I spent 100 days ruining a government in Minecraft...

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there is a place a server in minecraft where the world is ruled over by a government a government is an organization influenced by powerful leaders and senators whose goal is to change people's behaviors into working for them risking their lives for them in return for living space and cold hard cash these are the same people who would fight for them pour all their blood out for them pledge all their loyalty to them and spend an entire fortune for them but are imprisoned executed or cast aside later when they aren't useful to them anymore there are many reasons i can think of that all points in the direction of why government should not exist but in my opinion the worst thing i can think of that a government does to their citizens is making them pay taxes my name is fusion and i am here to put an end to all the tyranny and suffering that has been caused by the government this is i spent hundreds of days trying to defeat and overthrow a government in minecraft enjoy [Music] so day one we're just starting out we only have stone tools we're just looking around in the city checking out in the places where we can go the stores there's a map system it's pretty interesting actually [Music] we also went to the police station so that we can take an exam to get a guns license [Music] afterwards me and friday looked around the residential area which is like the places where people can build their houses and real estate agents or realtors sell their houses on day two i invited my friends here we're discussing on what jobs we want to have inside the city before we head out into the wild and start settling down [Music] so for the next three days me and my friends we just spend our time inside the city trying to get all the licenses those licenses include the pilot license which enables you to fly obviously and their driver's license obviously to drive around the city we have cars and there are other things that i've discovered such as jobs actually grants you access to exclusive things for example if you're a miner you get to use drills you know like cars that have drills in the front of them apparently and mercenaries allow you to kill mobs and get money which is actually pretty useful we also spent these days learning about what the city has to offer the rules and regulations laws and many other things with the police regarding doctors how we cure diseases and how everything works in the server in general so on the fifth day we finally headed out north so to seek out a place to settle down in the wilderness because we don't want to abide by the laws in the government and we want to live outside the law we also want to gather resources because resources are important here because apparently guns are the most overpowered thing in the server so we use the boat to cross over the ocean to head north and apparently we actually found a structure this structure was made out of cobblestone slabs and it was a giant square i don't know what it was for at that time but when we checked the map apparently that structure belonged to huge bob now huge bob is a candidate for the next presidential election and the presidential election was supposed to be held on the 15th of february which is interesting [Music] on day eight we discovered a cave this cave is actually gonna be our place where we shelter for the night because obviously we wanted to go way further and north but and we wanted to stay inside for the time being because we didn't have that much armor either and we also wanted to evaluate on the stuff we have at the moment and plan out for the near future [Music] so afterwards i decided to go outside of the cave and gather some wood because you know you can't never get too much wood and also i want to decorate a little bit on the cave so it looks a little bit better i know we're not going to stay here for long but you know i just want to leave a good mark but something happens afterwards so i came across a guy with full nether right and i don't i didn't know what he wanted at first but he was there he was standing right in front of me and it was kind of scary but you know we'll see how it goes there's a guy with full nether right here at us he's right in front of me so at first i thought this guy was pretty chill because he was just looking at me funny but eventually he started rushing at me with full speed and i did exactly what anyone else would do in this situation which is just to run away as fast as possible man yeah i i can't slash home slash home oh my god how much wait armor so eventually me and my friends decided to confront him together and this is what happened this guy won't stop bro i swear to god you are [Music] get him trust me i know [Music] here's a little clip of me making an entrance outside the cave because you know why not so for the next few days up until day 12 i believe i decided to go in mine for some diamonds and some other resources and i ended up getting full diamond enchanted with level one enchants [Music] so after i was done mining i decided to bring my friend with me to seek out north to find a place for us all to stay because obviously we didn't want to stay in that cave because that cave was pretty close to spawn and usually in these kind of servers you really want to live as far away as possible from spawn so when we use the boat to travel across the ocean to go further north we actually came across this very beautiful looking coral reef which contains a lot of you know shipwrecks so me and my friend decided to dive down to check out what treasure lies inside the shipwrecks sadly most of the shipwrecks we found were looted already but there are some that we found that actually contains treasure in them [Music] eventually after traveling for a while on boat we found land and we found this tiger biome and guess what happened we came across a tiger village taiga biome actually contains an untouched village and we can actually use that to our advantage we can use the village for many things like getting mending books and getting other great trades that are useful to us to taking over the government so yeah i instantly thought of making a villager trading center because that's where we're going to get our mending book and other juicy trades as well so the hard part is getting the villagers inside the trading center and the solution for that is just to make this trading center inside this hill because if i make it inside this hill the villagers can just fall inside the hill and it's going to be easier for us to transport all the villagers inside the trading center in the long run [Music] after we decided to settle down here we created essentials such as the enchantment table area the storage area a cow farm a wheat farm and many other farms as well as the villager training center [Music] afterwards i decided to chop down some trees to collect some wood because first of all wood is actually pretty useful for a lot of things we're going to need a lot of them and second i want to be able to craft some sticks so that i can use that to trade with fletcher villagers to get emeralds because emeralds could be used to get other things such as mending [Music] after trading with the fletchers i decided it's finally time for me to head into the nether and what do you know once i went in the nether portal i was so lucky because i spawned right on top of another fortress i instantly went down to collect the netherwards because i knew that potions are going to be very useful in the long run [Music] after collecting the netherwars i decided to make another wart farm right outside the nether portal just for convenience sake after a while my friends managed to travel to the new location that we live in and we're now doing more productive things together come on a tearful bullet all right now i'm gonna kill one of these cows oh scorpion left here i also discovered that if you're in a close proximity with farm animals and you're exposed to them for a very long time you can actually catch the pox disease but luckily esco had some sweet brine on him and he gave some to me so i was able to drink it and get rid of the pox every type of disease in the server has a cure and sweet brine happens to be the cure for pox this is it boys it's finally time for us to go netherride hunting but you guys might be thinking fusion why do you take off your armor in the nether that's not a good idea but guys in this server you want to take off your armor whenever you're close to any fire or lava source because when you're mining in the nether it's really hot and your body can actually increase in temperature in the server and that could actually give you a fever [Music] this is what happens if you actually catch a fever and let me tell you it's not a pleasant experience when you get a fever in another you're basically screwed [Music] i've got my hands on the netherite sword so here's a clip of me using it on some spiders [Music] so i wanted to make a mob xp grinder so i'm able to enchant my weapons tools and armor i decided to make my mom xp grinder in the sky because if you don't know mobs actually spawn in a radius around you and if you're in the sky there's gonna be less mob spawning in the caves and instead it'll spawn inside the spawner [Music] so [Music] so so to my other demise i discovered that minecraft mop's bond race on this server is complete garbage so what that means is i wasted one and a half hours of my time building this farm when it doesn't even work so i went back to base and apparently under our base the entire time there was a mine shaft and in that mine shop obviously there are cave spider spawners now we're gonna actually use the cave spider spawners to make the grinder instead have you made it four blocks tall yet no make it four blocked off it actually ended up working very well because mobs that spawn from a spawner apparently they cannot move they can't attack you at all and i don't know why it's probably a bug also i think we made a pretty cool looking mob grinder if i do say so myself after grinding on the mop grinder for a while i realized that this mop grinder is actually very useful there are three things that make this mob grinder a lot more useful one of them is the fact that we can obtain the string from the spiders to trade the string for emeralds which is incredibly useful the other useful thing is obviously xp we basically have infinite access to emeralds this last useful thing is really broken did you remember when i say that as a mercenary you can actually get money by killing mobs yeah when you kill every single mob in the mob grinder each of those mobs drop money so basically it's also infinite money this is actually illegal but we don't care we don't even live inside the country so it's not our problem so yeah i ended up taking a mercenary exam and becoming a mercenary with money you're able to buy diamonds netherride ammunition guns there are a lot of things you can buy with money i also brewed a bunch of strength and speed potions because they're actually really good for combat while i was busy grinding the others are actually doing a pretty good job on making the place look better ben actually built a storage area for us that barn looking thing in the right that's actually ben's storage building that he made for us after that i decided to brew even more strength 2 and speed 2 potions [Music] i'm also grinding for even more money xp and also string for emeralds i already have enough emeralds to be able to buy a lot of mending books and that's what i'm trying to do right now i'm trying to get as many emeralds as possible so that i can buy mending books [Music] all i need to do is just craft the books so that i can trade the emeralds with the book with the librarian to get the amending books [Music] ah this is it boys it's time to combine our mending book with our full prop 4 netherride armor let's go [Music] give me apples give me apples give me apples give me apples give me apples give me apples oh turtle come here turtle turtle don't you want to come here no okay well since now we have a full set of god armor a god sword and a god bow it's time to get the most overpowered potion in the game the turtle master potion these turtles are gonna love their new home for those who does not know what a turtlemaster potion is a turtlemaster potion is a potion that basically turns you into a turtle it basically gives you insane defense but in return it will take all your speed away basically what it does is it gives you resistance and slowness a level 1 turtlemaster potion gives you resistance 3 and slowness 4 while a level 2 resistance potion gives you resistance 4 and slow in the 6. after this i enchanted a full set of iron armor for my friend because we are actually going to go somewhere what my friends discovered while i was doing all this is that there is a place where people are actually selling houses to the government for people and citizens in the government to live outside the city i took this as an opportunity to be able to start expanding our base and actually coming to them and ask them politely whether they want to give their land to us or not and if they don't comply then we're gonna have to take them by force apparently this area is actually led by a guy called bloody zombie we came in prepared we linked another portal to the coordinates of where their bases by using the map to track their coordinates we also brought in this potion so that no one can spot us on the map as we approach them because if you don't know invis potions actually allow you to be invisible even on the map sadly we never got to use the invis potion instead we hid inside a mountain after coming all the way here we noticed that there was actually no one here at all in fact the guy in charge bloody zombie he's not even on so what we did was we decided to place signs there to tell everyone that we were here and we wanted something from them remember huge bob yeah he's on the map right now as i was placing the signs he's actually in his base in the base that i talked about in the beginning of this video like the cobblestone area yeah he's right there we were about to go check on him until something happened ben called us back to base because he told us there was an intruder so long story short what happened was ben was checking the map while we were sneaking in the huge bob and he saw this guy so we came back but he didn't know we were here because we had invis so he was really surprised when he saw us we caught him red handed in the base so this is basically me just interrogating him [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we found out later that everything he said now is actually a lie he said that he was actually trying to go north but apparently he had plans of nuking our base the entire time but because he was caught red-handed he ended up wanting to join us instead i mean i kind of threatened him a little bit but that's besides the point after he pledged his undying loyalty to us and after i saw how good he was being undetected in our base i decided we should go on a stealth mission with him and i found a perfect place to do it so i found this guy he lives in the middle of the ocean in an isolated island he has a house there and apparently all he does there is farm drugs and we wanted to go on a stealth mission to him to check him out you know maybe recruit him you know because drugs are actually useful in this game they can be actually used to create ammo so it turns out this guy is actually pretty friendly so we didn't even really have to sneak up on him that much we could just approach him and say hello [Music] [Music] uh [Music] hey we didn't even have to ask that's pretty pog not gonna lie so he ended up showing us what's inside his house and the underground basement drug cartel that he actually wanted to make his basement was still empty and it was really dark that's why there were a lot of moms inside of it but i thought it was a perfect time to test out my new crossbow fireworks launcher also remember bloody zombie the guy that owns like a little village that he sells houses to the government and i placed signs all over his area yeah he actually made a good agreement with me not only that but i also managed to buy a trident from him [Music] i bought a trident so yeah after i caught that shrine and i instantly wanted to give it mending riptide and unbreaking i wanted to max out the trident and repair it as fast as i could everything from now on seems to be going uphill me and esco got even more zombie villagers to cure so that we can have more trades for us [Music] you know i'm feeling pretty rich right now and you know what every single rich person has to have a house so i decided to make a house for me and friday to live in [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] huh i'm pretty happy with the way it turned out it looks pretty good don't mind me i'm just having some fun oh yeah i'm so getting demonetized for this after i was finished building my house i came across this guy in warpwell 2 he is apparently a drug dealer from a mafia he's actually able to sell me a lot of heroin he sold me two shulker boxes of heroin and heroin is basically used to make weapons it's basically a legal gunpowder everyone was so excited when i came back with two shulker boxes of gunpowder we were able to create as many guns as we want as much ammunition as we want it's insane in fact i used some of that gunpowder to increase the amount of fireworks i have for my firework launcher after we celebrate the fact that we basically have unlimited gunpowder we decided to take a visit into the residential area inside this western she is in germany what fun fact you can actually see where people live i cannot wait wait is that your what's that what's that what's that my drink give me a doubt what is it strong absent i don't it's raining don't drink okay long story short we managed to get citizens in the city as hostages we brought them all the way back home so that we can interrogate them and we convince them that we are quote unquote are we going to a place that's like full of gold [Music] oh yeah i'm kind of like it's everyone we're back we're back [Music] know i've i forgot the whole term for it all right come here we're going all right follow me we're going to talk but in my house in my house everyone come on let's go let's go everyone in my house all right take off your gear just go in my house take a seat people take a seat take a seat take a seat i enjoyed the comfort while it are part of the drug market very big supplier of drugs on the server uh currently host currently headed by alex the lillian all right uh also uh one of the kittens is the sub head of the group [Music] hey then there is tkd's drum ring i'm associated with that guy wait he used to be a part of the mafia but then he split off and they've been at war ever since oh and now he's part of my gang or whatever you call it he's the one supplying gunpowder to me yesterday okay so is he a part of your organization i i would say yeah right here he gave us two shelter boxes full of guns yeah okay [Music] and of course i have the members for that operation written or well memorized as well okay thanks for the bottle i will explain more in depth of what he said later but for now friday's on so we're gonna give her a little tour of our place right now you know it's a really nice neighborhood we have dust here he lives right beside this river you know he's just he's really cool and all [Music] and then we have ben ben lives inside a mountain and he has walls surrounding his mountain with a freaking redstone [Music] door [Music] bruh [Music] oh yay teamwork i also ended up marrying friday on the server lol it was really laggy for her after this point on everything gets a lot more interesting i finally got my hands on an elytra shout out to gear who was able to go to the end and find electricity for us not only that he also bought another few elytras for ben dust and the others [Music] holy crap i feel so rich right now look at all this stuff i have we're gonna take over the government ah uh with this no one can stop me there is one thing missing though we don't really have a name so we spend a good amount of time in discord just discussing of what name we should have we came up with many funny names but in the end we decided to go with the crimson since our group of anarchy isn't a country yet we're calling it the crimson order instead of the crimson nation you know what else we need we need an army i was able to band together a group of tryhards who's gonna be able to help me take over the government heck i even found technoblade but then after i came back i discovered that someone ransacked the interior of my house and krobe a friend of mine he told me that police are actually coming here time to time to check on us and i was not happy about it obviously i still want my privacy so i researched what the best guns were in the game and i've discovered that the mk19 and this m32 a4 are actually the best guns to be used in a combat scenario i even tested them on my friends see how good they are and man the mk19 does 50 area damage and it can be spammed and it has insane ammo capacity from now on i'm gonna use this instead of my firework crossbow for sure but guess what happened right after the police came they tried to invade their privacy they tried to hurt my friends [Music] why is uh have you heard her song she's taylor swift i managed to kill one of them but they kept coming back they even froze my game they use handcuffs what is this this is broken i can't believe this after all this time i was grinding weapons i was grinding guns gear experience everything and all the cops have to do is just slash handcuff fusion and i'm frozen i can't even do anything i can't even fight back and what do you know krobe was right after that all happened my house was even more messed up i'm gonna have to do something about this i'm not gonna let them come to our base kill my friends and mess up my stuff that's just i'm not doing this i've done not only that but they also killed all of our villagers it's unbelievable so it's time for us to strike back they are near what's his name uh krabi like superman space they're near oh my god we're dive bombing okay i'm gonna i'm looking for them are they near zukwan's face they were that was when they whether they were turns out that bloody zombie the guy i was associated with he betrayed us the entire time he snitched and he also put a hit on us he informed both the mafia and the police of the existence of the crimson order because they all feared our power because we are all growing so fast so what ended up happening was i approached them all alex the lilian the head of the mafia the police the senator who's also an admin they were all having a meeting inside the forest and i came in and i killed all of them hold on no no don't kill them just just be of harassment just harassment okay should we kill them [Music] [Music] i don't this is what happens when you mess with the crimsons [Music] killed the admin so many times until he decided to attempt banned me for one hour after i got unbanked i wasn't just gonna let bloody zombie get away with snitching on us so you're about to see what i did to his face now it's time to take our revenge on the [Music] government [Music] fake shooting i'm not actually shooting at you i'm using my weakest gun which is a nine minute oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] no hesitation no hesitation wait the corona report the corona report doesn't work on here the corona report doesn't work on here [Music] [Music] [Music] pvp oh [ __ ] i got handcuffed [Music] so yeah i ended up getting permanently banned from the server but you know what that's okay because at the end of the day we had fun and that's what really matters in the end so kids the moral of the story is that you should never ever want to try to fight a real government in real life even if you saw a pig doing it in a popular role play survival server no matter how good and powerful or smart you are you are going to get caught and you're gonna get sent to prison or in my case permanently banned from a server oh and also this is what happened to my house after i got banned anyway i hope you enjoyed this video it took so long for me to make and i i appreciate every single thing you do you know a subscribe like it really means a lot to me so thank you for watching have a great day and see you next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: FuseoN
Views: 421,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Gaming, PVP, Montage, FuseoN, Redstone, 100 Days, Government, Democracy
Id: oH3YOsGIun4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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