I Spent $100 On Lottery And THIS HAPPENED! WE FINALLY WON!

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yeah $2,000 a week welcome back to treasure honey would you this guy's and tonight I'm feeling like a gambler so we got another lottery ticket for you today so we decided to go with the strategy a lot of you guys have been giving us we got $100 of the exact same ticket now we tried to record getting the ticket to have the machine because I think that makes it more interesting but unfortunately we're in Northern Virginia so at night time there's always one weird drunk guy that smells like alcohol it just stands there and watches you so didn't feel comfortable recording but we got $25 tickets all in a row all the exact same one we're gonna divide them in half both of a scratch ten put your guys down in the comments right now who's gonna win more money on their $50 worth don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get into it before we get into it I just want to say be one of those people we do this for fun okay it's enjoyable and trust me from a financial standpoint if we lost all 100 dollars in these tickets we'd still be fine we would still make money in the long run so don't worry about us financially we're doing good let's get into it all right since I'm gonna be scratching first you choose which side do you want left or right okay that's where all the winners that you beat me last time it's time for vengeance let's go on this side my ticket number one let's get zoomed in first so you can see what we're doing all right if we're doing the Bitcoin again if it's going to bring us much luck last time but let's hope it does this time then 322 13 3 and 25 am I the only one that when I scratched a lottery tickets I am constantly like trying to make a pattern in my head or something like when I do this I'd say okay it has to be between 3 and 25 I don't know why that's not 10 no 24 6 11 nothing all right let's go down here nope nope nope no by the way I see this look what the grand prize of the here is two thousand dollars a week for ten years I think that's that's incredible that says it right there I didn't read but for ten years 2119 our video quality would step up we'd be able to afford a warehouse and stuff twenty-eight nothing on that one my ticket number two let's see if we get lucky this time twenty-nine thirty to ten and twenty to twenty six no 33 or thirty no 27 or 19 not today seven nope fifteen nope twenty-one nope 13 or 12 nada by the way we want to know the Virginia Lottery website and we looked at which $5 ticket has the most top prizes left this is the one so we're the best chance here 3834 nada ticket number three come on we need a winner this is getting annoying forty twenty and oh that's a winner look at all those even numbers forty twenty and ten take a bed right now put in the comments if you think like this - I'm gonna get thirty one hundred percent the number thirty he's gonna be there because I got every other chin so basically I'm looking for a fourteen there's something ends in a zero makes it easy what did I say there's number thirty and know that we're gonna troll me like that every time so now a 14x I think it ends in a zero makes is really easy not there and not there either man my luck is not good today my ticket number for this one gonna be the one this one's gonna be the winner it's gotta be because I haven't had no luck yet oh look at that my lucky number has always been eight I think she mentioned in the last video I had a dream one time that we won like a million dollars off number 28 so every time I see number 28 now I'm like this is gonna be the time nope nope nope nope no no no no nineteen or twenty nine nada nope nope no her do you wanna man today's is not my day is it this is crazy next one let's do this I'm losing count of numbers because I just lost so many in around haven't wanted a freaking thing back yet let's try again alright 23:27 14 or 10 oh great thank you I appreciate the support and nothing thirty two and twelve seventeen and nineteen twenty-four nothing twenty-five let's see there's twenty eight and nine not in this one of course they're 40 and eighteen nothing again five four five losers I'm so skilled at losing number six is number its ticket number eight yeah it's my lucky number let's see for one 24:14 man I got all the fours watch it see for 1424 I'll bat again 100 bucks somewhere in here is gonna be 30 for every single time that's how they troll me so basically a 1 or something it ends in a 4 nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no no no no no no no yeah you can't compete with me like if there was a Guinness Book of World Record for bad luck I think I could hold it I'm Pro if it comes down to luck I just get crushed let's try again 17 for 26:35 there's the one from lifestyle we have one that have been 500 dollars thirty one twenty five two and twenty eight nothing 32 at 34 nothing 1120 27 May this is pitiful this is the best odds ticket we have to 37 21 3 I'll tell you if it has to do with luck I don't win 18 or 33 nothing again this is why the type of guy that likes kill games cuz if it comes down to luck I already know like I'm just gonna get demolished I have no luck ask anybody that knows me let's become a joke 1933 21 or 20 but I still play for some reason but it's fun at the end of the day 20 to 35 18 34 36 and nothing 33 oh my gosh we matched all sweet Jesus well scratch that at the end 913 2 or 26 no what about it just gonna be 5 bucks 6 37:15 no 3928 no one winner five bucks right seven dollars seven dollars off our seriously I got two left this is not look like it's gonna be a fair competition this is a little square there I mean it was the last ticket in there also hopefully that's some good luck 12:40 34:8 number 82 be my lucky number today let's get it dirty no 15 nope 35 37 or 10 nope number one no 29 no 38 no 39 or seven no three no let's see 13 25 nope and 28 of 32 no oh don't tell me this doesn't take skill losing at this level is not something you can acquire overnight it takes years of practice in bad luck the last ticket number 32 shacks number 39 37 10 and 1 come on number one we need it let's get it 13 nope 40 or 11 no 19 or 14 no - no 25 nope 26 no 28 or 15 no 20 no 33 no 22 no 38 and 17 no 9 out of 10 losers guys what let's look at the back where's the odds fees where's the snow where's it it's usually in the back somewhere there it is odds of winning a break-even prize one in 4.0 - well I just showed it more like 10% when it's my luck involved let's see if she has better luck alright guys so time for my first ticket number three let's see if I can better luck than him which I usually I didn't take much let's see 15 18 27 or 35 probably beat me in the first ticket 9 for 24 no why don't I think I had 2419 you know 3807 no we do horrible we can't blame everybody else they called it the strategy yeah it's only 613 my lucky number 34 just for laughs $10 if I got 13 all right next number 2 who told us to do it this way lots of people in the comments they're like you guys always lose cuz though it's smart way to do it is to get a bunch of the same tickets in a row so they all right let's see it everyone who says smart all right taking your guys opinions yeah see if you guys are right it doesn't look like it so far again I always like to scratch that team see you right away four three no 28 1815 hey we're crushing it right now one winner at 12 tickets 24 boy go to number 3 and number three is a first number three 1412 nines nothing under over 14 now I'm actually looking mind-boggling bad luck no real all right three down seven to go number four insanity so what I had to be seven seven dollars I won one out of ten thirty one thirty four nine ten not gonna happen to do it five times the moment five times of price that last yeah will win like what do you think it'll be five times five bucks will win like twenty set twenty thirty two dollars total I'll be like you yeah yeah I think lottery so cheap that it's actually going to be like five times yes yes this could be five times five all right ten it's not be a hundred dollars ready yeah yes all right guys it's da I know first time we've even broke even with a hundred dollars Josh actually we made a profit you have seven dollars oh honey we made seven dollar profit this is crazy this is like groundbreaking for this channel and lottery oh and I I don't even care that I lost and Justin happy we didn't lose $100 guys you better be doing a happy dance in your seat car whatever you're watching right now yeah so this is this is groundbreaking like I said so we have 2822 14 and 33 in mass at 28 this is the million dollar or whatever the jack prize what's the jackpot on its 2k for life yeah we're about to get it right here 2k a week for 10 years we're gonna get it I hope you're right I see that five times like such a rush right nope well at this point keep that 5 x over there I don't want to get it mixed up and then lose it and then we don't make profit all right we're gonna find any area so we wouldn't really lose it unless you're retarded I wouldn't put it past me 36 14 22 of 33 31 yep know where that you know at this point like we've already secured the fact that I've lost and we make money so you know what I'm a happy guy over here yeah I guess me picking the left pile was the right pile yeah I should have known that we both win but we bought a competition yeah what it what is it we both win the the war but I won the battle or something I can't I don't know I'm slow you guys I know I slaughtered that so just fix me in the comments I don't worry you're gonna youtube if you don't say everything perfect you know how to make mistakes on YouTube you have to be a perfect human being according to other people in the comments the bad people good people we still love you yeah where is it next winter at I can't believe I mean I'm glad we won positive but there's only two winners in 20 what does that say about their odds wrong yeah just a little bit nothing again nope man how many I love I got a three this is number eight let's get up number 28 in there we're gonna get it this time 28 it's gonna happen they say make it easy for tea or something in the 20s 36 I'm always looking for patterns I don't know why and seven no last two got two more left yep but still you even if you won both of them in a row we end up with four winners that's still not even their eyes we just actually made a profit that's the only thing alright my hands falling asleep here got this where are the winners your odds we should have so much more winners come on no I thought that 26 then - hey 85 half five bucks nope sorry alright put that one over here what do we got altogether $112 nice not bad not bad bad day away right last one why did I think I thought that was on there because one of these days oh no come on where they had oh man they gotta work on their odds you really do and everyone like share this video on social media and tag Virginia Lottery is page just so they see their eyes it all right guys last one where is it at yeah ah that's crazy let's do a recap alright guys just finished I didn't even lose I got destroyed but you know what I'm actually not there's a few points I want to bring up here one this is the first time we actually went positive to the odds say winning tickets come in 1.40 good one in 4.0 - I can't talk according those are eyes we should have had just about five winning tickets for what I made the odds we have three this does not say one and 4.0 to odds no but at the end of the day I'd rather have less winners it up $100 winner I didn't have five $5 winners it only make a quarter of our money back so you know what well leverage a new lottery slide this time but you know what I think I have the itch that we might just put these in there and play again maybe 10 $10 tickets baby I have a severe problem I don't know so that is gonna be it for this video guys hopefully we satisfied your gambling needs so you don't have to go out and spend money on lottery tickets like we do anyway if you did enjoy it you're leaving a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit the subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the times if you do want to follow us on our social media links make sure you do that they'll be on screen click links down in the description below make sure find you if you don't make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 90,541
Rating: 4.5368757 out of 5
Keywords: i bought every lottery ticket in the machine, i bought every lottery ticket, bought every lottery ticket, bought every ticket in the machine, every ticket in the machine, buying 1 of every lottery ticket, i bought 1000 lottery tickets, i bought 50000 lottery, bought lottery tickets, bought lottery tickets and won, lottery prank, lottery vending machine, buying all the lottery tickets, texas lottery, ar platinum, scratch off, texas candy, texas scratch off, winning tickets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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