I Spent 100 Days in Valheim Building a Starter Village... Here's What Happened

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i'm going to take on a 100 day challenge series to build a village in each biome in survival i will have one mod enabled for landscaping called plant everything i will be allowed to make a moat or a dirt wall to defend the village from the raids on day 80 i must kill the elder and one troll to start the troll read oh yeah and i have to do it without pants on don't ask why so let's begin i spent 100 days in vallam building a village so on day one i met this valkyrie who was kind enough to drop me off in the world of valheim straight away i started punching some trees and picked up some stones i met a great lady called steve who seemed to be suffering from social starvation so i decided to play tag with him i started to be concerned about food so i searched around and found some berries and some mushrooms started thinking about where to put a starter village i wanted a spot that was close to the water and had a nearby black forest to get forward later on i found one not too far from spawn so i decided to set up base in a nearby abandoned house luckily for me it had a beehive inside so i placed down a workbench demolished the walls and got my first queen bee after which i made a beehive on a nearby oak tree and ensured the bees were happy i went out to gather more wood prepared the house made a bed and retired for the rest of the night on day two i wanted to get a good information source of protein going luckily for me two boards were already nearby the house so i made an error to box them in drop some raspberry on the ground and lower them in with ease using my body as bait they was still young so i head out searching for other boars while the boys back at home continued to tame found a stone that spoke about the boars and lo and behold the boer families were nearby so i did what any good viking farmer would do after taking out some nearby deers i found a few more raspberry bushes this time around i took the opportunity to mark it on the map which is going to be useful in the future i head back home saw that the board stopped taming i forgot i have to be nearby them for them to appreciate my manly scent so for day three i stayed there and waited until i named one brenda and the other one george now i felt like i had a family well whose offspring i was going to feed on for the rest of their lives [Music] so after securing a proper food source day four was crucial for battle i needed a shield a bow and yeah i sharp my butter knife made a new leather helmet and a chest piece i want to take on the black force to access certainly core before heading out i checked on brenda and george and saw a new addition to the family a new baby piggy that was so cute i wish for brendan george that everything will be fine so i set out and entered the black force for the first time i was happily welcomed by four gradeoffs who i am going to call pebbles [Music] entered my first barrel chamber which had one rasted skeleton so i cheesed my way in a bit met a ghost i was not willing to fight so i lord it in an empty room and close the door [Music] grade the last room and in the end i ended up with 13 circling course which was more than what i needed to get my plan going [Music] day 5 to 11 main focus was copper and tin i didn't defeat the first boss yet because i didn't want pebbles and his crew of nitwits to raid the camp so i opt for something risky making use of frank free labor service sadly i wasted one whole day looking for frank he was nowhere to be found following day though i found him deeper in the black force looking a bit depressed finally frankie frank come with me so i put him to work and he made him feel like he had purpose again good job good job good boy i need to come down here down here good job frank hey although i got a few copper out of it i was starting to think it wasn't a viable option because it was too far from the camp so ditch frank and head back home and i decided i was going to defeat ike there oh is it ike there oh dear forget it let's just call him bob [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] after defeating bob i took his horn and made a pickaxe this means that frank was now redundant i mind my own copper and tin i was then able to make a forge so that i can make a bronze axe let the deforestation begin [Music] [Music] six days i spent chopping trees down non-stop i didn't want to run out of wood while building so i had to put in the extra effort day 18 was b day so for the past days i've been mostly preparing for this so all this time i lived in this abandoned house and everything else was exposed to the elements luckily i haven't been raided yet so i took the time to secure my greatest assets brenda and george i placed some pikes all around their fence which i was able to make when i chopped down some pine trees in the black forest unlocking cool wood which is vital for structural stability in the early stages of building brenda and george are secured now it was time to work on our village i want to start a village to have a viking theme so what better way to start off is by making a long house i wanted to be the center of attention so i leveled a spot on the hill with the help of my hoe and pickaxe and then started working on a layout for the structure i made a 10x7 degree a-frame structure and set the 26 degree roof at an angle so that it was pushing forward the 45 degree roof was so high i had to use core wood to keep it stable i wanted the front to be interesting so i gave it a custom column to frame out the doorway and some diamond shaped windows i wanted the sides to not only be showing the roof so i added a circular structure to give it more character i added a balcony on the other side and on the back for viewing and sniping purposes just in case of a raid now that bomb is dead pebbles will start visiting at nights so this should come in handy for that situation i added a central fireplace to keep me warm added some shields to give it the iconic viking look but there was one section that needed some work but i didn't know what to do with it thought about using the 45 degree x tried the 26 degree x after pondering for a while i got tired of standing so i made a stool to sit and then it hit me [Music] perfect now i need more of that fine fine stool costs four fine with each and each window would need 20 stools so that's 85 wood for one window i have four windows remaining so i needed a total of 325 wood to complete it so i got the needed firewood after chopping a couple of burst trees and got a few burst recedes in the process and finally it was complete day 26 i was checking my storage to see how much food i had remaining because i ran out of blueberries so i wasn't able to make queen's jam but after searching around in my chest i forgot i had carrot seeds silly me so i grabbed my cultivator and took some time to prepare the land to plant the seeds temporarily later that day i saw steve abusing my carrots so i thought it was time to put up some low budget looking walls which should give us an idea how the village is going to shape up i also made some pathways so that i know where to put other structures added a few fins just to see how it would look and i must say i'm loving the feeling of it although it was far from being done i added a few layouts just to get a clear idea where each spills are going to be then on day 28 i started working on a blacksmith i didn't want it to be fancy so i kept a simple rustic look by using the back of the wooden walls i moved the smelter over and added a few details and completed the structure on day 30. day 31 i demolished the abandoned house that i was staying in i thought about making the tavern by the water so i wanted the area to be cleared and also to fully move into my brand new home which i was really really proud of now all i need is some good furniture later that day in the night i went out foraging for berries so i can make some more queens jam surprisingly at first it seems quiet too quiet there was no pebbles to harass me wellington the skeleton wasn't around either so i thought i could lower my guard and just as i thought karen came out of nowhere spewing her green juice so i ran not too far from there saw something big it was frank in the distance i wasn't up for an awkward moment since we didn't end on a good note so i went the other way and decided to head home i was almost at the village and then it was day 32. steve seemed to be curious and wanted to check out the village i knew it was mean of me but yeah i kicked him up sorry steve i checked on the carrots i reaped and planted the other day but they weren't ready so i planted a few more that i found in the black forest i want to repeat the process over and over so i can make a massive feel in the future hopefully i then thought about my next project making a tavern i wanted to be the place i cook my food drink my meat and chill i had a few wood remaining but i wasn't sure if it was enough but i still went ahead and start building what i wanted for the tavern was an open roof concept for the main entrance i know the rain would damage the wood but i don't care i didn't want it to be big so i used 26 degree root so it doesn't seem too high i wanted this tavern to connect to a fission and boat air in the coming days so i created a little bridge pathway 36 four days in the tavern project before i head back to work i saw it was time to reap and replant the carrots once more but then i started to wonder why i haven't been raided yet for the past 36 days maybe i should be thankful and appreciate the peace for now i head on over to the tavern in progress started working on the roof and whatever i could do day 37 it was like any other day but with a thick fog actually thought to myself this would be a bad time to have a raid it was when i was working on the floor and for the entrance it happened a raid i was ready to defend but not for the aftermath they came in droves pebbles was relentless and he brought a big boy along i didn't have a fitting name so we gonna call him keith he didn't have much brain cell because he couldn't use the steer which was good news for me karen was happy to make her presence known spewing her green juice at me once more i was able to make a quick work on keith but i saw a camera running off i got heavily concerned when i heard the distress of brendan george i tried to protect them heat came back and he mean business i thought that this was it for me he almost had me pinned but i slipped out somehow luckily in the cries of brendan george keeps piercing my heart unable to do nothing due to being overwhelmed i tried my best to distract them until the raid ended and slowly picked off the remaining ones i went over to the pen i saw some boar remains i was hoping it was just the offspring then my heart dropped i saw only one and it was brenda george is dead on day 38 i finally messed up the strength to make a grave for george after a sorrowful start of the day i head back to work to finish up the tavern i added a few decor here and there finished up the outside decor of the build after adding some vines on day 41. after reflecting on the death of george i thought it was better to improve the defense of the village so from day 41 to 42 i added a gate to keep the intruders out and the watchtower i ran out of wood so i could only build one for now later on i started to evaluate my weapons and armor and came to the conclusion i need some upgrades i wanted a fine with both for improved accuracy and a bronze butter knife for armor i didn't want bronze armor because it was too heavy i thought about frank's skin looks nice for a possible armor damn boy but for now let's not aggravate anyone else just yet so i'm left with improving the quality of my current armor so i hunted some deers and take out a few wellingtons found two bee hives in abandoned village i took the chance to take out a few bores along the way to fill my protein demands did some more mining for copper and tin got back home and started smelting on day 46 i got raided again this time it wasn't bad after making the gates although there was a breach near the tavern so i made sure to take out karen first i hop between fences to get pebbles and keep confused while i slowly pick off a few nothing major happened only a few damage to some structure i made sure to extend the walls to solve the issue of the intruders easily accessing the village and on the same day i made a final bow with some leftover fine wood made a copper butter knife made a hat gear for crowd control and a bronze buckler too bad i made the ad gear after the raid or as i would have tested it out later that day i head out to get more wood because i seem to never have enough wood at this point so it was back to the grind i was a person that loved chopping trees but doing this 100 day challenge i'm starting to hate it two days after the tree dropping madness i head back to the village and thought about my next project and it was for brenda i thought about brenda's living condition and wanted her to be happy so i started building the idea is i wanted to have a neat little house with a patio and a nice clean pen then i got raided again and this was the easiest of them all they were unable to get in and all i had to do was to snipe them one by one from the watchtower after the raid ended i grabbed my ad gear and it was so satisfying to do a whirlwind to wipe out the remnants too easy i had my fun so it's back to work made a 4x4 house with a 3x2 patio i added custom columns to give the build more depth added a flat open concept roof structure to the side for detail i used a cultivated soil to make the ground look muddy with footprints made two feeding boxes using signs and finally added some vines [Music] on day 51 is when i started to focus on new food recipe now that i have a honey factory going i can stockpile on these new foods a lot faster honey was one of the main ingredient in some of the new delicious food and potions so i made a few more fermenters to increase my potion production which i'm going to need greatly for what i plan on doing in the coming days now that i have reached the halfway mark i needed more manpower to chop boarding i still have efficient air to be done with a little dock for boat a storage house and whatever that may pop up along the way also we have our massive farm to work on too so it was time to consider to take on our second boss when defeated grants the tree chopping power i need but was i ready was the village ready finding the next boss was easy because on day four i found this location in my first script adventure so i set out to scout the land to see what i was working with did some foraging along the way i got closer and saw it was on a neighboring island and luckily there were a few patches of land to cross over then something i never would have expected appeared on the map a trader who i could purchase a fishing rod from to use as decoration but now i felt like i had less brain cells than keith because i forgot to bring a portal it was a half day journey away so it wasn't so bad i went over to the elder to see the soon to be battlefield and what was around it that could interfere with our clash then i got shot and it hurt it was wellington and he was buffed i had to use a nearby tree as cover to regain my composure and finish him off i head back home and was reflecting on the pros and cons defeating him would grant me the power and need to help modern nature some more but then i will be raided by new enemies while i left the thought to simmer for a few days i made 3 more watch towers and added more spikes to protect against future raids also i did a bit more farming on day 56 i went back to where i first landed to offer bob's head to receive the power sweetness i didn't get it back when i defeated him because i didn't consider it important at the time so after collecting my new power i head back home to prepare i grabbed some healing potions and some stamina potions then i head on over to old daddy long legs daylight was almost over and i didn't want to fight him in the night so i head back home using the portal to stand around and head to bed it was time i summoned daddy long legs by setting his seat sack on fire and yeah he was not pleased [Music] [Music] after defeating daddy longlegs he dropped a key which could grant access to lots and lots of iron but it wasn't a place i considered the worst firearm ever the swamp after fantasizing about the iron for a little i took the elder head and head back to offer it up for some deforestation buff and now it was time to get back to the grab day 63 after chopping trees again and again and again that i have enough wood i finally get the chance to visualize my next project building a dock for a boat and a fishing gazebo this wasn't easy to build like the other bills because it was in the water so i can't swim and build at the same time so i had to raise the seabed so that i can make the foundation a lot easier and use a raft to aid me to move around freely design i had in mind was an octagonal shaped structure with four dark pathways i also wanted an umbrella roof with a broad overhang so i used 26 degree and two meter beams to achieve this i make sure to add more core wood to support the roof to meet in the center day 65 was that time again another raid this time it was a foul smell knowing that i could get one shot by a drugger i started to panic at first i was confused as to where they were coming from then i saw a few swimming towards me and then i realized it wasn't that bad because they couldn't reach me but i was still concerned why was it only a few here so i head up to the watchtower to see if there were more of them but it seemed my spikes got a few which was great i stayed in the tower until it was over and surprisingly it went well just a little damage to some walls and spikes but nothing major really so i head back to the dock to complete the roof i added a detail to make the 26 degree beam become more pronounced then two more days pass i worked day and night i was able to complete the structure of the fission gazebo and the dock on day 67 without much decoration which i plan on doing later on after being tied up with building chopping trees and defending the village for these past days i realize i've completely forgotten about brenda fourth thing she's hungry and lonely so i decided that it was time for her to get a new partner so i made sure to make a confined path to the pen so i can lock the board in later so i head out to find her a companion to fill her emotional needs not far from the village i saw a board that was right for her told him to follow me for free berries and he seemed very excited we got to the village and lured him on the path and shut the door pulled out the shield and tried to push him in and my god he didn't want to go in finally got the board in and tossed in the berries i promised while he was there trying to accept the reality i decided to work on the village pathway some more while he continues to tame i just have to make sure i am close on day 69 i named brenda's new companion gregory now that brenda is happy i was able to shift my focus on my next project i was considering doing a storehouse but i also wanted a woodcutter house so i decided that why not have the aesthetics of a woodcutter house but use the inside for storage of other materials but before i even begin i got another raid and back to the watchdog where i go at this point i am surprised they still couldn't break the walls and the spikes were doing fabulous work i'm starting to think that i'm impenetrable well let's hope it remains after day 80. so i head down to repair the walls and remake some of the spikes and then i began construction beside the tavern it was a small space so i have to compress the bill but also make it aesthetically pleasing so i made a 3x3 box with a wall height of 6 meter and added a 45 degree roof on top i added custom columns to give the build a bit more depth add a 1.5 by 2 extension structure to use as an entrance i made a 45 degree open roof using ladders to achieve the design and added a flat open roof using two meter beams finish it off with some little decoration here and there honestly this is the coziest place i've ever seen to store my junk in i was thinking to get the storage system running now so i started using the remaining wood to make a few chests i wanted the most used material to be stored on the ground floor while the least used to be stored on the first floor on day 73 i head out to chop some of the remaining logs in the field and later on i started the farm outside only for the purpose to have a beautiful flower field planting those carrot flowers actually felt therapeutic i think i needed that the fact that day 80 is 5 days away with so much work done i am dreading the remaining 20 days i thought to myself seeing that i'm in a planting mood i might as well plant some more trees around the village the a76 i checked on the structure layout i wasn't sure what to do it i thought about changing it to a archer area so i can do a little target practice i could use a few shield with a red and white pattern but i need more leather scraps i will spare brendan jordan spring for now so it was back to hunting in the wild after a whole day of hunting i head back home with the needed amount of leather scraps then on day 77 i made the archery training area i don't know it looks like a graveyard now with three days remaining i started thinking about preparing for a voyage after i take out frank i wanted to risk my booty cheeks for some sweet sweet iron why because i wanted stone path i've kept with the starter theme for the structure so far so a little stone path won't hurt so i grabbed some material to make a carve and drop it by my brand new dock i later i made sure to place a portal in the car in case i forget to take one i head back to the tavern to cook some more food to keep me for a couple more days i decided i wanted more of a hefty meal so i made carrot soup dear stew and board jerky on day 78 i thought about upgrading my current weapon before facing frank so i used up all my remaining bronze to upgrade my app gear and shield i wasted eight copper by accidentally making another copper knife instead of upgrading the current one but i was still able to get it to level 3 before i ran out day 79 anxiety was eating away my core couldn't wait for day 80 any longer so i head out to the black forest to my surprise i saw not frank but hank waiting at the border of the black force if you're wondering who is hank hank is the older twin brother to frank that likes very long logs that's what she said before i even hop into the battle i realized pebbles was nearby so i have to take him out first now i had a clear opportunity to jump on hank note yourself don't write anymore script forbid so it's just me and it's just me and let's build up stamina where he please [Music] time to clap them booty cheeks oh my god oh my god he didn't he couldn't do anything oh man that was so satisfying after taking down hank i head further into the black force because i wanted more more troll letter that is i later on phone hank's house i went in to see if he was home and indeed he was i didn't stop there i continued on a booty cheek clapping marathon there were a few moments though i almost got my own cheeks clapped [Music] [Music] so it was getting dark so i head home not i had enough troll leather to make my new armor on day 80 i made a troll armor chest piece and a headgear which had more defense than my current armor it felt a bit tight but workable now with confidence as tight fitting as this armor i was ready to grab a few iron from the swamp made sure to take some poison potions and set sail as soon as possible because i felt a frank and hank retribution coming i would later on regret not bring in some extra wood for building so i set sail for the first time towards the unknown to the east i go i didn't know what she sent i didn't know us didn't know a sea shanty so it was a boring voyage i later on got roughed up by a storm until i eventually found a swamp next to a black forest i saw a little structure on the edge of the swamp saw a risk setting up a base there made sure to drink a poison or else i soon felt disappear because i had no wood for a workbench to make a portal lara de leitch and his relatives were already swarming the water blobby bobby was making his way over and i can feel that night was setting in i tried getting some wood which made things worse so i had to fight off loser oozer walton the skeleton blobby bobby and some dead guy named bernard after taking out some of the swamp scum i waited for morning it was day 81 i took out five leeches then got the needed wood for a workbench and made a portal i head out to find a crypt i wasn't planning on a full dungeon raid it was mostly to get what i need and get out i got about four iron which was twice as much i needed i hightailed it out of there hop in the boat and head home i got home safely before nightfall and head to bed to rest up for the next day day 82 i went back to the black forest and spent most of the day to mine more copper i went back home and tried to chop copper or in the furnace we gotta had unsmelted leftovers i was able to slip two irons in though then i head over to brenda and gregory and slaughter a few of their offsprings afterwards i went to bed with a clean conscience on day 83 i started working on upgrading a pathway for the village i wanted to add some arch with some vines attached to it i mostly used the back of the vines to show divine branch for our mix of detail the vines were quickly eating away my remaining wood supply because it cost 2 wood each so i had to chop more wood i added some berry bush that caused 5 berries each to make i didn't want to do this in the early stages because of it being too much of an advantage and only wanted it for landscaping purposes completed the path on day 85. interesting no raid yet while i was on high alert i decided to make a water well and plant the remaining carrot floras and some regular carrots to replenish my carrot fruit pile and finish it all up on day 88. on day 89 i took down george grave because it was taken of prime real estate i wanted a camouflage air but understand if i had a clear vision how it should look i just wanted something there that was more attractive also i planted an ancient tree seed i got from the swamp a few days ago i love the look of the tree beside the house a nice little touch to the village i must say made a wood panel behind these target dummies so that it looked less like a graveyard headed over to the dock and i decided to use it as a little portal hub seeing that we have these little window openings so it was perfect i was now at my limit both for me and the village i was exhausted so far the village is at 10k instance the interior decorations were kept to a minimum so that it doesn't lag that badly for day 93 to 99 i waited for a raid because i wanted to flex a bit i didn't felt scared anymore but i got bored of waiting and felt lonely so i decided that i wanted to invite steve to be a part of the village gave him my internship at the tavern so i could have someone to talk to hey steve why did the tree cross the road because it was barking up the wrong lane it was finally day 100 well 101 to be exact as i was doing some previous shots and i didn't realize i hit 100 days already i really had fun making this video and doing this challenge although it was very very long to complete and taxing but i wanted to give you guys something different if you want more video like this help this video to reach a thousand likes that would tell me you definitely want me to continue thank you to my patrons and youtube members for keeping the channel going and thank you all for watching don't forget to always aspire to inspire peace
Channel: Versaugh
Views: 440,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, valheim, valheim gameplay, valheim building, valheim survival, valheim 100 days, 100Days Valheim, Versaugh 100 days, valheim village, valheim viking vi, valheim longhouse build, 100 days in valheim, 100 days challenge, 100 days village, versaugh, versaugh building, I Spent 100 DAYS in Valheim Building a Village Here's What Happen, versaugh spent 100 days in valheim, 100 days building a village, versaugh 100 days building
Id: XF076Aoe1HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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