I Spent 100 Years to Create the Perfect Empire in Kingdoms and Castles

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this is kingdoms and castles it is one of the best city building simulation games out there it's gorgeous I love it today we're going to be trying to survive for 100 years on hard difficulty we're going to be invaded by Vikings we're going to be attacked by dragons there's going to be rival kings and queens out there who are not going to like me which is impossible cuz I'm a very likable person dang it but if we're going to survive for 100 years the first thing we need to do is pick where to put our Castle so first things first we got to choose the difficulty we're going hard the kingdom will be named dragon's Beach and we're going to go multiple Islands so we can have multiple AI but we're going to put the AI on random this one looks perfect a bunch of cool looking islands where AI could spawn but this one right here has a ton of fertile Farmland so right here we see three sources of stone and one source of iron and we've got to decide where where to put our keep it might be one of the most important decisions because we need to heavily fortify its location and I'm obsessed with symmetry so this is where it's going it is year 1 in Dragon's breach how long can we survive well first it's food then it's wood then it's Stone and much later is iron there's also fish and a whole bunch of other food sources the more food sources the happier people the happier people the more we can tax them the more tax the more gold we get so we need to place a path because houses can only be placed on paths and then we want to make our way towards where we can start growing some really good food so here it is the very beginning of dragon's breach so they built the paths they're going to start chopping down some Lumber and we're going to start building our Farms after two of these Farms what we're going to want to build is an orchard the first house is done and people just got happy and happy people are taxable people I mean happy people are just it's good to have now a lot of things in the early game actually require Stone like being able to have stock piles so building the path towards the stone is of key importance remember Vikings and dragons are going to be attacking they say they need toast so the health in our kingdom is fair because we only have wheat and bread but no fruits and no fish or pork buildings are good because we haven't been attacked we're struck by lightning and happiness is relatively low at 61 we're finally there and now we just need 15 Wood and we have our first Quarry now we're starting to cook with gas I don't know where we are it must be England cuz it rains all the time but once the qu is done uh uh once the cor's done it catches on fire do you know how expensive that thing was we also want to give these houses a well because look at this this is what makes them happy they have neighbors they have access to a road but we need water drinkable water and charcoal they're not drinking drinkable water is it poo poo water the next thing we need is sustainable wood we need to be growing more trees so we can chop them down so we just Cho down a bunch over here and what is going to be even more food and now we can build a Forester and we're going to expand out our road and start working on our grid and we probably need more people we have plenty of food yeah plus 25 we can afford to have I think like 25 more people in down we're a small village and we just got our first warning look at this a dragon is coming within one year there's much we can really do about that I'm going to need to build a treasury room so I'll build it next to my castle and maybe we'll have time to build one defensive Tower cuz we're going to need gold like look at this a a tower costs five Stone and 20 gold and the dragon's already here time flies when you're going to get burned now we haven't explored these other Islands so we don't know if the AI is there but what we could do is see if he starts burning stuff if he shoots fire it you know we have reason to believe that there's people there oh yep someone's shooting at him with arrows right here so we know that this giant Island up here does have someone in it I don't think anyone's on this island so we're going to want to be one of the first people to colonize it we're going to tax Our People by 10% to start bringing in some gold and the next thing we're probably going to want to do is make charcoal we're also building building our first Advanced house which is a cottage and it increases the people's happiness versus a a h cuz HS just don't even sound very good do they and we're going to start demolishing those and replace everything with Cottages so we're a little bit efficient in 9 years another dragon attack is coming and it's only year 11 so we do have more time than the last warning we got but this time I think we're going to get burned I think our first Tower should be very close to the keep we'll build two right here fishing Hut needs 20 stone yeah we just need a lot of stone we can afford our first Archer Tower I think right here is best all right I've done the outline for the First wall it's going to go like this and protect the keep and a bunch of our first houses including our taxable area here we can buy a fishing Hut oh man look they have to go with all of this wood in a little congol line all the way over to here eventually we could set up more wood production over here a fishmonger prepares and stores fish we're going to need one of these guys too man we need a lot of stuff we got our fishing boat it's the first boat or ship in our Navy our peasants want a Tavern you sons of biscuits okay let's give you it I thought we're plus 51 food from last year I guess that's not enough when you have 60 people okay this is this is scary um yeah our people are going to be really upset when they can't eat who's this guy oh shoot so with two towers and our keep which I think can defend itself oh gosh there's a dragon too okay so we've got a Viking ship that just launched off its raiding party right near the iron and the dragon's flying over here and he's burning my Orchard okay that's great I don't know if we have a oh my gosh he's going to burn everything it's trogdor the burninator and he's destroying my stuff okay that sucked and here come the Vikings hopefully this Tower is enough the keep is firing now okay we have defended ourselves against the Vikings and we could say we did against the dragon but he tore us up so wait a minute yeah see look there were three Viking ships that came and they each one stopped by here that was defeated and one sto there and there leaving this island open for Conquest I think it's more or less confirmed but our people are happy because because we fought valiantly and destroyed a viking Invasion even though we're starving right now we're feeding off of our uh you know Tales of Glory oh apparently we had some people die to dragons another Viking Invasion I mean I know we put the difficulty on hard but biscuits man oh someone died we're going to need a graveyard we're going to have to put this outside of town we'll put it up here the recently departed are not being shown a respectful burial I mean dig a hole I that's that is disrespectful yeah I guess I get it all right I get it now we need a cemetery the king is too distracted by not dying to worry about the people who have already died this is the Chicken and the Egg problem our people should be happy because the recently departed are now recently buried oh there's a diplomat heading over here he's going to blow a trumpet hello there greetings my Lord what do you got a peaceful Kingdom wait what did I just just click oh what I didn't okay great I basically like they came in and I didn't hear what they were saying to me because it's like I sneezed in their face yeah that's kind of what just happened great all right one of the things I'd like to do is build a bridge over here and build a tower to start shooting wolves so in order to do that we're going to need Bridges oh wait then that means the boat can't get through how much are draw Bridges expensive we we have crossed the chasm and we'll build an outpost oh yeah I need a fishmonger I've needed a fishmonger for like 10 years but this is what it looks like right now I mean would you want to live here knowing that the dead are not buried that your king is sneezing on other people's diplomats and sometimes you run out of food it's pretty nice now they're going to start killing all the wolves and basically make this bit of the forest a little bit sa safer for us yeah he he literally pathfind it all the way around here what are you do oh my gosh this is so dumb this is a self-inflicted stupid wound I'll put a draw bridge right there I can't believe that that is hilarious I guess it makes sense I just thought someone was going to leave the Hut and walk fish over here instead of well you know it's a nice day for fishing let's go ahead and circumnavigate the peninsula here and boom oh God Vikings they're landing on the southern Point here well I guess that'd be the Southeastern Point hopefully they fight some wolves on the way that would be really cool fight the wolves wolves eat them the wolves are in cahoots okay they have to fight by this Tower then the next one the drawbridge raises which is awesome it's like a little trapo hey oh I I guess that for sure was going to happen right wow well we defended ourselves admirably now the next thing we need to do is get get manners those make people real happy to be in fancy homes somehow this guy is in like the fog of war is that a Viking ship or a merchant ship I think it might be the merchant ship hold on the dragon is sailing towards me and by sailing I mean flying cuz it it flies shoot it with arrows yeah we need ballistas ballistas are the best way to kill dragons oh my God I need those doesn't he know that I need those apples one peasant recently killed by dragons a diplomat is in route okay we're not going to sneeze on them this time okay I won't accidentally click yes go on cool maybe you could send some troops to help uh sorry man like you know you got to like do your own thing and I'm going to do mine right so like get out of here I forgot how tricky this game is to like balance all of the resources here we go a dock okay do we want to have the dock yeah in this little protected area I like that a lot and we're out of wood or we're out of gold again oh the the Merchant's coming I have 18 gold he skipped me I said we're open and allow Merchants to dock it's year 33 and this is how things are looking from the bird's eye not much has changed we're still just trying to survive but we're making a butcher okay so the Viner snitel is going to flow like wine soon not that we have wine but you get what I'm saying hey we're a bing town on E from recent play a plague infections plague infections you Sons of Guns we need a clinic all right we'll put a nice little clinic right there two peasants died from the plague and people are not happy about it I can understand that I would be pretty terrified if you know an illness swept the land and my only answer was maybe some deep and mysterious entity has casted us you know cuz there's no such thing as science at this point all right we need a Ballista so we'll build build the tallest tower we can out of stone and slowly but surely I'm converting these Cottages into manners because you can tax some more looks like maybe one ship maybe two they're still attacking from this way which is all fine by me cuz we have this Tower which might burn at some point but it usually wipes out a whole group but this is going to be Dragon killing Tower right here hey the merchant what could I sell for you oh that's the price the price the price I'm going to sell 47 charcoal I mean that's all I had stored there and then what do I want to buy uh food oh God yeah food we're going to buy 20 wheat and 20 fish and 30 apples so we don't absolutely start I need a Ballista but we need a chamber of war and to get a chamber of War we need to be cool and we're not cool look at that 17 more charcoal excellent we made a decent amount of gold just by selling burnt wood to people which honestly that's that's just being entrepreneurial but in the year's 38 and I would say that I I think that we're on the verge of thriving we've got some of the more important buildings in places like marketplaces so that we can get Goods to these big old houses so we can tax them more we've got pigs we've got fish and we're expanding our food and agricultural production we got tons of charcoal that we can sell it's I think it's okay who's this a diplomat or is that an army it's a diplomat why didn't I get no notification on that King start I don't have time to put up with nonsense or anyone I like this guy already oh my gosh yeah let's keep the peace man that's cool you know like you're a big Hoy toyy right don't get cocky kid all right so they came from this island over here everybody's met except for me right oh shoot the dragon's coming I don't have a chamber War War hey it's the merchant do I got Goods I got 58 charcoal you better love charcoal bud you do still low on food it's like I don't know how to raise a keep my people alive all right so we're carving out this this is going to be my military area right here and I've got a merchant or uh Queen wetz my favorite niece started brewing beer she's 11 years old is that that illegal cool let's uh your latest recipe is actually a fruit punch that is not beer you know what sure yeah give me the beer wow your niece thank you this is I love fruit punch favored beer oh my God I hate dragons stop burning my stuff I hate you I want you to know that all right what we're going to do is while the fields are on fire you know when they say when there's blood on the street buy property when there's fire in the fields byy plant more cuz that's science yeah somebody put that out please I'm the king put out the fires I'm going to buy 70 grain and 40 apples cuz they're cheap that way my people won't starve oh my God we ran through all that food I'm on the precipice of self-destruction why are we sad The Peasants find the new beer to be disgusted oh my God your niece is terrible I thought it was free beer but I guess there's no such thing as free beer we're waiting on one stone there he is hello my Lord oh this will get us access to more Stone kill the wolves someone's got like a automatic bow and arrow up there and just like I like killing wolves huzzah that is a lot of chopping needs doing look at this this is amazing job priority is it all on uh wood cutters okay good give me a chamber of war that will allow me to build a Ballista to defend my castle against dragons as well as do pretty nice damage to Vikings which are eventually going to start bringing in ogres and trolls and there's a view if you were coming from Wolf Forest you're like oh he's biting me you know you'd be like oh wow that's really nice taverns are crowded how about you guys stop drinking fruit punch flavored beer all right we got to eventually do some serious City Planning and I'm thinking of making a big residential area over there or should we use it over here probably since we're going to have stone it would make sense to do this it's just such good Farmland oh look at the coverage of that ballista that is Juicy M how's my food we're doing much better in the food department guys no stop no oh yeah this is It's Vikings they can't control themselves Trauma from recent Viking attacks proud of our troops proud of our troops and then oh yeah I'm building a Tavern ooh a large Tavern that's part of the new update they added a big new update that adds a whole lot of new buildings let's take a look we've got a large treasure room basically these things like it's a structure that SI size wise takes up you know double what an old one does but it performs like 3x so I guess we'll build them eventually oh yeah I can build stone roads which make people travel much faster they do cost wood or gold all right we got the Mason repairing stuff we've got Stone streets making our people move a lot faster I guess that's like a very easy thing to do oh it's this guy have you heard how amazing I am let me tell you the story of how yeah okay oh you did you kill your brother did you two get along well one night he was eating a fine dinner he became death heel okay I wonder how that happened cool this guy just like came over to be like I killed my brother yeah we're ridding the frontier the Eastern Frontier here of wolves we've almost survived for 50 years at the 50e Mark a dragon should be attacking and here's our Merchant friend which allows me to make tons of money off charcoal almost $300 here and I have plenty of wood as well so I might as well sell it and I can just buy everything else I need we have gold in the bank guys I dare say this is actually working out for us and I'm expanding and I'm going to build a tower and kill these things I guess I could build like a Barracks or an Archer school or cannons cannon goes boom boom so that's always nice I actually think I want to make this my military area and this an expansion of my city cuz of so much land I need more houses to fill in more people plus there's decent Farmland nearby so I got to kill these wolves and these two sections of wolves and then I dare say our land is almost completely wolf free other than this okay the dragon is here and we have a dragon killing ballista um no more beer please oh yeah sure okay you want to negotiate prices uh definitely want to get some charcoal out of there I don't know if I want you buying my stuff I got to make a profit on everything these prices are outrageous well I don't care man sure whatever I'm not very good at diplomacy or negotiations apparently cuz I just don't want you to invade me oh shoot there's a witch's Hut and she sells spells that's new since I played this last there's been so many changes since I've last played all right we're killing the Wolves up here and the Wolves up there that is fantastic look at how many trees I'm chopping down this is deforestation on a massive scale diplomats are so tiresome sometimes the terms of this relationship he's going to request gold from time to time as tribute uh sure man yeah go come back and ask for it and I've got I've got some really nice fruit punch flavored beer I'd love to give you instead I think you're going to love it the Vikings are invading okay well I've got a tower up here so they're landing near there here so at least they'll be able to be softened up unless of course you go around it sort of softened up now the ballista should be firing and then these Archer Towers yeah that was pretty easy to defend we did catch on fire though they're burning one of my walls and I think we're okay we're also going to need a new treasury room and I want to do one of the newer Advanced ones and put it right next to my castle up here's going to be the military area all right so this is going to be the outline of the new city I need a big Tavern 's my best friend eight Viking ships invading between Three Kingdoms someone's going to get hit by three in fact two of us are going to get hit by three and in year 60 just to celebrate it that we've survived this long we also have a dragon invading all at the same time now the bad news is that I'm building a lot of very expensive buildings over in the quote new town so depending on where these guys land we may not be ready for it but there's always the chance right let's build a Ballista here right next to our church we will pray for victory all right the Vikings are going to land here oh that is a lot of stuff that's probably going to die yeah oh but there's this Tower here and is this ballista ready oh it's not ready I'm sorry did we just wiped them all out and what happened over here a dragon what is that wait a minute are those Dragon Stakes we killed a dragon how much meat did we just get it may not be pork but uh you know what I'm sure Dragon meat is like a delic can I sell that to the merchant cuz that would be amazing all right here comes my Merchant friend I really need you know what let's just increase this to 200 desired charcoal storage so that I can just keep selling this charcoal now what do we want to buy can we buy tools we can buy tools I think we should buy 85 of them uh nope and I don't care about you because you poison my people with fruit punch beer now that we have the tools at some point we need to build gate houses and Stone off this whole area wait another Diplomat it's time to pay tribute 120 gold all right see you next time yeah next time you come I'm going to say no but by that time I'll have a stone wall around this place and I'm I'm going to dare you to come say hi huzzah yeah I just got to make sure we can feed our people right we are a bustling City in year 64 this is glorious we how many people do we got 250 I wonder if we can get to like a th000 people by year 250 that would be an impressive accomplishment oh my gosh are we low on food we have 2 many people and not enough food we just got Harvest oh and then there's a special item fine rugs you know what I'm going to buy fine rugs my people stay warmer I think they're going to be happier we sell as many charcoal as we can Which is less and less as things go on and I'm going to buy 200 okay we are in desperate need of more food oh a baker takes wheat and charcoal and turns into bread stores the bread until is eaten so bread could be better value than just straight up eating wheat we're pretty much slow on everything there's no one working the granery there's no one working the windmills we don't have enough people doing their jobs and these dang diplomats yay they like pork whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this that looks like a plague oh no I never built the hospital that I wanted to build like a long time ago the Vikings are invading they're burning my little perimeter Archer Tower but that's okay I think we've already defended against the Vikings I think this is a potential oh that's so funny they're running away with 195 gold someone got robbed it wasn't us though I need to know how much I'm producing 172 from farms and 117 from Orchards should cover 283 people right five bread for every one thing of charcoal and one thing of wheat oh wow wow I just realized that on this island there's like tons and tons of iron that would most definitely be ironland and instead of potatoes it's well iron you know you get the joke it's it's right there in front of you um 140 gold yeah definitely go shove it oh my I'm going to be able to sell so much 585 we are back in the money boys got to buy some tools and I'll just buy some wheat and some food some point I need to start Manufacturing like iron Goods all right we got another plague but people are being treated so it's year 76 Vikings have just invaded they're coming from down south there's 14 16 ships we're going to get hit pretty hard and I think that they're going to land here and if they do we just don't have a lot of defenses in this area we might lose some very very valuable stuff we do have a Ballista in the area but they'll probably start burning things oh yeah and we don't have a gate house so they just run straight through well luckily it's harvest time so these three people just totally abandoned their field because it was getting murderized so we need to defend our Kingdom from the West so all the while the Vikings oh my gosh the Vikings are just slaying and all I have is a Ballista in range yeah this area is completely weak this Tower here doesn't have the range we lost a lot of farms and luckily they didn't run off with any of our people because people in population I think are a very very valuable resource we have 26 idle people though probably cuz the fields that they were working are gone I have no idea how that happened and right now this poor guy is Running Iron all the way up from up here I need a more efficient way to do this there's a lot that needs to be done but the dragons don't seem to be wanting oh my God it's a big daddy Dragon oh gosh oh did you see that he just merked buildings instantaneous that was terrifying we need more oh what is that these guys have a theater the theater is where the magic happens all right we definitely want to make magic magic is good I could put it here and it would affect ooh a little a little water side theater yeah let's do it that's a terrible spot for it oh a baby dragon's here can we kill him and get the Dragon Meat kill him and get the Dragon Meat dang it we are building t tons and tons of things all at the same time which maybe not be the smartest but it's what's we doing over here in Dragon's Beach we're just simple people doing too much at one time I want special goods and I'm not getting any dang we're out of wood that's a weird experience how are we out of wood guess I haven't been making it in a long time other than this one spot up here and there's probably a lot of things that use wood hey but we got a theater oh it consumes everything but it gives happy happiness a big amount of Happiness people are getting happier man I think I need to start a farm over here now where are the Vikings going to land over on this side that's okay except we don't have a gate house but we have two guard towers and a Ballista the year 84 we're almost to year 100 oh my gosh my people are so happy because we kill Vikings we finally have like a castle looking Castle now that our walls are getting upgraded to Stone we do think that one guy is going to invade us right wait a minute we were just at 91 they need we need a bath house we need a freaking Bath House in a large radius okay we need a noria I'm not sure where I could fit it maybe like over here but I need a noria first guess I'll put it over here and we got a dragon but how many ballistas do I have three over here one over here this side of town is kind of not very well defended look at how many boats there are I wish these dragons would shoot at the boats okay please don't burn my my stuff man oh he's burning my stuff man yeah we're going to need another ballista I think if we had another one here we would have defeated that oh shoot it's another Dragon okay good he didn't wait oh he's Napal bombing this entire area of town it's year 86 and it's crazy out here we got fires everywhere I need a Mason just for over here all right this guy's coming back around this Tower is looking kind of weak oh it actually just got repaired and he falls and we get the dragon me the mass deforestation of our little Northern patch it's sad cuz it's so pretty we are going to put it there and we'll figure out the rest of it later I might expand into this area the water wheel must be built in fresh water the bath houses are too crowded they're not even open we're one stone away from completing the noria which should give the bath house water and then we're trending towards 75 happiness and when you look at the area that this bath house can cover it's most of our urban area so now people are really happy with us what should the next big thing be a great Library 105 gold every ye a year we could have a jousting Arena but this thing is massive this thing is huge we could put it here if I rearrange things this is why planning ahead is so much better than like I'm going to just wing it which is what we're doing yeah each one of these Arch sections costs like 40 Stone compared to like a castle wall that only cost 12 one year till the Viking Invasion if they destroy this I think I'll cry it's year 91 we've almost made it to year 100 and here we go massive Invasion Fleet to the north oh and they got catapults now yay but there's only 12 total ships so four ships each I think we'll be okay all right where are they Landing oh my gosh wait a minute how many of them decided to hit my neighbors and not me or oh I must be very behind because I only got hit with two ships oh my gosh don't stop burning my stuff man be happy we've destroyed the Vikings we actually did good yeah one of them got hit with six and I only got hit with two so I think I must be really behind the AI probably because I'm doubling up on you know my architecture works because long-term planning is difficult when you look at our kingdom now like look at look at how pretty this is in year 91 I love it this is one of the most beautiful city builders I think ever and I think we're doing okay I need to build a treasury a small one somewhere else and then I want to replace it where can I put this where it's somewhat safe all right right here there we go now I should be able to build a jousting Arena here oh gosh did I do the math wrong I need a pier like right here all right once this is done I can destroy this one and make a double over here so I can store more than 1,000 gold dragons didn't I say that I wanted another ballista Greek Fire shoots a blast of fire that does massive damage short range and a long reload time and consumes charcoal per shot okay I don't know where I would put that I need to create like a Kill Zone where I know the Vikings are going to invade from and then put it there but I don't have that yet tier 95 we got dragons flying around burning everything but not over here at least not yet oh this little one's flying over here we're going to shoot him and steal his meat and by steal it I mean like he's dead we're using it it's not really theft it's it's I mean we stole his life we get me you get what I'm saying and give me those meat cakes that sounds terrible do not give me yeah we we'll just forget that never happened they he killed a Ballista now one of the things that I want to do is get to the advanced town I guess we shouldn't be building while while there's still a second dragon and this one's bigger than the last one um um it just instantly evaporates stuff I don't even know what this was but it's dead oh was a giant stockpile every now and then a merchant ship comes around in sells something that like helps you kill dragons even faster and we need that thing Vikings are attacking in 4 years screw it we are putting in a jousting Arena and look at that we have just enough room so we'll make a nice little pathway right to the gates and someone's here to harass me like truly we have plague outbreaks guess what so do we you should let the plague kill the weak I'm going to click it these people hate me because I just don't care about them all right like stop annoying me it's year 96 29 people visited but no one wants to live here well we we only have a few spare beds okay we're still working on Town two - 56 food oh did it get burned is that how it's almost time to expand our wheat fields and really double down on our bakeries wow this thing is waiting for 156 wood but when you look at the area it covers it's massive James dpus died of old age but it's year 97 we've almost made it all right I can delete this and I still have I didn't lose my gold okay I wanted a large treasury room this is the first of the new type of buildings why am I building it at the same time we need all these resources for this giant thing because this is how I do things this is the guy who's trying to extort me you're in need of some resources you'd like to build a cottage you're pathetic you you come demanding gold then you're like I need a few St Stone and wood to build a house like brother you suck it looks like the fishing boat's sunk we'll close it and open it again there we go we reset we turned it off and on again and it started working cuz that's science and check this out we have a jousting tournament going on why is my people not happier because it's not fully stuffed 15 workers oh my goodness that's a lot of workers well we built it build it and they will come that's what I've been told why would they Li me so here is probably it's year 100 we did make it so we have to survive this Viking Invasion and when we take a look at it there's a lot of raiding parties but I don't see any trolls or catapults yet if they attack from here which I really hope they do it's one of the best defended choke points in our Empire and it looks like they're going to land right over here in Lumberville and they've got some catapults that are thank you thank you for blowing up oh my God go wait how am I supposed to kill that thing guys I think I need an army I don't have an army I could make an Archer school but we don't have any extra Idol like people that could serve as soldiers so depending on this guy's range this is a he instantly died okay we'll just repair all that and pretend like it didn't happen wait is there another boat that's Landing no this one so 200 gold I wish that this game would allow for more options to like hire the Vikings be the Vikings even and have a different style of Kingdom or like pay the Vikings to raid one of your rivals or enemies that would be so fun but we have survived 100 years and this is what the Kingdom looks like right now it is thriving we've done it on hard difficulty and if you guys want to see me go from say 100 to 250 well let me know and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 774,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, kingdoms and castles, 100 days, 100 years
Id: N0fiiQLGEWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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