Asmongold Plays Valheim Mistlands For The FIRST TIME

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start game we're gonna make a new character this is my old character right here obviously best in slot gear he had everything at Max at max level new character male we're gonna give them I think I had this one here long hair and then with a beard of course [Music] [Music] yeah I think we'll go with that no no I think we'll go with that one I don't know bro they have more beard options in this game than like anything yeah yeah we'll go with this hair tone we'll have them give them like brownish air yeah that should be good okay foreign let's do it wrong got it all right we are good let us begin [Music] new name ball glands it's time long ago the all-father Odin United the worlds he threw down his foes and cast them into the tenth world then split the bows that's that held their prison to the world tree and left it to the drift unanchored place of Exile for centuries this world slumbered uneasily but it did not die as glacial ages passed kingdoms Rose and fell out of sight of the Gods when Odin heard his enemies were growing once again in strength he looked to the midgard and sent his Valkyries to scour the battlefields for the greatest of their warriors dead to the world they would be born again in valheim [Music] oh [ __ ] some people might not know this but in a Norse mythology it's very common that Odin is represented by a raven or something like this so the bird is Odin Soul's intro yeah exactly it's just like Dark Souls it's time I have arrived hi I'm hugin I'm sent here to guide you in your travels the megal is surrounding you are sacrificial stones they represent the Forsaken which you must slay in order to ascend to Valhalla okay well that's easy I just descend to Valhalla uh okay okay we got wood now that's good let's pick up some more wood it's been a long time since I played this game okay there we go okay so I can't even break that one down I've got to use the small ones here we're not ready for those bores yet those boards are really dangerous okay and for map let's see where am I right about here okay so let's go a little bit closer to the uh to the entry area okay oh [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] off man are you kidding me bro bro I'm getting mobbed down this early I'm just trying to play the gadget I just started three seconds started 30 seconds ago in this game and I'm already getting attacked by two mobs at the same [ __ ] time God damn give me a break Jesus we are struggling out here okay let's go down to the uh to the water here uh what the [ __ ] do you want first pray summon X here yeah okay all right that's a bird that's the the guy I'd like to find a place that's like more open can I build anything what's the build button [Music] what's the build button tab okay I'm gonna craft myself a club okay now I'm ready somebody comes and [ __ ] with me I'm just gonna beat the [ __ ] out of them I wanted to find like a nice Meadow area that I could use but I'm not what do you want now bruh let me go over this one I just want to find a nice open area that's all hail Warrior a wooden ax out of stone okay can I even make that yet no I can't I guess I can make another torch just in case usually there's places that are like very open and I'm just not seeing one of them oh I can't okay here it is okay great yeah this is going to be where my oh bro I'm gonna live here yeah I'm gonna 100 live here this is perfect look at that oh that's so good okay I gotta wait for this to there we go yeah this is so good yeah this is Prime real estate gentlemen all right good we got next very high quality items there alrighty let's cut down a couple more trees actually what the [ __ ] am I even doing like let's go ahead and actually make a make a thing here let me put these right here that way I can eat a little bit more yeah let's start right here found a snack to consume stamina okay all right now this is a bore you have to watch out for these things that Fitz just did eight damage eight [ __ ] damage holy [ __ ] okay we gotta get an ax let's make that and can we make it now yeah we can okay let's make the hammer and then we'll also make the ax okay I need to get more Stone though all right never mind I apparently don't know how to read not now [Music] what the [ __ ] there's one okay now we make the ax [Music] make a workbench yes I know that thank you we're going to make it right here uh how do I do this I didn't read what to do right click okay [Music] give me a second oh this is huge oh wow we'll get this damage this is insane okay we'll just cut down a few of these right now I don't know what this is but we're just gonna cut through it until it's gone perfect foreign I'll just cut down a few of these right now I might as well I also want to make sure that I have a place where I can get rested in and that way I can uh the trees yeah it's just like if we kill the trees like we could try and do that yeah why not okay foreign the way that you do this is you have the trees cut themselves down the problem is that sometimes they will fall on you and you will [ __ ] die oh that is a lot that is a lot okay let's cut these down too so yeah I cut all of them down and then I kind of turn around and I build after that always maximizing always Min maxing always meta gaming never not meta gaming constantly meta gaming at all times as soon as I'm done with these I'm going to go ahead and uh and build my other stuff you know top G true it'll take a while it's split between how many things you hit obviously oh that was really [ __ ] close holy [ __ ] that was close okay foreign if I could actually have them destroy these because that would give me fine wood and I could use fine wood uh to make a really good bow I just don't know if I could really do that right now roll them I feel like that's going to end up having me get rolled okay yeah it's like not really working [Music] foreign there we go okay we're almost ready let's try and cut this one too it doesn't matter where it falls it'll be useful hopefully it falls that way but it's not you guys see how this works right and how efficient this is always efficiency always meta gaming constantly meta gaming okay uh this all right craft my workbench we'll put it right here good and then let's go ahead and build a floor foreign absolutely beautiful this is turning out really well oh my God this is perfect this is a perfect house you guys are so lucky that you get to watch me do this I'll show you how to how to play this game properly okay [Music] [Music] okay God this is so [ __ ] perfect look at this look at this watch me put this together oh my God does it even get better than this I don't think it does wow holy [ __ ] wow okay station is too exposed were you [ __ ] kidding me [Music] how do I destroy something middle click okay [ __ ] you and go all the way back there okay that's better so now we need to be able to make a flint ax it's actually extremely easy to do all we need to do is get flint Flint is down by the water the [ __ ] is it there's only one here okay walk around see if there's anything useful here it seems as though yeah there's one item here at least that's a dead ass [ __ ] perfect and we want to get these beehives but we're not going to get them yet yeah we are going to get I just want to shoot them so I don't lose any more health okay we have to watch out for that bore we don't want to get destroyed by that bore that board could easily end our lives right now we're going to go ahead and make the Flint ax and then we're going to make some arrows okay we're gonna cut down some of this stuff just to get it done [Music] yeah I'm gonna cut down all these things and then everything else should be like super easy you can build a ship an adventure the ocean ocean that's crazy really wow okay I guess I'll have to do that thank you just cut all these down and then whenever I'm done I'll be able to pretty much make whatever I want AOE farming bro I told you I'm min max and everything what do you expect easiest game of my life okay so how can I [ __ ] how can I kill this foreign maybe if I run it into him oh [ __ ] damn it man he killed me [Music] okay oh this is very important for me to do this see this is what you call a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] and that's what you do okay damn it bro like how the [ __ ] am I gonna break these I [ __ ] it up I did gotta roll this one into it 8.7 it's gonna break soon they're gonna break soon 100 percent oh my God okay here we go oh now we're farming now we're farming yeah this is so good got it okay see that gentlemen that's why we [ __ ] did that now we have fine wood we'll cut more of that down later I don't want to deal with it right now can't destroy these two this is probably going to get cut in half you feel cold oh [ __ ] okay let me make a bed I want to make a bed and make it daytime again this is bad okay that is too exposed wait what really there I can't see [ __ ] that needs in here by fire are you kidding me holy [ __ ] now I need more Stone I forgot all about this okay let's loot some Stone temperature drops at night you'll suffer from being cold yeah I [ __ ] know that it's happening to me right now where the [ __ ] are these things well I can't find any stones where the rocks are I think we're just not going to find the Rocks until daytime honestly okay we found one great so now I need four more oh oh here's some here's some I think we're saved actually perfect okay now we make ourselves the campfire what the [ __ ] why put it like right here or something okay this should be fine all right now let me sleep I'm wet there okay finally we got it I don't know whose idea it was to make this game so hard Comfort four alrighty so let's see what we still need crude bow we need leather scraps for a crude bow and a flint knife we also need to get this I don't think I really need a knife the tunic okay so we just need to get a lot of leather basically I'm going to make some more arrows right now anyway and let's repair everything okay now we have to kill some [ __ ] uh we have to kill some boars [Music] damn [ __ ] you're done the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] you all right where's another bore where's the boars where the Boar's at how do you crouch control okay [ __ ] okay I'll take them out don't worry about I got him I got him I got him no [Music] okay we're not we're not We're not gonna get them all right we're not We're not gonna get them let's find some more [ __ ] boars there's a boar right there and we're gonna kill that boar got him okay great and that's five I need to kill eight more boars or sorry three more boards to have eight items where are the Boars at damn I don't see a single [ __ ] boar how do you not [ __ ] find a boar like they should be everywhere [Music] thank you got him another board is destroyed got him nice I snuck up with that [ __ ] and do anything experience got him nice okay and now we're gonna go back to town yeah we pretty much killed all the boars at least all the ones that we need to kill at this time we will need to kill more boars and we will destroy them [Music] there's more we're going to kill him [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] I have to eat another raspberry now foreign it's actually really good there's a lot of raspberries here this is huge for me let's get these stones we need a lot of stones and what we're going to do is we're going to get the bees the bees I don't know about now but they used to be like really good for um where'd my phone go um they used to be really good for like just super easy food that you put no effort into getting because you just like you make a beehive farm and then you just sit there and the bees just do bees they just do bee things this is such a great house I made this okay so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna make a bow easiest game of my life and then we're also going to make okay so we need to make armor and then we also need to make a wooden Shield so we need a lot of bores I will become the boar Destroyer okay how's it oh wow wow wow this really sucks oh this is a real piece of [ __ ] huh oh man that's a this this is embarrassingly bad let's look around I did 71 damage to him though so that means if there's a deer that's a dead ass [ __ ] deer just wait you guys to see what I can do if you dig in the inside of here there's like Viking ships they're denoted with the rocks that's cool yeah watch this that's a one star that's a dead ass hey hey hey hey hey hey hey all right all right we're ready gotcha [ __ ] nice bro we took out a one star in one hit that's actually huge boar trophy I think we need deer trophies to uh to summon the boss got him there we go [Music] I'm gonna make sure I have my food Buffs on too these boars can come at me at any direction in any way I don't want to let that happen but what we really need now is we need deers where the [ __ ] are the deers have I feel like we should have seen one by now there's no way there's not a single deer in this whole area like what the [ __ ] we're like is this a joke this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen oh I think I might hurt it oh that's a boar that's a boar [Music] there there there let me take out the Spore first so dumb brolic got him okay all right I'll let him come to me perfect timing perfect planning [Music] that's his ass I got him [ __ ] yeah I can make a deer rug that was a huge thing that was huge for me right there what piece of [ __ ] game okay we gotta find the next deer we're gonna get we're gonna get him in a little bit [ __ ] oh wait I I think I [ __ ] I [ __ ] got him holy [ __ ] I [ __ ] got him nice oh wow look at this is a nice place anything interesting in here it seems as though there's not no there's got to be some bees in here oh [Music] you didn't even see me damn triple deer look at that literal God gameplay what do you expect okay and uh we'll just take everything here might as well loot these two you don't want to destroy these bushes like if you destroy the bushes like the the things stop spawning or some [ __ ] I don't remember okay there's only three houses here right yeah okay now we need to make our way back over to our uh our camp see that [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] got him [Music] Jesus this game sucks okay let's look around okay we got money big money what's this over here oh he's running away no way [Music] oh bro he's running away so far I could have got him I probably would have got him 100 . I just didn't want to show off just ice I'm just looking around here we're gonna explore this whole area and then we're going to get that beehive on the way back [Music] see that [ __ ] ass [ __ ] that's what happens to [ __ ] ass [ __ ] well we're gonna be able to craft everything now literally everything oh more raspberries too this is huge for me watch this I just wasn't calibrated that's all there's nothing in there [ __ ] how many more arrows do I have 45 but who's this dick sucker oh oh oh so I can summon him here too I understand okay how can I [ __ ] get to this beehive I think I'm just gonna have to take damage that's very good for me because like now I can use this to uh to make my own beehive [Music] you can destroy a whole house yeah I just didn't think it was worth it [ __ ] [ __ ] see that tracking okay let's rest for a minute Okay so first thing we need to do is we need to make uh armor yep oh I don't have inventory okay give me a second okay first thing we need to do is we need to make a storage box first thing we need to do is we need to make a beehive so we're gonna have our beehive right there and then we'll make a cooking station uh right here I'm not gonna try to like min max this we're just going to do two right now I don't know if you can still get like four of them on there or not I'm assuming you probably can and then we'll have a chest right here and we'll put in this okay it's control click we don't need we'll bring we'll leave one torch out we're gonna get rid of the stone ass and then we'll have burnt sheet seeds and then fine wood we don't care about any of that and let me just let me cook these real quick and we're gonna make rag tunic and rad rag pants and we need okay so now we need more of that yeah this is like obviously a huge armor oh I okay so I already had that I didn't need to do that so there we go good huge progress yeah absolutely I'm gonna sleep right now since it's getting dark you fall into the deep well of sleep and dream only of Darkness okay that sounds nice all right the bees are happy wonderful Flint knife Flint spear crude bow okay and I guess we should probably make a little bit more arrows all right should we go try to kill the first boss yeah okay I have to get I think it's two deer trophies right [ __ ] you four no there's no way it's four foreign cook some meat first yeah I will yeah this should be enough for now we'll deal more with this stuff later eventually I will break more of these so I can get more fine wood but I'm not going to deal with it right now [Music] dear hide oh I'm actually almost full on inventory let me go ahead and make another I want to make another two more boxes actually oops I didn't even mean to do that okay I don't really even need that club okay and what else do I need to get I think pretty much nothing like I just need to go and uh [Music] well I should probably go eat that I'll eat the meat now soon too got him if you catch people by surprise you do way more damage or not people but uh NPCs [Music] gotcha [ __ ] so we just need two we need one more deer Trophy and then we're gonna summon the boss okay now let's see if maybe there's another B thing here hopefully there is yes dude huge absolutely [ __ ] massive now we just have to look around we are on deer Patrol in case anybody was wondering as soon as we find a deer we kill the deer [Music] and where the [ __ ] are the deers [Music] foreign I can't see a single one of these guys I'm gonna eat that how the [ __ ] are there no deers [Music] look at this [Music] it's completely [ __ ] empty they're gone extinct yeah it's like global warming or some [ __ ] this is so dumb [Music] and we do not want to go over there [Music] foreign there's got to be a deer somewhere nearby man [Music] that's a one star [Music] one okay where's this deer at we are not ready for that prove your worth by selling okay he's saying don't he's saying [ __ ] around and find out and you're about to find out you probably already leave that man this is upsetting there's no way there's like there's just like no deers at all in the game they took all the deers out of the game I think please drop the [ __ ] thing [Music] oh my God it didn't drop it [Music] the one Stars always drop it oh that's bad that's bad that's bad hopefully oh [ __ ] are they gonna no no no no no no no no no you need a male deer no they can it can drop from any of them there that's a [ __ ] deer much damn I can't find a single [ __ ] I can't get a deer trophy man maybe it is only from the one Stars I don't know you got it no I need two I need two I got it okay all right let's make this happen big place [Music] where the [ __ ] wasn't [Music] where I forgot where the altar was I should have marked it man I knew I should have marked it yeah I know there's one over there I guess I'll just go to that one like who gives a [ __ ] yeah let's just do that oh no it's right here oh [ __ ] it's like right next to my house all right I'm going to refresh my rested I'm gonna get everything I need to get and then I think it's going to be it's going to be about to be dear Armageddon I'ma just let y'all know that that's what it is come here come here you like that huh [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] you yeah this place is perfect man this is probably this might be the best house I've ever made if you guys know anything about the way I do things that's really not impressive at all I'm going to put some deer meat up in there too [Music] double deer meat so stupid that's natural selection here we go oh let me uh let me rest as soon as I hit uh I hit rested we're gonna go we're gonna go to war okay and we have honey so I think we do uh we do deer meat honey and uh and the other meat wood Shield to Perry I don't need that I might just shoot him to death with my gun all right here we go okay [Music] you like that [ __ ] huh you like getting spawns stuck in a wall [ __ ] you gotcha I thought I could line a sight that [ __ ] gotcha [ __ ] out of here come on [ __ ] it's fine it's fine it's fine there it is there it is why I can't give a [ __ ] already gone down to half that was really dumb on the game not me obviously I didn't make a mistake it was the game I gotta wait for a second okay I wanted to get stamina Regen stupid ass [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] you oh my God all right gotcha [ __ ] there it is get the [ __ ] out of here see that that's how winners win it's a great game yeah it is I bring tidings return it to the sacrificial Stones okay let's go do that I mean like can we all agree that I beat this that boar got destroyed I mean it wasn't even close we're not bore I mean deer deer yeah of course the boar got destroyed okay oh oh let's go make a new one of these too nice I think it goes up to four honey that's what I remember I guess since I'm here I'll just go ahead and cook some food I wish they had McDonald's in this game hard antler oh yeah you can make a a [ __ ] yeah an antler pick ass with that and we're going to make two of these two that way whenever we're uh we're mining we can do uh we can do one then the other one and let's see let's put more of this food on okay I could level these up oh right I need to actually make a bigger house I'm debating whether I should make my bigger house here or somewhere else hmm what do you guys think somewhere else yeah you could be right in the Black Forest yeah I think that's probably a good idea a gooder idea oh let me actually uh let me fall asleep here I think what we're gonna do is I'm just going to level this up a little bit and then after that Black Forest is rich in minerals okay got it so yeah what I think I'm gonna do is I'm going to I'm going to go over to the Black Forest where I was kind of at and then after I go over to Black Forest then I'm going to be able to I think yeah yeah then I'm going to be able to get like all the mining stuff and everything like that can I not jump up here yeah there we go that's another deer I'm not really going to worry myself too much about collecting deers and killing them it doesn't really matter but if I see them I will kill them I think what we'll do is we'll make our big area in the black forest and the reason for that is it just seems like much more logical to do that because that's where I'm going to have like all of my mining stuff too okay here we go attaching the trophy hook and let's activate this power watch this I'm gonna kill them right now [Music] foreign these mobs in this game run around like [ __ ] crackheads it's the worst [Music] got it Okay so I guess we'll just go this way around and then we'll go back I don't even think we're gonna rest I think we just go over there I feel like that's a smart thing to do so the Mist lands is the Mist lands after the plains is that correct yes okay and this is the one I didn't use just keep going this way are we getting a fourth playthrough of this it will not take me 300 hours to fully play through this will take me probably like 20 hours luckily I am a battle master so it should be no problem okay yeah I think we just go down this way 20 hours yeah I don't know though it actually I'm not I'm actually I'm just goofing around I have no idea I shouldn't have moved towards them [Music] [ __ ] he zigged whenever he should have zagged God damn it okay maybe we could have another oh could there be one here please there has to be one here right oh my God are you kidding me there's no beehive here what is this a [ __ ] scam get the [ __ ] out of here it should have been 100 over here this is dumb oh maybe there's one over here please nope what is the item that I'm missing that prevents me from being able to make the fine wood bow because I thought fine wood itself caused me to be able to make the fine wood bow core wood core wood wait no bro like it used to be fine wait how do you need core wood to make the fine wood bow it doesn't make sense Battle Master gameplay as usual okay oh my God where are the [ __ ] bees he actually thought he was gonna get me call that doordash let's go ahead we're gonna move over to yeah that's what we'll do is this game fun single player yeah it is um I'll talk a little bit about the game I guess since like we're just going to be doing some like [ __ ] for a few minutes while I get ready to go over there um this game is really good I like this game a lot I've played it I played all the way through the game I collected every trophy of every NPC in the game whether it be the [ __ ] uh ice Golems or the um what were they were things I I found uh the serpents or anything I created every single armor piece I really played this game a lot I put a lot of effort and time into it and I don't feel like even a minute of that has been wasted I've genuinely enjoyed it a lot I've had a lot of fun playing it over this time and uh that's really about it I mean it it's a great game now is it for everybody it's hard to say well I mean what is for everybody right I mean I don't think anything really is but in a general sense I think it's a great game and a lot of people would probably get a lot out of it food and water yeah and also like so so some of the positives with the game I would say are that you don't really have a lot of um a lot of the time wasting mechanisms that other types of like these games have valheim does not have them like yes there are some of these things but they are few and far between and there's not as many of them as there are in other survival games everything has a purpose yeah everything does have a purpose nothing feels rushed in this game no it doesn't now there are there are points in this game where there is effectively just like intentional time wasting so like for example you cannot move or in this game without uh through a portal you cannot move or through a portal and a lot of people could say that and this was like a very big like point of contention whenever the game first came out people were like oh I don't know if I wiped this it seems like I'm just wasting my time but the truth is that if you don't like it it's totally okay if you don't like it and you can just make your own private server and you can transport or as much as you want because you can just make your own world and have cheats in your own world and that's it so it's it's really a non-issue but I think that the the challenges the game creates in general do I think it does enrich the game more so than take away from it All Things Considered doesn't mean that it's a perfect game I don't think this is a perfect game I I made a uh even a list of things that I thought were problematic about this game whenever it came out after I got done playing through it entirely so it's not like this is a perfect game but it is close to it except for the deers that run around like crackheads that's a little bit annoying so yeah those are the positives with the game I see obviously like there are negatives like um I I think that the multiplayer like the the crafting in the game is is especially if you compare it to something like mine like this is Minecraft for men with beards right that's basically what valheim is but if you compare the crafting to Minecraft Minecraft is infinitely more complex [Music] oh what's up man I hope you're feeling better I saw your uh that [ __ ] that happened to you on Twitter [ __ ] sucks man the way Minecraft was easier uh I don't know it's hard for me to really say like is it easier or harder but that's just in general the way that I feel about it and then so you can have right here like this is 10. 10 is along the outskirts of town or sorry along the uh the water beds and thanks I appreciate it we're doing better that's that's a relief man it's good to hear whatever there's a [ __ ] troll okay so what we're really looking for here is we're going to we're going to get we're going to make a town here and you can also terraform the Earth and stuff like that too I'm not going to get too many of these the one thing that I'll admit that I did kind of cheat on whenever I played the first thing is I uh certain cores oh I know where those are um I went to another another seed in order to find a merchant I was being a lazy [ __ ] I had sailed around half the world I couldn't find them the vendor yeah double deer Double Dead okay where am I at I'm 276. oh this is a really big copper deposit right here this is absolutely massive I'm thinking that we might make our camp somewhere around here how do you guys feel about that I think it's probably a good call we could even rebuild this thing let me just look around was that a deer no let's get that look at this let's get this [ __ ] ass I saw a [ __ ] oh he doesn't have a club he's getting distracted okay skeletons on my side I'm a necromancer he died for a good cause come on I'm gonna wait for him to move here we go now some people use trolls to actually Farm copper gotcha [ __ ] there we go holy [ __ ] that was not even that bad all right [ __ ] I got a trophy on the first one all right what a day the skeletons are pretty dangerous too so I'm feeling like yeah yeah let's start building in this area yeah I think we start building in this area we don't have a whole lot of inventory but let's just go ahead and bust this area down and we'll just make this our new home let's cut all these down yeah yeah this place is going to be busting before you know it foreign see that's a [ __ ] right there and he's not happy that's also a level two [ __ ] so this is a bit of a problem okay it doesn't matter what level he's dead he's what level he is he's still dead we're gonna break these and then we're gonna start building oh let's actually destroy these two okay oh wow okay yeah these do a lot of damage by the way yes got him we good though all right so now let's start building this up oh I need the workbench that's right I know that's kind of scuffed but we're gonna do it and then it would actually be pretty nice if we had a little bit larger area so maybe what we could do is we could mine this spot here yeah let's mine this and then we're gonna build it out a little bit more this will take me a minute or two holy [ __ ] come on holy [ __ ] that took forever okay let's do flooring oh I might have to uh [Music] doing a little bit of terraforming here I don't rest it anymore that's fine hmm I wonder why I'm still struggling to be able to to put flooring down need to flatten it with a hoe I can't really do that right now though [Music] okay [Music] foreign we'll just destroy this right now get it out of the way unfortunately it's night time now okay now we can do it I'm just going to put the workbench right here and then I'm going to build everything then I'm going to put the stuff on top of the workbench oh I can't see [ __ ] okay we at least have this done let's keep moving it's so hard to see oh I can see actually better through this one my monitor is I guess darker than what it should be I didn't even notice that until now okay now I need more wood pick up some of that wood okay you know let's also build a bed who wants to get [ __ ] up you guys want to get [ __ ] up let's go that's what I thought [ __ ] around and find out stand your ground brother I was a self-defense situation crafting station needs a roof okay so now we need to build this up that's how I handle that's how I handle them right there it's not a big deal all right and let me go and use this I'll use this and I will use this as I said this sounds stupid but I'm actually playing off of my OBS because this monitor darkness is so bad I can't see what the [ __ ] I'm doing foreign do a half size okay we're doing really well so far let me go out and collect some more of these that's a lot of wood that's big wood it's okay it's okay okay he's dead let's get a little bit more wood okay so just trying to see what we should do now I guess now we just need to level everything off and build a roof oh actually let me go ahead and I want to make a actually you know what this a fire would be a good idea right now foreign yeah that helps a lot so I can actually see what's going on okay [ __ ] ass are you [ __ ] kidding me foreign holy [ __ ] let me get rid of this one that was totally messed up okay oh my God and now this shit's broke foreign oh my God this is nuts building during night well I got stuck here [ __ ] foreign the problem is I can't see [ __ ] anything I think I'm gonna die Jesus well I'm just getting destroyed I can't [ __ ] see this is so annoying I'm dead but Poison's gonna kill me okay what should I do I'm just gonna run away I hate this part of the game and I [ __ ] hate this God damn it just getting Zerg down by 10 NPCs I can't see anything [ __ ] oh now I'm about to I'm about to die I actually [ __ ] hate this Jesus Christ I just I hate not being able to see what I'm doing man I [ __ ] hate that it's so frustrating okay yeah looks like now I can play the game thank God okay um we'll fix this up oh my [ __ ] god foreign okay now we just need to build the roof and we're going to be okay it's functional yeah yeah I'm going to cut both of these down oh I can't yet okay Roofing foreign okay now let's just get a little bit more wood and then we're going to be able to build our uh our bed foreign okay thank God all right we've got all this done and now we need to be able to make we really have to have a bigger area this is just too small is there a reason why I'm not rested in this place oh now I'm resting okay good we'll go ahead and we'll build oh we can't I have to go get more wood how many arrows do I have I have 50 arrows yeah this this area is too small I think we need to replace we need to replace this and like let's get rid of this and let's put it like right here oh look who it is come here come here piece of [ __ ] let me [ __ ] you all right so we need flint and wood we need a tanning rack flint and wood and that's so we can level this stuff up but first thing is we actually need to get a we need to have space uh for for this other stuff so let's go ahead and make a let's make a storage chest why not use a hoe to raise the ground up to expand I don't know how to do that really I never did that before you got I mean you guys know me right I mean like I'm just I am ghetto as [ __ ] with everything I do all right let's put this in put that in put these in I don't [ __ ] need any of this oh welcome to my house alrighty station is to explore are you [ __ ] kidding me about now oh it's probably like over there yeah no way oh yeah it's up there isn't it yeah okay [ __ ] this okay so now need wood and resin okay we're gonna do one more thing what's I'm gonna do not related to that oh yeah more wood that's right yeah I am enjoying I think I'm gonna go hard on this game tomorrow [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] can I make one of these things nearby no maybe I should get flint real quick uh actually I'm not gonna worry about it I think there was a uh there was a cave in this general area and I will keep killing these there's a shield that allows you to incoming damage okay yeah I know that okay where the [ __ ] oh there it is there it is okay [ __ ] do I sell my club damn I still take damage even whenever I block yeah I do I I don't know if I can even do this yeah it's a shitty Shield it sure is I didn't realize it was this bad okay we'll see how far we can go this is not my first rodeo all right get a blunt weapon yeah that's why I asked what if I had a mace or not I don't I don't know if I can handle this this is pretty rough this is a skeleton spawner too man this is a real [ __ ] boys this is getting to be a real [ __ ] [ __ ] that's a two-star [ __ ] skeleton one hit from him I'm dead [ __ ] okay how many arrows do I have left I have 10 no arrows broken okay alrighty this is huge for me this is absolutely [ __ ] huge for me right here there's the Elder where's [ __ ] massive W's right there absolutely massive okay I already went down there and is there anywhere to go down here that [ __ ] that oh [ __ ] he's breaking through I have to get out there's no way I I don't think I can do anything I mean he does 24 damage man I'll see if I'll see what I can do come here this is a real [ __ ] nice cheese thank you okay Jesus man oh foreign big good yeah do we have 10 yet we have nine hopefully there's one more in this other area foreign I have to go in oh my God and I have to go get this back [ __ ] man unlucky I mean I just got a I got mobbed down and I just got [ __ ] man let's go back over there can't see [ __ ] again I shouldn't have gone in there it's just a mistake to do that I can't [ __ ] okay so what do I do now I mean I just [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] so much oh my God you have good Bluffs no it's just it's just a [ __ ] it [ __ ] annoys me man I [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] God damn it let me get back over there throw this [ __ ] away oh it's like this is basically the hardest cave that I could have possibly gotten like after playing this game for a long time like let me assure you this is pretty much like a worst case scenario oh my God I just can't get my stuff back this is so annoying ah this sucks so [ __ ] bad all right let's go again all right [ __ ] I'm getting bought [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn it oh my God getting so mad oh oh my [ __ ] god foreign foreign foreign oh my God it just never [ __ ] ends this is insane I've never seen a cave like this ever just like the first one that I go into has all this [ __ ] in it so [ __ ] annoying man holy [ __ ] foreign foreign foreign holy [ __ ] thank God that is over all right I'm gonna go to bed oh I'm done I'll see you guys later which is completely out of touch I don't think that I I don't think people are that out of touch like what is she really out of touch with like for example I think that harassing somebody online like calling somebody fat on the Internet or you know being rude to somebody on the internet I don't think this should carry a jail sentence or any sort of like uh governmental oversight and and the reason for that is pretty simple it's that if it does have governmental oversight and all this stuff what that really means is that we are spending our tax dollars to to enable this right like we are spending our money to make this happen and it's like is this a good use of our money I would say it's probably not okay so everything is good here we've only got 30 arrows let's get some more arrows I'm an employee disc yeah government employee Discord mods exactly and and nobody wants to deal with that it's like I think harassment online is is bad but I think the way that you combat that is you give people the tools to remove that type of harassment if they don't want to see it so I for example like you you just block you give people the ability to like block other uh other creators or other users on the website so like if this person is saying something that you don't want to hear then you can just block them and it's not an issue I think that's a whole lot better than like trying to create like a whole uh a whole system around this oh my God can you leave me alone what is this Jesus these things are so [ __ ] annoying look at them all foreign I can barely even play the game holy [ __ ] man [Music] foreign Jesus I actually hate this foreign [ __ ] God man I just like log on I get mobbed down by like four mobs like it was just like six mobs after me at the same time holy [ __ ] Jesus oh no okay there all right we're good there's a spawner nearby yeah I think I should go kill it this is just uh this is just so dumb all right okay let's go find out if there's a spawn I know that there is a spawner nearby let me go get it it's right over there it's all the way over here you're telling me they're running all the way over here for this like what the [ __ ] has no way now I'm out of arrows please okay all right good they're dead holy [ __ ] man it's exhausting barely even play the game okay all right now let's get back to here we'll get back to the actual work okay this is not hitting it oh it wasn't hitting it I was wondering what's your goal at the moment beat the game kill everything become the champion this game deserves oh holy [ __ ] okay we got another one now alrighty let's kill these yeah kill all the trees basically we're gonna start doing mining in a minute I just haven't even been able to do that because I've just been like mobbed down constantly I literally can't even play the game foreign okay all right we'll repair everything here let's make some wood arrows you just pick extra now no I just repair everything it's like right here it's not that big of a deal that's 100 arrows okay good skeleton trophies we don't need that we don't need neck tails okay what we really need is we need to be able to make this other stuff so I can uh I can start uh like farming everything so let's see I need to make a smelter right Stone okay I need a lot of stone uh uh there's an area for copper maybe over here is this copper no it's not [ __ ] what about this oh it is okay good foreign oh it has those lines in them that's how you can tell I didn't even know that yeah and I'll get plenty of stone out of this too foreign oh my God these mobs still they they're just they're so aggressive man like I I can't take more than like one minute to just like do anything else I just have these mobs constantly attacking me this is like really frustrating to play honestly run service like an India yeah foreign I'll just mine all this and then whenever it turns to night time I'll just go and uh we call it just go and reset everything surround yourself by torches yeah but the thing is like if you surround yourself with torches like that's gonna doing that is going to take more time than just killing the mobs that's what I think we're gonna mind as much of this as we possibly can yeah as soon as I start getting the bronze tools that's going to help me out a lot too I'll be able to make some really good progress with that and then also I'll be able to make the bow too that's going to be huge okay back to being able to actually play the game it's more copper underground yeah I know okay what time let me go reset yeah I just I don't want to deal with like nighttime mobs of uh of these creatures okay but dark quick yeah all deposit usually go deeper into the ground yeah I know okay um let's see put that in there oh I almost have enough Stone now that's good I'm actually put this in in here too so I can save some space I just have so much space that I'm like just like wasting oh I have a lot of stone holy [ __ ] okay yeah let me do that now then okay perfect all right we have to make a kiln and a smelter so I think I'll just put them right here I mean it seems fine to me [ __ ] got it okay and now we need smelter and I need more stone for that let me go over and get more Stone real quick I probably can't even pick up all this stuff yet at all yeah Okay so we've now got the stone let's go do that again can I build carts yet no I don't really need to okay perfect smelter add coal raw or into the furnace melt away the impurities okay now we're actually now we're cooking I'll just keep mining now perfect yeah we're cooking meth by the way yeah exactly there's a goal in this game to get to valheim I think you already are in valheim actually uh it's just like basically you have to kill these different monsters that Odin tells you to kill because you want to kill them because Odin said to kill them I don't even know why we're killing them but I just know that we kill them that's about it foreign okay that one's dead let's mine this one down too yeah Viking or yeah that's all you need to know exactly I really wish that they would actually like tone down how aggressive some of these NPCs are I think you just spend way too much time fighting them and like having them interrupt you I don't know maybe it's just like me getting annoyed by it but like it just seems like I I'm not even able to like play the game hardly and like make progress because it's just I'm getting attacked constantly got him okay that's the Black Forest yeah it's just annoying oops wrong one yeah I know that's how it is okay how much of this do I need to get probably a lot of it those are into black forest not The Meadows well I mean I understand why it's happening I just think that it's annoying that's all yeah of course I understand it yeah one copper deposit can probably like cover you for pretty much the your entire duration of playing the game like these copper deposits are [ __ ] massive little mouse video and tits arrest yeah I saw that um I I don't really know what what to make of that yeah I mean like I I think that we'll just have to wait and see kind of what What charges actually come out because I I've heard that he's being charged for uh you know like the the same [ __ ] like I was talking about earlier other people said it was for money laundering it's like it's so incredible to me that like you can't even get a simple answer on something like that it's just everybody has different answers quite annoying foreign solo a good experience yeah I think it is I enjoy it a lot like I haven't really played it ever since like the game came out so a lot of this stuff is kind of new to me obviously this stuff is not I know all about this okay now we can actually make some copper ore we need to make 10 as well I have a lot of tens so it's okay I actually got really lucky by having all my stuff in the right place okay a new coal piece okay Black Banner carrying too much let me just put up everything anyway okay there we go all right great and yeah as soon as I'm able to actually make copper I'll be in a really good place all right come on yeah that's what I [ __ ] thought oh no not you kidding me another one leave me the [ __ ] alone [ __ ] you I think one thing valheim is kind of missing is rare drops from NPCs I feel like there are very few rare drops in the game and it makes things a little bit more boring I'd like to see more rare drops okay let's see what else I can make to improve this so I need wood and flint and then leather scraps okay well let's go let's go and get oh yeah I remember I did this too where's all my inventory that's right here I'm just gonna throw this on the ground cut this one down real quick Epic Loot is essential yeah it's like there's nothing I can really get excited about whenever I play the game in terms of loot [Music] [ __ ] with Miss lands is kind of POG yeah I'll have to look and see what that is I don't know what that is yet foreign also having a uh having a better ax is going to make this way faster and way easier and then whenever I kill the Elder which is the second boss I'll be able to use the use the item did I get or the empowerment thing I get to let's go come on [Music] oh no okay there we go you play very well I'm I'm okay at the game I mean obviously like how good can you be at a game like valheim but I played it a lot so I have experience Furniture we're gonna put a uh I'm gonna put one right there just so I can just pick the ore up and then I can put it right in here and then oh [ __ ] it's on the other side actually there we go okay good yeah and this is where I'm just gonna put my other things that are uh you know smelter specific okay and we're gonna look at what we need to make copper stuff now it looks like we can't really do it at all because we need to we need to get upgrades on our workbench so let's go do that [ __ ] you and I'll also go and Hunt some trolls in like probably 10 minutes or so and then we'll be able to get like uh the troll armor which the troll armor is very good it's pretty much the best armor uh in in the game and so like the uh the iron armor where's more of these there's one I forgot how many flints I need I'm gonna get I think it's a 25 or something like that of these I'm just gonna ignore those as much as I can [Music] what's you guys is like what's y'all's favorite Zone like besides the missed lands which is the new Zone like which zone do you guys like the most in uh in valhan oh we're back in the Meadows again the mountains I think I might like the planes the most minus the mosquitoes I don't like the mosquitoes but other than that yeah I'd probably say the planes are my favorite because you have like at that point you'll have like a massive group of these mobs that are like okay I wish I had life steal in this game maybe they'll put that in one day okay easy yeah it's not really that hard to kill these things it just takes time the only thing I really worry about is um like accidentally like running up on a troll because like dying isn't like it's not a big deal but it becomes a bigger deal whenever you get higher level because then you'll uh you'll lose more of your skill points and your skill points for example like they improve the uh the rate in which you uh uh at which you can draw your bow like if you ever go on like a a private server or like a server with like cheats on and you put like your Bose skill at Max it's like a totally different experience playing the game foreign yeah five percent hurts later yeah exactly okay um can I craft this now I need coal and wood okay so I need 15 flints how many do I have I have 14 oh actually no I need more than that need way more than that okay uh let's go ahead and just put the rocks in here and we'll put this in here too uh what else do I not need copper bars oh my God you again get out of here okay we're looking around these are like the easiest mobs in the game all I'm trying to do is get more uh not 10 I'll actually go farm this in a bit holy [ __ ] where's the Flint I sure need a lot of these huh what in the [ __ ] maybe we should go the other way because usually it's on like the uh unlike the sides here Meadows only no it's clearly not in the Meadows only because we've gotten a number of them that weren't in the Meadows but uh we'll have to go over there anyway see oh actually no I'm in Meadows yeah never mind yeah it says I'm in Meadows right now maybe you're right I thought Flint was on the on the edge of every area foreign different area once in the water break the rocks I don't think you need to break the Rocks I've never seen that before or heard of that before I think also one thing that makes the game good is the music the music's like very relaxing and chill so it's not like it's some super intense [ __ ] and they do have like cool Boss music too so it's like a little bit of everything [Music] make sure I loot that too I'll need more of these okay I'm assuming this is about where I stopped right yeah yeah we're gonna need a lot of these flints actually we just need a few more now foreign gotcha [ __ ] all right oh [ __ ] that's an elite neck luckily these mobs are such a [ __ ] joke it doesn't even matter I don't even know what the [ __ ] neck even is I've never even heard of that until this game [Music] Aiden Ross made a new video no troll did he really foreign maybe let me see my top G is free is it that's probably what it's called right who cares I just think it's funny it's good content I'm so cringy yeah maybe a bit the land is hard and wild but we who are brought here are harder still take comfort traveler and the gifts before you the good wood and stone the fruits and flowers of the forest look to the wild boar who roamed these lands they fear fire in the hand of man but they can also be taught to obey it go quietly to them and let them eat of your stock roots of the ground are their pleasure miss me with that [ __ ] like I give a [ __ ] what a boar wants the board knows what's good for him he better stay the [ __ ] away from me I'm gonna kill his ass that's what a born wants right there acts in the ass [ __ ] you get out of here stupid bore suck a dick if I find any 10 I'll mine that on the way over looks like we're not really finding any though no I'll have to go to that other side oh there's one that way the skeleton fragments I don't really need those did you ever tame a locks no I didn't uh I spawned a bunch of uh a bunch of like level two wolves just to see what would happen if I had them try to kill a boss and it was actually pretty fun to watch but um other than that no I haven't really done a whole lot oops oh it pauses the game I didn't even know that as Andrew's been released oh my God I I don't know really what to think man oh [ __ ] I ran right right past my own stuff I wasn't even really paying attention it's been longer no longer top G it's okay all right um I'm out of wood okay there we go foreign I really just need to farm more wood I think I feel like I haven't farmed enough wood in general he broke out of the Matrix yeah he's not part of the programming anymore it takes me Health another 30 days they made a video saying it was released which was wrong okay yeah we'll watch that amount I want to do this for a bit though hmm no I need to whoop look we gotta get what yeah let's just let's just Farm some [ __ ] wood boys foreign there's so much [ __ ] here it's so heavy this should be good enough wood farming stream yeah I am awkward I don't know if I mentioned this but uh if I didn't these uh if this falls on you it can kill you or not the hard way I think I died to it once or twice yeah okay I feel like I spend too much time cutting down wood in this game it's also because I play like an Archer character usually and uh because I just think it's the best thing to do yeah it's too much in every game yeah thank you there's one down [ __ ] you okay finally and now we need leather scraps oh I have 20 of them perfect hmm there we go okay good and I guess the next thing that we really need is a forge let's see if I can make anything better hmm uh I guess I'll just make this here it's pants so I'll make a tunic yeah it's actually huge for me okay perfect yeah now I'm actually getting better armor and everything too that's going to help me out a lot okay I'm gonna loot all the copper here too and then I can make my item I'm actually do I need to oh I need more wood for the forge too [ __ ] okay let's go get wood for the forge how many do I have I have one should just be like one tree almost foreign okay bam let's see can I make it now oh I need rocks holy [ __ ] I'll put this in there oh my God okay that's fine I'll pick that up later and so now we're gonna make the forge and we'll put it on this side there we go great stations oh my God now I'm running out of wood again holy [ __ ] I'm just getting God man this house I think it's fine what's wrong with my house it's totally [ __ ] fine it's function over form okay that's a good thing okay there's no way it's too exposed now right thank God okay okay um sorry I'm like [ __ ] hungry or it's a coal playing solo yeah I am foreign okay there we go now we have 10. okay so we're gonna make more ten and let's see what we can actually make here now oops did not mean to do that hmm campfire just trying to think what would be the best idea let me just see what else I can make oh there we go if I craft this and everything else will become available inventory full okay of course Jesus I just can't get away from your [ __ ] all right here we go nice okay here we go we're gonna make the bronze ax I'm probably also going to make the bronze helmet too we're on families no because the acts are going to be able to cut down [ __ ] too at the same time that's what makes it so good okay foreign get rid of a lot of the stuff that I don't really need hmm I'll put right over here inventory is the hardest boss in every game that I play I don't know what's wrong with me IRL too yeah it is okay well I think we've got enough stuff now just go ahead and move on we'll go back to that big copper deposit and just keep farming the [ __ ] out of this foreign I wish that they um I wish there was a way to Auto sort all of your uh your stashes that'd be nice for people like me absolute [ __ ] idiots you know oh here we go okay let's go guys come on alrighty here we go eat for stamina good point let's do that oh I had to go use another one of those things next to my fire too I thought this stuff would like fall apart whenever I killed everything around it does that not happen well [ __ ] I did all this for nothing son of a [ __ ] okay give me a minute let's cut all this stuff down how deep can you delve uh not like super deep it's not I mean there's no like content inside of that it's just like yeah you can dig a hole kind of deep but that's about it there's nothing of any substance there okay honestly I want to start killing these trolls and I have to collect a lot of these like stones too in order to summon the second boss oh my God oh it's an elite dick sucker great just what we need foreign holy [ __ ] man oh [ __ ] God okay now can I play the game again I've blocked your short no I know that but there's two of them and they do a lot of damage on top of that I have a bad Shield so they're gonna overpower The Shield that's why I didn't do that how weird I did Rarity tears for mobs but not gear well you can level up the gear like there is effectively Rarity tiers for the gear it just doesn't function the exact same way The Killing these this is a PS2 game uh I mean I I could see this game coming out back then yeah for sure uh it's a really good game I would recommend this game like there are annoying things about it like how like I I keep trying to do something and I might constantly interrupted by these like mobs that run around like crackheads and throw rocks at me and it's like to be honest it is more annoying that it is interesting or fun I I hate it to be honest but uh yeah I think the game's great minus a few things that are annoying but every game has things that are annoying to be fair just add no I'm not sponsored to play it I'm just playing it because it's fun and like a new update for it came out okay all right and where's the rest of my bronze for this I mean okay craft two of these so I just need a lot more bronze that's about it I guess what I should do is I should just put everything away and then let me just sleep and then that'll uh that'll finish everything off it's one of those games it's only really good with friends uh for me I'm very much a solo Andy so I don't really mind like playing games solo and I played this game solo no it's fine to me but maybe it would be better to play with friends it's hard to say I think it depends on what you like okay I almost have enough to make something I need eight bronze holy [ __ ] I'm gonna be farming out of my mind I need to cut down more uh more trees hopefully whenever I get a better ax it'll make it faster I mean not hopefully I mean that's literally the way the game works but like it will certainly make things way better okay I think that's pretty much all the uh all the copper in this area so we'll go to the other one on the other side of the base okay yeah we just need wood man let's just cut down some [ __ ] wood and get this done that's honestly the best thing I can do for myself right now I'm a sponsor game you enjoy usually I don't play like a game First Impressions with with being a sponsor so any game that I'm playing is probably going to be a game that I like foreign like I usually I usually try the game out uh like on stream and then if it's good yeah sure I'd take a sponsor for it Tower fantasy I don't think I got I got I didn't get sponsored to play Tower fantasy I just played it everybody else did I was mad about that foreign I always worry about like walking up onto a troll on accident or having one spawn on me or something stupid like that yeah I think I'm just gonna keep cutting trees until my inventory is full of tree stuff and then I'll go back and just kind of set everything up because it's like every time I've like been cutting trees I've like just done a piecemeal and I've just been getting annoyed hold on left click oh yeah I can you're right it's a good idea I should do that oh my God foreign okay there we go we're good magic tree down the chunks of wood fall in your pocket yeah that's the way the game works I think if I stand underneath this it's going to fall down and kill me let's find out almost yep oh [ __ ] my ax is broken okay uh let's go back and we're gonna just pretty much put all this stuff to work I need to make more food too okay um let's make one of these this is the way you do it this is this is power gaming right here wow and like now I can just eat all these at the same time yeah this is how you make coal guys you just take these and you walk away you forget about them that's how to make coal okay watch the video so the girls working for him stop doing it make do their own make money and fail it doesn't sound like where he kept against their will I don't know I have no idea um I I think that really it's just any time you get involved with stuff like that it's always risky and uh not something that I would want to do I'll tell you that for sure seems like a lot of drama a lot of stress for I mean like I guess he probably made good money off of it but it's just like the amount of uh annoyance that that would create probably wouldn't be worth it in my mind let's use random I I think that um I think there's a lot of people who are that they're making excuses for the stuff that he's doing like the bad stuff and uh I find it to be kind of exhausting honestly whenever you constantly have like somebody who does something wrong and then people always find like there's a reason like why it's okay or why it's not a big deal not saying like everything that he does is a big deal and I think most of the stuff that he does is like pretty doesn't really matter that much but um there are some of it that I think is a bit much and I think it's fair to say that too take this wood as well okay I think we're gonna make this buckler would be really nice but we're gonna make the bronze ass right now and then that is big by the way that's a huge upgrade for me absolutely [ __ ] massive and then I think we might make the helmet or something like that too okay so all this is done okay foreign let me actually deal with some of this deer meat too just cook all this right now this ax right here is going to revolutionize gaming by the way it's going to be so big for me look how much damage it does 25 damage look how fast that is [Music] put it here we go okay yeah this is going to save me a ton of time wait somebody attacking my [ __ ] can I cut fine wood down with the bronze ax I don't oh what the [ __ ] yeah okay the [ __ ] do you want Jesus you see how much more damage this ax is doing though right look at this these mobs are just getting absolutely [ __ ] deleted okay we got two more and then we're gonna be done with all that it's too bad I can't eat their eyes okay it'd be delicious so now with this uh with this shield and everything and uh whenever I get the bronze Shield I'll be even better for like parrying mobs because of like the the Parry bonus it gives me it gives me a 2.5 x Okay so we've got all this done we'll pick up all this we've got to keep this going as long as we can bro like what is with this coal situation what is this holy [ __ ] okay let's put that away put this away put this away put that away I don't really care about this stuff here okay let's just start yeah see this is this is absolute god mode gaming now like now that I have the good ax this is just like a totally different experience look at this so where the [ __ ] do I get core wood I don't remember is it from oak trees fir trees well this is a fur I don't have any where the [ __ ] are they this one here High not foreign thank God I can kill these [ __ ] in one hit now are there no pine trees oh oh here's one here's one here's one there we go now we [ __ ] have it that's what we've been [ __ ] waiting for right there all right let's figure out how to make this uh make this new thing okay he's dead yeah now we're big gaming let's put all this in there okay all right so how the [ __ ] do I make a fine wood bow fine wood and core wood okay that's pretty [ __ ] easy I can go get that right um I guess that's actually just exactly what I should go do okay we'll put all this stuff away too okay I can never finish this and have enough coal okay that's good all right now we'll go get the uh the other yeah there's fine wood right here after I get the bow we're gonna start actually going to work okay good I'll get like 30 so I can do all the upgrades for it too wow now this is content bro this is Hardcore yeah it is this is the real [ __ ] you gotta be honest I picked a really good place to have my base foreign yeah this is really good got my wood wet it's okay it's not the first time two oh my shit's gonna fall apart yeah I just noticed that let's get the other core wood on the other side we should be good to go there we go yeah I don't know how I didn't I I didn't know I don't know how I just like didn't accidentally cut down one of those trees it's kind of surprising even okay so I need fine wood bow and I still don't have enough core wood that's because I put it away right yeah okay and then we need deer hide or something like this I forgot which one yeah deer hide finewood bow crafted okay perfect and now we upgrade to finewood bow big dick damage there and now we just need more stuff and I'll replace that with this upgrade everything I probably should make a hoe but I'm not going to worry about it right now okay maybe I should make another smelter because I feel like I'm not really uh I'm not really utilizing this stuff fast enough yeah let's do that where's the cores I only have two oh [ __ ] I won't have enough all right what we're going to do now is we're just going to go back into that cave and we're just gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] up like I feel like we've already done work we've been doing a lot of [ __ ] already like we're totally good repair your ax I will y'all I get it's big [ __ ] time let's get this done pick all that up too wait where's how the [ __ ] did Nicole get over there what the [ __ ] alrighty let's see what else do I need to get rid of I think that's pretty much it trying to think if there's anything else that's gotta be it yeah let's go get that stuff and then we're also going to try to just kill some mobs too oh [ __ ] I don't know if I have enough arrows another [ __ ] thing give me a minute we're just gonna make an [ __ ] out of arrows get 100 yeah I think I need at least that because I'm gonna try to kill some trolls on the way back too two more all right we're good 250 [ __ ] arrows we are fine let's go and it'd be great if we were how do I use my X here ability oh where are the trolls [ __ ] man I don't see any of them what is this just AOE farming not a big deal easiest game of My Life by the way I got blueberries and what's this a bunch of [ __ ] garbage that I don't need okay and there's nothing up there all right cool it'd be really nice if we were able to get an elite troll I'm actually kind of surprised I don't even see any of them what the [ __ ] where are they troll caves maybe yeah but the troll caves are really hard to deal with I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with the troll cave foreign but it seems like I might have to this is just so crazy I don't see a single one of them what in the [ __ ] I think this is rigged I feel like there's no way it's not rigged this is [ __ ] okay so there's nothing really important up here right let me just go back and double check a box it's dead okay it's really nice to be able to just destroy these guys now because like yesterday these guys were ruining my life this is crazy man how is it that we don't see a single [ __ ] troll what is this [ __ ] where are they I'm beginning to mold okay let's go inside of here there's a cave yeah at least I can go in this cave all right what oh I have deer trophies oh thank God wouldn't want to lose those or these or this [ __ ] okay there we go see now it's just like a totally different Universe going into these caves some of these can be kind of creepy though look at that look at that [ __ ] gameplay right there it doesn't even [ __ ] matter okay looting all this unfortunately I'm gonna have to sail over and kill the Elder what was I go this way okay so all that area is clear all right well nothing of value in here well actually that's not true I did get eight circling cores which adds to the two that I already had so it's four total cores that's actually pretty good for me let's go over this way maybe we'll find another troll the problem is that like the trolls do so much damage that I can't really block their attacks or fight them 1v1 and to be honest with you guys I don't know how the rolling system in this game works at all I never learned it so I don't want to deal with it right now fighting one of them like close up in one of their caves I feel like that would be very very bad what the [ __ ] man this is just crazy oh it's another one holy [ __ ] foreign another one yeah this is actually good though okay unfortunately like I lose a lot of damage fighting them in here because like I hit the wall and [ __ ] but it's still uh it's still good it's not like uh the item is bad it's just not as good as it could have been [ __ ] okay we'll go down here there's also green Boys in these areas now the green boys are really dangerous because they do a lot of [ __ ] damage and they will poison you too hopefully we won't have any green boys this is a pretty uh pretty shitty cave so far or burial Chambers I mean okay might as well keep looting these wait what the [ __ ] wait holy oh my God [ __ ] yeah never mind on that foreign okay Jesus okay there must be a spawner there I I can't I'm just getting [ __ ] destroyed oh damn it man let me just check the other area first okay so we did this there it is that's where I didn't look [ __ ] foreign bro this sound is freaking me out okay wait this is it oh thank God okay all right holy [ __ ] man I almost died there like let's be real like that [ __ ] was so close oh With No Loot yeah I know but like we got a lot of those cores like that's really the best that we could have hoped for like I I'd consider that a w ow we just need to find more of the trolls I think that's the real issue is like we're just not able to find any of these guys oh okay I still can't find a single one are beginning to believe that this is bugged no trolls man yeah right along the shore is good do you think so let me try that oh the problem is like the shores The Meadows what the [ __ ] oh my God usually by Rivers what the [ __ ] this is crazy man troll cave this isn't a troll cave I'm just going to ignore those for now oh my God where are they at this is nuts but bro I'm so tired of this this game is rigged foreign we are so far away from where I need to be see it's like I can go into one of these and like these are troll caves right but here's the problem is that like I can't block their attacks really so like I I can't really fight them Shield Terry I don't it just doesn't block enough I'll still be taking 20 damage a hit and also it's going to stagger me because the troll does so much damage now maybe if I had a better Shield I'd be able to do it but I don't know let me Mark this one where the hell was it okay attack go outside the cave wait 10 seconds his health doesn't regen I don't think that works I think that if I do that he's going to be right right there waiting for me let me see I should be able to take one hit either way no he said wait 10 seconds right apparent attacks over here shoot the 203 yeah I know I need to do that it's just a matter of like priorities I guess scrub the Swiss by that so I would just love to be able to find one that's not in one of these things that way we don't have to do this cheesy [ __ ] I thought for sure like at night we'd be able to find one I've never had luck this bad with finding these things seems strange yeah I feel like we're just not going to find one we'll just go back and like [ __ ] around on the one that we know and then kill that get the item from it and then go back they cut down the numbers I don't know why I always thought the trolls were really cool they were like the first like real oh [ __ ] moment in the game you know exact there yeah yeah pretty cool foreign oh my God this is so dumb that's a Meadows area too so we'll just go along the shoreline and if we can't find them we're just not going to worry about it this is such a [ __ ] sucker man holy [ __ ] what a [ __ ] not a single one anywhere in sight what the [ __ ] ah let me go back to this one they do respawn bro I'm not worried about them respawning I'm worried about them spawning I haven't found any okay foreign he's learning yeah I know he's pissed dude this is crazy like look how much Airy I look through I still couldn't even find a single one foreign I'm kind of worried about zoning in and then having this guy instagift me but I have 82 lives so that probably won't happen [ __ ] idiot one more oh nice wait 10 seconds is that right yeah I don't even feel bad about this man like they put you in this kind of a situation bro you gotta survive not a single [ __ ] troll man a bunch of horse [ __ ] all right let's kill this one they added weak point enemies heads now do more damage on trolls okay let me see if that works go ahead there we go all right let's see what are we gonna get rid of oh wow combine those drill those three arrows away I do not need a troll wait only give me four oh now I have five very good okay all right well at least we killed one of them now we're gonna get some better armor and we are just going to farm I think let's go this way oops I'm going to do that I press the button for putting away your weapon in New World keep that they're useful now for fishing oh maybe I will try that I just I don't have any inventory right now I probably should do that hopefully we can maybe maybe find one it'd just be great to like I mean the thing is like a best case scenario is for me to find like a one or a two star troll because like if I was able to do that I would be able to just save so much [ __ ] time with McConnell play I actually don't know if he played valheim or not I don't remember hmm full God unfortunately not man we couldn't find a single open world troll yeah like my opinion is that the trolls are like kind of cool and it's like one of those things where it's like you go into the forest and you see like this big badass troll it's like oh [ __ ] right it's kind of a big deal I think that those oh [ __ ] moments are really cool and I hope that they make more of them spawn because I think that's super fun all right let's actually just go back to town it's like the first time you see a troll yeah exactly I'm not saying there should be everywhere right like they should be rare but like covering this much ground not even seeing a single one it seems like really really really rare all right let's go [ __ ] God damn it thank you thank you yes he heard me [ __ ] ass get the [ __ ] back over here what are you doing bro what the [ __ ] maybe he's leading me back to his troll cave where a bunch of other trolls are I want to be able to kill all of them I've never seen this happen before foreign nice [ __ ] there we go okay we got all that damn bro we found one close that was good hopefully we get another one now I I could this is like actually this is a huge day for me now massive [ __ ] day yeah I'm gonna be able to craft so much [ __ ] now the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] you okay Forge let's see what we've got we'll repair all that let's repair all this too okay so what else can we make we can make a tunic and we can make pants and we can also make a cloak but why would I make a cloak if I could just make a normal cloak I'm just gonna make this okay um let's see what else can I get rid of there's that and then this okay so we already have the tunic and so we also need to make the pants and for deer hide we need bone fragments okay dear hide cape and we will 100 upgrade this as well I don't think I can upgrade again yeah I need to be level four okay so can I make anything else with trollhide troll leather helmet I think that I should make the bronze helmet because the bronze helmet is better and if you look at the bronze helmet it only has five it only costs five dollars to make this and it also doesn't reduce my durability yeah oh I can make the shield you're right about that okay let's put all this stuff in here okay I guess I just I can't do anything with this stuff anyway let me just put this stuff away yeah I need more ore more or is that a dick sucker yeah it is I thought so put that away put these away put blueberries away resin away wrong game all right we've got pretty good space now all right now we've got to actually go and like do some real mining like big dick mining [ __ ] you okay that would make the bronze pickaxe first and then a bronze Shield you are probably right bronze pickaxe is useless why this one is a lot faster than wood cutting ax oh the bronze sword Notch this is fine I don't need anything I'm good now you see now I'm an invincible Juggernaut of death and this is exactly what we were trying to do this is perfect most of the oars Underground oh my God I just can't I can't get any I can't get enough of this [ __ ] got all these mobs on me this is crazy holy [ __ ] there we go now you can use uh you can actually have a troll and like bait their attacks and like make them hit this stuff and mine for you but I found that it like with how annoying it was to do that it wasn't like really worth it like I thought it was and then it just didn't really it didn't pan out that right hit the orphan above you do more damage I don't I don't think that matters man [Music] it does that does six damage this is four point seven and three I don't know it's about the same [Music] that's why I always make two pickaxes that way as soon as I finish one I just start working on the other one it doesn't even matter foreign oh this is right near my base like it this is a this is no no problem for me see like this is literally one of my bases is this a [ __ ] was that a [ __ ] boar come here [ __ ] that I'm not gonna deal with that okay there we go that away and let's put these in okay good and I guess we just keep keep mining I mean [ __ ] foreign ER yeah I I think maybe that would help it's just like if I do that it's just gonna be it will be annoying to deal with like two of them at the same time there we go still no bronze pickaxe nope I'm gonna take this [ __ ] all the way into the swamps I feel like this is probably the most annoying to me it's the most annoying part of the game there we go because like you're constantly being [ __ ] stream sniped by like eight of these different [ __ ] mobs you've got all this other stuff going on at the same time it's just so annoying it's a bit slow yeah and it's like also like for silver and for iron and everything like you only need one resource whereas like for these other ones you need uh you need two for bronze maybe I should just try to get out of the bronze area as fast as I can maybe that's the right decision I just make the bronze shield and I say [ __ ] it and then just make the troll helmet and be like ah you know what it's not that great but it's like the most useful way for me to the most useful way for me to like kind of continue oh my God what is this there we go okay yeah I think we should do that where's the helmet how do I make the helmet again troll letter helmet I need bone fragments okay and then we'll just make the shield okay so now we have a full set of armor at least two put all this stuff away I think since we have the circling course we probably should just use them seems like there's no reason not to just use them let's see actually I need these let's put this in here for now oh my God I'll just walk down it's not big deal build some stairs guys you have no idea how good I am at ignoring things that are annoying I am a legend I'm cucumbered [ __ ] okay give me a sec I'm still cucumbered can I move now no I can't okay now I can move all right so we have startling cores and let's see if I can make another smelter oh come on foreign there I found it yep there we go perfect okay and now we're gonna do the coal here too carrying too much I don't give a [ __ ] all right perfect and I'll just go kill this guy then we're going to reset we're going to have plenty of coal we're gonna be totally fine all right boys we're actually making progress doing something with our lives you hear that nice work the Channel's got demonstration [ __ ] too I have no idea Okay so all right let's repair all of this and upgrading this I guess I could upgrade is there a reason for me to have for me to upgrade my hammer I've never even heard of upgrading a hammer durability I didn't even know the durability for that could go well I had no idea that was even possible foreign we just need more 10 really all right let's go find some 10. and then after that we're gonna just kill the uh we're gonna kill the the boss oh I think there were some over here right [ __ ] there's one all right we're good boat equals fine wood oh no that's going to be no problem I can get that stuff it'll be easy there's one is this it no I'll just keep going along until I get like a full inventory of 10 and then just run it back the boat wreckage from finewood is harvestable well the only reason you really want to do that is that I think the boat wreckage ones you can destroy without needing the higher level ax so it's like a way to get fine wood earlier than you normally would but you can also do that just by like rolling uh the wood like the the [ __ ] logs together so it's not something that's like super unique okay what can I throw away [ __ ] got it all right we're good okay that Inventory management look bro like in any game my inventory is going to look like this it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what I do it doesn't matter what I say like anything like I just I cannot control it it's the way my brain works like Inventory management to me is just a it is a pure annoyance it does not improve my gameplay it does not make me like it more so the way that I handle it is that I do it as little as possible I hate it it's just an unnecessary waste of my time oh look who it is [ __ ] you okay maybe we'll actually make another one of these oh I don't have enough wood let's go over here and start farming is this your old character with high skills no this is a brand new character I made last night foreign oh it's a star if they have the star on them that just means they have like it's like a 50 more health and damage or something like that or it's 100 more or something I don't remember exactly it's a lot more are my bags full yeah they are after this I'm gonna go I'm gonna make a boat I've got to sail over to where the Elder is can you upgrade your bags you can get an item oh oh my God yes yes okay let's take all this stuff away pick all that up so now I guess I just need to I need to just take these copper bars and turn them into 10. that's at least one's one bronze thing [ __ ] okay um this should be fine wait what the [ __ ] hey hey all right okay it's not AIM now yo I hit him didn't I chill out okay four and I need eight of these so I had four more okay perfect and we'll make as many of these as we can so yeah I think we make the shield and then after we make the shield then we're going to go ahead and make the nails and start making everything else so we need more bronze and more wood I guess I'm just going to make the bronze nails now I'm gonna have to do that anyway okay and how do I make a boat okay a carve I need 30 fine wood resin and more bronze maybe I shouldn't even give a [ __ ] about the bronze yeah dude [ __ ] that how many bronze do I already have already got three and I needed 10 right yeah I know this this will be fine this will be fine never mind yeah let me just do this okay perfect okay I'm with seven bronze and then I'll be making more of those yeah I think I'll have enough to just make everything actually so I shouldn't really need to worry about it at least I made a lot of space I'm gonna go ahead and cut down some of these to make sure I have more of the core wood and fine wood foreign or go ethical and find it on my own depends on how much time it takes and if I feel like it'll be like uh boring or not so like I don't really have a plan right now uh I'm just kind of kind of gonna do what what I feel like doing foreign let's see what I still need now so if I want to upgrade the fine wood bow again I need fine I need fine wood wow what a surprise okay oh my God damn it bro I can't dudes these things are so [ __ ] annoying like I actually have a worse like [ __ ] aim history with these than like in any [ __ ] FPS because they just run around like [ __ ] idiots I can never predict where they're gonna go seven so I need 14. 120. I'll just do it in two goes yeah after making all these I should be totally fine okay there we go perfect [ __ ] ass there we go and bronze five perfect okay so now we're gonna make the Buckler Buckle R and let's see what that takes uh ten and four foreign I guess I need to go actually get that there it is bronze buckler this is a massive upgrade for me you see the Perry bonus right there it's 2.5 x absolutely disgusting okay and can I make another one of these no I don't have the wood for it okay and we also need to make the bronze Nails because we need 80 nails and there we go perfect okay and I guess what we also probably should do is make another one of these let me do this that way I can just put all the finished stuff over here there we go have everything separated out put the nails over there too all right so now what I have to do is I have to get more fine wood so I need I need an ass load of fine wood basically so let's go get an [ __ ] to find wood um I guess probably this would be the maybe I don't know what the best place would be we could just go over here oh let me actually use these two I don't really know about like how important it's gonna be for me to I probably shouldn't have even done this uh how important it's going to be for me to have a base where the Elder is because like in my opinion I think I just go over there and kill his ass like that that to me seems like the smartest thing to do you know what I mean yeah Elder's easy yeah yeah I shouldn't have gone over here I should just go on the other one just a huge waste of time maybe I could like randomly find another troll that'd be great yeah here we go all right so we'll just cut these [ __ ] down I think the boat uh gives you boat mats it does yeah it definitely does but so does this and like cutting down the trees is like way more consistent where's the arrow guy oh there he is okay yeah I think that the mobs in the scam are like a bit too aggro whenever you first start I can only imagine like a a new player it'd probably be like really overwhelming for them to just have like seven mobs run after you like all at once like that okay might as well pick these up too it's a skill issue I mean not really I mean it it's not like I'm having trouble with it it's just I I think that there are times where like certain things are like okay you need to just get better at the game it's not like really uh it's not the game's fault but like I think there are also other times where things are like really strong like new players will struggle at this a lot and like people like not play or like stop playing because of it which I don't think is like a good thing so it's always kind of a balancing act between like trying to you know reward people that are playing well versus uh making the game like fulfilling for more casual players but in general like I think especially like a new player would probably get pretty overwhelmed going into that own that zone and I think like really if you look at like the swamp area or like a lot of the other areas in the game I don't think that the mobs there are even remotely as aggro and I think that's really kind of the point that I'm making is it's there's it's kind of odd that there's such a disparity that like in the second zone of the game the mobs are just like hyper aggro but in the other parts of the of the game that's not really the case okay did I get everything yeah I did okay and how many do I need for this again oh I only needed 30. I thought I needed 80. holy [ __ ] okay just gonna look over here see if there's any trolls song for me straight death with all the upgrades I don't think it's that bad I think the swamp is pretty easy I'll be honest okay it looks like there's nothing here I think that the reason why the Abomination is terrifying you mean the uh the boss the bone mass or whatever uh I don't remember him being that hard I remember having to I made a mace to kill him though I remember that I'm not even going to worry about that [ __ ] we're just looking for trolls that's it and if we don't find one that's totally fine it doesn't matter we could go to that troll cave I don't think it's necessary I don't really think we need to finish I kind of want to finish this one just because of how annoying it was before there's nothing here either just past the cave yeah but there's nothing I can get out of it like what do I get out of a cave you see what I'm saying like there's no benefit that I get for going into a cave upgrade armor gold and portals yeah I mean I'll try this one because this is the first cave I ever went into and then there was like a bunch of mobs in there and I just got destroyed so I kind of just want to go in here for Revenge yep here it was [ __ ] out of here okay what the [ __ ] okay all right we're good that's everything I want to think about that we've got the mushrooms who gives a [ __ ] we got plenty of mushrooms okay and there is nothing else and there's uh it takes uh it's like three of the special like seeds in order to summon the Elder right I think also I'm gonna make fire arrows yeah okay oh look at this look who it is [ __ ] out of here okay now what else do we need for the boat oh my God it's something else okay there we go okay what else do we actually need for the boat now resin deer hide and bronze Nails got it okay okay it's your hide and oh resin okay gentlemen it's time bad needs a nearby fire and the water doesn't work okay so I just can't I can't do anything all right [ __ ] it let's just start it now there we go it's time we need a workbench okay it's time for us to need a workbench all right let's go back and let's get the workbench did not see that before two Stark uh serpent there are no star serpents the serpents are all the same okay just trying to make space as best I can look at that and we're going to try to load up with as much stuff as possible and we're just going to go over there and big dick this guy and then go find out where the cave is where the swamp is I mean okay all right there's the boat we [ __ ] did it boys there's the [ __ ] boat we are chilling okay yeah and we did buy the big boat now let's talk about what we're going to need in order to defeat the Elder we will need fire arrows and we will need resin feathers and wood so actually wait a second let me make sure that we get the core wood here and then we'll upgrade our bow to finewood Bow upgrade and we don't have a level four anyway so that doesn't really matter and I'll actually go and upgrade this too okay so we'll get all the resin and all the feathers that we can we don't have a huge amount of feathers but we have some there we go all right what else what do I still need a wood of course I don't need deer hide either what was it gonna do [ __ ] I forgot wood okay fire rail we're gonna make a really big amount of fire arrows uh I don't know exactly how many we can make probably like uh 200 or so I'm gonna make a hundred just for the boss and then I think that's all I'm really gonna need and then I'll just make the rest as wood arrows alrighty gentlemen it's almost time 250 arrows and let's make sure we have the seeds as well where the [ __ ] are the seeds there they are okay give me one second um okay I'm just thinking if there's anything else I should do boys I think it's time for us to pop off I'm gonna be honest I think we sail the [ __ ] down there and we kill his ass we've got this we've got the [ __ ] seeds we've got the food we've got everything that we need let me make a little bit more food if it's convenient at least nope it's not convenient we're going to go without the food okay let's go armor repaired everything is repaired how do I how do I repair foreign I forgot how to repair okay let's go let's [ __ ] do this foreign okay [Music] it's time okay so the wind is blowing against us all right um okay we could try to sail down this Narrow Path but I think that's a bad idea okay we've just got to go this way yeah like the wind is just [ __ ] oh my God I don't know what I can do just have to wait for it to go away yeah wind mechanics I I that they annoy the [ __ ] out of me no portal so somebody's coming what do you mean like why would I need a portal you know what actually that would be a good idea yeah yeah that would actually be a good idea because then I could have a portal and then I could use the portal over here and I could teleport back that's a good idea guys I'm glad I thought of that for the Trader no no okay you know whatever okay so portal is the gray gray skull eyes was it again fine wood more fine [ __ ] wood okay no way I only have 15. okay I've got to go get more fine wood [ __ ] hopefully there'll be a tree in this area yeah okay this is super easy this is no big deal foreign I should probably get enough fine wood for their and back right I feel like that's probably a good idea deal with that actually not rested wet and not shut up oh I didn't even realize I didn't have any food I didn't even see that I was thinking about sailing around and thinking about the portal I forgot all about that okay just what we needed [Music] okay nice and slow that's standing there foreign okay now back to what we were doing ironically I thought the moment that I don't want to find one he's coming to me I don't find him he runs over to where I am thank you alrighty I think I have yeah I have 41 now so that should be fine gray dwarf eyes I'll get those there and then resin night no it wasn't resin it was great Warf eyes fine wood and oh circling cores right I'll go double check [Music] and I guess I can go upgrade one of my items too so that that's good okay I guess we'll upgrade the pants there we go alrighty boys I think it's time let's [ __ ] do it oh I have too much inventory I should actually make the portal first okay great all right so that's set up and then wood I I don't really need extra wood but I guess I'll hold on to it all right let's [ __ ] do this boys I'm rested I've got my food Buffs it's good so the all is that a fish so the only thing we need to watch out for is like if we have some kind of [ __ ] like a serpent or some [ __ ] like if we have a serpent that's gonna be bad but if we do I I think I might just try to 1v1 I'm yeah I just probably kill him seems like a smart thing to do okay wait what wait this is just all a big it's just a massive ass cul-de-sac what the [ __ ] oh my God I guess we'll try to we'll try to go through here man it's gonna be tight I can do it I'm not going to destroy the ship shut up this is going to be fine foreign everything's going just just fine and get around these rocks okay [ __ ] man that was awful I almost hit that now what that was that oh I didn't see that it's okay I've got so much health it doesn't matter yeah I know I've got to look at the Rocks there's a rock right there on the ground I got to avoid that not gonna happen I'm not going to get God okay alrighty boys we [ __ ] made it we actually [ __ ] made it that's what I'm talking about that's how to play the game right there I hope I never have to do that again Okay so we have to watch out for sea serpents sea serpents could [ __ ] us C1 no you don't water looks really nice I [ __ ] hope so it's half the game yeah it does everything's going well pretty well if I'm big trouble boy yeah me too foreign and those minds are up okay there's a massive [ __ ] Swamp Man see boys no sea serpents I'm not gonna get [ __ ] with today this is my day to shine so I'm just going to destroy your vote I'm not going to go near the swamp we're doing great so far just keep it up this place is really [ __ ] far away this is crazy no I'll be fine it'll be fine foreign [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay um uh go this way that's right [ __ ] get out of here [ __ ] [ __ ] I hit my boat oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay okay we're good we're good we're good we are good we are a hundred percent good boys you thought I was going to get got by a sea serpent yeah right yeah right bro like that was easy he ran away because I was about to kill him that's what happened no he's not coming back I've got pal over here [Music] close to ashore helpful for longing Journeys whenever you're hauling a lot I'm not gonna [ __ ] this one or not I kill their ass foreign you guys saw how it happened it was a joke okay we're almost there you can drop sale now yeah it's dropped if I ran into one now it'd be pretty bad thank you I think this is going to be okay to land up I'm not worried about it killing me I'm worried about killing my boat and like me not be having me because I I don't know how much damage it really does and how much health this boat has alrighty boys we've arrived the positive at least is that the sea turtle uh or sea serpent stuff is actually like really like if you kill one the food you can make with it is really good okay gentleman is almost time okay all right let's make our camp right here I think this is probably a good spot one star yeah I don't want to use my ax too much because I I don't have a forge to repair it at so I want to be careful oh [ __ ] there it is okay yeah let's just let's make our let's make our base right here and we need to cut some [ __ ] down my ax is already at a half this is actually pretty bad oh my God all right let's just stay trying to lose waste of time oh Jesus man all right yeah it's just like like getting mobbed down by like a bunch of NPCs is like so annoying in this game because like the way the stamina works it's like it's not really a game design for that okay uh let's just put it over here I guess it's very frustrating and annoying to deal with okay we're gonna put right here as soon as we can I forgot what I was even doing I I can't even there we go stamp kills you in this game yeah I know oh [ __ ] [ __ ] man I I take two seconds away from killing these guys and there's five [ __ ] man I'm so sick I'm about to quit this is so annoying okay all right let's [ __ ] foreign okay can I finally play the game please can I just play the game without having a [ __ ] this gigantic group of mobs running after me this is so unfun okay build that I can't even see it's so so dark [Music] okay oh [ __ ] God all right let's actually play the game I guess my inventory is full cares all right um let me go back and rest yeah yeah let's get rested first we'll get everything repaired rested and ready to go you know kill Elder in the first try I would be surprised if I didn't okay we've got the seeds we've got the fine wood [Music] I think we've got everything ready I have good arrows I got fire arrows oh my God foreign [Music] yeah and that's why we look around boys foreign come on fatty drop your whoop okay we're good now oh okay let's do it foreign we have the fire arrows okay move out of that everything's going well [ __ ] Christ hey it's easiest boss in the game uh unironically probably true I'm just going to reposition here foreign we're doing really well I think he's almost dead Jesus oh he hit me okay watching this watching this got him got him got him there it is Elder defeated gotcha [ __ ] [ __ ] you easiest boss in the game destroyed absolutely [ __ ] wrecked give me that [ __ ] all right that's how it's done okay the swamp key did I not get it thank you we we needed that all right so there's no real swamp near here does this mean I have to go to the swamp near this area I don't know that wasn't as bad as it could have been I think that went pretty well foreign yeah it was good enough okay I think there's a swamp in this general area right I don't know how I'm gonna get the bronze over to here without actually just making more like farming the stuff over here and then because I feel like traveling all the way back and bringing it over is going to take longer portal no you can't take uh you can't take ore through portals like or cannot go through portals I don't know I wish they changed that uh it's there are positives and negatives to it I'm just trying to find out where the the swamp even is it's like all the way over here holy [ __ ] the game would be so trivial I mean like I I mean it doesn't really trivialize anything it just makes it take longer I don't know like I don't judge anybody who uses that mod I'll tell you that I think it's pretty fair to uh to not be a fan of having to go all the way over there but I just think it would kind of it would like cheapen the playthrough if I downloaded a mod to make the game even easier that's not hard yeah no it's just like like time is not difficulty in my mind right I mean you you have something that's like oh this is so hard it's like it's really not hard it just takes a while but yeah okay here is the swamp and how big is this swamp it's actually a pretty big [ __ ] swamp okay let's let's make our camp right here all right we're gonna cut all this stuff down and we should be good maybe you should bring the portal closer oh I will next time I go over there I'm gonna I'm gonna demolish the portal and then move it over here okay um I guess this is basically fine right foreign okay yeah it's annoying to have to run all the way up this area but I think it'll be better than trying to build it down there okay foreign okay okay yeah that looks that's that's pretty good yeah this is looking great okay and we'll go ahead and just make walls we'll put the door right there in the middle obviously foreign how many more Woods am I at okay so I will have to reward okay can I get under that let's see if I can okay that's three Woods let's go ahead and just start cutting hopefully we'll be able to make a bed fast enough well where is it going Jesus foreign okay I need certainly Chorus for furnace the only concern that I have is getting the uh the bronze because like let's be honest like getting over here was a pain in a dick it was so annoying to get over here and I do not want to have to do it again okay all right let's keep building this is a great house by the way and then we're going to put a fireplace um [ __ ] uh oh my God I can't see [ __ ] again I'm in this same [ __ ] situation okay this is almost good [ __ ] hey okay and now we're gonna have a roof 26 roof okay so this is all good I guess if we got rid of this and then we put a fire right here oh this is great we're to bed at okay I need more wood what foreign oh my [ __ ] god foreign okay that's one down foreign there we go okay we are good thank God alrighty now we eventually will need to go and get all of our stuff which means I have to go all the way back there let me make a few of these uh a few boxes and put all my stuff back and then we're going to run all the way back door on this one oh it doesn't really need a door who's going to go in there food oh yeah okay that's like that's like three boxes that's more than enough yeah this is perfect man okay and it's boxed on okay perfect oh my God okay oh let me actually make a uh oh I can't let me just get that away and then I'll put it back up in here okay I think that we have everything that we need we're going to take this back I will not take this back I guess I might as well take this back everything else should be good all right let's go oh my God you have a difficulty setting makes you small more often uh no it's just the Black Forest has like a bunch of like super aggro mobs it can be really frustrating but the good thing is that it's pretty it's over now right and so you don't have to worry about it and what we're going to do now is we're gonna go all the way over there it's kind of annoying to have to do this but um it's just what we have to do that's a two-star deer we have to kill him [ __ ] he's not dead in one hit wait what oh there we go foreign yeah and even now if I see a troll I will try to kill it like having better armor and everything now is gonna really make everything all that much easier I think I might just deconstruct the boat I haven't really decided yet maybe that's the right decision let me see if I can fight a troll now if this is a zero star troll I'll try to kill him foreign okay so now we can actually Farm troll caves which is really good I got big wood out of that too foreign and then let's loot everything here uh we'll get rid of we don't need a deer Trophy and we don't really need the Ruby [ __ ] and I guess we'll get rid of all this too and you guys kind of agree with me that like the best idea is probably just uh despawn the boat you need boat to go to boss trophy spot no I don't I'll at least I'll take it closer okay foreign maybe this is all one big place I don't know yeah I'm actually not sure about this at all okay so maybe what I'll do is I can just go to like right here and then I still think that I should just destroy the boat yeah I'm gonna destroy the boat this is taking too long I'm not going to worry about it okay let's go up this way let me make sure that I actually have a marker for where it is though that's where the boat is okay hmm camera won't you destroy the boat when we repair it yeah I don't think I'm able to that's why I tried to do but it didn't work now with the workbenchy I don't think so I'm just going to get everything over here and then start making making the stuff I feel like there's no real reason for me to worry about like leaving my uh leaving my thing outside my portal because if I leave the portal outside uh like and somebody destroys it I just pick up the materials and then I'm fine thank you okay got it all right let's go through here get everything repaired and get my [ __ ] ready okay what else do I still need to make oh yeah I got troll leather stuff yeah I mean I might as well upgrade this stuff and I don't have anything else unfortunately but that shouldn't be too big of a deal and now I'm going to go over and turn this in at the uh this place or the troll Cape no the troll Cape is like the exact same as the deer hide cape I'm coming for set bonus guess what take this what's the set bonus gonna do for me what the hell is that gonna do for me a set bonus yeah I ain't sneaking through [ __ ] the hell are you talking about man okay I'm gonna [ __ ] them yeah I've never used that before I think for this one I'm gonna try to get good armor and I want to make iron all the iron stuff and then after I make all the iron stuff I don't know if I'm really going to upgrade everything or not I have a feeling I'm not going to and then I think we make the iron mace and we make the iron pickaxe then I think we just fight the boss that seems like the iron grade sword I don't think there even is an iron-grade sword if there is it's certainly new and I don't remember it yeah just kill it yeah just kill the boss it's just that the boss takes a long time to kill and I also need to make potions too in order to make sure that I don't die to the poison [Music] I'm gonna take my bumblebees with me too foreign oh we need honey too uh let's see what are we gonna get rid of some oh I shouldn't have done that I should have actually held on to it because of the honey that's okay it doesn't really matter I'm gonna just put this stuff away here just so I have more meat I don't really need any of this stuff valhant got an update yeah it's the missed lands update this is an update that like this was coming like two years ago and they finally did it it's pretty good [Music] unfortunately I will have to run back they already nerfed the Mist lands um I I haven't played it so I don't really know like if it's necessary I I wish that they had done I didn't like how in the planes like sometimes you could run into the death skitos that were like always patrolling right on the edge of it I felt like it could like it created a time where like for example this happened to me it probably helped another people too where like you go in there and you're on the edge of it you don't really know what it is and then like this little tiny mosquito comes and it just one shots you instantaneously [Music] dwells in a black forest okay well I already did that there we go boys we got it and this is I guess the this is the new one okay we got it let's run back over there they can still two hit I mean it's just that they're so strong with being so small I gotta make sure there's none of the uh none of the beehives unfortunately it looks like there's not this gear is going off to the ground no it's not that they I I I know that they're not as strong as they used to be what I'm saying is that like for somebody who has like troll armor or probably even like iron armor they're gonna like two shot you they're gonna kill you really fast and the only point I'm making is like for a new player to just get like one shot by a mosquito because they went near a Zone like that's really annoying so like that that's the only thing I I don't like say yeah Sailing by like they can like swim out and like attack you even from the water I like that a lot see like I don't like I I find like whenever that happened to me like I didn't want to play the game because it was like okay well you know I just got killed by this thing like I didn't even know what it was and I lost skill points and now running back to get my body I'm getting killed again because it's just one-shotting me like it it's not really uh it's not really a fun experience it's like you're always going to have people that are going to say like you know the bad thing in the game is good or like the thing that makes the game harder is good just objectively because it makes the game harder but I don't really think that's a good that's a good way to like base the game off of like oh anything that makes the game harder is better there are certain things that make the game harder that are kind of worse [Music] and it's not that the game is worse or anything it's just that uh I I don't like the mechanic that it that it creates their balance they got loyal HP well I didn't say they weren't balanced so like the only thing that I would wish is that they didn't Patrol so close to the edge of the zone and that way like some new player that's like just happens to like wander near the plains has the death skido aggro from the planes into their Zone and kill them like that I'm not saying delete them that's all I'm saying would you prefer a respawn uh with with all items though would I prefer respawn with all items uh [Music] probably not I'm just trying to think about it yeah I don't really think so because like I think any of the those like challenge difficulty type things I think that all of that stuff becomes a non-issue uh it becomes a non-issue whenever you can just download a mod that deletes it and I think that's actually a really good system where it's like okay yeah this is the way the game is but if you don't like this it's okay you just can turn it off with the with a mod I think that's a good thing okay let's loot all these he's still server hop yeah mods with gear drops quality of gear and classes experience with RPG leveling is super fun yeah that could be the case I've never looked at it or done it myself so I don't really know I'm gonna have to sleep for a minute here okay Patrol Chase me into the planes where I troll one tap to the skeetos yeah well the desquitos can pretty much one one tap a troll too like it's actually kind of crazy to see that I I saw that happen once okay okay perfect all right so we've got all that done and now I guess the next thing for us to do is to just let's put some of this stuff away get rid of all that get rid of all this okay and let's actually oh yeah let's do the beehives right now too okay that's easy and let me just go back across and like let's get the smelter and everything else over here let's play through gonna be on YouTube channel it might be I don't know it depends on what my editors want to do it's up to them okay let's get all that damn I'm already capped out again holy [ __ ] okay let's just let's take this across and what does it take to make one of these okay that's it all right so yeah I'll just make these and then I'll come back and get everything else okay what am I thinking right um okay let's do this good and perfect and we'll actually have well let's have one more of these two foreign come on come on let's go okay yeah this is perfect okay so now let's see let's go back over and get everything else need a hoe yeah I know okay um probably too much of that and I can't take this stuff over I wish I could let's see how things go with me going over to the swamp and see if this is going to be like [ __ ] up or not all right let's do it oh I don't have the other food thing oh [ __ ] it who cares alrighty we're here okay so sudden that's a pretty good amount of damage 41 damage that's a lot Jesus Christ the second I go down here I'm immediately mobbed down by two NPCs so annoying okay [ __ ] oh my God this is so annoying why is this happening to me so annoyed okay they're all done that was not too bad just this game is not designed to fight more than one target at a time let's get these green boys off of here okay I'm gonna cut these down foreign thank you somebody else is going to kill these foreign I can't [ __ ] catch a break like Jesus [ __ ] man foreign okay can I finally please just [ __ ] do something holy [ __ ] is there any other like random NPC that's just gonna spawn and it's out yep there we go to be fair those can't go out of the water so we should be fine okay we're good foreign okay at least I got some of them what what the [ __ ] is that there's probably just one shots me right it's like a troll does nothing I could see what happens if I just try to block it okay can these have stars fire arrows I don't have them anymore okay hmm holy [ __ ] that thing is massive man okay let's see if I can get any more food here so I need to get more food if I want to try to kill this thing Foods op in this game yeah it is yeah this will only take me a minute as you can see it's pretty fast I think I can kill him I do I just I can't take I can't take a hit but the problem is that I don't know is a tax set that's what I'm afraid of you don't have good stamina for it and it's raining oh yeah I do need to get my my [ __ ] back up yeah you're right repair the ax while you're here I can't I think I just need to go back I need to figure out if these two land masses are connected to oh cool great I sent one of my Foods on fire you almost got him though yeah I did yeah I'm not afraid I think I can do it oh that's right I said I was going to get rested the truth is I probably should have waited for night time to kill the wraiths but it's not that big of a deal okay what a wraiths drop each wraith drops one chain s are very useful health and stem 835 okay this is probably going to be better let's go ahead and use honey instead all right we'll use this we'll use this and we'll use this all right all right everything should be pretty much good actually I don't know I mean like this is It's really low do these guys drop anything good the [ __ ] where are they oh I'm just trying to kill these guys at range foreign please man I sure love getting attacked by four mobs at the same time that's super [ __ ] fun there he is Jesus man okay let's do it a way for him to come back he's coming back I can't take another hit I'm pretty sure [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] foreign [Music] okay 78 should be enough to take a hit count just does too much damage foreign okay so it does that man these mobs Jesus this is so exhausting okay I think he's pretty low right now I think we'll uh we'll pull him back how many arrows do I have I think I have enough okay so I can't I can't block the slam I can only block the attack like that I cannot block oh [ __ ] that did hit me okay you can Parry all of them no but like if you don't have a certain level of like parrying power or blocking ability like your blocks won't like really happen better Shield can fix that this is the best Shield I can get right now in the game foreign yeah but I don't have iron yet what I'm saying okay [ __ ] I I don't know how to avoid that foreign okay now what do we get we got a root root leggings root harness okay that's cool wait that's it that's it I went through all this [ __ ] for roots root armor is good I bet it's not well at least now we know how to kill those okay an idiot I had the wrong weapon out and I'm kind of assuming there's probably not a lot of those guys is there I'm betting and also hoping there's not if there's two of them in this area I'm going to mold okay this is one all right we're good luck we made it okay there's like nothing here all right it's time laughs this is such a [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me come on okay [ __ ] [ __ ] got it should only take one more [ __ ] you okay all right that's how it's done boys that's how winners win right there you see that [ __ ] is this body pile don't they spawn drow gears not anymore they don't nice okay we got Big Iron Big Iron this is good I feel like these are easier to break than they were before did this get changed they are yeah I feel like they are for sure like I remember just like sitting here like [ __ ] minding this [ __ ] forever you still will oh I know that I don't think it's going to be that bad though honestly because I I am gonna make like pretty much full iron armor I think I'll need it I'm gonna craft that heart it's just this is a game that's designed for 1v1 combat so anytime that you have an encounter that has more than one enemy it's going to be extremely frustrating especially in these small areas okay foreign I got stuck in a [ __ ] wall God damn it man [ __ ] where's the [ __ ] wraiths God damn where the [ __ ] are they I feel like I should have run into a wraith for sure monsters yeah I see that I don't really want to deal with them to be honest with you I don't even know if there's anything I can do with what the rates have right now the [ __ ] is that still no wraiths yeah I think we just get the [ __ ] out of here to be honest foreign I was hoping I'd be able to find a there's one let's think about right now what are we gonna do Friday I'll go right okay there's rice stay calm there's no reason to stress out this is a level two oh I'm swimming now so I'm probably dead okay what the [ __ ] [ __ ] I think Dad foreign let's see foreign [ __ ] foreign all right let's put these away yeah I think what I really need to do is I need to start leveling up my other stuff like yeah I can go down there and like oh apparently this the my beehive got destroyed uh where's my beehive what the [ __ ] where is it oh okay okay um let me just go back and repair yes it's just like it's so stressful [ __ ] okay um let me make sure I have all my [ __ ] repaired five percent skill drain on done death is brutal too yeah that's why I don't want to die let me just walk over this way and see if I can get over there and if this is actually how it works because I don't know because I think realistically it will probably be faster for me to sail it sounds stupid but it'll probably be faster for me to sail the ship all the way over to like right here or something and then have if if there's a um if there's no path at least um and then pick up the loot and then take it all the way over because like crafting all this stuff over again will take a really long time I guess we can kill this guy since we're here if they're level one or uh one star I'm not going to be able to okay maybe I already killed that one I guess I did yeah you guys saw that damage multiplier on that guy right I mean like he just destroyed me he hit me for 60 health and it was just because he was a two-star mob the two-star mobs do not [ __ ] around okay yeah if these land masses are connected this is going to save me so much time I'm not even going to worry about these completely irrelevant deboss Loot despawn and valheim uh no not really uh oh looks like we might be reaching a clearing all right so this seems to [ __ ] foreign actually why am I even doing this yeah we already know I can kill this guy anyway yeah what am I doing easy game okay oh and they have a bunch of gold too okay so is this actually what it is so it seems like there's an actual like wall here yeah yeah there's a sea wall here so there's no way I can just like go over there foreign foreign it's a very close one okay use copper knife does big damage yeah I know that Okay so it looks like so all I really need to do is get the stuff over here and then after that I can just take the boat over here and then take it back Leviathan yeah I see that oh [ __ ] that's a mountain area too much as via Cove well either way I probably have to go all the way over there is 1 10 in the morning I need to I'm going to get back and I'm going to chill and I might Farm a little bit more of the iron but I'm going to take a break I didn't know that so yeah uh we had a good stream uh we had fun a lot of stuff to go over today a lot of stuff that's happened I plan on being on tomorrow and continuing the uh the gaming I might do more stuff on Wow tomorrow I'm not really sure I might continue this I haven't really decided I could also do like that lost art clown raid I've been thinking about playing new world again and doing that uh I'm not sure I'm not yeah for sure 1am steak that's kind of the plan yeah oh Prime Steak hours yeah hopefully I can start going to bed earlier all right guys well thanks for watching I appreciate it and I'll be back on tomorrow I'll see you guys later peace
Channel: Asmongold Gaming
Views: 476,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vod, asmongold vod, full vod, asmongold, asmongold valheim, valheim, valheim new update, valheim mistlands, valheim gameplay, valheim let's play, valheim mistlands gameplay, asmongold valheim vod, asmongold plays valheim, valheim expansion, valheim dlc, Valheim lets play, Valheim free, Valheim game, Valheim part 1, Valheim episode 1, Valheim walkthrough, Valheim tutorial, Valheim trailer, Valheim guide, Valheim review, Valheim update, Valheim new update
Id: rK3zg4TcJS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 413min 18sec (24798 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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