I Spent 100 Days in ARK Ascended [Primal Chaos]

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you spawn on the beach expecting normal dinos like a Dodo and a trike but instead glowing purple the's demonic foxes and electric rexes are looking to traumatize you this ladies and gentlemen is Arc ascended Primal chaos it is my moral obligation to survive for you guys a task that took 100 days and 50 real life hours here is what happened character creation where every 100 days video should begin hide your girls Uncle Joe no Uncle take your ho I begin day one with a pair of balls and spawn North one a spawn point the game labels is hard I collect my first stone and perform a mind-blowing display of environmental awareness for my subconscious to choose the one dead tree amongst all the living ones Greta thurberg would be proud my first level is applied the that and wood I harvested from a tree gets turned into a pickaxe a pick I would later use to aggressively drill into a rock for Flint something that might get me canceled 200 years from now for violating Cobblestone rights the Flint I got from this rock who I hopefully didn't offend allows me to craft the torch I was missing thatch for a hatchet so I turned around and imagined the tree was a 1950s where then I crafted my Hatchet and was rewarded a level I then put my torch to use an act that exposed Uncle Joe as a closeted luciferian bringer of light bearing a torch or maybe although this is more far-fetched it was getting dark and well a torch helps later I chopped down a couple of trees and nearly ran into a cardinal I slammed the brakes into the U-turn a few moments later while scrolling my angram I get attacked by an ala Doo what the I run away from a trm pumped chicken while leaving behind any bit of dignity left in me day two hit and I was between a caral and a Dodo I jumped on a rock to feel safe leveled up and then ran ran through the forest until I found a wild beta dodo I'm done running who I put to sleep because well it's a beta it Dro beta blood and beta hide do I know what it's for not the slightest idea but we keep going and eoris then steals one raw meat from me after just one attempt I nailed the spear on its head I am now a proud level six later I saw an alpha do it and got up close to see if it was aggressive my hypothesis was correct then I laid down to eat berries when a peg mastax jumped me I relocated to keep eating berries but curiosity made me beta blood kind of satanic the journey continues until I see an Alpa Doo I try to 1 V one until I realized his name was AB about to me up oh I respawn and now the game's just taking the piss a blue trilobit one Taps me what the troby I respawned on the opposite side so I begin to swim across but instead I recreate a Jaws movie scene finally after multiple attempts my body is recovered but the alpha dodo is ready for round two after three Kobe fadeaway shots to its skull I put the dodo to permanent sleep his a friend tried to be a real one but after one spear he reconsiders come here I harvest them both for their blood and hide assuming it will be useful for something later the friendly nearby listro is my next Target I turn him into a porcupine and then end his bloodline after leveling up I was caught lacking by the cousin of that beta Doo I killed earlier he brought two goons with him outnumbered my only option was to haul ass until my cardio betrayed me okay this isn't fun I respawn in the South looking for a better future only to end up on a shirt time to lock in pick AED and Hatchet crafted then I farm a couple trees and bushes bully an innocent list off for hide swim past the river and expire a family of five Doos later I woke up to an alpha carbon nemis to test his gangster not only did it pass the test it goes for extra credit anyway at night I take a quick lunch break by my campfire a few moments later ad Doo regrets staying awake past his curfew then an in the orance with a pair of balls heavier than lizo on a bulk takes my meat and quickly learns not to touch a man's meat I was very close to getting my first explorer note but of course an awful was guarding it everything was going well until it didn't now it's day three I recovered my body after getting an explor note and learn a bunch of engrams I get another note and kill a dilophosaur for an XP boost which gave me 12 levels this led to more fun angram unlocking moving on a dehydrated Uncle Joel takes a sip of fresh salt water now a level 38 character can craft more advanced Weaponry like bow and Bolas as well as a parachute reusable parachute moving on a kind Doo patiently waited for me to craft arrows so I and peacefully place them on his forehead his father enraged by his son's murder [ __ ] walks towards me and suffers the same fate just next street on 63rd I found tekashi 6 Doo slip in and gave him a spear-shaped lullaby that made him fall asleep later I be to hit a tree and when I turn around office dumble dodo magically appeared he's here to trade but I don't have any of the items he wants so instead I bowo it and after a couple of stabs I realized he might not be killable so I finish harvesting the dodo and run away before he wingardium looses me while running I spotted 2,000 calories of protein in the form of two eggs Yol Yol get it cuz yoink but egg has y I'm sorry now we're running through the rainforest and I find the blue drop it had two kiden helmets and two bars of soap an umbrella and the Sahara is more useful than this thanks to my parachute I quickly Traverse the island and land by complete luck next to a unicorn in Arc unicorns are very rare each map having only one at once I was morally obliged to tame it The Taming process is smooth until the Unicorn decides to tame next to an alpha Theory at least I tried I kept running until I realized the theory was in Ching me I didn't even get to name him bro day four and so far my biggest accomplishment is a failed unicorn tame at least I can take out my frustration on beta Doles and at the ores who I despise more than aaren lives calling the manager after turning those Doles into hide armor I trusted a vegan Turtle to not eat my cooked meat then I farmed some Stone to craft a motar and pestal to craft narcotics to make Tran arrows to tranquilize of pteranodon to transport myself around the island quickly eventually I hit a bol on the Pteranodon but when it lands I find out despite being a level 15 that's still higher than the median age in Epstein's Island I speared it for hide but it dropped the magical pouch what do I get from the magical pouch the milk your dad never brought back later I spotted two unicorns comfortably wandering about as if they weren't a complete Abomination apparently this mod changes their spawn rate Michael Jordan wouldn't have taken it this personal a couple teabags and a backflip emote later I was able to move on to knocking out a nearby Pteranodon then a trike gave me a proper jump scare while the Pteranodon was taming I went on a Merc in this hide Farm to craft a saddle my Pteranodon is now tamed but it still doesn't have a saddle so I killed two Doles that take a spear by email to the oipal Lo for hide my luck runs out when I still didn't have hide for a saddle and I ran into an AA Doo who handed free live Bob Marley concert tickets to my py now that my spliff py is sharing a spliff with Bob Marley I figured I couldn't let this hide go to waste of course an N the orus had to slide by and before he could say hi my spear said goodbye tragic fah high he dropped me a pouch that gave me 10 rifle ammo I mean I guess as I make my way towards West Zone 2 for more Explorer notes I run into not one not two but three unicorns at this point the modder is just taking the couple steps later I found megaa prehistoric mosquitoes that drop Kaiden a resource I need for my Pteranodon saddle 35 counts of mosquito homicide later I accumulated a total of 11 Kaiden put a nine in front of that and never mind Green Drop lands with a journeyman stone pickaxe which I take the other items didn't get a green card however and were kindly forced to despawn I continue to run westbound when I meet another beta Doo but because I have the peripheral vision of a two-dimensional Pac-Man ghost I able to see the bright blue glowing trilobite in the middle of the night my life gets pickpocketed yet again by a creature that spends its entire life face planning the ocean floor I respawned next to my body but with the trilobites still chasing me I tried multiple things first Abola I know but I was desperate then I tried placing a perfectly time caged failed again I tried throwing some Spears assuming it had low Health failed again I came back took my Loot and said good night to the trio I also swore to myself I wouldn't let anyone know about the time a trio bite had me begging for mercy but here we are day five begins running into an abandoned beta egg his mom must have been coral and his dad marle instead of Finding Nemo this was leaving Nemo to become Emo a few moments later I used my cage to get me up a hill where a parasaur was chilling after getting another not I parachute to the beach for water but apparently my character has to fully submerge for a sip the note run continues and while learning angram I discover the Mythic category so far that's all I know about the Mythic category on my next note I kill a bug which also drops a pouch before I could open it a gang of three DS attacked me I parach it to a safe place where I open the pouch and it gives me a disco ball guess what happens when you use [Music] it while still displaying of fireworks first of all over my head I walk near a Mythic Pteranodon the glowing purple color scheme is enough to repel any further investigation by the swamp I killed some megaa that dropped me two pouches and a treasure chest the chest gave me a dragonfly skin that you wear on your back that makes my skin crawl so I took it off one of the pouches was another disco ball while the other was a 200 armor Pteranodon saddle that deserves any emote I parachute into day six where I begin to run north alongside the West Coast I carefully walked between a glowing orange shark and a purple Pteranodon then a blue Turtle appears but thankfully no color on this Earth will make a turtle fast I even tease it a bit from the safety of a big rock I started chucking compies when I turned to my right and spotted a Pteranodon in a perfect place to knock out and tame on top of that it was a level 105 while it was taming I had to search for Prime meate to tame it faster that's where this baby compy comes in another the orus messes with me and I send them into the Stone Age get it cuz sorry while building a compi a lava looking Raptor appeared I immediately pulled a 180 I tried to bolo it to save my life but all I did was end it quicker I ran back and the Raptor was nowhere to be found as well as the Pteranodon later I kill a compy that drops a pouch I open the pouch and it gives me a snowball launcher I instantly wanted to figure out if I was just handed a game-changing weapon no later I run along the coast until I see a treasure chest floating next to a volcanic piranha I know what you're saying don't fall for it but because my brain is smoother than Jada's sculp I go for it once again I run back and retrieve my items and the chest I badly wanted was just a fish skin just when the sun went over the horizon a 130 Pteranodon appears after whipping a couple of bushes I get enough narcoberries to make narcotics and knock out the py the late night hunt for prime meat AKA babies begins kind of satanic but okay Wild Card blesses me with two baby dilophosaurs but their adoptive beta male dad Doo comes to keyword attempt a rescue I come back to my PD and give it Prime me and it tames instantly I equip it with a 200 armor saddle and finally I can give my feet a rest we all know Pteranodon weight sucks so I store heavy Crystal nearby in a storage box and mark the coordinates down as if I were really going to fly back here for it I come back to the PT and give it a name less colorful than the Tim burden film it wasn't long before I got an XP note for the Pteranodon and pump a bunch of stamina and much needed weight alas my first yellow drop and hopefully my last however these metal structures can be destroyed for ingots I fly to a purple drop right after and it had two sickles later on I find the flat area worthy of investment with potential to Triple in value with some time in inflation in a country whose dollar bill still fully relies on the amount of green ink laying around after claiming the area with a wooden foundation and trying to farm a forge and electric Sabertooth Sprints towards me after barely making it back to the PT I then lead the Thundercat away from my land I farm Stone to craft my first Forge and place it down the metal walls I got from the yellow are sacrificed in order to craft a chaos Smithy and finally I realized what all the alpha and beta blood was for to make awful tools narcotics and darts it's now day eight and I still need to farm for a normal Smithy until Thunder cat is back for episode 2 it took two C- spins for me to understand I was never going to kill this thing so I let it away I had exactly 5 Seconds of Tranquility to craft my Smithy when two Raptors showed up to disturb the piece then the bloody electric saber-tooth comes back again tearing apart the last bit of hope I had for this spot much like a Native American I'm forced to abandon my homeland and begin a Trail of Tears towards a new base location however my base spot was the mountain right in front a flat ledge that was just the right size I placed down everything I had a minute ago and my obsessive compulsive disorder commands me to clear the foliage cluttering the area with most of it now cleared I crafted metal tools to clear even more foliage the next step is to tame a beta dyo for beta eggs to then make off of kibble and tame an off a dino to make Elemental kibble to then okay you get the message beta kibble needs two normal eggs fiber medberry narcoberry and the most annoying one rock R also I hovered over this item that looks far too similar to a bottle of AD I'd like to stay alive it's an alpha heel potion you basically drink dinosaur blood and heal Alpha narcotic is used to make alpat Tran Arrow which is basically a stronger version of the normal Tran Arrow you also need Alpha ingots for all the satanic I mean Alpha items you get these satanic ingots by putting blood in a forge now I'll focus on the beta kibble by bringing a crop plot to the river but of course I had to deal first with 10 beta bugs then I placed the crop plot and that's it I'll improvise the fertilizer water and Seed as I go another yellow drop and I get more metal structures in C4 no complaints here because the drops were being useful I went for a purple with a ring and I drops 100 and gets a water tank 69 paste in a sick old on my way back to this sad clump of wood I call home I placed down my improvised water tank by my base because I changed my mind and decided to make my crops homegrown making the previous clip placing a crop plot by a river a complete waste of both of our times this is the moment I learn about the Mythic tier and all its weird items day nine I still don't have awful tools and that I have to correct but first an unnecessary Green Drop clip with unnecessary items actually the two wooden foundations fit right in the dino gate I can't defend it's just there I also placed a campfire by the edge of the mountain to enjoy each Sunset a few moments later while searching the island I find the Beaver Dam I was was about to leave it until I realized I'm a single player and leaving it there without paste would just be trolling My Future Self a few Wing flaps later another Beaver D with 243 paste I'm also collecting as much Alpha blood as possible for Alpha narcotics and so a nearby Alpha Doo and Pteranodon get violated unlike the glowing purple shadowy figure who gets my respect fear and distance back home an electric pigeon has been trying to wipe me but I'm able to bite it and Lead it away safely the next clip Alpha tools magically replace my old tools and I'm now farming for crop Lots I plac them down and through my pants to fertilize the crop lot day 10 and just now I discover the alpha turret will I ever craft it no but I do find old metal structures and Destroy them for precious ingots I also learned the toilet engram to make fertilizer later on conveniently stored near my base is heaps of Crystal and metal that I farm with my satanic pick because PS can't afford a gym membership I'm forced to return on a parachute now I can craft a toilet place it next to the crops and do number two flush down the imaginary seage system and a last fertilizer the mods I added gave me two different types of spy glasses and after testing I came to the base conclusion that binoculars are superior then somehow the most useful item out of a purple and green drop is corn my path to farming is much off of blood as possible continues as I send a dill and an Iguanodon to the afterlife Iguanodon gave me 58 blood so best believe the next Iguanodon I saw got the same treatment this time dropping a pouch the pouch gave me one primate Al a parasaur gives an additional 48 blood eventually I find what I've been looking for but kept secret from you and Iguanodon not for a satanic blood ritual but instead to kidnap knockout Force feet and enslave to Berry farming for the rest of its puny life on second thought he would have probably preferred a pentagram with five candles and move on to avoid any mistakes it picked nearby compies and dropped them down a 50ft cliff it's now day 11 and the Iguanodon is nearly tamed H it's tamed hey tamed Mario no The Berry Farm starts because that's what I tamed this for not to give it a cringey Mario name as of right now I really just need narcoberries as well as the seeds to plant them on the crop plots because I lack common sense I didn't bring a cryopod for the Iguanodon to take it back home so I'll have to leave it in a safe spot for now at least what you can consider safe on an island with mythical dinos on my way back to base I saw an alpha anky and I wondered the amount of metal I could farm with it but I can't tame it yet back at base I tried to make some fertilizer but my character was constipated I also planted the seeds in the crop lot and put narcoberries in the chaos Smithy to craft some arpa narcotics Alpha narcotics need spoed me and luckily for me there's a spoiling bin here these Stone foundations that I got somewhere in a drop I put them down and I began to C my first bits of Alfred narcotics day 12 begins with me slaving away I needed the stone and Flint to make some spark powder to then make gunpowder as you can see my homegrown organic rock roots are growing the spark powder is now being turned into gunpowder turned into long neck ammo to make an alpha tranquilizing dart back to the toilet to try to make more fertilizer but my character was constipated I waste my stamina to then that somehow makes me poop that's how this game works and then I flush and more fertilizer for the crops back to the automated Arc workbench there was a feeding troughs to craft to feed my dinos of course as I don't even have a beta Dyno yet but I'm still scouting Alpha dinos for the future you know market research the cold snow is taking away my health so I build a sleeping bag just in case a blue drop that gives me a forge I mean I'll take it I land on Saudi Arabia like a proud American to start stripping their oil away everything seems safe and sound until a Taliban disguised in the costume of an electric Sabertooth kills me we all know what's going to happen if I try spawning on the bag but worth a try my PT got sent to heaven but at least I let the tiger away from the ledge so that I can loot my body next time ah remember the pigeon that was attacking my base earlier he broke the bed so I have to spawn at the bottom of the mountain eventually I make it back to base and I use the metal walls for metal to make myself a new kit did I mention I have to go back on foot to the Redwoods to tame a new P day 13 and I finally found another PT to tame in the Redwoods after saddling it up it was time to stand on business and go back to my item cash before it despawns but apparently the spoil timers were like at 2 hours and a half so I was fine P's overweight so once again I had to leave Crystal behind with the oil I stole from Saudi Arabia I am now back at the US and ready to craft my fabricator I try to pick up the spike wall that I placed but instead I pick up the stone foundation so then I just get rid of the other one as well purple drop and never mind I'm going to save you the depression I do plan on taming an Al for RG as soon as I get the alpha kibble so I'll start killing some scorpions for Kaiden for the RG saddle at night I found the yellow drop that had polymer and stone walls I just remembered it's best to place beds down because you know the pigeon destroyed them speaking of the devil he just shows up out of nowhere as soon as he's mentioned the entire existence of this video is being held hostage by an orange pigeon but well here we are demolishing stone walls for stone day 14 begins with me crafting your campfire and the RG is still in the background holding me hostage I still don't have enough Ken for RG saddle so more scorpions will have to you know be sacrificed while flying around I hear a weird noise and I also see a new color scheme of black and fire so I keep good distance from this then I L A green drop that a homeless guy would not even take I make a new discovery there's also purple trikes with an RG saddle to craft I farm the usual stuff hide and bugs I also put the sickle I got from that drop to Great use I collected two abandoned eggs to take them to their new home the kitchen this fomo was the last piece of the puzzle to get enough hide to make an RG saddle so back to base we go RG saddle crafted and there's also a table laying around so I place it down on day 15 the long awaited ala kibble is finally crafted and after some nice Crystal farming a cryopod is crafted a cryopod this long forgotten Iguanodon would go in back at base I crafted a generator I don't know what it's for yet but we'll find out soon this mountain also has obsidian laying around that I would use to craft polymer more metal structures being destroyed for metal and paste after a tiny metal Farm I visited yellow drop that had an elevator platform for me but to demolish it for resources I first had to craft a track but before that I made a cryo fridge so that I could throw out my Iguanodon but yeah I forgot there's a 5minute Tim after placing it so I have to wait day 16 begins with a drop that gives me a bunk bed something I'll destroy later for resources then a blue drop that gives me paste remember the bunk bed yeah this is single player don't need it I'm starting to get adictive to looting drops but I get a fur chest piece from this one I need Electronics to make that track to destroy that platform so I go all the way to the snow to get some silica pearls 11 silica is just disrespectful the game then decides to troll Me by putting a white drop halfway into the mesh the only idiot here is me trying to loot a white drop anyways here's me going for Forks note to take a break from more drops that I keep farming after being in a digital prison for an hour the aanon finally is released just a farm slave I make for armor so that every time I go to the snow I don't piss ice cubes I take a second to remind myself of what Alpha kibble needs and after a quick glance it's time to steal some more beta eggs now that I can make my first Alpha kibble I can now go to tame the alpha RG by the snow The Taming process was very smooth as you can see not a single hiccup it was one shot away from being knocked out so I hit an MLG play I'm feeling tired yawn ass looking RG of course to save my RG team I had to lead away an entire Army of carinal I plac the kibble in its inventory and it instantly tames she the stats on it was crazy too 177,000 HP well py day 17 we had a nice adventure and it's time to go into cryopod confinement I immediately get my RG and explore note that gives it 10 levels on top of that I kill an alpha carinal which gives another seven but then I kill the actual Alpha carinal the one that gives a bunch of XP and this time I get 40 levels I slam them all into weight and call it a day then I lot a purple drop and this is my real life commentary trash taming this Alpa RG I consumed all of my Alpa narcotics and Alpa darts so it's time to craft new ones withdraw started kicking in so I had to go loot another drop and satisfy my gambling addiction on my way back to base I spotted a beta egg and of course I had to loot it in front of the parents to leave them traumatized for Life a few moments later I found an alpha egg of course I'm taking it the parasaur did not care hey this green drop has your aimim on it and because I do not learn my lesson I fly into the Redwoods and instantly get knocked down by a Tyla I fly back on an RG and guess what there was another one why is it back on the treat because all of my flyers are now at redwood's idol I have to run back there after getting through the swamp somehow I Whistle my pey and get back on it with both thas now on the ground I can safely get my body back then I came up with an ingenious idea just fly above the road W I stop by a Beaver Damn family and I destroy all of them then pick one random one he's level 95 so I might as well tame it after knocking it out I went for some meal berries put them in and now we wait in the meantime I started dropping some more metal structures I went for a sip of water and when I turned around the magician Dole dropped again I couldn't do any of the trades that he wanted because I didn't have any of those items then I discovered a taming helper I crafted it force fed it to the beaver and it insted because it dropped all its food as soon as the saddle got crafted it was time to slave away I've played this mod for long enough to know that just looting your yellow drop is about to be cringe let's try to get this the amount of risk involved in this that is okay well that ended up a lot better than I expected on day 19 I decided to get up close and personal with the shadowy figure because my balls grew oh oh oh that's the same moment I found some Rex eggs so of course I kidnapped them then a beta egg take that too but instead of stealing eggs for the rest of the wipe I'll just tame beta Doos beta Dad let's make another beta kibble and go find the opposite gender to start breeding them no this why you don't go on Tik Tok while flying after dropping the Doo from the sky a micro Raptor stuns me no luckily the situation didn't escalate from there and I was able to leave back at base I knocked out the doto got my first beta egg from them and I tamed it I started mating them then flew around and found a Mythic egg on day 20 I found an aapor chilling inside out of a rock I picked it knocked it out I was wrong to assume it would tame with a beta egg so I went back to base and made another beta kibble back to the AV Raptor gave it the kibble and it tamed holy as soon as I brought it back to base it already collected an egg and while I was crafting a track in the fabricator a chicken flew by my screen what the what the I thought I had to knock it out to tame it but that's not the case I finally crafted that track to place the elevator platform and get a bunch of resources o to speed up Crop Production I wanted to make a greenhouse so I started building it to realize that greenhouse effect doesn't work on ASA um where's my greenhouse effect so we'll have to stick to normal Crop Production day 21 starts finding a beta do it out in the wild I picked it brought it to base knocked it out had to farm some berries in the Iguanodon make the kibble didn't make enough kibble it needs another one while I waited for rock R to grow I went in photo mode sheesh eventually the carrots grew I made the kibble and I put it in the do do it tamed I tried to craft a saddle but I was missing hide so I guess it's time to farm it and there we go though with saddle crafted like every dyo I've tamed I picked them and I put them straight into the slave program I then discovered a medical station on the automated Ark bench and I crafted it why not don't lie to yourself farming drops is like gambling the only difference is that you're not really wasting money but you are wasting time day 22 and I just realized the healing station needs me Bru I'll just go heal it the classic way this Alpha RG actually allows me to harvest a bunch of alpha blood very quickly I'm not quite ready to tame an alpha anky or a beta one but I'll tame a normal one give him the tame helper some berries and call it a day then I went back to risking it all for a drop thank God I didn't lose the RG otherwise I would have molded grafted the anky saddle I put that thing on them and I made him Farm slave with the autof farm mod cuzz I'm lazy not only did this Beast Farm metal he also farmed a bunch of berries on day 23rd I crafted the better mortar imp pestl allow me to pick up this trash and place this beauty the metal got placed into the forages and now I got to let it cook check out the speed of the new morar imp pestl sheesh the wood chuck had to start farming again so we went over to Redwoods where all the wood is but first a blue drop with a ring that gave me a Mastercraft fur Gauntlet and well now to slave away I'm trying to make a huge first floor which is why I farmed all that wood I know it looks just like a 3X3 right now but don't worry let me cook I have an associates degree in architecture trust these ramps are so I can climb up easier you know what I mean I mean so far not bad right we still have like 75% left to build but the most annoying part is to have to pick everything up and transfer all the items to the new crafting station with the power of editing however I save you the trouble since we're upgrading our base I figured I would also organize the dinos in a nice Line running low on Ingot so day 24 starts with a nice metal run as well as some Stone and Flint to start getting gunpowder up I learned the auto Grill so I can cook faster I also made a control console which does nothing but it's a lot of storage for storage for storing things there's also a fertilizer manager and a shape of a toilet it pulls the fertilizer and distributes it to the crop plot so I can not do that again and finally I made an ice block which is basically a cheap refrigerator I waste precious minutes of my entire lifespan here to get a Bronto hide and a Raptor deals it off of me but I can always cope with some Loot drop farming back at base another chicken and this time I actually tamed it I just don't know why I called it quack that's a duck sound but whatever I pretended for 30 seconds that I wasn't addicted to drops and then I looted a drop on day 25 I made a cooker placed it just by the crops as you can see I go to this little toilet I pull the fertilizer and then fill the crops I needed that now so I dropped the doood and I started hitting trees yes the doood Farms a lot of thatch the improved motor and pesto has cooked a good bit of gun powder now at the edge of the mountain I'm building an extra layer of ceilings to put the crop plots later here I'm not even going to lie I thought I had to put the cooker over here but that did not work out too well so I brought it back to base this chicken spawned at the wrong time I wasn't in the mood and I turned them into a KFC so I named my current Chicken KFC just so he knows how close he is I took the thatch farm so serious I brought the dough it all the way to Redwoods where the good trees are and to finish his 10-hour shift he also formed Stone by Day 26 I was back at base with all the stone we formed and with the thatch I formed I'm I'm able to make more wooden foundations I wasn't joking when I said I was going to make a huge platform the cooker is now making Med brw but I accidentally wasted a bunch of berries on a bunch of colorings with the med Bru crafted I can finally put the medical station to use however the healing is not what I expected this is slow as you can imagine all these wooden foundations you know ran me out of wood so back to farming it and now we expand the left side and finish our crop plot Farm some railings around it won't hurt I told you I'm cooking because I'm bipolar I picked up all the crop plots and did them did it change anything not really I place this compost bin which turns poop into fertilizer day 27 and the expansion of the base continues I don't think I should be explaining every single little piece that I placed but yeah here's a little Montage I mean I hope I transitioned well few days ago we were at four foundations and here we are but wait this is missing something railings of course bro you have not seen a better base than this ever in your life stop capping subscribe found the yellow drop with a BP that I will never Farm I am never getting that much fur so we're doing a massive be Farm on the Yankee again narcoberries to make narcotics obviously Tinto berries to make me Bru easy as that I also had to add a fourth row of crop plots because I forgot there's four crops I decided that the whatever you call this thing is going to hold all the tributes oh I forgot to say it's day 28 and I just discovered this angelosaurus pick so I decided to test it is it any good better than an alpha pick not better than nane went for a little quick trip to the Redwoods for more wood when I came back I saw my base I'm in love with it all this wood is about to get put to good use let's craft a bunch of walls and boom look at that magic I don't know why these little walls make sense here but they do a chicken for some reason thought it was a good idea to spawn near me so I stole it and then I threw it this red drop was near the base so I went towards it when I found the volcanic Raptor and I figured that's easy Elemental blood the red drop however I mean it wasn't good but it wasn't bad it was pretty bad I saw a purple ferox and I figured this would drop Mythic blood and it also wouldn't aggro me but it has 60,000 HP when I killed it it dropped a bunch of consumables including a medium XP potion it gave me a total of 25 blood which isn't bad yellow drop with polymer and that's it everything else is [ __ ] dog I mean better than Prim org sadle right then back at base I saw the first flying chicken this was clearly an act of rebellion so put him down day 29 starts off with a berry run same purposes craft narcotics and me brus except for for the fact that I had it an AutoCraft so I crafted a bunch of colorings wasting all the tin berries fun I'm always freezing so a mink fur coat nice investment I have everything for this Alpha heal potion but I'm missing the crystal so let's go to volcano and get a bunch you can't even lie that was hella satisfying feel free to rewind that but look tons of Crystal I was going to fly back to base but first the red drop with a nice R Shield I'll take it I crafted the girl like 3 days ago but here I am placing it now it's time to craft the alpha heal potion and and some air conditioners to start incubating eggs soon as I flew around the island volcanic Raptor I am not saying no to this free Elemental Blood let's go more oh he's throwing a rock no way what the he has fire I'm almost dead oh my God I don't care I still went back and got my Elemental blood thank you thank you goodbye random pouch is laying around here so I mean I I'll take it on day 30 I open the pouch and look what I got an Argent Tavis saddle with 270 armor bro that was so worth instantly slapped it on the RG I also made Elemental narcotic from the Raptors I've killed after that demonic ferx broke all of my armor you know I had to repair it you see that in the distance yeah that's demonic theasaurus I am not letting a single volcanic Raptor Slide by it's the easiest form of farming Elemental blood for me right now third magical dodo I see and third time I cannot even trade with it thank to that Raptor I killed I put some Elemental blood into the forge made those ingots and I was able to make Elemental darts Elemental darts let's go hype there's electric Griffins on this if you haven't noticed but I can't tame that yet and then flew to a yellow drop with a ring and it was the best so far 330 damage Pike I'll take it later while flying around the island I missed a great opportunity for Mythic blood because I didn't have the RG on me so I cannot kill this thing it has too much HP a few minutes went by and then I saw this what in the world there's Reapers in this too back at base I don't even realize when I got a bunk bed probably from a drop but I demoed it cuz it's good resources I got tired of these chickens laying around in my base so I gave them a nice walk out after KFC the last remaining chicken in the base saw me do that to the other one he was standing there giving me the side eye side eye bombastic side eye [ __ ] your side I get the out of my L rest in peace KFC I'm kind of stuck on the alpha tier and to get to the elemental one we'll have to make the kibble and for that we need Alpha eggs just the game's way to remind me that I'm not the boss here I noticed there's Mythic owls by the base and I could possibly tame one of these day 32 and I'm getting my Alpha kibble ready so I can start getting some Alpha eggs to then get elemental kibble that's when I found an Allosaurus a volcanic one and that's going to be a good amount of Elemental blood I came here for the yellow drop but I also found a volcanic Raptor the drop wasn't all that but Ian I'll take the flippers and guess who I found lacking again a purple foox after which I make my return to home sweet home put the elemental blood in and craft Elemental narcotics as well as some Elemental ingots thanks to all the Mythic feres I've killed I could make some Mythic narcotics for some darts later remember when I said I needed some Alpha eggs well I found the opposite gender of an Argy I might as well tame this it shouldn't take too long after just one Dart that thing went to bed and after one kibble it's now mine for all eternity you already know the first thing I did when I got back to base was enable mating on them in the distance at volcano I saw a yellow drop and I was compelled to come loot it m nice another really good fur piece from a drop a raptor has a bunch of beta eggs but no Alphas yet so now we got a Mythic owl flying right by our base and it has been kind of scared I went around and searched for Alpha Doos tamed them brought them back to base and these will certainly give us some Alpha eggs but the Mythic owls back to troll me oh somehow he didn't an aggro he would have meet ran me day 34 while walking around my base I saw another chicken I was going to leave him there at base but then I turned them into a KFC put the raw meat into the grill and deviously ate the chicken Psycho Killer I turned these Elemental ingots into darts just make Elemental drank darts why not I crafted an air conditioner so that you know the crafting station area is cool after putting another air conditioner on the hatching area I went to drop an egg but forgot that the a raptor picks it up doesn't matter though I didn't like that hatching area so I made a new one I came back around the doos and my Alpha Doo died because I uncry it with cry sickness and now it's dead for some reason that's all cool though I went and tamed another one the daily yellow drop but it was ass except a metal shield while exploring the island I found an alpha Doo it was a female so I might as well tame it for more eggs then I figured might as well tame another one but this one I had to pick all the way back to base cuz I ran out of crows it's now day 35 and very soon we'll have some Alpa eggs with all these Doos I also raised my first Alpha argentavis don't want my new dino starving so let's make them another feeding trough I don't know why it took me 35 days to make a whip but we have a whip with the new Alpha eggs I got I was able to make Elemental kibble if I ever see a volcanic Raptor in the wild it gets packed up but while killing another one a Mythic owl snuck up on me this thing did a lot of damage and I thought I wasn't going to survive but I was able to distract it with the Bronto now I can peacefully kill the electric saber-tooth which also gives Elemental blood with all that blood I'm able to make the elemental darts which are the best darts I can craft so far what am I planning on knocking out with the darts the electric Sabertooth but first I need to make a trap I picked the saber-tooth and boxed them in but bees started coming out of nowhere but then something worse came around I came back picked the second saber-tooth and also boxed it in got my loot back as well the saber-tooth however had mate boost and I don't got that many darts so I picked one and dropped it far away just when I thought I had it all under control another saber or the same one I don't even know my worst mistake was to Dismount the Ary so I had to come back again this time on a PD and before I have to walk over here I Whistle there everything back to base then I came back picked the saber-tooth and dropped it farther away this time on Day 36 when I started shooting the saber-tooth I realized I wasn't very safe here so I started to make some door frames to shoot farther away from eventually the saber went to sleep and I tamed it I gave it the most creative name you could ever think of finally one of the dinos that have given me the most trouble is tamed and at my base I want to breed them however so I picked the one that I dropped far as hell brought it back and tamed it because it's a female instead of naming it bolt I named it bolto editor Eman has no mercy on playing Eman so this is me trying to craft the saber-tooth saddle in my inventory I was able to level up the saber-tooth quickly with an XP potion that wasn't enough for me so I gave it another one for a total of 27 more levels and after mating them they eventually had a baby thanks to the invention of the grill had cooked meat for the saber-tooth the rest I put in a trough but honestly the animals are going to fight for it look at that the cooker had now made 200 Med brus which I put on the medical station to start healing anything more Alpha rgies being raised for more eggs and just in case I lose some because the saber-tooth is the best Dyno I have you know it's the electric tier I'm going to imprint it so that I can run caves and just meat run stuff with it now that he's fully imprinted and grown we can put him at the medical station and wait for him to heal day 37 and I definitely didn't miss a pick on an anky but yeah we're going to teame an alpha anky to get more metal I called him Spanky he didn't even get 5 minutes to warm up instantly straight to slaving while doing a metal run the Berry Farm is mandatory so yeah this anky knows how to farm metal the saber-tooth is now fully healed on the medical station which means he is ready for war the closest cave to me was clever cave and I needed the artifact for a boss fight later so I guess I'll just have to run it everything in his way though got one tapped don't be surprised if I leave with a slot cap of meat at this point it wasn't long before I got the artifact because I could onab everything along the way but before I left I did tame a dunk Beetle because you know I need to collect poop for fertilizer on my way out however I did aggro and electric Griffin and now it's going to be a hassle to get this thing off of me every time it hit the Sabertooth it would do three 3,000 damage so I had to do something quick well I guess I did something quick only problem is I got the saber-tooth killed so I need to raise another one I went back to where I died to try to get my loot but that an electric saber-tooth ruins my day I came back in another RG just to lose the other RG that I first came on now I'm down an RG a PT oh and another RG so day 38 starts with me getting my body back finally welcome back to the real world dun be it instantly started collecting poop after losing a saber-tooth luckily the next generation is already growing and in case I do another oopsie I'm already raising a second one flash tuberculosis after a day that I just had of just dying of course I have to repair all my Flack and you know get some grapples again as well as healing this RG so it doesn't get one tapped in the Wild on day 39 I went over to the snow to start killing some penguins for polymer the only sad part was the amount that I got from each penguin I saw that pouch so I went to get it I also tried clubbing the Penguins but it was still a very sad amount of poly the slow flight back was very depressing knowing I farmed about 20 I decided to save the pouch for later and not open it now to make sure the Doles Don't Starve I took the me berries from the YY and put them in the trough just in case they eat all the me berries I put every single Berry in there anyway day 40 I was getting ready to tame more stuff so I got a bunch of off for Kibble and off for Narcotics the electric saber-tooth I just left them on mating to keep making babies no abortions never mind yeah those babies got turned into Elemental narcotics to get the new saber-tooth some levels I'll just go out for a spin and kill everything I see remember when I killed these with an RG an alpha RG well the electric Sabertooth is a lot quicker I killed an alpha parasaur then I went for an alpha trike but then it seems like I hit a the moradon and that I do not want to mess with but while running away I run right into where one was sitting camouflaged I ran back there got my body killed a couple of the moradon and then did the same thing again let's play Spott the the moradon can you see it cuz I could not I'm so down bad I have to parachute all the way over there and get my body again and nearly lost it again so I went back to base honestly I had enough for today let's leave the saber-tooth healing while we do something else like cooking all the meat we farmed and then putting set meat on the trough I went for some paste so I killed a bunch of beavers and there's a pouch there not to mention the two Beaver DS crazy there's a 140 electric Rex here I want to tame it but I don't have enough Dart for it yet remember the pouch from the beaver dams well I got back to base I opened it and it literally bowed me day 41 begins killing a volcanic Raptor for more Elemental to blood to make narcotics now that I made a couple more darts I think I could trap the Mythic owl and tame it I don't have Mythic kibble however but we'll figure that out later oh yeah and Areno gave me this gun that just webs Flyers so pretty useful for taming this stand behind the Trap and hope it doesn't even touch me cuz I'll be gone bad news the owl was about to knock out but I ran out of darts so let's go back to base and make a few shot a couple more and finally the Mythic owl knocked out and I have no clue how to tame it cuz I don't have Mythic kibble yet but while the owl is sleeping I'll just tame a volcanic Raptor to get volcanic eggs and saber-tooth are still popping out my OCD was killing me so I put them a bit in line you know and eliminated the new Offspring for Elemental blood to make more Elemental narcotics so we're not showing progress anymore e day 42 and there's two new turtles that I spawned in I mean I tamed yeah I didn't record it because I forgot the clip well the AV Raptor has a bunch of eggs now so I'll take them and put them in the ice block just so it's more organized I don't know so while Hydro trites One Tap anything Turtles are harmless and look who I caught lacking another Mythic foox while wandering about I got the aggro of a Mythic owl but I wasn't afraid anymore and I could stun it however I started to panic when it got un stunned and started to do 3,000 damage per bite and then 5,000 so I began to run used my Spidey web gun to save my ass and now I can finally kill it because the game didn't want to give me a break and Electro Griffin then AGS me so I go to the Spidey web tactic and nearly nearly costed my life I was barely able to get back on my Sabertooth and it had less than 2K HP the Griffin missed and I started to hop away like a frog after killing a Mythic owl and surviving an electric Griffin my eag went up so I tried to One V one a Mythic Mammoth and that's where the game draws the line rest in peace another Sabertooth I flew back on an rgy and got my body on day 43 I decided to get the mate boost for the volcanic Raptor basically I need every single type of egg to make the Mythic kibble so yeah I should have a boost now volcanic Raptors but I can't find the other one I'm still breeding sabertooths cuz I lose them quicker than they grow while healing the saber-tooth I remembered I knocked out a Mythic out a while ago is it still there yes it is still sleeping I'm stretching but I tried to tame it with aul kibble it didn't work it's also out of food so it might die eventually and guess who I found lacking in the woods another Mythic foox this is realistically the only Mythic Dino I can kill and get a bunch of blood from to later make Mythic darts remember the Golem I was afraid to go a few days ago the shadow thing I'm just going to go headbutt it the good news is that I killed it pretty easily the bad news is is that there's no reason to kill it because it gives nothing then while killing a volcanic Raptor my cockiness Rose by a couple notches I'm now trying to kill a shadowy turkey luckily for me it doesn't actually do that much damage and the saber-tooth can take it wait I got 90 Shadow blood from that I don't know what it's for but that's nice day 44 starts with a useless drop after taking out all these dinos I figured a Mythic Pteranodon shouldn't be an issue it was an issue in fact I almost lost a sabertooth but I got it all this meth wait I have a lisp all this meths for 17 Mythic blood but with all the Mythic blood I farmed overall I was able to make a bunch of Mythic narcotics and mythical ingots which of course are made for mythical darts I was flying down to get a sip of water when an orange thing went on my screen and I said nope I'm out 3,000 Mi later I was confident enough to get water when I saw a yellow drop with a ring I was expecting huge loot but then it was metal structures and flying around I found another I'm going to save you the time but then I found another one and another one I even took advantage of the Mythic trikes yellow drop you know what editing inan has your back you don't have to see this cuz it's disastrous one more foox takes a hit for the boys and day 45 begins with more foox hunting this time all the way into the water I'm kind of scouting Cardinal to see if I can find an electric Rex but none yet I'm definitely going to drive these foox is extinct I killed so many that one of them eventually gave me a pouch the stupid pouch though gave me one energy bro another trike Bites the Dust one ferox two ferox three ferox four how many ferox is in my store finally back to base and I threw out the volcano graor so that they can finally mate boost and get more eggs daily saber-tooth abortion after all those foxes I killed I had over 358 Mythic blood I was able to craft 50 Mythic narcotics with this on day 46 I remembered I had be Gates so let's demo these for a bunch of ingots the Smithy is still crafting Mythic narcotics now I put some Mythic blood in the Forge to get Mythic ingots to make myth darts check out my PDF on my to-do list KO a pair of electrics use EG to make Shadow C Shadow anyways we're growing hydrocarbon EMAs now with this we'll be able to make Shadow kibble soon we're also breeding volcanic Raptors to die if I want to find my electric Rex quickly I need to kill every other rex on site I flew all around this mountain didn't find a single Rex so I went back to base to recharge on Tran darts next to my base I found an electric argentavis and if I can hit a shot from here I'll start taming it and before you know it I brought it over to the Trap knocked it out and tamed it this thing was very quick quick at aboring every Sabertooth nearby as you can see the A out are stacked with eggs but we can never have enough so we're going to breed more to get more eggs now that I'm going to speed stir RG I could explore the island quicker where I found the mythical ankylosaurus of course I killed that for Mythic blood I can also kill the foxes quickly while they're picked I got an XP potion from that foox so I popped it on the RG just a few days ago I was terrified of this demonic Rock but honestly it's half HP I might actually try it I smacked it around so much that it actually started floating up with each smack when I killed it I was disappointed to find out that it doesn't give any interesting loot just demonic blood which I have no clue what to do with yellow drop with a shadow steak while fly around the Redwoods I saw demonic dilophosaur and for some reason I have more respect for this after lots of searching I found an electric argentavis the mate boost pair for mine after a successful trap maneuver I got it into the Trap and now I just had to put doors behind it just like that RG tamed day 49 I found the Mythic anky I can't tame this yet so I'll Harvest it for Mythic blood back at base it's looking quite nice and colorful and we're going to throw out the new RG we T so we start getting some electric eggs thanks to that Mythic iny we killed we can make some more Mythic narcotics the a raptor wasn't collecting Hydro eggs so I'm going to disable M on the turtles and maybe that I don't know makes Hydro eggs but that's just a wild guess the saber 2 genocide continues oh and that Mythic ow you completely forgot about it's still there sleeping randomly flying through the island I found on the note and then something better a ferox I flew by a beaver Community they were all stuck in each other so it was easy kills and a bunch of XP and for some reason I see the glowing shadowy purple turkey and decide to walk next to it completely underestimating its abilities and giving it a Thanksgiving opposite day on day 50 I came back on another RG and cleared up all the mess after retrieving my items I killed a bunch of foer oxes since the hydro Turtles dropped me an egg I was able to make one Shadow kibble and now I can try to tame this turkey when I turned around though a trilobite a hydro troby was attacking my RG and it makes us suffocate dropping more than half of its HP in seconds I put my RG at risk but tried to hit the troby from above assuming it couldn't hit me and it worked at least now I was able to peacefully tame my turkey I cryed it but before getting back to base I killed another foox when I popped it out at base I checked out its stats 22,000 HP but even better than that the movement speed what is this thing you know what I'm feeling cocky I think I'll go fight this demonic Thea never mind I almost caught a straight meteor by some beach in the north I found the mating pair for the turkeys to get more Shadow eggs to eventually make Mythic kibble on day 51 I wanted to make another Shadow kibble but I can't because Hydro eggs just don't want to spawn and the fertiliz don't count I went to check on the Mythic owl but now it despawned or died and yes Elemental farming at base for some reason I thought 67 Turtles weren't enough so I started dropping even more eggs to raise more I did lose a couple of electric RGS so I might as well raise a few once again I filled the trough with a bit of cooked meat and that is going to get shredded instantly now I refuse to do anything other than to wait for a hydro to spawn but then Arc dropped the skin mod and I had to test it this what is this thing bro come here anyways in the blink of an eye all the turtles were now raised and I had to start claiming them thanks to all the turtles I finally got the hydro egg I needed to make the shadow kibble with that kibble I can now tame the shadow turkey but when I finally found one everybody on the island wanted to kill me so I decided to just abandon it this red drop was pretty useful with 72 polymer day 52 right by the shore I repeat the shore two trilobites came out of the water and put me to an end so now I have to engage in a fun flight back when I got back I didn't see any trilobites so the turkey got Tred and tamed screw the naming process I don't want another tryle bite the sneak up on my ass let's get out of here I flew all the way back to base when I saw an Argy that was ready to claim and then I popped the second turkey to start breeding them look at the speed on this thing bro this is my favorite Dyno on top of that apparently two Shadow dinos can go through each other like a shadow you know like I don't know and on day 53 the turkeys would give me their for shadow egg I wouldn't use it for Kibble yet instead I would hatch it so we can get more eggs quicker I mean look how cute this thing is how cute it was now it's a fully grown turkey and it's ready to give more eggs I really wanted it to be a female so that I could get eggs quicker so I wrote a prayer on his name and because it was a female I then wrote In God We Trust apparently you can put skins or trophy mounts on this box but I never really figured it out so I give up I don't know how an electric Sabertooth made it over here but I came over and one tapped it with my 3,000 damage turkey bite and before I get off of the turkey I leave it next to his friends organized when I checked the AL Raptor there was a normal egg this I could use to make the first Mythic kibble and finally we get rid of the medical St and replace it with the alpha heal potion I grab the very first one I make and give it to the turkey it instantly heals up I could even feed the midf fight and they just won't be killed it was getting around that time to finally tame the Mythic owl because we had the Mythic kib already from all the shadow eggs the turkey gave us and after placing down the first trap we go but did a chicken just anyways the Trap is now finished but suddenly my RG is almost cooked because the Mythic is chasing me trying to kill me and it's getting the job done I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to try and trap it on foot but it obviously wasn't so I came back in a sabertooth which fits through the Trap and it's an easy way to get the owl trapped itself but when I went to get my body bro fled the Trap and now I'm in trouble once again I made it back shot it while I was behind the Trap and got it right in now I just need to place these doors and knock it out once the owl went to sleep this time I wouldn't abandon it and let it starve I actually put the Mythic kibble and it instamed so I pick up the Trap cry up the owl and finally back to base davidor and I'm killing shadow turkeys now for shadow blood easy farm at base the Mythic taming Adventures don't end on an owl they actually continue to a Theo which I need a 2X two trap for although scarier this was quite easy because I just had to lead it by the ramp and it went right into the Trap I didn't have enough TRS however so I had to go back to base and make all the elemental TRS that I could a few darts later and the the went to sleep I have no clue why I thought one Mythic kibble would tame a level 125 Theory but I thought this I went back to base to get more kibble but first I meet Rand the RGS that were here for some Elemental blood I pulled for some Mythic kibble and I was able to craft three put it into the theory and it tamed I crowed it picked up the Trap and threw it out of a base finally didn't have to kill 10,000 dinos to make a theory saddle when I got on it I realized this thing is actually bigger than a normal the with a considerable amount of stats improved I also got a owl saddle on the myth day 55 and for some reason now I care about organization so I put all the saber toots in line when I check on the all rptor again it's completely stacked with eggs the argentavis would be the next I organized last time I fought a Mythic Mammoth I got clapped but now I have a Mythic Theory so he's done for but maybe next time we don't Harvest it with a theory 13 blood and I found the Mythic foox poor boy he's about to get clouted by a theory like a saber-tooth wasn't enough then I found the Mythic trike honestly anything purple was kill on site I press C on the theory and that just gives hide oops oh beavers are you all stuck in each other well I'll just loot the paste in front of you I also had about 2 FPS the Beavers couldn't even do anything about it and all 100,000 of them were looking at me but then I had a clever idea I didn't care about the wood chipper but I opened the pouch and I got one biotoxin I opened the other pouch and I got healed that's it I continued me Runing everything on the theory when I got a pouch when I opened it A disco ball I consumed it but I gave the other one to the the and now we both have disco balls on us day 56 and the meat run for Mythic blood continues until I found the yellow drop that gave me nothing then I found out Racers are Mythic as well so that was the most amount of Mythic blood i' had gotten from any Dino before so I rinsed and repeated that killing every racer on site I also got pulled up on alows a Hydra one and an alpha one so nice when the tributes come to you I needed Alo brain for a boss fight later and back to buling Racers while flying around I saw a pouch a random pouch just sitting there kind of suspicious I eat it and then it Bowers me it all seems good at first until the Rex aggroed me I had about 2 seconds left on the bolo and thought I would make it out but I didn't I let off some steam by me running babies innocent babies wait that sounds so wrong bro anyways I flew back to where I died got my body back but I couldn't leave on a good note no the Rex had to breathe fire on me and almost kill my owl back at base I started to repair my Flack and made a bunch of Mythic narcotics with all the Tams we sacrificed for it that wasn't enough I was too greedy and went back to killing more Racers the blood Farm went on for so long that it's now day 7 and I'm just now throwing out my cryopod to end another Racer's life with all that blood I was able to make a bunch of Mythic darts 36 and finally the theory gets a nonviolent job of harvesting bushes but then again you are killing all the plant life I also forgot that these theories don't fit through Gates I took the tinter berries brought them to the cooker and put them to complete waste by not disabling AutoCraft I've started now to make some Elemental kibble and head over to carinal Island where most rexes reside and place a trap lead in the first electric rex that I found put Gates behind the doesn't get out and wait for it to knock out on day 58 the Beast would go to sleep that's when I shov the elemental kibble up its Elemental throat and it tames I cry the Rex and then continue my search for more rexes while also killing those that aren't electric along the way so that more can respawn I didn't find one however I did Farm a lot of meat while attempting parkour on my crafting station I I died yeah this this is what happens when you try parkour I grapple into day 59 where I throw out my Rex this day was pretty uneventful I checked the levels put some meat in the trough meat ran some more saber tudes and then day 60 begins with me wandering about trying to find another electric Rex I didn't find the Rex however I did find the yellow drop I took a break from playing and when I logged back in I was on the owl which Dismounts you when you log back in I don't know why they do that now the search continues still no recks but I keep finding drops that are also useless on day 61 I arried back at my colorful base I also end some Bloodlines that were probably inest anyways and make a saddle for my Reck Rex the last 10 drops I've looted have been horrible and this one has a rank so I had hopes but it was also horrible the search for an electric Rex continues across the entire Island and of course the search for a Rex always ends up with me looting a drop finally I found one but it wasn't electric so I had to kill it to spawn another one as the sun rises on day 62 I keep searching for Rex's electric ones but no luck they do not appear instead I found a normal Rex then a volcanic Rex then another volcanic Rex a stupid Hydro Rex who I gave a little h a little disrespectful tap I wasn't paying attention but I nearly died from heat and thirst so I took off my Flags so I can cool down another Rex clapped it a beta Rex clapped it and finally him himy electric Rex a level sad 30 but still all I needed by day 63 the Rex was boxed like a fish and trafficked like a kit away and now we begin the fun process of knocking out the Rex until it goes to sleep and then I put the elemental kibble and it tames beautiful I cry upon the I fly back to base I farm some wood Farm wood Again Farm some more wood fly back to base as you can see I farmed a good bit of wood and I'm turning them all into pillars why you'll find out soon how did bro get up there he's just randomly there on top of the gate like a boss so it's pretty obvious by now that I'm making these pillars on the corners of the base so that we can make a second floor and that's where we're going to breed our rexes it wasn't until I placed 20 upside down ceilings where I realized that these were upside down ceilings so I had to replace them day 64 I started placing the ceilings correctly and well I had to sit tight cuz I was about to place a ton of more ceilings eventually after 30 minutes of placing ceilings I was able to place them all and now I had to think of a way to get up there honestly these staircases weren't a bad idea and it worked for me only downside being having to use my entire 40-in mouse pad just to go up with the second floor now made I cry part of the rexes and threw them out on the second floor which is exactly where I was going to breed them it's been a while since I me with my saber TOS look how many there are now that's a bunch of Elemental blood right there the H Raptor was looking like the lgbtq flag well so was my base by now I mean it looks it looks pretty neat with all these colors to be fair I was going to put a gen on the second floor for the airc cons until I realized how big the range was and the first floor gen can power it all after placing the airon down I threw an egg that got picked up by the a raptor instantly stupid a raptor so I went downstairs and disabled picking up and now I can finally throw my eggs and start incubating them ra as the rexes began to hatch I started to think of a theme I was going to go for agent 001 wait I actually did go for that oh God I'm not creative I rolled downstairs in circles and was happy to see that there was a bunch of cooked meat so I made a trough specifically for the rexes by day 65 they were pretty much fully grown and I crowed them all as I ran downstairs I caught a glimpse of the alpha Doo who was truly being an alpha living up to its name I crafted a couple of Rex Saddles threw out the rexes upstairs and meet random some sabertooths on day 66 I started getting raided by all for argentavis so I went to kill it after a bit of tussling around I killed it it didn't really cause any damage I should be devastated by the fact that a juvenile saber to just got killed but I meet run these every day for blood instead of repairing a single flax set I just made a bunch we're closing in on 100th day so we better get to artifact farming before it's too late so we're going to go to Hunter cave first to get the hunter artifact I chose this cave because I'm very lazy and this is the easiest artifact to get before getting to the artifact I saw a green drop I looted it and it had an ascended cloth shirt after killing some more bugs I got the artifact and now I can leave the next artifact I would go for is the lava cave one right by herbivore Island this cave is not so quick and easy so I'll place a bed outside just in case and then throw out my saber-tooth and start to explore the cave there's a lot of bugs yes but that's not what I'm actually worried about it's the lava that I'm scared of because it's called lava cave all right anyways I get the artifact it's called I don't even know what it's called massive yeah sure and then we leave the cave returning to base on day 67 I realized how beautiful my base was now with two floor and 10,000 colorful dinos the artifacts I just farmed for were for the Alpa brood mother and now I'm farming the tributes for it which is the Saro snakes and something else we'll find out soon oh yeah that's something else was bronos for their vertebras while farming I ran into this issue where I could ride the ow but I also couldn't cuz it was halfway into the water I don't this is what happened for 30 seconds and then it just kept getting worse and worse and now there's fire day 68 started and I'm still farming tributes imagine being an alligator in the swab and a purple owl comes in and one Taps you while farming the alligator skin I actually realized there's also beta and Alpha leeches and it kind of made me cringe these things are very big and just disgusting I've also been farming the snakes but you know titano and Venom is very annoying sometimes they don't even give it I kill Diplo for vertebra two bronos for two more bur BR a snake that gives nothing and a Gren drop with Jesus I went into a cave where Tanana ball spawns to get venom quicker and there were so many but I ended up getting like three at most then I walk into the biggest trap of my my life trying to get the Venom by the water when it seemed like everything was chill a SWAT team of piranhas in different colors came around back again to the same old process of running to the cave running in there getting my body back I got a nice position on the Sabertooth to kill the Piranhas from outside the water and now I can safely loot my body I got the artifact again from the hunter because why not just in case I don't know but this time I went farther into the cave where I found a shadowy Arthur plera I haven't fought this and I'm very scared so I inst turn around to run I was rightfully so scared this thing throws smoke bombs that put you on fire and it's faster than you so when I stunned it I took the chance to dip day 69 and I still don't have enough ttan Venom so I have to go to the swamp and start farming half of the snakes I killed don't even give Venom this is very frustrating to take a break from that I went back to base over Raptor has a bunch of Rex eggs and I'm going to pop them all out eventually they all hatched and my name idea for each of them would be Shrek characters I don't know why and now we simply must wait on day s I began a nice Berry run with the theory after wasting 3 million tintle berries I finally disabled AutoCraft before putting in the tint berries to craft a bunch of Med Bru remember the rexes are hatched yeah they're they're almost grown so I decided to heal them with the adrenal C I mean health potion earli in the video I was getting teased by a Mythic owl and now my nightmare became true as randomly I got attacked I didn't even have time to clip because my entire base was in danger and now half of it is being wiped by an owl the best strategy I could think of was to whistle neutral and hopefully that they would kill it and they did because it was level 70 then it retrieves my body because as you can see I've been fighting this thing for a bit I just couldn't clip the last 2 minutes also whistling neutral got the alpha Doo out of the top of the gate sadly now that it's all under control I quit my armor and started cry partying the messed up rexes I began to heal all the rexes that I just raised while putting saddles on them so they're ready for the boss fight after crypting all of them I counted up a total of 14 rexes with the boss fight farmed with the rexes ready it was time to head over to Green OB where you start the Alpa broodmother boss fight but first I have to throw out each Rex I threw out one with cry sickness and that thing will sleep for the rest of the 100 days I also checked if the boss fight was actually farmed and yes it was thankfully day 71 and while I was waiting for Coss sickness to go away it did so I transferred over to the green up again and now the painful process of throwing out each Rex then waiting 5 minutes for cry sickness begins because that Rex was going to sleep forever anyways I unclaimed it and killed it for Levels by Day 72 it was time to begin the boss fight I'm very confident that 13 rexes electric should beat up this brood mother so let's see I I got in the butt of The Brood Mother where all the little spiders spawn in to kill them on spawn my health started dropping quick so I took an off of potion I had 20 levels in the Rex and after leveling a few I realized my rexes were dying so I got back to biting after four rexes being down The Brood mother was slain relatively easy before even getting the ell I had to get my Rex Saddles those things are expensive and now a very fun process of cotting all the rexes flying back to base with tech GS felt kind of different and I tried to see if I can make a rep and no no no never making that day 73 I realized all the damage a mythical had done it destroyed the grill the toilet and it killed the poor vaver because we suffered a couple of Rex losses I got to hatching a bunch and this time they were all going to be 60k HP plus once they grew I gave the same process saddle and heel and of course cryopod until next time day 74 was spent AFK crafting a Rex saddle until the rexes grew and I cotted them and day 75 was just waiting for more rexes to grow day 76 was just finishing up crying the rest of the rexes the rexes were now ready for the boss fight but I still had to far the tributes the worst part about the monkey boss fight is that I have to get Thal Kalo Claus I have to go right at the thing that has been trolling me this whole wipe so day 77 continues with me farming Theo claws I have to bait them off of the tree so they don't bait me off of my owl as you can see some of them have the vertical of an NBA player so I get caught in the mix I love playing Arc I love playing Arc I love playing Arc I made it back to the same spot by day 78 and thankfully no piranas were around to neck me I also got revenge on the NPC tal Kalo who I have a girl against after killing it for some acoustic reason I returned to the water to the same body I just looted thinking that there was something in it and then a piranha of course Taps me and once I got my body back I continued killing tilas I also started to clap spinals for their sales part of the tributes the is Xeno claws also needed so the's oh that does as much damages Theo I popped the saber-tooth to clap it real quick and the Clapping continued of other dinos further tributes without stopping day 79 and I'm still farming for the tributes killing a bunch of spinos and dpls and all that stuff then I absolutely meet R an entire Cave of Hunter in the search of Megalania you see I'm looking at the ceiling the bad part was that I didn't see a single mealine yeah that thing by day 80 I was done with the cave and left but that was just to go to Lava cave and find the Megalania here hopefully I didn't find any Megalania but I found myself into a precarious situation where I almost insta died with all of the stuff on me on top of that Onyx come to try to bump me into the lava and I was still alive somehow my only option was to Dismount parachute and try to Grapple up then I grappled next to the saber-tooth and began to cry upon it from the safe distance to the lava I dipped the lava cave because I really don't like the lava and now I'm at carinal Cave to try to find Megalania who I have not seen yet and guess what finally up there there it is a mega nothing and once again I was forced to leave the cave with my empty hands but day one I decided to not actually leave I'll use the binoculars to try to find them I also searched up a video to help me because I'm a bit clueless then I developed the most try hard method to try to find one you see when I spy glass the saber-tooth they highlights all the dinos around and guess who I found in the background a Megalania I graveled up to it to get its argro so it falls down and I didn't clip the part where I actually killed it so here's an image that kind of shows what happened now that I'm here of course I took the devious artifact I knew there had to be more Megalania in here so I kept on using the strategy but I was wrong so I went back to Hunter cave and did the same strategy very quickly I started to spot these Critters that hide in the ceiling and clapping them for their toxin it's very hard to see but there are two more in this cave because I only had one grapple and I didn't want to waste it I had to come up with a unique way of whipping this guy and I just wasn't close enough so I ended up gra I grappled it instead of the ceiling okay because now I really didn't have a grapple I had to parkour my way up until I got to whip it and then I put it in its place Heaven day 82 and it's probably the first time I even dared or bothered to go underwater and it's to get shark teeth tributes another thing I need for the monkey boss fight I had to kill another few so instead of crossb them I threw out the Sabertooth which one Taps them it's probably been a while since I looted a red drop right so yeah it gave me some nice stuff like a riot shield back at base I got the tributes and put them all in the console so it's a bit organized because for Ascension and for Dragon boss fight I'll have to farm a lot of stuff underwater I figured a Mythic frog is the perfect tame to take there as it's stronger than everything in the ocean and there we go the frog went to sleep and I tamed it and back to base IO after the base pause I went for oil like a proud America on day 83 I was back to base once again I had such an intense moment that I forgot to clip it but basically I unclaimed the Rex at my own base and started to bite it and it attacked back and destroyed half of my crafting station I took the Frog and went all the way to easy underwater to go get the artifact yeah there's a bunch of stuff and jellyfish and Eels but I got through it when I had the chance to get the artifact I took it and I dipped with the brute by that time I got outside of the water it was day 84 I cowled the Frog and went back to base then I took my Sabertooth and went into pack cave to get the artifact of the pack I forgot to get grapples however and I wasn't going to get it without it so I went back to base this is about the third time that I have to search up a tutorial because I didn't know where the artifact was or how to get to it day 85 and I finally cooked up a away to get into the part where the artifact is laying artifact of the pack on my back those seconds of Silence weren't to wait until the artifact was in my inventory it was just me thinking of a way to rhyme with something that made sense with the artifact in my hands I dipped pack cave by day 86 I had all the rexes thrown out and I was ready to do the monkey boss fight and well time to begin in right we're ready so yeah this boss fight should be quite easy I just have to get the aggro of the monkey and bring it towards the spawn and not move from there so that no rexes fall down it became very clear that this boss fight was actually easier than the other one maybe we brought more rexes or better melee but yeah only like two rexes died if any thanks for the element Bozo and now I'll have fun cryo poding each rex look at the mammoth in the background tweaking the 87 and guess what what I'm still cry potting rexes once the last Rex got cry pottered it was time to dip but first a yellow drop that will probably be that oh my it's worse than I thought the next boss fight is Dragon but Ascension might as well be farmed cuz this is an alpha Caro and I need Alpha hands for the Ascension who would have thought I'd be stupid enough to loot a blue drop day 87 you are now watching me Farm Boss tributes for Dragon one of those is the yudy lungs day 88 begins with me still farming yudy lungs luckily yudis are very easy to see as they're pretty big and they also have a roar that ear rapes the entire Island allowed me to take my break farming this yellow drop and now a montage of all the YY lungs I got as well as this Rex because I needed Rex arms the one that did take the longest because only one of them spawn at a time or something was the Giga but it wasn't hard to kill at all because I brought the Mythic Theo on day 89 I found an alpha Rex like an like you know like the original games alpha and I need that for the Ascension so of course I killed it moments later just nearby I found another Giga and that would be the last Giga heart that I needed and the last tribute that I had to get was the Alo brains luckily they come in packs of about three so it wouldn't take too long I know you don't care about me farming tributes so we'll just quickly cut through all of them day 90 and I killed this alao because I'm a bully nah it's actually because I'm actually going to place did I just say actually like three times in a okay anyways I place a bed outside because I'm going into the water and I'm very scared of it I think I'm going to die but I'm on aing Mythic frog so I should be fine on my first jump in I go right into a tribute that I need a Megalodon shark and I three tap it even though it's a hydro well I don't know how to count it was like a six tap but whatever then I find the tuso which I also need the tentacles I gather up a pair and I go into the hard underwater cave and it's it's called hard for a reason so let's see what happens first thing I run into is like a level 300 tuso but it's a normal one so I don't really care what I'm actually scared of is these eels it's only thanks to the alpha heal potion that I actually survived this after clearing out all the dinos I eventually make it to the back of the cave and get the artifact not without first trying to lick this duno who I didn't even know is probably the strongest most HP Dino I've ever fought in this 100 day and as you can see a bunch of other dinos came out when I did this but they got packed up instantly as you can see the dunk Leo actually has 100,000 HP but whatever I'm going to take the artifact and get out of here on my way out of course I encountered some hostiles but I took care of them at last I can leave this cursed cave on day 91 I killed the Megalodon an alpha one to get the Megalodon fin the Alpha One while going through the ocean I found an alpha lead which I need but I didn't automatically get the tribute so I had to go back and loot it another tribute I had to get was the basilosaurus blubber some something that didn't take very long because this frog does 5,000 damage a hit I've nearly spent 2 days underwater killing stuff so yeah I've farmed a lot of hide and the oil from baselo while I talk a montage of all the stuff I killed for tributes on day 92 I was actually right by ice cave so I was done with the underwater stuff I was very cocky and thought that I would just go into ice cave with all the stuff that I had farmed but then you know Common Sense kicked in and said this is the worst cave to farm because it has peroia in it so I'll first go back to base and Depot all the stuff and then come back for ice cave I'm not trying to get perloo to this early on so I first whistle the Frog against the stuff as I go deeper into the cave I get the Aro of everything onto the Frog who kills everything in one hit the next room was significantly big the next room was significantly big I cannot say this word the next room was bigger so I threw out the theory to not put the Frog at risk well I'm just going to watch the theory kill everything from the safety of this ice balcony and well now we just have to wait for the Frog to kill everything in front of this part cuz this curve is very annoying right here I thought it was over for me but the Frog luckily came in clutch just in time and say me could you ever have guessed that you would be watching some guy on 100 days getting into the back of ice cave with a frog and a the as a friend now watch How I deal with prus as I get to the last room where the artifact is I was almost there but I'm naked and the Pria is about to kill me and none of my dinos try to help never mind and there it is the most hard-earned artifact one has ever artifacted the strong day 93 I went to the ice cave that's in the back the mini ice cave to get the skylord artifact I don't know where it is but I know that the sound is getting heavier so that's where I go I make my way where I see the artifact but then I aggro and onic and it's wraps for me luckily I placed the bed outside so when I respawn I run around the other side which also has an entrance to the skylord I take the artifact then I run as fast as I can I surviv the exit route pick up the bed and get out of here I'm done with the ice Day 94 we're finally back at base home sweet home now we have to go into an even more annoying cave which is the swap cave we need Gilly and scuba for it I'm ready to go into it with all the scuba and fully dripped out but I was missing one piece so I went to the snow to get white pearls when a group of piranhas sent me to Heaven I made it all the way back got my kit and then found another spot with some silica pearls to make my scuba day 95 and I'm about to enter the swamp cave let's go well the beginning was quite easy everything gets licked instantly back to the spawn menu I heard the artifact already but to get to it I have to go around the entire cave oh and that's a shadow AR de pler but now I'm in a Mythic Dino so I don't really care the next next room was quite easy and everything got basically one tapped eventually I get to the artifact of the immune and then peacefully leave the cave remember the Rex I threw out crow sck a while ago yeah it's still sleeping I wasn't joking when I said that would stay there the whole 100 days until now however because I would unclaim it and meat run it for XP I got 9 plus 10 levels day 97 begins with me crafting some Flack for the boss fight and it ends with me throwing out the rexes by Red OB to start the dragon boss fight day 98 all right let's cut the crap you know it took a whole day just to throw out the rexes day 99 is when the Dragon boss fight would begin the scary part about the dragon is that it does percentage based damage on your health and my Rex has had 60k health which is 6,000 damage per second we were dealing a good bit of damage but a lot of my Rex has started to die all those previous comments were just to make you feel like I could have failed it but in reality I had it under control this whole time ignore the five remaining rexes and that they're all bloody Ellie I leave the arena and the tedious task of crypting all these Rexes begins I take the remaining tributes as if I was really going to do another one and I go back to base now to get ready for the Ascension part of getting ready was growing more rexes on day 99 last day growing rexes this is because we lost a few in that Dragon boss fight on day 100 I found an alpha Mosasaur and this thing was important because it had a tribute I needed for the alpha Ascension with the last piece of the puzle being placed I could bring all the rexes to the Ascension and throw them out but most of you probably know I made a big mistake by now the worst part is that before realizing this mistake I started the Ascension and look at the size of the door then look at the size of the Rex five head my solution was to throw out one Rex and use that one to go down until I realized I had a theory a Mythic one so I'll go down with that probably a lot safer yeah very safe my eyes were actually you know pretty happy to see how beautiful the Ascension looks until I saw something not so beautiful but then I realized that there was a little you know force field here so I went past it and tried to throw out a cry that doesn't work still oh God and when I pulled up on these dinos to try to kill them a Pia out of nowhere stunned me but in record time just before I hit day 101 I started the boss fight again how I got here uh on Taxi I crafted an elemental gun and killed the boss fight winning the 100 days challenge fair and square the end piece
Channel: Imian
Views: 20,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark 100 days, ark primal chaos 100 days, ark, ark primal chaos
Id: FgKS0fVM3eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 25sec (4585 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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