Surviving a WENDIGO in Hardcore Minecraft From the Fog

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okay one more time I'm just going to try to get a little bit of iron and then that's it oh my God okay oh okay oh my god did I'm not whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we are stranded in the Canadian wilderness we're not alone out here there's entities and they're hunting us our rescue plane was supposed to arrive today but it didn't show up we have very very little food no shelter and it's freezing cold out here in this new Wilderness survival simulation series if you die you are EMP over the next few weeks we'll all be posting videos of us trying to survive in this cold and unforgiving environment where one simple mistake can eliminate you each episode will get progressively more difficult We'll add things like the temperature mod and additional creatures to hunt us until just one man is Left Alive I don't know how we're going to survive this but make sure you subscribe because this is going to be an interesting series for sure Kim y you take us you take us to safety it's cold out here come come guys really cold Shadow come with us okay okay okay we got to get out of these Woods got to get out of these Woods he's running Straight Into the Woods Straight Into the Woods it's fine it's fine oh that is loud what is that oh my goodness guys it's G it's gone oh it's gone oh my god oh going after is there it is it's coming r r I'll run it you can it's so fast I'll do it I'll do it follow me oh Kim's dead Kim is it still chasing me I don't know no no no it's gone it's gone okay oh just keep seeing outward Einstein's bloodshot eyes Kim we can't get you oh no he's dead [Laughter] Kim to call the screaming is terrible okay well okay listen we got a we got we got a new plan okay we got some iron around here let's like getting that stuff okay well it's going to be it's going to be night to so we got to move quick I can't believe we lost kid already that was crazy first like 10 seconds oh my God oh my gosh okay well serious I guess this is day one huh that happened I love it it was a minute one where should we should we just build our base here or we find out well I mean I don't I don't want to go anywhere right now with those out Wilderness let's got to crafting bench we're getting this iron we got to get as much of it as we can to before the snow buries it in oh yeah that's right uhoh oh oh no okay that yep yeah what is that we need uh we need to build something we need a we need it we need something what what what do you mean it it's it's uh it's it's it's a dweller I'm pretty sure just uh try not to keep your eyes up high it's Kim coming back from the grave to us the Kim dweller I want where's the iron it's all buried we need food too we're going to starve out here I just I wasted so much my saturation in running yeah that was what is next it's back it's back there's so many what is there's so many of it's it's coming oh my God what Robert where are you I don't know what to do there's two of them cave make a cave I'll keep running make a cave get in get in get in oh my God what where's the cave uh right here close it I'm getting hit come on come on I have two hearts dig into there lightning I don't know why you're digging underneath the tree come here come here come here come here no I'm safe I'm not going under your tree again what is going on here I I don't know but the the man from the fog can't go through a one by one he cannot go through a one by one oh he didn't go after me through a one by one so don't okay oh we got coal right here yeah we need meat nice oh this is huge this is huge oh yeah just just more and more more and more and more keep going yeah yeah good someone's going to have to find us meat I didn't see any animals is uh is Kim still out there we might have to what what did Kim have on him well no well he had he had Flesh on him did I did what did that just seriously happen what one coal is one torch oh my go oh it's hardcore torches they'll go oh we have to light them too do we have to light them no no no no they're they're pretty lit thankfully it's dark out let me see what it what does it look like at there not good and I can't run this horrifying oh my God he's here he's still here he's still here he's he's up there okay just don't look at who looked at him watch out behind you Shadow oh I can eat that flesh I can eat that flesh no I want the flesh if you eat the flesh you're going to not good you bad flesh oh no I'm going to die I have one heart is that how' you get poisoned what the because I'm eating rotten flesh oh okay okay I guess we're just going to have to wait wait for daylight here we have we have nothing we have no source of food we're I have two and a half hearts really I've got half a heart we lost the man in the first two seconds hey but you know what okay this cave is cozy what we need to do is I don't even know if we going to be able to grow crops oh sorry robertt I'm trying to look around for anything like a sheep or something Robert inside inside inside I just see him I just seen him spawn what do you mean Robert what do you what do you mean that was that my fault I think so don't look at him are you wait actually which one were you looking at the the F there stairs directly at it what are you know I didn't know I thought you okay whatever we're past it I get it now if you look at it it gets angry why is there a second crap so they're they're like scary Enderman yeah scarier okay good to know what's the what's the range on looking at them like do I got to keep them at the corner of my screen uh just yeah just don't get close I guess o there's another one I'm out here looking for a pig why I'm I'm hungry Robert okay so we have we need to find food and then we need to build shelter immediately I said we just build it here you want to build shelter here oh what do you think they're not going to spawn other places I I don't know we there's no food that's true there is no food hey let's come down the hill a little bit then all right which which way uh this way can't really afford to run right now oh there's so much coal I got good news owow I'm going to die okay never mind I got real good news do I see a village what is that over there is that a village it's a village is there hello everyone I'm ready to take your bread there was a village over here like 10 ft away got a bed maybe it exaggerated a little bit but this guy just closed me in this house and turned closed the door stared at me which way did you guys go yeah just keep going down the hill you'll see a I think the village is empty are you serious I've gone through three houses now two houses and both of them have just had pumpkin seeds finally bread okay can we make what is this place why is there lava here oh can we make uh you think wheat will grow wheat we need a greenhouse I think to make it grow green house you got to put down um like glass above it can you eat pumpkins what what do you use pumpkins for pumpkin pie right yeah you need sugar and stuff though what kind of house is this it's like oh my goodness there's a big r right there worst stuff oh he's no it's growing wheat's growing wheed is growing yeah weed is growing take it all take it all it's potatoes yeah it's growing I think I think it is is it going okay to yeah it's it's a big hole is there more Village in the side or is it just that house I think it's just that house oh that wolf just fell really far all right let's maybe let's build down here oh no we still haven't found the food situation here well we have to do growing all right I haven't seen it does grow though it I mean it looked like it was growing I don't know if maybe okay all right here let's build here good news a little there's beautiful spot right here yeah it's great I'm going to kill some sheep we will make a Norwegian hot tub in memory of Kim can't believe he's [Music] dead I only see gray mushrooms though give me the red ones what does sheep like to eat what do we need to give those guys I killed him oh you robber yeah all right can I tell you about something oh God okay I need to tell you about this all right it's this new mobile game it's called top troops and it just launched a month ago and it has thousands of people already playing it all right this medieval fantasy RPG is a unique mix of strategy massive battles and merge mechanics you can join a squad and compete with or against other players it's free to download on IOS and Android and let me tell you I cannot get enough of this game the whole point is to defeat the Dark Army by building your own powerful Army you do this by merging and leveling up your units and leading them to to Epic Battles I really like how you can build your own City where you can train and interact with your troops and farm and I'm going to tell you right now Robert top troops is super challenging at times but I noticeably get better as I learn more strategy and upgrade my units and move through the game join the troops and download it now through the link in the description or use the QR code that I'm going to send you right now okay Robert for a very limited time you can even get 100 gems you want those gems use the code okay and you Al you also get a king-sized chest so go ahead I want I want you to thank top troops for sponsor this video Robert thank you top troops for sponsoring this video I got chickens over here how about that don't kill them okay got it got one chicken bringing bringing it back to the house nice okay I got some lamp chops where'd you get lamp chops from I killed the Sheep listen to that Sean you hear that well you killed the other sheep so I figured I'd kill this one unbelievable [Laughter] I'm bringing this chicken back okay don't worry there make a pen around him no this is we're not having we're not having farm animals in the house get me down there put him outside Sean I don't think you understand cold out here is but he's a chicken oh do you think our coats are made out of beautiful food feathers all right there we go got some more wood probber you better build it nice well looks good I I'll I'll do it I need more wood come on chicken I need wood here we go nice wall I'm going need to be chopping down trees chop down these bir trees bir trees are so ugly no is it really just one torch per yeah it's pretty pretty awful really think about it one torch we're really going to be trying to live out here that's great it's getting dark you gets dark fast this time you're a Robert I don't I don't I don't want to keep the animals outside why going to eat them I what if something does no nothing there's no mod in here that will that' be cool though I mean it wouldn't be cool but you know that would be a cool mod if there was something that ate anim your farm animals it would come bunch of and then on you don't have any more farm animals offer it it comes for you yeah you need to sacrifice Lambs I had an idea for uh for one of these dwellers it was a it looks like um wandering Trader and when it arrives at your base and then you you do that thing you know where you hit it and you like kill a Wandering traiter its head falls off just drops to the ground and a giant tentacle comes out of its neck and it grabs you and it drags you to the nearest water source and tries to drown what the hell it's called the wandering drowner okay that works it's snowing should we yeah get inside more walls yeah that's what I'm working yeah I can't find another chicken oh found one as soon as I said that come on chicken I need a force bre breed you before nightfall we need that food can you guys yell I don't know where the house is what do you mean yell want us to yell you guys oh Robert we got to I see him I'm just going to make the walls out of I don't know where the house is how do I get in I see it into the house oh my gosh we got to make a door quick make like a door like right there right here okay yeah they break okay what was that awful noise if we had more iron oh my gosh okay Robert there's like three of them out there so I don't I'm I'm coming in where's the door there isn't a door f a door okay out here out front can you guys just make a door what no break the door should I put Cobblestone up here yeah for now what if I wonder we could use um trap doors I don't know if they break trap doors oh that's a good idea all right let's get some torches out out here oh is that the spawn sound every time yeah there's like 15 surrounding me right now why is there so many there's so many this one is shooting across the sky right now John where are you oh my God I'm being surrounded by them I'm in a clearing they're just spitting around what is going on here where are you I hear them spawning constantly they're attacking me Sean he around it wait wait where are you what I think the mod is glitched it must be I've never seen it do that se where are you I'm outside the house I don't see you oh great okay let's sleep let go to bed no one what do you mean no one you take them from the village can you move I got I got bad news what's your bad news I'm officially hungry um I know me too and I'm out of food so I'm cooking my last little piece of rabbit Phantoms are still out here I got one potato too um I have two you got to plant potatoes don't oh I got I got string to make a fishing rod okay now requirs water though oh my God [Music] yeah can you get a water bucket no we don't have iron I got one more look Shadow has a chest plate on it right now yeah I got to protect myself you know I'll go back the mountain magma and Daylight's coming beautiful okay today we need a farm going by the end of today yeah I know I'm I'm getting I'm just going to walk over magma blocks oh careful for the creeper we need a bucket so I can bring my water over I'm just head up back back on the mountain I'm going to see if I can get some iron nothing freaks me out more than lag on a creeper uh-oh oh my gosh did you guys hear that what where's it's fall it I'm I almost just threw up I think it's fall shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow come here what look look in the help me behind that tree right there help do you see it a cow no it's not a cow shadow looks straight ahead of us right now behind that tree oh my God oh my gosh okay go to the house go to the house get inside now oh my gosh look look do you see it it's right there guys get inside where are you I can't run it's in the woods I'm choking on my egg right now I got no food the thing that killed Kim I saw it I know too it was it was hiding behind a tree just looking at that's so spooky I barely noticed it it was watching us why I have unlit torches in my inventory now why do they eventually they eventually go out yeah out here is not going to be gone it's gone like look look you put that down you pick it up it doesn't go in your inventory that thing is out there right now we can't waste the day we need to get we need to get those BS we need go get iron I'm getting all this stuff we have to move as a group in case that thing chases us can you guys hear it I hear something Brea it's breathing that's it that means it's nearby oh my God it's so creepy sounds like a man breathing oh my God it's it's going to kill you nope I'm outside and oh it disappeared oh my my God oh my gosh okay it doesn't matter if you look at him yeah he there's no you can't predict his behavior okay well we need iron we need to do something okay we'll go we'll go hurry leave leave a path so we know how to get back here I'm leaving it I'm leaving it run Robert find me a cow too there's iron right there I don't have any Wheat oh I do have wheat okay I got enough iron to make a bucket found some right here tooe that was a big hole I'm getting I'm getting so hungry again no I just lost half my health to that thing I found more iron just keep getting seeds keep breaking grass there's not much grass out here these days all right spider and a skeleton down there not in theid right now I'm going to head [Music] back who placed these torches out here I think that was a while ago oh is this our old oh it's our old cave our old spot you found our old cave you just you don't get a lit torch back you just get yeah it's a stick you get a stick back that's what I was saying what I'm go up I found a sheep all bring it back okay it it died I think how what uh I don't know you probably killed it huh some hungry man out there needed some food I'm eating berries and raw mutton he did kill it me no all [Music] right going eating these berries trying to get by one day at a time berries are good they like those oh foxes I found a bunch of foxes they Dro meat no I don't think so test it D well it's a mother and two babies I can't I can't I don't think fox has Dro anything no don't test it you talk I'm so hungry I'm such a Hungry Man out here I have all the iron I could possibly need but I don't have food in my belly I found two Cobblestone two peculiar Cobblestone if I follow it there I found it who's got that bucket water for us I'm doing it right now I need some uh whatever it's called need some dirt need dirt for why did it go up there is the sun going down already Yes we don't have our beds all right go get our beds I'm making the farm I got one wool go go to the Village what village The Village right nearby go okay we got the farm growing we got berries that scared me there was a cow out there earlier really okay well we should have got the cow yeah but we were dealing with those I don't know cave dweller looking guys they wouldn't e the cow would they I don't think so I hope not I don't know but what if they did what are you trying to say we don't have a cow right around my god oh I found him I found him the cow yeah you have we no oh my God yeah I wasn't thinking what just happened to me has got to be one of the worst things ever recorded you fall down something almost I was I was one block away from killing myself it is Pitch Black right now oh no I don't want to be out here like right now he's right here look I actually can't see what happened do you not have a torch no no I got nothing oh because look at the Moon we it the Moon phases are on it is there's no moon that's why all right where's where are you almost fell I fell I fell I fell I fell where are you at where are you I'm back at the cabin the vage oh I'm at Sean I found shot it's so dark what the hell oh it's an eclipse it's an eclipse yeah it's oh it is so dark wow yeah it gets darker depending on how much moon is out ow ow ow okay we we're have to deal with that cow later gosh I keep doing that they water Frozen Robert oh I forgot to put the magma underneath hold on is it going to go away then oh it's still there all right here's the solution for everyone look at this it is insanely dark outside getting bad we don't need a okay come on shadow shadow shadow shadow hold on I got I got a zombie at the door okay I hope not all right let's go get that cow huh huh huh yeah yeah I've been leading you to them you don't never come we might have a problem what things might not be gring yeah they won't we need a greenhouse I just got a chest here with seeds in it okay so the cow is over here this way you talking to me okay we have to find you a Mrs move oh I just found something real good share with the clouds no sorry I don't have it I just found up one sheep okay going to work together here you're just not I found a sheep what what do you want me to bring them back how can I bring your sheep back with what do you bring what do you carrots wheat wheat wheat oh oh I got potato what are you talking about carrots I got a potato you got shot by a skeleton lately yes I did actually [Music] ago all right I'm looking for a Mrs [Music] moomo travel far and wide for this [Music] [Music] one [Music] I'm picking some really nice flowers okay is it getting dark already everyone scared of the night uh-oh it's snowing you know that me right yeah what is it to play really yeah yeah I hear something following me that's not good robertt hey it's foll it's What's following you what's following what are you talking about Robert what you going crazy I don't know sound like something something ran up on me I got to eat so many berries just got to get a little bit of food in my belly this is a good time you know couple boys camping out in the woods one dead guy oh Kim all right I got my one torch I'm coming back with a bunch of cobblestone so we can make it roof someone's going to need to get me oak wood or Spruce Wood why am I what is all this garbage I'm mining right now Ander sight puffer fish I don't want puffer fish you can eat them if prepared correctly can you oh yeah that's right you cook it you eat it I remember I ate one in rlcraft and I died and people got so angry I didn't know you could eat them I need armor got nothing yeah I do too you can go mining I keep seeing a spider over here kill it why is there dirt everywhere I'm building sounds like you're eating I'm eating toast in building there's like no life this is a baron Wasteland watch out Shadow don't let Mr Mumu out is it still closed yeah Shadow you got to be more careful oh man you ready to live in the coziest house ever Robert I really would like to sit by a fire up oh man we to live in large here okay uh okay oh my God what I just saw him here we go he was outside the door just looking at you yeah while I'm building the house man was staring at me okay you know your way back no I got lost I keep messing up though and it's driving me insane another dark night got me thinking about things oh getting a roof over our heads just about oh my my God what oh my God he was there again okay oh God it scares you so much someone would like to talk to you about a an extended warranty behind you Sean SE what the my goder Hur oh oh what is that it's here it's like we're out here oh look at our house our house is looking so cozy I need to find a cow guys I need Cobblestone good luck everyone oh my God so what is that why good luck what is that I don't know oh my God oh my God hello what is that did you hear it yes where's Shadow horrible I don't know he said I don't really want to go out now and then disappeared he's going to be dead that's scary oh my gosh I'm throwing my stuff okay okay okay okay um okay uh I I went out and I got sand oh you got sand okay I also found this I found this I don't know what it was it's disgusting to make that noise when you place it listen get that out of here yeah here put that outside put that with the put that with Mr boo boo yeah just leave that out there of nasty the sound it makes too okay it's looking good in their house oh you got you got me sand perfect I was going to say someone needs to bring me sand oh [Music] no it's out there it is out there I roof built what he's right outside the house he's right right there what he's right there oh my God oh my God okay no one move his vision is based on movement I don't know B true or not is he staring at your sh Robert Robert go close to him yeah he's staring at me I don't want to go close he wants the meat bile go get him all right I'll give him the meat B he wants she staring at he want Shadow he's gone Robert get in here Robert just go go go go go run run It's Herobrine Herobrine's here Herobrine's here oh my God my God what is going on everything's here it's hands it's trying to get through what it's under me it's right here what are you talking about it can't climb right I just saw her here too what yeah okay okay okay is that here by we're in trouble what is going oh my God he's right he's right here oh my god oh oh oh did you look at him close the door where are you guys what is happening guys guys that's like a raw deal get in this bed Robert I need sleepers what I'm feeding my Robert what is a creeper I can't sleep uh what you see what you've done with these chickens Robert get in bed right now I can't BL the house up I'm going to blow the house up if oh what is that he's angry what is what is that one the the the one who watches no that's the one to go what is with why is there is like a angry mob convention out here what are you talking about supposed to be nice and you go outside there's spiders zombies baby villagers you got hero what what oh oh oh what's going on Robert he's coming what's coming I don't the skin walker I know you saw it yeah I saw something yeah that was him he was skinny antlers I I don't know right over there I think he's gone yeah we okay there's creepers all over the place all right I seriously demand Spruce Wood how do you how do you how do you want it just don't process it just drop the logs down give me the logs when do we want it I want it now and I also want some nice lanterns and I want to build the Christmas tree I want to make this place not feel like we're being hunted by a beast we also got to make a grave for Kim oh yeah oh we got to make a hot tub for Kim yeah we have Windows we can sit inside and we can look out and I don't think there's sand anywhere we got sand oh you got to go out yeah I have found a bunch of sand yeah we have that we're covered oh you can make Windows yeah I'm going to make them I got to I got to find Mrs Mumu enough with still searching for you still searching for this cow yeah jeez Mr Mumu has been single his whole life just keep looking he's lonely he's the most lonely cow in the world oh my god did you guys hear that yeah I don't is it near me or is it near you cuz I'm pretty far away he could be anywhere Robert he could be anywhere yeah anywhere at any time for any reason this is promised to you if he comes towards me I'm probably going to die I found a village a different one yeah is it a cool one or is it a weird it's actually pretty close I found I found a cow found a cow I found a cow bring him back come on Mrs MooMoo boy do I have a surprise for there's two cows bring them both back something ate a cow here CU dead oh my God he's here he's here oh my God he's trying he's shy Shadow just don't come back don't come back Shadow he's here where I'm in the tree door he's just trying to smash the front door in right now look down at the house I can see you up there I can't I can't see him he's not there what do you mean he's not there he's not there you don't see that the the giant thing going to smash its way into the house right now no sounds like you got some fake news I just heard a scream though oh my God he ping the door down don't worry I don't see him I see Herobrine he's looking right at me her's literally looking right at me I don't want any problems Shadow he was right here I know I couldn't see him if you look at her B get mad it might have been because of the ledge of the roof I couldn't see over the ledge oh my God these unlit Lantern requires oil can light with flint and Ste I'm making an oil can right now oh and I have animal fat so this is perfect you guys got any animal fat oh yeah yeah I do I need it I have one what was this it's gots every time you animal fat bring me it I need it something killed a cow near the the cows I just just got really cuz there's raw beef on the ground oh like it was just killed oh my God what this the amount of work that is required to manufacture this Lantern yeah I got to make flint and steel I need an oil can now I got to light it um there we go a lot of oil can yeah I made one where you going to put the lamp right right up front here [Music] yeah I take my Lantern fill it light it are you serious goes out really they take for granted the Minecraft recipes huh I can't even light these unlit torches anymore okay then we need to make the fireplace to keep our house warm cuz if people request it next time we'll we'll turn on the temperature mod I don't like dealing with that but this video get 10,000 likes we'll turn on the temperature mod and we'll do it in real life so we'll hook it up to our thermostats in our house yeah 10,000 likes on my video not Sean's uh who put the who put a camp thing underneath the frozen water over here what camp thing someone put a campfire underneath the water I'm getting so hungry hunger like I've never felt in my life all we're going how can a man be so hungry I wonder oh my oh my gosh no where nope where are you oh go oh I'm I'm coming back It's So Silent I might die I might die where are you I'm I think I'm running to the place oh my gosh it still chasing me um well Shadow it's getting dark oh I see you yeah yeah I see you go left left yeah yeah come straight straight oh my God it's following you get inside get inside get inside get in in what shadow oh my God what what it followed you he was just in the forest can they can it climb I don't know I was fighting it I was fighting a witch oh my god oh I'm getting the chills don't go out there it's sitting right there [Music] shut oh my gosh okay sound like a train oh my oh oh my gosh are we going to have another one of those nights it's right there it's right outside the [Applause] window I don't like that don't let him in oh oh no the shadows out there with it oh my gosh it's jumping all over my cows Mr and Mrs moo must be scared to death it's still look you can see it's snout through the wall right here look behind you Shadow it's so loud what you're saying I got the most gear I'll go out and see if I can kill it what is happening outside this is no no no no Shadow it's going to kill me oh my God I'm not get it oh it's dead you got it Jesus oh I was still got your cows in the process yeah don't do that oh you actually made an or Lantern oh that's just can yeah you need to fill it with animal fat Robert what is this the staircase up top there'll be no there'll be no I'm spend I'm spending all this time making the house nice and here you come with these what I was making it practical like Co there's no staircase going up to the we'll do that after my goodness I'm building the chimney here all right you take all the yeah you you out here trying to survive and you guys are just I want to make it pretty yeah this guy I'm I'm trying to make get food for everyone it's very sad day keep watch while you got the crops going here all right you got this this place place strap with TNT oh look that's l oh this is what you meant by that bunk bits Che at these bunk beds Sean bunk beds oh beautiful this is getting so cozy look that put put a put uh whatever it's called on the front of them you know what I'm talking about like a fence then trap doors oh oh yeah yeah that's a good idea I got it I got it little home this our nice little cabin we got here nice any Herobrine out there how's it look we should make an iron door too so we don't have to worry about we really look how cozy this is but then we got this big like hunk of meat com right here the sound of it our berry our Berry Farm yeah this is great I love this little house we got now warm up by I got one to goler I think we should go mining mining yeah so we get some uh I think someone else has other plants for [Music] us look at the door what iron door oh man it's got to be uh a button eh I don't know what do you want to do what I'm in a rush I don't want other things opening the door with a pressure plate oh no no it's it's it's fine um I guess we don't we need this water here no kind of get rid of it we can make some paths to make it look nice you know should we go mine in that uh Chasm by the by the what's it called The Village yeah yeah iron and stuff too far does this actually work yeah I should speed up the process of wrong if we can get diamonds we're going to be oh [Music] boy oh boy yeah last time I went out alone I got chased [Music] what are you making sh out I don't know fire nice we need a Christmas tree oh yeah I really do okay uh everyone got everything we need yep I got snowballs one for good idea what another one oh my God there's he's here he's here he's here where the windo was here it was in the woods oh my god oh do you hear it it's so loud it was over here you want to go near that sound well let's just get into the mines who cares run run past it go okay I'm going I don't have any torches you can you can fall real easy it's so dark it's going to be really dark down there do we have torches or we can to start spamming when we get down hello I do not have any Tores can't even can't even spam them are we going down we're going to go down yeah that's water that's like a straight pool oh my God it just what I just put out all my torches I just going in the water puts out your torches your hand yes like all of them every yeah I just lost all 12 that I had for us to be down here so we're down here what the heck there's diamonds right there though I don't even know where you guys are oh yeah look at that well let's make here here I'll make I got I'll I'll go get those diamonds I keep falling careful Shadow you going to get those diamonds Robert yeah are you are you guys like in the water or you where're uh we're on a little ledge I think I I don't see you I have no idea where you are I'm swimming through this cave right now it goes even further down right here oh no oh no oh my God where you guys he's on me he's on me he's chasing me he's chasing me he's he's behind he's over that wall oh my god did you did you come into the water oh I see him he's oh I see him he's thrashing around on that side of the wall I see his antlers where are you guys oh can't he can't swim is heing he swim he's coming swim Sean oh my God he's getting where are you guys Robert he's in the water [Applause] Robert oh my God come down here come down here come where's your door over here there there's two oh my gosh holy why is he in the cave what you drown I'm just getting iron right now I can't see anything doing this lose you guys the only source of light I got is a glow skid next to me I'm I feel like I should swim up and get make a campfire and come back down till we have light I'll go up with you wait you have wood you have wood right I have wood okay come back to come come over to me in Shadow over here it's not the it's the planks that's fine you have four planks four planks okay well I've got some coaly all my torches Robert give me a I'm going to make torches that we can all carry okay does everyone have a torch to carry I don't have one okay I got three torches here put this in your off hand Shadow you can put this in your off hand if you want I know you got torches now but yeah don't accidentally put it down cuz yeah I know you can't pick it up oh there's a bunch of P here oh perfect oh nice he boys we're doing good now this Ravine just let us straight down I told you there a treasure TR down here and it goes down even further living it up anything you could ever want is down here there's there's one thing I want badly and I see it Kim just typed how it go how it go we're still alive Kim but barely out of the way yeah oh you got diamonds just one of them I love that I'm better than one Diamond make a beautiful shovel I'm going to die if you see an animal down here like a chicken or or something like that don't be fooled it is not what you think it is how so it is a skin walker no my torches went out there's three chickens down here they're definitely not regular chickens so I'm not going where you I'm back up where the lava was uh you know what I should probably get back the other guys this is a bad place to be tell you I see you coming oh I see the chickens yeah stay away from the chickens hello hello hello you're going to want to get out of here too what Robert I know I heard my gosh what is that no no no no no I couldn't find any diamonds yes oh my God he just hit you he just attacked you five diamonds all it's not out here I think he's still over there I just put do you have another torch just put down my torch by accident shadow where is Shadow he left no I don't know oh no oh did you leave me no I Robert I'm getting iron what is that where are you oh man that was freaky where are you oh my god Robert it's hanging off the ceiling it just dropped it's right by you right behind you it was hanging on the ceiling like a spider it was watching I have five diamonds is it gone was he it just disappeared it was watching it just disappeared you guys want to gang up I didn't see him get out of this cave oh my God I don't even know which way we came get in the water get in the water get in the water you guys go he can't swim oh oh we're so lucky I can't see you guys so slow see you later idiot dumbest man alive right there dumbest man alive all right let's get out of here it's daytime let's let's go swim all the way up what happened I'm going all the way up no that that that I me the wall too bad yeah like upside down like a oh my God window get back to the house get back to the house where's the house did I go the wrong way and if it was here not the right way I would I this way how can you get lost in this I don't know it's snowy low visibility we're trying to get back to the house I see it oh I see Robert Robert what is gu Happ to our house Robert what no Robert what you do did you do this no I did not do this saw it put it out I spent so this I didn't do this Shadow did you do this our house is on fire what do you mean what happened look at the house did you say Herobrine can do this
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 2,391,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Simulate, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, #minecraft, minecraft song, minecraft music, minecraft video, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft videos, 100 days in minecraft modded, minecraft civilization, 100 players simulate civilization, 100 player minecraft civilization, 100 players minecraft civilization, minecraft civilization experiment, 100 players simulate civilization in minecraft, Medieval Times, Medieval Times Minecraft
Id: Pk_mHHbxkeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 28sec (3448 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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