I Upgraded to MAX T-REX Fruit in Blox Fruits!

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this is the brand new T-Rex fruit in Blox fruits why it sound like that and I have managed to get one of these fruits which today we are going to be eating num nom n and then upgrading all the way to Max Mastery to see if it's actually any good now this fruit is actually a new mythical so it's pretty hard to get a hold of like I literally had to trade a permanent version of this thing for a physical version but now that we have it we've just got one move called tail swp let's see what this does is it like a charge move okay I like get into a stance and then ooh okay that's pretty cool does hcky go on my tail though no it doesn't oh it's got a left click as well I actually didn't watch the update trailer yesterday so I'm a bit behind on like everything T-Rex it does like a final hit as like a tail that's cool that's real cool is tail swipe long range it is why does the move Tail swipe do a bite attack hold on I saw a new skill available up here right there yeah we got predatory Screech what does this do we're like ooh so you hold it down and then you like breathe in and then roll all at once that's cool wait I need to test something what if I tap it it just does it instantly we've got Max Fury meter as well so I'm guessing you're going to have to fill up this bar when you get the V move to even transform like a dragon 10K damage to two wait this fuit does damage hold on we're getting candy as well so there's a Christmas like event thingy we're already nearly Mastery 100 and it's been like 2 seconds oh these left clicks feel good hold on new move Hunter's rage we got claw ooh wait that's cold it's like a claw Dash move I need to try this again Hunter's raage that's sick okay Master 112 our next move we get is at 200 called gigantic leap and then after that we got to get to 300 so our best bet of getting these moves is probably just going to be to like boss farm and Boss Rush because even after we get these moves we got to get Mastery 600 as well to see if it's actually any good but wait before we go fight Captain elephant let's test my luck you know maybe the tail gives bonus luck and okay never mind now we do only have three moves which is kind of bad but maybe they'll be like good for bus grind they do seem pretty decent for bus grinding I can just like get them in this infinite sort of combo thing left clicks are just so op to have I'm getting trapped in a corner oh no come on Captain elephant it's over it's over need to remember what the moov do need to remember to hold this one down cuz it just does more damage how is he alive he's so low how are you still what all right this is the final move Hunters rage never mind okay how about a predatory Screech yes look at the Mastery 148 you don't want to hit me bro I'm built different right now I'm on my Predator which sounds really not okay to say is longar in oh he is okay free Mastery also I've got like a massive Target on my back right now this tail everybody's going to be wanting to like hunt me down because of it sword master versus an extinct species what's going to win this damage is crazy against longar asy well tail swipe as well ow come on he's getting low no tail swipe how did that Miss he like limbo underneath that present event will start in 10 minutes oh hold on we might have to go take part real quick I haven't got all my moves yet I've still only got 178 where's the Christmas Island again I might have to swim there all right we're running we're running right where is the new island am I blind I just got info that the island is behind the Sea of treats which is C Queen's Island so I need to get over there fast and hope that I can get there in time and I have to take the boats because I literally don't have the permanent of this fruit yet so I can't risk losing it is this the Christmas Island I can't tell is this Christmasy oh no no this isn't it oh wait it is hold on wait no not this one that one there no that's chocolate okay I'm lost my direction sense is so bad on here oh yeah of course this is always here I'm stupid okay present time present time how long we got oh 6 minutes to spare okay easy peasy these guys are throwing hands right now wait isn't this a safe how are they doing that wait the event's starting oh it's literally starting right now oh how do we open it we have to break it okay I can't see a thing wait which one do I pick which one do I pick this one no uh I'll get this one come on dinosaur I got smoke that's so mid now that's over and done we can get back to grinding and since I've waited for that event lmer is back which is another free bit of XP wait hold on I didn't even notice is the seam move like a T-Rex head is it kind of like Mammoth I need to see one more time for the greater good zoom out all the way right Hunter's rage does it have a T-Rex oh it does I completely missed wait I'm being folded I'm being destroyed this is not good okay this is fine this is fine there we go okay Mastery 200 come on 200 exactly we got gigantic leak what does this do do I hold it does it get stronger nope I just like charge up a cool effect ooh wa this looks sick how far can it go all the way over there okay that's pretty far more importantly though can I like tap it and does it do good damage here we go wow that's good actually onto the next boss though let's see if Captain elephant's alive all right Captain elephant is not here already up to Mastery 216 bro I'm just trying to Boss Rush nah get away from me get you think I won't destroy you oh no oh no oh no not a do fruit not a do fruit oh my I'm being farmed what the heck oh oh he didn't see that coming I'm gone like the wind Oh Captain Al is even here no come on yes big raw and then a dash and then one of these come on I can still win this I've got my left clicks tail swipe no he got me no please no okay don't you dare leave this Lobby just you wait until I get my final move what was his name Oliver 89 80228 I will remember you don't you dare leave this game Boss time boss time you know what I don't even care we're fighting beautiful pirate usually I'd never do this but I need all the Mastery I can get as long as I play this well I might be able to do this leap yes okay I'm doing it I'm doing it I know and then when I get low oh I was going to say try and steal Health with sanguine Arts but it didn't work okay beautiful Pate might be a bit too op for me right now I'm being folded he's in his awaken form and he's getting low come on I can do this I can do this I can do this steal his health yes now we need to Wombo Combo soon as he lands oh what I did just like Mega overshoot that yes oh 230 that was huge Mastery 240 getting so close to 250 then we just literally need 50 more that's it what the heck what the heck no I'm just trying to grind I'm just trying to grind what what as soon as I get this transformation I am going to be built different I was just trying to fight Captain elephant it was nothing too crazy I'm just trying to get my Mastery and leave that's all because once I get my trans transformation that's when I can actually fight people there we go okay Mastery 250 you don't want to do this you don't want to do this is he angry or is he like chill oh not this guy again what the heck is that combo he hasn't seen the power of the T-Rex combo this guy here that's right you didn't see it coming okay okay that combo is ridiculous what how am I meant to get out of that I know how I get out of that I need me some T-Rex Powers T-Rex leap okay that did not work T-Rex attack T-Rex raw oh he's a mink that is not not ideal I got caught in a tornado I can't let that slide I can't let that slide get over here come on no he was so low okay you're just using the T-Rex it's so impossible without transformation I need to just go on a training AR why am I fighting people I'm writing that name down as well he's off on my list of players I need to defeat once I get my transformation Ro said easy just you wait Island Empress I need your Mastery right now all right I'm doing a good job honestly pretty easy boss to beat I mean I beat the beautiful Pirates so literally anybody else is going to be easy there we go Island emperess down moving on there's now an ice user chasing me down that's right he didn't know where I okay he followed me perfectly come on then boom that's right he wasn't ready where am I going huh where am I going huh it's time we mix and match some stuff oh no I'm frozen whatever am I going to do give me health no I missed he's awake no that's not fair that's not fair you can play that game come on Boom big T-Rex attack ah no okay nothing I'm doing is working I I've noticed a theme here without my V move why am I fighting people I'm just losing Bounty Mastery 274 that's Mastery 284 Mastery 290 I'm so close I hope those players are still in the lobby because I'm ready to fold them I guess they didn't see me as a threat they just saw me as free Bounty I'm with cake Queen defeated please please please yes Mastery 300 okay Revenge will be mine where are those people all right I literally don't think they're in the server anymore I'll find some other dough user to defeat instead I've got an idea it's time to play weak can helpless bacon I have no Mastery oh no I can't transform transform transform are you serious right now I don't have Fury and it's lagging okay what is that lag man what was that all right he's on his three Tails which is kind of kind of cringe if you ask me why is it so laggy oh I caught him I caught him okay this kid a guy has too much Bounty what the heck 24 million BR how do I get Fury Fest okay okay my plan is almost complete I've got Max Fury now I just need to go act weak and helpless all right it's time to execute my plan here goes I'm over here is there anybody here there's nobody here BR I wanted to like do the T-Rex transformation and it' be like all cool moments and there's nobody here to fight it's time to activate my trap oh look I'm such a juicy little prey so weak and defenseless whatever am I going to do it would be so tragic if somebody came to it y can somebody attack me yes yes it's time transformation that was so sick you think you can escape from me my Hunter's Mark just makes me stronger get over here gigantic leap boom that's so cool it does like like fire effects and I'm doing passive damage Hunter's rage slam now I just run away and he takes damage but that's not it I'm not done yeah this looks so sick you're coming back for round two you don't want to do this bucko you don't want to do this that's right be afraid of the T-Rex anybody else we got like a special Dash ooh T-Rex smoing I'm looking for more victims gigantic leap looks really cool because you made like a fire floor this only with Mastery 303 as well we've still got to get 600 hey you Munch do you not have PVP on BR I look like a toy dinosaur when he's in Buddha form I thought right I a find no Buddhas that's cringe I'm stalking my prey they're hiding in Turtle Mansion I can see them through the walls they're not ready come outside it's safe out here yes yes yes yes yes Munch no I hit a wall are you kidding these guys both don't have P oh they don't have PVP on my entire Strat all right well now that I got a bit of Revenge on some players you know got a kill let's grind some more Mastery and then see how good this fruit is at Mastery 600 all right let's see how fast we can kill k Queen if I transform all right big Flames big leap tail swipe okay we've got like the mark on her as well so she takes even more damage just in general damn this is sick the left clicks are so cool tail swipe hey myy 313 already here I come kilo Admiral get over here the fact that I can just do like passive damage as well is so good that slam move wow all of these moves are so sick get over here kilo Admiral I I completely missed munch yes yeah n n n now I just run away and I just do damage Mastery 331 you know what I've kind of realized something this T-Rex ruit is just a better flame fruit like the fire moves of this fruit are just better than flame itself like the transformation literally causes like fire meteors to appear I'm already up to Mastery 358 longma you're done for you ain't ready all right longma I'm sorry it's got to be done he can't handle the T-Rex he just can't handle it full transformation is so op we've already got over 380 Mastery I'm speed running to 400 but it's the the 400 part where it gets really annoying to get more Mastery like I'm really spending my Christmas day right now grinding T-Rex to Max that's crazy 384 all right here we go once again we're facing off against longma we just hit Mastery 400 only 200 more to go that's not too bad actually I say that but soon the bosses are only going to start giving us like one Mastery every single time we beat them which is just awful like it is a mission to get a Max Level fruit in this I mean we've already got to the stage where they're only giving two Mastery per kill bro and with this that's 42 6 we're actually doing this pretty fast we've got like so many T-Rexes here so it makes life so much easier it is costing a lot of Robux to spawn all these bosses over and over though that's the only problem I don't know about you guys but I can barely see cake Queen right now she's just being destroyed by dinosaurs and Buddhas and oh I love doing this this is my favorite place to fight cuz you just meor strike ah finally a 450 hopefully not much longer man one final Mastery away from 475 we I'm so close to 500 this is taking so long another lap we're already at Mastery 500 honestly this has gone like surprisingly fast it really wasn't that bad to get the 500 but now with this grind the bosses only give like one Mastery per kill so getting to 600 is going to take a little while I mean k Queen still gives three which is clutch but every other boss is useless like this boss is only giv like one Mastery oh we got lucky we got two you don't see that happening too often one more Mastery from 525 I will not waste my entire Christmas Day grinding to 600 I am making sure I do this in the next 30 minutes it's probably maybe possible just got to be like maximum efficiency maximum speed luckily T-Rex just has like so much damage it's so good yes here I come longma I'm so quick as well Mastery 553 just 47 more I have fought cake Queen too many times to count now like this is getting annoying honestly I could see it taking somebody absolute months to get a Max Level fruits if they don't have two times Mastery we're at Mastery 570 30 more please I want to be done done I'm so close I'm so just a few more bosses and then this will be over well like 20 bosses and then this will be over another cake Queen is down still getting three Mastery from Cake Queen that's so good she's literally saving this entire thing plus Mastery 579 so close to 580 Mastery 586 we're getting so close 591 only nine more Mastery 595 597 No 5 98 hold on this could be it this could be the one please K Queen just give me 3 mil Mastery that's all that I need FES all we cool T-Rex walk away Mastery 600 Max I got to say now that it's 600 like the damage must be crazy right but was this worth doing on Christmas Day absolutely not please subscribe
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 645,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits t-rex, blox fruits update, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits update 20, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits kitsune fruit, blox fruits live, blox fruits t rex, blox fruits admin, blox fruits kitsune, blox fruits trex, blox fruits codes, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits t-rex fruit, blox fruits update 21, trex blox fruits, blox fruits winter update
Id: Ya18hJvyLEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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