I Survived 100 Days AGAIN in Naruto Anime Mod... I Got the CURSE MARK! - 300 Days Modded Minecraft

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what's going on guys as you can see we are back in naruto i know a ton of people have been asking for this um we are surviving 300 days today we've survived 200 so far and today we are starting our journey to 300. so if you guys remember from last time we ended off trying to become a tuning so we're going to keep doing that we're going to try to get to the uh nether and try to find some blaze powder so that we can get that under eye but there's a couple things i want to tell you guys before we start this video for one we have been working on the naruto server and it should be up within the next couple of weeks um there's going to be an early access that is going to be available on my patreon once i have that link i will pin it down in the comments or make a whole separate video about it so stay tuned for that um there will be a two week early access period for you guys to um get more powerful we're going to choose the kagge's we're going to try to get like an andru force going maybe the akatsuki all that kind of stuff so stay tuned on that and if you guys have not joined my discord go ahead and join it and um stay up to date in there farther so as you guys can tell i got a new skin um we do have the sharingan um obviously still and in this episode we might be able to unlock the mangekyo sharongan which would be insane and i'm super super excited about this because our skin actually fits the sharingan now so we don't look all uh wonky so this is awesome this is a really cool skin it's actually an itachi skin so that is pretty cool we are officially enu chi ha we're wearing a new chiha skin so that's pretty cool um so we're gonna go ahead and try to um try to build that nether portal um and try to get over to the nether within these first few days here so we're starting out these 200 days at level 240 um we have 42 skill points which we actually could probably start using i didn't realize that we had so many skill points that we didn't use so let's go ahead and do that first all right so we're obviously i know you guys are super super super mad that i have not upgraded my taijusu so we're gonna go ahead and start with that let's put let's put 15 points into that let's just get it up let's get it up to 20. you guys have been destroying me in the comments telling me to upgrade it so we're gonna upgrade it and then we need a 300 of medical um we really really need it to be able to infuse infuse that dna so we're gonna try to work on this a bit um let's go ahead and put get this up to 40. um i think that's a good idea and then obviously we want to upgrade our ninjutsu we could upgrade our kenjutsu a bit more and um [Music] we might start working on summoning a little bit why don't we just upgrade our tai chi suit a little bit more since you guys want me to so bad so we got our thai juice up to 25 now i'm not too sure if that's even gonna make a difference but um we're gonna try and see um hopefully somebody tries to come and fight us pretty soon but we're gonna keep cracking away here all right so let's get this obsidian and this foot and seal and get this nether portal set up um i don't really know where i should put it let's um let's put it uh oh that's actually a good question where should i put it all right why don't we just put it honestly why don't we just get it going right here why not right oh my gosh you're lying you're lying there's no way that skeleton actually just did that he did man gotta love skeletons right gotta love them and if i could get out of my house that would be great all right here we go lighten it up into the nether we go day 201 we are heading in and we're gonna be ready man we are gonna be ready we've got um we've got all of our jutsu's ready to go for anything that there is in the nether so let's hop right in here and try to get some blaze powder all right well here we are here we are um let's remember these coordinates here all right gonna go ahead and screenshot those just in case and let's just start going this way i'm really hoping i can find the fortress pretty fast and there is the fortress oh gosh gotta change my uh gotta change my binds there we've got some blazes right here i think we only need one blaze oh gosh that is not good i hate being on fire man being on fire is not fun but there is a blaze right there and we need him to drop us a blaze rod and not fall off the map so that being said um how are we gonna do this let's see here's the actual blade spawner it's in a perfect spot there's some blaze rods that is all that we need boys that is all that we need that was really really fast i actually found this the fastest i've found another fortress in a long time so that is all that we need i believe i did not bring the guinea paper with me or tuning paper with me but that's okay we're gonna um we're gonna head back now shouldn't take us too long to get back probably be back home by day 202. it's really really not that far away you know what this gas wants to smoke how about that how about that gas oh does that not damage him oh my gosh how many zombie pigmen do you think i could kill i'm not gonna try it we'll try that uh maybe in the um maybe in 500 days or 400 days i mean how about that all right guys so it's day 202 we have the um ender eye pretty much now all we need to do is find an enderman and then we need some gunpowder which we do already have some in our inventory actually so that is literally perfect um we are looking awesome we are making so much progress all we need to do is find a um let's find an enderman and kill him now so we're gonna go out to the training ground probably have to wait till night and then um try to fight some uh oh you want the smoke you want the smoke let's see how much damage does this do now still one damage come on guys you had me do all that upgrading for nothing oh god [Music] okay the fountain's so good the fountain did not overflow that's good but you guys had me upgrade uh hand to hand fighting for no reason come on man you guys can't be trolling me like that it does no more damage all right guys day 203 we could shut off our shower gun now we got obliterated by a bunch of skeletons and everything but we did end up with two ender pearls so that is awesome we got a lot of training done too um so we should actually be able to do the first part of the tuning exams um how do we gather an ender oh we actually need the ender eye first so let's go ahead and get that made congratulations you passed part one of their tuning exam read the item for more info let's see what it says prove you're cunning by acquiring both the heaven and earth scroll which we have already other getting throughout the world sometimes have them so we do already have that completed because we are a very very good shinobi and we've already done it multiple times we've taken out so many getting but boom there we go congratulations you passed part two read the item description for more let's see what else we gotta do this should be the last part prove your strength by defeating the office opposing genning and acquiring a tuning winning emblem prove your strength by defeating the opposing genning where are the opposing genning at we should probably charge some chakra first i think it's going to spawn someone yep there we go oh oh oh oh wow he actually means business okay he actually does mean business oh my gosh wow holy crap this guy is actually insane this guy's actually insane he's actually good okay wait we need we need our shower gun on boom sharon gone it's activated let's get some crows out here oh my gosh why is he actually good oh my gosh he might actually kill us he literally might kill us here we need uh we need some shadow clones boom come on oh my gosh you took them all out with one hit come on we got we need more shadow clones explosive clone great fireball jutsu he's almost out he's almost out but so are we oh my gosh this kid is actually good this kid is actually good oh my gosh this is the hardest battle that i've seen okay shackling steaks has got to take them out yup there we go no no chance during shackling steaks that is a wrap boys there we go we got the winning emblem proof that you won against opposing genny oh my gosh that kid was insane he was actually hard to kill oh my gosh i wish i could fight more people like that that was really actually tough that was super hard holy okay well that actually made me feel like we're nowhere near ready for being a tuning because he was just getting oh my gosh guys and we had the sharon gone active for half of the fight the first half he had the upper hand on us not gonna lie that was actually a really really hard fight and that made me super hyped for the server because i was the first like person i fought other than zabusa that was actually a difficult challenge in a while oh my gosh so here we go i think we should be a tuning now boom there we go congratulations you passed the tuning exams and we are now a tuning there we go rank of a tuning so somebody actually had an idea down in the comments um for me to get the ranks past tuning maybe you guys could tell me tasks that i have to do in order to become them and i'm all for that so let me know in the comments you can join my discord let me know what i should too what i should do what level i need to be what accomplishments i need to have do i need to be a genchiriki do i need to have the mangekyo sharingan to become a jonine so just let me know what you guys think i should do and i will gladly perform those uh perform those tests since there's nothing really else in the um in the story mode for me to do um other than all the missions obviously there's going to be a ton of assassination missions and all of that type of stuff that we can get which is going to be really really fun and what we can do for the rest of these days because man we are just getting started if you guys know anything about this mod you know this is just the beginning so i'm super super hyped about this guys day 203 we have a bunch of um jutsu's to learn i'm gonna go do some training and stack up some more jutsu points probably get to around level 260 and then i will be back with you guys very shortly let's say 209 we've done a good amount of training we are level 260 now just like i thought we would be um we have 25 2 points 20 skill points let's go ahead and upgrade um i feel like we could definitely upgrade ninjutsu more so let's put five into there i'm not gonna upgrade taijusu you guys scammed me you scammed me out of 20 levels taijusu is not worth upgrading um we can go ahead and why don't we start doing summoning so that we can uh so we can unlock that rolling log that we have um and then medical we should probably dump the rest into medical because we need 300 medical so we need to passively dump into medical every single time um in order to get there and i did also realize that um you guys told me to try some shadow clones with rasengans so i figured why don't we go out here and try that um there could be some shinobi around here hopefully there are if not it's not that big of a deal might as well turn on our sharingan go over to the training place and see if our shadow clones oh well that answers the question there are some uh there are actually some shinobi around and it looks like they cannot use the rasen gone unfortunately but guys i think that we are ready to go on an adventure for a uh for a new village so i think i'm gonna try to find one and by the way guys at the time of me recording right now we did hit 20 000 subscribers so thank you all so much for hitting that sub button and if you're new around here make sure you drop a like on the video and hit that sub button it really really does help me out guys so if you can do that for me i will keep making these videos for you but enough talk i am gonna go ahead and go on an expedition and try to find um actually the land of ice so we are gonna go on a far far adventure and hopefully um within a few days we can find it i think i know the general direction of it so we are gonna go ahead there and i will see you guys once we find it all right guys so it's day 213 and it looks like i have finally found the land of ice i finally found it after days of running i have finally found it so we're gonna walk down this way and hopefully find the entrance to the actual land of ice there it might be yep there it is i don't think that that ship is very important we can go check it out real quick though let's see if there's anything good in here i hear zombies yeah we're not we're not even gonna risk it we're not going down there i don't trust that at all but here we are in the land of ice guys we are no longer in the land of fire we have been running for a long time and here we are entrance of the land of ice um obviously we're gonna go towards this first so what's over here we got chess we got no ninjas though so that's good all right we got some gold rios some more eye plants i still don't really know what those do let me know in the comments if you know more world mysteries and some dna perfect let's go and then paper bombs paper from kunai i mean ichiraku ramen some more dna did we already loot this one did we loot them all i think we did oh nope i lied we got some more shurikens some more fuma shurikens are we do we have our sure kenjutsu high enough we do we can actually throw the shuriken uh the kunai now so maybe we could start using these actually let's uh let's keep running around see if we can find anything else there's some weird floating blocks i don't know if maybe we should follow those probably yeah it looks like it's leading us over to uh some type of village over here you know what we should probably actually head over here first to this little village let's see anything in these houses maybe maybe not nothing in here nope anything in here yep what do we got more paper bomb kunai okay not that much stuff but i'll take it let's see do we have anything in this house no we do not oh man what about this one come on come on land advice what do you got land of ice summoning rashamon rush rushoman i actually don't know how to say that rashamon i actually don't know what summoning that is you guys are probably gonna be flaming me in the comments because i don't know what that is oh my gosh wait we could learn our first do we have summoning oh yeah we did upgrade summoning a little bit 10 summoning do you think it's good enough for this i wish it told us before we unlocked it we're gonna keep it we're just gonna keep it on us for now um just in case we uh run into any better jutsus out here but we might as well identify these dnas and learn these world mysteries our intelligence is already at 100 so the world mysteries don't do us any good really okay that's good to know i thought that intelligence went up to 300 but i guess i was wrong and now let's identify these dnas useless wind and useless okay so we got some more wind um i think that we already do have wind though so that's not really going to help us too much but it's better than nothing it is better than nothing that's for sure so all right now let's go back here to uh to see what's in this big big like windmill looking place okay so this is the yuki clan i've actually never heard that name i don't think hopefully there's i was gonna say hopefully there's ninja there is are they friendly you all friendly y'all friendly nope that would be a no that would be a no let's get some shadow clones out oh god is that the oh my gosh it is them okay we're gonna need to get some great fireball out here we are taking these guys out though there's there's no help for you there's no help for you we got this in the bag we got this in the bag dude okay let's get some genjutsu crows out here you guys were saying that the crows don't really do anything but they do they block um they block me from being able to uh get hit so they are actually a big help you guys are knocking the crows trust me they are definitely worth it let's get some more shadow clones out here oh gosh there's ken there's ken boom fireball jutsu that should take them all out that should be all of them if our explosive clone finally exploded we got one last genning the strong genning the genning that could he could for a second there we only had to use half our chakra there for all those people so that's not that bad the land device does have some shinobi though let's see is there anything in these little uh these little houses right here okay what do we got here whatever this is you should probably charge up some chakra before we go in here i have a bad feeling i have a bad feeling because there was a bunch of shinobi guarding whatever this is and that was on the outside i wonder what's on the inside that should be enough let's go in let's see what this place is all about anyone in here anyone in here i think we're good i think we're clear top yuki jonine yuki army squad 2 ubs observator right hand we got the first seat yuki leader left hand the yuki army and protector okay then we got a little secret passageway down here okay that is a lot of shinobi that is a lot of shinobi we gotta get some gotta get some shadow clones out here probably some uh explosive clones too okay why is there so many down here why is there so many gotta smack you with the fish you have no chance against the fish and the map is lagging out right now i don't know what's going on let's see what's in these chests gotta be something good no flying thunder god kunai a kunai imbued with a flying thunder god seal a jutsu is developed by the second hokage oh my gosh so i think that this will let us teleport to wherever we throw it but we need 50 kenjutsu and 70 shuriken jutsu which we definitely don't have yet and then we got another unidentified dna and we actually don't need world mysteries anymore so we are going to keep the world mysteries um until we need them we might as well identify this dna here too what it's a kk yang no way our first kk gen kai unlocked guys we found it in the land of ice perfectly fitting for icy man oh my gosh yang release which is literally a kk gen kai our first unlocked kick again kai boys what do we got in here no way there's another chest no oh my god it's a sexy technique i wonder if that has any actual uses what's this one water release taki kakura sword that's probably pretty good maybe we can actually use the sword against people since it's a jutsu you know what we might actually try to learn that right now let's learn this you learned the technique sword okay chakra cost 10 attack your opponent with a blade made out of water and it will only does 5 damage i guess that's actually better than the russian gun not gonna lie it definitely is better than the rescin gun because the recent gun costs 26 to use this only costs 10 and it does half the damage but costs about a third less so that's a dub water cutting sword i will take it that's wait what did we just do oh my gosh so the ice village is coming in clutch with this stuff dude all right so started day 3 14 and i think we're good to go in here we've been charging chakra we're almost at max i'm just antsy i want to get in here man we waited all night oh my gosh can we get up these stairs though please we please just get up the stairs what do we got what do we got a bunch of creepers a bunch of spiders a bunch of skeletons what else we got in here oh boy we got a tuning we got a tuning that should be that should be pretty easy just one tuning come on that's all you're gonna use to defend your tower he's got nothing phoenix fly with jutsu bop dead literally one shooting is no match for us man no match for us at all it's so trippy this this ice is so trippy paper bomb cumin eyes let's go those are always useful and what are the chakra medium scrolls we haven't gotten these in a while so let's identify this dna so that we can actually or these two dnas i guess so we can see exactly what we got from this place earth let's go i don't we might have actually already had earth we'll have to check when we get home and then it failed okay but we did get our first kk gen kai implement which is yang uh there's the end and there's yang i'm pretty sure they do the same thing just a different style um yang is the light i believe so that's actually pretty cool i might be wrong you guys are going to flame me in the comments but we got that we need 300 medical um so dave 214 here i think that we are ready to head on back to the leaf village or our little uh hideout outside the leaf village and um start training up again at the training grounds but um i will catch you guys once we get back and once i've done some more training all right guys so we've made it back to the house it's day 2 18 and you guys are gonna be happy so a lot of you guys were telling me in the comments that i can combine two of these and make them a new one so we're gonna have four new unidentified dnas and then this one we got the yang one we have lightning we have earth and we have wind so we did actually already have earth like i thought that we did um but we are gonna combine these ones so that we can uh we can possibly get a new unidentified one yeah so you guys were right so thank you for that whoever whoever told me that in the comments um you guys are awesome we're getting more unidentified dnas now so that is great to hear let's see what we can get i'm actually pretty excited to see so right here we have fire okay that's okay uh useless steel release bro no way that that wait that's steel release is a kekai genkai isn't it i think steel releases a kk genkai if i'm not mistaken and then that one got useless okay so now we have steel oh my gosh we are racking up these dnas man look at this we have one two three four five we have five of them but the bad thing is um we actually probably should have saved that earth release because there's only a certain possibility that you get for implementing it so we probably should have saved that earth one because earth is one of the most useful ones but that's okay we'll get more from other villages and stuff like that but that is awesome um kind of upset that i did get rid of the earth one that would have been really useful i keep on forgetting that you uh you only have a certain chance to get these just because i have these doesn't mean that um i'll actually get that uh that ability so kind of my mistake on my part there kind of a mistake on my part there but um not too terrible we should probably start keeping some chakra scrolls on us just in case um let's go ahead and put these in here we have we have these military blue pills too um we actually don't need those let's just keep this on us and there's a zombie that's coming we really need a door on our house to be honest with you but it's all right we'll we'll figure it out i just now remember that there's only a certain chance that i get for getting those um dna so i gotta start keeping the duplicates now until i'm 300 medical which we are very very far away from we've got a long ways to go um so we're gonna keep grinding here and uh hopefully get get a lot of uh skill points we have one skill point we might as well throw that right into medical i think that should be like our main goal right now is getting that uh medical up as well as our um ninjutsu and maybe summoning too so we're gonna work on that um and i also got that really good summoning jutsu i don't have it on me but i did get that really really good summoning jutsu too so we're gonna keep grinding i'll see you guys in a few days and hopefully we are higher level all right guys so here we are at day 2 30 we've done a ton of training level 2 288 i almost said level 27 but um we are gonna throw a bunch of points into medical um i do want to get my ninjutsu up about 10 more points because i really am tired of running out of um out of chakra so we've got our ninjutsu up to 85. medical's at 63 now which is not too bad um and then we actually definitely want to talk to these quest givers because we are now a tuning and we can actually get some good quests so let's see this is just an ingredients quest why is the world glitching out like this let's see is anyone in here there is let's go is he can he give us one okay hey ninja thank goodness could you please help me we got a b rank mission right click the quest cover to start mission okay let's see it's an escort mission why is he already at 46 health okay let's go we need we have no time to waste okay um i think we just need to go to this position right so we have eight minutes to get there we gotta get him out of this village first and then and then we gotta get to wherever this this location is i think we can do it we have eight minutes that's a pretty long time oh oh there's getting after him okay i guess i should have expected that this is pretty cool this is really cool actually hey did we get both those getting i think we did yes let's go let's go let's go let's go keep going let's keep going oh my gosh why are there so many there's so many of them okay so these missions are actually going to be difficult oh god i wish that it wasn't night this is making it so much harder this is definitely making it harder okay we can take this guy out oh maybe not what the heck why can't we let's use some shurikens there we go one more there we go oh my gosh there's so many dude this is actually tough this is actually hard oh no do we i think i just killed him did i just kill him no he's good he's good he's good he's just got to find some water dude oh my gosh this is so hard okay shadow clone jutsu there we go all right let's go quest quest guy let's get on out of here come on we've got places to be we ain't got time for this we gotta run we literally just have to run day 231 very started day 231 and mission details over to client wait where's oh there he is boom there you go game 31 experienced that's actually pretty good a 31 experience is not bad 10 silver rio and we reach level 289 let's go dude we are out here ranking up completing missions this is what's gonna be fun about this it's only day 231 we have about 69 days nice we got about 69 days left um in this 300 days so we're gonna try to do as many missions as we can um leveling up in the meantime obviously is going to be a plus um that medical that medical was uh definitely worth it so um we really need to get our medical up farther and go exploring a little bit maybe we can find some quest givers out in the world um maybe in some other villages stuff like that but for right now i think that we can just keep exploring the leaf village and um finding some finding some quest givers from there so i'll keep you guys updated i'm gonna go run back there to the leaf village and um hopefully find some more quests to do all right guys so it's day 247 we've done a lot of training we are level 324 now and here is this ichiraku ramen trader and we are going to go ahead and grab some ichiraku ramen because why not might as well grab like i don't know 15 of it 16 of it sure we'll take it all thank you ninjatrader um but we are gonna go ahead and um start leveling up some more of our stuff so let's upgrade medical um literally like i don't know 20 times i think that's a good idea and then i want to start upgrading our kenjutsu too because i'm tired of not being able to use our um shurikens and stuff like that against other um ninjas so we're gonna upgrade that so that we can start to actually fight against some other ninja and we're gonna try to run around here oh here's actually ichiraku ramen no way that's dope this is actually ichiraku ramen that's pretty sweet but we're gonna look around the village try to find some more quests to do and um get a quest done real quick all right let's see there's gotta be something down here this looks pretty cool oh yep he's trying to get out and let's see b rank mission what is it escort again okay so another escort mission we should probably charge up some chakra um let's get some chakra going before we uh before we get too far into this all right that should be enough chakra and if not um wait he took the he took the mission we need 1038 and negative three one one one thousand thirty eight negative three one one okay so we gotta go this way and wait what was it again it's always night when we do these missions always man it's gotta always be night right yo what is this what is this i've never seen this here before is there anything in here yo what this is cool this is a pretty cool spot right here i have no idea what it is that's pretty cool it's like a little hidden place outside of the leaf village i wonder if is he even still following us or is he just gone i don't think he's with us anymore this might not even i don't even know if this is gonna work i think the mission might be bugged but we're gonna try it anyways yeah so that mission didn't work so that was a bust but oh well we'll figure it out next time maybe it'll work better that was weird he like took the he took the um mission from us which was a problem better luck next time i guess all right guys so it's now day 253 we've done a little bit more training um i think we're just going to upgrade our kenjutsu and our medical and um that's all we're going to do for now um i think that we are ready to go on an adventure to another new village though and see what we can find there probably just fight a bunch of shinobi um i don't know if we're gonna do too much chest looting because um i'm just really trying to level up right now so maybe we can find some quest to do there um and stuff like that but we're gonna head out to a new village and see which one we can find next all right guys so it's day 257 i've been running around for a while and i stumbled upon this which i believe might be another one of hirochi maru's hideouts so why don't we go in here and see what this place is all about um it looks kind of dark i don't really wait is that it there's no way that's it right oh oh sneaky sneaky yeah okay this is definitely one of his hideouts let's see what's in here all right i'm guessing that there's to be some type of shinobi down here so let's get this sharon gone on and yep i was right okay let's get some shadow clone jutsu out here that's definitely gonna help us oh my god wait is that oh my gosh that's one of those really powerful guys we have to face in the uh and the tuning exam okay let's get him in a water prison he's fighting someone else they're turning on each other they don't even know what to do explosive clothes about to do some damage in here let's get as many explosive clones out as possible man that's about to do something damage dude that's about to do a ton of damage a bunch of kenjutsu or genji's who crows this is looking awesome okay we're starting to take some damage we're starting to take some damage what is he what is he doing what are you doing sir why are you fighting the person that you should not be worried about okay even though he's fighting her we're taking a lot of damage okay and she's dead and now he's gonna focus on us oh my gosh can we take them out okay explosion clone explosion clone oh my gosh we're even hitting them with those explosive clothes are pretty much our only option right now oh yes we took him out with our sengon oh my gosh that was a lot of shinobi dude that was a lot of shinobi hopefully that is all that's in here though hitachi wait a second wait a second dude what is going on is this gizme wait is this is oh god oh god this is not actually okay wait what did we just get locked in here wait what is going on why is that why is that fire hold on are we on fire right now what's going on what is going on dude i don't want to die i don't want to die but i can't figure that out dude i don't know what the heck that was we gotta charge up choco we're about to die we need to let our health go up a bit this is this might not be a good fight for us right now we might not be able to explore all this yeah with kisame and hitachi this is looking like the akatsuki hideout i don't know if this is a good idea for us to be here right now um we're gonna explore it we're gonna explore it not in depth this is not a good idea for us to be here especially this low health we're gonna have to come back here i don't even think that it's worth it we're definitely not ready for this we're not ready we don't even have our mangakyo sharon gone yet okay i'm i'm officially scared we're gonna we're gonna leave this place this is the akatsuki this isn't just a rochimaru this is the akatsuki 100 so we got to get out of here man day 257 we are not ready for this oh oh okay okay okay they were waiting for me oh my gosh just another one of those strong guys come on man come on what you got oh gosh there's oh my gosh there's so many people out here this is just a getting we can take this guy out pretty easily but it's the other guy that i'm worried about where is he oh they're fighting each other perfect opportunity oh god what are you doing i thought you were a quest giver i thought you were a quest giver maybe we scared him off i don't know maybe he saw a shiren gun and got scared that's why i'm oh oh oh i lied okay let's take him out penis flower jutsu is the move for right now because it takes the least amount of chakra and we are low on chakra right here [Music] boom taken out jonine down not too bad not too bad at all oh my gosh 27 chakra left we got to get out of here man we got to get out of here and this is a shopper yeah initial trader shopper no no dude i wish that we could buy that right now we just don't have enough we just don't have enough money oh man that would have been so cool to have oh well we'll be able to get it eventually again but i think we got to get out of here man we got to start running we uh we don't have enough chakra for these fights so come on out here to the end of day 257 we're gonna go train some more get back to the village um probably train in the training grounds for a good bit and then um after we get back and do some training probably try to do another mission so give me some time i'm gonna go train let's see actually can we get a mission right now if we could get a mission right now that would be that would be awesome what is this escort mission we can try this right now okay wait how do we okay there we go there we go okay we're actually not too far away this is an easy one this is an easy one this should be pretty easy pretty easy escort mission right here only about 200 blocks away not too bad at all not too bad at all i will take it there's no way we get fluked out of two escort missions that we completed i think we did he's not here oh oh that's not him where is he though he's nowhere in sight did he fall into the into the hole of the map i think he did or he died maybe wait what's what's this guy going after i don't know what's going on man where's the where's our guy that we're supposed to be transporting did he just not come with us yeah he's just nowhere in sight missions might be glitch for us right now which is not good all right but i guess we'll just head back to the village and if we find him um then we'll give him the uh we'll give him the mission the mission complete all right guys this day 269 we've done a lot more training we have found the hokage um up in his hokage house pretty much and um we're gonna try to get a mission from him oh what is it what is this b-ring commission transfer documents oh god i barely have time i barely have time we gotta get out of here we gotta get back down okay we need the shower and gone active we need this speed boost come on get me down get me down oh my gosh we found the hokage i didn't even get to show you guys how much training we got done but we need to get here it's for the hokage this is probably going to give us a ton of stuff and all we got to do is get there this mission should not get bugged b rank mission we gotta get we gotta get there we gotta get there man okay so we gotta go this way and out to the left it seems like all of the missions take me uh kind of over to the same same area which is kind of cool i guess and oh my gosh wait why are there ninjas in the leaf why are there ninjas in the leaf village what is going on they should not be here these guys should not be here oh my gosh we don't have chakra like this we have to wait we have to go too oh so joanine too oh my gosh so they're actually powerful um let's let's just do some shuriken boom there we go okay we gotta get going we gotta transfer these documents how long do we have we do have four and a half more minutes we should be okay yeah we get to go down this river i've been wanting to go down this river for a while this is kind of cool this is kind of cool man ninja trader we don't really need that right now this is so awesome i love exploring this world there's so much to be seen and like so many fun paths to take it's awesome this world is so amazing you guys are gonna have a blast on this server man i'm telling you this server is going to be something special and by the way while i get well like while i'm talking about it i guess um the server is going to be like role play based so they're not really role play more of like rpg um kind of like you guys govern yourselves we're going to have the kage's and stuff kind of mentioned that at the beginning of this of this video but figured i'd cover it again real quick while i'm well i'm thinking about it like you guys are going to be able to run your own shops um sell your own stuff create your own little clans kind of stuff like that it'll be pretty pretty cool i'm really hyped about it it should be awesome for you guys all right should be right at the top of this hill we should have this transfer documents mission that completed right about now there is and entity quest giver take this oh whoop sorry bud come here come here just let me let me complete the mission before you die please please please please okay we got it we got it 11 silver rio 29 experience gained oh my gosh two creepers were trying to take that man out before i could confirm the mission that is crazy that quest was insane that was actually fun but um almost to the start of day 270 here guys and uh we need to actually take the time to upgrade our stuff real quick so that um so i can show you what we do did i just see someone in here is that just a creeper it's just a creeper oh my god why are there so many creepers out here all right let's upgrade our stuff let's get our medical can we get this to 100 we can and let's upgrade our kenjutsu some more and might as well upgrade it some more all right we're looking really good we have 123 jutsu points that's what we're doing next we're going to get back to our house learn some new jutsu how about that day 270 we're learning some new jutsu boys all right guys so it is day 270 we've made it back to the house and i've picked out some stuff that i want to learn so we are gonna learn the dragon flame jutsu which i believe is either the last or second to last on the fire release so let's go ahead and learn this boom and there we go we're gonna test all of these out great fire annihilation that sounds insane dude chakra cost 51 damage 21. uh a fireball on the ship of a dragon's head sets fire to the ground on impact why is there why is there a zombie here come on just die there we go all right but oh my gosh this really it's super super expensive the chakra costs a fireball in the shape of a dragon's head sets the ground on fire on impact um i'm not too sure if that's gonna be worth it but i know that i want to learn the summoning so we got the summoning rush rush rashaman i don't even know if i'm saying that right rashomon technique wait how where did that even go where does that go when you learn it you know what i don't i think we just got scammed i think we definitely just got scammed i don't know what's going on with that well that's not cool we just we learned rashomon but i'm not seeing it anywhere which is kind of upsetting oh well we saw 73 jutsu points left and i think that we need to uh start start learning some medical jutsu so let's learn some um what does this do medical ninjutsu that removes poison um what do we got here nourishment medical ninjutsu that relieves a feeling of hunger okay heals the user okay yeah we need that we need that that's what we need that's what we need how do we even um go about using this is this i don't really know how this works um let's go get let's go get hurt by something and i'm kind of mad where where'd the summoning go someone let me know down in the comments what i'm missing okay there we go we got damaged let's see what this healing does how do we how do we use it on ourself healing touch what do we have to do so wait hold on this might be a binds change i'm just getting i'm just getting scammed on jutsus we have 51 points left um we still have to try out the flame dragon so um what better what better enemies than some zombies how about that okay that is pretty op but it really costs a ton for not really that big of a splash damage i guess it's not bad it's not terrible but definitely not the best jutsu out there we've definitely we definitely have some better jutsu i like the great fireball jutsu better than that but this great fire annihilation we gotta learn it we gotta finish end of day 70 or end of day 270. we got to finish out this uh this fire release so boom there we go great fire annihilation chakra cost per second is 25 and damage per second is 15. so this is actually the ultimate fire release jutsu set everything in front of you ablaze all right so we're gonna have to try this out we're gonna have to give this a shot here um let's get this rust in gun back in here flame dragon we're not really gonna use i don't really know what's going on with the um with the healing jutsu either let me know down in the comments how to use the healing jutsu because apparently i don't know how um wait oh summoning russian there it is i thought that was great fireball jutsu my bad guys you guys have probably been yelling at me the whole time it's right in front of you but there's rashem on um so we need 50 summoning which we only have 10 um so we need to work on that before we can actually use that but at least we at least we know that we actually have it so that's always good to know let's go ahead and put our ninja tools back in here for now well let's go test out this uh this quote-unquote ultimate fire jutsu right here let's see let's see this ultimate fire jutsu great fire okay dude no no way that is op that's literally op i might be unstoppable now i might be unstoppable guys seriously i really might be unstoppable oh my gosh dude this is op it only costs 25 and it does 15 damage i guess i don't know is it really that good i feel like it's definitely good against big groups of people that is super op dude like look at this oh my gosh and it goes pretty far too oh we're out of juice points we're not choosing two points chakra oh my gosh end of day 270 though we are looking at good i'm gonna try to get some more um missions for us to do and um maybe we will go explore um another another village before the end of these uh 300 days so or maybe we could try to find like orochi maru or something like that we'll have to see all right guys so it's now day 288 coming out to the end of day 288 um we just spent all of our jutsu points or skill points i guess um on we got our medical up to 110 got our kenjutsu up to 100 and our new jutsu up to 95 um which now we have 500 chakra we got zero skill points left but we are level 390 so what we're gonna do guys is like i said last time we are going to try and train up as much as possible in this 300 days and on day 300 we are gonna go and fight orochimaru hopefully he's in his hideout and we're gonna try to get the curse smart guys so i'm gonna need to train up a lot more give me until day 300. i know we've spent a lot of these days training but is definitely needed especially if we want to go back to the akatsuki hideout and um fight a rochi maru and start fighting more powerful foes and eventually become a genshiriki um we still don't have our mangekyo sharingan unfortunately we did not unlock that in these 300 days guys but we are gonna go train more maybe we'll unlock it while we're training who knows um but we are gonna get ready to fight orochimaru and hopefully we can take him out so i will see you guys on day 300 when we are taking out orochi maru all right guys it is day 300. coming out to the end of this video guys we are level 434 we have 44 skill points to uh to use let's dump a lot into medical because i know if i don't you guys are going to be yelling at me saying that i need to get those more nature releases and i am working on it guys i am working on it um let's get our ninjutsu up a bit too um hmm we could probably we could probably get some summoning so that we can try to use rashaman eventually um i think that's a good idea let's start sucking up some summoning too so we can use some summoning jutsus oh you know what we should have actually upgraded our senjutsu because we're gonna need it for the curse mark but that is okay we will work with what we just did um let me just tell you guys i'm super super excited for this fight i hope that he's there um if not i'll be kind of disappointed but we are gonna stack up on our um tools right now so we're not gonna need we're not gonna need our money with us um let's go ahead and get rid of that stuff not gonna need any of this but we will need this military um pill we're gonna get rid of our shadow clone jutsu our explosion clones because they are just not really gonna be up to par with uh what we're facing against with um with orochi maru um i've never watched anyone fight hiroshima so i have no idea what to expect um we're gonna go ahead and i keep on wasting um jutsu we're gonna go ahead and put that stuff away um we are gonna get some paper bomb kunai ready um what else do we need what else do we need um we could bring some of these military blues just in case let's use those first um let's see what else um we could use nah that's not even worth the chakra um we got some shurikens we got a bunch of shurikens um we got our explosive paper bom kunai and we might as well bring a bunch of uh regular kunai and some regular shurikens too um just in case and i think that we are ready to go so i'm gonna head out to his hideout hopefully he's there this time and i will catch you guys there if he is which i'm guessing that he will be because last time he wasn't so he should be this time all right guys well here we go here goes nothing hopefully he's here end of day 300 if we could get in this door that would be great is he in here oh god okay he is but it seems like he hasn't noticed us yet is he gonna attack us or is he gonna talk to us roshimaru hello try me if you think you can interest me okay i think what we do here wait do we oh no we don't have our ice box jutsu that might be bad oh my gosh okay so i think what we actually might have to do here i hope i don't die i haven't died yet you know what we don't need it we don't need it we can take him right right guys i think that we can take him i say we start out we hit him with great ah we hit him with a great fireball jutsu right started out with that that's going to do a lot of damage we're going to hit him with a bunch of our um actually no i feel like paper bomb kunai has started out let's do paper monkey night has started out we'll throw like 10 of them and see how much damage it does but here we go dave 300 our craziest battle yet hopefully that damages him oh he's running away from it and that did seven damage so currently um oh there's more left okay okay yeah this this might not be good can we damage them with this no we cannot let's use some regular shurikens there we go that's what we're gonna need to do oh my gosh okay so he's actually not that powerful he's really not that powerful we got this in the bag let's get him with some paper bomb kunis right over there like we have and that's not even damaging him that literally did nothing that did nothing zero damage oh gosh is that going to damage us though he's really not that great he hasn't even hit us oh oh i lied i lied i lied i lied great fire annihilation phoenix fire jutsu okay we're looking all right we're looking all right this actually is not that tough of a fight he just has a lot of health i think that we got this in the bag guys i think we got this in the bag not gonna lie oh god we got this dude we literally got this in the bag right now um do we have any yeah we do have some regular kunai oh okay okay okay okay he's getting harder he's getting harder that was not my juju that's his he's hurting himself in his own juicy though oh my gosh okay dude we've used so many ninja tools against him we don't even need to we can probably just charge up and use uh phoenix follower jutsu take him out here we can stop burning through our ninja tools probably great fire annihilation boom get him in oh my gosh yes perfect okay he's stuck right there this might be it for him man we gotta end it with a classic rusen gun you already know it you already know it oh we didn't even have the sharingan on oh he stands no chance now dude let's see got no chance no chance sirochimaru nothing you got nothing on us nothing come on oh god he's starting to actually do damage now we didn't even have our sharon gone on that whole time boom all right take him out with our russian gun ready boom we did it try me wait wait wait did we not did we not just beat him it seems like you have unlocked a certain power hahahaha you feel weak as a as a roshi maru bites your neck it seems you have unlocked a certain power okay so i think we have the curse mark now we're feeling a little woozy what's going on we got nausea for 30 seconds oh my gosh what is going on here okay so he actually said you show some potential i think i can make you into an even more formidable shinobi here have a here have a piece of my power come find me to achieve even more power oh my gosh so we finally have the curse mark boys let's see what this looks like okay what is our curse mark button all right so here we go we finally have the curse mark let's see what it looks like boom oh my gosh that is awesome and we should get can we wait wait wait can we use it with can we use it with our sharon gun we can no way dude that is going to be op oh my god i'm super super fast no way hold up dude i could probably jump out of here man i could probably literally jump out of here oh my gosh dude we are about to be fast our sen shoots okay yo why the hokage was waiting out here for me oh god no hokage i'm sorry okay we're gonna take a quest from him and see what it is wait i have a mission scroll oh there it is okay it is a transfer documents okay we're gonna we're gonna actually you know what we're gonna right click this to see if we can get something from the but it's not it's not letting me open it okay that is fine we're not going to do that mission but we have come out to the end of these 300 days guys we have the curse mark we have the sharon gone we just need the mangekyo sharingan now and we need to obviously keep leveling up our senjutsu we need to level up our genjutsu our medical jutsu so that we can get those um other nature releases so let me know down in the comments guys if you enjoyed this video and actually let me know too if you guys would be okay with me switching this over to a series so that i can get more episodes out more frequently for you um i think that you guys would enjoy that a lot more i could do a little bit less training i could train off camera instead of taking up days training but um i think that that would be really really cool to do and um i think that you guys would enjoy that a lot so but i'm gonna go ahead and end this video off here guys i hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure you hit that like button subscribe to my channel to see more and um let me know like i said if you guys enjoyed this video let me know in the comments let me know those questions that i asked you in the comments um you guys have been supporting these videos so much and i really really appreciate it so i will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Iceeman
Views: 377,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft 100 Days, Minecraft naruto anime mod, Naruto mod, 100 days in modded minecraft, surviving 100 days minecraft, Minecraft Hardcore 100 days, I survived 100 days minecraft, 300 days naruto
Id: wJnPMMCqseA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 5sec (3485 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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