gotta pull the combine out grab the header get that all serviced up it should have been put away service but who knows gotta set up our auger there we got a green card back here that's gonna go on the 8850 got our super Hopper green trailer we gotta get that hooked up so I'm sure there's enough here that'll keep us busy even after hanging so so there won't be a dull moment on the farm oh boy the old Ford's looking dirty we can't be having that there we go that's already looking better perfect one thing I've been meaning to upgrade for like the longest time ever since I got here is uh our diesel tank it's it's not the greatest I was looking at this Meridian diesel tank online and I think it'll probably work we put it somewhere around here so I might order that and hopefully we get it delivered out into the farm before Harvest because we're gonna need a lot of diesel for that now there was one quick project that I wanted to do while I had the time and that was planted garden and as far as I'm aware there's like this old cultivator back here I just gotta find it there it is man I bet this hasn't moved in a hot minute it's uh it's pretty old I think we got a little space by the house to make a garden so may as well get some fresh corn for a barbecue maybe a couple other things it'll be great yeah right here the old Kubota should be able to pull this no problem oh yeah look at that didn't even hesitate I think we'll just make it one pass bigger yeah that'll do it okay just gotta get that planted up and we'll be getting go well boys we're back out here on grandpa's farm and today we're gonna try to finish up hanging here it's the last video we mowed the field across the road mowed all of the farm yard and the surrounding area there bailed that all up but we still have all the stuff left across the road here so we're gonna try to get that all bailed up and then later today we actually have a new Bale trailer that we gotta go pick up so we'll be using that to move all the Bales to the buyer's Farm because last episode we had a guy offered to buy all our Bales here so uh yeah should be a busy day first things first we're gonna use the old 40 40 here to hook up to the rake and get the rest of the hay raked up here I am going to detach the loader though because we don't really need that on here there we go it's looking like our soybeans over here are doing crazy well we've been getting lots of rain lots of sunshine here so it should be a good harvest this year at least that's what I hope we managed to actually get a really decent cut off this first piece of property here it's the biggest kind of Hayfield we got and uh it was super thick and it hadn't been cut in probably two years or so and it kind of worked out perfectly for us all right that's about half of it finished up here you can just fly with this rake so it does not take long at all and we are done this field is looking real good I think we're gonna get a lot of Bales off this probably too many I guess there's no such thing as too many Bales but we're gonna have a lot at any rate and I kind of had to cut through the field a little bit so yeah I damaged a little bit of the crop but uh oh well oh you know what there's still a little bit more here gotta grab that too there now we're finished and I think we're just gonna Park this right here for now until we need the 40 40 which I guess we probably will soon oh gotta shut it off there we go yeah we'll probably need the 4040 sooner than later but for now I'm sure it'll be fine where it's at now I do have to pull the combine out later today if I get a chance I want to get that serviced and get the header hooked up there for when we have to start Harvest because that's not going to be very far away and the sooner we get it done the better and there's probably a couple other little things I'll have to get done I still haven't even started up my semi that's back there we're gonna need that to haul grain with but we'll worry about that after we get this all build up and get the Bales hauled away out of the way people I'm trying to get over to the other side oh don't you dare smack me all right we're still cruising along here it's looking like we got a good chunk done also a pretty decent amount of Bales nothing too crazy I guess but still very worth bailing back here then we gotta come back here and pick all these up so that's gonna take a while all right last pass and that's her for bailing on the farm actually you know what we're pretty close to having a full Baylor here so I might just try to go pick up some of the scraps on the side and there we go that'll do it finally finish that bail off all right so we're gonna have to get this thing washed off here I'm just gonna park it up front of the shop but before we get all the Hang equipment all uh cleaned up and put away we gotta go haul those Bales so I'm actually gonna grab the 4040 here and we'll hook it back up to the loader because we're gonna need that unfortunately my skid steer is not quite strong enough to pick up those big Bales so I'll have to use this instead I was looking into getting a wheel loader but unfortunately those are kind of hard to come by around here at least for used and decently priced and everything that is used around here is stupid expensive so we gotta wait for the right deal but but for now we can just use this okay with that thing ready to go we're gonna hop in the truck here if I don't Smack into my shop first and we're gonna go pick up a new Bale trailer I hope it's braided for the uh for the bigger Bales I think there's a chance we might actually be hauling over weight so hopefully the dot is not around I guess we'll just have to wait and see well would you look at this my fancy new Bale trailer is now on the farm this thing is huge like it's ridiculously big and uh I don't know if the old F350 is gonna be able to handle it but we'll give it our best I don't have airbags in the back of this truck so uh yeah it's gonna be a little heavy but oh well we'll make it work so we got all these Bales out front here but we did end up bailing a good amount back of the property there so we're gonna have to go grab all those bills first I guess now one thing I did find laying in the bushes the other day was this Bale spear it's for a three-point hitch and uh you pretty much hook it up to any tractor well with a three-point hitch so I was thinking to get the Bales out of the back part of the farm there we just hooked that up to the 4040 here I didn't make our job a little easier because it's kind of hard to get a trailer back there and all that so yeah I don't really want to mess with that it'd be easier if there wasn't any fields in there but there is so I don't want to run over those okay that should do the trick hopefully there's enough weight on this front end here to keep that up or keep it down I guess looks like the corn is coming along nicely back here that's good we'll be chopping that late fall that's for sure okay I think maybe it was just the two right back here yeah we'll just straighten out back on up to that there we go lift that sucker up perfect look at that awesome both Bales secured I guess we could have probably picked up two with the just the grapple I guess but that gets pretty heavy so better to balance out the weight I guess we'll just bring all the Bales back here to the front of the property that way they're easier to load drop that one there you know I could have just put them on the trailer but I guess I got to do everything the hard way I guess I'm gonna have to get the forge Harvester ready too we're gonna need to use that eventually it'll be good though I don't know when's the last time that thing was used so uh yeah maybe get something out of it any other Bales back here I think that's about it it could be some more up here nope just the two I I guess there's two in the shed as well okay now we're really just tempting fate here we got two Bales on the front one on the back I don't think the loader on the front of this tractor likes that very much but yeah I'm sure it'll be fine I wonder if we can lift him all the way up onto the Bale trailer here we'll try our best oh boy that's Tippy that is very Tippy there we go there's two I don't think the Bale trailer's liking that because it is very tipped over at the moment these are some heavy Bales I'm actually just gonna keep one of these Bales on the back here just for balance that way we don't flip when I try to pick up two you know this bucket is big enough to try for three yeah this ain't a good idea okay we're gonna stick to two it's probably better this way and now we can try even out the trailer a little more there we go look at that nice and evened out now yeah with how heavy these Bales are we're definitely gonna be overloaded so most of the bills we have here are big Bales now there's a couple small Bales and I think we're gonna have to wait for another load for those just because I think we're pretty much Gonna Fill this trailer right up with the big Bales okay so that's eight so far that's most of this side minus the uh small Bales cleaned up here okay so I'm just moving the truck to the other side of the highway here I already have the tractor over there we got some of the Bales actually pretty much all of them stacked up into twos there that way they're easier to load up I think I can maybe fit uh 10 more on here yeah probably 10 more but we'll see all right got uh most of them done over here I think we loaded up six more so yeah we should get most of these on okay so I got on a hill here and uh I tip let's see if I can get back over there we go note to self do not load trailers on uh slightly steep hills does not work out great or maybe I should just take these one at a time but yeah that's that's too slow okay maybe two more I guess we'll see well two more on each side so that's four more now in theory you could put another row on top but uh since this is like a side load trailer or side unload trailer you probably don't want to do that uh oh back on the same Hill let's try not to tip okay yeah two more and we should be good to go I'll just push them all up afterwards okay so the trailer's loaded now I'm going to probably push all these up we'll see if that helps a little bit because right now they're a little uneven not too bad though okay there we go straighten them out a little bit and it looks like everything's sitting good now the truck is looking a tad bit squatted I mean look how much weights on here these are the biggest Bales the Vermeer makes and they are huge we got the Bale on the back here and then one more Bale out in the field and then it's just the small ones left which uh there's not too many of those so shouldn't take too long how many did we fit on this trailer anyway two four six eight ten twelve fourteen sixteen eighteen twenty yep 20 Bales that's uh that's pretty good actually oh yeah yeah the Ford doesn't like this it's it's having a hard time maybe I should have just hooked the semi up to this but that hasn't moved in about a year so uh yeah I'm just gonna leave that alone until Harvest comes around but uh the Ford's kind of doing it not the greatest but it's pulling it okay so this is a side highway here so hopefully we'll be okay Towing this down here although everybody's kind of hauling hay right now so there's a lot of officers out but we'll try our best to avoid all that really I should be hauling my head at night like a lot of people but oh well we're just gonna send it okay so as far as I'm aware there's a little area over there where he wants it dropped off so uh yeah not too much further man that guy's field is doing good okay this is our turn and there's a State Trooper right here okay so he just reversed and then turned on his lights uh I'm just gonna pull into the yard here because this is the yard I'm supposed to go to is he is it even legal for him to park like that and pull people over I I guess so I I don't know this is my buddy's yard and this the place that we're supposed to drop it off is right over there I guess I just gotta wait here now yep there he is chilling back there not too sure what he's doing okay so he just came up and talked to me told me I am most definitely overloaded which uh I I suppose I'm I might be I don't know help me I didn't have my four ways on like I should have which I I guess I might have not turned them on I'm fairly certain I did and that I was somehow going over the speed limit which there there's no way in heck I mean this thing was pulling way under the speed limit there's no way this thing could even speed with this much weight on it at any rate oh he's coming back up okay well there he is parked back there again um we got uh warnings which is nice I guess but really speeding I don't I don't think so I really don't think so he said by the shed and the old abandoned car which is right here this should work right here we'll just get all these unstrapped and then uh we get to use the fancy and loading function okay everything's unstrapped here now let's just go like that off it rolls okay there's the other side perfect well there we go we just got a couple more Bales left the hall here and then that is it for our hay other than our neighbor there who uh wants to do a little bit of hay but he keeps putting it off but I don't know why so maybe we'll do it this year maybe we won't anyway I'm gonna head back to the farm there get some equipment cleaned up and all that he's just sitting there well boys it's another day out here at Grandpa's farm and uh today's a pretty exciting Day so a while back we found a barn on a piece of property my grandpa owned and we found his old car now while the car wasn't in really rough shape per se it uh it didn't run and it really needed some TLC so I took it to a buddy of mine who knows a lot more about cars than I do and we got it kind of fixed up there's a little more tuning left to do and he's coming out today to finish that so hopefully today's the day where it gets back on the road but we'll see at any rate all of our soybeans are just about ready to go here so I think today we're gonna try get all the harvesting equipment ready to go so it's not a last minute thing now in order to do that we have to get the old uh Diamond semi out from the shed here I don't know when the last time this thing ran was but I'm assuming it's been in quite a while I'll check and see if it has any battery juice left in it but uh I'm guessing we're gonna have to boost it up yeah NADA okay we gotta boost it luckily I have a set of booster cables right in my truck here okay everything should be good to go here fired right up oh would you look at that okay we'll get this sucker pulled out of here in a minute as soon as I move this truck and we'll grab our uh Super Bees there are they do we have super bees I don't know maybe it's just a single grain trailer oh man it has been a while since I've driven a standard truck oh I'm a little rusty here but even for this thing sitting for so long it still looks like the date came off the showroom floor now we just got a single trailer here all right well that'll work hopefully all the airlines are still good on it well there you go would you look at that back in Action okay so with that good to go what's next here I think we're gonna hook up the 8860 up to the green cart there because we're gonna need that too well at least Grandpa remembered to put the cover back on or else uh might have got quite a bit of rain inside of it but I think we're all right yeah Grandpa actually bought this cart right before he passed away so uh it is basically brand spanking new I think it maybe got used for half a year that's it so uh it's just been sitting ever since all right so I'm pretty sure we're gonna be dumping into this bin here first so I'm gonna get this Westfield auger hooked up to a tractor which one is question I think the old 710 ought to doer this thing hasn't had much use since we've been on the farm but could work good for that I hope at least oh good thing the Hydraulics still work okay I may have went a little high there just a tad see here's the thing with uh this auger I don't know how Grandpa rigged this thing up to work with the trailer we got right now um because it ain't gonna work the only thing this is good for is loading up trucks I guess I didn't really think that through maybe if we had like a truck like this with a grain bed but we don't okay so we can't even use this now that is a problem well I guess this is just gonna have to sit here for now until we figure out another option now I guess in theory this could work but with how we're set up here it's not really gonna work at all dang this is this is actually gonna be an issue here all right boys problem has been solved here so we're actually taking the Westfield to a neighbor of mine oh boy I am smashing up the garage at the moment okay I think the auger is still fine I think we're good at any rate we're taking the Westfield auger to a neighbor of mine who actually has an auger that will work for a setup he was actually just fixing to go buy an auger like this because he needs it in his Vineyard at least his new one because his bigger augers won't fit so we're doing a little bit of a trade for the season which hopefully works out good now the auger we're actually going to go pick up is uh one that doesn't require a tractor it has a motor on itself so we won't even have to use the 710. all right so we secured the auger but uh more problems arose when I didn't have the right hitch for the truck so my buddy let me borrow his tractor to bring this thing back and that makes my life a heck of a lot easier even though I'm stopping traffic here y'all can pass you know anyway I'll just have to go pick up my truck later so this will work for now I really like this tractor though I want it although this auger is absolutely sweet and it should work good I hope at least we'll find out it might be a tad bit too big we gotta clear the power line oh yeah buy a long shot all right time to see if we can fit this sucker in here okay so after careful calculation here what we're actually gonna have to do is bring it to this side because this is the only side we're gonna be able to fit the semi on hold up it's tree trimming time there's one oh yeah because this is definitely OSHA approved down you go this tree's looking pretty bleak after this I don't know we may just have to cut it down completely as much as I'd hate to cut down any of the trees on the farm this is really just blocking this I think we'll leave that till this winter if we have to cut it down we will but for now they'll be all right well that'll do it okay so we got the auger about good here now the best part about this is we can swing this sucker all the way around to have it exactly where we want it well pretty dang close that is I think we'll have it so we bring the truck around in here swing this under and then we can just head out this way even though there's not a road here this is kind of the only option we have at the moment but this bin right here will kind of just do the same idea except just the opposite it'll come in this way and go out that way okay looking good maybe I'll just keep this tractor and my buddy will never ever notice maybe I'll just bring back the 710 in its place yeah he wouldn't know the difference would he nah well Time Has Come gotta get this big beast out of here big boy barely fits in this shed I really should have moved some stuff in preparation for this ah crap we got trees in the way this will fix it okay so in reality here there's not many ways to get this header out of here and of course my one and only way to get this out of here is blocked man I never catch a break here okay next time I park this thing back away after harvest it is going in a much better spot that is too dang complicated to get out of there so while this thing is getting serviced but it's it was put away service but I'm pretty sure since it's been sitting for a while needs some work done to it we're just gonna work on it here because we already got enough stuff over here oh yeah that's right I forgot to wash this thing I think my buddy should be here any minute now to work on that uh car so should get to drive it by the end of the day here I'm super excited for that that thing is not driven in a long time so this thing is just going away in the shed because really we have the space and uh it does not need to be outside so I was thinking well I have the time here I should probably get some of the stuff that's been sitting in the yard for a while just put away in some places yeah so it's not sitting around I was thinking I can fit most of the Hang equipment in the shop there but we pretty much just have a crap ton of open space in this cover all buildings so we'll probably just put most of in here well that about do it the Farm's pretty well cleaned up here but my buddy came by while I was getting all that done he says the car is good to go so I'm ready to take this thing out for a spin all right first fire up here well for myself at least oh she's running already here we go oh shoot this thing's fast yeah gum all right let's hope there's no cops up on the road today that'll do the metal here we go slow starting off but then it starts to pick up there it goes oh boy and this thing's pretty dang fast but it is like surprisingly quiet I guess Gramps put Mufflers on it the old Beast runs again I just gotta put a couple of certain decals on it and it'll be looking a little more uh stylish I got a few in mind check out my bean Fields while I'm down here oh yeah they're looking good all right well Harvest is just around the corner here so we should be getting busy with that pretty soon we still got lots of projects on the farm to do like it is nuts how much stuff we got left before winter but hopefully we can get most of it done if not all I still got a couple bills to go and deliver so we'll get that done I still gotta go over the combine actually this is gonna go right in the shop again and I'm thinking maybe this fall after harvest we'll get all of the old equipment cleaned out of here because really what good is it doing just sitting in here and we can't really use any of it so maybe we'll see if an equipment Museum wants something like this this I don't think it's really old enough but something like this I feel like an equipment Museum might want but if they don't we'll just Scrap It Anyways I still need my truck here so we're just gonna grab the tractor here and uh take it on back to my buddy's place as much as I would love to keep it though I don't know maybe I'll just buy it off of them actually I am looking for a new tractor something in between the two bigger ones that we have I almost hit that car but yeah we'll see what we can find man I gotta wash this dang thing off it's starting to get dirty you know what I was wondering where my other tractor was it's actually out in the field I completely forgot about it I think we still got like two more bills left out there I'll go run and grab that there now we got our other tractor back I think we'll just drop the Bales kind of where these other ones are it's still got to deliver the rest of them this Bale spear for the three-point hitch actually worked great this year I have to use it again next year but yeah I really need something in between the 4040 and the 8850 because we have the 710 but that's just too small to really do anything and it doesn't have to be John Deere so I don't know a grandpa's car is running again so hopefully we'll get a chance to drive that after harvest [Music] boys other early morning out on the farm and it is fall and that means one thing and one thing only the soybeans are good to go when it's time to harvest so yeah the next couple weeks here are gonna be packed with uh Harvest we've got silage coming up which I think the corn is just about good to go as well probably sooner and later but we already have everything good to go so uh we're gonna get out in the field here and get to work so I'm thinking first things first is we gotta get the 88 50 fired up here with the green cart we'll get that out to the field we'll get the semi out to the field and then we should be good to start with the combine so we're gonna be starting with the field closest to the farm we have a bunch of fields down that way that we got planted in the spring now I guess we're gonna try to get most of this in the bin or both bins I guess we already got the auger set up so that should be good I don't know how much we're gonna fit in there but whatever we don't fit we'll take over to the elevator now since Grandpa moved off the farm a couple years ago none of these fields have been harvested or even planted nothing was ever really done to him so this is the first time in a couple years we're actually going gonna be able to get some drop off these alright so I have not ran a combine in a lot of years and my experience with this is well nothing to say the least with this particular combine at least so I'm gonna try my best here I don't know how it's gonna go but I think we're gonna find out here in a minute you can see that little part over there that's where I went through with the tractor so I got the header lowered here I think I've got everything set right all right this bad boy up I think we're going oh never mind I put it up by accident there we go are we doing it am I doing the thing I think so yeah I'm trying to look at all these monitors here make sure nothing's going wrong but I think we're okay so I think we're gonna try to get two Headlands done see how that goes even though this is our kind of biggest field it's it's really not that big compared to the combine we have when Grandpa was farming he had a lot more land leased and uh yeah Harvest what it took a couple of weeks but for us it's gonna still take a while but not as long now next year I'm hoping to have a lot more land lease so uh it'll take a lot longer so much so that I think I'm going to bring in help but for now I'm just gonna try uh do this myself now this is the only field I for sure know is ready to go I'm not 100 on the other fields there I'll have to go check them out so we might not get to those today but we're for sure gonna get this one done if nothing goes wrong but I think that's wishful thinking so far so good though now there is some low spots in this field so I may have to be a little bit careful just because we have gotten a decent amount of rain this year so I do not want to get this thing stuck if I can help it looks like we're at 38 so far so I think we're getting good yields I honestly couldn't be too sure might have to call up one of my other neighbors here and get them to come out and just see if I'm doing everything right because I am not entirely sure we're giving it our best though looks like we're getting to the part where I uh ran this all over with the tractor gotta be more careful next time I was hoping it'd spring back up but nope okay that's Headland number one done we're gonna go for number two here should give us enough room to turn around I hope but we're cruising along here pretty good maybe I'll turn on the radio see what's on hey guys Radiohead Ray here on 7.9 FM with your breakfast brief Farmers across the county are out in the fields getting ready to harvest and if you want to win lunch for your crew and yourself delivered out to the field from Jenny's Diner that's of course if you happen to be calling number three and in news a local farming YouTuber is making headlines for his new farming game American farming coming out late 2022 and you can catch us interview just after four and now for a local weather update hey guys rocking Roddy here back with your local weather update it's looking like we got a 65 chance of rain moving in at about 12 o'clock moving into tomorrow with your morning weather update all right I'd say that's the headland's about done here I think we're looking 90 some percent here so I'm gonna pull this semi into the field after we get this little patch done and then uh we'll get unloading yeah I was thinking the green cart might be necessary but yeah I really don't think so now unless it's too wet to get the semi into the other fields there I think we're just gonna do it this way it's a lot easier all right looking good maybe I'll move a little forward here oh okay we're already out well back at it all right that is kind of the front part here done got a little bit left in the back so we'll get that cleaned up here and then uh get the rest of that dumped then I think we'll call this field good and we are done look at that first field harvested on grandpa's farm and well a lot of years the combine is looking dirty I'm not seeing any rain clouds in the sky just yet but who knows good old rock and Ronnie is usually uh pretty good with his predictions okay so I think we're gonna leave the combine out in the field for now I'm gonna take the diamond semi there and head over to the bin even though we don't got too much in the trailer I just want to try out that whole bin setup make sure everything works good I'm gonna say judging from the yields we got on this field we're probably gonna fit everything into the bins we got here at home oh looks like we're spinning a little bit we got it though but yeah it's looking like yields aren't crazy but they're not too bad okay pull this up here I think we'll dump the uh front part first we only got a little bit in the back half of the trailer here so shouldn't be too bad move that under there perfect alrighty belts running let's uh get this Hopper open and look at that going into the bin all right sweet this auger is actually working really dang good glad we made that trade with our neighbor okay that's the front Hopper good just move this forward here and we'll get the back Hopper okay trucks unloaded we'll just fold this conveyor back over here and we'll be good yeah that setup worked real dang good definitely the way to go I don't know what we would have done if we had to stick with that other auger there uh yeah that would have been quite the ordeal all right so I just stopped in the truck here we're gonna go check on one of our other soybean Fields here is to see if it's good to go if it is we'll take everything over there but if it's not we'll have to wait a little while longer but I'm gonna say it's not gonna be ready to go just because this field right here doesn't have as good of drainage as that field and even though that field has more low spots it just has really good drainage and crop is like it's pretty much good to go like you could go on it but it's just still a little too wet even though this looks pretty flat it has some uh really bad low spots on it so we're gonna wait just a little bit longer on this one just a little bit like maybe a day or two I just want to make dang sure that we're not going to get anything stuck in there all right so we're at another field here this one we could probably go on this one but I might just wait that day or two and we'll do both Fields back to back but I gotta go check on that corn cause uh if we can go on it we gotta go on it I'm just gonna take the quad back there because truck's a little too big I don't want to run over any corn if I can help it I'll just zip back there real quick yeah I'd say about ready to go for silage like we're looking really dang close like I'd say another couple days here what hold up is that a truck I've never noticed that before I guess it's Fallen like the leaves are starting to fall down here well I guess that's that's pretty self-explanatory but what the heck wait a second this is this is Grandpa's old uh what was it what is it uh GMC yeah this was Grandpa's old GMC no flipping way look at this thing oh man it is just pizza crap but this has been tucked away here for a while I've been looking all over on this property for this truck because I asked one of my uncles that used to work out here with my grandpa if there was any old vehicles around here anything and all he knew of was the Dodge and Grandpa's moonshine barn but this this is the truck I was really after no flipping way okay I gotta get this thing out of here but it is I don't know how long this thing's been sitting here for I don't know how the heck I didn't see that before maybe there's just too much foliage I haven't been here over a winter or even a fall so dang okay I I know we're supposed to be doing a lot lot of other stuff right now but I am way too excited for this I gotta get this thing out of here I gotta get into some sunlight okay I'm grabbing a toe chain and we are getting that thing out of there that seems like the perfect tractor for the job the old 710. I just gotta find myself a chain now all right I found myself a chain in one of the sheds here we're gonna try to get this sucker out no flipping way I found that thing I have been searching for that thing all over this daggum property see here's the thing about Grandpa is uh it pretty much used something till it couldn't be used no more and even after that he'd try to use it but once it was really like gone you didn't even want to see it anymore so he just put it somewhere where you couldn't really see it and he did a pretty dang good job of that so if there's one thing out here there's got to be more I swear it was like right under my nose this entire time we're gonna try to get this chain hooked up here okay I think it's good I got it pretty much attached right to the motor mount there is there's no motor in this you know what is there I can't even see it's it's so wrapped in bushes I'm just gonna try to tell this sucker out oh here it goes oh man look at this there's a motor in okay never mind can I turn this wheel because I got to get this to go this way all right I got it turned that was that was a heck of a turn job oh man it's moving we're cruising in first gear here oh now it's going to the side at this point oh it's coming out slowly but surely and we just gotta try to yank it this way I think this is the first time this thing seen sunlight in a long long long time and it is Rusty like really rusty surprised it came out of there though looks like the tires are still holding a little bit of air oh boy it's rolling down the hill stop it all right that'll do this is nuts look at this thing now I think this is gonna be a restoration job and a half maybe just maybe I'll leave it the way it is like I'll fix everything that needs to be fixed to get it running if the motor is not seized surprisingly enough it did shift into neutral so I think that might say something but for the rest of the truck you know what I might just leave it the way it is if I can get it running at the very least I think that'll be a win but I might just leave it of course there there's definitely some things I will have to fix on this to like make it drivable like brakes wheels or tires I guess the gas tank uh the engine for sure I'll have to get working headlights this uh this whole bed here might just rattle off on its own I'm not entirely sure there but uh you know I'm I'm sure yeah yeah it'll be fine it'll be fine okay well uh I'm just actually Gonna Leave This here for now because we have some more work to do but I'm I'm actually gonna try to look up online here real quick like what year this could be okay so after looking it up here it looks like it's a 1937 I think GMC I don't know if there was a particular model to this or whatever you can see there just the faintest engraving of GMC or is that a badge it could be a badge oh yeah this thing it's gonna need some work all right um on to some other work here okay so if you guys remember that cornfield back over there that's getting turned into silage now I have a forge Harvester but I don't have anything really to uh dump said Forge into so the guy that's actually going to be buying all of that silage I guess is giving me some sort of a silage cart to uh take that to his place with so we're gonna go pick that up because the corn is almost ready to go and when it's ready we want to have that good to go as well which reminds me I gotta pull the forge Harvester out and get that service too so oh boy it's never gonna stop here until all this is done in reality we'll be busy till the snow hits well looky here I'd say this ought to work now since I don't have anybody extra here at the farm this is gonna have to attach right to the forge Harvester and then once this thing's full you detach it and you take it to wherever it needs to go to get dumped actually I did not pick a good spot to bring this into hope I can back this up here how are my backing up skills not great when it comes to this oh yeah we got her though I think we'll just park this right here for now okay I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get this thing running this thing's old it's Rusty it's dusty and frankly it's not great because it's a New Holland but I think it I think it might run I'm gonna pop open the back here toss a new battery in it check it over make sure all the fluids are good and we'll give her a test see if she'll fire on up okay in theory everything should be good now let's see if she'll go here almost that time you good running all right well battery lights on oh boy okay I don't know how to run this thing I think this makes you go up oh it's working okay now let's try to go backwards oh there it goes we're moving this is touchy this is very very touchy here let's try and unfold the pipe here oh okay we're going we're moving yeah I'm just gonna pull this over here in case uh something decides it's not gonna work great oh we lower this down here turn that on oh dang that looks dangerous okay I think everything works let's just turn that off and I'm gonna go check all this here yeah I think some of this might need new blades I'm not entirely sure you know what I might just uh get a new Holland technician out here and just uh get them to go over it check it all out make sure it's good to go I do want to see if it's gonna hook up to this uh what is it called I think it's a forge box or something not entirely sure we're gonna try hook that up see if it'll work all right we got the tractor unhooked here is it gonna work I think it will all right that hitch is looking a little too angled but we can move it down which helps out a lot while this thing does have a PTO on it we don't need to hook it up and uh well this thing doesn't even have a PTO deal on it the only time you need that really is when you're unloading because we should just be able to blow all the chaff into the back there and then as that gets Fuller it'll just get well pull up to the front so hopefully this works as intended I don't know if it will we'll see the only Annoying Thing is gonna be I guess unhooking all this whenever this thing gets full and then transporting it to the other Farm there so we can dump it out but this shouldn't be too bad but I think we're gonna get this truck pulled into the shop there I guess it's gonna be my winter project here foreign busy day out in the farm and we got so much stuff to do with it's actually ridiculous but uh today we gotta finish Harvest and then I think the corn is ready to go to get uh chopped into silage so hopefully I can figure out how to run this thing properly I don't know how that's gonna go but we're gonna hop in the semi here and get going out to the field anyways we're supposed to get rain this week so I'm gonna try get everything that I possibly can done before that hopefully because I think we're already a little behind on harvest here so we gotta get rolling all right so this is our next field here and since I don't have anybody to pick me up I gotta go and run over to the gun by myself that's gonna be fun I'm thinking we won't really need the grain cart because the Field's not that big so I can just dump it into the semi I guess let's hope I can get down the road here this header is awful wide well we made it that wasn't a very long drive but we made it I think I still got everything set correct on the combine so shouldn't have to adjust any of that I know somebody commented on the last video uh the headers is a little big for the combine and uh they're right you're right about that but you know what go big or go home it still kind of works I really just need a header trailer for it and then we'll be a lot better off trying to get this down the road well everything seems to be going good so far uh the field is yielding not too bad so we should get this off in no time I think this actually may be one of our smallest Fields I'm not entirely sure I don't even think we're gonna get a full tank off of this to be honest it is looking like we might get 75 something like that not too much just on the last little bit of this field here we'll get this finished off dump it in the trailer and then we'll head over to the next section there get that done and then I think we'll be pretty much done Harvest as far as beans go this year and the combine definitely needs a wash this thing is looking dirty now I was pretty dang close with my prediction of about 75 we got 72 percent so not horrible but not great all right on to the next set of fields okay so I got everything moved over here to the next field I had to uh bring the service truck over here because needed to wash the windows I didn't have the squeegee and anything with me to uh do that so that was all in service truck anyway windows are slightly more clean here so I can actually see what I'm doing a little bit didn't do the best job here because we're almost finished yeah that last field there was the smallest field we had this one is just a tad bit bigger though well it looks like somebody already got to one of their fields here I think one of my neighbors owns this one actually scratch that he does own that one and apparently he's looking to downsides a little bit and he might want to lease out some ground for next year so maybe we can get this big piece here actually all the surrounding pieces here I think he owns so that might be a pretty sweet deal if we get this entire chunk oh I'm missing some I have to go back for that one but yeah if we can get this entire chunk that would be awesome well we're getting closer here this field is not taking long at all as I expected but everything seems to be dried out real nice so at least we're not getting stuck this time around next year may be a different story though who knows and that is a wrap on bean Harvest finished up well I'm gonna get this dumped we'll get everything back to the farm here and then if there's still enough daylight left we're gonna try to get on silage here which I'm saying thinking this should be silence shouldn't take too long although there's quite a bit of land back behind the farm there so who knows all right time to try to get this back to the farm without hitting anything the deer would just get out of the dang road we might be a little better off here now let's see if we can get this big thing through the yard actually you know what we might just stick it right here for now probably be a better place for it then it's kind of out of the way well everything's back at the farm now or am I gonna Park the semi here we'll just park it around back because I'm sure we're gonna have to move stuff around in the next little while here I'm gonna have to do Harvest clean up another day because we got way too much to do right now but hopefully I can get it done sometime this week I think but my neighbor just called the guy that I was supposed to go bail hay for like way earlier this year they said he wants to do his uh little Hayfield back at his house which is literally right across the road from us so better late than never I suppose but now we got even more to do anyways while we still got daylight left here I think we're gonna try get a little bit of silage done and see how that goes I just got to see if I can figure out how to run this thing pretty sure I got got a good idea of it though okay I think everything's on I think everything's good here I think we're going this corn is flipping tall oh man we're gonna be getting a lot of silage out of this okay so we made it to one of the other fields back here I think I'm just gonna try and cut a path all the way back because I know there's another field or two just so we can get all the way back here for now yeah there's a little more space back here at least I think if we can I'll just try polish off these two small Fields back here I don't know if we'll get them all in the wagon but we can sure exact dry then we'll just work our way forward well we got the first small field done back here there's one more small one back here I don't know if we're gonna fit into the cart but we'll try our best we are slowly running out of daylight though that worries me a little bit all right we got our first full cart here so I'm just gonna bring this to the edge of the field we'll grab a tractor take it to the neighbor's place and uh get that unloaded this is actually working not too bad better than I thought it would we still got a little bit left back there in that one field all right that'll do it right there I think old 40 40 should do this oh yeah it's got this no problem I think there may be a little something wrong with the roof on on this but yeah it'll be all right well we'll get this to my neighbors get it unloaded and uh head back for another okay this should be the place right here yep there's the silage uh well I guess silos looks like he's got the blower already there and with the tractor I very very much want but he won't sell to me seems about right hold up just gotta start up this little beast first there we go and I think we can unload now yep everything's working I think this just takes a minute to unload that's all so we're gonna be here a little while just about unloaded this is gonna be one of many I think okay back to the farm so according to my uncle the last time there was silage done on this Farm it was roughly 10 years ago which is nuts so we're doing silage on the farm for the first time in 10 years which is kind of cool it's not really for us but we're still doing it I guess Grandpa used to have a bunch of cattle so that's what he did it for but he kind of got rid of all of them maybe I'll start getting back into cattle that just seems like a whole nother deal to start but maybe at some point we're just gonna cut another row down here until we get to the other uh field and then we'll get that finished another field done a few more big ones to go I think we're gonna try for a headland on this side see how it goes I'm keeping my eyes peeled on the sides here for uh you know old trucks and tractors you never know what Grandpa stash back here and since I found that last truck back here I've seen some traces of other vehicles like random parts and such so who knows what else is out here hold again time for another load back to the other Farm well boys the cart is Once Again full we got this other field finished off here minus this one little piece here which I'm actually gonna get but I think we're gonna call it good on silaging I'll take this car to the farm tomorrow morning and then I think we'll finish off the rest of the field but for now I got a couple other things I want to do on the farm before it gets too dark it looks like I'm gonna have to get out uh the mowing equipment again to mow that neighbor's pasture there which won't take long but still gotta do it I guess I gotta get this entire shed organized before winter because there's a lot of stuff I gotta put away most of which I think I'm gonna try get in the shed or put in these other sheds here I still gotta clean up from Harvest so there's that I gotta drag out a bunch of equipment from the back of the property there because I want to get that cleaned up before winter I gotta start working on my uh winter project there is just way too much to do I gotta clean up grandpa's car before we put it away for the winter but I figured we'd just whip over here and check out this little piece that I gotta mow yeah this will not take long I'm just gonna talk to the neighbor here real quick and see what we want to do about it okay so just had a quick chat with the neighbor here I'm coming to mow this tomorrow afternoon and he said in Return for doing that he's gonna let me have this entire shop back here rent free where we can put equipment in it's covered it's nice we actually get a store a bit more stuff which is perfect for the winter he doesn't use it at all so he said he was gonna rent it out anyway and that just makes it easier for us so I think we'll be able to get the combine at least in there which is nice I guess and as much as I'd like to finish off the silage tonight I really don't want to be doing that in the dark the lights on that machine are not the Great so yeah last thing I need is running into something and Wrecking it and all that you know what's sad my garden I never ever got to plant it it is just full of weeds at this point that is just yeah oh I forgot about these pails I still gotta take these to my uh one neighbor there okay well more stuff to do foreign another dollar out here on the farm now today's a pretty exciting day for one reason one reason only we're getting a new tractor finally the wait is over and hopefully that's gonna help out with some stuff around the farm but first things first harvest is now finished up here so we got to get everything cleaned up and put away here we also still have some silage to do so we got to do all that and even though it's very late in the season we've got to make just a little bit more hay so it's gonna be a busy day so I'm thinking for the time being we're just gonna get everything kind of put away back here we'll eventually organize it but we got to pull out so much equipment and all that I think it's just better off to uh put it away later you've also gotta go dump some grain here so I'm probably gonna go uh pull that truck back there and we'll get uh this trailer emptied just gotta swing this thing on in here there we go that should about do it there's not a whole lot in here so shouldn't take too long to unload all right well that's gonna do it for the soybean sear I gotta take that auger down off the bin there we're gonna have to get that returned to my neighbor at some point here I don't think we're gonna do that today but uh sooner than later hopefully good old 40 40 should do the job here hopefully we can get this thing out of here without smashing anything preferably let's try not to whack a tree here because this is not my auger there we go that should do it for now all right so we still have some hang to do over at my neighbor's place there they kind of Set It Off to last minute so we're doing this like really flipping late in the season like really it should wait till next year but he wants to do it so it's up to him but in return for doing that we get one of his shops for the entire winter which is hopefully gonna help out with storage now my new tractor should be getting delivered later today so we just gotta wait on that so in the meantime here I think we're gonna try to get this hang done it shouldn't take too long the field really isn't that big alright so this is a field here we really should not be cutting this this late but I'm just gonna go talk to my neighbor here real quick make sure he's still good with it and if so we'll get this cut well he changed his dad come mind on me but he's still giving us uh the shop back here for the winter so it is what it is I guess less work for us we already got enough stuff to do with the farm he said we'll just cut it next year when you're doing your okay so it won't add on too much extra work at any rate this gives me a pretty good excuse to organize this shed here finally now really I should be putting this stuff in the shed we're supposed to get for the winter but my neighbors still have some stuff to clear out so we'll get to that eventually it's starting to get a little bit chilly but I think it's gonna be a while till the snow flies yet so we should hopefully have some time this disc is getting parts where the combine was because we have a brand new spot for it this year hopefully a little more out of the elements alright so we're back out here at the corner field now uh this silage trailer is full so we gotta go take this to farm not too far away from us now for those of you who don't know my neighbor paid me to plant that corn and silage it for him because he needed a little more extra silage this year so we were happy to do that now there's not too much left so hopefully we'll get that finished off today and we can get back to working on other stuff on the farm but first if you guys are looking for a gaming PC look no further than Apex gaming PCs I personally use an apex gaming PC and I absolutely love it and with the Austin farmer line they're built to run Farm Sim or any other game you might want to play perfectly so often link down in the description if you guys want to go check them out also be sure to use code Farmer for a great discount anyway back to the video all right just got back from dropping that off here I think we got maybe three or four more carts left out there not a whole heck of a lot but I didn't have to run this back to the farm every time I'd have uh this done a long time ago but hey maybe next year we'll be making our own silage who knows hey you know what maybe three cards Max I guess we'll find out and look at this we're making a dadgum corn maze through here that's right 10 bucks pop you can go through my corn maze maybe a corn maze is more lucrative than farming but who knows then soybean prices are pretty dang good this year you know what there might be less here than I originally anticipated uh it might only be like a cart and a half literally half of what I originally thought so I guess we'll see maybe the corn in this field isn't as thick as the others how the heck am I supposed to see Corn's as tall as the dadgum cab ah dang we're not quite gonna be able to fit it all into this cart there's not much left well that's another cart full probably another half to go well we're on the last pass and that is silage done look at that all right we'll get this thing unhooked get it to my neighbor's place return the cart and then I think we're gonna get to cleaning all of this up this thing is dirty you know what by the time we get back my new tractors should be here actually I'm just gonna give the guy a call here see where he's at all right so I just gave the guy a call he should be here in about 30 minutes so we should just have enough time to run that cart back and meet him for delivery according to my uncle it's been quite a long time since uh there's been a new tractor on this Farm well a tractor that's new to us anyway minus the combine I guess I'm kicking this sucker in the road gear I want to get back on time well well well well what do we have here oh man it's so shiny look at that oh I've been waiting for this one for a while so this is our brand new addition to the farm a four-wheel drive case 89.50 with a red front end loader and bucket to match you know to be honest grandpa might not be the happiest with me if you've seen this but we got some red on the farm now and if he couldn't tell well Grandpa was a John Deere man he was never really a big fan of the cases if it was anything on his farm and I had to be New Holland or John Deere minus the exclusion of this Kubota tractor but this is our new to us case it should make a great addition to the farm it's a bit bigger than our 4040 over there so it's got a little more horsepower a little more pulling power we can put duals on it and of course take off the front end loader if we want to run something bigger this actually should be able to run the disc with duels not entirely sure though but it'll be something a little nicer to pull the Vermeer with and it should definitely help out around the farm now I think I gotta go sign a delivery paper but after that it's back to work alright so one project I have definitely been putting off for way too long is finishing moving the last of the Bales now this should be the perfect opportunity to use my new case got a grapple bucket so that should work pretty good yeah there's only like six Bales here to move so shouldn't take too long all right see if I can figure out how to run this thing yeah not too bad pretty simple so far that is and it's actually got a little bit of weight to it if I put some duals on the back it'd definitely be able to lift up Bales no problem but it's not too bad mind you these are the big Bales so these things do get pretty heavy well it can make up two and not tip over good start for the case here it is a little Tippy though I will say that okay apparently I didn't learn my lesson from last time I forgot you had to uh even out those Bales or else the trailer will tip it's got the smaller bills easy though all right we got all the Bales loaded up there my neighbor's actually gonna come pick them up because I got too much to do over here so that makes it a little easier for myself but look at the size comparison on these tractors the case is a heck of a lot bigger okay I flipped the other tractor around now you can actually see it a little bit better I think the only reason why the 4040 looks bigger right now is because it's got those floater tires on it so that makes quite the difference all right it's time to get this thing cleaned up it is crazy dirty and needs a wash before we put it away I think I'll try service some stuff too while we're at it you know I feel like this Farm was not built for a combine or header this big but oh well well would you look at what just showed up just on time my new header trailer the co-op came through brought this out for me because really I I can't move this around anywhere with it on the combine so this is gonna make stuff a lot easier just gotta get it on there now oh that'll do it I had the co-op guy just it right back here we'll get this thing moved later but for now we gotta move even more equipment it never ends my neighbor just called said the shop is good to go so we're gonna get this thing moved in there along with a bunch of other equipment well plans changed this thing does not fit in that shop so yeah I really should have measured that first before trying to plan all this out well back into your old spot I guess so much for having it in storage this year well it is in storage but better storage than this at least gonna give this thing a quick wash before we get it put away would you look at that it fits well I've even surpassed my own expectations on uh what I would fit in here but we got the New Holland both Vermeer pieces of hanging equipment the cedar the green cart and the 8850 and all that it's nice and snug in here and it's gonna sit in here for pretty much the rest of the winter that worked out good it's about the end of the day here I still got lots of work to do lots of stuff to put away but I think I'm gonna kill her a day [Music] well boys it's a new day and that means lots more work to do so last episode we finished up Harvest here and we're kind of just trying to clean up everything and get the farm ready for winter but one of our big projects we still have left for this year is getting all of this old equipment out of here and sent off to the scrap yard now I know it's classic equipment and all that now I did ask the classic equipment Museum if they wanted any of this and they said no they already have like three of these so uh yeah it's getting junked so the scrap guy is gonna be here later today and we're gonna get all that taken care of but for now we got enough to do around the farm to keep us busy for a while one thing I've wanted to do for a while now is get this massive tree taken now that's right by our green bin here we did have to get some branches off of it earlier this year because we couldn't get in there with the auger to fill that bin up so we're just gonna take this entire tree down here actually first things first I gotta get this Bale trailer moved we gotta get that taken care of or I'll see uh tree could come and Crush that thing pretty easily we've also got to take an auger back we got to get the rest of the stuff in this shed and man it's gonna be a busy day and I gotta give this truck a wash it has not gotten washed all Harvest and it is crazy dirty I'm thinking we're just gonna put all the trailers augers just in the shed here since we got most of the space breed up from putting a lot of our stuff in our neighbor's shed there so there's lots of space in here now Ember man that's a big tree we're just gonna get this cut up into smaller chunks here and then we'll just take the loader and uh put it probably towards the back of the property okay so I got the tree chopped up here pretty good I just gotta move that dang header trailer out of the way so we can actually just stick all those trees probably just back in here looks like there's already a few maybe in a year or so we can cut those up for firewood but for now we'll just let them sit back there I'll just stick this in the shed while we got it hooked up that'll do it all right hopefully this grapple bucket works good enough here well that didn't go to plan yeah this isn't sketchy at all oh dang it I lost one I might just have to pick a lot of them up one at a time here there that's a good Scoop for once oh oh I don't want to lose them I didn't lose them I hope that equipment there is not too hard to get out of there it shouldn't be I guess we'll see it could be sunken in there pretty good but but I'm sure the old case could probably pull it out dang these logs are heavy and down the front end of this thing pretty good I need like an actual wheel loader because this thing's great but it's just we need something that can really move a good chunk of stuff and I could load up more bills that way maybe if I find a used one I'll uh pick that up well that should do it nothing left there but a stump so I'll make it a lot easier to get in and out of there I was thinking about keeping the semi and grain trailer in here but I think we have enough room in the main shop to where we can put the semi in there we'll just keep the grain trailer out here eventually I'd like to tear this other bin down too because it's getting pretty old and it kind of makes it all cramped in here and we haven't really used this grain dryer much so maybe it's time to get rid of that too we'll just stick a few bigger bins in the back all right Grandpa's old truck here so this is a project I have set for this winter now we're gonna try to get it in this shed if we can probably just like right back here so we can work on it nice and open and Grandpa's old moonshine running car this thing's gonna be going in the house garage here I don't really put much in there so should be good so over Harvest meme my buddy swapped augers as he needed the yogurt I had and I needed the yogurt he had so it actually worked out pretty dang good but since Harvest is over now we're gonna go get ours and uh give his old one back all right got the old Westfield back here not much used to us here so I may uh probably sell it maybe get something a little bit better but who knows we'll see might work good for unloading the grin out of the bin this winter when we want to sell it for now it's going in here even if it keeps it out of the elements just a little bit it's better than nothing ish time to give you a bath my old construction truck now a farm truck those weeks or months without getting washed I think actually there's a couple more things I might have to wash this thing included but I'm worried if I wash it it'll just like fall apart because the rust is so dang bad on it there we go nice clean equipment again so the old 710 tractor that used to be in here we actually put it in my neighbor's shed there since we don't really use it a whole lot and uh it's probably just better sitting over there freeze up more space in here but I think I'm gonna take the skid steer and just try push this thing kind of right back here especially since there's snow in the forecast so uh we're gonna try to get that done I was also looking at newer skid steers just because we need something that's going to lift a little bit taller so oh there we go plenty of space on either side should make working on this thing a breeze okay so I just got a call from the scrap guy he is on his way here to pick up all of our old junk so we gotta try to get that toad out of there now I'm not 100 sure if this tractor is gonna attach to uh the old combine here but we'll give her a shot oh yeah look at that perfect okay now let's see if we can get it out of here oh yeah it just rolls right on out of here we don't got to worry about uh flat tires this thing's on big old steel wheels we'll just tow this to right about here well the old baler's coming out here I don't know when the last time this thing was used but it is sure as heck not getting used here so it is coming out we got anything else that needs to be scrapped around here I'm not seeing a whole lot yeah I think that might be about it surprisingly I thought Grandpa would have more through here he probably does somewhere I swear that guy probably has a whole junk pile of old equipment sitting in some back property that he sold something I have no idea I might have to ask my Uncle about that well the scrap guy is here and it looks like he's running way too small of a truck for this thing but uh you know what that's his deal he's got his loader here I think he's gonna try to load up most of this stuff I guess we'll see all right so the guy asked me if I wanted to run the loader while he uh spotted me here so I guess we're running a loader now this is what I want for the farm this would be perfect okay so we got the header taken off the combine here because we could not load it up attached so we're gonna try to get this on hopefully it works we will try our best okay so surprising change of plans here we got the Baler loaded up on here um yeah this isn't sketchy at all no no no this is all right this is all right oh boy yeah that's yeah that'll do it so he's gonna come back for the header after and we're gonna try to get the main part of the combine loaded up here this is gonna be sketchy I don't even know if it's gonna fit on the trailer but we'll try our best we'll just set the header down here and we'll see if we can get this thing loaded up I think we're gonna put some chains on the front here and just try to lift the front entirely up and just push it right on would you look at that it fits oh I don't want to try to take this thing off here just set it down real nice perfect it's good we got it that'll work and it's not even too wide awesome we'd fold this pipe in here but uh that's that's a little bit permanent so it's Gotta Stay we got this thing strapped down for him I think he's doing some stuff in the truck there and uh he'll come back in a bit for the header and his loader but dang I'm surprised this fit on here look at that headers all loaded up here I think he's just gonna grab one of his attachments there and he'll get loaded up and be out of here that is all the junk equipment gun that was quick you know usually I'm not one to question someone's loading techniques but but this this is a new um this is a new deal for me I I may slightly question this one but you know what if it works it works that is also quite the uh claw he's got there all right well I think he's gonna get out of here and we're gonna get back to cleaning up the last of this farm so now the real question is are we going going to be able to fit the rest of the tractors in here I don't know if we are but we can sure as heck give it a shot okay I believe that's as far forward as we're getting that now I have an idea for the case here we're gonna see if it worked but you know it does I honestly did not think this would happen so whenever we need to plow snow or whatever else we can just bring this bad boy out of here the side door and get it right out into the yard well this is perfect let's hope I can still close this yep we're good I also have a side door here I just never use it so we can get in there without having to open up the big doors all right well I think that's pretty much everything cleaned up here for the winter I was going to put this loader back on here but there's no way in heck we'd fit in the shed with that on so that's just gonna stay there but we'll put away grandpa's car in the main shed here and the good old Ford is just gonna stay out here it should be all right but there's snow in the forecast and uh yeah okay it appears we got snow and uh lots of it so it's another day back out here on the farm and yeah we got a lot of work to do snowed like crazy last night there is still on the roof still in my driveway no in front of my shop there's just snow everywhere so we're gonna try to get some of this cleared out so my yard is like somewhat accessible and then go from there let's hope the good old case will fire up here not too sure if it will but we'll give it our best shot oh yeah fires right up we'll let this warm up here for a little bit and uh in the meantime I'm gonna go check out all my equipment over here so we have soybeans in this bin and uh we gotta get these out and get them to the elevator so we can actually make some money off of them and of course the day that we have to take them out is the day it snows seems about right but we got to get all this plowed out before we can even think about doing that all right case is warmed up here get to some snow plowing first things first is we got to get the shop cleared out so we can actually open up the doors might actually use the skid steer for that because it's a little bit easier to get in there and there's so much snow through here this is gonna take forever crap has like drifted up it's pretty warm out here too today not warm enough for the snow to melt but warm enough so the snow becomes all sticky and just clings to the bucket and all that so it makes it a real pain perfect weather for building a snowman though but we'll see if the skid steer can do any better here I got the forks on right now so I gotta go grab the bucket that cleans the doors up real nice like the skid steer is doing a better job than the dang tractor be honest that bucket for the tractor does not work the best for moving snow well I just got a call from my buddy Ricky down the road he said he got a new plow for his tractor or something and uh he says it doesn't work for his smaller tractor and his bigger tractor's down right now so he's wondering if we can pop over there and try plow at his yard for him which we don't even have our yard plowed out but he said I could use the blade over here if I wanted to and I feel like a blade might be a better choice for all this so we're gonna pop over there real quick with the case that we can do him a favor all right so we just got down here to Ricky's got the blade attached and this thing is really really nice just way too big for his current tractor this year right now so we're gonna help him out real quick see if we can get this uh fixed for him oh dang this thing works good a lot better than the bucket that's for sure we'll have this done in like two minutes I should have bought one of these yeah his driveway's about as far as he got with that so we'll make quick work of this this is the same place where we dumped silage at Well Ricky should be happy with that we're gonna take this blade back to my farm and hopefully get that all cleared out all right let's see how this goes oh pretty dang good it sure pushes a lot we're just getting back out to the bins plowed here real quick this is working better than I expected all right trailers plowed out here now we just gotta get to the bin awesome bins cleaned out all right so I just finished getting the yard all cleaned up here pretty much got everything plowed out that we need to get so I'm gonna go grab a different tractor set up our auger and I think we'll get this semi warmed up there so we can actually haul some grain that blade helped a lot we would have been sitting here for another couple hours trying to do it with just that bucket so maybe I need to go buy a blade actually while I'm over here I might just uh attach the bucket real quick just get it out of the way back this sucker out here okay yeah this ain't gonna work I need something just a bit smaller to actually uh work for this but I might be in luck I think Ricky has something then at his main farm that would work for this well Ricky came through we got the auger we needed and the roads are all plowed so I should be able to get to the elevator pretty dang easily with the semi the best part about this thing is we can actually move it on its own since it's all self-propelled so makes it really easy and we don't gotta hook up a tractor to it that's even better okay so we got the auger hooked up here the semi is warming up right now but I didn't think that I was gonna have to pull this semi through here so now we got to uh move all the snow which shouldn't be too hard Ricky's blade coming in clutch again same with his locker too oh that should do it well we got the semi all warmed up here it's gotta go to toss the trailer on and should be able to pull it right through well that works perfectly better than I expected it to actually look at that throw it up the trailer let's hope it's not too icy out or uh we may end up in a ditch yeah I think I may need to buy one of these augers here because we can't seem to fit anything around this guard either I gotta clean some more stuff out or something I think Grandpa back when he was running the farm had some different augers but I guess he must have sold them and just kept one but that one doesn't seem to work for anything except this bin right here so I don't know how he was managing that but grandpa had a way of doing things and I guess uh he made it work all right so we're only taking in one load today let's hopefully make it in there on time oh I messed up some of the road I got some snow on it all right well let's cruise to the elevator here and not end up in a ditch that's the goal so I'm just cruising back from the elevator here and Buddy calls me up he's like hey you know right by Ricky's Farm how we have a trail going out to one of our houses it's like yeah I got stuck down it there he is right down there and Ricky's not home so he can't pull him out so now I gotta go grab a tractor and see if we can pull him out ah dang kid I was getting stuck all right well we're gonna rip this thing back and hopefully we can uh get the tractor in the chain I don't know where my Chain's at I gotta go find that so since we're gonna be taking in another couple loads over the next week or so here we're just gonna stick the semi over here I'll plug it in so uh hopefully it'll start when we need it to then we don't get to worry about it because I ain't putting that stuff away again just to take it out well I got my tractor and I got my chain so the air conditioner could not be fixed the entire summer on this tractor but at least the heat works dang good in this thing so I'm gonna be nice and toasty in here dang does this thing ever roll cold when it's cold all right let's go get this kid out I guess they didn't plow the trail well enough must have blown over again oh yeah there he is all blown over again big drift right there try to plow right through it oh dang but not only do we have to get him out we also got to plow the trail out a little more all right so we tried out two different chains and I guess we have no way to actually connect them so I'm just gonna give him a little push out here give me the easiest way to do it just gotta be careful I don't Smack his truck gotta push it right on the hitch here oh come on now yeah we're just lifting it up at this point there we go all right you can try to get her out now oh look at that he made her out okay we're gonna try out clean up some of the snow here so when they have to come through in the future they can actually get out and these buckets really do not work great for this all right we got it all cleaned let's get the heck out of here all right we made it back to the farm here I think I've still got just a little bit of snow to clean up here and it does look like we're keeping my buddy's blade here just as his tractor can't run it and anytime comments knows I can just come over there and plow out his yard and it makes it easier for us to plow out our yard so everybody wins in that end gotta make sure my doors are all cleaned out here best I can get it I'm hoping the fuel truck shows up today because we are out of diesel in the tank and uh some of the tractors are running just a little bit low although between all the cattle farms around here he may be busy all day so if he doesn't get to it today he should get to it tomorrow now I gotta clear up the snow from this shed because we gotta hook up the trailer and go pick up something new now the plan was to wait till spring but luckily for me what we're gonna go pick up came in a little earlier than I thought it would we're just gonna stick this in here we're gonna load up the skid steer head on over to the equipment shop and I bet you guys can guess what we're getting all right let's go check it out a brand new addition to the farm I've been waiting for this one for a while so we ordered this thing in the fall and it was supposed to get here early early spring but uh looks like it had other plans on showing up this is a brand new John Deere triple 3G skid steer it's not the biggest one that they make by far but but uh I think it'll do the job and now we should be able to hopefully lift seed bags I should have probably put that down oh well anyways I think all the attachments we have for the old skid steer should fit on so we shouldn't need to go buy any new ones I did want to get a new bucket though and possibly a new set of forks but I think we can wait on that yeah this works and this thing lifts crazy high like look how high that goes It goes over the tractor cab so we shouldn't have any issues lifting up the seed bags this year and it's got weights although it does not have weights in the back so that could make for some trouble but I don't know we'll see but I mean we just got this thing so I might have to go test it out a little bit quick I should have picked this up earlier today but I didn't have the time all right yeah this works great so much smoother than the old one be honest the old one was a complete hunk of junk that thing was getting old and it can push a heck of a lot more than the old one too lots more power and it's tracked so uh it'll have a lot more grip that's for sure to be able to pick up a bale with this as long as I put some weights on it I should be able to pick up a bail like no problem but hey now we got a solid skid steer on the farm this is probably yeah I bet this is the newest thing on the farm as far as uh years go so the combines of 2018 I think everything else is pretty dang old so yeah this is uh the newest no never mind the Baler might be newer well boys another day out here on the farm and it has snowed yet again now today's actually a little bit warm for once which is nice so we can actually get some work done anyways I'm gonna get my semi-fired up here and uh we're gonna try haul some grain hopefully there's not too much snow in the yard to where we can't get around but I think we'll be okay I'll still get it plowed out later in the day now another project we have today is my neighbor has a cabin kind of right down there I think it's more this way anyway there's a kind of pond down there and he asked if I could go plow the trail to that today so we're gonna do that but I think my semi's warmed up here so we're gonna get to hauling some green first now we're slipping a little bit but not too bad we'll be able to make it through here all right we're going well trucks topped off here gotta jump out close the cover and we'll see if we can get out of here hopefully I don't get stuck all right come on semi there we go I'm still gonna have to plow this out at some point today but uh all in Grain is first priority here hopefully the line at the elevator is not too long it shouldn't be help not at least anyways soybean prices are really really good right now so now is the time to sell and if I want to do renovations to the farm this spring we're definitely gonna need the money dang it I think the heat went out on my semi well this is gonna be fun hey get off the road dear oh oh did I just hit him nope it's good that was close I want deer guts all over the front of my truck well boys later in the afternoon now uh we're just pulling back up to the farm and the line at the elevator was nuts but I got offloaded here so at least that's done for the day anyways while I was at the elevator I got a call saying that uh my new Quad is in so we're gonna go pick that up hopefully the old uh Power Stroke will fire up oh yeah like nothing anyway for those of you who may or may not remember earlier in the summer I bought a quad it was a Honda and I traded it in and in the meantime I've been waiting for this new Quad now this new Quad has a blade it's a heck of a lot more powerful so we're gonna go pick it up maybe pull out some snow with it check it out my brand new 2022 Can-Am Outlander 6x6 got the bed it's got a gooseneck hitch aftermarket wheels and tires a fuel tank and a plow this thing's all done up now the reason I bought this I have no reason I just wanted to spend money on something cool so I bought this and to be honest my neighbor Frank he was all high and mighty about his new Polaris there and I had to show him up a little bit I figured this would do the trick all right I'm not sure how well this thing's gonna handle this blade because it is pretty dang big but I guess we'll find out the yard's all full of snow so perfect chance to use it and we're gonna have to go plow out a cabin Trail here later today so we'll see how that goes I'll shoot this thing actually works pretty dang good all right so I got the front of the shop plowed out here this thing seems to be working good but the stuff we got out here is pretty light so it's easy enough to push I don't know how well it would do if we got a big snowstorm I imagine probably not great all right so far so good here just trying to move a lot of the snow into better piles trying to keep it a little more out of the way because I know we're gonna have more snow this year and uh if I can move it just a little bit better that makes it easier I'm also just driving right up the snow piles the 6x6 is just a beast I can't imagine this thing on tracks it'd probably be like a snow cat at that point you know maybe I should get my neighbor Frank over here show them what a real quad can do he swears that his little Polaris there will beat out any Can-Am when it comes to doing just about anything I highly doubt that so we'll have to see well we got most of the yard plowed here the 6x6 is doing a phenomenal job I piled up all the snow in the trees there I'm sure there'll be a lot of runoff for that in the spring but uh we'll worry about that later it'll be fine but I'd say other than a couple little Parts here and there we pretty much got the yard done wonder how big we can make this whole snow pile at the end they already have a pretty big one going by the uh house there that got out of control fast can I climb this all the way oh yeah heck I can probably go into the next pasture oh maybe I'm stuck nope hold on I gotta try this now I can't not do it come on come on six by six yeah there it goes this is my pasture too I just haven't done anything with it I'm probably gonna do something with it this spring at least okay now can I get back over and maybe I gotta plow up a little ramp here yeah there we go here we go and I'm over what the heck okay now I got more snow to clear up this is great all right well I would say the yard is pretty much done here we got a lot of lights on this thing so if I need to do it at night we're pretty well good I just got a little more to clean up by the door and then I think we'll be good there we go that'll do it hopefully there's uh space inside the shed for this thing I'm not sure if there will be but we'll see well looks like I got everything plowed out just in time here the fuel trucks here so they're gonna get uh a tank fueled up and then we'll hopefully have enough diesel to last us the winter I was supposed to get a big fuel tank put in right here but for some reason that didn't end up happening so hopefully in the spring we get a big fuel tank so I can actually fuel my combine without having to uh you know get a whole nother diesel delivered all right fuel truck's just about to head out here and I think we're gonna head out to this cabin pretty soon and try to get that trail plowed out but we'll see how it goes I got my old Kubota fired up here I only had to uh boost it up and turn it over like a million times but we got it going I'm just gonna get this put in the shed here I don't want it sitting out here all winter if I can help it and the shop is packed and now for equipment's even at the neighbors luckily they lended out our shop or else most of this would be outside all right so I believe I found the trailhead to this cabin here so we're just gonna get to plowing would have been nice to bring out a tractor but I don't think it would have made it back here so you gotta stick with the quad okay so this is McCarthy's field so if I head to the right I was told I should hit the cabin everything's covered in snow so it's really hard to see where exactly you're going because there's not any like indicators of the trail really if this is the trail I'm supposed to be following they really need to clear this out all right I think I see it right up ahead here oh yeah there it is okay there is a lot of deer around here hold on I just want to switch my Blade the other way I'm gonna try to push the snow away from the cabin if we can yeah they really need to clear this trail out it's uh not very easy to get through a buddy said he got out here with a snowmobile the other day so I think that's why it's all kind of cleaned out around here it might job easier I guess and here we are look at this what little cabin they got out here let's try to push some of the snow down from here sweet it's a nice little cabin here got your Lake out front like I said it's not too far away from the farm either I didn't even know he had this out here is the door unlocked oh it is oh sweet pretty awesome little cabin they got going here oh heck yeah they even got a TV fireplace just like everything out here hey well I think I'm gonna help him out a little bit and try to clear out some of the trees around here because it is bad he said he got to it a little bit but I can see here oh man he really really did cut down a few he said if I wanted to I could Buck some of this up for firewood so I think that's what we're gonna do there's a couple branches here that are just gonna have to come down there hopefully now I can actually get through here with the quad alright so we really did a number on clearing out trees here I cut up a bunch of stuff figured out way more room around the cabin because it was just bad it had gotten so overgrown it was time to uh get it all out of here but we still got a bit more left just a couple sticks here and there well I think that'll about do it cabin looks good here there's a such a nice bedroom in here dang I need a cabin but he said I could come out here and use this one as much as I wanted to so uh you know maybe I'll spend a couple days out here this winter I gotta get a snowmobile or something like that now let's see if we can just plow a trail out of here we've already had half of it done so he just wants to be able to drive his side by side out here without having to worry about getting stuck and we're getting it gotta try to pull out the other way now there back out on the road let's get this thing home all right we made it back here I'm just gonna keep this thing outside because uh it's not supposed to get terribly cold over the next couple days but I think mine is tall and green and plowing the occasional snow here and there I think I'm pretty much good to sit back and relax for the rest of the winter so there's one thing I completely forgot I need to do before my neighbor gets back and that is plowed his driveway he's getting back tomorrow morning so we're just gonna go do that real quick did someone already get to it before me oh this might have just been in the greater operator one of his buddies so he might have got to it a little bit oh yeah he did okay well I'm going to do just a little bit extra because why not yeah the grader can only do so well so we're just gonna clean up the rest of it here for him hopefully it makes him happy plus all our equipment is stored in here so if I ever need to get it out good to have this all plowed out crater operator didn't even get in front of his house what the heck oh I might have hit his steps there uh they look all right I'll be fine oops going onto the road I'm I'm sure it'll be fine it'll be all right if I don't clear this some little car is going to come through here and absolutely smack this and then they're not gonna have a very good day [Applause] [Music] well boys we're back out here on grandpa's farm and it is spring and that means we have got a crap ton of work to do so for starters we're gonna be getting ready to seed here pretty soon so that means we got to get all the equipment out of everywhere all the sheds and all that we got a bit in here and then the rest is over at the neighbor's shed we gotta go get all that out and we've also got to get the seed pulled out of here so it's gonna be a busy day I'm just gonna run the 6x6 over to the neighbor's shed there we're gonna get some stuff fired up hopefully it fires up or else uh we may need to bring some booster cables over but we'll see how it goes man I have not been in here in a heck of a long time well it looks like we got a decent amount to pull out here so we better get to work 88.50 just fires right on up like nothing that's perfect we'll let that warm up for a little bit we'll get the green cart pulled out and then I think we're gonna get the cedar pulled out because that's the first thing we're gonna need all right there we go we're just gonna leave the Green Card back here for now because we're really not gonna need it until the fall I'm sure we'll get it put somewhere else at some point though all right let's see if we can try and move this Cedar out of here this was a pain to get in I'm sure it's gonna be a pain to get out of here well it's looking me about 20 minutes but I think we finally got it here just about all right it's free finally all right so we did put the cedar away serviced so we shouldn't have any issues with uh I'm gonna make sure anything's good really I just want to do a quick check and then uh fill it up with seed so we're good to go here I think we should be able to start seating tomorrow hopefully also over the winter I secured a bunch more ground so uh we're gonna be a lot busier this year than we were last year just good that's a good thing we need uh we need a lot more ground to cover so the crappy thing about these Kenzie Cedars is the tanks where you need to put the seat into our fairly high up there and since we don't have a seed tender we need to use this uh tool for the front end loader on the tractor here I think we have a little bit of seed to hold us over here for the next day or so once we start seating but we should be getting more from the co-op today or tomorrow depending when they make it out here they're very busy today so more than likely it'll be tomorrow oh yeah this case will do the job for sure I know the John Deere lifting these up last year was a bit of a challenge all right I got the tanks opened up here and that should be good right there okay so both tanks are full here I'm just gonna set what's left back in the shed we'll use that up again at some point there's also this three point Bale spear that I have to get out of the way so I can get to the liquid fertilizer there and since I don't have forks with a tractor we got to use our new Skid Steer here which is a pretty nice addition to the farm works great for snow plowing there we go sure lifts this palette a lot easier than the uh old New Holland we had that thing was a hunk of junk all right we'll get the Liquid Fertilizer filled up and then we should be good to go okay I think we're about good to go for seating here the cedar is all filled up with everything it needs I checked it over it's good to go so weather permitting I guess we'll uh be going here in no time there's also a couple more things I gotta pull out here before we get out into the field and I got a bit of cleanup I gotta do back here yet well would you look at that it still runs figured I'd pull this thing out I'm gonna head into town for lunch a bit later here but I got her going again all she needed was a little bit of a battery boost man I love this car so if you guys have been keeping up with the series for a little while you'll know that I found this truck out in the back of the property here this is one of Grandpa's old trucks now well I did not get to uh working on the exterior of the truck over the winter I did do something else anyways before we take a look at that I gotta get a tractor moved here and some other stuff ah crap I forgot I put the bucket right here we should be able to squeeze through here though the old 40 40 runs I was actually talking to a neighbor of mine uh down the road here and he's interested in trading this tractor for something else it's quite a lot bigger and uh with some cash on my end he'd be willing to trade so I don't know already so back to Grandpa's Old Farm truck here but thank you she does run after all these years this truck with a lot of work mind you fires up now whether this uh is completely gonna fall apart the second I try to drive it I don't know but we're gonna find out oh oh it moved no flipping way this truck has not driven in a very very long time man this thing feels rickety but it does in fact drive now there's no way in heck this thing's road legal so we're not even gonna try driving on the road but just around the farm I mean it's not bad I think we're gonna try uh redo the body here I'm gonna send it to a guy that I know because I don't have experience for this and I'm gonna be busy with the farm this summer so so who knows maybe by the Fall this thing will be up in Tip-Top shape again still pretty dang cool to have this thing running again like you can't really see crap out of the windshield watch it's gonna backfire here yeah there he goes all right well I'm gonna run into town for lunch here I'm gonna go stop by the co-op see if they're delivering my seed today if not they should get to it tomorrow hopefully because we're gonna need it but if all goes to plan we should be uh seating here pretty soon and if I get a chance I'd go take a look at the uh new land that we got well boys just made it back from town here the seed should be getting delivered tomorrow the car seems to be running good too I figured it might have some issues running for the first time this spring but seems to be good anyways I think I'm gonna hop in my truck where's my truck at where where did where did it go there's tracks going okay who took much was it one of my neighbors that took my truck maybe unless I got stolen I don't not out here okay let me call Ricky see if they borrowed my truck I think he would have called if he would have borrowed it but maybe not all right so I just talked to Ricky here and uh he's my neighbor that just lives down the road there he said he seen my truck driving by like 15 minutes ago just before I got back and he said it was it was ripping pretty fast and uh well he didn't take it oh crap my truck gets stolen there's no way not out here okay I'm gonna call a couple other neighbors here see if they maybe took my truck you think someone would have called if they would have took my truck but crap if my truck got stolen that that's not good that's not good at all all right I'm gonna make some phone calls here okay so apparently no one knows where my truck is other than my one neighbor Ricky who saw it driving down the road so I think it got stolen that means I gotta call the cops and try to figure out what to do from here who the heck would have stole my truck is there anything else missing I don't think so and out here like nobody locks their trucks but I don't know if I don't know if the keys are in it I'm assuming they might have been is there anything else missing I don't think so son of a gun someone stole my flipping truck okay I gotta call the cops here at least the local sheriff and try to figure out what to do all right so an officer just uh showed up here apparently there was another robbery in the area so two vehicles were stolen not just mine so they're gonna try to figure out what's going on here but at any rate I need a truck uh uh crap well this this is not a good start art to my spring they're going to try track down here uh I guess they're gonna see if anyone has seen it they're gonna go question Ricky because Ricky's really the only one that's seen it I'd say I go look for it but it's been like an hour now and if if they uh we're speeding off with it they're long gone by now heck they could probably almost be to the next state so yeah this this is not great well boys it's the next day here and as you can see there's a new truck now we'll get to that in a second here but we've had some pretty crazy developments in uh the stolen truck story so as you know it got stolen yesterday and uh it apparently got seen by a couple people late last night they found it and got into a Chase with it it got wrecked completely totaled off so insurance will be taking care of that now normally the trucks that get stolen around here there's not that many and they don't often get found so last night I was like you know what screw it I knew a guy with this truck for sale he gave me a really good deal on it it's absolutely beautiful so I pulled the trigger on it because well frankly I need a truck and uh you know what this thing's gonna work perfect for what I need it's even got bags on it on bags all the way around so I can lift it and lower it I can tow a good amount of stuff with it and the Ford was probably due for uh at least some serious mechanical stuff so it's not a great thing that happened but you know what I'm not complaining I got a cool truck now not to mention it is Cummins so even better and this thing's done up with all the bells and whistles and all that so really even though it is older than my Ford it's still a nicer truck and yeah there's that all the way lifted up with bags so not really a farm truck but my previous truck wasn't really used as a farm truck just to tow the skid steer around occasionally and whatever else I needed so this will work perfectly anyway we can't see quite yet today I should be getting a delivery from the co-op for the rest of the seed that we need for the year that are possibly the day after foreign and today spring has sprung enough to where we can get to seating anyways we've already got the cedar here all good to go it's all filled up with seed liquid fertilizer everything we need to get going now we don't have a whole lot of seed left on the farm here so we're getting a delivery from Co-op today for all the seed and liquid fertilizer we're gonna need for the rest of the year but I'm gonna fire up the old 8850 here get it warmed up and then we're gonna head out to the field and get to work now we are supposed to get rain later today so I don't know how long we're gonna be able to seed for the worst case scenario if we get rain and we can't seed we're gonna take my 6x6 ATV a log trailer that I bought a couple days ago and head out to a cabin that's not too far away from here and do some cleanup it's pretty much been abandoned since last year so uh yeah it's gonna need some work anyways let's get going out to the field here well we literally just drive across the road and we're already here but this is just one of many fields we're going to be planting this year so it's gonna be a busy couple of weeks I'm pretty sure last year that we put this field into soybeans and we're doing the same again this year I was thinking about putting it into wheat to get straw out of this but I think we're going to do that into a different field but for now we're just going to keep the soybean this year we're going to be a lot more busy with seating and harvest because we ended up renting out a crap ton more land because last year we really didn't have enough this year I plan to stay pretty busy and we got all this grassland back here we cut it last year for hey I think we're gonna do the same again because hay actually made us a lot of money and really there's not a whole lot of people that actually do hay around here minus a couple of farmers so I'm thinking we may as well keep it going oh we got about another two passes here I'm pretty sure I just seen the co-op guys pull up there so they can wait just a few more minutes until I'm finished this then we'll go unload them there but this is pretty much the first field of the Year done and so far I've had no breakdowns so uh that's pretty good I guess we'll just pull this bad boy up I think I'm gonna park it on the side of the field here no point in bringing it into the yard just yet we'll go run over here and unload these guys real quick I think we're just gonna stick everything in the shed like we did last year as well we also got all these uh pallets of liquid fertilizer here I'll just get those unloaded with the uh it's deer might be the easiest thing oh there's the last of the seed there just go grab the skid steer and we'll get the pallets unloaded and that GMC is squatting I need to put some bags on that thing if they're hauling loads this big look at that easy old New Holland can never oh glad we upgraded skid steers this year fix things a million times easier all right there we go co-op's good to go I'm gonna put this last pallet away and we're gonna get to work on some other stuff so like I said earlier we're supposed to be getting rain here so I'm not too sure if I want to head out to the next field just yet might just work on some other stuff because we got a lot of stuff to do around here so I gotta move this uh old John Deere 4040 here for two reasons number one we're getting a fuel tank put in here that's supposed to be getting delivered today and number two this thing's getting traded got a neighbor of mine who wants this tractor it was like Hey we got another tractor I'll trade you for it some cash on top this tractor is just a little more expensive so uh we're gonna head out and go pick up our new tractor here and in the meantime our fuel tank should be getting delivered it literally just gets dropped off and then we hook up the power and it's good to go well boys this is it an international 67 88 and I just ran over my mailbox and who hit that in the first place so some of you may or may not agree with uh this trade here but I have personally always loved these tractors I forget the name of them there's like a special name of them a two plus two or something I can't remember anyways as old as this machine is it has been immaculately taken care of and uh it's well a decent bit bigger than the old 4040. now while it doesn't have a loader I think you can always put one on here I don't know if I'd recommend that but uh really we don't need more than one loader tractor around here and we got a skid steer so I think we're good to go now unlike the old 4040 this tractor does have air conditioning and a nicer cab also it's got a set of duals if we want to put those on but frankly I don't think we need them right now so we're just gonna leave the singles on now I'm not entirely sure what we're going to use this tractor for it might run the disc it'll probably be better at running the disc than the 4040 there or maybe the Green Card something else but this is kind of a mid-sized tractor maybe a little bigger than midsize I don't know it should work for a couple things around the farm especially in the hanging equipment which uh the 4040 didn't really have the best power to run all that so I'm pretty happy with the trade and it looks like our fuel tank has not gotten delivered yet and maybe they're running a bit late today who knows I figured while we have the time here because of this uh impending rainstorm to get out some of the Hang equipment here I think where this tractor is really going to shine this year is running this Vermeer mower the 4040 just didn't have quite enough power this should be perfect obviously we're not going to start mowing yet because uh well it's spring grass isn't fully grown but we gotta wait a bit but I still have to get it serviced well I got everything about looked over here got it all greased checked all the bearings I think everything's good to go a lot of rain cloud in the sky but they're calling for it I don't know at any rate we started seating pretty early we got about a week before we really got to put the hammer down so I think I'm gonna hop on my quad here and we're gonna head out to that cabin even get some uh logs get up I do have a fireplace and I'd like some wood for that so as well while we have the time do some work just heading down the power line cut here our turn to the cabin should be somewhere around here I just gotta look for the trail could just be right about here and this is all grown over a lot oh this is it oh it's good to be back I was out here over the winter getting it up a little but really hasn't been touched since then I don't even think anybody's been out here that doesn't look like it anyways I did do a little bit of tree cleanup here so I think we're gonna try maybe cut some of that up a little more load it onto the trailer here and uh take some of it out of here maybe do a little more tree trimming a lot of work to do back here well I've about spent the last hour here just getting everything organized cleaning it all up all looking pretty good now I'm gonna load up a couple logs here hopefully the 6x6 can handle this I don't know it's gonna be a lot of weight we'll see how it goes though well we are all loaded down with wood here I'm just heading out of the Bush it's probably another couple loads back there but we'll get to that later I also got a call while I was loading up wood there and I guess fuel tank got delivered so I'm gonna go check that out still no rain I thought we were gonna go get rain but uh I guess not so we might actually just go out and finish up seeding another field here so we'll see how it goes well would you look at that brand new Meridian fuel tank oh man we're gonna have fuel for days now I'm not gonna have to get a fuel truck once a week this is gonna be perfect anyway is the 6x6 actually handled this trailer immaculately I thought it was going to be not a good time trying to pull this back but we got it back easily well surprisingly enough the next field we're uh on here is right next to my farm that's right I ended up securing the uh rent of it for this year and hopefully the next we'll see but we're gonna plant this one two soybeans as well we also did get this little grass field over here so beyond that so I guess now we uh we have this little grass field here probably end up cutting it for hay or something and then all the little Fields back there there's one more little grass field back there that we got as well and then we pretty much have all the lands surrounding my farm which is nice and definitely a lot more hayland but we should be making Bales like crazy but all this back here is getting planted soybeans and the rest of the fields are either getting corn or wheat depends ah crap we're out of liquid fertilizer here all right pull this thing up and uh let's go get some liquid fertilizer our up little skid steer here this thing loaded up and we'll be back out in the field in no time well we're back up and going here I should have took that uh disc and just this that all into one field there because then we kind of have to go over all that but that'll be fun best part though about having all this land right around my farm I don't have to transport anything too far so makes everything just a lot easier and saves us a lot in fuel after we get this fuel done here we got one more little one back there and the other one behind that is just grass so we'll just cut that for hey later in the year well that'll do it for this field on to the next this will be like three passes and we'll be done they did put lime on all of these which is nice so they probably test the fields and uh it probably needed it so I bet you some of mine do too I'll have to do that next year all behind that field all right beside that little Ponder there's actually the cabin back there so it's actually pretty close to the farm but yeah all back there we still have all that we can cut for hay yeah like I said three passes and we're done well I'm gonna get the cedar filled back up here so we're good to go for the further Outfield so we don't have to come back again for at least a little while might also load the trailer up too we don't have to come all the way back to the farm just to get more seed and with the fertilizer there [Music] well boys it's another day another dollar back out here on grandpa's farm so recently we've been pulling quite a few hours out in the field here trying to get all our seating done and that's been going well so far but you know I figured I didn't have enough to do so I bought a grain bin well kind of an older grain bin now you might be wondering what this green bin is for well to put it simply I want to build another house and I figured this would be the cheapest slash easiest way to do it so basically I've been seeing these grain bin houses all around and I figured hey I know where to get a grain bin pretty cheap so I went and bought one I'm getting a contractor over here it's already all cleaned out we got it dropped off here the other day so they're gonna turn this old thing into a house which should be pretty cool so while that's getting done over the next couple days here we have got a lot more work to do on the farm such as filling up the cedar so we've pretty much gotten all the fields minus a couple little ones back there planted so now we kind of just got to do all the further away ones which kind of sucks because we're not right close to the farm we can't go get seed easily so what I'm thinking is we're gonna get the cedar completely filled up here I'm gonna grab the trailer with our Dodge there we're gonna get that loaded up with seed and fertilizer take both those things out to the further away fields and then we shouldn't have to go back to the farm for a little while we can actually get some work done but first things first is this thing needs some liquid fertilizer all right that's all filled up here I'm just going to leave this pallet out here because we're going to put it on the trailer anyway now I'm not entirely sure if this skid steer here can lift all the way up to those top seed tanks here with the seed bags but for sure as I can give it a try the question is can we lift both yeah I think we got it uh yeah the answer is no don't worry I got a solution for that an even bigger loader now this thing I know for a fact lifts up way more than enough all right well that's about two bags there I think it's pretty much full here so we're just gonna call that good I'm gonna actually put the Cummins to work for once I don't think we've really done too much with this truck other than driving around from point A to point B so we'll see if it can pull actually pull a trailer for once I haven't really tested that out yet I think we're only gonna need uh one Hank there we'll just grab two bags of seed and that should do it hold on I wonder if we can grab four that possible yes it is can this gets here actually lift this oh it can uh I don't know about that one yeah it's looking a little Tippy we'll just grab two that's all we'll need I can't see crap while I'm trying to move these things and there we go well hopefully that should do it well I'm gonna get the John Deere out to the field here and then I'm gonna get my buddy Ricky to give me a ride back to the house here I'll grab the second gen and we should be good I hope John Deere's already got all the fuels so did have more than enough alrighty we finally made it so this is a field that we planted last year I believe we planted it in beans so this year it's going corn kinda have to unfold on the road here because we don't have a whole lot of extra area all right I'm not too sure where Ricky's at here but he's supposed to meet me but yeah I'm sure it'll show up eventually we'll be good for a little while at least ah crap okay hold up hold up hold up wait a second I forgot something gotta put these Lids back on whoops okay now we're good the last video a lot of you guys had something to say about my uh seating techniques well as I stated before I took over this farm for Grandpa as well I inherited it but uh you know it kind of also said I don't have a whole lot of farming experience so yeah I'm I'm not gonna be perfect at this I'm trying my best but we're making it work freaky don't show up here pretty quick we're just gonna be in the next field which is all right I'm sure we can go in the next field for a little a while I'm just getting everything folded up here to head out to the next field Ricky called me that he was out getting some pops for the shop party tonight so uh yeah I guess we're gonna have to just go to the next field there and he'll pick us up a little bit later yep Ricky sure does love his pops one time I seen him mow in his lawn he was just uh out there cruising around with a pop in his hand riding a zero turn funny thing is it was about 8 A.M when I told him that he said it's five o'clock somewhere which uh I guess he's got a point well these are our next set of fields here down by a pond now look who decided to show up much like myself Ricky's the second gen man gotta respect it well we made it back to the farm here look at you beat Ricky my truck's nicer well we made it back here we'll fill up the cedar here in a little bit but looks like Ricky finally decided to make it out here with his Rock picker he's gonna be boring my skid steer for a couple projects I was like hey if you want to do something for me I need this uh field picked of rocks and he so happens to have a bunch of equipment that he uses from time to time I I don't know why he still keeps it as well frankly he does not do a lot of farming but he's up meal today so we're gonna get working on a different field I guess I guess Ricky just bought this really cool old tractor it has a blade on the front of it so who knows what he's gonna use that for but he's got it hooked up to his Rock thicker right now and it seems to be working okay Ricky are you are you going into the lake Bud oh no he's backing up wasn't sure what was going on there well two passes in this field is pretty much done except for a little bit really question Ricky's Rock picking abilities because he seems to be backing up at every Point not too sure what's going on there what is this guy doing well there he goes and look at that equipment he's got thing is nuts look at the blade on that thing it's huge oh he's Ricky come on now don't run into me oh boy coming in hot all right Ricky's let me borrow this thing for a minute I wanted to try it out here hold on is this tractor dual motor it is too what the heck why would you ever need two motors for this thing what is it is supposed to do I guess run this massive blade but still man come on all right so we've spent the last 45 minutes here trying to get all the rocks out of that field looks like we've succeeded we're just gonna get this planted get the cedar filled up again and then we're off to the next field which I think there's only one more and then uh it's just the rest of the stuff by the house all right that's it for that field and we are pretty much out of seed and liquid fertilizers so we gotta get this thing filled up and it's off to the next and this thing's gonna need a wash once we get back to the farm it is looking a little worse for wear at the moment okay so there may be a slight chance I didn't think this through about how to get the seed bags up to the tanks up here and uh this skid steer does not lift high enough so I have an idea I don't know if it's gonna work but we're sure as heck gonna try it yeah okay that's kind of unfortunate I was really hoping that would work I have one more idea though sometimes I feel like my own genius scares me and it probably should is this safe absolutely not is it gonna work I think so this should not work we flipping did it though we flip it and did it luckily we do not have to lift the liquid fertilizer that high so we'll get this in there and it should be a piece of cake well we're gonna finish up this field and then we are out of here well boys it's been a couple days here uh finally clear skies for once we pretty much finished up that last field there I guess we got one more over there and just a couple small ones right next to the farm here that we have left to finish but we ended up finishing up that one field that was furthest away from the farm and then it started pouring down rain so we had to quit unfortunately it did not wash off the cedar which is not great the uh contractor guys are just about finished on the uh brand bin house which we'll go check out in a little bit here but for now I gotta get this cleaned up then hopefully once it dries up a little bit more we'll finish off the rest of those fields but other than that we're pretty much done seating here which is awesome all right finally clean and it is looking good all right so one thing I wanted to show you guys before we uh take a look at our new house there well not our new house this is going to be a separate house most likely a guest house or maybe if I get an employee he can uh stay there but we have this little trailer back here or trailer house I guess now uh it's pretty worse for wear and I kind of want to get rid of it now that's a little easier said than done so hopefully we can get rid of it by the end of this year if not I'll get rid of it first thing next year but it needs to go it's pretty bad inside so that's pretty much the reason why I built a different house instead of uh just kind of revamping this thing it's too far gone other than that with seating almost done here we'll be pulling out the combine pretty quick to get that all ready to go I think we're getting either a new sprayer which we don't really have a spare right now so we might be just getting our first sprayer or we're going to be getting it custom done who knows we didn't spray last year and uh that definitely showed in our yields so this year we're definitely gonna try to get that done let's go check out our new house here it is looking real fancy but if it weren't for the windows and uh some interesting decorating you wouldn't know this was a house at all walking in here look at this already decorated looking good got a kitchen you got a living room dining table if you walk upstairs here you got the whole other part part here bathroom which is awesome you got a main bedroom here and a guest bedroom with two beds if you look at the window there's those stinking deer hey get out of here so yeah this is pretty much the green bin house it's nothing too fancy but uh it will definitely get the job done and who knows maybe I'll just move in here I want to get some Landscaping done out here maybe put in a fire pit area get a uh kind of laneway put in all the way from the road back there kind of leading up to here I don't know I think we could probably do that two separate driveways I mean we kind of pull out of here anytime we got something really big we don't want to bring through the front yard so it'll probably be better off if we just uh kind of erode there but I'll have to see if I can get some gravel put in or brought in I guess and we'll spread that around with a skid steer do some work there foreign [Music] back out here at Grandpa's farm and we're pretty much wrapped up here on seating it's almost done I think we got a couple more small Fields left so we're gonna try finish those today anyways there was an auction a couple days ago and uh I may have made a impulsive purchase that should be showing up here in the next 10 to 15 minutes so we're gonna see what that is anyway we got some organizing on the farm to do before the delivery driver gets here so we better get to work on that well I didn't really think this one through I still grabbed this bag of seed here I'm gonna try oh I can perfect we'll just set that right here the irony I'm wearing a case sweater as I'm driving a John Deere we'll just get this foot away here for now I'm sure we'll have to use it eventually but I'm hoping by the end of the week here after we finish seeding we can at least get the combine out get that all set up ready to go oh I think I hear someone pulling up the road here well this was my dumb purchase of the week a massive Volvo wheel loader like this thing is huge um anyway I went to a spring auction and uh got in a bidding war with this guy I didn't pay too too much for this but uh yeah I bought a wheel loader all right let's get this bad boy unloaded here though it's got a set of forks and a bucket here which uh should do just about everything we need anyways this thing is like ridiculously huge I have absolutely no need for a wheel loader like this but uh you know what when a good deal comes along a good deal comes along there we go man I need a semi like this this thing looks cool and this thing this is just a hunk of junk maybe I need to upgrade anyways now I own a massive wheel loader that uh I have in mind one project for it and that is about it and even still this loader is ridiculously overkill for this project I want to build a kind of road from this corner all the way to the main road there so it shouldn't be too hard but uh yeah this thing is still Overkill I'm sure we'll find other uses for it on the farm though I help I don't know we're gonna find out at any rate this should really help when we need to move snow in the winter we're just a bit of grass here I'm just gonna dump this over there but I think I'm gonna get to uh trying to rip up some of this grass here with the buck it and uh we'll try to get a little Trail going to the road here well that took a little while but I think we got it about as smooth as we can get it here got most of the grass ripped out where we needed to be and we got a truckload of gravel on the way here so once that arrives we'll get that spread and hopefully we'll have a new road anyways in the meantime here I figured I'd have a little fun we're gonna try to use this loader to its full potential here lifting up seed bags yep that's what I spent a ridiculous amount of money for oh man this is so Overkill hold on can I even lift high enough to get these up here no way I don't think I can all right hold on hold on I gotta let's see if I can move this down the fork a bit there we go okay let's give that a try still I can't well that's just disappointing all that money in for what well at the very least I can pick up a pallet this thing's useful for something well delivery driver just showed up here with the uh gravel we needed isn't that the same Brook that was here before I swear it is it is too or maybe this company just has the same trucks for everything because I know the same company that delivered my uh loader here maybe they just have a bunch of the same trucks all right well I'm gonna tell them where to dump this and then uh we can get the spread in here we may have to get another trailer in I don't know yet but hopefully one's enough well this is where it got dumped here not the most ideal spot but it should hopefully work just gonna try to spread this out here real nice yeah I'm just gonna call the guy right now and say we're gonna need another load well so far so good here just getting the last of this spread out I'm not entirely sure if we're going to be needing the uh second truck of gravel here but uh who knows if we do we do if we don't we don't then we just have extra gravel well most of the driveway is done here just the last little bit up here so we'll get that last load of gravel and uh finish this up but for now I think we're gonna go out and try finish up the seating here hopefully everything should be filled up and ready to go here so we'll see if we can finish it today first use of the new driveway even though it isn't finished yet but hopefully it will be soon you know what before we actually seed here I am just gonna take the disc and we're gonna disc in all these other parts here that kind of separate these small little Fields we're just gonna put it all into one big field I mean why not makes things a heck of a lot easier especially when Harvest comes around ah shoot I forgot we have to move the combine oh she fires right up though I guess what we have it out here we'll just get it put by the shop and we can get to work on it making sure it's all good for this year well let's hope the old anteater can uh pull this disc here we should be able to get it done I think I don't know we'll see how it goes well everything seems to be working good here I think I'm just gonna extend this field a little more into the trees here here because we got a good amount of open area here most of it's still getting hit by the sunlight so crop should still do good so we just got a little strip left right in between the end here kind of and then this is all going to be one big field which will be a lot easier for Harvest and seeding and so forth because we're not gonna have to move up and down these small little Fields now we can just go all the way down and all the way back and that should do it well I was gonna say this makes everything so much easier but um I can't make it through the one part there so we're just gonna have to leave that still not the end of the world but I guess we wouldn't really fit the header through there anyway now last year this was corn so it's going into soybeans there's one smaller field in the back and I think we're gonna plant that to soybeans as well but uh our very last field our very last bigger field I guess is also going into you know what we're gonna put in wheat I think we have enough soybeans where we can uh afford to do a wheat field this year I was gonna plant this into one here but uh too many trees in here about one pass and this is going to be finished well that'll do it anyways we're on the last field here we're gonna get that finished up and then we'll get back to working on a bunch of other stuff all right so I'm out here at the field we're supposed to be sitting to wheat now um for some reason I didn't realize that you can't plant wheat with a planter I I don't know how I didn't think about that anyways I think I might have to go rent a cedar because uh well the plant wheat we're gonna have to have one man I really did not think that through so while we are uh waiting on a cedar here to get delivered from Co-op that I rented I uh also went into town and rented a stump grinder there's just a couple things I want to take care of on the farm so I figured this is the perfect time to do it there's just a couple stumps that have been bothering me for the longest time and I just want to get rid of them like this one right here gotta go look at that easy like nothing there's also a bit of brush on the trails here we can clean up and this thing just makes it look like nothing I should just buy one of these for the farm at this point all right that's all looking a lot better now and actually pull stuff through there without getting caught on trees all right so the last the gravel got delivered here and uh I guess they went just a little Overkill with this yeah I think we have enough here now anyways I'm gonna deal with this later I think uh Co-op just showed up with the cedar here well that should do the trick it's some European one but uh we got it hooked up to the anteater here get it filled up with seed and we'll be good to go all right well hopefully I can figure out how to run this thing well we got the forks back on the skid steer here I'm gonna try and load some of the seed up in there okay I hope this gets your Kenneth at the very least lift this up enough you gotta be flipping kidding me all right back to the case it is well at least this thing works no problem this uh may take a minute apparently we need more seed too I know at the very least we're gonna need a full tank to uh get this last field finished here so we'll use whatever we need to okay that's looking pretty full here I think we're gonna need one more bag now that ought to do it well I'm gonna try to get the farm organized here and then if I get a chance I'll head out seeden that last field finished up here but the farm is in shambles we need to get this all organized here because it is not great at the moment [Music] well boys it's another day back out here on the farm we got way too much to do there's lots of stuff going on today but there's gonna be something new coming to the farm and uh well hopefully it's gonna replace the John Deere but uh that's not showing up till later this afternoon so in the meantime here we're gonna get to work anyway we did end up renting a cedar a little while ago and uh we've been meaning to go out and finish our last field we're gonna go do that and I think this uh this grass here is getting tall enough to the point where we might be able to cut it and then hopefully get a second cut out of it later this year so we're probably gonna get to a bit of that but for now I think we'll be busy enough with trying to get this seating finished all right last field of the Year let's get this in the ground all right technically speaking this is not the last field the second last field uh since that one right there is separated but you know you get the idea anyways this shouldn't take too long the cedar is pretty decently sized well this one's all wrapped up here on to the next and we should be good for seed here I hope and after we finish this up we gotta take the cedar back to the co-op and a plethora of other projects have to be done so we'll be busy and that is the last of it finally done let's just rip this thing back here and I thought I was gonna have to watch the international but uh it's actually looking pretty clean so I think we'll be all right so I just got the cedar back to the co-op there and I think I'm just gonna stop in here at our neighbors where we store some of our equipment and grab one of our grain cards because we're probably gonna need it well eventually not anytime soon but eventually it will be needed also gonna need a rake there I'll get that later I'm sure we'll be okay for now ah crap I gotta finish the driveway too we'll just get this put right here for now ah bring up a little more the international here is gonna go on to the Vermeer haybine and hopefully we get a chance to use that today I don't know we'll find out I think we're good to go and hang though hopefully a while ago we uh got a bunch of gravel here to finish up a driveway it worked out pretty good but uh we've got a little extra now and I don't really know where to put it here so I'm thinking I'm probably just gonna dump it right back here I get some of it moved out of the way at the very least oh boy back ends lifting up I should have told him not to dump so much here because now we have to move all of this who knows maybe in 20 years we might have this pile going well it has taken me about an hour here but uh we got most of the gravel move to back there I think I'm gonna try finish off this road here and maybe put a little bit out front of uh our grain bin house here because why not oh maybe I should have mowed the grass here but oh well well we're pretty much finished here just need to uh smooth everything out a little bit and I think we'll be good we're pretty close to it at least got a little bit of a trail laid down here but uh I need to clear up some grass so this is probably going to be coming out of here anyway well I think that'll about do it got this all nice and cleaned up now I'm actually gonna go hop in the John Deere and we're gonna get this thing cleaned up a little bit is this going away we got a new tractor coming today and I think it won't be here for a little while yet but uh I want to get this all good to go at the very least all right I think this is about as good as it's gonna get it's all shined up now looking a bit cleaner should be able to stay parked here for now we're getting the loader taking off the 89.50 here because we gotta head over to the neighbors there grab some more hanging equipment and then I think we're gonna get to cutting here looks good good enough to go now okay let's see we can actually get this out of here this might be a bit of a challenge and I think we got it perfect quick grease and this thing should be good to go so we're just pulling into the neighbor's yard here we were supposed to cut their hay field last year but uh we got a little wrapped up at our Owen hanging and didn't really have a lot of time but this year we're getting to jump on it and gonna try cut it here first we're doing this more in exchange for uh the storage of our equipment over the winter so we're gonna try to get this done here it really shouldn't take us too long we're just gonna cut the back here behind the shop may as well a little extra Bales never hurt nobody and with the bigger tractor this year this Premiere just rips last year was a little slower because we had it on the uh smaller John Deere but this year I think we're pretty much set heck this is so thick already I think we'll definitely get a second cut off of it easy especially if we get enough rain now mind me here just cutting your front lawn yeah unless they got a mow I guess if we can we'll try break this up today and then just let it dry out and then we should be able to bail it so long as we don't get any rain because if we get rain then we are screwed on I'm bailing for a little while and that is the last of it for here anyways we still got a lot more land to cut we've got all behind there by the uh old moonshine Barn of Grandpa's back there we've got all of the house land and we mostly cut around the farm a lot so frankly there's a lot of open space so can't let it go to waste I guess but that's for another day because if we get too much cut in the rains it's just not a good time this got a fuel up the old case here before we head out man this thing is gonna need a wash when we get back check it out using our new driveway this comes in handy actually I mean we pretty much just went out that way anyway and there was no driveway there so better now that we have it I guess we're gonna have a swath of hay here just put right in their driveway but I'm sure they don't mind gotta watch the edge of this can't be hitting no fence that'd be a bad day for the rake and the fence and my wallet well that about does it everything's raked up I think we're good to go to let this dry out and then uh we'll come back at a later date and it all bailed up they do have a swath going right through the driveway but uh yeah it'll be all right problem for later I'm pretty sure that's I was finishing up the hay field there I saw something pull into my yard so better go investigate holy smokes it's here all right let me go park the case here real quick oh it needs a bath yeah I'll do that later yeah look at this just a bit of an upgrade here the world four-wheel drive now uh this is a big bud tractor some of you may or may not recognize this uh it's one of big Bud's smaller models but it's still an absolutely massive tractor anyway nothing really close to the biggest tractor in the world but uh I think it'll still do the job we're gonna get this unloaded here real quick and we're gonna load up the old John Deere now I found that tractor a while back the guy didn't really want to get rid of it but we ended up working on a deal where it was a partial trade this with a lot of cash on top for uh for the rest of it so the old 8850 is uh getting sent away we needed something bigger for our planter anyway and I figured this would be the perfect upgrade because I really didn't want to go with anything too too new or too too old and I figured this would be the perfect deal plus this thing has an AB absolute rap load of power oh man I can't wait to get this thing out in the fields it's gonna be sick look how much bigger it is compared to the uh other John Deere here I guess the John Deere has bigger Wheels but you can just see how much more beefy this thing is but man this is gonna be quite the sweet rig to get out into the field and when you get an opportunity to buy a big bud you don't pass that up all right well the transporter is getting everything strapped down here I gotta take a better look at this thing now grandpa always wanted a big bud tractor but uh unfortunately really hard to come by and if you do come by them usually they're like pizza crap because they were work horses that's what they were built for they're built to be used some way somehow I managed to find one that's not pizza crap look at the interior on this like a spaceship not really because it's pretty old but like back in the day this thing was a spaceship all the different dials all the switches ridiculous I might have to eventually get some bigger wheels and tires on this but for now I'm sure these will do just fine this thing is actually going to be quite the rig being hooked up to the green card here oh yeah check that out and hopefully this thing should run the planter just a little bit better than the other John Deere there because it did run it it was just a little small but now I think we got something that'll run just about anything we needed to 89.50 here needs a wash can't put this stuff away dirty I was just thinking I'm not sure if I have a bale spear for my uh skid steer I know I had one for the old one but not sure if I sold it with that skid steer or not I'm gonna have to go look around because if I don't have one I'll have to go buy one there that's all clean now anyways that's my Bale spear at I have a set of forks here uh this is for the three-point hitch where is my bail spear is it in the shop nope okay I guess I'm gonna have to go buy one unless it got set somewhere else but I can't find it anywhere around here yeah NADA no idea where it could have went I was thinking I might get a bale spear for my loader too as well I mean that they could probably carry like three or four bales easily so I might just have to go get one for that as well [Music] it's another early grandpa's farm now the forecast is looking really really good clear skies for the next week here no rain no nothing so I figured it'd be the perfect week to get some spraying done so I rented a sprayer from the local co-op along with a semi and uh spray trailer this will mix all our spray up along with water and we load it into the sprayer and put that onto the field now we've got uh quite a few fields to spray here so uh it's gonna be a busy day along with that we're gonna be picking up something new a little bit later this afternoon and uh it's along the lines of a farm utility vehicle kind of like this now I love this quad but uh you know it doesn't hurt to have something else anyway we've already got the sprayer filled up here all ready to go with everything we're gonna need and then uh the tanks are all set to go or when we need a refill so this should go pretty smoothly I hope the sprayer might be a tad bit too big for some of our Fields but for most of them it should work we'll try and get as much as we can done and a couple days ago we did cut all of this out front here to be build up so we got to rake all that and then hopefully we can get a bill today so there's literally so much to do I don't know if we're all gonna get it done but we'll try our best I will say it has been a while since I've created a sprayer let a little pull behind sprayer I'm gonna try my best here and the dude from the co-op already set it to the uh right ratio or whatever I'm spraying onto the crop here I believe it's herbicide to uh get rid of all the weeds here so I believe he said it's all the right ratios hopefully we're okay and this is a brand of sprayer I've never seen before it looks almost like a John Deere sprayer but it's like a a best best way sprayer no idea never seen the brand before but it seems to be working good anyways we're gonna try to get the beans all sprayed here and then I think we got a couple other crops like the oats but with the sprayer this big it shouldn't take too long and we've also got all that hay ground to cut I do want to check into that Barn at some point this year and maybe tear it down or maybe rebuild it I'm not too sure yet let me know down in the comments what I should do with it but it's Grandpa's old moon shining Barn used to uh run moonshine out of there which is kind of surprising but I guess the time that he was doing it in it was pretty dang common at any rate I'm not too sure what I should do with it so I'll let you guys decide just a little bit left up here at the top of the field and we are done this one I also have to go pick up some of the Bales off of this field over here but there's only three so it shouldn't take too long well these are the wheat Fields over here and uh they are definitely loaded with weeds and need some herbicide here so we'll get that on here ASAP all right that is the wheat Fields done we are just about empty here so I'm gonna run back to the farm fill this thing up and I think we got a couple more fields to spray around the farm and then we're gonna leave the rest still a bit later because they're not quite ready to go yet ah crap The Fill points on the other side I gotta whip this thing around part of me thought it'd be really cool to run this on the big bud but uh that'd just be Overkill and uh well it's got dually tires so or compaction on the crop that's never good all right pumps fired up here just filling up the sprayer all right back off to the field we go and this next one lucky for us is right next to the farm not a whole lot of visible Weeds on this one but still needs to be sprayed here man I really need to plow these fields all together make things so much easier next year all three of these fields are soybeans but the field up here I believe is is a ground and all that back there so that's gonna have to get cut at some point also I'm aware I'm not turning off the spray going across those little grass patches it's easier than flipping around at every end I think I can stand to waste the tiniest little bit of spray all right one more field in the back and we're good to go if I can squeeze in between here yeah we're good I gotta move this semi at some point now this right here was the spot I was most worried about how big this sprayer was but I think we'll be okay hopefully as long as I watch the booms on those tree rows there we shouldn't have any issues not entirely sure if this thing has Breakaway booms which if you don't know what Breakaway booms are it's uh if you hit something with the boom of the sprayer there it essentially well breaks away and well prevents the entire boom from just getting folded in half oh we got deer in the field all right we're good to go so I've got the sprayer for the rest of the week here from Co-op and uh we'll finish up the rest of the spring a little bit later now we got more work to do we're gonna slap the same old case on this uh rake here and hopefully get this all raked up shouldn't take too long you always miss a bit in the tight spots but it is what it is now normally you wouldn't try rake those super tight Corners as the pull behind balers couldn't handle something like that but since we literally have a zero turn or a Baler I think we're all right son of a gun I always knock over that stinking sign I really just need to take that down so in case you're ever wondering Austin how come it seems like you never ever get any work done on the farm it's because I do crap like this yeah I rate this entire patch into one swath and for one particular reason I wanted to see the true capabilities of the self-propelled from your Baler so we're going to test that at some point today will it go well I couldn't tell you anyways for now I'm gonna finish off the rake in here and we're gonna go pick up some Bales already got that finished for now we've still got lots to do there's still a couple more Fields left to cut breaking Bales so this will be an ongoing task for the next little while but for the day we're at least kind of finished with that part uh never mind crap I forgot there's all this in the back yeah we'll do that later anyways I figured I'd use my loader for one once here and go grab some of the Bales that we did last week there I haven't really used this thing for too much though may as well do something with it at the very least I do have to get a bail fork for this thing though at some point for now I'm pretty sure the regular forks will work well this actually kind of works not half bad the loader can easily handle these bigger Bales versus the tractors so that's a plus probably should have used the GMC with the bail bed there but oh well we'll use it next time all right I'm not entirely sure if the loader will fit oh yeah it'll fit in here I thought it wouldn't for a minute but we're plenty good as far as I know the horses that we're keeping here are still doing good I'll go check on them in a little bit I gotta put some water in their trough probably so that's another task for later though all right there's one bit I'm pretty sure there's another bale back here all right let's just get these bad boys set in here nice and easy there we go all right so I just got a call back from the owner who has the Ulta rain farm vehicle that we're supposed to go look at now I'm not calling it a quad because frankly I don't know if it can be classified as one but we're gonna get the Cummins hooked up to the trailer there head out there and uh take a look at it I think we're gonna buy it but I gotta look at it first at the very least well boys do I got the Hall of a freaking Century here and yeah if he couldn't tell I bought what we went to go look at so let me uh give you a little explanation to uh what exactly is going on here so this is a John Deere ATV AKA like a bombardier or a John Deere Buck whatever you want to call it uh these things weren't produced for too long that's probably why you've never seen one or if you have I would be surprised this is a 2005 model it was basically unused like this thing is flipping mint for how old it is garage kept like the Plastics are still shiny for a 2005 ATV that's pretty dang good I think they only made these things for like two and a half maybe three years at at most and they didn't even produce that many as far as I'm aware they're pretty dang rare like extremely rare especially in good condition so along with that I got a trailer hole behind mower and some kind of a rake or something I'm not entirely sure anyway got this off for 1500 that's right 1500 bucks what a steal anyway I'm gonna get this all unstrapped here and uh we'll get it off the trailer now surprisingly enough this quad actually runs now uh as far as I'm wearing the bombardiers are notorious running extremely rough now amazingly enough growing up on the farm when I was younger we actually had one of these in real life and it ran horribly like it was bad it ran so bad I think I I wrote it for a total of like maybe three times it was awful anyways with the couple implements here I think we're gonna try them out around here I don't know how well they're gonna work honestly they're probably gonna be terrible but you know what I figured for the price we paid what could go wrong now that trailer right there I actually want to use that for something I'm gonna go grab my skid steer and uh we'll see what we can do with this so I had this water tank here in the back of my 6x6 ATV and it did not work well at all like it did work but it was really hard on the suspension and just not a good time so we're sticking this thing on the trailer here and hopefully it works just a little bit better trailers even paint matched to the quad that's actually kind of cool this was literally the only use for the trailer I could think of because it's too small to really haul anything on other than maybe some little stuff around the farm throw a strap on that there we go and this should work perfect all right I got it all filled up with water here so we're gonna go give some to the horses real quick it seems to be Towing this actually not half bad maybe I can make it up this oh yeah we're good easy a lot better than the 6x6 or uh all around this water tank back this up here real quick give the horses some water okay they should be good now I'm just gonna leave this trailer out here it should be okay and we don't really need it for anything else so what needs to be filled up we'll just hook it onto the quad and go fill it up with water and then stick it back out there so I wanted to give this mower a little try here real quick I've frankly neglected the uh loan around the house forever now so should work perfect just around here since I don't have a zero turn or anything and the closest thing I have that could cut this would probably be the really old sickle blade mower in the garage there because the hay button can't get anywhere near this yeah I mean it does work not the greatest for close corners but it is what it is probably need to sharpen up the blades here eventually okay so how's grass is cut I probably should have moved to Baylor but I was feeling a little too lazy for that now this rake here should rake up all the grass clippings too let's see here oh yeah look at that that's not how bad isn't the best thing but it does get the job done this quad's actually pretty dang silent it wasn't a 2005 model you'd probably think it's electric almost anyways let me know down in the comments if you guys have ever seen John Deere quad because I'm kind of curious how many people have actually seen one well this should help with cleaning up some stuff around the house other than that it's just kind of a cool thing to have I guess I can say I have a John Deere quad probably not many people can say that all right time to get back to some actual work here I want to see how much this Vermeer Baler can handle and if if it can handle this big swather I'll actually be genuinely surprised lower that down fire it up let's see what it can do my guess is this thing will get full before we even get halfway through the swath yeah we're already full not a surprise there we'll probably get quite a few Bales out of this one swath year but this thing seems to be working as long as we go decently slow not liking this massive swath drive over but other than that the Baler seems to be handling it kind of yep another bale already and we may get another half out of this yeah not even all right so not half bad actually well we've got a lot more baling to do and uh a little bit more raking wouldn't be too much [Music] well boy it's another day back out here at Grandpa's farm and today we're in a rush a big one because our wheat's ready to go and I don't have anything that we need to harvest ready to go to head out to the field so uh we better get to work on that now first things first of course we got to get our header trailer out of storage there we'll see if the old John Deere uh Buck can pull it out all right it's hooked up and we're definitely spitting but we are pulling it surprisingly enough oh shoot I didn't think we'd get that out of there but we did so on top of harvest we've also got a lot of hang to do we've got bailing it's gonna be a crazy busy day I'm actually just gonna pull the header trailer out here that way it's easier to hook it up to the combine I think we may have the comb on serviced already I'm just gonna check it over real quick get it all filled up with diesel and then we should be okay to go all right I just looked everything over looks like we did service it which is nice okay I'm just gonna keep this parked here for now I gotta clean up these bales that are out here still this out of the way put it back to where it was so we're just in the work truck right now heading out to a neighbor of mine's place we're gonna do the same thing as last last year and grab one of his augers so we can fill up one of our main bins with the auger he's got it just works a little nicer for uh trailers we have okay August here let's uh get this thing back to the farm and try not to hit any power lines or trees best to avoid those things not terribly great for the auger okay so well we may not need this auger right at this moment because we're not putting any of the wheat into the big bin we're gonna need it fairly soon especially once the soybeans get ready to harvest so it's better to have it on hand when we actually need it so a buddy of mine down the road lent me this small John Deere 3046r to plow up the arena with but today we're gonna try to use it to power one of our augers I don't know how it's gonna go but we'll see he did mention to me a little while back that he wanted to sell this so I might just buy it off of him instead but for now we're gonna attempt to use that as an auger tractor probably doesn't even have close to the horsepower it needs but for the shot all right yeah this thing ain't gonna work it doesn't even have the right splines on the PTO shaft so I've got a plan B because I don't want to use any of my big tractors this is my plan B technically speaking it has enough horsepower even though it's barely bigger than the quad but it does have enough horsepower so we're gonna give it a try okay we're positioned and again I did check the horsepower requirements it should work now shouldn't will is two different things but I'm curious to see all right so it took a quick battery boost but the semi is now alive so the field that we're gonna go Harvest here is pretty dang small so I'm thinking we're not even gonna need the grain cart for this I had to move the big butt out of the way just taking up this road okay so we're gonna get this thing out into the field which is right there and uh just run back and grab my combine oh I'm out of shape need to lighten up that lunch bag for the tractor all right first field of the Year let's see how this goes so right now we've got the uh straw on right now so we're gonna make some straw bales later gotta try and maximize that profit alright so we filled up here this field is yielding crazy crazy good at any rate I was looking at Facebook Marketplace while I was uh you know harvesting because these things pretty much run themselves nowadays and and I found something pretty cool that I didn't even know John Deere made so uh we're gonna finish off these fields get some more work done and then hopefully this afternoon we're gonna go take a look at something pretty interesting all right so we're just about finished up here with the last field of the wheat I just gotta go unload again now the only reason why I did the wheat is because we needed straws so uh this makes things a little bit easier and try to buy it since I already have all the equipment to do it so plants in two smaller Fields with wheat in a way it's a lot better alrighty we're all finished up here with the wheat we did manage to fit everything in the truck which was nice so uh we'll get the combine back to the yard then we'll get the truck back so I'm thinking since the soybeans should be ready in due time here I'm just gonna keep all the harvesting equipment out here that way it's a lot easier to get out of the yard when we need to go okay so we got the semi and the green trailer back to the yard here I gotta try back this in over the auger that might be a little bit difficult but we're gonna try our best Well that took quite a bit of moving around but we finally got it now if we fire this thing up the PTO running and we should be good to go all right so we got all the wheat emptied out there uh this little Kubota actually surprised me it ran this auger decently we had to slow down the uh blow out of the trailer just a little bit so it could handle it with no problem but it ran pretty good anyways we're gonna get this moved out of the way and then go work on the other million projects that we have so we've got these Bales out front here and I really got to move them they're not in the way of the uh harvesting equipment we're just gonna use our fancy little bail bed here there we go easy as that perfect let's go run these things out to the horses real quick or at least the horse barn because they've got plenty of grass still just drop them off so the other one here I don't feel very much like uh using the forks on the bed so we're just gonna there we go look at that easy so a little while back I bought this mower for the yard it doesn't work terribly great I probably need to buy another one which is actually something we might go look at it's not the main thing but uh it's one of the things we might go look at this afternoon anyway I'm trying to clean up all the brass clippings from the front of the yard because there was so many but we've also got all of this out here to bail still I'm not entirely sure how many Bales are gonna come from this but I guess we'll find out well crap that did not unload in the best place all right we just finished off this little chunk here the last Bale and that's it for now until we of course cut more inevitably because we have a lot more to do at any rate this thing needs some diesel we're running low son of a gun I put it to the wrong side all right so uh we've got the Cummins here we're about to grab a trailer and go and hopefully buy something else I know I've been on a kick of buying stuff but uh you know Facebook Marketplace is a fun little hobby to you know go and spend your money on ah yes money well spent on more John Deere random things that I didn't know they made son of a gun and I forgot I uh accidentally put that bait on the road I gotta go move that and I have a car hitting that thing there we go oh oh sticking on the forks there we go so in this week's segment of uh random crap I find on Facebook Marketplace I found a mower and some sort of a six-wheeled or five wheeled trike I didn't know John Deere made I know they made uh this mower back in the day but this I I honestly had no idea about I didn't even know this thing existed it's like a cross between a gator and a trike it's really really weird but I got myself a nice little vintage mower for the yard which uh I don't know if it's gonna work but we'll try it out now both these things do run and this is really weird like just look at this thing like what I don't even know what the heck is going on here so it's got this tilt bed which is kind of nice it is four-wheel drive it's now four wheels in the back the one in the front is not a drive wheel but it's got the photo tires so it should be able to cruise through just about anything and I mean it's the coolest little work vehicle I can see why uh the guy I bought it from got a lot of calls on it but luckily I got two at first anyway yeah I'm not entirely sure what to do with this I mean at this point I'm just collecting random John Deere stuff but if you guys have any suggestions leave them down in the comments but yeah I guess John Deere made something like this I I did not know they did okay so this super super tiny tiny little mower like this thing is ridiculously small and it does work like it moves next to nothing but it does work oh man this is ridiculous hold up let me go mow an entire field for hay with this thing I mean it'll get into all the nice small places which is kind of cool but uh other than that there is not a whole lot you can do with this thing it seems to cut through the thick grass half decently I mean it wasn't a complete waste of money just a little bit all right well that's enough mowing at a couple inches of pass I don't really know what I'm gonna do with this maybe I'll just keep it parked in the shop it's is something cool to have hold on I've gotta see something real quick it works look at that we can fit the mower in the back oh that's hilarious this thing is I guess well boys it's another day back out here on grandpa's farm and uh something is leaving today and as some of you may or may not know uh one thing I love doing on the farm is getting new equipment so the thing that's going to be leaving today is my wheel loader now uh I bought this thing a while back at an auction not a really good deal on it actually but uh you know it just hasn't really served enough purpose on the farm to uh weren't keeping around and uh I got a trade offer or something I couldn't turn down so a truck will be coming later today to uh pick this thing up and then drop off one of our new tractors that should be pretty cool you know what else is really cool the animation when you hit the like button you should try it out anyways first thing on the board for today is uh our soybeans ready to go there's a couple little green spots right here but I think they'll be okay anyways soybeans are good to go we've got pretty much all the harvesting equipment ready to go so uh may as well get on it ah shoot I don't know if I'm gonna need the green card now that feels pretty long down that way I should probably grab the green card anyway we'll use the old anteater why not this thing probably should handle the green car pretty good I don't know haven't really tried it out before ah man I'm committing some kind of a crime here Red Tractor on a green grain cart all right calamine's up and going here we got this thing serviced I think last night so I don't got anything to worry about there now we did end up spraying these soybeans so we should be getting a pretty good yield out of them I hope I guess we'll just have to wait and see I don't have enough uh Green in the tank to get an info yet but uh we'll see well everything's looking pretty good here so far it's like we're yielding really nice actually probably the best deals we've taken off this field yet now there's this part in the field here where for some reason there's just this middle strip I'm not sure if this was supposed to be piling or something but I'll look it over and if it's good this fall I'll just take the Ripper and just rip this all into one chunk because frankly this is really annoying to have in the field on second thought though I probably did not need the uh green card but I guess it's better to have than not to have it all all right so I've about made it all the way around the field once and did some cleanup work on some of the other spots here but I I think we're about ready to dump yeah screw it I'll just put it in the grain cart for now this may take a while all right back to harvesting sheesh this thing's dirty now gonna need a good wash okay so we're just about finished this field here and the green card's pretty much full I guess I probably should have just dumped it in the semi but oh well I'm hoping this new tractor shows up here pretty soon it should be I've also got to do some stuff with the horses there so we'll be busy for quite a while here though the green card's full here there's still some left in the combine I think our other soybean field is just about ready to go so uh we'll just leave it in here for now well the semi just pulled in the yard here and it's got our brand new well new to us tractor look at that that's right it's uh it's a New Holland never thought I'd be buying one of those okay so the loader is gonna get loaded onto this after we unload this this thing also has a bale spear that we can use with it which should come in handy help so this thing is a New Holland TV 60 70 and it's a bi-directional tractor so you're supposed to be able to swap up this seat from here all the way to here they can use the tractor either way but we're probably going to keep it like this because we got the front end loader on it and that's probably what we're going to use the most all right perfect everything's loaded up we'll get this thing out of here and we'll get back to work okay so there's a bale spear in the bucket we'll just get this dumped out oh crap that's oh never mind it flipped over the right way and we'll just set this over here and bail spear on perfect we just got a couple bales here that I want to try get picked up and kind of moved out of the way we can I'm just gonna get them stacked up over here for now all right Bales moved on to the next thing so my biggest hope with this tractor was to be able to uh do some mowing with it since kind of got the better three-point hitch stuff and it's a little bit nicer so I think this should work good now uh we have a little cut back here we got to do for sure it's regrown enough to the point where we should probably do it if we want a second cut now last time we were here we cut everything around my neighbor's house but I think this time we're just gonna cut the field oh man this thing cruises so much easier with this tractor we can swing this Vermeer mower around so much easier another thing done so I figured while I got the mower on here right now we've got this little part in the back side of my property that I've been meaning to mow for a while and just haven't but uh now that we got the time as well we've also got this new grass here that we planted not too long ago and it's looking a lot better than the old stuff I should have just done this entire back part though but oh well oh look there's my buddy's cabin right there clean that out over the winter got a bunch of trees out of there it's looking good and that will do it okay I think that's all we have to get mode for now I should probably go deal with the horses though their pasture is getting a little low in grass so I think we're gonna stick a bale in there but we gotta go pick up a bale Feeder first never mind there's always one small field you forget there we go that should do it now I hope that actually didn't take too long this thing flies with this new New Holland on it alright so the Hang should be good for a little while now we just gotta wait for everything to dry up so we can rake it all but uh we're gonna take the Cummins and the flatbed trailer here and go and run out and pick up a new round bale feeder for the horses so they can have some hay and I think we're also going to grab a new water trough so we'll see how that goes hopefully it all fits on this trailer No Cap oh stop there we go stuff secured let's get this back and get in the horse pen okay so we just made it back here I am gonna need to grab the skid steer because we're gonna need to get all this stuff off the trailer there we go this is what we're gonna need can't quite pick it up like this so we're just gonna yeah oh oh don't tip okay that'll work so feeders put in here we're just gonna grab a bale stick it in there I hope this Bale fits these are really big Bales okay so it just barely does not want to fit we're kind of just pushing the feeder it should fit almost let me just push it up against the tree here and it should go oh it's so close it's going in there by force holy smokes we got it okay one thing done now we gotta go grab the uh new water trough don't you dare slide off that's it okay it's lit off now I think we got it now let me just scooch that over there all right perfect we'll uh get the water tank moved over there and these guys should have some uh new places to drink from these troughs work okay but not the greatest okay that should be good I think of course this should be nice and happy now we're just gonna go tell up the arena quick they got food water there's more grass around the past there's not a whole lot but we did put a bale in there just so they didn't really eat it all up I absolutely love doing this job it's like the most relaxing thing ever I should probably spray this all so there's not any more weeds because this is kind of annoying for now I think it'll be okay there's a bit around the edges that I didn't really get to but hey I never said I was a pro I just don't want to smack a fence post with this thing if I can help it all right glad it's done let's go do something else I'm just trying to get the farm yard a little more organized here we've got stuff literally everywhere enough I want to bring a semi in the yard it's a big pain eventually after harvest we can start putting a lot of that equipment away because it will not be needed and I gotta mow the yard grass is getting a bit taller around here okay so since we're gonna try get some of these soybeans in the bin here I'm just moving over one of the big augers we can hopefully get this done this has got to go up a lot more and these self-propelled augers are the best thing ever so much easier empty the good old grain card into here that way it can actually go in the bin I could try put this in the bin with the grain cart but I feel like up to the auger that would not go very well just filling up the second part here this should fill the trailer completely okay let's get this thing into the bin and have it sitting out here there's a cover for this but uh yeah I prefer if it's in the bin let's just swing that into there all right we're moving rain easy ah shoot this thing's looking a little low on fuel I don't even think I have a slip tank in the back of my truck that I could uh fill that thing up with am I gonna have to pull that thing all the way over to the uh diesel tank oh no never mind you have one I guess I could always use a gas can but that's never fun this side should be just finishing right about now Irving move it over to the next I should really buy one of these loggers I keep renting it off the neighbor but that's costing me a fortune but I something that's pretty much this big to get up to this bin but I'm thinking the plan for next year is we're going to tear this old mobile home out and make it a whole binsight back here that's kind of the goal [Music] well boys it's another day back out here on grandpa's farm and today we got the back side of the farm the soybeans are ready to go we're gonna get started on that as well as a crap ton of hay we cut last week that all has to be raked and bailed and of course a bunch of other stuff though it's gonna be a busy week anyways first order of business here is I've got to get the combine cleaned up somewhat I know we're going right back out into the field with it but it is bad like yeah I shouldn't have let it get this bad but we're gonna give it a quick wash off here just to make it a little bit better hopefully and then we got to try to get it out to the backfield now it did end up raining but I think we're still good to go on the field just hopefully this thing does not sink in any mud because that would not be ideal all right we got it up to the shop here let's give this thing a quick wash I'm gonna have to get out the header trailer because there's no way in heck we're getting past this yeah that's just not happening oh man this thing is filthy and we'll get it washed up quick service it'll be back out in the field well that's like a bit of maneuvering but I think oh nope don't got it quite yet gonna say it think we got it dang it it keeps catching on something I think it's that back part there there we go now we got it now if it was not enough to get a header through the yard try getting a header trailer through the yard now that sucks okay good to go I don't know if the quad's gonna be able to pull this but we'll give it a shot oh it's spinning probably got it dang that's surprising actually I don't think there was any chance this thing would pull this all right whip this around good thing this has a sharp turning radius or I'd be screwed and that'll do it back on the combine here get our trailer pulled out of the way and let's roll I'm gonna make some money off of these soybeans they look pretty good so it should sell for a lot in the elevator so we got three Fields back here they're all kind of partioned off a little bit I don't like that they're like that but who knows maybe next year I'll get them all plowed into one then the very back field all the way behind those other two is Hayfield and that has to get ranked along with that one right there but this year has entirely been a massive rush just to get everything done we got to deal with all the hay all the crops my addiction to Facebook Marketplace yeah it's it's uh it's a lot of fun okay first Headland this should give us some room to kind of turn around and actually maneuver this Beast through here everything seems to be yielding good which is uh awesome good to see means I hopefully won't go bankrupt this winter you know what after looking at this field further I could have just took the combine in the back oh well I guess I'll know that for next year well that's one field done we're about ah halfway full something like that we'll just go right on to the second one here we may I think we'll need to dump at least once well I try to bring the semi around back if I can alright we're pretty much full let's go grab a semi let's see if this little hunk of jungle even start usually the battery's dead in it half the time but I have hope nothing is dead dang it all right let's go grab uh something to boost this with what do I boost it with even he has a truck we got the second gen here this should do it all right we'll get some battery cables hooked up and this should start it hopefully there it goes we got her yeah I could have just brought the combine just up around the back here I would have made things a lot easier oh well you live you learn I guess just pull right under this and she's starting to fill up perfect man does this unload take forever on this combine look at it it's already filthy again I'm gonna have to wash it for a second time I'm gonna pull forward a bit here and and that should be the last of it just on this last field back here it's like two and a half passes and we're done one advantage of having a big combine though and that is it that is all let's go dump this off in the truck get this combine back to the yard well I guess we're done until the rest of the fields are ready to go but that shouldn't be too long hopefully I'm just gonna keep the combine parked back here for now it don't need to go in the yard yet okay next thing we gotta go rake some hay here we can get that all bailed up so it doesn't get rained on it already got rained on just a little bit but it's pretty warm out so hopefully it gets nice and dried out I'm pretty much done this field here I'm just running around the outside getting it all cleaned up then we got that big chunk in the back to do which that should be a blast can't forget about this semi back here I'll have to move it back when I get a chance and I got a tarp it too and of the soybeans getting wet the old case seems to be running good though better than that uh old John Deere with no air conditioning that was not fun trying to do hay with and just like that we're done this Premiere Rake still got to be one of my favorite rigs to use never mind I forgot there's only always one one that you forget this one ain't gonna take long though but as soon as this is finished we'll get the rake all washed up and since we really don't have any more uses for it this year we'll get it put away so at the moment here I'm just getting all the Hang equipment cleaned off now we were gonna cut and bail the uh the field kind of by Grandpa's old moonshine Barn there but uh it's just getting a little too late in the year to do another cut so if we want to keep it good for next year we'll probably just leave it we should have plenty enough veils though and we're not too too bad on cash as long as I quit spending we'll just get this sucker backed in here shouldn't be too hard I've done it a couple times and good just gotta go grab the mower now that's a little more challenging to back in there so I heard through the grapevine that uh the demolition derby around here is coming up I guess there's an annual demolition derby a bunch of the farmers get together and uh you know have a demolition derby and I know this one dude with the demolition derby car sitting in the back of his property that uh hasn't been touched been abandoned for a long time I think I'm gonna give him a call here and see if I can maybe go buy it off of them because I wouldn't mind participating this year I think it'd be kind of cool and good perfect all the hang of equipment is put away well other than the Baler I guess we still need a lot of work to be done with that thing okay so I made a call to the guy there and uh he's interested in getting rid of it so we're gonna grab the Tilt deck here and on down his place and see if we can get it out of the Bush and then with a little bit of work I might have myself a demolition derby car okay I'm pretty sure the turn off to the place is right here he said just go on back it's kind of by the shop back there so we'll see if we can find it um by the shop that is towards the back here oh bright orange it's stick it out like a sore thumb all right so take a look at this thing real quick oh dang it's done up in the General Lee style oh this is actually kind of cool oh yeah I guess uh he built this a while back was gonna put in a demolition derby and he didn't it has this crazy motor in it of course weight reduction because you know got to go faster but yeah let's let's see if we can get this thing loaded up and get it back to the farm and see if we can get it running all right we got it on here just tilt the deck back there we go throw strapper two on it so it don't roll off the trailer I'll pull up to the house give them some cash for it we'll get it back to the farm oh man who loaded this car up it's all crooked and whoever did that probably be fired okay we made it back here let's see if we can get this thing into the shop now shouldn't be too bad so I've been working on this thing for about uh two hours so far here and I think it's ready for a startup the inside actually doesn't look too bad for it sitting outside us for so long but uh you know what let's see if she runs that was close almost yeah yeah we're running it's good to go see if she drives oh man this thing runs off some premium fuel here so got some kick to it oh yeah oh this thing's gonna go all right let's just take it out in the field where we're not gonna wreck anything yes sir we got ourselves a running and driving demolition derby vehicle or car I guess I don't know this thing's flipping awesome It Don't Drift too well you don't got that uh rear end weight with all the weight reduction it has oh heck yeah this thing's awesome no lights in it of course because well demolition derby vehicle but this thing is flipping awesome matches my hoodie too almost it's more of a red it's got this gritting uh I guess so no parts can come flying through and hit you but dang a little more tuning and this thing will be ready to go foreign [Music] back out here on grandpa's farm now Harvest is over and uh we got a lot of cleanup to do not to mention we have a crap ton of hay to Bales so uh it's gonna be a busy day and I think I might also found another thing on Facebook Marketplace uh we might go look at that later today for now we got more than enough work to take care of getting all this put away now I'm hoping next year that I get about half these buildings these old ones tore down and hopefully build a bigger shop because I'd like to actually have all of my equipment indoors instead of this this coverall shed it's not ideal eventually I'd like to uh get rid of a lot of this and just build something bigger get some more bins on site because right now we don't have a whole lot a little John Deere TV can uh you know haul this pretty good and this header is dirty he's a good wash all right this thing is going in the big coverall building because it ain't gonna fit in that one I also have to go tear up some land with the big bud over there so uh we gotta fire that up the battery might be dead on it I sure hope it's not oh I still gotta put that auger away too well it's a never-ending cycle around here of stuff I gotta do so I just ran the green card over to the neighbor place here we store a bit of equipment because they don't really use this shop but I have to get this hay rake and the haybine out of the way because the chopper has sold considering we don't really use it I figured it was time to sell it so I'm gonna get this thing out of here the truck should be here later today to pick it up this should free up some room in the shop too okay all the equipment has been moved around a little bit freed up some more space in there the chopper is ready to go to be picked up and I'm gonna head back to the farm to move some more equipment around I've also got to build this today along with a bunch of other stuff towards the back of the property the crops did good this year but the hay is where the real money's at well we had to boost it but the old Diamond Sea is running again gotta watch the semi trailer off gear and we're gonna get it moved around back all we've been doing is hauling it through those muddy fields and this trailer is definitely showing it got the old case here on the auger uh I believe this was the neighbor's auger but I think we're working out a deal to purchase it from him since I needed to fill these big bins though it's just getting parked back here for now there we go Planters backed in the shed I had to move the rake I think that's the last that we need to move in there for a little while so we've got some seed out here that that needs to be moved into the heated shop before it gets a little too cold out here and then it ruins our seed I'll get that done a little bit later for now I'm actually gonna hop in the GMC here and we gotta go grab our bail trailer because we're gonna need that later today all right this should work good I hope we'll just get it pulled back here for when we need it all right Baylor time I believe this thing is all fueled up and ready to go so we'll fire it up let's go do some bailing we don't got a whole lot to do so this should be pretty straightforward here we are making the big Bales here so less to pick up later on okay field number one done didn't get a whole lot of bails off that but again we're making the big ones so makes less of them to haul now this field right here we should get a couple off of well another quick yield just about done here a couple more Bales off this one but we're gonna move over to the stuff across the road there and I believe the last Hayfield there has the uh straw field right across it so we're gonna get that build up while we have this all out here I mean may as well I already got everything running and uh working good so no sense in doing it later I've already put that straw off long enough so here's the straw field and then here is the Hayfield this one shouldn't take very long either well this field is now finished up here got a couple more Bales off that but uh straw is gonna take a little while I think there is a lot here however we can move a lot faster on this field it's nice and smooth well that's slide number one done and we got the big side but we are definitely getting a good amount of Bales off this there's a lot here and there we go last bale of the year is finished perfect oh let's get this thing back to the farm I gotta get it washed off it is absolutely filthy and then I think we're gonna go try to pick some of these up yeah this thing is going to take a while to wash oh it is bad so I ended up getting the uh Baler washed off there and we're just taking the new Hull in here and we're gonna go swap out the bucket for the Bale Forks okay so we're out here in the field I'm just gonna get some of these bills stacked up they're easier to load up on the trailer here I may need some rear weights on this thing I mean it can kind of handle these pails but they are pretty dang Heavy after all and there's last two we're just getting them put towards the end of the field there so it's easier to get to them perfect on to the next one so since this next field here only has three Bales on it I'm just uh gonna move them over to the next field that has a couple more that way we're not making unnecessary stops all right there's the last two from that other field back there across the road and I think there's four more out here perfect that should be all of them I do that for the straw bales right now too but the semi is here to pick up the chopper so we'll get that loaded up and then I think I might go take a look at uh plausible Facebook Marketplace purchase there we go we are loaded get him hooked back up and uh Chopper will be out of here I'm gonna let him uh strap that thing down and we're gonna go do some other things at the farm I gotta get that big bud running so we still have to do some tillage this week well it took a quick Boost from the Cummins but it is going heck yeah I'd wash this disc off but uh it's going right back out in the field so no need to I'm just gonna go do a quick test run make sure the disc is good proper down and off we go oh yeah cruising I gotta say this is probably one of the best tractors we've ever bought in terms of power this thing is basically Unstoppable it's also got one of the coolest cabs I've ever seen well I just pulled off a quick Headland here I think we're just gonna Park this for now until I have a bit more time to actually get out into the field and finish this off just had to make sure everything was still running good with this Beast well I've got the comments here and I'm just fixing to run into town and go check out our possible new Facebook Marketplace purchase I just gotta grab my tilt deck trailer even though I probably won't need it I'll grab it anyway I don't really feel like lifting whatever we're gonna get up into the bed of the truck this thing's tall but boys look what I bought a Honda Big Red it's a three-wheeler I bought a freaking three-wheeler I've wanted one of these forever the perfect one finally came up for sale and I completely missed my turn anyways I've been looking for one of these forever found the perfect one so I had to scoop it up I couldn't not I mean who doesn't want a Honda Big Red it even came with this little trailer which is kind of cool it's a little uh John Deere one I didn't even know you could get these ones so should go great with my collection of things our Facebook Marketplace Yep this will fit right in here a while back I also bought this other three wheeler it's actually a five wheeler but this is a a real three-wheeler I guess are they dangerous probably do I care not one bit this thing's gonna be a blast I'm gonna take it out for a ride probably not supposed to definitely not road legal but who cares I'm just gonna ride over to Frank's he's got to see this thing he's got a couple three wheelers himself so I'm at Frank's right now I was just showing him my three wheeler and look who I see out of the corner of my eye he's waiting for me just waiting for me to leave I got two options I can either book it down the road and he'll know where I live or I can go out the back of Frank's property either way I'm running but ain't no way I'm getting this thing impounded just gonna pull out to the road and see if he flips on his lights still not on the road yet let me just inch a little closer a Little Closer look closer we're on the line oh shoot his lights are on okay we're going we're going we're going uh uh okay I go out this way I go this way oh son of a gun he's coming for me he's coming for me I'm running I'm running oh shoot where do I go I can go back around this way towards my property it's just gonna take me a minute ah crap this is the last thing I wanted I don't know if he can fit through here so he may not chase me oh crap is a pond uh we'll go around this okay he's not behind me we might be okay all right if I cut back this way I should be able to cross the road back by Grandpa's old moonshine Barn okay I made it back this way we just passed the barn he's nowhere to be seen nope I don't see him anywhere okay we're going back to the house back to the house and this thing is going right in the shed right where you can't see it yep just gonna close that he didn't look like an officer I recognized so we should be okay well that was eventful anyways I still have lots of Bales to pick up lots of tillage to do cops to worry about if I if I ever ride my three-wheeler on the road again foreign [Music] back out here on grandpa's farm now uh it is fall officially winter is a coming and uh We've pretty much finished everything most of the bailing all that good stuff we just have a lot of Bales to pick up now we got some disking to do and a bunch of equipment to put away I was fixing to be a busy day anyways first things first here I'm actually gonna hop on my three-wheeler and we're gonna run out to the field and get some of that disking done there's not a whole lot to do so it shouldn't take too long now at the field just down there I have to disk that one as well but there's a bunch of straw bales in that so I'll have to get those all out of there but we're gonna try to get this one finished first well I'm making good progress here the big bug seems to be able to handle this this pretty well I think this is actually the first time we're using it other than I did the little bit of the Headlands there but that's about it I like this thing kind of unique too not everybody just has a big bud on their Farm so I got one I'm happy well that is it for this field back to the farm and this thing needs a wash all right so as you can see here my shop is packed full of just a lot of random crap so a couple things you're gonna have to go this is also Grandpa's Old Farm truck I've been meaning to restore it for a long time now uh it's running at least so uh just needs a lot of work to actually get the body back in order but we're gonna take the old uh moonshine rig at Grandpa's here and uh put it in my little garage since it doesn't really need to be out and it's gonna be real cold sooner and I won't be able to drive it anyway we're just gonna take the old demolition derby vehicle here and uh get it put in the shed we'll throw a tarp over it so it's good later on but for now it'll be okay here all right got the truck pushed back here I think we should have enough room for the Baler now all right I got a few more things cleaned up here the farm is looking a lot better now but you know what I've noticed you know something's missing on the farm and uh I couldn't quite put my finger on it until I found it on Facebook Marketplace this morning so uh we're gonna go pick it up now what we're gonna go get should help out with moving Bales around I know we already have like two loader tractors but like this this is kind of just this is one special and it's not exactly a tractor there's all my straw bales I gotta move anyway I'm gonna see if I can find where this place is at and on this week's edition of what random crap has Austin found on Facebook Marketplace oh there's Deer uh yeah it's a truck with a loader no no literally it is a truck with a loader so the second I've seen this thing I knew I had to have it now it does in fact run and drive and operate completely fine now I'm not too sure on the lifting capacities of this thing um considering that it is a truck I guess we could put weight in the bed too but the guy used it for moving around Bales and such so we're gonna try to do the same now it does have a normal loader attachment here so we're gonna try something out real quick gonna drop that there did come with a bail spear which is nice and uh we're gonna try grab my grapple bucket now this thing might be a little too heavy oh yeah definitely on the heavier side but holy smokes and picks it up oh you can see just the front suspension now all the suspension on this has been considerably deeped up which is nice but yeah you lift this thing up you can't see crap but I think we're gonna stick with the bail spear for now it might just be the easier option at any rate I knew I had to have this so we're gonna try and move some Bales with it now I've got the Bale trailer over there and I believe a couple bills stacked up here yep there we go and we're gonna try pick some of them up and get them on the trailer okay never mind maybe the rapple might be a better idea for this trailer okay so I have no idea how this is gonna handle we're gonna give it our best shot oh oh oh all right yep as I suspected way too flipping heavy little spirit is well it's picking them up and yes I'm aware this is not the way you're supposed to use Bale spear but I'm using it this way oh and it has beacons too so it's even better all right oh boy I may need to wait in the back there's a small chance hey easy oh my trailer's tipping over okay we got one on the front one on the back this is working you know what maybe this is the new thing in bail moving technology a truck with a loader on it I mean I highly doubt it but you never know all right this is where we're at let's go move some more Bales I'm actually pretty excited this thing is flipping awesome I should have bought one a long time ago but I guess these don't really come up for sale every day so yeah they kind of have to build one or get lucky someone's selling one now I'm not entirely sure if this truck actually has any like practical practical uses other than kind of just being a showpiece the fact that it does work but I mean I'm not complaining this thing moves bails phenomenally other than when this happens nope not ideal okay so I think it's official this thing does need a little bit of counterweight in the back it should be a pretty easy fix to be honest okay on to the next field so believe it or not this was my idea for some counterweight in the truck I think it might actually work two Bales in the back if there's two on the front should balance it out perfectly that's the hope at least all right good good okay I think this is better you know sometimes I'm afraid my own genius might Escape me okay it looks like we're only gonna be able to fit one more on there one more set but I'm probably just gonna take the rest of them to the horses all right let's roll we're all loaded down here this thing is awfully heavy it may be time for some airbags in the back of this it is uh scrape it on the rear fenders there that's not ideal but this trailer is a crap ton of money so I'll take it well it's more full of a crap ton of money let's hope there's not a cop waiting for me down here last time I went to this uh place where I sell these hay bales I got pulled over and got a bunch of tickets it was not ideal all right we're dropping them back here perfect money in the bank let's get back to the farm all right so we got the uh field with a bunch of straw bales out here to do now I didn't have these ones pretty stacked so it's going to take us a little bit longer but oh well it'll be fine all right well that's the last of it got two straw bales in the bed there got the two on the front and then got the rest of them up here let's see the loader truck did pretty well for its uh you know maiden voyage here if I had had some weight in the back sooner would have done a lot better but as soon as we got that weight in it was lift and Bales no problem we're just gonna drop these two Bales in the horse barn here real quick and then unload the ones out of the bed straw bills at least get them loaded back onto the trailer cause I guess we won't need the counterweight no more in hindsight using the skid steer to move these might have been easier but was not as fun all right another project done we're pretty much all finished up for most of the work that we needed to do this fall other than a bit more disking I guess I probably should tell the riding arena the owners of those horses tend to come ride here quite a bit so I should probably get to that eventually so since we have a little extra room in the other shop my neighbor's shop that we rent out every winter since we got rid of the forge Harvester I'm gonna try get this truck and trailer in there if I can't get the truck and trailer I'll just get the truck in it's better than it's sitting outside in the elements I guess although I'm not too sure it's gonna fit oh yeah nope okay so just the truck drop the trailer and then goes the truck I'm gonna say that's probably about the max we're gonna fit in here yeah I can't really get much else in okay that'll work now I got the fun task of trying to move these augers into this small shed it's not exactly small but for an Auger it's not exactly the greatest we'll see what we can do okay that'll work it's not completely in there but most of it is at least the engine and stuff is covered this one doesn't even fit all the way in huh maybe I need a longer shed okay so this auger is gonna stay out here for when we need to empty this bin I guess uh for the semi I'm just gonna have to pull it out of that shed and hook it up to the trailer and we'll be good to go for hauling grain this winter and I think pretty much everything that needed to be done is done as far as putting away equipment I just have a little more disc in to do so I'm gonna go do that but hope you all enjoyed subscribe and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Austin Farmer
Views: 752,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roleplay, fs22 roleplay, fs roleplay, Austin Farmer roleplay, usa map, usa farming, usa roleplay, Austin Farmer, Austin Farmer fs19, Austin Farmer fs, farming simulator 22, the formal pickle, the formal pickle fs22, the squad, fs22, mudding map, fs22 mudding map, fs22 camping, fs22 honda atv, fs honda atv, honda atv, fs camping, fs22 truck mod, fs22 puckup truck, fs22 mods, fs22 ford mods, STARTING WITH $0 AND A TRUCK, starting a farm with $0, SURVIVAL FARMING, daggerwin
Id: 5fXpgn5fa14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 37sec (11377 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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