I Spent $100 On Lottery And THIS HAPPENED! NO WAY!

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no way look at that $1,000,000 one match welcome back to treasure Jesus guys and it's rematch time this time I'm going to win I swear it so he took the $100 we won put off the $5 ticket yesterday cashed it in and got 10 $10 tickets this time we're taking a step up you know logic we want a hundred on five we shouldn't about 200 I'm holding it in the video I have to say three things actually right yeah number one we hit 70 thousand subscribers this is insane the fastest growth I've ever seen it could ever imagine the numbers the last month have been ridiculous and I just want to say thank you guys so much thank you we're less than thirty thousand away from 100 thousand subscribers I like I always wanted to get to this point with the see it actually getting there is insane it really is number two the drug dealer storage in the video it got 1 million views in less than two weeks less than two weeks a million views so it's crazy I got next time we go storage unit honey the next auction is tomorrow technically today so hopefully we get unit sorry we're doing so many lottery videos but there's not auction to a big win units but if I see anything that resembles a druggy I feel like a blunt Arab or anything I'm like I'm winning it no matter what anyway guys thank you so much for that and the last thing is that the videos are gonna be put out at 6 p.m. every day now so we used to do 2 p.m. every single day but I realized today we accidentally made the mistake of putting it out late and it did way better so I started looking into it and I guess more people are off work more people are off school more more people see it in the first hour it helps the video trend better so we're gonna start putting them out at 6 p.m. instead of 2 p.m. so I don't know what time zone you're in but 4 hours later than usual but enough rambling let's get into this the problem is we want $112 yesterday so we actually have a leaven ticket instead of 10 so this is an idea we're gonna decide who gets the extra ticket by flipping a Bitcoin you want the B side or the chip side I want the b-side I got the chips it-it's a big advantage to see the wins I mean you get a whole extra chance it's a lot you better flippin good you said be right ready it is Oh ice got it this time you'll still probably win the overall prize counts up I get six tickets she gets five let's see you win this time don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get into it alright guys so I'm gonna be scratching these first we got eleven total ten dollar tickets twenty times the money up to a million dollars we checked on the Virginia Lottery website this is the ten dollar ticket as the most top prizes left so that's what we went for it let's get that million dollar prize 9 25 32 15 and 21 see I'm already making my numbers it's got to be between nine and 32 I don't know why I do that but I do it 50 is not in there between nine and thirty to thirty ones in that range but it's not a winner boo 836 nope 16 is in there nope nope 19 nope 40 27 no not looking good 24 or 22 now I had 21 to 25 of course went off from both 47 is not in that range order about 12 and 28 now not that was a weird word nope nope nope 30 or 6 know what starting off good starting off good starting off with a loser let's go to ticket number 2 yeah no I know I know I'm not lucky but for some reason I still love playing these 41 so what do we need now between 3 and 33 so 41 is not in there or that or that 32 is they are because as me it's just you're playing the game of chance and hoping you could turn I guess come out on top 36 I mean it's fun like I said that's all that matters in the long run it's fun now looking good so far 50:47 I hate when I scratch too low and I see that look at that 1 million dollars I just want to see it so bad 1946 24 not today yep for real 44:18 15 25 or for man looks like I'm not doing good so far two for two all losses alright let's go for this one take number 336 713 48:38 okay my numbers are all over the place this time so we have to check each one 19 or 41 no 6 nope 27 or 34 note 15 or 12 nope 40 no 37 47 no we have 36 to 40 okay always one off that's how they get you 28 no so we have 38 and 40 you know they're gonna give you the other eight please do yeah we'll get it eventually please tell me about the only one that notices this stuff 39 someone else tell me in the comments I noticed this too they always want off you so I don't feel like a weird addict forty six or eight nope 31:29 oops thirty two twenty three twenty two nothing can we look at the odds on this one first - where are they down there odds of winning a prize or one in three point five one well that's three losses in a row so according to their odds this one should be a winner or they wouldn't lie what day just kidding before somebody goes on Iran like that's all the tickets in the world you know so they're gonna have five losers in a trap I wonder we know I'm just making a point so look at this it has to end in a three or nine thirty nine thirteen thirty three twenty nine thirty thirty so it doesn't end in three or nine don't even look at it smoothly take it down a little bit nope that's a three but that's not a one people play the extra chances at the top have you guys ever want anything never won jack squat nope no yeah so get it another loser there goes their odds right out the window two to go yeah then let's see how much help it's giving me so far so 40 nothing 21 nothing 35 nothing 30 36 man 29 17 43 1619 this is crazy this might be worse than the other one that must mean you have all the winners again 649 that'd be nice 14 or 32 at least last time I had one winner doesn't even look like I'm gonna get that so far eight or 38 4 nope 7 or 11 and 7 1105 losers in a row this is crazy like I told you in the last video it takes skill to lose this much like to just completely defy the odds take skill alright let's see so for seven through 45 that's two two out of a range see you 33 or 50 no 48 no 12 or 15 hey we got one 15 well we're gonna save that to the N because I like to make things dramatic 26 or 4 no 31 no what about 11 or 37 No 19 or 3 no 22 no 17 or 9 no 46 no 43 no 13 no 36 or 24 no we got one match on six tickets and it's gonna be $10 watch look at that $10 the most basic prize you can win guys that is the kind of luck I hope you never have I hope us scratching and losing like this satisfies your gambling need so you don't have to lose like we do anyway let's get on to the winners or as I like to call it here scratch offs all right guys time for my first winning ticket number 12 you come the winners every time you're gonna win off number eight watch that's my lucky number always have eight you got 28 actual number let's say I got taken number 13 23 my had for a million dollars see you look at that and they're like you get twenty hundred give you every other eight No why do they do this six no I tell most like their goal is to get us in no 37 I switches accents 29 where is this one from water I don't know yep corns geckos you got every single eight except 28 I think that's crazy I want to say it's like uh like a Midwest northern accent but who knows and alright alright number 13 lucky number 13 I have you talked to to my body please no matter what you want to eat again witness be ironic my dream number 28 on your lucky number 13 ticket that's how it's gonna go down 27 and 29 I need this thing oh oh you need every 20 except Evans come on 48:42 why you keep switching out I don't the urge to do no 13 oh I gotta take 13 come on 1935 where are they already 7 what are their actions you have left 3 3 yeah that's one winner and eight taken port was another obvious should have had two almost three by now it means the rest of these that are all be winners oh we're suing a Virginia Lottery we're actually taking them to court yeah imagine how that goes you're awesome yes 20:19 you go win for anything I gotta stop scratching up prior to scratching too low i scratch hi man if I win like 10 nothing I won't even be happy that's just disappointing 20a there it is on the next ticket of course where is it at where where come on we're going to the headquarters tomorrow I'm suing if we literally only win $10 on 10 tickets with everyone to be a favor and like share this on social media and tottery yeah and be like what happened to 1 in 3 I just want to get an automated response he goes like already we're down to two tickets left get some low numbers yep highest 30 all right so 30 you're under for no no you get everything around 12 this might be a new record 48 1 for 1 I already three know won't random accidents 29:47 British now 327 and 18 yeah I'm sure I just like how they say 9 it's already not no way naughty naughty one no way oh my gosh wow I wasn't into that symbol I know that's simple kind of killer but that'd be nice I'll take two and what if we get 200 we're gonna get all $20 tickets because we got a problem oh it saved it really did oh my goodness I can't believe this we made a profit twice in a row that's crazy around the same price you're right yeah you're on the same amount so I guess that's it we got two winning tickets out of ten and so again I guess everybody's idea of buying all the same ticket has definitely been on much better than us picking random let's do a recap well guys you know what I don't oughta feel how do I feel like I'm happy gonna keep breaking even without losing money replacement or basically getting free fun but why the winner just once why look why can't I get the winner just one time but you know what at the end of the day it's our money we still we didn't actually make a properly miscounted we thought was in our head I kept thinking 10 $10 tickets we actually had all 11 so well know you're 22 but we actually had 11 and we made $110 hey you must have my fresh - listen up and stuff for all your Dragon Ball Z nerds out there yes I feel hot on my arm I said I did but we made another hundred ten dollars so I mean I think there's only one logical thing to do that's to do it again we have to win money or go broke there's no in-between you lose it all or you make it big I don't like breaking even obviously it's better than losing every time I break even I'm like I like the fact that like we do make money and at least our money back so we can take that and make another video and more money you guys finding entertaining I love gambling no matter if it's storage units scratch-offs at the casino it doesn't matter I'm like basically we call ourself a professional gambler and I literally I do the story and stuff for living this is my job now like a professional gambler at this point I scratch scratch often do storage units for lengthy professional gambling right there I don't know if I guess it's considered problem it is delay before we go yeah I just have to say thank you one last time for 70,000 subscribers like we I feel like I just said thank you for 60 like literally a week ago maybe like 10,000 subscribers in a week this is absolutely unheard of our channel the numbers are like I said before just a ridiculous every day I just get excited to wake I'm like crazy so much in just going from there so that is gonna be it for this one guys so if you did enjoy it leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you do want to follow us on our social media links they're gonna be right I forgot that lien last time at eye contact no we're dry editing but they're gonna be right here ready here make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching and take these lose hop till next time peace it up before we go guy just have to say nice a guy [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 33,000
Rating: 4.8977637 out of 5
Keywords: i bought every lottery ticket in the machine, i bought every lottery ticket, bought every lottery ticket, bought every ticket in the machine, every ticket in the machine, buying 1 of every lottery ticket, i bought 1000 lottery tickets, i bought 50000 lottery, bought lottery tickets, bought lottery tickets and won, lottery prank, lottery vending machine, buying all the lottery tickets, texas lottery, ar platinum, scratch off, texas candy, texas scratch off, winning tickets
Id: vF4Xdv-21TE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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