Worldbox, but I let a Monkey be GOD.

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hello everyone Kyle here and we're back for some more World Box WooHoo for today's video I decided I would let an animal take control of the world we'll be allowing a what no not a sheep where would you get a crazy idea like that from your bananas no we'll be allowing a monkey to be the author of this train wreck I figured what with my life mostly being made up of a series of crap choices a monkey throwing po at things to make decisions would be only too fitting so let's get started so the first thing we're going to do is make a new world on a standard but blank map next we'll turn off all the ages except the age of Hope the reason I pick this age is because although it goes against everything I believe in it is bright if I went with one that matched my personality and picked the age of Despair it would be too dark and you'd miss my mental breakdown in all its horrifying Glory over on the world lws tab we're going to leave the majority of them alone but we are going to turn off the biomes overgrowth the erosion and both the natural disasters because we don't want the world changing without our permission the next thing we'll do is make a 6x6 grid we're then going to go ahead and label them 1 to six this way and a to F that way we're then going to give the map a nice suiting name and for this I've decided to go with the veal mattera fairy and now we're just going to design our little FAL M fairy he's obviously a monkey uh monkeys have huge she and they've got kind of like a mouth like this it's got eyebrows cuz he's quite sophisticated um no this monkeyy is going to give people nightmares let's try again there we go and there we have the feal M fairy coming to Cinemas near you as for the biomes on the islands everything is going to just be grass to begin with make sure it's nice and coated yeah we are going to give very basic resources in each Corner such as berry bushes trees and rocks that's all we want to give them it's just kind of the St and resources the next thing we need to do is make the area that the monkey is going to do all his work from call it a monkey office if you will every in-game year we will allow the monkey to make a choice first we have to poke him repeatedly until Madness sets in with the madness buff or debuff depending on your views he will attack anything we place near him next we place sheep in each tile around him each tile represents a different Choice as seen here each choice has its own will to give the monkey more control than ever before when we unpause the game the monkey will throw his poop at whichever Square he wants to therefore making his choice we then spin the chosen wheel which brings up the choice of the choice and then we spin the location wheel which chooses where it lands once we've got the choice and where it lands we do it on the corresponding tile on the map simple hey the rest of the sheep can be rehomed at your discretion I pick picked Heaven as their home and of course this monkey has all the traits that one would associate with being a feal fairy he's an immortal poisonous flesh eating monkey Miner from hell but just to make him a little more child friendly he also Sparkles like a Twilight vampire but to make him less child friendly he also has a nuclear warhead inside him that kills orphans and by the way we need to heal him up with blood rain because blood rain heals now we just need to clear out the center of each island and put 20 of each race in each corner now we give them 10 years to build and every 5 years after that we're going to start connecting up some of the islands starting from here and then going to there like we did in the Sheep of Doom I meant this is completely original now that the races have started to build their bases it's time to give them appropriate names in the top we have the humans who celebrate haircuts then there's the elves who have toe Secrets oh they have so many secrets about their toes then there's the Orcs who take public transport and the dwarfs who find crumbs in bed now that they're finished we'll give the kingdoms 10 years to build in the meantime we'll just keep an eye on them to see what they get up to the elves are racing around they've got three tents the dwarfs have already built a dock and have three tents and the Orcs have four tents and have built a dock the humans are just like we understand we should take to the ocean to ensure our survival what you don't understand is maybe we don't want to survive so there we go year 10 let's see what the monkey picks for his first choice it's going for the left one oh the monkey wants an invasion he knows what he wants and he wants to invade spin that spin that our first choice is three Bandits on D3 so D3 is this one so yeah we'll just be putting three Bandits down normally the bandits are asses and throw grenades at trees and grass but it seems these ones are broken and are peaceful no way I spoke too soon they're just racist against and each other apparently I guess this is the life they chose by being Bandits stay in school kids or you could end up throwing grenades at your friends or don't stay in school if that sounds like something you'd be into got another choice now he's going for the right one this time and as we can see the right is a bomb it's an atomic bomb on B4 oh an atomic bomb we better just dropped the one oh dear we dropped two that feels like the kind of mistake you'd have a hard time forgiving you self for not me though I'm already thinking about the next time I get to do it we've got another choice now he's gone for the left again which means it's another Invasion this time we have 10 skeletons on D6 so D6 is just here there's only a sheep on this island so he's getting some new Playmates in the form of skeletons the upside is I don't think they eat much so food won't be a problem the slight downside is that they're jealous of the living so attack anything with a heartbeat hold on that's an upside side too because now food really isn't a problem looks like we've just solved world hunger they've even targeted chicken Island too bad there's no road to the other Island the chickens could cross to get to safety that reminds me of a funny joke too bad you don't know it it's a new year now and he's gone for a top one which is natural disasters or other natural things and we have a raincloud on A1 so we're giving the humans some rain it's lucky for them that humans aren't like kangaroos can you imagine the pain of the kids playing indoors when it rains actually I don't want to imagine that except I am now damn it brain the elves have made their first baby as well as the Orcs whereas the humans and dwarfs are in no rush to procreate it's another choice now and we've got another Invasion 10 hyenas on B3 so B3 is this one here so we're just going to throw them down but that's a horrible noise oh the wolf is attacking the hyenas he's just eating one of them but the hyena did even defend itself it just accepted it we're going to have a really fat Wolf by the end of this so now that it's been 5 years I'm going to connect up the islands to the first Islands nearby just to move the game along a little bit you dwarfs better watch out because you're going to be near the skeletons also got a choice oh he's going top left top left magic oh Madness on F5 F5 is right here luckily is we've only just connected it no one is actually over there is only this fly if a mad fly is the worst the dwarfs have to deal with then I think they should be okay there you go there's a really angry fly hello my name is Yano Montoya you killed my father prepare to die oh he's just been punched a bit extreme but whatever we've got another choice now and the monkey is already ready which makes him ready and he's gone for another natural disaster it's a magic Cloud on F5 so F5 is just next door to the dwarfs and what it says it does is makes you want to dance under it which just sounds like some hippie malaky I don't want to be any part of but fortunately what it actually does is gives all kinds of temporary Buffs which improve your units unfortunately one of them isn't intelligent as the dwarfs continue to run into the woods and die to the skeletons meanwhile it seems the bandits have finally exploded each other out of existence leaving just one that has moved to a new island and dedicated his life to taunting the Orcs we've got a new now and he's gone for another bomb so it's delayed TNT on B3 so B3 is the colony of hyenas I'm kind of worried about the sound they'll make when they die because their screams of being born were horrifying enough Ah that's lucky the bombs drowned out the noise what a thoughtful bomb so the dwarf's numbers are diminishing thanks to their stupidity and the help of the undead the Bandit's still taunting the Orcs luckily he's not a very good aim it's another year pick a sheep any sheep oh not that one though it's a natural disaster again lightning on E3 oh so E3 is the island with the Bandit let's give him a little karma for picking on the Orcs yeah you deserve this now the Orcs have a bow and a shooting Wildlife themselves seems the Orcs have become the bandits the cycle of being an ass continues meanwhile the undead are still hammer in the dwarfs I mean they do make it easy for them by going on pilgrimages into the woods oh they King's being shot at he's like I want to see how dangerous this really is oh really dangerous because I'm dead come on dwarfs get your act together so we've got a new choice now let's see if he can cheer us up a little bit by picking something new please monkey not something we've already had and he's picked bomb okay well I think I can live with a bomb so TNT on B5 and there you go TNT Island this could be a spin-off for that love Island show we could send people here to do tasks and fall in love the first task we'll give them is to build a fire I'm sure there would be a lot of chemistry well that love Island sketch distracted me what on Earth is going on here how did you have so many babies so quickly turns out you are the love Island the dwarfs who find crumbs in bed are going to be dead another year and another choice so he's going for the bottom one which is biome Shuffle and we have plant f fertilizer on B3 so here's B3 I imagine plant fertilizer is just crap so really we're just raining crap on this island and then the plants will eat it all and grow big and strong aren't plants disgusting hey dwarfs I'm going to give you another 5 years to build up your army before I connect the islands this is me being kind I'm bending the rules for you people don't just run over and get killed by the undead show me that you're worth bending the rules for no you're just going to get killed yeah y yeah he's dead uh you're going up there as well cool I should have just joined them shouldn't I look the king's up there is that like a wrer passage you have to survive a weekend in the woods it's another year now and he's gone for biome Shuffle we've got berry bushes on C4 so C4 is this one right here and you're going to get a sprinkling of berry bushes that'll be really nice woo look at that this island is getting way too many chickens so the elves haven't really expanded much more they're still on 36 but the Orcs have almost caugh up with 33 and the humans are now on 27 the dwarfs are still on nine I can see the extra 5 years has been very valuable to you so we've got another choice now it's biome Shuffle again this monkey is a very one track minded Beast okay we got some candy on A4 so this is A4 and it's going to be getting a sweet makeover but seriously it has tough cookies God I need to stop it it's bad it's not nice meanwhile the dwarfs have sent yet another king into the woods he's like I'm not a man until I've survived in the woods for one day oh well now I'm not going to be a man anyway because I'm dead as well okay another monkey choice now something a bit different this time maybe no I'm just going to go for another bomb bomb it is then we've got delayed TNT on F6 oh no F6 is the dwarf who find crumbs in bed I think the monkeys had enough of you he's Fed Up of you just running in and dying all the time so he's going to curse you with some delayed TNT there you go I hope you enjoy that yes thank goodness meanwhile they still have people up there dying they're like it's a Tik Tok challenge you just don't get it because you're old another choice now give us something different for once no it's another Invasion five crocodiles on D2 D2 is this little island just plop them down the orc with the bow wasted no time in coming up to shoot a different type of wildlife it's now year 35 so it's time to join the islands the dwarfs have had plenty of time to build up if you're not ready it's your own fault candy island is also joined up to the elves area we've got a new choice too so let's do that and he's going for the left one again he just did another Invasion he just Invasion all over the place 20 frogs on D5 so D5 is this one here it's a nice MD Island probably a good place for the frogs to live or they get shot at by the undead there we go and straight away he's shooting over someone's killing something oh dear it's the gingerbread men yeah they're going after him that's what I thought was going to happen at least you're somewhat ready they fended it off the dwarves on the other hand are in trouble the frogs are just going to keep getting hammered yep the Undead's here oh you killed him not so tough now are you you bag of bones what another Choice oh oh the bottom right that's the monkey Madness you just know it's going to be pure chaos as it kind even be detained within the lines of the diagram so the monkey Madness is the wild card we can spawn anywhere between five and 500 monkeys but the odds for 500 is only 2.7% whereas 5 has a 24.3% chance so although it's more likely you'll get the lower numbers if we do get the higher numbers it'll be well Madness so let's see what we get oh oh oh oh okay so we've got five monkeys on D5 so D5 is here with the frogs if there's one thing I know about monkeys it's that they hate the Living Dead oh they're fighting I don't know why I'm surprised cuz I just said they would they're helping the dwarfs out though but not quick enough the dwarfs are officially out of the game if you thought the dwarfs were going to win then you were wrong and quite frankly you aren't welcome here anymore only joking stay I'm not the only person with bad judgment meanwhile this is still happening I'm pretty sure it's bad but it sounds like they're having fun so who really knows we've got a new choice now and the monkey's proven to us that he can do something different and now he's going for this one again you see you see that he wants an invasion that's what the monkey wants 20 crabs on B4 so B4 is this island here that's a bit of a wasteland so we're just going to throw 20 crabs on it just going around doing their crab things look at them popping into the ground like little weirdos so we got another choice now and it's biome Shuffle we've got Enchanted on B6 so B6 is the elves again hopefully the enchanted will be a bit better than the other one there you go it's all Enchanted and stuff now it's another year what's say you monkey you're going for another of the left ones he oh it's the mini sheep of Doom on F6 so the mini sheep of Doom is related to the Sheep of Doom but much much smaller if I'm honest he's the Sheep of Doom's cousin that no one likes as he brags about being related to the Sheep of Doom But ultimately is nothing like the Sheep of Doom his only talents being the ability to clear rooms of people and staying hydrated by drinking his own tears there you go he just died to a monkey what kind of an idiot does that no let's never talk about him ever again we got another choice now he wants another Invasion he wasn't happy with that um that thing we just had so we've got a druid this time on C6 C6 is the island just below the elves I I think the elves will get along with the Druid which is lucky because he is quite strong yep yep they're looking at each other that's a sure sign of friendship to me another year now and we've got magic the monkey wants some magic we've got a corrupted brain on D5 so D5 is just here what the corrupted brain does is it corrupts things I know right what a plot twist it will make things attack everything and anything that they see even giving us some frog on frog action over here and piss off the Druid so he's firing over meanwhile the elves are back in Candyland beaten to death a sugar bear oh we've got a chicken brawl it's the Unholy chicken braw we've been waiting for oh The Druids had enough oh The Druids coment all oh no oh dear this isn't good the corrupted brain has not only corupt the chickens but it's also corrupt the Druid now all hell is breaking loose and we have another pick now he's gone for another Invasion oh oh oh 10 Rat Kings on A6 A6 being the elf area Rat Kings of course famously hate each other so we'll duwel to the death a fox is joined to act as a middleman and eat the losers the elves is still trying to kill the Druid while the battle of the chickens is Raging into its second year oh it's ending we're witnessing the dawn of a new egg we have a winner winner chicken dinner we'll dub them the mother clucking King All Hail to the mother clucking King baby they may have lost an IR because become crippled during the great chicken War but there's still a danger to no one but themselves so don't watch out another pick now it's an invasion 10 skeletons on E2 E2 is part of the Orcs Kingdom I have a feeling they'll be picking their teeth with the bones of the undead fairly quickly Yep they're all dead that means they're double dead so the Orcs have ended up with more free weapons to shoot the wildlife with the elves are still trying to take down the Druid who is healing quicker than they can damage them the Rat Kings meanwhile are down to their final three it's anyone's game at this point oh next hit wins oh what the hell the elf just smashed the winner with a stick I thought the elves were supposed to be animal lovers because that was a mega dick move what a little sea unit look at him so happy with himself he must be British another choice now and it's a natural disaster again so we have fire on C6 ah C6 is where the Druid battle is happen happening I guess we'll put the fire down and see what it does I don't think it could hurt the situation for the elves maybe it'll even help them who knows oh oh oh dear they've all burnt to death so it turns out it can hurt the DRS just standing in the fire like a boss I really thought he would have burnt more oh oh wait he is burning oh he's super low on health could this finally be the end of the elves years of PR what no why would you push him into the water you literally just saved his life you are so stupid it isn't even funny you deserve whatever Hy puts you through I hope he goes into your town and eats your children you idiots oh the chicken King's under attack yeah you don't mess with the Chicken King never mess with the Chicken King look at him he's got seven kills new choice now we've got a spawner super pumpkin on D4 so D4 is this one here oh no it's the one with clucky on it you better be able to kill this pumpkin I don't want to see you lose to this come on Oh no you're going to lose we're about to lose clucky oh clucky's dead the king's just died yeah you deserve this loss now really next up it's a bomb fireworks on A4 great just throw those down all right so we have to connect the islands now the corrupted brains connected and Firework Islands connected so the whole world is connected from the outside another Invasion now we've got five fairies on E5 E5 is just here and the corrupted brain has already turned the fairies against each other meanwhile the elves have lost another king to the Druid so I've elected a new king who is a 12-year-old child seems there's any children left so I guess it's fine when an elf reaches maturity he's sent to die to the Druid as a sacrifice in order to keep the other children safe another invasion next we've got five more fairies on se4 so sea4 is just here we'll just pop the fairies down there we go oh the cted brains been destroyed who did that the druid's focus in the pumpkins and the fairies now now the children are still safe thanks to their human sacrifices a new year a new Choice we've got a biome Shuffle corrupted tile on F1 oh no F1 is the Orcs main base the corrupted tile curses creatures who enter it and if they die they become spooky ghosts it's quite a hard tile but if anyone can deal with it it's definitely the Orcs another year and we've got races 10 Orcs on B5 B5 is TNT Island oh and rather than going off to find a new land to make a base they've decided to immediately attack the elves it's pretty balanced because it's 50 elves vers 10 Orcs oh so close they managed to kill three of them we never even got the chance to name you I hope you're happy with your legacy you silly Orcs a new year now it's another Invasion a plague doctor on D2 D2 is right near the Orcs this is going to spell trouble for the plague doctor yep the Orcs have smelt them here they come and they're dead the only plague they couldn't survive was the plague Of Orcs stabbing them the Druid is all tuck it out from their Madness so was having a break from slaughtering people the elves have just made a new base right before our eyes another choice now biome Shuffle permafrost on D5 D5 is the corrupted brains old house there's no one here though now so who cares considering all the bad things happening to the elves they're doing quite well to survive I guess they just have that survival Instinct oh not they're attacking the Druid again they are so stupid look he has 77 kills that's natural selection for you a new choice now an invasion again and we've got three demons on B6 B6 is part of the elv space I doubt you're going to be strong enough to stop these demons as you've wasted so many people against that Druid yep here they come turning everything they touch into burnt popcorn the elves are just running into the Flames like the fire can't hurt you if you don't let it and then they die the King's dead as well at least he led by example they're down to 40 people now Matt demon has made a return to the world where is he off to oh know Matt demon oh why did you do that you had such a promise in future as a demon of the people let's just add shallows to represent the ghost of the island got a new choice now it's the natural disasters and other natural stuff we've got a raincloud on F4 that'll be nice W it a nice little rain cloud just traveling across the sky yeah that's what we wanted to see meanwhile the elves are still having a bad day with fire and demons and the ones that do manage to escape are just being picked off by the Druid that's what happens when a druid goes mental a new choice now he wants a bomb it's a water bomb on C4 goodbye Island that's what we get hey now I've got to fill in the blanks you're happy couldn't just all blow up at once maybe bloody work for it we are meant to join up the Islands again as well so we should probably do that before we continue I'm honest I don't even know anymore I think that's right and it's just this middle that isn't joined now I bet you can just hear random screams of pain as we're playing that's how you know things are going well a new choice now and he's just done the monkey Madness oh oh oh so we've got 10 monkeys on C1 well C one's here near the Orcs And the humans pretty sure they're going to run down and fight the Orcs oh here it goes here it goes they hate those Orcs oh one of them just strank te or something what is going on he did he just he had a coffee and now he's going mental but he's dead that's what happens when you drink too much coffee you're die meanwhile the elves have picked a new leader oh good they're moving up in the world their King is now an 11year old so they're getting younger there was like a 17-year-old and a 15-year-old and you elected the 11-year-old wise elves a new Village has been founded the borders are now touching which is just disgusting oh we got treated to some fireworks now was the de Dem ran across it a new pick now and I hope it's something good no it's another biome Shuffle so we're getting infernal on e4 E4 is this one right here and infernal is this one which creates a zone that burns so you're not going to want to go over that that's not going to be pleasant ah the fireworks are celebrating the death of all the elves the monkeys are still holding out not for long though oh they're hiding in amongst the humans I think they were hoping the humans would help them but they didn't the elves are down to their last six it's definitely going to be a battle between the humans and the Orcs I don't know how but the elves are spreading down the map look at their base they own half the map can sit up no no I spoke too soon another choice now let's have something fun this time shall we something that's going to be a bit crazy yes an invasion yes oh no oh oh I just killed the monkey I did not mean to do that I'll tell you now I did not mean to do that oh oh that's lucky okay what did you just pick you pick the invasion okay oh I did not mean to do that okay well the monkeys are back alive now so we've gone back in time a little bit and the elves have regained the top half of their map we'll wait for the next year before doing The Invasion to let time catch up with us as we're from the future oh in this reality monkeys are trying to kill demons to help the humans got a couple of monkey demon Slayers oh can you imagine how bad the place smells with that ammo being on fire time for that Invasion we've got a necromancer on C3 so C3 is here in the human space necromancers are quite tough and can raise the dead but that doesn't matter as the Orcs are already arriving and are going to send them back to where they came from which is Newcastle the monkeys are still managing to hold off the Orcs And I'm surprised that the elves are still alive up here the leader's going to die yep there he goes and their King is rushing over because he doesn't want to miss out of course the humans have just lost part of their base to the demons another choice now it's a spawner so we've got a side C Core on A2 a that's in the humans area you naughty little monkey these are quite tough as well so if they don't kill it quick it's going to be problematic okay they killed it quick which means someone's going to be running around with a shotgun hopefully not this one-year-old the humans have refounded their Village over the ruins of the old the fireworks are still booming and there's three elves left who are being chased by Orcs Undead and wolves another year we've got bomb again landmines on D6 so D6 is what's left of the elves space seems this monkey really hates the elves I'd feel sorry for them if I didn't here you go enjoy these landmines nice two children have survived with seven hell maybe they'll grow up and reestablish the order of the toes or maybe they'll burn to death who knows that's the fun thing about life it's 70 Orcs vers 57 humans another choice now and it's a bomb it's a water bomb on C3 C3 is the human's new little base so let go bye-bye just at the Ghost of Christmas p and the human's response to losing a base was just to build another one elsewhere so Anor is still alive and kicking he was one of the children that survived the mines with seven Health he's abandoned the order of the toes to start his own settlement will rename him the elves who fill sandwiches and the first thing they do after establishing their base is run up to the Druid and die to him so that's the end of them great that was brilliant truly so that's a new choice now and he's gone for races is we've got 10 humans on A6 A6 is here so we've got a new settlement of humans we'll call them the humans who feed elephants they're a bit late to the game but I am hopeful for them meanwhile the humans who celebrate haircuts are still battling the demons in Candyland yet another year and he's gone for natural disasters or other natural things and we've got an earthquake on se2 so C2 is just over here and we've got to plop a little earthquake down there you go the world now has a cool scar to attract other worlds with the demon here is taken on a full-time job as a fireworks demon Stater I need to be put down he's got 35 kills which is nothing when you compare it to the Druid who has 126 kills which is mainly just elves in New Year so the final islands are going to be joined up monkeys picked a spawner a biomass on D3 so D3 is this island here more Orcs huh oh the biomass is going to have a short life Yep they're immediately running over to defend and it's destroyed but a few of the Orcs went mad during the fight and they now fighting their own kind the humans who feed elephants are still just existing the hair cutters are still after that demon a new choice now natural disaster again or other natural things ashcloud on C6 what's this do then makes you want to lose your lungs well we'll see about that I'm pretty attached to my lungs I don't think it does anything no it's just like a really dirty Christmas the humans are desperate now to kill the demon as he's moved away from Candy Land and they've killed him the Orcs who take public transport are still pretty un contested and they just taken over the whole of the bottom map a new new choice now Invasion yet again 10 zombies on C3 so C3 is this island that is no longer an island so we'll just drop them into the water it's a good thing these zombies are up to date on their swim classes Yorks are already defending off the zombies quite well but they are running into M range which is a bad idea yep he's just been bitten same with the humans now oh the zombies are actually beating the humans back the humans for whatever reason aren't sending their army they're only sending their women and children I guess even that's a tactic a new choice now another another Invasion a Santa on B4 so B4 is here if I've calculated this correctly which I haven't it should hit the Islands below him oh I really haven't he hitting the ones even below the ones I wanted them to hit oh well he'll just blow those islands up instead oh what's this there's a zombie with the screaming want sword that used to belong to the demon it's an ancient artifact dating all the way back to over 27 years ago because it was made 28 years ago oh that's really making short work of the humans he comes across Santa is now leaving the map oh what's this pale has been killed the Druid is finally dead I think this is how those Wizard of Oz people felt when the witch died no one could beat the Druid since the dawn of time and now Santa has just come along and killed him it's enough to make me a Believer again the humans are losing to the zombies I have a feeling this is going to be the end of them it's another year now he's picked natural disasters and other natural stuff it's a volcano and B6 B6 is the lovely Enchanted area so we're going to be making it slightly less Enchanted the Kings just run over like hey this wasn't here earlier the zombies are still working their way through the humans the Orcs are still just loving life Must Be Easy Being Green a new choice now oh it's monkey Madness come on Madness make us proud oh my God it's 500 monkeys on D3 oh boy oh boy I feel like this is going to be the end of the world and I'm looking forward to it what does 500 monkeys even look like well that's 10 monkeys this is 100 monkeys this is like 300 I think I'll be honest with you I've lost count quite a while ago let's just fill the island up and call it 500 monkeys oh that's a lot of monkeys I think the Orcs are in trouble now it's 107 Orcs vers 500 monkeys and it's a race between the zombies wiping the humans out and the monkeys wiping the Orcs out let's un pause and witness something beautiful oh my goodness crap will fly the last time I saw this much poo flying around the place it was my Nan's 8 I felt really bad and I was asked to leave pretty quickly this is insane look at it it's just an army of poo Slingers oh this is just dirty the whole world probably smells like a McDonald's toilet now Yorks have gone from 100 people to 50 the humans however are just on five the monkeys aren't letting up though all that work to build up your civilization just to be destroyed by some damn dirty Apes the zombies have completely wiped the humans out out which means the Orcs did beat those people but we still have the elephant feeders alive up the top who are looking like they're going to be the winners which is a surprising turn of events a new choice now monkey's already centered he's like bring it on let's kill more people a new race huh 10 Orcs on D5 oh that's amongst the monkeys this feels like a human sacrifice only with Orcs what a cruel monkey you are but a kind boss to me oh the Orcs are running for their lives the mon monkeys don't seem bothered by them at all this is surprising seems the monkeys don't mind these Orcs they're even taking on the zombies now to protect them the Orcs are running up north to start a new base oh now the monkeys are killing them they just wanted to give them false hope why are the Orcs running into the zombies they're taking their chances of establishing a civilization while being n on by zombies they're like it's still better than having thrown in your eyes trust me the Orcs who take public transport are down to five people three now I'm not even going to bother with another choice at this point it's about to end and it's ended that means the elephant feeders of the winners with three people and before we send the Monkey King into battle the survivors let's see what 500 monkeys looks like against the UFO oh that did not disappoint okay well your last challenge then is to kill the monkey Lord he's going to be getting a bubble he's going to be getting powered up he's getting some coffee and I'm going to put him on the island here we need to bring all of them close sorry guys we're going to have to rebuild we're closing the battle down look at all the monkeys it's insane they are all monkeys well some of them are trying to swim over there why are you swimming over there come over to the main island there we are oh the war is about to begin the feal M fairy versus all the monkeys who will win if they can get all oh why are they all going up here stop going up there monkeys leave that place here look come down ignore that come to the island there you go they're all coming down you're not going to kill the feal mat or fairy unless you fight together they've got reinforcements coming in oh they're Downing him this is a RAID boss how the humans who feed elephants are trying to build a base fical matter fairy is just leveling up level 10 now they're not going to do it I'm going to spawn more I want to give them the best opportunity I don't want people to say I didn't give them a chance get on to the mainland oh oh oh the monop lipse oh they they actually beat him they took him down good job little guys I am so so proud of all of you well done no winners
Channel: Dead Inside Gaming
Views: 365,175
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Keywords: worldbox, world box, worldbox god simulator, world box game, worldbox game, worldbox god, worldbox gameplay, worldbox walkthrough, worldbox earth, worldbox funny, worldbox comedy, worldbox how to, worldbox lets game, worldbox lets play, funny moments, worldbox simulator, god sim, god game, jesus game, funny game, epic game, history simulator, alternate world, super worldbox, super god, planet simulator, life sim, life simulator, world creation, sheep of doom, doom
Id: xeezSWelisE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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