Ravenheim S2 | Building A Rope Bridge | Valheim Mistlands

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thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see you guys uh who's Ron hello welcome are you doing whisper whisper whisper how are you doing hope you still forgettable hope you're trying to forget about that thing and just move on with life hey Mir hey hello hello greetings you're a goopers oh you're you're a good person hello welcome hey [Music] hey good good afternoon good afternoon to you guys ah so wonderful wonderful time to be on Valentine and all right Nintendo all right so I'm gonna switch on over to our game here I hope you guys haven't um you know had a wonderful weekend so far or what's left of it no it's basically drags left though left uh for some of us for others sadly it's maybe about Monday but yeah I hope it was good for you guys hope you are get enough rest uh time with the family all that's uh good stuff like my stream not popping up here is this thing working up top it's still strong thanks man I don't know why does it always have a delay throwing the game let me switch on over weird oh yeah yeah hello Rhonda welcome how are you doing I will never forget your naked she's my kitchen Michael's working but no video yeah yeah it was weird we heard bourgeon it's like every time it's just starting the stream it just take it it's I don't know why it's obvious take a while to just switch on over like show the screen I don't know if it's waiting for me waiting for me to move my character on screen um for to those oh okay okay all right let's start stream guys obvious being lazy but um yeah wait hold on let me clean my glasses me late side Lakeside vacation for me oh fancy fancy ghosting yeah I'm jealous jealous that must be nice and peaceful the Lakeside with a bird surfing nice uh calm water there wonderful atmosphere must be eat thanks I need to put a command for that actually I need to forgot to to update add some stuff to the Stream [Music] that was one of the things I was supposed to do but uh you know Sydney Stakes uh unforeseen for of course is sad that stuff but anyways guys um hey I'm gonna pick up from where I left her for the last time let's see if we can get this a nice little decent bridge going on here uh I've been looking at it and uh kind of wondering if it should hold up I'm just wondering if it's too long but uh oh yeah ice is that you whose eyes thank you fans still non-existence yes still non-existent all right so all right so we basically got this arch in place right so um so I need to um input Well Place the The Columns for that's going to be like uh provide the support to support all of this so I need iron iron beams well I impose that attached to each side and after and I would have to test it to see how far the support carries to the middle uh because that was my concern after revisiting this um the week here so let's see what we can do guys see what we can accomplish today so I should have should have a few iron around the place yes no all right I'll pretend iron work with that I need to do some smelting I need to do some smelting uh uh let's see where did I put that for all the portions over there so I should be able to build these so these um all right so I thought I'm gonna be right here I don't know I would just put one over here see as well as long as it is touching I'm fine with it all right so this is now here's here come the tests okay is this not touching the ground oh snap all right let's let's make make sure that it is to make sure they have both all right so this is more of the more complex part we need to get it's sorted out and then everything should be easy after this so if I should break these iron beams let's take these let's bring the support now fingers crossed that it it holds up I could take then we'll have to take these out all right so far so good all right this is the middle all right so about there having some issue is it that you're not here in the game or is it the well the game is a bit low I know I turned on the volume oh if it is that but you're hearing me clearly so maybe maybe let me see let me just just increase that a little bit there ah all right so I'm gonna take out these can't break these yet all right let's see can I get some iron all right I got nine on me thank you all right looks like it's touching but just to make sure yep figure that out all right so let's see right orange orange all right that's the middle let's wait is that the extreme middle all right all right we got we good we good guys we good no red it's all orange possible like um how much is that [Music] Demetrius is a I should actually I should should come should count it one two Square this is at the middle it's about eight meters all right good good I should remember that anytime I'm building a bridge Mike was cutting out and sort of sounded a bit distorted oh really if anyone else is having that issue hey Jagger welcome hi hello to you welcome all right I'm gonna drop off let me just pick up some of this stuff here and drop it off in the chest I should draw yeah to draw a mother cart nearby let's use this one [Music] oh wait I didn't eat all right it's Bridges good so far looking good I refresh my browser let's see if that fix it sounds okay now okay cool all right so let me drop off this is this this oh on me hi my name is raidu I pronounce it perfect but hey welcome I need sauce the iron back in the car chair I'm gonna sleep it's getting dark I thought I would throw in a quick hello how is everyone doing uh shakes the shake starts to fade oh yeah forgot about that Pro read but it can't it can't well they can't even get it out here anyway so not to worry everything is fine but hey hello Jay girl how are you doing well I'm doing fine but how are you doing you're from Indonesia oh hello to you from Indonesia oh a year the first person I've met well spoken to in chat that is from Indonesia it's cool nice I don't know it starts to go in here uh I should actually just put down the feathers as well it doesn't make any sense I'm walking around with feathers uh let's see what should I get rid of let me just stick with the troll I have enough already I I need to I need to make use of these straw hat is it taking optimal space I have bonuses in this [Music] okay um that's all right so uh so support support is good support is nice sturdy uh uh so we have to recreate same thing for the Rope itself but uh we will work that out we just need to work out the structure we're just gonna put the columns here I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to raise the ground in the back here and just kind of drive a little bit closer and doesn't have like a leveled um land area right here uh so let let's let's do that let's let's get into our columns all right start fancy at this bad boy um let's get this out any someday Bill Indonesia a traditional house so we can room Uganda from Western Russia oh I would have to look at uh look at the houses and see how the design of it and see if it is even workable while I'm as in the the the the Angles and and whatnot oh this feels so nice oof look at this should be so nice to walk on all right um yeah so now for the I'll put the columns I'm gonna start from the bottom here uh let me see I'm trying to visualize it that's that I didn't have this sort of planned out I know I know I should have problems here but I didn't know how it would be let's see columns here of what I'm gonna do right here but what I'm gonna do at the top I was really destroying now we'll just throw down the columns we'll work on everything else afterwards I like I even banned every bills in the exact detail all right so this um [Music] hi Lisa welcome welcome how are you doing Lisa hey Mars morning to you if it is morning it's good afternoon for me I'll go back appreciate that how I'm feeling I'm feeling a lot better I'm feeling feeling my normal self still have that little Annoying cough that would visit me from time to time but it's not it's not that bad not that bad so yeah I'm pretty good thanks for asking oh wait wait a second hey let me get some more wood oh hi Siri X Siri X yeah translate it what you're saying now but uh welcome to the Stream oh [Music] um [Music] oh yeah I forgot hold on something I actually need to bring one of the the island would I imposed up um and that's it I just want to make sure that I can see properly so I can drop it in you're doing good oh good to hear Lisa yes yes I am doing well uh chat are you doing well Lisa is asking [Music] all right let me just get some iron one [Music] all right I'm gonna lose it disease instead [Music] all right let's see are these kind of snapped underneath the code so all right this one's gonna be a little bit tricky see if I can maybe beat from this side right here because what's gonna happen it's not gonna replace that up top it's not going to snap on on top of that I am handful wait this is to do it this way all right let me see a little bit straight um ah let's try that with him that should give us yep that should work I'm great uh just getting in some morning cuddles with the puppy before she turns into a full full-on group oh funny words [Laughter] [Music] oh my God take that out so how many of you guys are looking forward to like the the uh the Xbox release um seeing some persons you know saying that the friends they they have experts and they'll really have PCR play on PC and which day it was on Xbox where they can play together and whatnot see I'm gonna do the same thing over here too [Music] Hey Thomas I broke reading from Argentina hello man welcome welcome Argentina nice all right let me see I'm trying to remember if you were the second it could be you could be the first person I've met from Argentina but whoa glad to have you that's a happy and we congrats to you guys winning the World Cup foreign always root for Argentina when workup comes around this this two country that's like majority of Jamaicans look forward to and support you and work comes around is uh Brazil and Argentina [Music] bridge is looking great really Lisa well I've been resetting I haven't reached anywhere yet [Music] Xbox three is equal to Matt I'm on PC and fine with that but I'm curious about there that the hills Quest and the optimization up there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely yeah Optimizer optimization definitely dildo quests very interesting that one is a very interesting and I like I like where this is uh where it is going because I wasn't even expecting like another NPC to be in the in the in the in the world and let alone like it's a decorative clothing where it's more relaxed and they can be more like role play like I'm wondering if there's gonna be like uh um like a buff or for like certain things if it's just farming or is it or if it is just for looks I'm just wondering but yeah oh that's crazy yeah thanks it was awesome a whole party from the entire country here nice nice Dr feel good welcome hello I just discovered your Channel today and I'm really enjoying your one of the daily series greetings from nowhere oh cool hi to you man welcome I'm glad that you enjoyed the 100 days you're a Jamaican oh yes sir yes Lawrence uh I am a Jamaican we're wondering if I well you know here in the Jamaican accent yeah tone it down so that person can understand me if that's what you're wondering you like it all right Lisa please make another 100 day video Hannibal yes definitely that is on my long list of things to do it's not it's not one of those easy videos uh for me it's like really hard the hardest one to do artists and longest and I have to release um hear my mind for it like literally so what what's what's going to happen is that um we're in March so I don't think I would be able to even put out any any hundred days in April because I'm going to have my anniversary coming up with my wife and we plan to to um it's been like 10 years since we've gone to like a all-inclusive hotel and have some fun because within that that time spent you know kids popping and when you plan for it it kind of changes and so this time around yeah we we saw an opening and we definitely want to we'll have some a good time together so I can't start 100 day yet because it's gonna take me like at least a month or so to even get that video done and put on and it's gonna be kind of I don't want to start it and start it and then kind of break the flow because I like to when I start something I just finished go uh add it at it until it's all done uh let's see here we go this this looks stable all right good so we'll just control the columns but yeah but don't worry don't worry animal they are definitely the more 100 days are coming I I already have plans uh so what I'm doing with the next Village so once I know what I'm doing for the next uh Village like design wise or then yeah it's it's like that's when that's my green light for me when I'm I'll start it's just the time you know of it is this is where I have to just kind of push it back quicksand gaming Nice Bridge now to be able to walk on onto said Bridge yes yes yes we get in there we get in there don't worry don't you worry we are going to walk on this bridge um I'm gonna get this last piece here this one's gonna be tricky let's see if I can squeeze like a sharp one right underneath there I hope I can ah what if I could do it with the same two meter nope nope it won't allow me all right we'll work with it uh let's see yeah next is mountains and not looking for the Martins oopsies I don't like the wolves they're too aggressive fat this is uh this this hopping thing is really getting on my last nerve all right good um let me see let me see I just want to make sure that may do something something maybe a design in the this middle section here using the Dragon the dragon head so I want to make sure that it lines up like the snapping point is the same on both sides so let's see I use the all right so I started off with the two meter at the front so let's just make sure that we can align this up properly [Music] uh let's see let me grab [Music] just to make sure it's lined up properly I'm gonna this here right here [Music] I know what it's like as a married couple and life happens my husband I uh anniversary is the end of March 23rd March 23 years together oh wow I hope you and your wife have a well-deserved level vacation ah thank you Lisa and um and I must say what is it the end of March 23 years wow that's that's I I love to hear couples uh you know reaching these little milestones you know in this time this time of the day and age where persons are saying that your marriage is failing and and whatnot so I wish you and your husband many more um many more years to come Lisa and I hope you guys enjoy your anniversary when it comes to what is the mountain sounds like it's gonna be a struggle just due to this nature of mountains though it will be Stonehaven yes yes uh yes the struggle I I was thinking about it is already a struggle in my head but um but I know I can't do it it's just that ah those wolves and Drake's gonna be pretty annoying very it's gonna be very annoying I have something in mind to to maybe um the design of the top the town it's gonna be something I don't want to spoil it yet but yeah [Music] So speaking of which uh anniversary it's gonna be our or a tense gear so so you and your your husband you know you guys are better veterans first Lisa Pursuit we're still newbies but 10 years is good it's good I'm surprised that it is they're already 10 years it's like it's like it felt like it was yesterday I'm uh I met her and it's a to tell you the truth when I first met her she didn't like me when I first met her I I I I liked her at first uh pants and and I had to clip took a leap a very big leap thank you yep March 24th nice nice please don't die for fall death uh they have a list of music you use in your video I really like your choice of soundtracks ah well the music that I use um Dr Feelgood is from epidemic sounds and I tend to go for like music that are like um Adventure Adventure epic um Adventure epic uh a little maybe some suspense here and there um uh what are some other most of them are in that around that um that line uh maybe some medieval um something that kind of feels um chills adventurous or epic or yeah in that line I would search on the epidemic Zone and they pretty they have a lot of good music there personally that's what I think um so far most of the musics are I liked that and I just use them in the videos I like I love building in the mountains but mostly on the ground yeah I wish we could make caves though that was one thing I I would love it would be possible to make uh actual caves where you kind of dig down you could dig down a little bit further I mean um if there's like maybe a limit maybe to kind of dig down and you can have like a I know it's just how the whole probably designing the terrain you know but yeah I would have loved that being able to make caves and whatnot I'm gonna go sleep because it's getting it's pretty much dark uh let me just toss the stand on the ground oh pick it up when I'm back I'm gonna pop into bed wish you guys many more years yes yes Lawrence yes love patience I mean um marriage it's not like they say marriage is not a better Rose and I remember someone telling me that and it's it's it is true uh it requires a lot of work it requires um a lot of um compromising you know and apologizing talking communication is the biggest thing in marriage communication the moment you stop communicating with each other you've you start failing there because what's gonna happen is that you you come up with your own ideas of what a person maybe think of you or share or whatnot and and what happens that you start to you started to destroy the wall that you guys built up together so communication like I've learned that from seeing my um like other person marriages and and how like like you're saying to yourself why don't you guys communicate this how you feel and that but so many times this is just like it's like maybe it's just sweeping stuff under under the carpet kind of thing which shouldn't be so you should you should um talk it out address it and when and interestingly when you get when you find yourself like you talk it out and then address it you you're enlightened on certain certain things that you didn't know or how your your mate you know feel in regards to certain things and whatnot so yeah it takes a lot of work and so but snots it's not impossible it's not impossible congrats thanks traditionally thin or aluminum is meant to commemorate the 10th wedding anniversary interesting Mars [Music] thanks Musa yeah time flies it does fly when you're having fun uh let's see I'll I'll tell you a funny thing um when you uh when I met my wife and how did I approach approach her I can see when we let me try and figure out this column first it's all right let me someone someone did warn me that I shouldn't die a wife I fall damage uh I'm supposed to be a pro billionaire um out there about a big leaf learning all right that's the epidemic song is that a YouTube channel no not necessarily it's actually a website that's a that I subscribed to monthly so I can use some music so I don't get um those those false copyright claimed annoying false copyright claim for music so I would say it's more of like a safe site where you can get music for if you're doing YouTube YouTube I I discovered it late but not too late but these are I would say maybe this right time when I was doing the 100 days because I needed a lot of music to to use and that was the place that had some really decent music all right it's a slap what happened to the video wait Polo smaller screen oh yeah that was weird that was it hold on let's see should be working back now all right it's good it seems like I might have accidentally click on one of the scenes and switched it [Music] okay for the build State for the marriage costs uh me and a friend are halfway through the first part of the one of today's challenge all the troll destroyed a corner of my first building last night oh sorry to hear that car bars but sounds good sounds good at you guys your friend having fun fun there uh let me just hey let me just make up that all right let me let me not die please ugh right good good take all my stuff I blame booster into Jinx that yeah all right let's go let me let me eat let me all right let me just make a safer platform at that hopping thing is gonna be the death of me again so let's make a safer platform for me and yeah that should make my life a lot more easier do not listen to you I did I did I think I'm sure I ate food but it ran out they didn't remind me again I still blame you where's where's where are we share with them loves me I don't know this business you're doing good this is my blunder I have to be blamed for my own actions [Music] I got to use a better cape on my main character oh nice oh man I need a physical I need a feather cake I need a feather cape I'm gonna need it soon too because um I need to do a mansion and I need to do some some other secret stuff against speak off yet hey welcome welcome Joe Disco Michael hello welcome you never play play with a feather Cape you never forget about fourth average and that's gonna be that that's gonna be like the next uh next next thing with Builders right so just like the like when you you accidentally placed the the hammer on a item stand just the same way you're going to you forget to prefer the cape and just whoops pop off and just splat all right wait wait let's see um this would be a tall one so that's a short one so the back one here should be a tall one as well looking for a few minutes all right Lisa it is a great command yeah I need to add a couple of those commands I keep them well I was supposed to even add that when I was supposed to take a break but uh to iron out those little things here and there but uh yeah I'm not foreseen accordances change that plan and then I forgot about it still got a community board with your dead cone yeah yes I do so that's that's uh as one extra to that board let me just add it before I even forget all right Bridge shaping up all right let me quickly add that because I know I'm not gonna remember when I before I even end stream [Music] oh yeah I need that ASAP yes I have it I do need it ASA ah they have my blades welcome Andy welcome what are you doing man I wish I would be all over this project OSHA who's OSHA Brad oh yeah where's the board let's oh let's see what the numbers are now so for Bible that three oh murdered [Laughter] so wait I should add like a I got murdered once too I should I should add a let me just add that too yeah I was murdered too how do you get it under I can't spell my keyboard is uh I need to change my keyboard it's uh it's giving me issues my enter is not working my backspace not working was weird oh yeah I was supposed to even add the number I was I was murdered one murdered once oh Smitty at 21 no basic at 12. all right let me see that was uh one let me I'm gonna have to use that keyboard instead ah I don't know I have I don't know why my keyboards keep failing like this all of them end up in the same same way where a few key starts start not functioning and then not lasting long like maybe about five months or so see at seven everyone else haven't updated theirs yet all right wait didn't Christy died a couple times or a couple times did she remember to update our dead count I wonder hey convey welcome welcome wait did I miss anybody in the chat there this one is a question does rope bridge mean the curve in the bridge you have right now because I I get the the gist of everything else just making it fancy and accessible uh Rockbridge not just the the code with the with the belly there but uh I added I use one meter wooden beams and kind of create like a rope it's gonna I'm gonna add like a little one meter kind of arching with the with the with the the code here to make it look like a rope bridge I may add some um some holes here to connect the rope with the with it just to kind of see how it looks uh see if it is even workable but yeah are you gonna make a bridge down to the ground as well okay down to the ground I mean the Rope connecting down to the ground uh not necessarily uh certainly handy I have a question how do you get moss on your bills is the mod yeah uh Euro I use the the plant everything mod according to have it now we use this on this on the server here so the plan everything mod will be able to uh plants these bushes and whatnot use the resources that you be collect in the game so like for Vines it will use two two wood to place on the vines really nice mod to for like landscaping and that in those little little um vines on the house as well Greenery and we'll kind of give it some life here and these are the ones here um we kind of just stick to the more uh based just Landscaping ones that just don't give you like an advantage in getting resources so we kind of just exclude that using like these where if you get berries you can plant berries and and all of these stuff here uh I would say this one is not this I would say a no no you you can't get rid of this so don't um yeah every place down yeah you're not gonna be able to get rid of it so don't do that but you have these other ones your way well the regular planting but you cannot get this and you get to plant the ancient tree to use the ancient seed and it uh it's a nice addition where you can have like a dead tree to kind of decorate the area as well and you kind of have like a dead fir tree as well which is uh which is nice I I used it the first time I've used it with it within like the most recent the most recent video um but I built the village but it wasn't like obvious it was behind one of those bills uh there but yeah it's a real cool mod um you should try it out uh it doesn't really uh it's not that hard to even mod volume if you're using like our mud uh our mud man and you just kind of quickly get that um done but yeah um um see let's see I'm going to add like one right here I'm I'm wondering what I'm gonna do with um [Music] with the top I think I'm thinking of putting like I don't know maybe like a little resting but it's it's not really far from the barn but maybe like a little rest in the area structure up top on that side um I don't know but let's let's see how this how this goes though well at least get up catch up with chat there but GGO basic murder people when none Frost Cave Run I don't think they could updated cone for a while now okay I should I should check on those guys make sure that they're they're updating it but people was versa they need to add some kind of mechanism for drawbridge uh you know Brad speaking of drawbridge I'm sure I remember the devs with guy talking about the whole drawbridge thing but they didn't want like a the whole um episode like with the with the the um the Harpoon where it launches people when it kind of close close up I remember that they were saying that they were doing something like that but and maybe that they wanted to to drop it in a hard time home but it had that thing to it so they didn't put it and it's trying to work at all so yeah let's let's see if that's gonna be a thing or if they maybe scrap the idea it's not maybe not workable in the game that's uh yeah who knows I would love about drawbridge though it'd be cool be nice I mean castles would person who would like building Castle would really appreciate that [Music] all right uh so this side kind of the columns are pretty set so I kind of start on uh on this part here let's kind of level this out properly so I can put down the [Music] pose let's just make sure that's good I don't like how it looked I have a stone on me all right I do let me see all right it looks looks pretty decent decent enough shot by a crossbow the crossbow thing is is becoming a problem now huh I'm gonna start from to use like a two meter from the front right here all right that's a one meter you need her one two it was either basically shot people in the bum oh sorry [Music] no problem I don't think he missed that much [Music] it'll be cool if they added rope to the game for building oh that would be interesting I want to see if they I wonder how would you would use it um when I say use it use it for what it's not intended for because what that's what I like I like to see um like you see a build piece and it's built they added for this purpose but what can it be used for beyond that purpose you know ah great ground is shaking all right let me just eat something and wear it all right so we got Hank come in oh oh two Hanks all right come on come along boys foreign 's burning all right just wait a second let me load first no cheating oh look Frankie boy all right get rid of your brother all right Don't Break Stuff Frankie you know the rules am I supposed to oh okay I love this crossbow all right I'm gonna deal with you with my crew yeah oh oh my face I've timed that one badly wait wait a second let me get my bread first let me catch my breath I wasn't expecting another one all right it's all right don't throw stone at me all right welcome [Music] get crude all right good don't need all that well let me let me grab the gold I don't want them have too much of these uh how much are these troll Heights should turn it into full or something all right where was he where were the other guys oh look at it free money free gold all right where's the other one died over here this is how I got rich in the last season had a lot of true reads appreciate the free goal though I'm gonna sleep the room at the top of beams uh who can uh into the the uh the ground is what I would would do but let's see um interesting I would love to see I don't want to make it too complicated because uh because um how small small it is small Bill uh it's like more if the bigger the bill is the more complex you can can add those little things here to make it look more realistic but because it's so it's it's more more compact one uh I think that's because I've tried mess around with it and sometimes I would like to add more detail but I didn't more detail sometimes it's just too much but I would love to improve on on it more and more so not not going to not saying that I wouldn't try it but that could be the the case there after taking consideration of and I'm working on it there's more decoration option would be good for me for me I want to add more Decor to my materials we're speaking about oh with the with the with the um oh with the vines and stuff uh all right all right do we have enough wood and we'll stick some more you know drop off the ball too I'm gonna skip it in the Chester I have one or two uh what Grim jokes in mind regarding the Rope [Laughter] foreign [Music] dungeon decorations uh what exactly primars uh I'm not not following sometime I'm following with the chats I maybe get lost in [Music] catching up back what I was talking about uh so yeah we're referring to divines yeah it does good is good for decorating dungeons hmm all right [Music] all right let me just get this columns out of the way I need to get these out of the way I can just move on to real stuff I think that's good enough but a rope ladder Europa you know um how to climb a tower oh oh oh uh-huh I'm at all without a regular series and he can Define boats starts and end from rope ladder it could also be used horizontal oh that's uh yeah that's a person interesting um interesting point there Lawrence um yeah I think you they're kind of looking at it no we don't have something that's like forced to climb vertically and if that was like in place that would add some some other little creative ideas that you can do because I mean not all the time you want to like use the ladders and the stairs you kind of would want have um options and I think rope ladder would be a nice like adding rope and you can use rope to create rope ladders and then as you mentioned you could use that to create um the same rope Bridge imagine if they added it and that was that was what that that is what it is for and make couple of those stuff would make this this design pretty much obsolete it depends on where where in the where in the rest of the game you would get those where you would say all right all right because that's maybe end game and then I'll always work with this side for now until I can get it's just like the the sparrow stairs where it's more Miss lens so you can't get it early game so you still kinda find yourself like you can you just have to do your regular spiral stairs with wood from a starter from a starter perspective [Music] yes yeah the crossbow does make short work of them [Music] thank you [Music] you're doing so well with it against the troll in your Flint knife last night but I got hit with the lock it was fun though yeah knife is pretty it's nice it's nice um against uh against Frank really fun it's just when you when you do slip once you know you're they get wrecked all right all right so here's a so in regards to the lead because I know Lawrence wanted here to leave oh oh I uh oh I approached my wife before well before she became my wife so it it was um what day was it well what month of the year was it I think it was like maybe somewhere yes I think it was it was summer it was a summer because she's she started working where I was working on a summer program you see so originally she just came from from Curacao they are they they speak Dutch and puppy Mento so um her mom was was working over there so all most of our kids are pretty much over there so they were like moving back into Jamaica and she came out first before her mom came out and uh kind of started getting back into um the system in Jamaica and yeah seriously came on a work program uh summer work program and emitter right first MSR was like what I was walking in with uh with my coffee because I went into like the earlier the the kitchen here myself on I don't remember was it coffee no no it wasn't coffee the time I wasn't drinking coffee I think I was drinking something more of some multi type drink and yeah I would have stepped in because I heard that we get into some new purses just to work with us just for the summer that cool okay wasn't really had no big expectation maybe it's what maybe it's a guy a couple two guys are gonna be coming in and whatnot and yeah I just came in and my superpowers was like a Aid um here we ordered to um one of them well she was the first one that came first I said yeah um so so if here is um a new worker here who's gonna work with us for for time being for this summer I was like okay cool I was like oh dang she looks good ah first thing I said I didn't have I didn't had any chance zero zero chance but I said that I'm gonna try anyways so so is that good oh it is kind of look back at back then it's like you know I I didn't have any regrets but uh I think what the program lasted for like I don't remember if it was uh two weeks or a month but I know that I was I was like actually my my mental space as to right um should should I tell this girl that I like her and what not and see where it goes from there [Laughter] we wrote I'm just like because um my decks was like in the corner and um she was like in front of me but um there was another guy that does the same work like I do and so there were two females that came there she was the one that I like but guess what she was put to be supervised by the other guy I was there I was like hey why wasn't she put to be on the mic here and the the other girl was put on the mic here so what happened is that my supervisor was in a way with saying that um he was like trying to I don't know help me out or something I thought that I would like the the girl that you put under my my um supervision and whatnot I mean there's we stick to work policy right there's no no um where you can move we're part of harassing and all of that stuff but you know it's just this is a little likey like here and there kind of thing uh it doesn't go far from there but uh it was when like I think it was one or two weeks that was uh that was gonna ass and I think it was like maybe one week we should maybe a one or two maybe I don't remember I know that there was like a little bit of time that was left I was like all right you know what I'm gonna send this girl an email and this tell her how I feel because I can't muster the strength to tell her to her face and it was never like that kind of person overalls I'm more you see I'm more of a guy that's uh speak with um written words you know I I do poetry um I haven't written a poem in a good while but I I can write poem pretty easy I've done a lot of those in in uh high school and you know that that's how I try to you know you know kind of communicate with the girls you know kind of thing when I can't I can't master the thread to the stock to them face to face call me Olympia but that that was me and I send I sent her that email I was like ah I was like why did I was like fighting myself I was I haven't just in extreme internal struggle this is gonna see if these lines are properly oh slightly off um it's gonna be a little bit of problem so this internal struggle and about it and she approached me and said we need to talk and I was sitting my head like oh yeah I'm dead it's it's it's it's it's over that that's that's how it is US playing out and it just feel like the world is going to end there then and there but yeah I kind of prepared myself as like all right let's let's prepare for the rejection you know it's it's all good that's a circle of life so and as I said and I know that I didn't have had any chance that's what that's how like the bar that I put her this is a cute story thanks that's the bar that I put her because she was she was really pretty she was really pretty so it's a computer guy like me like yeah yeah it's not a chance and she we walked so like work was over and she said like you know we need to talk and we we were walking you know going home and um Chicana you know it was more of like a turn down you know he's he's not looking for any boyfriend or a girlfriend or a boyfriend or any of that kind of thing and um yeah don't see me as that type or you know it was it was yeah the the worst case scenario that kind of played out there and I didn't surprisingly at that time I didn't feel I didn't feel sad I didn't feel like I was heartbroken uh I didn't feel like I didn't feel bad surprisingly I felt like okay yeah I understand good good the only reason the poem works is because she was digging you already otherwise it would have been a good reason to be friend zone for her I'm gonna tell you that I did a little bit of thing I'm gonna let you know about um later on Lawrence but yeah uh what was it I would hope she still is all right uh let me just get this so I I'm gonna put them let me see if we're gonna stripe up the Rope being in so I'm gonna have to put like uh um I'm gonna maybe need I'm gonna do this may break judging by how this looks so far unless I'm gonna stretch like [Music] I know what I'm gonna be I don't know I can I can squeeze it somewhere right here I'm gonna just find a snapping point I'm gonna put like an iron beam right here all right so yeah back to the story so yeah exactly prepare for the rejection but if you're never if you never try anyways you have all you have always lost so yeah you're right you're right definitely definitely uh so so here's the thing the funny thing is uh how did like you're wondering if I was rejected at that time how do 10 years later how well not necessarily 10 years I know her for 13. we say 13 years um no you you kind of know wondering what happened that led up to us being that together 10 years so um oh should I where should I start or where should I begin it has a and it has a bit of a mix of jealousy as well but yeah So eventually the work program pretty much ended and it was now a case where they just yeah it just ended and just they just they just move on so what happened is that there was like there was this opening position and there was this opening position or um I remember it was a risk was receptionist or something like that at the time and yeah let's see over here did I raise it oh yeah I definitely erase it all right Miss I'm gonna just repair so there was an opening position for receptionist right and my my supervisor the one that's uh try to to set me to do the other people don't ask me um about her well I think he would ask me about her working in that position and it was like it was a he kind of gave me the the decided decision uh the final word the final say whether um she gets that position or not and it and it was interesting because I could have like said like no because you know really the whole rejection thing happiness like nah nah give you some give it to someone else I told him that uh yeah go ahead because she was she was a really she was a really good worker so I didn't really take personal I mean put my feelings into it it's more that she she was a very good worker and I mean she deserve it right so this is where now how she end up back working with the same the same same company all right let's I don't think they're they're at the same height slightly different are we speaking work with it so I would love if it was [Music] ah yeah I'm gonna have to maybe put like a bring one one of these going across over here it's it's hard to multi multitask building and trying to tell a story to save lives of beer being guys where did I put the iron I had extra iron right did I use all of them up in that thing yep I did the worst possible I'll call miss you oh yeah let me see we see no I don't have any more iron all right so I'm gonna have to just work with maybe using the wood and see if I can create like a straight line or something all right let me just eat first before I end myself one bad cop I'm just gonna use this for support so that this can reach over to the other side uh uh I'm able to have one right here and then I can put like the iron even this one so are we good so we have a straight line to work with at all I'm making sure I do this so that no one can say that I'm sloppy foreign hey Wild Cherry welcome welcome how are you doing all right so so guys so she's back into the two back into the the company working everything is good we we developed a um we became friends we became friends we um we found ourselves we've got lots with each other it's slowly it's slowly you know it it it I didn't even notice no to notice what was going on but slowly slowly and slowly we we kind of like each other we were talking a lot we were shared we we had we had a lot of things in in common and things that we like and um we we were just gelling and I mean I was like over the whole um you know you know I I mean I still liked her but you know she just stated the thing there I was just respect that and it was that left at that and you know we were gelling for for a long time and we were talking a lot on on company's time I mean most of the time when she had like computer issues I she would she would call me and I would a sister because uh the nature of her work as well it requires that if she's like going on lunch that someone would reliever and take her place for that time being so I was I I did that mainly that was that was like mainly one of my things that I do along with my regular work that I do as well and she we were like like it was a surprising like we were really jealous and I I couldn't even I couldn't explain it uh and Let Me Line this one up and it was it was like um there was this there was this moment I kind of have like a raise my eyebrow oh I think I was uh I tend to be more of clueless to certain situations and mostly clueless I I can't see the the signs or tell certain certain stuff but um I wasn't even sure and it was a case where I didn't want to make a a bad bad um Judgment of something and me and say something and it just becomes awkward you know that you know you know those awkward moments you don't want that so it was a case where we were just telling too much and she did something and I found it I found it's um shocking this this the thing I don't remember what she did but the thing that you do do is when you it would indicate that you you know you like the person or some or somewhat and I have always and I've constantly seen it over and over and I've made the a midday I made the error of approaching her about it so I said like wait wait do you like me and she straight up she's straight up denied it and I there felt like a fool a foot like a fool at that moment and I was like all right you know what I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do this again I'm not gonna mention it or go with that go that road or that road and just leave it like that so what so what happened is that a couple months like a couple months later gee um a couple months later we had like uh is is he talking about Mrs B Christie hey welcome Chrissy welcome welcome [Music] dude the bridge is titled also wait what's up Bridget's title also Bayside is higher than Hillside right now you bumped your head to the left bro beams and what content needs right now oh that that's I'm gonna fix this so so long so I'm gonna put like something like some poster or something of that sort uh they're saying maybe I should make it lower yeah maybe I should make it lower I think maybe I should make it lower hold on let me see yeah yeah maybe I should make it lower uh is it can I find a snapping Point here I I think maybe I can use this one I think maybe this one is yeah it does feel a bit too high so let me uh let me readjust this uh all that work all right let me start from here I'm gonna throw it down about right here foreign foreign this one up here maybe I shouldn't throw it in the back like that all right yeah sorry I got distracted I said what's going on over me um yeah wait oh let me catch oh wow a lot of a lot of stuff going on uh hey Lauren so hey welcome welcome I don't think I've seen you before it's the first time uh welcome my my official welcome oh wait be right back guys just for a sec [Music] all right sorry about that back guys um oh yeah so uh let's see what do I need to fix here um all right we're good let's take these out I think this is good enough so um when I put the one meter with it and kind of slowly coming down uh we should be good we should be good we should be good good gonna have to do the same thing over here all right let's take this one off like this and I can stick that one right there all right so we just need to do the same thing over here two three four [Music] no stop it don't do it come on come on come on come on working on bar timing all right there we go um all right so I can squeeze this one in it'll be nice all right that's good all right everything is um all right everything is good everything's good everything is lined up properly a card to uh fit through those pillars yeah a card fit perfectly through the spiller's hand you know she's a good woman he could put up with his shenanigans survey I shouldn't have mentioned it no it's it's good it's good Laura is it you mentioned something that is is good it's good um it being that high I don't think it would have worked I've you kind of you you have saved me a lot of work there so no problem how do you get the bridge to the bow the bow uh I used a so I use so I created like walls first and just carried across um Daniel and then I displaced the cool wood attach the cooler to the side and just kind of this man will place it basically um it's a bit time consuming takes a little bit of patience but it is uh it is doable so you do it like that once you have it in place just kind of make it um like one end have support because they're you know they're touching so it's kind of sharing the sport to go across um and I would say like if you have it about like 10 let me see it's 10 let's say 2 10. let's say maybe 20 meters in in length I would like give back the max so that 10 meters is pretty much supported by one side of the the wood iron and then the other 10 the other 10 is supported by the other side here so that's why you see where it's orange like darker orange and then it starts to lighten up as you go so it's trying to find a perfect balance so uh that measurement I would say that's pretty good and workable but yeah this second Rope shows how the bridge is uh tilted here at the base side then uh field side uh yeah we work we work with it we'll work with it we will work with it hope I didn't miss anyone in the shadow steal away Daniel steal away all right so all right so back to the story what was it what was the same so um yes so Mrs hormry denied ah you know funny thing is that there's gonna be like a more clear on the setting of on her side um to all of this but yeah Mrs family um denied that that no there was there was nothing really it's uh it was all a dream in my head yep it was was all a dream and yeah I said that's nope not doing this again feel like I feel uh feel of its shame that I even brought that up uh uh I felt like I was a crazy person maybe I've been obsessed or something you know that kind of feeling it that was a feeling I was getting and so one one morning so we had like this little thing here where we like every morning we we um we we had like oats and banana for breakfast uh I was like oats on the banana person but she kind of came up with this nice nice little mix and it was like a nice little breakfast I was enjoying it you know it was good you know and [Laughter] so we were in the indeed um the eating area it was just me and her and we were sitting and we were talking and something shocking happened and I didn't even expect it uh based on the time I went I approached her in the I said this if she liked me or something of that story and she denied it I think maybe like maybe a month after we're sitting down and just eating I was chatting them uh uh it was my my head was black that day because yeah I wasn't even thinking of anything I mean we were just good friends in stock and achieve quickly while I was sitting we were sitting typically came over and kissed me on the Sheep and I was I was I was shocked I didn't know I didn't know what this I didn't know what to say I don't know what to do I didn't I didn't I don't remember what I did I think I I think I was was shocked and like I finished my breakfast then I just get up just I think I went to work that's just that that was like a curveball it took before took me by surprise like so what what do I do in this what do I do what do I say am I not I'm not crazy then and that was like that was like like wow wow that was one of the most surprising things I've ever happened to me um I was in my 20s I was in my 20s at that time I was I I was like really shocked uh let's I might bring in too much storm hold on oh I have stone already like 50 Stone should be good but I'm gonna have to raise this ground here uh I'm I'm like for some reason I even was wondering if I was like was was one of those dreams where you didn't you you just saying that you said I have one of those dreams it's not real it's I wake up anytime soon that was like a real real shocker there all right oh this is nice nice nice all right so I'm gonna have to bring this down a little bit I'm gonna have to bring this down a little bit a model stolen already I had 50s let me see hold on let me see Stone here no stone oh my God no [Music] I need more Stone [Music] oh good oh oh this is where all the stones are sitting all right I could drop one of these would oh and I can carry the extra Stone just to raise the area so yeah so that is it guys so that's how like we branch off of having uh a thing there it was like pretty much came to light ah surprising thing is that um so after all of this and we got married and we gotta sit down and talk and I asked her what was she thinking when she first saw me and she said that I I looked really really attractive eats thank you Bhajan I was really attractive but I don't know what she's talking about I don't think that much of myself it's not low self-esteem I just I'm just I just just this don't think that I'm [Music] old Adam bag of chips it's just a regular dude that's that's what that's what I think that was what I have in my head but I mean she saw it differently she's a lot differently but yeah she said that I look attractive but she said that she thought that I'm she thought I was one of those guys that are full of themselves when they would just keep around with this with this cup of tea in his hand and all that stuff I don't know funny it was like oh wow CV she liked him from the start but she needed her time her purses I was scared but yeah yeah and there was so I'm trying to remember something else that she was telling me at that time um well yeah it's just time it was just time for but in in but there's there's some things that I do skipped out that I kind of kind of maybe lead on to how we even got to got got there what is that shrieking noise oh no that's baby V crying in the background Rhonda maybe be a bit antsy maybe maybe he wanted his uh I think well it's usually it's nap time right now so maybe he wanted his little milky to go to bed oops there's no problem look forward to more than getting new classes yeah yeah and that's what I'm wearing now uh yeah just as Terry said um Walter is saying that we're blue blockers so that's that's what was one of the things that is uh affected my because of constant plane and uh they help it does help help a lot well for me that is um let me drop off this this thing here and it's just where's the meat just give up here and baby be the bad girls really hey JJ welcome welcome but yeah you know uh so Lauren is it within that the stuff that I've been doing that led up to it and I mean I'm not really doing it in a way to impress her but I I've like I've made wrote poetries broke some poetry that she she loved I even I even did a poetry um sorry not push it a portrait drawing of her two times both of them she she loved as well and there was um but I mean I'm just trying I'm just just being nice and just being chills not trying to push myself you know and she said I seriously that those little things that were I was doing it was right writing the poems uh that she liked doing the drawing and and and such does I know uh to say that that's what really a draw and drum George and oh brought me to her the most so it seems like I was nuts realizing what I was doing let's see is this level not realizing what was doing when I was like you know being behind and just being a friend that this turned out where 10 years later well 13 years later we got married well we're married for 10 years three years later that three three years later after knowing each other then yeah we got married so uh we'll see what's a little bit let me feel the flow all right I'm not bumping my toe it looks good looks good looks good let me just try this side it's good [Music] okay we do some poetry for us oh man I wish I could oh shucks they don't actually wait let me see let me see did I save my poetry oh no I I wrote all the poems on my phone and I lost them sad to say [Music] I had some really good points like poems mostly kind of gravity from the the whole love poems in this more deep in thought poems all right so this ground is pretty well this side seems a little bit it's not not levels so portrait is your game I'm good at Porsche as well but some never used it that way learning from this [Music] oh really well that's cool that's cool uh our innocent school Lawrence I like to hear all the other person's uh poetry their pieces as well what is that why do I have this nasty bump here I was deep into a building to a bill a lighthouse almost missed you oh okay it's all good it's all good it's a neck deep into the building the lighthouse it's not like you were quite young Batman yes I was new to the game and yet just being yourself in that careful and humble away yes I was I was just 20. I got married at uh all right but so I met my wife at age 19. right we know each other for three years so I got married 20 22. all right don't call the ace don't be calling don't be checking my age well yeah yeah I got married at 22. our persons would say that well that's pretty young but yeah I wasn't I wasn't a guy that I was the guy that just wanted to settle down I don't I wasn't I wasn't one of those wild ones that in in high school I didn't have the energy at the time to to be running around going crazy make all the other guys that were around me at the time all right this um this looks good all right let's do the other side I'm gonna have to repair dang it building a lighthouse well also about a week now oh wow cool well Jerry foreign lighthouse thank you in the most recent the the video that I dropped the other day uh the village bill if you notice the the the Rune Tower the one that collapsed right over the big tree in the middle that was supposed to be a lighthouse uh how it became that way uh I was thinking about making the lighthouse and then it was like ah Lighthouse it's like the whole regular [Music] and I didn't even have like a clear design or something unique to make for the lighthouse so I was like you know what I'm gonna scrap them with making the lighthouse I'm gonna make like a rune Tower uh let's work uh kind of add like a little lore there's a little story in that area in there uh and make it be more you know it collapsed and then there's a big oak tree right in the middle of it kind of thing all right I'm gonna grab some more Stone too let me see it was some storm was in this dress here yeah that should be good enough I may need more though uh Versa did you add any commands to give Shadows to other ribbons uh should I do it manually uh I didn't add any commands moved around so you would have to do it manually yeah I should I should add those to make you guys life a lot easier when you're making Shadows right I'm gonna have that on my to-do list like on so or whenever I do the next stream but yeah for those you guys are uh you know loots Raven I'm gonna in the Stream now so you can definitely check out the other uh ravens as well gaming Christy uh is one JJ the builders uh another awesome Builder there you can check him out and uh yeah yeah check out the other Ravens there the link in the description uh as well you can get all the links there for all the Ravens now check them out follow their story give them your support the like you know they're doing some they're doing good stuff funny stuff how many of you guys seen uh this many new new video apparently it seems like I'm starting it feels like I'm starting an olive I only fans and the tablet is a is a very advantage it was a very funny video I really enjoyed it it was like I'm gonna use hey I'm gonna use that as an ad for for a video for you know in a video that would do later on I'd say that this video is sponsored by [Music] let me see here it's a good level I think it's uh I would put could bring it down a little bits let me see this is a little bit lower right here so I could think it back off of this um I would want I would like to use my pickaxe but I don't want to maybe ah it's really nice pretty decent [Music] oh my God because me awesome Builder well well aren't you JJ I mean you're the work speaks for itself right ah oh nice nice Bridge all right so now it's time to make this uh a bit more fancy so uh I'm thinking about what the at the Rope first I think the Rope would be a lot easier for me than what I'm gonna do at the top here because I still haven't figured out what's is the plan where that area right so so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna have to put the the wood to the back of this and maybe slightly to be done that you have to bring it down a bit oh let me just bring this across we're freaking out later on don't break don't break don't break don't break all right all right maybe I should should maybe make the the curve oh within this put in the the line of this this wall here so I'm not going to put any other bottom here so uh let's see where's the middle it's one two three four five six seven eight right so one two three four so this is gonna be like in the middle soon enough to Market I think I played it eight times this is CV in Flames oh no that was me in Flames that was JJ hey hello welcome is Yo uh Avenue right good good all right so if one will connect to here so it's a subtle yes subtle drops I don't have much [Music] space below let's make it softer hello should eat oh I'm out of food we got some food [Music] wait what I quote seven seven what's that what's what caught in what's called in what coding is going on inside Oh I thought that was like um Leviathan uh food food that's uh just like that and oh yeah onion soup all right all right we're set for food now support I'm the one with the with the white here and white beard I don't think anyone else have have that okay I believe the tears in my eyes yeah that's it [Music] Magic Mike balance there I see that's what you're trying to do I go stinky better run streamer all right uh let's see this was supposed to so this is the middle uh it seemed like I have a bit more space to work with so I could have at least maybe drop it a little bit more so maybe I could um I can't make a dramatic drop here because this is where the so maybe could break these and just gonna drop these a bit more okay a little bit here are we kind of pretty close and then it's kinda see let's see let's look at it I think about here is going to be a straight like about there and then uh I would love to start from over here first I'm just gonna bring this down all right all right about there all right let's see how it looks I hope it looks good [Music] all right good good good we have the beef pick to edit what is this wait what was this what's this what's that called I didn't say that lies I just love the big fish I don't remember that it's all lies don't believe it don't believe it guys so I was thinking about like um all of these see me memes [Music] it's gonna add a few of these here something like this that's was that the center uh that's not the center this was the center this was the center let me take that one out maybe the next one right there instead of this uh um let's see that's that's what the ball probably about here guys let me kind of oh hi it's getting dark so let me pop into bed and sleep I was talking about tar you sure and we said that I can't recall I say a lot of things but I don't think I would say that one foreign that's what he says who said are you at Scott it's supposed to be on my side ah all right so look uh uh oops what do you guys think sorry it looks good although I would love it if if this would just talk itself in a bit forward to make it I don't know what if I added it added underneath would it look weird oh wait you could have wait you could have do that wait you could do that wait let's see oh I can only do it with the ones attached on the top of the cord uh all right but let me let me see how this one looks uh something with like when you're building in volume you just have to just try stuff just to see how it looks if it you know if it adds a yeah it gives you the feel of the image that you're looking for and yeah because sometimes just visualizing it doesn't uh if you pull idea well you would maybe think it would work did you try it doesn't work and then sometimes you think it won't work I mean it's right it doesn't work hmm made a mistake I ordered a burrito but I got a second one for free no I'm so full I can't walk anymore stuff yourself JJ uh it feels like um it's supposed to be like that so I'm gonna have to maybe have to shift this one all right I think that's much much better I'll work with that I will work with that um all right let's do the other side wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me see if I add if I add this here um I don't like how that looks but it feels like something like this should be should be here no yeah all right let me just do the other side and then maybe I can figure out if I should actually add like um 26 degree beam here all it does feel like it would behave that wave instead of this just straight and right here the speed is straight but having something like this that kind of flows it make it flows random question does anyone know if it is possible to have Mars in a peer-to-peer server like these plant everything model with a friend hmm I know that you can oh I know that you can have plant everything mod even if this server don't have the mod oh and if you server people can answer that question [Music] two two I see uh let's pick this one out I'm gonna put some water on the back here ah did I do that wrong no yeah I did it wrong then second time third time is your charm does that look like enough space to work with I hope so I will be fine thank you all right so drop this like slightly I will Center one two three four and this is the center right two three four all right so we good all right we're good we're good we're good we're good all right let's drop this down close here we're almost there all right so this is about that furthest Street now maybe we could drop it a little bit lower um it's it's still drop it a little bit love the new suspension bridges oh thanks thanks thank you I chose some more higher drop in here and then we slowly I seem to have a problem here this one's too far in all right now we are wait to see this is uh oh yeah I'll leave it like that it'd be good [Laughter] [Music] so watch how you did that do you stream this time every week yeah I usually stream at this time um uh mega mega so from one one pm sent well Universal UTC oh not 1pm five six pm UTC that's 1 p.m 12 1 p.m Eastern Time from jamats but yeah so you always most of the time will catch me on Sundays I do streams on stream on Saturday as well but for now I'm not streaming on Saturdays Just Gotta Give in Saturday is a break for me uh nuts I to burn myself out you too much all right all right we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere guys we're getting some and take a couple of these out in these little supports here so see if we can see if we can do this foreign [Music] [Music] stuff like that let's see party is fine oh wait that's not touching a little bit equipped right there oh God that's good let's go [Music] that one's good as well let's snap here [Music] and one more about here [Music] all right that's it [Music] but I haven't found it already there should be a button on the screen that looks like a thumbs up I appreciate it I appreciate you guys leaving the thumbs up as well thank you get a support for the Stream hmm all right all right all right guys sorry all right all right all right nice little bridge and I oh yeah let me add the columns here I'm gonna put something over these columns that they don't get withered looking nice oh God see if I can find a snapping buffer oh wait I did it for the top of yourself let me have a problem to find it it's all right hear that all right so now I need some ideas I need some ideas guys what I'm gonna put on the top here no I should have designed the the top of like what one of these columns I've that's gonna be like maybe something basic with Arch or something but I was thinking of maybe adding like a maybe a structure of some sort here [Music] um a little resting place here hmm I'm thinking about shape uh I don't want something boxy I tend to I don't know something boxy up there I think maybe like us something round could work up there but maybe it won't work I don't know oh bye JJ see you take care man [Music] was that izzio uh hey what do you save me with uh whom should I or one of you talk about the idea of making a mod for riding motor with a full saddle you see maybe you are drunk yeah I think um girok is a person that you you can also um you can speak with the good person to speak because he he does um have a lot of mothers that he's coming to work with oh well z-tax or Brazil are you from Brazil a welcome welcome I mean Yorkshire England is nearly 8 30 p.m here I'll make a note of it and catch you next week alright Mega and and take care [Music] oh for to see you uh yeah next week we'll be able to catch it's a stream by then hey Darkness welcome welcome [Music] I like that I get to watch Bieber on Saturday morning and then be on Sunday morning occasionally I watch Christy during the week while I'm at work yeah it's cool you get you get to they get to get your uh you get your ballot and fix for each for each days huh I'm gonna take these outs checking out what kind of space to work with I'm gonna work on the this here first and see uh I hope that snapping point is there good let's do the frontier looking great thanks Lisa yes true uh Boucheron uh as uh you can join the river and Discord and um you can because I do post when I'm going live uh as well as the other Ravens if you want to also check them out as well so yeah Johnny Discord would be a nice nice place where you can see when get the notifications you know [Music] maybe a small hexagonal cover roof [Music] maybe a small hexagonal cover roof hmm interesting floor bracers I I don't have wait I think I have the to put at the front for the front here but I don't do I want to do it for this because it's a Countryside it seems a bit more fancy we put like those little those standing brazer uh on the color it's a nice idea I've done it before and it's nice but I don't want to put it here on this Countryside and we kind of want to tailor certain design and team to the the area you know um but yeah I'm gonna do the frontier just maybe something basic basic cars it's just that the structure on the other side is gonna be it's gonna be the thing um start time to start deciding on the name for the ravenham season 2 villager who's your name I oh yes yes definitely guys check out uh go ahead click on the form and uh propose the name for the The Village uh yeah yeah can you bring that message uh yeah definitely interesting let me do that [Music] all right there you go all right so you guys can um yeah proposal name for the village let's see them let me just the name of purses where we're coming up with thanks uh mujra definitely I'm gonna eat all right so uh so this I just said I was gonna do like a regular regular thing here I think I may use like the 26 degrees series but let me just go sleep because it's getting dark so uh so my question is Christy could you confirm for me is the along with the Xbox release will hilders update the quests and um the other optimization will be coming out that time that which is when is it Tuesday the who is Yeah Tuesday Tuesday the 14th I just want to know so I have something looking forward to new update or something they're ready to test it out and as it drop s so [Music] hi can you provide me with a file of the map you designed it it is in the YouTube video I built a medieval mansion in volume here's how to ready with a file of the map wait so you want the the seed the seat of the map ran that that I built the the medieval mansion is that it just want to confirm [Music] without no date for the the stress ah [Music] oh snap so I'm zombies zombies all right let me just get my shield and that's murdering uh oh hey hello hello young chop they leave my block up thank you [Music] oh like the two for one special [Music] I could just pop up my proof for this one wait you know what let me test can they walk on forward will they walk on call wouldn't come for me yep yep yep yep yep yep he's walking hey someone shut me in my back no no run away um all right ready steady oh all right all right all right all right you're gonna die first then oh the 11 health oh they are then all right I don't like you shooting at me it's gone I love the crew it's going like uh an optimization updating public test um have you have you tested have you tried it out uh Christy and uh if if so how is it so far I don't I I don't want to try and help because last time I tried something out that I lost the world and the world got World got mixed up or corrupted or something [Music] although it wasn't really a important world but uh it was I mean I was doing some little um or tested like I'm gonna do this one um I'm not gonna do it like this all right so add want me to Wood first then I'm gonna add the stairs to it afterwards and then at the other stairs like this so guys here's a trick um so if you put a beam 263 beam in the through the middle of the stairs it protects it from rain damage so so if you're like making using this and it's like out in the open and I feel like if it's two of them you can just throw down like me creating a snapping Point here in the middle of it and snap it right there like that and once rainfall this stairs is pretty much covered um ouch all right so for underneath here I would maybe put like um maybe too far maybe put another snapping part right here by the help of like a the door trick so you can kind of protect the column wind damage so let's put this right here take this out grab some more wood and grab some more wood I haven't gotten in this one uh first one I've missed it if I have time I might hop in for a bit tomorrow okay cool [Music] question um in regards to that command where you're doing the the eye bag what normally happens because it seems like you're used to some of the commands on some other Sims I might as well just add a couple of them do you know you guys are you know used to those kind of commands see is it centered all right pretty much good I'm gonna toss it in deep in here all right we're good we're good all right I think I'm gonna add one one more right here [Music] should I should not jump all right uh do I want to bring it down out more I think I should or let's see let me use the can I do it with the 26 degree X2 I hope I can [Music] ah yes I can so slavi coming out like that's coming like that's so I'm gonna do with all these ones here [Music] I back then I learned to come use when getting back from my leg but this time I didn't even look so hit wouldn't have done much all right I'm just gonna put in that making like a list of things from this so I should add like some of those commands too so if I'll maybe add have that added I just hope I remember this time around and get that done [Music] uh let's see you know what I should have done I should have Maybe done the back one first so I could do on this side all right foreign [Music] [Music] at least you got a decent amount of rest and you hear no see you catch a little bit [Music] how are you doing cherry they had a good sleep [Music] [Music] take it out this one in all right it's all right we're cooking with gas now yeah what do I feel like I had all those hours [Music] all right so all right I like the look I like the look of it side looking at the side right here oh it just feels like it should have beam closing down right here so guess what maybe I should just do it all away instead or maybe I can do it like this a portion of it the middle one this can comes out like that yeah let's make the middle one all the way out leave the side once [Music] uh all right all right so what else what else we need to do oh yeah so I said I was gonna do like um I'm gonna use like the dragon thing dragon head here so let me just put these in [Music] [Music] thank you around here too as well saw the bridge design in the The Village build video and thought it was clever glad to be watching you make it live all right all right welcome welcome to the stream though yeah yeah glad that you guys can see it live see that it can be done in vanilla yeah you know uh most of the time like some of the stuff I I do is like um I was like I see some little design that persons do use in Gizmo and I just this I'm just like trying hard it's like how can I get this to be done with just the vanilla build pieces [Music] foreign [Music] making statues that one is it's complex this is gonna take a lot of brain power to try to figure out like a way some kind of concept or something that you just reuse that's you know be able to make it a decent statue uh let's see do I carry like a wood gun across here or just leave it it's something like that but then again that's not what I wanted something that was arching uh let's let's check if I have any if I would [Music] yeah foreign [Music] yes 19 I need more or five foot four where is it please give me more all right 19 how much to make that dragon head thing again 10. all right so I need one more all right so I think maybe oh wait there's a Bible tree juicy juicy fine wood yeah look at this that trap that was waiting to whack me ah just imagine you just started the game not seeing the danger there this line there you just dropped Chocolate Tree and it just came straight onto your head tragic oh thanks Lisa is that what we're making yeah we're making making something we're making something yeah it's freaking I know it's doing my heading yeah that's the building most things banana is shift key yes yes Ma 'amo sure key is the answer but also um having having the the um Odin snap law so I call it golden snap block snap log in in the mix as well his um creating snapping points to also make it a lot easier for some things that do kind of connect so it's like free so like for the example like for this bridge it's a mix of freehand and this having the snap law in place foreign you can do you can do wonders when once you master both of them I'm still I'm still learning like I'm surprised I'm surprised I'm still learning a lot of new stuff in my life and I know it's not like with the new build pieces but with the the old ones and you discover a bit more new and new things you kind of build up on what you know and what to what can be what can be possible just like the crane the crane was like the crane was like yeah it was like a mixture of things that I learned and putting them all together uh the column and then there was this little little trick here where I think it was be a workshop he did a a video with the same columns would add like a different style I was like you know I'm gonna take the little one meter wood that he placed there at the base and bill on it to make the crane um base there and the top to to add in those gears I was like yeah yeah that's that's what I need is and is it wouldn't be you wouldn't think that would be possible if it was like early like maybe like maybe five months six months ago I did a design before but since they're having those gears and whatnot I thought was it was just um just like with this Gizmo that can kind of give you give you that it's good that you can do it on like horizontal is just you can't do it more at the verticals um setting of it because you only have like well doing the smaller ones because you just only have like 26 degree and 45 degree to kind of play around we can kind of make the wheel let's but yeah uh oh yeah let me go sleep because it's dark foreign [Laughter] maybe carry the column up into the arch on the inside spot yeah I was thinking of that but I was wondering if it's going to be too high but let me try that uh Eli because I was looking at it and say yeah it's bugging me out can't do it what we talked about so I'm gonna need helps uh archery I think I skipped a lot of outside there I like the building okay I do cheat and fly when the building some stuff fun something but I don't use many other mods for building things yeah I mean I think most persons like to keep the the the vanilla feel of the building aspect of the game because that's like it like the the core part of it and it it and it caught it also kind of force you to be creative in in unique ways versus if it just um becomes too easy where you can manipulate it with using like Gizmo and whatnot I mean Gizmo is a really really good but tempting very tempting for me um to use you have used it tasted it and tasted good but I put it down and said like all right you know what whatever I'm gonna do I'm gonna do it in vanilla I'm gonna try my best to see if it is even possible so if any one of you guys have like a good technique of building statues are you good with statues you know yep sure because I would like to improve my improve in making some something that is um that is unique you know that you can have like a centerpiece of or maybe a front for like a village or for or Castle what not um if I put this one in that's gonna show up to the top and this is what I'm trying to avoid I like it to be tucked in nice and neat not sure in itself maybe just do the inner three parts down and we just drop this right here I don't think I'm gonna have time to even do the the structure over here and maybe just brainstorm it and see what maybe come up with uh yeah do the inner parts I'm gonna cover that part up so yeah I'm gonna cover that part up so yeah do the inner parts the three parts here let's do this side here right here and here hmm some Juicy Juice fine let me let me I I didn't say did I say that Christy stop putting words in my mouth killed by a tree yep happens a few times I look to see which way was uh for the added bounce oh oh oh you know the the I know that kind of tree those ones are the the tricky ones it's okay if you call me mats all right cool that makes my life easier man thanks it was lag now sometimes these are you have those little tricky trees where it's like especially if you wonder is falling and you you see it's falling over to the left and it just swings around in this whack you my recent discovery have I've been building top down on certain projects like my freestanding chimneys oh top down oh interesting all right so let's let's toss in the the dragon the dragon dragon heads Dragon uh [Music] yes right here and uh one night's here fancy oh no no no something is throwing me off it is lead no this it's not perfect I will have to manually place you in oh grab that all right uh uh what is this all right let me let me go a little bit lower manual places in freehand placement the Lifesaver oh is is this is that perfect it's it looks good and Shay yes ah yes I I love this this it's nice now we need to add a little bit more franchise to it the base right here yes yes what we're gonna add right here wait wait wait wait hmm do I uh this is just keep its oh okay so good our tests pretty much work with the rain so the column is pretty much in good condition not withered so yeah yeah so that's that's good on the reindeer I feel like I want to maybe add a bit more depth to this like add another of these here but maybe I shouldn't it feels like the left side is a bit lower oh you know what because this is not snapped in so it's more it's protruding out more so I'm gonna have to after this do the same thing on the other side let's make sure it's I think it's a look proper process patience all right all right yes yes Beauty oh thank you Cherry thank you I must say cherry uh Boucheron has been holding down the fort making sure to remind me about uh uh Ethan I'm gonna wrap this show this stuff here all right all right um this is a column do I wait I'm thinking I'm thinking do I add a thing like this to the back here wait wait let's see maybe make it higher I'm gonna add a snapping point right here a big slanted that direction and make it go down like this uh should I make it lower all right guys guys let me let me know let me know 45 degree or should I try a 26 degree or should I have something like this going uh going into the column like that or should I just leave it as is [Music] fill up the walls and use 26 degree and photograph the bills smoke pathways oh okay so that's what you do with the chimney uh mats cool oh totally lower Christian or eight [Music] used to eat didn't catch my eye it's you you need to is he Cherry Cherry knows it she knows how to catch my eye I mean Christy has it she has it she has the emotes no hard feelings no hard feelings I did I didn't I didn't just just went went uh went all the way to ignore you like that please please forgive me all right let's get rid of this shrub sorry I would lose my job at this rate amazing designer thanks Scott do it all right do the angles all right all right you guys saying doing the angles so if I'm gonna do the angles I need to add I need to do some more stuff see I'm gonna add like a it's not a snapping Point here 45 bring it downwards like this this needs more just looking at it all right so if I add this I'm gonna add this right over here but I know I just need more needs more this is maybe too much all right tuck it in a little bit more wrap it around like that hey Christy last season you were bragging with your Sparrow stairs now this season I have the now I have the the bragging rice where I own a rope Bridge I have a rope bridge I have a rope Bridge you don't have none Christy uh let me see we get this I'm gonna cover up the Little Flower right here let's add like a one meter beam Beam Beam me [Music] what add culture foreign [Music] Place Another fronts here because I want it to be slightly pushed into the column because you wanted to look a bit balanced at the back so I'm just gonna slide this like a bit forward like that uh let's see let's see how the top gonna look oh yeah the Gap that I'm trying to hide all right since this one's gonna be a little bit tricky to to get to [Music] it's like uh it's all right you know what this this let's just do it let's just do it no one's not gonna see the back of it right all right it shows a little bit uh I can live with it I can live with it I'll work with it all right all right foreign oh sure sure Chrissy I'll build a bridge for you hmm I'll take two thousand gold off you I need money so I can Flex and I take uh I take 50 deposit before I start working so yeah as welcome welcome what are you doing man [Music] can you not use a shift to freehand beam from under the stairs instead of from this snapping point wait [Music] trying to understand what you're saying um Eli I mean you can just defend the beam try and visualize what you're saying oh so me you're saying maybe I do it from underneath here uh well it doesn't go in that much but I prefer the reason I even don't do it at the side I tend to take in consideration the the front of the build because having more more of its well have a little extra at the front here just like what this I would push this in a little bit more but this is pretty much fine because yeah but if it is that you're saying where I can just free and place right here it's kind of it's kind of finicky because of the the angle beam so you don't really get it to tuck in it's still like right in front of it uh of the of the beam there but yeah how's it going uh going good Ken going good [Music] so are you how are you doing Ken how's life treating you how how's your challenge have you gotten back to the the challenge that you were doing or are you still scared Ah that's slightly above it so let's maybe like bring this down a little bit more kind of line it up with the other side all right let's let's just do it the Mark here let's bring this across all right uh could go a little bit higher that's what I say go a little bit higher I wrap this round here all right uh all right so with all of that added I feel like there needs to be more more detail I think I will need to contract you to build something on my house fee I need all the bills to add a part basically is gonna do the roof that's it that's interesting please that's very interesting getting all the builders to do a job for you why didn't I think of that you know what I need money I need money so I can do that [Music] well I've been sort of weird lately oh sorry to hear that again hello Fox cry welcome welcome how is it going I was talking about just filling the the whole vertical but more depth is more better ah okay okay I I see I see what you mean you know what you know what let me give you like a little trick that I like to do like uh me like so like when there is whenever there is like a flaw where if it is a gap or something look weird I it's like lemons like give you lemons and make lemonade so that's like maybe the point where I add Adept or detail so majority of the time whenever you see me add like a little adapters or so into a build it's doing two purpose yeah giving the bill a dip but also I hide in the flaw within the build itself money Works basic acts for stone maybe I should ask for material too all right let me let me let's think about it let me just think about [Music] real life has taken me away from the content creation streaming it's been a crazy few weeks but I'll be back to that challenge soon I'll probably die a lot more because I haven't played in a hot minutes yeah I know when you get when you have that violin rust right oh I see Christy so making them think they're part of something special but really you're just getting them to build your house really I like it Cherry saw through your plans here all right so I'm gonna add a depth there to the side I like uh yeah like this I like that so the entrance seems yeah yes I likey let me see here all right can I add more detail to this maybe do the same thing to the side here let's see let's see if it will be too much or will it be just right um maybe maybe not not feeling it's just the inner part I'm feeling not the other parts could maybe use it for something use that icing design either for something else but not feeling it uh let me go sleep it's getting dark again I can't see anything it will be very special okay right before midnight here and I have just found this week's winner of strangest headlines in my daily news feed but unraveling the misses of the beer fecal plug what the heck what's up this extreme I was just here today because I forgot how to roll oh Chrissy did you update your dead cone did you add those add those deaths see you at seven man are you sure are you sure it's supposed to be seven foreign I have one iron here that I hope I didn't use all the iron from [Music] storage over on the other side maybe there's a new sign somewhere on the ground Essentials please let there be iron on the ground please put here and there iron iron iron iron iron iron I'll still one iron um greats I don't have all right let me check over at the camp all right what the beer plug the poop hole when they hibernate it's a fast food it's fascinating how and why animals do the thing they do what the hell really they plugged their their butthole when they're gonna hibernate so my question is what do they use to plug it [Music] got me curious now it's in this that's what's this tin okay uh I should have like uh oh I brought the card over with all the hard stuff uh let's just regular wood I got no iron left no let me check this [Music] no no iron in this one either um uh sad sad very sad I'm guessing this is just street but all right [Music] wanna see what Acorn plug this is a medical provided what they eat their fur and fibrous flat and so all right so so if they plug them plug their butt right to hibernate so um how do they unplug it so I went that far to plug it now how do they unplug it do they uh is it exactly they wake up and just have like a hard time at the bathroom or something you know maybe one of those three hour sessions you have cold sweat washing you and and you just praying praying for you to be delivered [Music] kind of thing these are questions that needs answers because my curiosity has a have been tweaked now [Music] are you googling about the beer blood just there nobody expected they what they take a holy dump right in front of me uh uh it'll be a perfect time for anything yes hey Google uh in the spring they take a big push for the first spring poo wow just wealth so how do we end up talking about beer poop again all right so that was here let's see uh don't want to make this uh maybe another layer to this thing let me see something here maybe that's gonna be too much yeah yeah it's gonna be too much cheer um [Music] it's like I feel like there's something well let me just put this right here because I feel like yeah that's there but I feel like there's something more I need to need to add yeah thanks for telling me eat who's your own thank you thank you why do you think Bears have a reputation of being grumpy when they wake up ah I see I see no it's all clear now it's all clear you like what scientists says it smell Pleasant what the what I'd go if they plug their butts but Christy stop quoting Christy you passed your quarter no more according for you sometimes early spring at the state park so you may get a ranger that is teaching about about December sometimes have pallets to display what the they make us die sick oh poets and bile what ah so you're telling me you you're you're in so you tell me you're in class you're playing with uh you're playing with doo-doo so in class it but you're you're ugh let me know let me not go there [Music] oh that's a that's very very interesting very interesting I don't get the chance to play with doodoo you know is it is it fun dissecting the dissected a creative name for rainbow landfills after this beard oh yes today is going to be very interesting here I have some super teasing some of the things that they were saying what are the names that we are thinking about uh crazy crazy [Music] I would like um I'm just imagine imagine myself if I had that at school I was like hey Mom today we play play around with doo doo it was fun dissected it and all that fancy stuff yeah I guess the classes oh that was hilarious kid a little man died secret oh oh pellets in fifth grade all right all right you know what I so I want to know because I mean we we never did we have never done anything like that in Jamaica uh dissected Palace I mean every every and if that was like a thing I don't know if they I don't know if it would end well well knowing knowing the kids um back then when I was in school um but yeah when you dissect the the palace what exactly are you searching for is it's um yeah let me know yeah what is it that you're searching for I'm really curious about this thing why anyway what maybe I should got an idea let me just add another ah yes I think that will work out another one of these hmm but it's still like it's lacking lacking some something I always want to try something new I don't have enough fine wood let me see let me see so you don't have nails why Nails over here bronze Nails possible um nope maybe use it on all the Shadows I was [Music] making October [Music] oh I don't know one that's not enough all right I'm gonna think about something to do with right here but I I'm feeling it I'm feeling it I'm feeling it I am feeling this bridge it's pretty nice I could add a bit something new in the back here maybe um all right let's let's see this and let's look in my what do I have what do I have what would I do what could I do [Music] um meter with the shutters and core wood I could have used it before we do maybe swap the chord for these oh I tried cool wood right here actually it was fourth grade we did it at home during the pandemic so question Christy if you did it at the moment pandemic how do you get your hands on these uh all poo poo do they sell it do they sell it uh in the store or something in a in a package we just take it off the shelf kind of thing or is it that you just got it from the school so I was thinking about Ashland's the other day and I think that it would be a good place to Pepper for well thanks for Peppers or farming food oh okay Peppers so so able to like make more spicy dish [Music] I don't know how that would work because Asa is like dead I would grow peppers and like it's dead waste land that's have a lot of love of swimming around doesn't seem like a healthy um environment for flowers or plants or Farm stuff whatever we dissected cow eyes then in high school a frog after that I'm about the extra class I got to dissect a snake oh my God oh you guys get the you know really Hands-On with uh with those stuff I think we we uh biology what was the last thing I think we just need to stick with books and pictures we didn't get uh we didn't get handsy all all Palace will be more uh would be Mouse bones and fur okay started dried out dried grass they had a little bird bones in it oh okay it'd be very dissecting Opus could be cool oh don't poop digest conventionally is so true the bits they they can't digest oh wait uh how did we how do we end up at all again we were I think we remember we were talking about beer poo H now we're talking about owl poop what's next [Music] Rondo ballot vending machine they have to go to the school and pick a pick up her kids okay you could use angle bees simulated suspension cables today to the Rope Bridge Uncle beams suspension cable to the Rope Bridge interesting let me see maybe what about codeword what about code maybe call it a bit chunking out of place but let me see I want to try it though let's see if like there's like a thing there's a thing [Music] also I wanted to try to see nice right here look at this let's try it let's swap it out you know I want to give corwood some time to shine you know um trying to make use oh I think I prefer cool wood for this instead of the regular beams yeah I think my perfect quote for this one come on you're on rolling forward all right I think yeah I think a perfect pool for this let's kind of rotate this one see this like a designer or don't make it straight are you guys think quote for the win that code I like a different uh [Music] style uh let's see let's try that for the cables Peppers that media temporary fast and uh steam comes out of here as well like in fortnite [Music] the only fire food inside of the wet sock s have to go out to make dinner all right Scots I appreciate you being here and uh I hope you have a wonderful rest of your evening or nice or whatever but uh yeah and hope you have a awesome awesome week [Music] yeah but that was when I was at medical school so that's something everyone gets to do okay ah I see I understand I'm so high the ogs it will call this stream Young when face reveal Face review bro I'm so sorry but uh with me do face reveal no no no there's a reason why I would not do a face reveal uh well many reasons one main reason is I am I am actually although you do you may not think that it uh is the case but I'm actually a shy person by Nature so I try to be more in the shadows so but in like the internet Spirit internet um atmosphere you know because person's not seen your face I can I can be free I can be me can be goofy or whatever just being me naturally and just knowing that person not seeing the face or tying me to you know to a face or anything I kind of thing I prefer it like that [Music] are you in PC I'll retired paramedic this is that all right Scott take care man thank you this is a very informative stream today yes a lot of a lot of deep info I've learned a lot of stuff all right uh what was it was a chicken I was checking for something I only just get rid of food here I'm having my inventory oh yeah I was gonna go sleep let me go sleep oh I have iron on me all right let's swap let me carry this to the tavern and drop those off and wait I think maybe the tavern have some Nails go check that out yeah I don't think I want this situation Christy hey the morning I might know what's better he is yes knowledge is power right I gotta ask are you black could not saying offensive way you sound like a 50 Cent or a so yes yes I am I'm from Jamaica so yeah well not not so much are pretty much back into Jamaica or various colors but yeah yeah yes I am wait wait wait drop off some of my stuff here um no base review he's actually a robot he just can't us no I'm not a robot I am an AI program what do you think I built so well my data has been filled up with all the all the best buildings and so I push her all blind bills in valheim don't you see hey it's taking over a large amount of YouTubers are actually introverts oh really is that a true thing because I mean they they show they've they're it's not like a large amount of people who don't show their faces so I didn't even think think it that way the ones that I was that choose not to show their face I I I would maybe think that they they are [Music] thank you [Music] being shy is a thing that keeps me from streaming or making videos oh yeah not a fan of my own voice from a third person perspective I understand that uh yes Matt um I I said the same thing too I said the same thing too and it's it's mostly my personal my my mom she she watch couple my videos how I sound and she said that I should talk more and my wife as well so I was like okay maybe I should do maybe I should talk more all you do is have that fear where you may be so weird or or whatnot or maybe say something that that's that sounds off or you know kind of thing ah I would love to oh sweet supporting cable all right some dudes all right pretty interesting all right not so clean but I what do you guys think about this uh maybe I should try it with the the wood beams instead of the cool one I don't know [Music] sponge I'm gonna spawn 30 trolls it's David why aren't you wearing pants because I choose not to you know funny enough the whole pants thing started when it started when with season one I I started as a joke and the joke was that I was saying hey let's start like a no plans uh no pants group or you know club or whatnot and it is just the fact that the other guy is like well laughed at me and call me crazy especially Christy you know I said like all right you know what I'm gonna take this notepad thing serious and go along with it so that's how they though no pass thing came to birth it'd be like you live in a Truman Show [Music] yes yeah yeah true uh yeah I public speaking was like one of the things that Chrissy I can't I can't do that like like school and projects I could never speak but yeah people and some of them that can interact with public but never that you do like like in real life I don't know like over over into this like this this is like this you just feel like this there's this barrier where it's just in this uh it's you're wearing the oh the barriers like you're wearing a a mask um so you you are you can be whoever you want to be or you can be yourself if you be open and and whatnot kind of kind of thing but when you're off it's just like the mask is off it's like all right so you're not that and you know you're more close than you keep to yourself all we need is your sparkly width and humor V thank you oh wow I'm so behind chat oh eat eat eat eat eat thank you thank you Cherry appreciate that um [Music] what's that look at these 60 people nobody said anything about it NPC comments [Music] a 45 uh closest to the column of course ah I see I see so try to 45 instead all right let me try that one I wanted to I wanted to be like tucked in so all right yeah tuck it in right there oh all right let me cover this little wood iron beam [Music] all right let me try the regular all right that's good okay be right like I said guys [Music] [Music] [Music] all right back sorry about that uh well there's a lot so far behind I I'll be um all right so yeah uh oh yes what's what's going on crazy all right hello Phil speaking in real life but don't show my face in YouTube but I mean you you kind of tease a bit well this is how you look pretty so and I have not done any of that I think only I think there's only maybe one person that I'm uh that knows how I look but he she hasn't uh played violin for a while and I think maybe some person do know how I look but don't even realize that it is me and some uh I'm interested in that stuff happening and like in the early days and early days early days of posting uh right so I don't know I don't know hero uh what do you want from me all right I'll leave that for later maybe leave that part here uh it's like right here was one of the things that I'm trying to see if I need something feels like there's something more just a bit more to this uh the cherry on top if you if you know what I mean [Music] yeah I don't know easy talking to people in stubble and I started youtubing streaming I don't like the subtle my voice recording oh [Music] what I gotta comment once uh saying I was gonna watch this video but then I heard your voice oh wow yeah that that's definitely rude this damn near Spirit there you're trying something in processes persons this can be this be mean you know [Music] foreign [Music] yeah you definitely have to grow a thick skin in uh like this YouTube thing the person's uh with the mean comments not helpful not help like like you're just looking at the comment and it's like how does this help how does this help me how does this country contribute to the community like no no it's a waste doesn't make any sense so most of the time like when there's like a comment where it's just speed me I just straight up delete it it's really if it's a case where the comment is like was made and then like the community kind of dog pal I'll maybe just leave it just for the sake of the person like kind of Learning lesson there because why why are you doing that why are you being white beans uh or be mean you know why do you have to beat me what what do you have so much problems in your life you're unhappy so you want to make other people unhappy too I'm I'm still just trying to look at this just see what else to add to this was that DB I would suggest lighting ah lighted lighting I see what you mean lighting eye oh Furniture I need two bronze two copper two resin all right let's add some lighting that's that's yeah let's let's do that thank you for that DB it wasn't even thinking about lighting I have some copper sitting in the chest here ah here we go uh here's some resin we good we need a forge and we have Uranus so all right so we're gonna drop it about here it should be should be enough space so that it doesn't go out all right let's grab some more red um resin [Music] all right let me let me tell you let me so there's a thing so is that when my previous work workplace um like dealing with a lot of customers uh taking a lot of calls and being you know I mean told stuff and and whatnot I think that like working there as like like giving me a thick skin so I'm just used to where I get like customers that are this the straight up nasty right they just don't have a reason for it you're trying to you're trying your best to help them out and for the life for the life of you they won't you're telling them the right thing they won't take it and they try to make it a more frustrating call and then when it doesn't work up because hey you wanted to do it your way right and fine you want to go ahead and do that and then you say see I was trying to tell you this and then they just look at you and you call you this and that and what but what I do normally in those cases is just that I I just mute the phone around this like this I'm just laughing to myself because this is just I I don't I don't try to see I don't get angry um at people that's trying to be mean and and all right I just look at it and just laugh this laugh is like oh man uh thank you appreciate it appreciate the laugh and then those wait for them to ask for super better than the cinder move that was a that was my like every day is like uh I have to be with customers like that I used to have like this uh like when I was like for technical support for like Asus I used to get like the worst worst kinds of customers it's like like it's like every five costs well every 30 customer I'm speaking to like seven of them were like they were horrible horrible and the thing is that you have to you what what I like to what I look forward to is just when they start cursing because I can tell them that they should refrain from a person or so I would have to hang hang up the phone foreign person so I can get rid of them off the off the line kind of thing but when they're they're really just they don't go that road and it's trying to do do um a more fancier way of insulting you and whatnot maybe that's just stay on the line there um with them that's his problem now I'm gonna I don't know what I'm gonna do more here I didn't there's something else but um my brain a little bit foggy but I think I may I think about the end stream here oh wow that's being Upstream longer than it than I thought but let me just catch up with you guys and chat though very very uh very interesting uh topics uh we were discussing so far yeah I usually just ignore the comments that I have no real feedback low ending direct will respond to them yeah don't don't respond to them don't give them the time of the day don't give them any fuel nothing let's get him silenced because that's what they were there's just nothing that's what the comments with the feedback you're given it's nothing so you get nothing [Music] really nice and anti-sword there's a difference you know Cherry is when they're swearing at you and not just swearing in anger because you do have customers where they were swearing in anger and that is fine I mean frustration but when they're starting to swearing at you I'm trying to abuse you over the phone that's that's like a different thing now must be the plug fumes right [Music] you guys are hilarious uh what about a horizontal one meter um look like Snap to the to the arch and the angle towards the cool one support look like one meter wait to the ocean I don't know which part which part are you talking about Arch oh [Music] I think in are you think I don't know what you're saying about here uh I I don't know just dude whatever we call tech support or customer support I go above and beyond to be nice like they aren't the reason you're in this situation I mean take take you know I haven't checked problems it can be very frustrating it's just only when like they start to insult you like like there was this there was this uh interest in um call that someone got and if the call was used for trading purposes for other persons to to expect but it was like one really horrible call with a person really um start to be racist and and all that stuff and he he was like he was nasty it was nasty it just it wasn't even called or is this what what happened is that he's asking for something that's that's he he's asking for something that he can't get in the policy and I mean the simple thing is that I mean if you can't get something from like the regular agent because they're following protocols and all of that stuff all right and yeah yeah extra supervisor see what the supervisor says if you can't get it then that's that's it don't take it all around the person who had a two meter vertical beams are oh okay I see what you mean it like but yeah my brain is so frazzled out and I pretty much went over the time where I'm gonna end streaming um but yeah I think I'm gonna kind of stop right here though foreign business but yeah yeah it was fun it was cool and uh yeah we made a made a nice little rope Bridge so I tomorrow like you guys maybe catch me next week not 100 sure but but yeah if you see a notification yeah that's that's yeah I'm streaming yeah not gonna stream on Saturdays until certain things are like pretty much out of the way but I hope you guys uh have a wonderful rest of uh evening or is it morning like cherry and uh yeah I'll catch you guys next week and see you see you guys then thumbs up
Channel: Versaugh
Views: 12,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ravenheim, versaugh, valheim, tavern
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 8sec (14348 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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