I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft During A Zombie Apocalypse.. As A NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Character!

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all right guys welcome to a new 100 days this one is the naruto shippuden mod made by fishy mixed with power downs basically apocalypse mod pack it's gonna be really really fun we have a storyline to follow so you guys will see that in a second here tanner's gonna read through that um but this is gonna be super fun there's a ton of stuff in this mod pack there's cities there's zombies there's buffed up enemies there's a ton of weapons i actually responded as a police officer so you guys can see with my police baton so i'm hoping if i get uchiha i would technically be in uchiha police but i have no idea how fishy's mod works for naruto so i've actually never played it so i don't know how that works i don't know if my stuff is already on my ninja card or what teaneck knows more about this one than me so um if you guys want to go ahead and drop a follow for his channel it will be down in the description and um if you guys are new drop a like subscribe to see more we're going to be doing a ton of new stuff and um you know i think that you guys will like it we're changing for the better um and we'll keep doing all of that uh classic stuff that you classic guys like so let's go ahead and hop into this video on day one and see what this story is all about all right so here we are um just spawned in and there are some signs as you guys can see there's a there's a rundown village there's gonna be zombies everywhere it's already daytime so we gotta hurry up and get through this a little bit because as you guys can see there's already a ton of mobs up in the corner there inside the village they're kind of just not near our little patch of grass but we gotta find a place in the village it's not completely destroyed but yeah these signs say well i see you have just woken up the world is going to crap this city behind you is the remains of the leaf village okay well okay it's super modern because yeah so this is naruto like in the future basically yeah like past boruto a bit yeah uh the shinobi world has been overrun by zombies due to issues with the reanimation jutsu that was intended to make everyone immortal you must build yourselves up in the leaf and become strong shinobis once again even the hokage has been taken down but tinik and icy have been saved by village choice because you two are our most too promising ninja um is why we were saved and then all other ninjas still alive were either very strong or very good at evading the zombies i'll catch back up with you later and see how you two are doing oh no i cannot show my identity because i'm hiding from the akatsuki they're still alive and well but they have bad intentions and do not work with them no matter what they say trust me from unknown right so the ikonski's still alive yeah well obviously the akashi still i don't think the account is gonna get taken down by some zombies that makes sense i wonder if like if you're in a village i feel like you have a higher chance of getting taken down because they get infected and then all the villagers could attack the chicago so that makes sense how that got taken down but the akatsuki are probably strong enough to not get any of them infected and i have to deal with it yeah that makes sense this dude's got to be the real deal if he's alive and knowing that we were chosen oh yeah that's true there there's also whoever's helping us out here this dude's got to be the real deal so i don't know who that that could even be right but i have no idea i got some sugar cane yeah i know it's i was hoping that it wasn't acid rain that's one of the mod packs or mods in the mod pack is better weather so we could have acid rain yeah there's gonna be cloudy days there's gonna be sunny days there's gonna be rainy days stuff like that there's gonna be seasons that affect crops oh yeah there are seasons yeah there's a ton of zombies in this mod um there's villager guards everything if you guys really want to see in-depth everything in the mod just check out powerdown's video that he made um it goes through everything in like a quick 13 minutes i don't break him through here yeah i don't know well there there was a hole in the wall i hear a zombie already okay so day one we already have an encounter well yeah there's they're everywhere dude yeah i wonder if we can i wonder how those zombies spawning in this package i hear something not good i think it's in the basement you can go first okay here we go should i be kid we're using it um what do you get okay so i didn't get it yet i didn't use the painting okay kunai shuriken um ichiraku ramen rio and then um the clan and chakra paper so i have clam paper first yeah yeah i gotta go play paper first you don't know all right now it's time for chocolate paper lightning okay not bad not bad okay there we go imagine imagine i get uchiha i gotta oh man dude dude hugo uchiha go for it okay i'm going let's see we got all right so yeah we got all this stuff um we got issue ramen that's a dub we're going with the choco clam paper first there's no okay there's no chance dude there's no i'm hoping for either honestly uchiha or uzumaki i would be happy with uzumaki if i get uzumaki let's what is it i got oh i got nara that's actually cool watch out i'm killing him i'm killing him okay you got him you got him i got i got nara um there's definitely something down here zombies oh god oh i'm hit okay did you get infected oh there's another one there's another one they're just coming out of nowhere dude oh yeah okay yeah yeah we gotta okay come on let's let's get out of here we gotta get some water again yeah i know um oh it's just not good come over here come over here over here so okay so i oh wait i didn't do my chalk or my yeah my chakra paper yet so let's see what nature release i get oh i got fire okay okay that's cool that is cool so we're not going to do the story mode of this mod right um i don't think it's very deep okay okay so we have skill learner fire release and then we have the skill learner for nara so i'm thinking that we go with fire first just so that we have some offense i might save my points until i figure out more about how i'm gonna use my like build you know yeah we gotta find one of these houses and just build it it's gonna be easy to defend and build it up yeah there's a chest in here but it was empty yo this this one's not bad this one's not even broken okay yeah come over here in this house it's not broken yeah this is yeah so we'll see you guys probably on day two it's way too dark out i can't even see all right guys so we're out here on day two um we have no food that's that's actually a problem i didn't think of i have my bread left over oh yeah i do have some bread i i think we need to set up a farm what do you think yeah we probably should do that we also need to i'll get in a mine and get some iron so we can get a bucket and actually make a farm that we don't have to run to because it's kind of a zombie apocalypse i'm actually kind of excited to play this new naruto mod i i really haven't played this one all i played is mine and then mafiox though we really need to get more um glass bottles stuff yeah i know that's going to be annoying us up away here to get through hey there's a i'm there's a train station down there i'm not i'm not going to go down there yet because i'm not really trusting that without any jutsu but yeah i think that there's a pack in this that makes things more dark than it is i think it does too okay so i'm gonna go oh there's an anvil over here i'm gonna set a waypoint hold up oh oh oh oh okay um someone spawned over here oh god okay hold up i don't think that they i don't think they can get through these trees though or these doors some of these zombies like guys and some of these zombies in this mod are absolutely crazy like they can use buckets of lava they can use ender pearls they can light you on fire with flint and steel like it's gonna get hard yeah it is there's some zombies over here already i think we need the pigs i killed one oh god advanced zombie yeah dude there's a horde oh god i'm infected with rbi what's that i don't know hunter that's definitely not good though i'm gonna die are you kidding me i'm gonna die i can't see oh i can't see ten are help me i'm not dead no i'm not dead where are you i'm in the house dude come help dude please well tanner i just died to dehydration because rbi oh we're cooking up the sand bottles the sand can't escape us even in this mod pack i'm gonna go into this building my my history right now is not that great though the rbi is getting no i got wind too wait you got wind too i didn't even see that i got wind and lightning that's clutch oh my gosh let's go what i got undefined dna wait what the drug like yes the drop shifts on that it's like one in like over one thousand fish no way no way i'm using it what do you get whitening dna here you go nice okay so now i have lightning do i just right click i don't know i've never used dna in this mod well i guess i just i have it you have it that's a dub so now i have lightning and fire that's good that's cool yeah that's really that's that's insane that's luck dude that is luck so i had to give myself the running fire because it glitched and didn't give it to me so now i have to waste five more jutsu points to just get through the mod so that kind of sucks but hey it happens it happens oh um tanner are you good wait this is day five already snagged us a thing i snagged us okay go back to the house hold on i'm gonna go explore this one we're already on day five dude yeah that's crazy we gotta loot up we really gotta loot up yeah this is not good we basically just sat in our house for literally like days yeah not enough ninjutsu you have to upgrade your ninja to use the moves oh really i'm out of food dude we need to find food like we need to get we need to get this going this is actually going to be a hard mod pack it's a hard mod we're getting our bearings dude this is going to be like this is definitely the hardest mod pack mirror you have ever done well i mean i was in our all craft for like five minutes if that counts no that doesn't count i did rl craft like at the start of my youtube journey this is zombae i'm gonna use running fire on him oh yeah it didn't do much that's your first youtube oh yeah it's not very good running fire not the move okay so i gotta get what's the next oh i don't even know i gotta get like 15 before i can even get the next move for that i'm just gonna get lightning ball from lightning release next so that i have something you know yeah that's probably the best move i'm gonna did you already go up here in this in this building i don't know i'm going exploring now okay yeah we should make a stone sword first we should probably stay together yeah that's probably the smartest um well then but if we die then we die together and we might lose everything no because the corpse doesn't respawn or it doesn't despawn it doesn't ever no are you sure i just broke my leg how i jumped out of a window why i didn't know i could break my leg bro you got a disease already you should have expected your leg to be broken you got hit by a zombie and contracted aids okay i just need sticks and oh my god i need rags dude we gotta kill some spiders tanner i can't move dude where are you i'm all the way over here look that helps behind you dude you can see me on the mat can i yeah i'm by the house oh i see you over there yeah dude i can't move we need we need so many we need 27 spiders we need broke my leg it's broken we literally need 27 strings i'm about to just end it i'm ending it oh that's sad i had to i had to i can't i'm not okay so don't jump out of a window in this guys don't do it i'm coming with you i gotta level up so let's let's stick together and level up so that we can get some jutsu because we really need some jutsu out here dude yeah i know i need to get my huge stuff yeah it's about to be night is nara good in this mod i'm not sure i've never used it great i've only been the ants come to come to me inside this thing and there's cobwebs you're right we need these we need these running fire go i have fire protection i could run through it they can't the jutsu is coming in clutch tanner we can rebuild this naruto world skeleton coming we really really need to farm up this string dude we really need the string right now yeah i know we do i only have one yeah we need this string so badly we just got to sit in here and hope for the best dude wait i wonder two spiders are on yes it works i can hit these guys okay i'm coming i'm coming where are you i'm coming help i'm coming to help you're not dying on my watch i got you out you're going to you're going to be fine you're going to be fine i ate my pork i need my okay we can we can win this tenor we can win i know okay okay oh god dude it's getting night they're overrunning us oh god i don't want rbi again we gotta go we gotta go now it's nighttime is it oh yeah i'm out oh oh i'm out oh no no i'm bleeding out tanner no dude you'll be fine it doesn't damage you that much if you have food to regen you'll be chilling okay i'm i'm running i'm trying to get home i'm trying to get home before my screen turns blood red again and i can't see anything yeah so this is this is tough this is tough without oh my god imagine this on hardcore dude you literally would not be able to live this is this is a mod pack that you could practice and get really good at here i was miss miss ninja i'm coming i'm coming out taylor get away from get away from him ah i killed him he's dead i'm gonna die are you really yeah i'm bleeding out too dude if you get hit at all you bleed out yeah you do this is not good this is this is not good this is tough we need to get our medical up we do oh yeah we have the medical from the naruto mod yes that'll help a ton yeah okay oh oh your screen does turn red yeah yeah that makes sense why you couldn't see okay so there was some coal in this chest we got to go mining to get some like iron armor and stuff dude like we're bare bones right now iron armor you got enchanted iron armor well legs yeah bruh out of the chest okay you just have to not be scared dude i got bones just don't be scared and you will prevail fact all right yeah i'm going home i'm gonna start a mine in the house so that we can get iron armor we need to be we need to be ironed out for sure i found a railroad that was underground and it leads like to different houses dude we can have like we can oh is it one of the underground shelters dinner zetsu are you kidding me welcome to the naruto mod tanner i'm gonna die that's funny i don't even know where you were either i'd win these i'm burning them in the fire re-animate time no i'm running back tanner i need your help with these guys i'm about to be back wait i think i i i i lost them we win these all right guys so it is day nine um we came back up we got our iron we're cooking it up and um you know i'm i'm really really really enjoying this mod pack and uh of course we have naruto stuff in it but this modpack in general without the naruto mod like if you guys like what you're seeing i could make a server with this in the future it really depends how good the video does as you guys know i already have like three of my own servers right now so i don't know how soon it would be added but it's definitely something we could do so if you guys are watching this i'm putting the comments that you would love to see a server and uh we can definitely try to make that happen um but i'm going to go ahead and make some pants right now and then maybe not my hat is good um maybe some boots plus six armor yeah i'm gonna make actually wait how much how much is this i'm gonna make iron boots get rid of the leather boots there we go now now we have some armor so that's that's clutch i do have a bandage now too tanner i have one bandage i'm bleeding so that's okay do you need me to come to you no i'm good i'm about to dehydrate myself oh hunter there's tank zombies bro really yeah that's not good i'm not fighting that wait get me out please dude tayden it's about to be night of day nine i'm gonna come in and running fire i'm ready watch out bro you're burning my xp no i'm not yeah it's fine it's fine it doesn't burn you took all of it good this is mine i need a huge op is it how much damage does this oh actually i should do that probably not no i really want to know how much damage it does to hunter but no i'm gonna plant a melon right here i'm gonna plant potatoes okay all right tanner i'm going to level up oh oh tanner yeah there's sheep okay tanner i need you to come with me all right i need i need my wall or i need my okay i have i have some i have some okay tanner this this could be this could be clutch the sheep dude if we could get sheep that's unlimited food and then we can turn the wool into um into string dude that's like yes yes come here little sheepies come here all right you gotta just escort me back i got the sheep don't worry about it as long as they don't turn into zombies i played a i played a mod pack that seeps sheep would turn into zombies it does if they get hit they get infected oh god so we gotta protect them try to eat them yeah we gotta bring them in the house yeah we do so we got some sheep in the house which is literally a giant that is a power move because we get string and food from one thing this is this is gonna be crazy tanner this is going to be crazy bro we gotta get them sectioned off though oh tanner yeah dude you're gonna be so happy of what i just found what did you get that is clutch bro that is clutch that is clutch is it day 10 now because it was just night wasn't it yeah i'm pretty sure it's day 10 now we can't tell because it's rainy but um i just got an enchantment table fast zombie that's not good oh my tanner i just got an enchantment table i got rid of oh my god really yeah okay let's go let's go okay we just need lapis we do need lapis still though that's the first time i've seen fast zombie i think yeah all right boys we're about to get our second jutsu our second jutsu on day 12. we need the jutsu where is it there it is okay let me learn this and now i have lightning ball technique so now i should actually be able to defend myself quite a bit more honestly quite a bit more so um i think i'm going to go ahead and breed some more sheep i just learned a lightning ball okay how much i need 10 ninjutsu do i have that now i do okay there you go oh there's a fat oh that's you what why'd you you knew it was me and then you shot it at me still i didn't i didn't hit you i hit the zombie dude it was right by my head shut up bruh oh dude wait you can just spam this that's insane yeah because chocolate auto recharges that is insane you can just spam it that's awesome easy dude the lightning ball i'm telling you is probably the most op thing of all time it's literally like fireball jutsu but like 10 times better really yeah dude because you can spam it it deletes anything that you're looking at dude yeah all right watch this like dude i'm just gonna oh oh i've been infected with rbi you've got to be kidding me i said like watch this and then i die dude because there was a baby zombie and it threw me off oh no well i'm gonna do the uh good old reanimation technique here i'm killing all these dudes now i'm i'm out here for a vengeance they don't even stand a chance now they had the baby zombies that threw me off now they're done they're done for they are done for now now it's me on the offensive they don't even they don't even know dude listen the the now it's me i'm the offensive dude the baby zombies are still op though oh god no because their hitbox is like negative yeah coming out to day 13 here you know we're oh my god dude we're farming up oh dude i feel good i feel good i feel really good tanner dude you you need this wait why can't i pick up these levels you can only pick up levels if your inventory isn't full yeah tanner i'm coming i'm coming i'm trying to get out very bad i'm trying to get out dude listen this is really terrible i'm coming where where where where uh outside the building okay i'm coming oh i gotta climb up there dude i'm stuck down here ah where are you dude i don't know what to do oh i took one got another got another got the babies bunny ears guys i i just slaughtered all of them yeah i got them all dude okay wait let me grab the xp from this oh my gosh scythe tanner i just got a scythe where is this green or purple for you what purple yeah this is my head yeah watch out watch out watch out i'm wearing it none of this stuff's gonna work ever then all right guys day 27 we're back to the house we just explored the village we loaded up pretty much everything i got a golden apple i got some potatoes i got some wheat i got some blood i got a bunch of armor i got an iron sword apple obsidian um redstone bread string i put a bunch of stuff in this chest as well so yeah my chest is full over here too yeah um we're back now and i think it's about time that we finally go and just grind out training for a long period of time in a row because i'm tired of having no jutsu bro i i'm level nine or i'm level whatever it is nine out of fourteen and i only have four jp and four sp so we gotta get cranking out to some training and um and actually learn some jutsu is because i got a weird feeling because i got a weird feeling that the akashi's gonna insert themselves pretty soon so we have to be very strong to either fight them off or possibly join them um i don't know he said not to not to join them dude i i'm feeling a type of way though i don't know i don't know we'll have to see we'll have to see what happens whenever they come why did this dude let the hokage die oh yeah that's true and then be like oh look at you two survived right for no reason at all yeah that's true they said we were the two strongest but clearly not yeah no we're no so we just need to train up a ton dude i need to get like i want to get like two more jutsu's in each skill line yeah i want to get yeah i need i have two skill learners and okay genkai so you have a kkk well the right i should have backed around but i have the huge moves and stuff oh okay gotcha all right yeah so guys i'm just going to train up literally for as long as i can like tunic is going to um we're getting ready for the akatsuki to like either take us out or give us an offer or whatever they're going to do and then after that we'll just have to see what happens the guy that left us the notes is kind of sketchy um we did get some good loot from all the looting that we did too which is nice but uh we're still not we're still not where we want to be so we're probably just gonna grind out a ton um and try to get as strong as we can i'm gonna try to get as many moves as i can and maybe even start unlocking some nara stuff so i'll see you guys whenever we have a bunch more unlocked it's going to be probably a good amount of days because um this this mod is definitely hard to grind in i mean i'm kind of surprised like the i don't get that much xp from killing stuff so you got to kill a lot of things even though there's a ton of stuff out here um it takes a lot more than just what's out here to level up so i'll see you guys whenever that happens all right guys so it's day 58 um tanner just unlocked all his moves so i'm gonna go ahead and show you a couple that i already unlocked um i did unlock great fireball which i mean it's it's kind of crazy i haven't used it against any enemies yet um i just unlocked it this morning so here we are with this great fireball you guys have seen the lightning ball um this i have not used yet it's the first nara clan jutsu and it's the only narclan jutsu so i actually need to upgrade oh wait i think i have enough ninjutsu for it so oh yeah so okay so basically it just puts me it just makes you super slow it makes me super slow too which makes sense i can't move i get back at your place what oh there we go oh okay so i can put it out and then take it off okay so that's kind of cool we got these signs to read too okay yeah so that'll come here in a second and then uh next thing i get is great dragon fire technique i have no idea what this is gonna be i'm guessing it's gonna shoot a dragon head though uh it's probably a dragon head we just can't see it it moves too fast but that's pretty cool that probably does a lot of damage um it costs a lot more chakra than everything else that i've used so that's probably insane uh let's see drake great dragon fire technique wait okay so that's all fire release that is all a fire release let's go ahead and unlock uh chidori senbon let's see this boom okay so i just choose a bunch of little chadori senbonds that's cool let's see what this is um lariat okay this is probably really awesome let me see that's really super fast oh oh wow okay geez wow i could just dude you float with it yeah that is so op okay so wait for new updates so we got we got a few new moves here it's not it's not too bad i probably won't use the nara for anything um i don't think that that would be very useful but maybe wait hold on i can use jutsu when i'm in the nara so i could freeze whatever's near me they want to be able to touch me that's definitely usable that is definitely usable so that's pretty cool it's day 58 but the end of day 58 we have a couple signs to read that i haven't read yet so i don't know what's going on um let's go ahead and see what they do say though um get out of the way of the city and you will find a certain structure you don't know what it is from us when you see it signed a who's a it's got to be a different person bro wasn't it a from our server we had someone sign stuff as a from our server too and i see ramen i think so dude i think a hold on wait a minute it says you will know it is from us you will notice for oh oh signed akatsuki oh see akatsuki you gotta be a cop yeah see akoski okay that makes sense go there right yeah yeah definitely head out of the city and you will find a certain star okay so we've explored this way we just have to go to one of these other ways which one why would they have the signs dude that's where this that's where the city is yeah but we gotta go through this oh unless it meant through that extra city i wish it could have let's get through here it definitely could have meant that where's i'm just gonna use lariat oh my god what i'm bleeding he's coming at you i got him he's dead dude these new moves are insane i did not bring one with me no that was probably a bad idea these new moves are just crazy dude everything just gets one hit let me see oh not enough chakra please haha losers i can't be touched great fireball time too easy you guys make it too easy for me out here seriously i can't even be touched now i'm i'm literally unbeatable dude i can't be touched naras oh tanner yeah it was super baby zombies i thought they were dead but they weren't are you good yeah i'm fine all right i'm not a lariat yeah we gotta get to the akoski yeah when we find them we'll let you guys know this lariat should help us find it this is super fast so we'll let you guys know it should only it we might even find it tonight i have no idea what we're looking for though so we'll just have to see all right guys so it's day 60 oh oh oh oh oh shinobi oh i slaughtered him okay dude he threw it oh my gosh okay we literally just saw this big red thing yeah that wasn't uchiha so that's not good we literally just saw this big red thing we were like this has to be it so i'll let you read this all right besides say go upstairs we gotta take out the ninjas here for reasons uh there's some loot in the chest for you guys and if you can train up and master a whole new nature release you can join the akatsuki if you'd like it'd be in your best interest uh there's one shinobi we need to take down he's the one who caused all of this the akoski is the good of the world now a little bit we'll be at another close location if you can complete this task best of luck boys dude that low key makes sense like this kind of like is continued off of past events that have happened in like other series and like stuff that we've done too i think i think you might actually be good here yeah i know this this is actually making sense wait what's okay where's what they're talking about um do we have blocks no uh no i don't know hold on i'm using all my chakras oh my god are you real fist breaking thing was dental oh you said gentle fist i thought you said dental fist so i was like there's no way yeah i'm a dentist you already know all right so we're up here there's oh there's a dead body there's a chest oh they're a dude bro there's two dead bodies oh there's a little armor in here no is that did they kill the fourth and your eyes dude that makes sense that makes sense that's dope that is so cool why would they do that oh yeah they said that they were the good of the world maybe they were brainwashed i don't know maybe they were zombies yeah they could have been they could have been zombies yeah yeah definitely were zombies okay that had tubing you want to costume or the fourth i kind of want the fourth all right i'll take drugs oh and i get meg wait wait wait why don't i get ice dna you get magnet okay that makes sense yeah that makes sense i'm taking off my bunny ears yeah i'm bunny ears got to go oh there we go we're looking dripping now all right so all right tanner go ahead and try your magnet all right ready yep successfully successful let's go yep we're in wait can you unlock a move um yeah 15 jp do it why need a train first oh okay all right so here we go i'm implanting the ice dna boom successfully implanted kick again kai lava oh no i do have ice though okay i was really confused for a second oh no i was confused for a second because i didn't know what's going on so we get ice prison i'm gonna go ahead and learn that is there oh there's more okay hit players wait what did this say it said if you master your things if you master the nature release they'll accept this into the akatsuki okay vacation if we want to join ice prison doesn't do anything eyes prison is not working wait unless no it it does not work so that kind of sucks but um so wait we it says we will be at another location close to you if you can complete this okay so i mean let me see if my next move even works let's see what is this called frozen we have the master yeah we have to master it yeah yeah so mine hit players with this technique to work this technique wait oh this technique will only work on players oh no both of them only do that okay we'll test it oh he's got a dna really i got him okay i just got dna water okay really yes i'm going for it successfully implanted water let's go baby okay that's that's a dub that was meant to be i got ice and water now that makes sense that makes sense so i gotta go fill my water bottle speaking of water but um this is a dub the akatsuki we might want to join i yeah i'm joining i'm doing it i think i want to join because they seem like they might be like all right you know yeah we gotta do it we have to start my training arc yeah we gotta max out this um magnet release so we're gonna be looking at good luck with that oh yeah that's true that's so that's gonna be so cool oh oh oh there's a dude on me all right we're just gonna continue training and um i will see you guys i got killed the tank zombie in four hits right there nice you get night vision goggles on oh pop i almost just slaughtered you i know oh wait i have a bunch of points left still i have a bunch of skill points yeah from when we from our training arc all right so let's see let's see i'm gonna put you said medical helps out a lot right yeah it does okay i'm i'm putting up medical i'm gonna upgrade my speed and i'm gonna upgrade my ninjutsu so i can literally just spam infinite moves so we got that how many points do we have left 58 okay well i'm just gonna upgrade my medical medicine is max okay upgrade my oh medical's max what about what if i do like what if i do i'm just gonna keep doing ninjutsu i'm just gonna keep grinding out the ninjutsu here and i should be able to get this to max i wonder tinder does jutsu skill with this scale with this mod okay but i wonder oh here's a new jihad no it doesn't scale because that guy was two shots again oh wait maybe it was three the first time you guys are gonna have to tell me oh god there was just a dog just came out of nowhere bruh what is going on okay but i'm gonna keep training um i'm gonna learn my water moves so i'll i'm gonna mess with those for a while and then i'll let you guys know once i've mastered them all and show you guys exactly what they do all right tanner check out your flight now check it out do it do it dude stop that's me i was trying to save you bruh no you were trying to got me look at it okay so let's go dude so we can use that to find stuff then yeah so i'm going to search for the sakatsuki watch now i'm going to have the signature giant um the giant red wool yeah so you guys just saw teenick flying around it's day 91 um i've been messing up with my uh water stuff so basically i have this thing called water gun you know pretty self-explanatory i can just spam it which is insane and i could just kill everything in existence so this is this is a super good move water formation wall is pretty much useless i don't know what it really even does because i'm pretty sure oh wait no wow the jutsus do stop in it i thought that they went right through it wait they do go right through it never mind and then water shark bullet let's actually test oh my god that zombie was dude these juices suit so fast what did i just say they shoot so fast these look like dolphins dude that's so cool to see him go so far though but i am all trained up i would consider this um you know pretty much ready to fight anyone or ready to join the akatsuki we're gonna search for it hopefully we find it by day 100 it's day 91 right now we've been literally exploring the world forever so i don't know i don't know what's going to happen but we'll we're just going to have to see so i'll see you guys hopefully by day 100 and um hopefully we'll be joining the iakovsky then all right so here we are day 100 finally made it to this place it says you made it um eat the red pills in the house and proceed to the hospital further instructions are in there so the hospital yeah okay hey look at sakura the anthony oh well here's the anti-radon that's what we need it's raining this is perfect okay so i'm gonna eat this pill and then we're going in right up to the radiation pop the pill and go in okay i'm how do we get in um i i have a couple blocks i have a couple of blocks okay all right we gotta hurry we gotta hurry we have we only have a minute and a half okay the signs are back here um this is a place we've been staying the guy we are the guy we have been after lives around here but he cannot deal with the radiation so he isn't attacked yet but anyways welcome to the akatsuki we should be strong enough to take him down now and we will be doing so shortly stay tuned a little longer for the plan okay oh oh wait wait wait dude we didn't even check to see if there's anything good in here oh i stepped in a bear trap are you sure tanner i lose these really yeah i think so i don't know i'm good i'm good i'm good my leg's just broken i think get out get out get out get out get out get out get out leave leave just leave leave what is it just leave dude just get out i'll explain it in a second i don't even know what to i don't even know what they classify it at what is it it's like a giant huge spider with 150 health dude let's go kill it dude we don't have the radiation i have 30 seconds i'm going i'm going i win these we're ending these 100 days in fashion i'm going i don't even care if i died of the radiation there's probably something good up there oh my i'm fine where is it where is it it's in the corner behind the bars oh oh i win these i win these yeah i win these it's almost dead it's dead i killed it i killed it i killed it oh god i'm gonna die from rant [Music] you're gonna die dude is there a chest in here there's nothing else i'm leaving i'm out dude i'm out come out let me out let me out okay oh my god dude i timed that literally perfect oh my god that was insane okay so it seems like the akatsuki the akatsuki wants us to wait until we attack no really oh i i found lightning dna when we were just like killing things but dude so the akatsuki we're in we're in the akatsuki voice you're you already know you already know what we're doing in the akatsuki so we're gonna try to save the world um you know it's been a hundred days but we have gotten extremely powerful in these hundred days so i can't complain all right guys so if you guys enjoyed this video and want to see more and see this story continue drop a like on the video subscribe to see more subscribe to t next channel too um we're both trying to grow as much as possible right now so um i will go ahead and leave you guys with that that's a little bit of a cliffhanger but that's what you guys like so we're gonna go ahead and leave it there i will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Iceeman
Views: 29,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft zombie apocalypse, minecraft zombie mod, minecraft naruto mod, naruto mod, naruto shippuden mod, minecraft anime mod, minecraft 100 days
Id: kzPxlUk_GSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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