I Built A EPIC Medieval Wizard Tower in Valheim, Here's How To Build It | Valheim Mistlands |

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hey guys welcome back to another video so I'm back again with another build inspired by Miss lens this epic medieval wizard tower which is my absolute favorite out of the three I've made so far this time I was able to mix the marble with the stone and it turned out better than I expected I think it's my best build so far I don't know maybe what do you guys think what is your favorite build I created let me know in the comments with that being said let's Jump Right In yeah so this is all the material that you will need to complete the structure this does not include material for decoration and bear in mind this is just an estimated so it could be a little less or it could be more so you need two cards of stone one card of wood one stack of cool wood one stack of fine wood one card of marble and I would suggest you get three stacks of tar you also need like two stack of iron so that you can support the structure but to make the tower we're gonna start off by making a octagonal layout so we put down two two meter wall and then we rotate it two times one two again rotate it two times one two rotate it two times one two rotate it two times one two it basically get the idea next thing that we're gonna do is that we're gonna raise these walls about 21 stonewalls High so we're going to start off by just doing my usual staggered formation so start off with a small Zone and then we put a two meter stone and a small on top of that and you can just do the same thing here small two meters Stone and put another small top right here and then you just fill in these little face here with the two meter [Music] give me the stone just like this you can just repeat the same thing on the other side to small two meter on top small again I also forgot to mention that whenever you're building with stone for persons that are not familiar with stone or the structure or the stone the highest that you can go with stone in this staggered formation is about 14 stone walls high so to get that extra seven that we need to make the total 21 stonewalls a night we'll need to use what I am pause which is what so you're seeing now right now now another thing here I want to point out is the doorway and where to position these uh with arm poles so I'm gonna make a doorway here just take these out fill these back in so we're gonna make it about four meters so enough space to hold to hold that [Music] yeah so this will be our doorway so just enough to hold one of these doors so so that we have that in place so we're going to switch back over to our wood iron pole and now I want you to do this specifically so you're going to because this is very important especially for this side of the the structure where we're going to put the hangover uh structure so we're going to put a iron beam right here I'm gonna go down so we'll put one more right here so it's basically close to the crease right here as you can see and then we're going to do the same thing around here and we go around here right here here and here and there's fine now it may look weird that you have an iron beam right here and none right here and you can put the extra right here if you want to balance of the look of it but maybe that would be too much but uh it should have a decent amount of support but just to make sure let's put one right here just in case that it starts to crumble in this section and we can just spill this all the way up to the top right now for this wall it's about here so your Towers should be complete so far and just to make sure you can add just one extra wood Iron Bowl on these that you've stopped earlier on just so that whenever you make in any windows or open up some sections the top doesn't crumble on you because it was currently showing red so that which that should ease a bit of the pressure maybe I should add in this one set yeah that should be good now the next thing that we're going to focus on is that we're going to Mark where our Windows got to be because we're going to have two windows so one is going to be right here so I'm going to take this out let's add this back in here we just open up right here the next thing what we're going to do is that we're going to get our 4x2 walls and we're going to attach this at the front uh each side like this we just go around this one right here around this one right here so you should have these little space in between uh between each of them I'm gonna make use of that later on so once you have these in we're gonna switch over to a our black marble uh marble print and we're going to start off with this side first so I want you to just kind of put two pointer above and so you can see clearly that you want the Flint to be in the direction of where the increases decrease is pointing towards you your character so this is how you want it to have it in and then you're gonna go over to this side you're going to do the same thing it will have a snapping point you just have to feel for it so it should be a balance and in a sense there where it's kind of rights in the middle uh just like that so let's do the same thing over here so we're just doing this all around the base of the structure so once I have all that done so the next set of details that we're going to add so we're going to use the same flint and we're just going to draw it close so it's like it overlap the other one so you should see it looking like this so we're just doing this to each of them and once you have all of them in place just like this we're going to rotate it one time like this for this side here and you're going to find that snapping Point deep within it they should go in like this because it's snap into the one that is set the back here so we'll just do the same thing here rotate it one time find that snapping point and add that little detail just like that so do the same thing over here a snapping Point rotate one time snap a point and we're just doing this all around with each of them I think that you're going to add is these little small black marble columns and you're going to try to well there's a snapping point so you're just going to try to make sure that it's centered centered with this piece right here so it should be yeah that should be workable so just bring this about three for five five in total should bring it up to put this to the side right here just make sure that it's toxin like that just a little piece there's a snapping point there and it's in line with this middle that marble Stone and then we just bring this up five total so once you're done this is what you should have overall and then we're just gonna get our two meter black marble and we're just going to just aim let's place it right in front of just in line with the wall stone wall behind it just like that should line it properly like that and let's do the same over here so we're just doing this all around the structure okay so once we're done with that then next we're gonna get our black Marble Arch and we're just going to aim right in this little sweet spot right here so just right beside these columns and it should look like it's centered in those two meter pillars so we're just going to put one more over here and have it set like that so do this side right here and one right here and with this tune so we're just basically doing this all around the structure until we have this design and then we're gonna do this as well on top of it we'll get the black marble color a bit and we'll just place it on top of it like this just make sure that it's uh snapped in properly there and you would add one more up top right here going around the structure is to know that we have all little spaces in place now we're just going to go back down to the base here see if we can add a little bit more detail and kind of tone down the stone and the black marble to kind of add a little bit of brown here and there so that it can look a little prettier so we're gonna grab our door nor dark wood door now I just want to point out that there is a snapping point right here in the middle uh where you can find it facing either it's within a column creating that stuff but there is a snapping point so I was able to space this in pretty easy I'm going to just open this up and just to kind of cover up the little Stone edges here we're gonna get our dark with four dark wood pole that was optional I I prefer using the dark wood scene that's I'm using the door as well and it looked nice it's working with the door let me just ensure that it's not showing so it's not showing there so it's all good now for the top right here we're just going to get our dark wood Arch and we're just going to slide this in all right so if you're having trouble to get it over into that sweet spot there so we're just going to get our one meter wood let's place it right here at the edge and then we're just going to aim right at it so that it can push the dark wood into the column just like that and we can just do the same thing on the other side right here let's aim right in and we're just gonna beautify the front there I think I'm going to add a coil wood right at the top just like this oh well we can aim right up and kind of tuck it in between there so if you grab a ladder and you can just aim right on top of the dark with r so that you can slide the core wood in like that great so we're going to focus on the windows so we're just going to frame it out so we're just going to add this regular wood right here and we're just going to use I'm going to rotate this so that the edge of the wood is facing you I like to do this so that the window doesn't look too flat and we just do the base right here with the wood going across and for the top right here I add a this regular wood but just slightly above not in line with the one just place so slightly above like that and we're just gonna get a one meter ball to the side and kind of turn rotate it one time into the wall just like that let's do the other side just make sure that it snaps in properly because because of so many uh pieces kind of overlapping so there is like multiple different snapping points that you can find by accident so you have this in place now for like the base right here and the front of right here all you need to do is we add a little bit of wood trim here and here going across just like that and for the bottom here we use the stone floor well actually we use the marble and we're just gonna slide it in across like that just like that I'm just doing this all around now these are the only windows that we'll have there won't be any Windows around the back so bear in mind uh of that so we'll slide this in and slide this in but it's optional to you if you want to put Windows there but uh later on we will add our staircase and you will see why we choose not to put any Windows around there let me just slide this in and slide this in as well so I'm gonna do the rest off screen but you should get an idea that you should have these little details in and you will add these as well going around the structure the next bit of detail we're going to add so in these little space here where you're seeing the stone so all around each of them you're going to add this one meter wood so as you can see I aim right on the wood on top of it and you will see that it kind of snaps like in between the the beam there so we're just doing this going across like this and we kind of fill out the back here as well this is going to be our window ledge uh although this is not a window but we're gonna do the same thing for consistency I will just snap these in just like that maybe this should go in a little bit that way about halfway so it should be like in the middle beam and then we can just fold all these back section out it's just to add more variety of colors along with the gray and the black marble so kind of tone it down a bit then the next thing you're going to do is that we're going to add or drapes so we're just gonna get the red curtain and we can just aim right underneath here or we can do this inside prefer but it should be better but we can just add it in just like this side on the other side I'm going to do that outside right here so rotate like this and like this well it depends on you if you wanted to look like that's uh with shipper and the next thing we're going to get is or shutters with shutters and we just start from the top here we're just gonna snap these in just like that we're just gonna get this piece in so we have to aim just like a little bits in the corner here to get that in or if you have an answer you take this out try to snap it in from the bottom and then put it in the next one in from the top just like that and just a bit of correction with the windows scene that we're here the windows should actually be three one two three meters in width and height so we're gonna take one extra out we'll just take this out and we're just gonna slide these back in then you just re-add your drips and for the windows so we're gonna use the the new Bridge metal and we just add in our Windows right here so it's kind of throw it to the back here just like that and just add one more at the top now that the bottom windows are all set now we need to focus on the middle windows and the top windows so only for like three sections let me just take this out here so about right here is you're going to take out these two stones I'm gonna tell you this one and take out these two right here so you're gonna fold those back in with one meter stone and you take out these as well so do the same uh so take this all that out this one and this one Are you full of these back in preferably when you do each window at a time so that you don't have any difficulty but uh so you get to slide this back in and slide that back in this is same right here slide this back in this back in let me have a little bit of difficulty trying to get the pieces in between right here we can we can slide it back in just like that and it would do the same thing for this side here perfect these out and just kind of line it up with the this the marble like this take these out take these out you can slide this back in you can see if we can try that on the outside right here [Music] so we just have to find that spot you can just take this out and just gonna put it back in like that and then you just slide this back in and just like that so you have a difficulty getting those pieces in great so once you have these windows now all set that we just need to Mark the top window so it's one space and then another space and then you make the hole right there so that's where our top window is going to be and we're just going to break these out throw them back in with one meter Stone I think it's against up to see please it should be about maybe one more I think there's one more sort of a nice uh window so that should be it okay so now that the bottom windows are all set so go ahead I went ahead and add iron cages in between uh yeah so the one by one iron cages uh in these windows so these are all set and for the top here uh if you're wondering about this wood I just did a little framing on the inside of the Tower so for outside here we're gonna focus on adding uh we're gonna use the diverter beverage metal wall and we're gonna place it like about right here it should be good I'm only placing it in there so that it can be like in the center of the stone I'm gonna place it with this on top so you just have to make sure it line up because I find that it can be a bit funny where it's uh you can have like a odd snapping point at times not seeing any at that point though so the next thing I wanted to do just to make this pop some more so we're just gonna get or wooden beam rotated two times make sure that the wood Edge is facing your character do the same on the other side over tap it like that he'll reach to the top switch over to the beam and fill in the top and also at the bottom then we're going to add some detail so that to make your window pop so I'm gonna Place Another wooden Beam at the top right here let's go and cross like that and then I'm going to put another piece right here you're going to rotate it one time just like that into the wall and this is the other side the slide up now you can see the window is starting to take shape and the next other thing we're going to add is we're going to add our glass Behind These so that it can pop some more because we want it to look like it's a glass with a little design in it but for to force to do that we cannot place the glass uh with overlapping the the metal wall we're going to hold down on shift key and place it behind it instead just like that and that and just make sure to aim on like the wall itself so that you can easily place the pieces you can place it on top of each other because glass cannot support itself so there's no structure intake oh let's make sure that it's not snapping into the the metal wall there so let's do this all the way up until we are basically done the reason why I do it like this is because you can now look appreciate the design of the metal wall and the glass behind it really pretty and it's uh I love it I love that the style so the other thing that we going to do is that we're going to add our window window ledge but before we do that we need to add a little bit of detail here because it's going to overlap with our window ledge so I want to get this out of the way first we're just going to grab our beam wooden beam here and just place it in between the creases of where the black marble and the regular wall meets just right there that point so we're just going around the Tower with it and then once you're com once you're done with having that then the next thing you're gonna do is that you're going to add your core wood and this is just to give it some depth so we're going to manual places in so aim at the walls play the climate bring down just a bit about that should be well that's too too much let's bring it up just a little bit more so maybe about right here that should be good and then you're going to wrap it around the structure just like this now there is going to be an issue when you continue with it on this side here it may start to merge into the wall instead of shooting up more which is what you want it to do so if I fill this section here in let me just carry this around just like that we're going to grab our code again instead of making it automatically snap to this Edge we're going to manually place it in so hold down on shift key let's make sure that it just lines up with it uh you may just can aim at the board at the bottom here so that you can position it and maybe bring it a little bit more something like that maybe just touch a little bit there and it's pretty much good it's pretty much good it kind of slightly off a bit uh so what you can do to maybe you can take that out or you can just gonna try to mount the place and you may protrude a bit more than than the other side right here but this is uh pretty okay because it's a side perfectly try to keep the front as clean as possible because it's more pleasing to the eyes when you're coming into your house and you look up and you see that I know that this would be a little bit of an issue for me but there's no getting around this and so when you're going around the other side you can just automatically snap back in So now that we have those pieces and we can now focus on putting our half wall now this is going to rest on top of the core but as you can see it basically automaker snaps itself in place there so that's gonna press the knees on top and just going around this structure just like this so and then once you have all these whole well all these have food rather in place then with a Switchback to our beam and just clean up the top right here just go around the structure like this with the beam and then what we can do is that once you have that done we can focus on completing the window ledge which we can do right now let's add in I'm using the one by one floor and we'll just snap it in like this then for the side right here we just add a wood here and one here and then back to the one meter wood flooring with this kind of one rotation and then the snap it into the side let's see if we can get that in so put that in there we're just going to put this back it was given an issue when you try it then you just have to take it out and then just add the floor in sometimes it can be feeling a bit finicky at times so let's slide that in then put the one meter wood back in just like that and there we go we have our nice little window ledge and then we can focus on adding or coreward this section by the snapping it right in these creases here and we're just doing the same thing all around the structure once you have that done you should be good to go all structures should fit all of the aesthetic details added now we're going to focus on the left hanging structure and what we're going to do is that so right here where this row of stone is above this this design here are you can say this Rose stone that lines up with the window right here so the one above it is when you break and then you're gonna attach a wood iron beam so let me just get that here done correctly so it's not going to turn to that direction it's going to turn to one rotate rotation so wall is facing new like this so one take rotation to your left like that and then you add another would iron beam like that and then rotate it two times one two and one two the other two more one two a two more one two more and finally one two and then we disconnect it to the wall right here and we can check to see if there is any wood iron beam near there so it should get some support uh right here so it should be good so we can fill that back in with stone now once we have this done then we can add our wood on top of it so we're just going to get our half wall using the side that's gonna have that little wooden strip in the middle right here that's going across like that and this is do this around the structure here so the thing we're going to add is that we're going to grab our 26 degree beam and we're going to make it look like it's not floating because uh we wanted to to be realistic you know and we're going to add or 26 degree beam right here this is hanging down like that it's going to come down to the center right here with a 45 degree beam just like this and then we're going to use the same thing here so make sure that it's uh going to go in the direction of the crease or where it's going so this crease is the direction this crease is let's go this direction this one is like this direction so you kind of get the drift so you're gonna do this for for all of them going all around the structure just make sure that it snaps in properly it seems that this have its own snapping point just want to make sure that it snaps in properly so take this out and it's worked off by aiming at this well here it is to help you solve that problem so basically do two of these 26 degree beam and then you would do the 45 degree 145 degree to me overlap in the center here so I'm going to do that off screen so that you can see the finished look of it so this is what you should have so far so it should be overlapping and creating this nice little unique design here but it's supposed to give you the idea that it's been overlapped oh seems like I've got to add one piece right here let me just slide that piece in and we should be good just like that now we can focus on the structure itself and try to get the roof in place before we get the big roof done so we're gonna get our one meter wood well actually we're going to put a one meter wood right here see we can put it right here and we're gonna put one a two meter wood up top so basically we're going to do the same thing all around so two meter on each of these Corners right here so once you have these in place then you're gonna switch on over to your 26 degree beam and it's going to make sure it's flow the direction of the crease so that would go this direction this one would go this direction and this would go distraction so you basically get the idea just make sure that they are going to correct Direction and just like that so they all should be pointing towards the center if you look at it carefully as you can see that little centerpiece that little Center piece right here you can use that a mark as a marker so if this thing should if you have done something wrong and also just to mention as well that make sure that you're following the where you place the beam so that's this is what is the end result if it is out too much out then you might have done something wrong with the layouts up top here so once we have this in we're going to add one meter wood in front of each of them and then you're going to switch on over to the 26 degree beam and place it on top of each of these one meter wood so I'm gonna do complete the rest off screen and then we can move on from there afterwards okay so now that you have these in place so what you're going to do is that you're going to add one more 26 degree on each of them and then you would add switch over to a 45 degree and this would be where your roof would stop for the time being and once you have these in the next thing that you will do is just to make sure to get them give them additional support they're gonna have like a cord right here and you're gonna kind of place it right underneath so that it is touching the angle beam to provide some support so the same right underneath here and it should snap in automatically to the bottom right here and you should have enough support so that you can fill in the roof pieces and when you have those pieces in let me just add this 26 degree beam here and then I'll show you the next thing so you get your regular beam going across so you're going to fold these areas here going across just like that just gonna overlap each other right here in this case going to be doing this around let's rotate it two times select flow that direction may have to kind of taper this just a bit maybe about like a one meter piece right here and and then switch on over to a 26 degree beams angle it like that just kind of flow at the wall right here and just kind of place another piece like that that should work out there for you then what you do is just to continue doing this beam all around the structure so with this back section here so this is the back of the Tower and so the roof part right here you would add three of these two meter beam going across like that and then you add one of the 26 degree beam just imagine that it's another crease that's like one facing like this and all right so from this point and we just rotate it two time or one time preferably should be okay you have to find that middle sweet spot and disconnect it there and so that it can give you support and so that when we're fill in the roof pieces then that should flow in as well another thing too is that we're going to add these dark wood Arch and we're just going to place them uh here it's gonna overlapping the the wood here this mixture is go in line with it actually you should have placed these first with a lot better but uh yeah we place these in place one overlapping like that kind of get a nice little arch in the middle here and just do the same thing on this side overlap here let's make sure this is set properly pull up here and overlap we can take this out and we can just put this in like that so we can do the same thing over here rotate overlap like that and overlap it right here and we're just doing this on all the sides until all of them looks uh like that so now that we have our all our dark wood arches in place so we're gonna grab our 26 degree stairs and we're just going to place it right underneath here just snap in like that and we're just doing this all all around these little open sections here maybe this could snap in a bit let's see if we can squeeze it in yes we can you can squeeze that in and when you have this done then you can focus on the roof here where you can grab your 26 degree dark wood piece and you start from the side 's first then you go into the middle like that so sides first so you go up right here to the side so it should be shooting over to the other side just like that and you just do the other side [Music] should be good and then you go into the middle like that then you switch over to the 20s 45 degree piece and we just start from the left side well it could be any side left side right side just make sure that it's tucked in not protruding too much around the other side so it should be just a little piece that is going over just like this and just like that and you will just do the same method all around to your roof is in place okay so once you have all the roof pieces in place so you see that the left structure is starting to take some shape so we're gonna go inside and we're gonna leave this open here because we're going to work on the main roof structure soon so inside here we need to put our flooring down so it can be any direction or any pattern you want doesn't have to be any special way but I try to just work with the side until I reach into the middle and just fill it out randomly as I go along uh maybe let's put something like this it's like right over here that kind of crisscross okay so once you have the flooring all done then you can mark the doorway so it's going to break out the stone here let's take this one out take this this I'll pull this back in we don't want me to Stone the corner right here let's see if we can squeeze that in all right there we go and then we can break one more right here because we're gonna use the gate close the door or we can just leave it open whichever but this is going to be our main doorway now we can just clean it up by this uh creating a door jamb like this put a wood right here right here and put a beam going across at the top like that and then usually just put the wood up top and a one meter wood wrapped into the structure like that nice and neat there we go so now we're going to add some detail to the structure so for these little iron beams so we're gonna grab or dark one and we're going to cover it up using these dark wood pieces to see if we can get this in properly so it's gonna overlap it a bit see if we can get that and can maybe we can aim at the bcrr we can just use the two meter dark wood if it four meters giving you problems and try to get that piece then you switch to the wall all right so we can get that piece in by aiming that other one uh like that and we can just wrap it around we're going around here so once you have like these in the next thing that you would do which I like to do to just give it a little bit of depth because it looks a bit flat so I wanted to pop out more so going to use core wood and just kind of place it right above right above it like that fold down and shift key man will place it in the slightly above or dark wood piece right there not to overshadowing it's too much and mine will place the next piece in just so don't make it snap because we wanted to wrap around with the same consistency so let's hold down and shift key this man will place it in like that so hold on on shift key this this uses as a guide they start with centerpiece as a guy here just make sure to center it and this man will place it in like that we just get our last piece right here let's hold on a shift key and this manually place that in then we can get a one meter beam and just kind of put it into these little creases right here it's right here and we can put one right here and we can put one right here another right here so you should have like a nice little design like that and for the half wall right here we kind of clean it up a bit because it looks like it needs a little bit of TLC there so just kind of clean it up a bit like that we'll just go around the structure so once we have the little detail in place now we can just add this a little detail here of the top not it's not that much but it is going to add one meter beam they're going out like that and just do one right here maybe I should maybe leave this one out because I don't want to be too too much in the way of the window right here we want to have a window set the appearance for the the tower so we're just going to pull this part right here so all these little creases we're going to do fill these outward to one meter beam you can switch on over to the Bluetooth curtains which I totally love and we're going to start from maybe the edge right here so we can just start about here and just kind of overlap it's going around like that maybe maybe you start from here because this is a bit shorter than the the other side so maybe we can start closer so we're just gonna draw this near near it so try to work with the line of the the two meter beam above just use that as a guide then once you have these in oh just another area here where you're supposed to add some curtains right here so let me just grab a one meter beam I'm just going to use this as a how to place these ends so you're gonna hold down shift key and manually place it in so this wood is going to kind of go close to the edge just exactly how you see it and what we're going to do is I'm going to grab or drapes I'm just going to aim at it and slide it up because we want it to go in line with the beam right here so it kind of goes tucked in just a little bit just like that because we want to I like to see this little wood design here this kind of merge within the beam like that and you have the Duke to kind of showing more the face of the structure and we're just going to just do this the these windows we can do it all around just to keep the the designers throughout okay so finally now we can focus on the main tower roof so we're gonna grab our 26 degree beam and we're going to snap it in these creases here so so where it is pointing this creates disappointing that's where you turn the beam uh to that direction you just do it so all around it the top section here we'll just try to do over here as well this is why I mentioned that you should leave this here section open so you can have these roof pieces going in without any without having any issues so he's like this so the next thing you would do is that you would switch over to your two meter beam and you're going to snap it like that going out so two meter beam out so I'm gonna do this soft screen so you do the 26 degree beam and then the two meter B for each of these little Corners here so next thing that we're going to do is that we're going to add these 26 degree beam I've done it already but you're going to add two 26 degree Beam on top of the 2 meter beam just like this as you can see right here and next thing we switch to is your 45 degree beam and you would go up in total about three of them but because you're gonna need an additional support to get that final piece in because as you can see it showed red you would need to add core one to give it that additional support you need so you're going to aim right here just hold down on shift key and manually place this core wood and the reason why I want you to manually place it in is so that the core wood snaps right into the wood and not showing outside of the wood that's what's gonna happen when you make it snap into this groove here so just manually place it in just a little bit before the the groove there so that it can go in today's Stone and provide support to the roof up here and you just finish it up by adding your final 26 degree with peace and finish up the structure of the roof then once you have that done then you can finish finish up by adding these beam going across here for our roof overhang and so that's you can put in your roof pieces so you're gonna do this all around the roof now that we have our roof structure in place so we're gonna add a little bit of detail or a little Raven adornment and what we're going to do is that we're going to take out this two meter wood right here now the reason why we we didn't try to do this first because there's no snapping point to facilitate the roof structure so we can take it out now and then we can slide it in and it should look like that we can take this out slide it in should look like that so we're just basically doing this all around the structure here and another detail that we're going to do is that we're going to take the upside down stairs and we're just going to attach it to the edge here like that and we get our flooring or wooden floor and just make sure that it is snapping like that with the wood so that is not protruding out at the front but let's do the same over here you're kind of overlap it a bit like both of that some can bring this close enough to that side and that should be good and then once you have that in and you're doing this all around the structure here and you would also add these two four meter walls and you're going to place these right underneath here going around the structure like that and grab or 26 degree roof piece and we're just going to start from the side just like we did with the other roof so the size first then we move over into the middle so the sides first right here and over here and then we just move into the middle and then once you have those in place you switch over to the 45 degree start from the side first like this you should find that snapping points and it should see it should overlap The Beam with just a little piece pushing out there and right here and for the top you just kind of place it right in the center so it should have something like this if it goes to one side it's no problem it will do that if you try to shuffle it around and then you just repeat the same step on the next section so you're basically doing this repeating the same thing for each of these sections you're going around to fill up the roof once you have followed steps in put your roof pieces in then your roof should basically look like this now we're going to move on to our right side upper Tower right here and I went ahead and made an opening but let me just show you where you're supposed to make that so we're going to grab our dark wood Arch and you're going to aim right here about right here so basically the top of the dark should be in line with this little wood strip here on the back of the half wall and we're just going to put one over here and if you had some of these pieces here in this section you would have to break those out then I made an opening here so basically the height is one two three stone walls I and you're basically at the same level as these dark arches for the floor then we're just going to add our flooring just like this and for the the structure of it so you're gonna get a half wall put one right here and one over here and you're gonna get your forward and you're gonna put one two three four and then you're gonna switch back to your half wall you can turn it around and show the back part right here and then you're gonna put another half wall you're gonna turn this around just to show the smooth part then you're gonna switch on over to your regular 26 degree wall to put on top of that and what you're gonna do is that you're gonna repeat the same thing on the side before you proceed there you need to add your your roof structure for this for this part so you basically put a one meter wood attached to the side right here and another right here for the overhang and then you just grab your 26 degree beam just attached to that and then just kind of go in to the structure like that and then you just repeat the same thing on the other side so once you have the two side structures up now we can focus on the front right here so we're gonna grab our four meter uh dark wood and we're just going to cover the front right here and over here as well let me switch on over to the dark wood Arch and kind of overlap it so make sure that it's the top of it in line with the overhang that we're working on there and we kind of make a snapping points about uh we can create one down here so it's we're going to add another 4 meter coreward here then we get our dark wood Arch overlap the other one and another one to overlap that piece here and then we can add the final piece to make our front uh window shape there and then we can add in our roof piece we're gonna get our 26 degree roof piece here and just go across like this let's fill in this and just go all the way back here and now we're gonna fill in on windows so we're just gonna get our cage here I'm just gonna place it on top of that one and place one on top of that there so we do the same thing here it's a basic huge okay this one let's place it correctly one right there and just make sure that it's all filled out going up to the top that's all the way up but an overlap a bit now then we can grab our glass because we want to have a nice little uh I'll turn into the glass here so we're just going to manually place the glass in right behind the cage here not to snap it in automatically and to do that make sure you go down on shift key to manual place these in so make sure you break this one make sure it's snapped in properly so you just have to make sure that it is the slapping where it should be and not into the glass into the iron cage itself so I'm just going to continue by just filling this out and I'll show you how it looks at the end and basically that's how it should look when you have the glass in so the effect that you want is the iron cage in front of the glass not the glass just showing completely and if the iron cage was covered by the glass you won't get this same result so bear that in mind so going back to looking at any other detail that needs to be added so we're going to add our window ledge right here so I always like to give my Windows window ledge so we're just going to throw this out I'm just gonna wrap it in like that goes to the other side and that is done and for the top section here of the roof so there was a little bit of detail I forgot to mention so you'll get a 45 degree beam and you kind of snap it in like that and you're gonna snap it underneath right here and you're basically doing it for each of these underneath each of these 26 degree beam you can see that you get more the roof comes out more for me underneath uh we can just fill these little section here and with some you can just get two meter beam just gonna clean up the edges right here just going going around the structure [Music] and one other thing that you would add is that you would get your core wood and you would just place it right there it's automatically snaps in by itself so you just place it right there nice little detail underneath the roof where it just kind of pops up more so basically that is it for the structure of the build so now we have to go inside so I can show you how I did the layouts here so I've went ahead and discovered the floor with wood at ground level basically so nothing fancy or anything particularly that you need to take note of but for here putting in this spiral staircase now I've set it in this direction but I wanted to point out that I have it snapped to this where this is currently highlighted in blue this this wall here so I have its uh snap to that point so it's Auto snap right there and that is where I start the spiral stairs and just kind of go up with it so so our first floor would basically start Rubble right here so according to from like the way the doorway is right now so it's one two stone wall space right here and then you have the floor right here and then you would have two space stone wall and then you have the window so this is this should be basically your first floor and so we're going to bring this power steers up to that point where it meets so just make sure that it's rotated around like this but all the way around until you're at that point you've still filled out the area here in the floor and just want to point out that when you're boxing in this area just make sure that you when you reach to this staircase right here you just have like a little space right here and it just kind of go across so that your head doesn't bump right on the floor and you just kind of box it in because it kind of fits into like uh like maybe like a two by four meter there's a little extra here just for Headroom space so you can slip right underneath it like that and so once you have the first floor in place now we start to access the second one now we can just confirm that the stairways will be always be this side here which is basically taking up space I want to use that space when you're going up top so all you're going to do is that you're gonna set us a ladder right here so maybe I'm about about somewhere right here which should be good enough and then you're gonna get a floor just kind of Tuck into the wall like that kind of give you enough room to to play with when you go in up so we're just gonna go right up here we'll just maybe get a snapping point about here on the the ladder maybe you can see if we can snap another piece right here I think this should be pretty decent enough to to get up here so this one this is the floor that we want to to get to so this would be our second floor so this market so this is the opening for the little angleboard structure uh right here so let's see if this will get us right to that point that we need so maybe we can rotate it maybe one more just give it one more rotation just like that so you can catch it right in there and then we can just do this one beside it so you maybe the better if you can aim right and underneath it so you can get it snap in correctly there for you so something like that and then you can slide in the one meter floor so fill in these little little spots right here it's right underneath this is should I just flow with the line of this stairs so that it's not you're not pumping it so basically I think that should be good and then you kind of fill in these little areas here with the one meter floor and that is it for right here now to access this section you're going to do is that you're going to get your regular 26 degree stairs and you can cement it to go with the wall like about there and you're just going to fill this in with one meter wood wood floor that is right like that and then you just use a few meter but to attach it like right there pulling these little holes with one meter floor just like that and you just basically just kind of going around like that until you have one that is sitting right in front of the doorway here and just to access it properly we can just take out this Stone get a 26 degree sear and just kind of get it snap in like that and then you're able to access your little section here you can use for and for this here just for this part you can fill in the floor you can fill it from this level here so let's get a floor thanks Laura and just kind of fill this area just kind of go across like this I think you can bring this all the way across right here let's just check see if you have you have every maybe you have to bring it that's a little bit a little bit back so maybe you can use like a small floor just kind of pull that in right it goes here and we kind of make sure that this kind of go in line with how this this stairs are set currently I'm just gonna maximize on the space right there and just kind of fill this all up like that may can go a little bit more you can maybe pinch a little bit more right here I think that should be a little a little allowance that we can work with a c so that is pretty much enough for us right there so that we can get through and you can just fill this area here just kind of get like a half wall you can kind of put right underneath here we would have to add the floor first so you can do that all of that is filled out then you should be able to put your half wall right underneath these wooden floor just like this just kind of wrap around it's pretty like a nice little area here where you can use for something so it depends on what you want to use the area for and make use of it so this is basically it and I'm gonna do some decoration off screen and show you the finished work okay so I'm gonna do a walk through here just to explain some of the things I've added here and I think I may do a video for some of these decoration ideas that I've put out right here which are the new Jordan Puffs and the Mage cap mushrooms which you're able to place on item stand which is pretty awesome now we have more options for flowers you know to decorate our build another thing I forgot to mention about these lanterns I was able to add right here and also a few on the this little hanging structure here so you can add those if you need to so we're gonna go on inside and as you can see enter here nice red carpets floor added some little cabinets here for bookshelf and some other stuff a little table drawing a storage here it's pretty cramped in here so I'm trying to my best to make use of the space so we have a nice little table marble table here and our Cactus so we're just gonna go up to the top we're just gonna show you what we have going on here and how we have decorated the area where we added some more uh shelves here some cabinet shelves and this is basically how the second well it's our first floor is how it looks we added some little Furniture here and we're just going up to the top right here and we can access our second floor where I was able to add a few of these little decorative items I've added uh this little table here and I had it a little nice little display cabinet for this egg and then now we can slide it on up to our bedroom Section here where we at a few chests here for storage uh the way I've designed it is a way where it becomes like more of an outpost kind of build Tower where yeah I mean well it can be whatever you use it as but this is what they'll have in mind as one of those outposts where you kind of come to and we have a little wardrobe here with some some armor and uh yeah pretty minor decorations here there I started to use the the rug the new rug as a because it's so small I can use it as a little tablecloth so this is a nice idea that you can use but yeah so that is it hope you guys enjoyed the guide to building this wizard tower just want to thank my patrons and YouTube members supporters for keeping the channel going and thank you all for watching I remember to always aspire to inspire peace
Channel: Versaugh
Views: 106,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medieval, how to build, bluenerd minecraft, versaugh valheim, versaugh medieval house, valheim building tutorial, valheim medieval house tutorial, Valheim noob vs pro, versaugh noob vs pro, noob vs pro, valheim tips, versaugh tips, versaugh tricks, versaugh roof building, versaugh tower, versaugh medieval building, valheim, noob vs pro vs ??, VERSAUGH NOOB PRO, valheim versaugh noob pro, minecraft medieval house, medieval wizard tower, stone wizard tower, valheim mistlands
Id: -qcvjG9UpUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 42sec (3402 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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