I Played 100 Days in Minecraft and Built a lot of Cool Stuff!!!

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[Music] well hello everybody and welcome to my 100 days of survival minecraft playthrough this is mythical sausage how is everybody doing oh man today we're going to be going from day one to day 100 in survival minecraft and we're going to have fun along the way let me know if you guys want to see more videos like this in the future leave a like if you want me to continue to date 200 and then maybe we can set that up very very soon but without further ado let's get it started let's play some minecraft for a hundred days and we're starting off day one but guess what yep punching some trees making a crafting bench and making a couple of tools after that just start breaking some cobble making some upgrades on those tools got every single one i need grab some flowers along the way and i killed the chicken and maybe two and i almost killed the baby but i stopped but i did kill the pig still some sheep more than one grab some sugar cane and then i headed off looking for my soon-to-be base but on the way i found a soaking ship got some loot and then i docked into this beautiful area that the second i saw i said yes we're building here found a bee though he was gonna be my friend i decided to take a quick sleep wake up the next morning on day two and get some trees kill some monsters equip some kind of loot that i found chop some more trees and did a little bit of terraforming like a builder does you know i got a clear spot made a little campground saw some turtles found a hole in this hole it was pretty dangerous you fought our first creeper and he kind of blew up grab some coal grab some iron and i think we're doing pretty good so far because i just was smelting grabbed the bucket got a shield and upgraded my tools here did a little bit of farming as well this little pond that we're definitely upgrading later also i did some stuff by chopping down some more trees uh and you know what this is a beautiful area but it was interrupted by a creeper who wanted to say hello blew me up but i didn't die did a little bit more farming over here by adding some more seeds to this little area planted some sugar cane definitely gonna need that for later found this weird hole so i just stepped in grab some iron grab some extra mats found some bad guys killed the bad guy saw a bad guy hiding behind diorite he needed to die then i saw this group uh party going down over here i don't know it's like a big old battle i walked into so i decided just to watch for a little bit and it was a lot of fun until um they turned on me so i decided to take out this last guy over here and it was quick easy simple plans to bamboo and i decided to build a little animal pen thingy it's totally tiny and it will not be the final product don't judge me it's something quicker that i needed because we're running out of food so i planted some gates and then brought some cows over the cows are coming on down right here and we're gonna make a bunch of them we need a lot of leather also brought some sheep uh yeah i'm mixing animals that's fine we'll separate them later so i decided to prettify this area this is going to be our mine interest it's a perfect spot so i started breaking some blocks down making it look all nice started to carve away inside this mountain and make ourselves a nice way down to 12 or 11 or 12 well either one you guys decide i mean some armor right here and it's looking pretty good and i look all shiny so this is starter house time day 9 through 14. this took a little bit of time but it was well worth it making a nice beautiful little starter house so we used the materials that we found in this area we got some dark coke we stripped it on the top left it bare on the bottom had some nice little trapdoors there on the side for lighting dropped a big old chimney there on the side and this thing is starting to take some shape also pop a nice little overhang here with some campfire blocks put a nice window here in our bedroom and our starter house is complete what do you guys think of that one it looks pretty cool that's not all i wanted to make a little bit of a crop area so i'm attaching this little side area here for some crops pretty much just for wheat for right now and it's looking good pop some water down in these lovely holes here tilled the ground and planted some seeds uh it didn't fill up the whole thing but we'll get some more later added some bush for a little bit of detail and then started decorating the inside of the house by adding some paintings over here also some hanging bush why not what kind of house is it complete without some hanging bush so i hung that bush real good too it looks really nice also over here in this corner you know what i just need something why don't we put a nice table over here uh we could put some stuff on top later and then i added some uh oh extra barrels uh we have no storage yet so it's gonna be placing stuff in random places like i normally do so barrels are going up carpet is going down here in the front also in the kitchen and then i added some path over here and this path is going all the way down curving from the starter house all the way to the mine entrance and just regular path block will detail up later with a poor stir and then we went down to the mines and did some mining got some stone broke a pic thousand diamonds look at that with our first diamonds here of the hundred day world it's day 16. not too bad so we broke them off and we got a total of uh four just four yeah let's make sure yeah just four got some iron i also found some more diamonds some water diamonds my favorite kind and it was i thought it was just one oh that's that was those two i lied it was three but that was it made our way back upstairs and i started to pacify some of these bees got some honey because i was starving to death and this was delicious what a beautiful beef not a creeper my house though that wasn't delicious or beautiful it was scary but you know what i saw the problem i had to like some more stuff up mistakes were made but you know at least he didn't blow anything up i got my b friend over here and we went off on an adventure to look for some spruce i need spruce in my life this bee totally got me to the right direction i found this lovely old spruce and i brought it back home did a little bit of breeding saw some more creepers who wanted to give me a hug but i was like not today sir why don't you give me a record disc i got one thanks skully you shall die now made some big boy spruces right here and chopped these down for day 17 but then the 18 to 22. this is a great day got some sugar cane uh battled uh an underwater uh child it was um it wasn't fun but you know what that uh dolphin help me out i also got some clay did a little bit more farming over here and into our wheat field bring some more cows and it was time to make this animal pen look cool so we made this little barn right here and it came out nice uh i told you we're going to keep that tiny little pen this came out pretty cool though we used some spruce on the bottom had some nice little archways made a nice little bell-like roof here with spruce and some oak and i think this barn looks very cool very starter worthy but very nice at the same time let me know what you think because the cows they liked it the sheep were like ah that's all right sausage so it's time more building day 22-26 we improved this mine entrance made a little castle tower in the wall kind of thing did a little bit of terraforming a little bit of detail work there to the pond and uh added some oh there's just some chests on the inside you never know you might need them or whenever you're going around and then we prettify the outside with a little bit of bamboo some bushes and path block and that's not all more building let's go we're building an awesome hobbit hole right here and this hobbit hole is going to be housing our nether portal and it is looking real real good we got some tutor blocks there with some spruce we got some stripped oak we got some regular oak and also a tiny little flower garden next to it and you know what that's not all i wanted to build a little custom tree to this so we did it while the watering trader was trying to sell some stuff i i wasn't having it i killed them off camera because i know a lot of people are sensitive about that but guess what i murdered him i took his leads it was a great time but you know what our another portal entrance is ready to go and we have to check out what our nether looks like from the other side so let's go on in and hopefully it's something good please be a good spawn please please please please please please be a good spawn in the nether it's not it's another waste it's disgusting it hurts my feelings my swords but it's fine we got to deal with it right so we did some piglet bartering over here i got some good loot from my friend i got some shroom lights as well which is so so cool especially with that hoe you can grab that room like real good saw bastion not going in came back to the overworld and planted some good stuff right here from the warped forest a little bit of croppage right here uh planted my seeds back but i noticed something i got a lot of seeds i might do something with that later and then i went off to get some sea pickles also some fish this pond needs to be prettified so threw some seed pickles in there through our tropical fish i needed another one because i felt bad it was one by himself and we gathered some more materials i got a lot of wood wood the best kind the spruce kind and then this enderman was telling me something sausage do something for these bees they're out in the open they're your friends right train them like your friends build some stuff so we got some uh sand we also made a little bit of path blockage to lead up to what we're building also put some slabs of our beautiful spruce gather that glass here in our lovely new mine and i built an apiary for these bees this is a little greenhouse looks so cool very simple though still starter worthy we're still in the beginning stages of the game but we're adding some cool little glass roofs some nice tudor blockages there with spruce and oak and some nice uh glass on the bottom too we got to have glass everywhere these bees have to look outside so you know what i grabbed my bees with the lead that i definitely didn't get from a wandering trader massacre it was it was just given to me i lied so this bee is a little bit thick all right so i was like you know what b is okay i love you anyways let me break that door come on in brought him his friend and they having a good time so you know what it's time for baby making time to see the best baby mob in the game the bee let me know if that's your favorite is my favorite it went downstairs did a little bit of mining grabbed a little bit more iron and found some more diamonds right here but you know what i'm not breaking it i'm putting a little marker i'll come back with fortune did a little bit more mining went upstairs on day 38 and did a battle with these spiders it wasn't anything but you know what i was noticing something the bees weren't coming out i think they were stuck so i was breaking some trap doors the aesthetic trap doors had to go i was a little sad but happy at the same time because i freed the whole family so we came upstairs did a little bit more breeding and noticed i could get destroyed by these cows entity cramming is no joke people have lost hardcore world so i did some murder a little bit of murder light murder saved the children though made some books makes a book and shelves and i think we're almost ready for a enchanting station so i'm doing a little bit of clearing over here and we're going to be building not just in a chinese station but a brand new storage building this is not the final product because that i noticed that circle right there that the tower was going to build was a little bit too big so we got rid of that but this little side here in the corner is for the storage so it looks really really cool some stripped our coke on the top some stones all the way around and there it is this tower is a little bit better a little bit more proportional to the size of the build and i think it came out pretty awesome it's gonna be almost like a wizard-like tower as well since we're gonna be putting our channel station on the top so day 38 to 40 is spent ten whole days of building it was worth it you could tell this is a building series right we're doing all kinds of bills we're going to make this base look awesome at the end trust me this is just the beginning we got a couple more bills to go on this and you know what flower boxes add to your builds it makes everything look even better we also added some bay windows here on the top as well added some little shutters there to the side of the window to add more detail and then it's time to go on the inside now inside this build we're gonna make it look pretty cool so i added a little bit of dark oak for that ground it looks really cool and then also some arches here with the stone and we added a bunch of chests we weren't able to finish it we didn't have enough wood we'll get that later it's fine so we're making our way up to the second floor and this is just pretty much just a little aesthetic spot a little office for me that's it just an office but then on the top this we're gonna set up our enchanting room and my friend grassy showed up that let me know i'm doing a great job so we added all the books on the side we had a little desk as well and just little bits of detail and i noticed something uh once we made our training station went upstairs dropped the enchanting down uh 26 levels we need more books but grassy left me a present made my way downstairs grabbed some wheat did a little bit more breeding and guess what yeah a little bit more murder we need some letters not my fault the only way to get lit uh so we got some more books made some more bookshelves and then headed upstairs and uh let's drop it here nope 28 levels i need one more let's drop her over here on this side that's it 34 levels we went inside to check on our bees they look like they're possessed or stuck or something i don't know but i had a little bit of a storage area here at the bottom and i got some flowers because you know what let's do a little bit more breeding we need more bees for our bee army so babies remain but for some reason they keep getting stuck there so i got rid of that dirt dug a little hole down put our dirt down there and try not to suffocate these bees bees get out please uh the bees are fine there and i think that is it so on day 49 we grab some more wood pretty much all day day 50 we did a little bit of organization because uh yeah well it's a mess i did my best um we definitely didn't keep that organization up i'll tell you that but it looked good from the start right so i got some stuff from our minds and i put it back in there uh and then a little bit more path work so i'm just connecting path right now did a little bit more elevation changes here as of course dirt as well and the path is looking good i've been going down this path a lot from our minds over to the stores so i'd add a little bit of a side area here and extra pathing to get up to the top and i ended day 51 with a little bit of calm relaxing fishing oh so good after a long day uh i i got a puffer fish though uh on day 52 did a little enchanting our first enchantment was a nice pickaxe uh so i went ahead got some gold in my helmet went into the nether and i want to get some levels because i want to do some more enchanting so i knocked down some quartz and then some more quartz and just a little bit more quartz until level 30 went back home did a little more enchanting looking for some fortune please i didn't get it until i went back into the nether did a little bit more quartz mining like i do and all of a sudden the end came nah i died it's my first death okay if this was hardcore would have been done on day 51 but that's not all i spawned back and i decided to go back in it because you know what i wasn't gonna be stopped plus i had some good stuff on me so i went back into the nether jumped down to assess the situation lava was involved but my pick was safe which was pretty good and i did some parkour in here to get to the other side but i i i failed and i died for the second time can we get enough in the chat you know what i'm not gonna be stopped i'm going back into the nether and this time there's a good parkour we got some stuff uh we didn't lose that much and then a gas decided to try to ruin my whole entire day trying to kill me for the third time but i wasn't having it i'm batting these fireballs right into that gas face but you know what he was too quick he was too fast he was kneeling this whole thing and he almost killed me so i was like you know i'm fine let me go get some quartz so i decided to see if i could get my 30 levels up i went from one quartz pocket to the next this was how you rebuild go ahead and get some glowstone while you're attitude it's not going to give me levels but it gave me glowstone i needed to go ahead and just uh get all the armor back so i made it all over again everything i lost most of it so we got new tools we got new armor and i think if anything you know it's a learning lesson have backups go mining a lot and have backups now over here i was like you know what we need to make a dock this place is looking ugly we want to make it look pretty so i expanded this dock on day 55 through 56 it only took me a couple days but it was worth it so we have this big extension there on the top we can do some fishing off that or if anything big boats can come and park there and then we made a smaller dock on the bottom for smaller boats like me the minecraft boat you know he's just a little small so uh we have a little spot there for us to dock in and then also i did a little bit of terraforming on the bottom with uh just adding some rocks down there some cobbles some coarse dirt some bushes some grass a little bit of flower action and that is looking good what do you guys think oh so good we still got more expanding to do so i parked my boat headed on upstairs did a little bit of more croppage right here and i planted some seeds but you know what we need to do something with all these seeds we can make some bone meal or this we can do a little compost or bone meal generator thing so i did some breeding really quick just you had to right why not got some hoppers got some chests made some composters or just one composter and did this nice little totem pole trick of amazingness and it's pretty much a bone meal generator right here we could do our excess seed placement on the top and it makes bone meal on the bottom made it look pretty by adding trap doors on each side put a little hat on it and then dropped all of our seeds in there and he's going to make a bunch of bone meal for us i just help it out now over here we need to add a little well i added the tiniest well right in front here of our crops uh added some stairs surrounding it as well and then from here added some walls on the corners added some offenses to the tippy tops on top of these fences added some trap doors and then on next to those trapdoors that is the campfire blocks but um make sure they're unlit because if not it looks like the whole thing's on fire and then on top just added a little slab action there you go but it wasn't it i need to add some water to this well threw it down in the center and then wanted to add some more detail so we added some trap uh no char what is that called again we have some gates and then also some walls there to the bottom and it looks cool but then we were interrupted by some pillagers so i had to do what i had to do they had to die uh that guy was first his captain was next that was a one shot by the way i don't know how that happened i was super powerful on this day and i killed his last friend and then we hung his captain's banner in our storage building then i went ahead on day 58 and i just chopped some more trees we're going to be needing them for these uh chests we're good to go on day 59 we headed back into the nether to see if we could get some more levels because i want to do some more enchanting but i made a mistake i didn't bring a helmet of gold make this a life lesson to you don't go into the nether without a cold on you i died but you know what i will have my vengeance i grabbed my sword and grabbed my bed got a couple extra bits uh mainly a gold helmet and i saw this guy wearing my outfit but it was okay uh because i'll be having it back sir uh it's bad enough you turn into a zombie by being in the overworld he should have learned i took my stuff back this guy was frozen in midair for some reason i gave him a return to sender i don't know how i did that but i did it grab some more cords got some basalts got some more cords and i found ourselves the fortress went back into the overworld enchanted a fortune to pickaxe better than nothing uh and then i just did some really quick simple enchants for our armor because i was heading over to that fortress and i wanted to be sure that i wasn't going to die so we equipped our gear this time with a gold helmet in hand and upgraded to a silk touch pickaxe and so we got silk touch and we got fortune now which is pretty good got a hot tourist advancement and i decided to take out this skeleton i had the high ground he didn't he's dead and we found this uh blaze spawner now this was a little intense because all of a sudden i was surrounded by an army of a bunch of withers fell into a hole panicked for five seconds and covered myself up with some netherrack um that was the scariest moment of my life i'm not gonna lie i need to change the pants right now so we came back up and i i was like you know what they're trapped why not do a little battling over here but i was interrupted by fireballs um so we did a little bit more battling we got on fire again a little bit more battling more fire so i was like this is it i'm going in i'm going in battling this blaze here this lone blaze here what can he do to me nothing he caught me on fire and all of a sudden this wither murdered me again but it's fine we were met by some creepers got one that blew up my path and this one was like you know what i'll blow it up too blew it up have a huge crater now i'll take care of that later then made my way back into the nether fought my way through nothing because there was nothing there and i killed this last blaze got an advancement got my stuff back it was a good time i wasn't gonna die ever again i vowed myself this time it was gonna be better so i fought this with her he's dead and i got a head come on now that's way too lucky we killed one like five six weathers i got ahead that's crazy made my way back between day 62 and 66 it took me that long to patch up that oh no not really it didn't take that long but this time i wanted to build something else so we wanted to get a blacksmith into this area so i plopped this one down this was a little bit skyrim inspired so it has a little outside forge but also i made a dual forge to this thing which came out pretty cool after i added that uh overhang right there with the campfire blocks i decided to put one forged on one side and another forge on the other side dual forges baby that's pretty cool right i like that blacksmith but that's not all i wanted to make sure it was functional too so i added some blast furnaces on the inside so we can use it to make all of our tools our armor everything we needed and then also i wanted to make a little bit of a path here as well and i have a little bit of a wall here on the outside and this is really cool because it separated the storage building from the blacksmith also added some custom little package there and it's looking so good this little bill just adds so much to the area and it's just looking like a little town i love my little village town i don't have a name for it name it in the comment section let me know what you guys think will be the coolest name for this place but it is complete so i headed in to the mine to grab some more materials on day 67 and i got these diamonds back we needed to get them i used my little touch pickaxe so we could take our stuff upstairs got some coal uh found a lot of coal actually and guess what found some more diamonds behind that coal which is even better so we're taking that upstairs to fortune and it's looking pretty good so far then did a little bit of a tower here added everything we found there in the mines we got some lapis some redstone some coal and of course our diamonds and then we broke them all down with our fortune two it's fortune two though it's not four to three here we don't have that yet but with fortune two we were able to get some good stuff we got 17 diamonds with that so i got all the coal and i put it in every single furnace blast furnace that we had in the storage also did the same thing over in our blacksmith next up we're gonna go ahead and see if we can get all of our iron but also i wanted to make a little bit of an easier path to get from the swords into the blacksmith so we got this little drop down and then i made some diamond tools we made a pickaxe we made a chest plate and our air sausages were born right there and then we put them on put the backups inside the blacksmith and we headed out day 68 to 72 we went out exploring this world and we found ourselves a cool swamp also lily pads got ourselves tons of lady pads to take back home and make our place look even prettier than it is found some lovely clay found an ugly biome they found a pretty biome can't wait to see what that looks like in 117 but it looks pretty good for how it is also got some lovely blue orchids found ourselves a village but that's not all i found my best friend here in the open this is domke hi donkey i'll be with you in a second checked all the villagers stuff found myself a saddle which is meant to be for tone kit this guy was selling someone breaking one i didn't want it stole the wheat stole their lecterns and their books thank you so much villagers for giving me all this free stuff tamed my friend donkey and then we got the hearts going and we took a ride also we did some trades with the farmers there getting some extra emeralds and i wanted to re-roll this lectern here over and over again until i got mending and we got it for 12 but that's not enough i need more emeralds so i did some trades here for this mason and i got myself our first mending book but you know what i want one more just one more so i did a little bit more training with that clay got an extra mending and left with my friend donkey did i tell you donkey loves to swim he loves it we made it home right on time at the end of day 72 and we brought donkey upstairs so that's the end of this day because between day 7 3 and 75 i planted some vines dropped some of these lovely flowers gave one to the bees as well i had to as part of a contract and then planted all of our carrots and potatoes that we found in the wild so now we got that growing up also drop the lady pads in our pond drop some more lily pads in the front of our dock and this drowned tried to kill me but you know what no match but i found this fish kind of looked like a drown right so i put this drowned fish in our pond and uh yeah i stole a bell why not i put it in our barn then we got ourselves a little bit of a bone meal because i'm gonna start growing these crops just a little bit faster so these pumpkin seeds that man they're growing real fast there we go grow them all real quick we're gonna need some pumpkins eventually and then now it's time don't get needed their own personal house so i got rid of this tree and i started to build so this came out pretty cool this is actually a small version of my starter house so we use the dark oak we use the stone trim the top coat stripped in the middle with the trapdoors i made this one out of spruce instead of dark coat just to change it up a little bit but it's technically just a small version of my own house don't get better like it so i brought donkey over wrote them right on in and this entrance looks really really cool we got a carpet down there we got some hay we got a little bit of greenish right there and that was a good time no but right now we're going back into the nether guess what we need some more levels i fought aghast expertly right there and that came out awesome i took the tears too they cried a little bit before i took them out got us a little bit of course but guess what it's time why don't we take a quick peek inside this sebastian and see what's going on i had to take a look you know i had to between 76 and 77 this is one of the most frightening days of my life on top of what happened in the fortress there was brutes everywhere but you know what let me steal some gold except for that one i went into a lava pit but you know what i took that cold looked around and i left that was it that's all we were gonna do but we did a little bit more enchanting i got myself an awesome upgrade on my booties and on my pickaxe so we went into this water cave and i found more diamonds i love water caves they're always covered with diamonds did a little bit more mining got some more iron and got some more diamonds that's right between day 78 and 79 we did some lovely mining for some stuff but guess what more time is yes this diamond run was the best we've had so far we got a ton of these diamonds we're just gonna touch him and take him upstairs but so far this is pretty fun but you know we fought a little a bit in this uh cave system we almost died in here because i was a little scared but i noticed don't be scared sausage you're the best kill them uh f in the chat for this bad because these creepers are about to do a double explosion on them so bye bye batty i love you went upstairs and decided to see how many times we're gonna get and with fortune two still uh don't judge me we got 21 diamonds though which is still pretty good and we did great so far 25 is our total so it's time let's get rid of all this other junk on us and get ourselves an upgrade so we get full diamond kitted out so we got our pants we got our helmet and we're looking so good why not get another uh axe as well you know what how about a spoon maybe a sword we got all the diamonds in the world let's get another pickaxe and why not even put diamonds on a hole that's right i did it diamonds in the hole also put four to three now that we finally have it on that pickaxe i put mending on that and i upgraded these air sausages by what calling it the air sausages these are the five six these are the eights that's right i love roman numerals the sun is going down seven now between day 80 and 85 let's knock down this tree because it's in the way we need to build ourselves a lighthouse we're right on the corner of the water we need a lighthouse to guide us home we can see this from far away any people just wandering around in the middle of the ocean they could totally find our house now uh nobody else is wandering around this is a single-player world sausage shut your mouth okay but it looks good right look at this we used some true lights we used the bone blocks we used also a lovely little cap to that lighthouse with some granite and some dark coke and i think it came out pretty good oh i love me some soul fan valley so we can get all the bone blocks we need also on the outside i made a little bit of details there by roughing it up the spot adding some terraforming some bushes and it looks so good now between day 86 and 88 i did some more exploring and i found another village this was right by the water got a sunken ship got some junk that they left behind uh we really didn't need any of that but this is what we needed we got a buried treasure map so we used that map to go find some stuff in a bit but before we do that we gotta rent checklist village and steal everything they got we got some maps i thank that guy for their service i also got a little bit of hay and i rang this bell just to terrorize our friends you know what the things we do to the people we love i love these guys got ourselves a brewing stand got some more hay bells and i uh keep this guy out of his bed because i need to sleep also we're looking for this very treasure we found it right off the side got some extra diamonds got some loot and i left before i stole anything else made my way over to this side said hello to a llama family which were doing great and i found a witch's hut that's right we found a witch's heart and i had to take this witch out you know what it's i feel like the bad guy over here i technically went to their house and took him over and also you know what i'm doing i'm stealing their cat we don't have any fish on me but i got a lead and i saw this kitty name the kitty in the comment section i look like that so much i'm taking them back home with me they're technically a witch right so we can make ourselves a little brewing stand or something and the cat was doing some water skiing cats love to do that right pretty cool so we headed on back over to the village and i'm gonna steal one of these guys technically it's a relocation uh project okay it's not kidnapping the cat loves it though look at that phyllis just freaking out look at those eyes but also we made it back home right on time here oh man but i got some fish and it only took one fish for that cat to love me so it was meant to be me and the black cat and the villager making ourselves at home look at him had to be a fisherman right i got like 50 barrels this guy said hello but give me some brown dye and i was like thank you so much i learned the error of my ways not to kill you right off the bat thank you so much sir this brown dye is gonna do me so good i'm gonna put this brown dye right here i'm gonna put get some brown sheep so i don't have to find a jungle and we are safe we're good to go thank you so much oh but you know what you still have to go i need those leads good day sir get out of here give me those leads thank you so much for passing by giving me the brown diet took them out uh llamas were upset for a little bit but one of them loved me in the middle of this spitfest and i gave him a nice little brown coat now for day 89 to 90 i got a map of this area thank you so much villagers look how cool that looks right there oh our home so pretty now for day 91 to 93 the black cat inspired me i wanted to build a little brewing station a little witch's hut kind of thing uh we still didn't find any nether wart in that fortress it was a very tiny fortress so we are not able to really do much brewing right now but at least we can set it up once we do find another word we could bring it back but for right now we're going to make a nice little witch's hut here in the corner it's almost day now it's almost a 100 right we need to you know step up our game add a couple more bills before the end uh so this one came out really really cool definitely looks like it belongs in the village with that theme that style the dark oak the spruce in here overhang looks really really cool also i added a little bit more details on the outside we added some bamboo we added some bushes if you notice the villagers freaking out they're running around all over the place it's like they think they own the place it's my place all right now i'm taking my cute little black kitty taking it over to the witch's hut in quotations even though it looks a lot better than the last which is what they were but we saw that take shape upstairs this is for the kitty cat that's where they can sleep this is their home now they're just looking really cool oh i love this place so now day 94 i ended up going back into the nether spend the day doing a little bit more piglin bartering and we had a gas totally do some kind of witchcraft right there something fishy happening but the bartering came out pretty good we got some good stuff and the piglet started to turn on fire so i asked them if they wanted some help they said yes i splashed them with uh some uh fire resistance that they actually gave me i technically gave him with the game it's fine but we did a little bit more bartering and i killed that gas so easy but the gas had the last laugh and the big man was dead get another f in the chat so between day 95 and day 96 i wanted to do a little bit more crop placement over here so we got the carrots we got the potatoes that and i took them away from that refill that put them back here on the side and we got a couple extra crop pods in here which looks really really cool added the bushes then i did a little bit of texturing to make it look even better and our crop areas looking so good but now d97 wanted to add some lighting this place is pretty dark at night so i usually sleep away the night but you know what it was worth making that place look a little bit more lit up so bad guys don't spawn so day 98 we we do some more kidnapping sorry villager relocation and we brought him over but on the way back we saw some turtles so i made some turtle babies the villager was impressed also i did some more kidnapping i mean relocation of that egg headed back home and i got one more day to go what do i got to do let's go into the nether and make our another portal pretty we needed to do this this was the only thing we have in another to go in and out from so now we got something that looks pretty cool got a little bit of basalt a little black stone and it's a nice little uh another portal you know it looks pretty good for day 99 and with that being said i need to do one more build in the overworld it's almost nighttime let's build a fountain in the centerpiece here it needed something it was a big open space so i added this last fountain and that was it time to go to sleep and there it is day 100 here in our minecraft survival world and we were able to pack as much detail as we could at as many buildings as we could within those hundred days and i think we did a really good job we did all our basic farms our basic builds but you know what let me know in the comment section would you like me to continue this series go all the way from 100 to 200 we could step up our game even more in that time we can add some automatic farms we can maybe even find the stronghold going to the end fight the dragon fight the weather take it to the next level what do you guys think let me know in the comment section if you guys would like something like that oh hi how you doing how's that water uh but i'm outta here for now thank you so much for watching let's do a quick little cinematic though to end this off in some shaders and i'll see you guys on the next one [Music] goodbye [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: TheMythicalSausage
Views: 1,507,050
Rating: 4.9438219 out of 5
Keywords: mythical sausage, themythicalsausage, 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft survival, day 1, day 1 to 100, day 1 day 100, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, minecraft lets play, minecraft let's play, 100 days of survival minecraft, 100 days of minecraft, 100 days of minecraft survival, minecraft 100 days, 100 days of minecraft building, 100 days in minecraft building, 100 days of minecraft survival building, 100 days in minecraft survival building
Id: ygfPzUeaPKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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