100 Days to Tame Every Creature on ARK Ascended!

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there are 32 achievements in Arc survival ascended ranging from tamming all 93 creatures to killing all bosses on every single difficulty and I have 100 days to collect them all but for this challenge I can't just create any normal AR character I have to create somebody who's a high achiever in every aspect of his life a real go-getter somebody that wants to succeed more than he wants to breathe he's got to have that dog in him this man right here is drowning in his own success are you the one I've been waiting for no not really as I woke up on the beach in West Zone 2 I had to check my arm to make sure my muscles were still huge as I began my daily 25-hour cardio workout I decided to go on an Explorer note run because there's 11 different achievements in this game that involve collecting all 350 Explorer notes there's also an achievement for for uncovering 80% of the map but more importantly I need to level up but after collecting a note or two I realized how difficult this was actually going to be because you cannot level up movement speed in this game but since I couldn't run away from my fears I just took a couple kilograms of pre-workout and slowly walked right towards them here we go again so on day two I crafted weapons and some cloth armor that was perfectly fitted to my ginormous thighs and then after asserting my dominance over this family of I grabbed a few more Explorer notes and I headed down to the West [Music] Coast when I arrived at the beach I realized that despite my impressive deadlift I'm still not allowed to level up my movement speed so if I get assaulted by a raptor I might perish so I decided to set up a mortar and pestal and make some narcotics to teame a pterodon but there was also a parasaur here so I decided to tame him and then a raptor attacked my pterodon so I decided to tame him and well I got a little bit carried away and tamed like eight more things but for the master zoologist achievement I've got to catch them [Applause] all [Music] [Music] and then to end off day two I took Terry North and after knocking out this Turtle tranquilizing this pelorus and incapacitating this fiomia I spent the rest of day 2 finishing up my note Run Reading six entire pages of arcl lore so at the start of day three I brought everything back to my base and I evaluated all the achievements that I've gotten so [Music] far I was starting to assemble a family that would make Vin Diesel proud I got family after giving the rest of the dinos very appropriate names I wanted to found a permanent place to set up my base and conveniently I was right next to the red Obelisk which would be perfect living at an obelisk would allow me to upload things and send them straight through the shadow realm across the map because there's no crowd pods on this map and now I actually have a way of transporting my dinos I still need a monkey though and even though I'm lacking in the harambe department I do actually have The Monkey King we're talking son Wukong my personal favorite champion and they're giving him away literally for free right now now on raid Shadow Legends this dude is a straight menace to Medieval Society he really shines in the PvP Arenas where he literally just commits highway robbery and steals all the enemy Buffs and then while they're sitting there all Buffs in need of a protein shake he strikes with his staff of Wonder ignoring 50% of their defense and then after the dude's Dead all the splash damage kills everybody else and then on top of that if someone actually does manage to kill this man he just pops right back up like he wasn't dead on the floor 2 seconds ago just it's unfair and now that you just casually got a free Monkey King he can help you take down raid's newest and biggest update since the Doom Tower the cursed City it has a 100 new stages to complete and in some of them you have to take down two bosses at the same time and right now if you go to raid xm. plarium.com you can participate in the Christmas story event where you can win real life and ingame items ranging from epic and Legendary Champions to even Amazon gift cards there's never been a better time to get into raid and if you use my link in the description or the QR code on screen right now you're going to get two more epic champions for completely free first you'll get light sworn who will help your team stay alive and then when you hit Level 15 you're going to get Juliana who is a boss killer and once you download my link make sure you use the promo code Monkey King to get the legendary Sun wuk Kong who needs no introduction the code will only work for the first 72 hours of your account though so make sure you redeem it when you first get in and once you're in there you can find me under the name justify in the clan justifies jungle you guys are all welcome to join my clan if you can get in fast enough and we'll use our army of monkey Kings to carry on Haron Bas Legacy thank you to raid Shadow Legends for sponsoring today's video and then after getting everyone situated I saw some Diplo that were hanging out over there in the distance and they are a passive team so I figured I'd go ahead and try it I mean can't be that hard until I realized that one Berry keeps them satiated for like 35 years and in the meantime they decided to play justify pinball and then this happened ow ow ow again Terry come here bro Terry put it in reverse B put it in reverse [Music] ter oh no as day four came to an end I brought this Diplo back to my base and he took up half of the area and then now marks T number 13 out of 93 only 80 more to go so I ended off day five by taming one the Iguanodon and then I tried to tame a trike but one got a little bit jealous no I'm so sorry I did not need for that to happen I'll take the free hide though so then I tamed another gadon to make up for that tragedy but then my trike decided to start some beef with this random Terry I tried to step in and help the dude but Terry is not cut out for that life anyway I just headed back to base and started farming some Stone yo bro how did he get over here all right come here yo anyway since I can't survive in this world without Terry I went to go look for his replacement and instead I ended up knock out this Cy and then as I was on my way to the beach I found this poor baby drke all alone with nobody to take care of him okay look maybe maybe he wasn't all alone when I met him but he is now anyway I couldn't really find any good pteranodons but I did manage to find this level 55 and I mean dude looks pretty cool so I went ahead and tamed him and then I bulled this iy to try to knock it out but then when I shot him in the chest with an arrow instead of falling asleep the dude died like the audacity that some of these animals have anyway I saw a friend of the deceased iy and we made eye contact he ran away so I ran across the beach swinging a bull over my head like an absolute Barbarian and then I threw a pinpoint accurate bowler right at his head bro so anyway after bringing Terry junr back to base I started heading north to see if I could find a good Sabertooth and I grabbed a few more explore notes that were at the end of my note run and I did manage to actually find one so I hit him with a baa and then after I shot him more times than Doo de said it would take to knock him out by the way that wasn't Doo de's fault I'm just an idiot dude Broke Free from the baa and was absolutely unfazed by the 15 arrows sticking out of his left eyebrow yeah I got control all deleted so I spent the rest of day six taking the pelagornis to save Terry and after getting all my stuff back I tamed this Moss chops with some rare flowers I got got out of a supply drop I named him chop and then while I was escorting chop back to base I found this baby Moss chops which forced me to change Chop's name to big chop not to be confused with little chop of course so I I carried little chop but not really and everything was going great until big chop got dismantled by a family of sociopaths and then I was very sad so me and little chop made it back home and we had to break the news to Vin Diesel that someone he's never met passed away but it got very angry and then my PC exploded so I booted back up Ark survival devolved and then I found a level 150 Pteranodon but the dude didn't want to land so I just kind of flew uncomfortably close to him then when he finally did land I tied him up and force fed him some arrows laced with NyQuil and while I was waiting on him to finish taming I did a little bit of uh home renovation and I started getting some metal cooking and then on day eight I I escorted our new family member back to his home and this dude seems so much more sophisticated than Terry so I named him Terren and then I went ahead and crafted a metal pickaxe I read the pteranodons real quick just in case something happens to Terren after hitting a bunch of River Rocks until they gave me their metal day eight came to an end at the start of Day N I took Terren out to get some supply drops so I could get some Crystal to make a spy glass but since the drops are so insanely Juiced on this game instead of just getting Crystal I got literal Behemoth Gates so I headed back to base made my spy glass and then I demolished the Behemoth Gates so yeah now I'm sitting comfortably as the second richest person in the world I then decided to use my well deserved inheritance to make an RG trap because well I need to tame one anyway but also they can carry a lot of weight and they can pick up a lot of these mediumsized dinos meaning it'll make it much easier for me to trap and tame all of these different creatures as I headed north I managed to find the explor note dossier for the meum and the YY and then right before I hit the snow I managed to find a 120 RG which was perfect so I set my trap up in the middle of the river on this little island and everything was going to plan as I made the RG angry at Terren so he would chase us into the Trap and at this very moment the RG realized that he messed up this man is stuck in a trap so he implemented plan 360 no scope and then after feeding him some prime meat and saving his life from this Olympic swimmer I finally had an RG marking tame number 16 out of 93 on the way back to base I found another itchy so I decided to try to baa him to tame him but apparently this itchy is well versed in hand to hand combat he broke free from the Bola and then he knocked my crossbow out of my hand I picked it up and then he knocked it out of my hand again but eventually I did manage to knock this guy out and then I killed some fish to feed him some fish meat totally didn't try to feed him regular meat and then sit there for 5 minutes wondering why he wouldn't eat it but anyways this guy was going to take a pretty long time to tame and I was in an area with a lot of new creatures that I didn't have yet so I decided to set up a trap the goal of this trap is just to be able to pick things up with my RG and then just drop them inside but I am specifically looking for a couple highle saber toots because there's no cryopods in this game and I need to be able to get into the small entrances of these artifact caves so I can get the artifacts for the boss fight but unfortunately this little area right outside the snow is like constantly at a civil war with each other and all the good Sabers just keep dying because they won't stop fighting everything but I did find this scorpion so I decided to kidnap him hold him hostage and then shoot him with narcotics until he decided to be my friend while he was asleep I force fed him some meat that expired about 4 years ago and then while I was waiting on him to tame I decided to set up a raft because even though I don't need all these dinos if I'm going to tame them for the achievement I come on I got to at least bring them back to my base anyway he finished taming so I named him Leonardo dep pinci and then I set back out to find a saber-tooth well anyway I found this Meg laseros after I knocked him out he looked like he had five broken legs but I didn't question it I just gave him some berries and while I was waiting on him to tame I set up a refining Forge and a Smithy all while wearing no pants that way I could craft a saddle for the megga losos and hopefully he could get me some berries so I can make more Tran arrows so I saddled up my megaceros and despite this guy being a herbivore apparently he's completely incapable of harvesting berries yeah I'm not sure how this man is even still alive how how does he eat meanwhile The Itchy ornes is still taming this I don't know why why he takes so long but I had to pick a bunch of narcoberries manually because well the megga leros is severely lacking life skills anyways there was a level 10 stego over here so I decided to go ahead and knock that out all of the saber twos that keep spawning are still awful by the way but as I brought my stego back to my raft I I came across this cute little family of rexes um I I came across two Rex babies that had no parents it was so sad so me as selfless as I am decided to adopt these little poor defenseless Rex babies and raise them as my own but anyways now that I could collect berries with my stego I collected a bunch of Narco berries and I made sure to do it within sight of my mega laseros to remind him how useless he is and I tamed pretty much everything that I could find that I hadn't tamed already so at the start of day 12 starting with this anky it's time for an epic taming montage [Music] so now I had 27 out of 93 tames which I'm pretty much 30% of the way there and everything up to this point has been pretty simple but I wanted to tame this procoptodon that I found because they're pretty rare but the issue is you can't pick these guys up with an RG and whenever you shoot at them they turn into you sane bolt and they disappear so fast that you question if they ever existed in the first place but luckily I have been didn't have some rare flowers and in Ark when you eat one of these things every living organism within a 25 Lightyear radius becomes super angry at your mere existence and the downside of this is of course I'm about to get physically assaulted by about 37 lunatics but the procoptodon is about to attack me meaning I can kite him into my trap yeah so I actually misjudged how many trink arrows I would need but so now I had this guy knocked out but you actually have to have rare mushrooms or plant X seeds to tame them and to be honest I have no idea where to find rare mushrooms but I do know that if you mine crystals you get mushrooms from it so I headed up to the volcano because there's a bunch of crystals up there and I was met with a giga that was inside of the volcano and a cark that was free to run around but was on fire yeah I'm not really sure what kind of uh Tom Foolery was going on around here but I just put my head down I started mining my crystal casually almost experienced what it's like like to be a ham sandwich but then while I was sitting in my inventory there was something going on in the background this car's greed got the better of him and he wanted justify breakfast so bad that he didn't even care he was standing in lava whoa did that man just decease yeah that man de so I headed back to base bearing rare mushrooms and I gave the two new members of my family some appropriate names and then I ratted everybody up because it was almost time to have a family reunion at the red obelisk but this raft was definitely not big enough so I knew what I had to do it was time for me to do a 5 to 10 second grind montage and then one by one every single creature boarded justifies zarc and they were all eager to make it back to base but the rexes were not raised just yet and while I was waiting I managed to find a pretty decent Sabertooth so I uh kidnapped him I brought him over to my trap and let's be real for a minute this dude can clearly fit through that doorway so either I've got some crazy reverse psychology going on right now or this man just really likes taking Tran arrows to the face anyway the rexes were now raised and at the start of day 16 it was time to set sail wait what was that what just happened so I'm not sure if you guys just caught what happened right there but I'm pretty sure that my saber-tooth just got abducted by aliens when I realized that he was actually missing I put the tracker on and yeah this man's literally in the sky right now so I flew 350 M straight up into the air and I found bro just chilling on top of the world I guess the aliens just decided they didn't want him or something at the time this was lowkey kind of funny but as I progressed throughout this video much much worse things kept happen happening and uh yeah it it just gets to a ridiculous point but you'll see that later this is supposed to be a remake by the way anyways after making it back to base I unloaded everything from my raft and I informed Vin Diesel that our family is much stronger now it made him very happy and now that I had a good saber I decided to go ahead and take him to the hunter cave to get the first artifact for The Brood mother fight there's achievements for beating the overseer at each difficulty which requires me to beat every other boss at each difficulty so there's going to be 12 f in this run so yeah that's why I wanted to get on these artifacts as soon as I possibly could and once I made it to the first intersection of the cave there was a bunch of AR throws that were just itching to spit on my armor and completely break it if I get an ankle breaker on someone with a 100 legs is that like some type of world record or something but I wasn't able to dodge them all and while I was attacking this other centipede spiders came at me in a single file line and at this point scar was already below half Health but we were right next to the artifact so we were looking pretty good and I wasn't expecting to be able to fit through the Crouch spot you know since cryopods went extinct but somehow scar managed to actually like Slither his way through there so yeah we pretty easily grabbed the artifact of the Hunter and on the way out I found a dung beetle and I do have to tame everything so I grabbed some uh raw fertilizer man ate the whole thing in one bite and yeah that's the story of how I met Reese's feces then on the way out the C police set a roadblock and then this man did the world's most pinpoint accurate spit and and when it hit me it instantly disintegrated all of the clothes that I was wearing anyway I was getting overrun at a pretty insane rate one of the developers literally just decided to throw 800 spawns in the exact same square meter anyway I was literally about to die and my only option was to jump in the water with the Piranhas but I actually managed to just climb back up on the other side and then ran past everything there was literally so many of them in one spot that they were all blocking each other from getting to me so after escaping from the cave I was right next to Green OB so I decided to kind of Park here for AE minute I uploaded reesei feces to the Cloud Server there's still like 63 creatures that I need to tame for the master zoologist achievement starting with this Diplo colis that I snatched out of the water and saved him from immediate death and since I was already here I was going to use the green OB as kind of a central Hub and start knocking out some of these swamp TS there was also a giant bee running around down here like no Hive or anything so I thought if I like ran up before she aggroed me I could feed one flower and instantly get a t but I was in fact mistaken oh and instead of taming a bee instead I received an immense amount of pain anyway after grabbing this explore note Robert Noy Jr was tamed and now it was time to go to my least favorite place on this map and I went ahead and set up a trap and I actually found a cap R pretty quick which in any other scenario would have been a bad thing but it turns out you can't actually pick these guys up with an RG doesn't really make much sense but I tried to kite him into my trap and then this happened oh no so yeah I'm bleeding out pretty bad but at least my muscles are still huge but there was also another capao really close by dude literally invented a new category of the Olympics right in front of my eyes the sideways long jump but luckily his vertical is lacking a little bit and despite his 50 ft sideways long jump dude can't get over a doorway and then after knocking this dude out I turned around and there was a racer standing there asking me to tame him so I created a little bit of a distance between us and it was definitely uh bit sketchy I probably should have done like any other method of trying to knock this guy out but instead my strategy was to just shoot him and then try not to die it actually worked out pretty well so after bringing the CAO back to the green OB and giving him a historically accurate name I found a lowlevel Saro I knocked it out I brought the finished racer up to the green hob and by the time I'd made it back over to the Sarco with some prime meat he was super hungry ate it all in like 3 seconds and everything went well so far so I decided to also try knocking out this bar onx without using a trap and it was incredibly annoying but luckily he kind of like got stuck under the water and these guys don't have an oxygen meter so I just knocked them out down there and then while I was trying to feed him some prime meat a CA R swam over and instantly digested me Good Times these videos take a really really long time to make so if you would like to support me I recently launched a patreon and some Channel memberships and while there's not too many people in there we have a private Discord server where we do game nights every month please don't feel like you have to though I really just appreciate you guys watching my videos and I just ask please hit that subscribe button so anyway after I made it back over here I knocked out this little demetron fella all he wanted to do was just fight back but man it's too slow honestly I feel kind of bad and it seems the bionyx hasn't touched his prime meat so instead of giving him fish meat like he actually wanted I put more prime meat in his inventory and then after going back to base to make a bunch more Tran arrows adding two new members to my very large family and then simultaneously naming this man after a rock band and a household appliance I started off day 20 by knocking out a very oversized frog and while he was taming I went around the corner back to the hunter cave and I grabbed the artifact one more time because I actually need three sets of each artifact to fight The Brood mother on gamma beta and Alpha difficulty of course anyway since I cleared out the initial spawns in this cave it was actually really easy the second time around but you can only carry one of these artifacts on your body at a time which makes it really annoying when you're trying to do each difficulty when I got back the Frog was tamed and I decided he was going to be our designated family musician and then I gave the racer a bit of an insulting name but let's be honest he deserves it and then I came back to the hunter cave a third time so I could grab the third and final artifact of the hunter but then all of a sudden I remembered something very concerning there's Explorer notes in these caves so I went to grab the next Explorer note and then two things happened first I got the achiev for getting 10% of Explorer notes on this game and second I literally just fell asleep right off the back of my Sabertooth and then just got absolutely devoured by giant spiders well that definitely could have gone better but I don't have a saber-tooth anymore so there's really no way for me to go in there and get the hunter artifact off of my body so I came back to base and I downloaded everything from the red op and I gave reesei feces a complimentary all you can eat buffet and then Ark survival ascended once again showcased all of its remake and improvements as Robert no drowny Jr got duplicated yeah I've got two of him now and there is no CAO so my CAO turned into a Diplo Calis fair enough and then the end off day 21 I got a bunch of stuff ready and I headed over to the snow that way I could start taming some stuff over there and maybe even find some good dinos for boss fights I was going to set up camp at Blue up but when I got there World War I billion be see was going on and I really tried to be a peacemaker I did but when the yudi roared and my RG went crying to his mother bro must have seen something that that I didn't now I want to know what's on the other side of that wall anyway even though I couldn't control how he was moving I could still control his talents so when the Carno attacked us I was able to actually defend us and then when my RG finally came back to this Dimension we did manage to make peace it it's a bit unorthodox but you can't argue with results but this baby Carno was pretty chill so I press y to add him to my family that marks came number 37 out of 93 at the start of day 22 I started heading down the mountain and I managed to find this Mammoth and I convinced him to take a little nap and while I was waiting on him to tame I realized I'd probably need some more Tran arrows so I started heading back to base but then I found this gamus who I tried to Bola and while I was sitting here like an idiot thinking that the B would actually work a micro Raptor attacked me and about 3 seconds later a dude was faed down on the grass when I got back to base I threw him out and I decided to not give him a name because next next to the trudon there's probably no one else that deserves it less and after making it back to the blue Obelisk I knocked out this random Pria that I found and I brought the mammoth up to the upload and then I decided to start searching for some penguins but I couldn't really find any on these little side icebergs and after knocking out a random direwolf I headed over to the main icebergs because I mean I need to tame a penguin but there literally just wasn't any here in fact every single Iceberg on the entire map all the Penguins were on vacation I have a lot of hours on this game it may not seem like it when I do things like trying to Bow galy look most of those hours are spent pvping and breeding okay the point is the icebergs literally always have penguins like what what is going on with this game anyway I just kind of ignored that for now and I finally found a male saber-tooth so I went ahead and tamed him and this allowed me to start breeding Sabertooth because currently all I had was females and Scar died in the hunter cave so hopefully with some imprinted saber teeth these caves will be much easier at the start of day 25 four I cleared out all the rocks in my base which also got me a ton of metal So I placed down the new Forge and got the metal cooking and then I claimed and started feeding the first batch of baby saber-tooth who seemed to be a little uh challenged when it comes to gravity and then I decided to gather some meat for the babies and gather hide to make my really good saber-tooth saddle blueprint at the same time so now I had like 2,000 hide and the metal was cooked so I went ahead and made a saber-tooth saddle and I tried not to question how I'm using fort 00 hide just to make this little saddle I guess we can just blame inflation so I grabbed Simba and I found a pretty insane drop before heading back into the hunter cave and now it was finally time to get revenge and hopefully find the explore note that I'm missing I decided to just go ahead and remove my flak armor I don't really want to give the arthos that satisfaction again I actually did manage to find my body from earlier but then I immediately got jumped by like 35 cave dwelling degenerates but eventually I was able to get my stuff back which also happened to put me over Simba's Max deadlift and since he didn't have a spotter he wasn't comfortable trying to move more weight so we had to throw out some of the loot so I was actually in this cave for an insane amount of time and I'm not going to make you guys watch all that so I'll try to summarize exactly why so essentially I walked down this little Alleyway and I push this Megalania into the water that doesn't have anything to do with the story I just thought it was funny and after exploring the cave for a little bit I pulled up a map of it on the ark Wiki I was trying to see how many explor notes are in here because I've played this map a lot and I know how to get all the artifacts but I don't ever collect Explorer notes like who does that but the website doesn't actually say how many notes there are or where they are for that matter but I assume that I would find them all if I just explored all the routes in the cave so I ran around for a while like 20 minutes and I cleared out the entire cave I killed everything when I made it back to this middle section by the way the amount of spiders here is like actually ludicrous do you see how many spider bodies that is on the ground like look at this why anyway I pretty much cleared out the whole cave and I was just running around an empty cave at this point hoping to find something I actually already had two of the notes but I assumed that there was another one I was checking through like all of my Explorer notes pages on my inventory and I was comparing it with this website the website claimed that there was four notes in this cave but I only had two I didn't see anything something is not adding up I literally wasted like an hour just scrolling through all my Explorer notes trying to compare it to the one on this website that I couldn't find literally just sitting here reading through through the ark lore I'm over here getting desperate checking at the bottom of the water I ran around clueless for like another 15 minutes and then eventually I gave up so now that I just wasted like an hour I ended off day 25 by bringing Simba to the lava cave and then I put all my stuff in a storage box and fast traveled back home because I needed to wait on Simba to heal up as this cave is brutal so while Simba healed up at the lava cave I went on a quick metal run and then after breeding our future generation of saber Toots and feeding them the absolute minimum amount of rations to grow up into an adult look when they're an adult they can get Foods or well maybe not because I'm just going to have them sitting on passive inside my base anyway I think that they'll live so I headed back to the lava cave and well Simba was not actually healed up yet but I guess I just didn't have time for that and I just headed right in there anyway why am I like this so according to my sources which I later Pro to not be that accurate there's supposed to be two Explorer notes in here and that's what I'm looking out for so not long after entering the cave I made it to this first Crossroads and uh that's a lot of spiders but eventually was able to take them all out and then I walked forward about 10 steps and then got attacked by 37 more spiders but these ones had wings and essentially I was just trying to like stay away from from them because if these things give me mega rabies I'm going to die pretty much instantly but anyway I was just now approaching the second section of enemies and Simba's Health was already extremely low but a little bit of uh being on the brink of death never stopped anybody so I told Simba to get over it and we continued on we then came to this Crossroads where there's an explore note over here but that's not actually where the artifact is so I decided to just go for the artifact first as my health was pretty low but then the absolute worst possible thing happened I have contracted highly contagious Mega rabies if you aren't aware Mega rabies is a deadly virus that kills one in one people its symptoms include death if you think that you or a loved one may be affected by this highly contagious Mega rabies please consult a doctor drink a lot of Med brus and make sure there's a bed nearby because you're going to want to respawn when you die but as my health got lower and lower and the mega raby's counter got lower and lower it was going to be really [Music] close um okay then so after that tragedy I spawned at the wrong sleeping bag so I had to speedrun my way all the way through the cave again and I thought that I would just get back down here hop back on Simba and continue in the cave but Simba's gone and my trib block shows that he's not dead so after getting some revenge on my mortal enemy I track SBA using this new interface that AR sended at it and it was showing that he was under the ground but I mean like I didn't see anything down there so maybe that's a glitch so I just searched everywhere in this cave I just ran around in circles for like half an hour and I came to the conclusion that yeah he actually probably is down there underneath the map so yeah looks like the aliens abducted him too and they didn't even have the courtesy to give me back my good saber-tooth saddle so I headed back to base after getting defeated by some aliens and I grabbed this four times Tech Explorer note and a Terra bird jumped me so I kidnapped him and then knocked him out so at this point I was a little bit annoyed but I returned back to my base and checked on my saber-tooth and then I realized that wand literally fell under the map at the red OB I grappled up there so I could get everything out of him I was literally using this guy as a storage box so I'm really glad I was able to actually access his inventory but wasn't Ark survival ascended supposed to be like the Remake that fixed all of the problems from Ark survival evolved so after wasting pretty much the entire day 27 just dealing with tames falling under the map I started out day 28 by grinding resources to make a bunch of crop plots because I needed a bunch of crops going so I could make veggie cakes later on in this run because there's a few tames that you actually have to have veggie cakes to tame oh and I also wanted some Veggie cakes from whenever I fight Doug on Alpha I'm kind of worried that I won't be able to do it but that's a problem for future me but anyways my crops were now irrigated and I placed down a cage so reesei fees could create fertilizer without being abducted by aliens and then I used Tri wasowski to harvest a bunch of seeds so I could get the crops going I spent the rest of the day crafting a new saber-tooth saddle getting a bunch of metal cooking and then heading back to the lava cave ready for round two at the start of day 29 I entered the lava cave on a different one of my Sabers and luckily since I placed these foundations down nothing actually respawn in the areas that I'd already been through and after making it to the location where Simba is supposed to be I decided to take a left this time and clear this area out to grab this Explorer note and then I saw this yellow cave drop on the other side of this little parkour area and it didn't look too difficult of a jump so I jumped over there I grabbed the supply drop it was all right but then on the way back my sprint button did not work and I just jumped straight into the lava I died and at this point I was heated literally I was really expecting my saber-tooth to just be gone but luckily he was still there I wasn't able to get my stuff back though so you know I'm just riding naked on a saber-tooth but anyway I made it over to the artifact and there really wasn't much here because I had already took it out the first time I was here so I jumped across the lava grabbed the artifacts so I headed out on foot and put the artifact in my storage box and then I did that one more time but on my way out of the cave I noticed something um what happened to my Sabertooth why is he not standing right here I didn't even die all I did was walk out he wasn't dead so I checked the tracker again and sure enough yeah he's under the map look at that he's literally under the map bro that is insane man this this game is so broken so I went back in on foot and grabbed the artifact a third time as I tried not to think about how would have to grind another insanely expensive saber saddle and level another saber and then wait on him to heal again and just as I thought things couldn't get any worse one of those flying spiders literally phases through the wall and then I run out of stamina so I literally can't do anything but perish I had completely lost my patience at this point and I just whistled my AR into the cave and got him to kill the bat and it took a couple tries but I did actually manage to get this other Explorer note on foot so I was really happy about that at the start of day 30 I headed back to base having lost literally everything that I brought with me but I was bringing an artifact home so I guess it was almost worth it but I did manage to find some elevator platforms and a supply drop so I demolished those and got an insane amount of metal and then I had to craft my entire kit again all my armor my tools my spy glass my parachutes this reminded me of whenever I used to play PVP and after I would die and lose everything the Walk of Shame back to base and then sitting there having to recraft my entire kit reminding me of my failures literally the worst feeling in the world then I went on a high Gathering Rampage so I could craft another saber-tooth saddle and I was almost ready to do the final cave for the last brood mother artifact but this time I'm bringing a backup plan and right before I was about to leave I remember that for for a calco ethereum you actually need beer to tame them so I went ahead and crafted a beer barrel and I started fermenting some alcohol so I could become friends with a prehistoric creature by feeding his addiction so I decided to take Neil Armstrong to the cave because he actually was able to make it back from the alien abduction last time also don't ask why Terren is following me and flying in circles I didn't mean to do this I don't really know why he's following me but yeah dude's going to come along for the ride right before stopping at at the cave I grabbed the ratha and the Caan dossier and then there was this patchy that was just attacking Terren for some reason so I bowed him and tamed him because I mean I still needed to tame one of those so I'll take it nice while the patchy was taming I entered the cave with Neil Armstrong and literally as soon as I walked in there I got jumped by like 37 degenerates and then I contracted the highly contagious Mega rabies and then an arthro broke my armor good times so after managing to survive that by Downing like 30 slices of cooked steak I grabbed the Megalodon dossier and then I snuck into this Megalosaurus bedroom and got this Explorer note that was right next to his pillow man slept right through the whole thing and honestly this is like probably the easiest cave in the game I just made my way to the back of the cave you know popping all the Wings off the flying spiders as I went and then I grabbed the last Explorer note in this cave and at at this point in the run I actually did find a more reliable source for these Explorer notes there's actually three in every single cave and there's four in the underwater cave which means that I missed an Explorer note in both of the caves I've been in so far so uh yeah after I made my way out of the Cave the Pache was tamed and I went back in the cave and grabbed two more artifacts so I didn't have to clear it again later but I also wanted to try to tame that Megalosaurus because these things are actually pretty rare So I repaired my armor and got my crossbow and Tran one important thing to note is that these guys are nocturnal meaning they sleep during the day and they wake up at night probably like most of the people watching this video right now and as I headed down there Nightfall was approaching as I approached his little cave I was getting ready to put up some Stone pillars so he couldn't get out and actually hit me but then this happened he woke up and even though I told him to stay over there he had the audacity to come over here before I finished building so I ran because you know I don't really want to die today anyway I grinded a bunch of stone and wood so I could make a different type of trap but then when I headed back down there he was gone I'm going to assume that he's like 200 M under the map and he's harassing simbo right now it's actually insane how in this game you can walk 10 ft away from something and then turn around and all of a sudden it's not there anymore I should have called it Ark survival devolved oh where'd he go anyway I'm done with this cave now so I name my patchy good luck because I don't have enough uh capacity to carry him back to base and after getting everybody safely back home I fast traveled to my sleeping bag at the lava cave and I was hoping that all the foundations were still there and nothing respawned yet but as soon as I walked through the entrance of the cave I was met with like 85 sociopaths so I'm going to have to wait to get this last Explorer note anyways on day 32 I set up another storage box and this one was dedicated to boss fight items we're actually looking pretty good for the broodmother but I would also need dinos to actually do the boss fight so I flew over to the snow and since I'm not just doing this on gamma I'm actually doing it on gamma beta and Alpha which is extremely difficult I started looking for a megatherium because megatheriums do increased damage to bugs which include the spiders in the broodmother arena but I actually spent the entire rest of day 32 and then majority of day 33 looking and I didn't find a single good meum but I did find this level five day on so I uh shot him with a tranquilizer and then he passed out nice then I uploaded him to Blue OB so I could easily download him at my base and that was literally the only productive thing I got done all day anyway on day 34 I finally found a penguin but not even where they actually spawn this dude was just walking around in the snow and the Penguin icebergs are still a tumble weed simulator so I'm not sure what's up with that but anyway I give a new meaning to the phrase Club Penguin and then after uploading Club Penguin to the shadow realm I found a level five dolphin just sitting next to the iceberg so I went ahead and passive tamed him and then I watched this shark just absolutely disintegrate him right in front of my eyes it's kind of crazy cuz there's literally 12 Dolphins standing right there and the shark is just pretending to be a vegetarian and so one of them all of a sudden belongs to me and then he just has a craving for Finn diesel man is a hater so um I actually forgot to record for like 10 minutes well I found two more explore notes and I found not really anything else so now it's day 35 [Music] only anyway on day 35 I found a 130 megum so I collected a little bit more wood and I set up a trap it's really cool how the building on this game whenever you're in the snow it has snow on it like that's so cool anyway I cuted the megatherium up the ramp and into the Trap and they actually do pathf find to avoid falling in traps but he was so busy hitting me that he still fell in and then I knocked him out but then this happened look sometimes I don't use my brain very well and this was one of those times but anyway the dude was still angry at my trap instead of me for some reason so he kind of just let me shoot him in the back with a few Tran arrows as he destroyed my trap and then all of a sudden he just dipped but don't be fooled this man still wanted to kill me yeah this knockout was probably one of the most sketchy things I've ever done why are you [Music] running what is are you going to chase me or are you [Music] not you're a wizard so now I head this guy down and I give him some prime me so I could have the best taming Effectiveness possible and now I have the best spider killer in the game but now to get this guy back to base since there's no cryopods I have to walk him all the way to the blue obelis look how far that is anyway after about 15 minutes of walking we finally made it to the Obelisk and there was actually a level 40 male and 45 female meum here and unfortunately megatheriums require uh well they can't breed on their own and to avoid that I have to make this trap out of stone and then I killed the level 45 trapped the level 40 knocked it out and I fed it the meat from the level 45 I then grabbed the Explorer node on top of the mountain and then my game crashed so I loaded back in and I'm all the way down here after taming the good meum I have to walk all the way back up to the ob make a trap and tame the 40 again so I knocked out the 40 and then my game crashed again yep I'm going to sleep I'm done for the night anyway the third time after doing this the entire process took me like 30 minutes by the way anyway I uploaded the mega theum to the shadow realm and then I headed back to base so I went ahead and started breeding the megatheriums for The Brood mother fight and then I noticed that there's like 10 of my tames underneath the mesh they're literally just inside the Rock so anyways at the start of Day 36 I started feeding my baby megatheriums and I actually got really lucky I have one that already has the good health and melee so I went ahead and made some meum Saddles anyways while I was waiting on them to raise I saw that there was a shark right below me in the water so I jumped down there and knocked him out and I figured now it'd be a good time to get a manta as well cuz there's a ton of them around there so I would have made some scuba gear I made some bug repellent and I grabbed the angler gel that I got out of a supply drop and I managed to find this level 15 Mano right below my base so I fed him his favorite food which is angler gel although I don't think you can really consider that food considering it's not edible it's literally an alternate fuel source I think that would probably kill you but I mean I guess he likes it anyway these guys have been raising for about 20 minutes at this point and they now are ready to imprint and I guess now would be a good time to explain that I'm actually playing this on single player settings so I'm actually on one times breeding I don't have have it boosted at all because it's already boosted so it's like equivalent of about 30 times on official so these guys take about an hour to raise and I'm playing on two times rates on everything else like harvesting XP taming all that which is the equivalent to like five times on official everything's pretty much the same but the wild creatures melee damage is doubled when you tame them so that's why this melee is like 600 it's nothing insane but it makes it where I don't have to sit here and breathe for mutations for 30 days because I'm going to be on a time crunch as it is is trying to beat 12 bosses taming 93 creatures and collecting like 340 Explorer notes so I don't want to waste too much time breeding trust me the fights are still very very difficult especially Alpha for Doug anyway I was still waiting on the megatheriums to get raised so I decided to try to tame this Titan Boa in the swamp so I knocked him out and then I created The Circle of Life by dropping a circle of eggs around them because they are a passive T but if they're aggro to you they won't actually eat the eggs so then I just kind of sat here and waited on him to wake up eventually he finally did wake up but he didn't eat his breakfast maybe he was like intermittent fasting or something anyway I'm not really trying to deal with that right now so I picked back up my homecooked raw egg meal and I started heading north and I saw this weird like graphical glitch in these trees over here so I kind of flew over to investigate but then I realized what I was looking at is actually a rinio NAA is that a Rino this is the first time I've actually seen one of these things but I did know that if it's a a male you're supposed to kill it to get the fairmon and I mean this guy was stuck pretty good in solitary confinement so it couldn't have been an easier kill to be honest but I was not looking forward to trying to tame a female when I finally find one it looks extremely painful anyway it was going to be a while before I could actually Fight The Brood mother so I decided to grab Neil Armstrong and head to caral Island cave to get the first artifact for the monkey but as I made it to the Northeast side of the map I realized that this was a whole another biome and there was a ton of creatures here that I've not tamed and I'm going to catch them all starting with this spino and I'm not even going to make a trap because I'm re whoa I was going to say I'm really good at the game but to be honest with you I'm not it's just because I'm lazy and then while that guy ate his raw fish while unconscious somehow I killed this pachy rhino and claimed it's baby I know we've been through this like three times now we're still going to pretend that it's ethical well after I uh remembered why I was actually here I flew over to Carnival Island I grabbed this explor note and then I headed into the car Island cave to find the artifact of the Devourer anyway there's not much to say about this cave it was actually extremely easy and even though there was like 2,000 spiders with wings these ones were actually a bit more civilized as they decided not to infect me with their highly contagious Mega rabies but yeah I grabbed all three explore notes in here and I grabbed the artifact three times okay and now back to your regularly scheduled [Music] taming and now after all of those tames from the north I now have 53 out of 93 tames for the master zoologist achievement and on my way back to base I found a level 10 quetzel and I wasn't really planning on taming one of these guys right now but this is definitely one of the more rarer things so I wanted to go ahead and get it out of the way and I spent the entire rest of day 39 getting resources to craft three Behemoth Gates using the rg's saddle as a Smithy then I flew over to the quest still eating as many rare flowers as I could fit in my mouth at once but it seems like this guy has some extreme discipline because even if he was angry at the fact that I ate a rare flow he was doing a great job of suppressing his feelings and he showed no emotion whatsoever I even tried hitting him to see if that would work but then he just ran away but then I uh I flew back to my trap and I realized that Behemoth Gates on this game literally have no top so like even if I did trap him the dude wouldn't have even been trapped in the first place this is another one of those times where I uh didn't use my brain very well as the sun rose on day 40 I arrived at the second cave for the monkey artifacts also on a side note how come whenever you enter pretty much every cave on this game the color palette changes from a majestic dinosaur Kingdom to grayscale death this cave is definitely the most difficult one I've done yet and to make matters worse Neil Armstrong was a little bit too uh chubby to fit which is kind of crazy cuz I I barely even feed the dude but there is actually another way to get down there and that's just by jumping straight off this Cliff right into a business meeting being held by 87 Mis creant I grabbed the first explore note and then I did some epic parkour to get to the second one as I made my way to the central part of this cave I grabbed the third and final Explorer note in here which marks 20% of Explorer notes collected giving me my first explor note related achievement and this cave has a bunch of underwater tunnels so Neil Armstrong Cannon balled into the water and everything was peaceful at first until I got attacked by every single creature in bikini bottom but luckily Neil Armstrong is an allterrain vehicle so everything went pretty smoothly I managed to grab the artifact I actually left Neil Armstrong on the top of this ledge right here and went out of the cave on foot So then whenever I came back after leaving my artifact above ground I was able to skip the entire underwater section of this cave by just jumping up and riding Neil Armstrong and I did this to grab the remaining two artifacts and then I took my good saber saddle off Neil Armstrong I said good luck to him gave him a couple diet plans maybe uh eventually he'll make it out of there and now that the mega theum was finally raised I had a guarantee on the good stats so now I could just keep breeding the megatheriums over and over again and I also had some beer that was finally fermented from my beard jar but it's not for me of course I I don't drink it's to get a certain dinosaur drunk because I know that he's not going to want to be my friend if he's sober so I headed back to the snow to try to find a calic ethereum and tame some other stuff that I haven't tamed yet I actually managed to find an otter in one of the snow rivers and I was going to just you know kill one or two fish to tame him but then all the Saber-tooth salmon literally attacked me and I almost died but eventually I was able to finally T the otter which is actually huge because these guys can hold artifacts for you this means I don't have to run in and out of the cave three times every time now I can just give the artifacts to the otter I also knocked out this woolly Rhino but then when I flew away for like 2 seconds looking for the calic ethereum I came back and he was literally dead so I guess I'm going to have to T another one of those anyways I've been gone for like over a day so I killed a couple alow for the AL brain tribute and then I claimed their baby as my own and I started heading back to base and after getting a couple baby ethereums claimed and some food in them I found this pretty happy Bronto family there was a mother and her two children there were two Bronto orphans that were stranded out in the wild and I do actually have um 55 different species of children but it was just so sad that now I have 56 and I tried to build a raft to bring these guys back to my base but even though the Bas it still treats them as like adult bronos so their hitbox won't allow them to get on the raft for some reason it's kind of dumb but I'm not walking these guys all the way back to base they're extremely slow but hey at least for the last 15 minutes they got to experience what it was like to have a parent I kept exploring the snow but I also had a bunch of sleeping bags so I could fast travel every 15 minutes or so to claim the new baby me ethereums but fast traveling on this game seems to do some pretty uh interesting things I don't know where bro is going but he's definitely going to get there but essentially I kept fast traveling back and forth all day I didn't really find anything but I did tame another Rhino you don't know how long I've been waiting to name a woolly Rhino wool Smith and after a couple more imprints a couple more babies and a couple more Saddles day 43 came to an end PR I was really struggling on cementing pace so I started farming a massive amount of stones and I put down six mortar and pests separating all of the kitan and keratin that I have into each of them and after several runs using the ykee this time to multitask you know got to get a little bit of metal in there too I had enough cementing paste to make most of the Saddles and I'm assuming you don't want to just watch me smack a rock for an hour so that's the entire day 44 and at this point I had a pretty large meum army going I didn't quite have the 19 that I needed but we were getting really close half of them don't don't have imprint though because when they ask for Kibble there's nothing I can do to change their request but we'll deal with that later after fast traveling back to the snow I grabbed two more explore notes and since I was already here I decided to see if I could get the artifact out of this snow cave and then a lot of bullets were fired but eventually I cleared everything out and I was able to get the artifact and then while I was waiting on it to respawn I held this bat at gunpoint while he was chilling in an ice bath and I started feeding him some raw meat it was pretty convenient considering I could just turn around and grab the artifact as it respawned this man definitely took his time to finish taming but by the time he did I had my third artifact and I headed out of the cave but then when I got outside I realized that my RG literally abandoned me so I tracked him on my map and it turns out that this dude is stranded in the middle of the ocean so I parachuted over and I find him literally fighting for his life so I reminded him that he has wings and he can literally just fly away and now he's safe that snow cave didn't have any explore notes in it but that reminded me that I missed one in the hunter cave so after stopping by base I grabbed one of my sabertooths and headed back over there I'm literally only here because I want to read a book but in order to do that I have to fend off waves of holigans but then when I finally actually got to read it it it was kind of but since I'm already here I decided to save myself a trip and grabbed the hunter artifacts gave them to the otter so I could carry them and went ahead and dropped them off at Green OB ready for the Mega theum fight that's not what it's called and then on my way back to base I saw a giant mosquito and it did happen to be a female but the RG was way too slow so I headed back to base to grab my pterodon and that one was a level 25 which is why I was so confident but then I accidentally aggroed a red to 130 that I didn't even know existed and then ter ran for his life as he was literally getting pelted with paintballs but luckily the Rino got distracted by a tappy so I made sure that I had everything ready the goal here was to get it really low using the megatherium and then use the racer to actually have the baby Rino and yeah we're not going to go for that one because I kind of like being alive so I headed back to find the level 25 and it took me a little while but eventually I found her just being an absolute menace to iety right outside the swamp and I cuted her all the way to the green OB with Terren literally being at half Health at this point it's a good thing I did not go for that 135 and then while Terrance experienced some physical abuse gave her a couple good whacks with the megatherium and then I fed my Racer the ratha pheron and I'm pretty sure that she's below 10% Health but nothing's happening I think this whole taming thing might have just been a prank to get my racer killed anyway the racer was almost dead at this point so I decided to give it one one more hit with the megatherium but then this happened oh didn't mean to do that well that was incredibly annoying but the me ethereums were getting close to being ready for the boss fight and I just had to make some more Saddles and raise a couple more I do it again I'm just thr me everything is on me you matter what it up up [Music] now all that was left to do was just wait on this very final generation of megatheriums to finish raising and it was time to fight The Brood mother but in the meantime there was a tappy flying really close to base so I angered him by eating a rare flower and then he just started doing circles around Elon Tusk the dude got bit from 370° and I can't allow that to happen so I decided to show this man my insane bow of PVP skills oh bro that bolo was insane note to self in the edit cut out the three bolos that I missed meanwhile I'm still trying to get 19 fully imprinted me aums but it seems that they're rallying against me and like 75% of them want kibble at least there's one that actually appreciates his existence but I had to set an example because I can't allow this Behavior to continue if I say no kibble you're not getting any kibble conveniently I need a tame a trudon and I have some megatherium that need to be taught a lesson so I grabbed an angry trudon and brought him over to my base and I was expecting the trudon to easily kill them but that definitely did not happen so yeah I just kind of held the trudon above the megatheriums head hoping that he would get some bites in I would not recommend this strategy all right I I give up we're just going to pretend that this did not happen so after wasting an entire day I grabbed some buger pellant and headed back over to that snow cave and then with an entire bucket of buger pellant applied to my body and and a full ghilly suit on you know to camouflage myself with the snow I snuck up behind the spider and then shoved a huge piece of raw mutton right in his mouth he didn't even notice that I was there and then after reverse pickpocketing him three times I was a bit tired from all that work so I decided to take a nap I'm not a very light sleeper okay so I can already feel myself getting roasted in the comment section right here but I ran out of stamina on the way back to base so I landed of course and I just kind of assumed that the tappy could kill this Caro but then this happened wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoo no I hope that was worth it buddy it's going to be the last time you do anything I'm having so much fun right now so after coming all the way over here on the RG to get my stuff back I decided to go ahead and tame a monkey while I was here but I accidentally tamed a Pego instead I accidentally tamed two pegos and I accidentally tamed three pegos instead but I was finally able to tame harambe Jr marking tame number 61 out of 93 that's 2/3 of the way to the master zoologist achievement and at this point I actually did have more than enough me ethereums but surprise surprise not all of them were imprinted they seem to have some issues cooperating so they're going to go to battle anyway and if they die well that's not on me so after transferring all the meum straight through the shadow realm from Red OB to Green OB all that was left to do before the boss fight was to wait for them a heal so after filling up all their feeding troughs with some berries I started heading towards the snow and I managed to get another ratha ferone on the way so the reason I actually came in snow is because I want to tame a yudi for the boss fights as well because when you roar with a yudi it Buffs all of your dinos by 30% but while I was here I finally found a Calico theum and well anyway I got a pretty insane red drop which distracted me from the disappointment that I felt every time I look through my spy glass just to see a level five yudy and as Nightfall approached I kind of decided to just settle for what I could get so I decided to set up a Yi trap right here and I was surprisingly able to get this guy into the Trap without him fearing the RG which I was honestly not expecting to go this smoothly but then right after I knocked him out I I instantly found a 145 UD of course right after I set the Trap up all the way over there and it was pretty clear that it was basically impossible to kite one of these guys over on an RG like that's just not going to happen with him getting feared every 10 seconds so I tried my best to do it on foot but these things are literally faster than you in this game but I actually managed to get him over to the ramp of the Trap but I didn't like consider the fact that I had a tamed Yi sitting inside of of the Trap so yeah they uh they practice martial arts with each other for a little bit and I thought my Yi was going to die and I was actually just kind of let it happen to be honest with you cuz then I could trap the new one but it turns out that we have a winner and uh it's definitely not the 145 so honestly I'm just impressed and I know that I probably shouldn't do this but I'm going to take this guy into the boss fight even though he's only like level 120 and I still needed a ton of tributes for all three boss fights so yeah I uh killed a bunch of T-Rexes so I could collect their arms and the end off day 56 I found an amazing the and uh I really need one of those to fight Doug on Alpha so uh well we all know what happens next but I forgot that these things torper drops extremely fast I needed some berries cuz I used them all on Tran arrows for my 8,000 Tams so I had harambe aggressively smash the bushes and it turns out that's a pretty effective strategy at picking berries I also managed to find a pretty good tappy right next to where I knocked the theory out and despite me Swinging a Bola over my head like a maniac this dude literally just landed right next to me and then he act all surprised when he got hit with the baa and then I knocked him out with my fist like an absolute Savage and after about 20 minutes of ending to the theory he was tamed and I uh couldn't really think of a name so I just named him with his purpose I still needed a second theory though in order to read them for Doug so I found this level 20 and I dropped them into the base knocked them out and fed him some Tran arrows wait got soup and now that I had a really good theory I could get a head start on breeding so I wouldn't have to sit here and wait around like I am with the megatheriums and these guys are going to be able to take out Doug the MEAP pacus and the overseer also I downloaded Donald drunk back at the base because I mean who doesn't like living with an alcoholic also finally remember to download the Udi who really needed a long way to go with his healing and since this guy's going to be so important to this run I decided to name him after my first patreon on supporter and then I head it back to greena because it was now time to take on The Brood mother but I still needed some more s vertebres so but on my way back to the green op I actually found another quetzel and I really didn't want to pass up this opportunity so after putting up all the stuff at the green OB and get everything ready for the brood mother I took my tappy out to tame this guy and this is the only possible method that I can even think of since I'm by myself so I got out of the driver's seat and then rode shotgun dude's basically A Primitive Tesla on autopilot right now the only difference is that he can't move straight and instead of hearing Taylor Swift break up with her 84th boyfriend on the radio you just hear [Music] this it's really not hard to knock these guys out if you have another person to carry you so you can shoot at them and the only time I've ever done it by myself was when I was on a griffin so like I could shoot at it while I was flying I could actually control what I was doing this was just a whole another level of annoying there were times when I actually did get a lot of good shots off and then there's other times when he bolts and then my tappy just turns randomly I get lost in the trees and then before I know it dude's halfway across the map and I literally chased this guy the entire night and he was getting really bloody and he was over the water so I was afraid he was either going to die or he was going to get knocked out in the water and then die but then by some miracle I actually managed to knock this guy out and he landed safely in the most dangerous part of the map possible the center of the Redwoods I made sure to put spikes around this guy cuz it wasn't really a question of if somebody was going to attack him it was how many things were going to attack him and so for about 30 minutes I fended off waves of imbeciles while also trying to collect narcoberries for the qu at the same time and I also managed to find one of these arcas so I tamed them they eat kitan and you can use them as parachutes which is pretty cool but I've never actually utilized one of these things before so yeah about now the quitzel is finished taming and he's flying in circles he's all happy that he didn't die so yeah he's uh he's got a better name now anyway I brought him all the way back to my red op base still just holding my arm straight up in the air while carrying this ARCA by the way and while I was already here I grabbed my scuba gear and went to the ocean to grab some pearls and I used these to make a Udi saddle and then head it back to the green OB but the ud is still literally bleeding out right now so I don't think we should take him in the fight anyway but that's okay the me ethereums are pretty strong but this is also the first boss fight I've done on this game the reason for using Mega in this fight is that they're really strong to bugs so while all my megatheriums were going at it with the brood mother I sat back here doing the Dirty Work spawn trapping all of her children that took a lot longer than it looked for you guys but it was still pretty easy and now I got the achievement for killing arc's first Guardian I got the Hologram Explorer note for The Brood mother and I got a bunch of element and the easy trophy for the overseer so the me theum were a little bit beat up after their 8 hour shift but they were still breathing so let's uh let's work them some overtime I hope that I don't regret this [Music] so yeah me and Terrence headed back home dude seemed happier about that Victory than I was and as I arrived back at base I placed down my first two brood mother Flags marking two out of 12 total bosses I'm not going to lie most of these other ones are going to be very very difficult anyway while I was waiting on the megatheriums to heal up before I took on the alpha spider I set up a generator and some air conditioners so I could start hatching all of the the eggs that I've been saving up this whole time and you would think that after hatching 12 eggs you would have at least one that has the correct stats but this isn't charity this is AR and I'm not guaranteed to get the stats I want and they're not guaranteed to survive when they hatch with the wrong stats well it's clear that this was going to take a lot longer than I initially thought I thought I was going to be able to go ahead and start pumping out the boss theories like right now so I set up a bed at the green OB and I got the megatheriums lined up because there's like a solid six or seven on on that roster that don't have imprint and the beta fight did not go the greatest and I'm definitely going to need that for Alpha the clock was starting to run out though as it's already day 63 and I only had two of the 12 bosses defeated we have to do this by day 100 so I put my head down and I started [Music] grinding [Music] [Music] and just like that after a a solid 7 Days of grinding I now had a pretty formidable army but they still had a lot of healing to do before I was going to be able to take down Doug so in the meantime I still have like 30 more creatures I need to tame so I decided to go ahead and craft some scuba gear and take on one of the most underutilized aspects of this game the drinking stuff using my Saro to explore the water I swam down to the depths and I managed to find a plusy they're really not that strong and they have a horrible turn radius so like it was pretty easy to knock this guy out and this will be the first out of eight different water creatures that I need to find including the tuso the giant squid and that one I'm definitely not looking forward to and then after defending it from a bunch of Megalodons there was actually some angler fish nearby so I managed to knock one of those out right next to him so yeah two creatures down and that was pretty easy so I also knew that there was a mosa nearby and I was a little bit scared to try to tame one of these things but they actually do have some really easy to abuse me mechanics essentially they will not come to the surface of the water they will only stay in like the bottom half so if you swim down there make one of him a little angry and then cut him up to the top of the water eventually you'll hit the point where he gets scared and runs to his mama and then you can just start shooting at him as he runs away but eventually he gets a little bit too far out of range so you just you know dip your big toe foot down into the water and then he'll remember that you're there and turn around and attack you again so yeah that's how I outsmarted uh virtual dinosaur anyway the eel was next and uh these guys are a passive tame for some reason whoever's decision that was at Wild Card uh you probably should be fired the issue with a passive tame is that I enjoy being alive and these guys enjoy me not being alive and since we don't see eye to eye on this issue we had to make a compromise so yeah I let the guy go crazy doing his electroshock therapy on Long Neck rifle and while he wasn't paying attention I I shoved some biotoxin that I harvested out of a jellyfish into his mouth and then before he could even finished chewing and Alpha Megalodon came out of nowhere and just mauled the guy anyway that still counts as a tame and uh yeah so next I knocked out a duno it was like extremely easy considering dudes slower than watching grass grow if the grass had asthma so now I was done with all the easier stuff and I would still need to do a few other things later but for now I brought them all back to my base and since they couldn't actually fit I left them in this little section of the river and hopefully they'll be okay so after Consulting my extremely detailed Excel spreadsheet that I made for this challenge there were a few things in the Redwoods that I still needed to tame including a bee which I was prioritizing because I needed their honey to make veggie cakes so after taming a thila I went to look for one but as I searched a thila jumped out from the top rope of the tree and suplexed me straight down 100 m onto the ground where where is my RG bro help me but after all my armor broke I broke free and uh yeah that was close and then I instantly got dismounted by a micro Raptor good times anyway all my Gilli is now broken so I killed a hesper orus for more organic polymer headed back to base to repair my armor and after wasting the entire day getting absolutely destroyed on day 73 I finally found a giant bee so the last two bees I tried to tame I accidentally killed but this one I have my bug rep pellant I had my Ghillie so there's not much else I can do to prepare for this so I got the Beehive super low Health using my RG and then I finish it off from outside of aggro range using my crossbow and I was just at a far enough range where all the bees that came out to try to attack me literally just died in front of me but eventually The Hive broke and the queen tried to run away but since I'm using her favorite food and she's a super low level it only took one rare flower and I instantly Tamer that was much easier than I thought I was going to go every other time I tried to do it without Gillie which resulted in my immediate demise and then on my way back to base something amazing happened I found the Unicorn I completely forgot that I was going to have to tame one of these guys if you don't know they're super rare there's only one on a map at any time so yeah if I didn't like randomly come across this guy I probably would have forgot that I even needed a tame one and then at the end of The Challenge I would have just been sitting there wondering what I missed but yeah after dropping him in the cage with the misbehaving me ethereums that marks tame number 73 out of 93 and I also set up my beehive so I can start getting some honey and I accidentally aggroed ratha on the way to Greeno and since my RG is so slow I had to fight it but honestly the dude was kind of weak and now I had another fairmon so it worked out pretty well when I got to Green OB I set up a massive trap to try to trap and tame a ratha I'm not actually sure if this is going to work but from that last attempt I do know I don't want these guys freely roaming around and I would like to have all the time in the world to actually figure out what I'm supposed to be doing this trap is basically designed like the old wyvern traps that you used to collect wyvern milk I'm a bit of an OG myself as Terence prepared himself for the biggest mosquito bite of all time he took these resin shots like a champ as he cted the rioa straight into the Trap not trying to brag or anything but uh that trap worked pretty well so I went to grab my RG and I started getting this guy's Health down and I was going to try to sneak over and inspect his health with my magnifying glass but the D was just going crazy shooting at my racer so I moved the big fella to take cover behind the even bigger Rock and so I walked into the cage with this ratha not one ounce of fear in my body watching this back it's kind of insane that I just walked in the cage with that man I was too far away to actually inspect him and eventually I caught like one frame where it actually worked it was still way above 10% health and yeah it took a lot of back and forth but eventually I got him below 10% health so I fed my Racer the Rino fairmon and I walked over to the Trap apparently she's supposed to like go into her ranged attack and then it'll like pull me in and implant the baby but I tried from like every single angle 380 degrees this time and every time she just kept hitting like she would not go into ranged mode I verify with my spy glass that she was actually still under 10% health and it just wasn't working but the racer was basically one stub toe away from Death at this point so we had to retreat and as a last Stitch effort I went and grabbed my Rex got the rho back under 10% health and fed him the very last fairmon that I had and it's wasn't working so I decided to try and open up the Trap this was super risky and I wasn't sure if she was just going to run away and when I let her out the Trap she started smacking on my Rex for a little while but then the absolute Savage finally did it she shot him with some resin then did a 360 egg imp Plantation then ran away like a coward then about 20 minutes later uh this happened I feel so bad for that Rex I left the racer alone with baby Elon mosquito right after he saw what just happened to the Rex I grabbed some of the honey that my bees produced and I headed back into the ocean to finish off the water TS I actually managed to kill an alpha Megalodon giving me the alpha Megalodon tooth for the overseer and then I used the honey to finally tame this Lop plon that I had found earlier but then the real reason that I actually came down here was to tame a Bassie so I could do the underwater caves and I found this really good one but he did take like 30 minutes of me just swimming around following this man occasionally feeding him a piece of fish but eventually the man was tamed and I wasted no time taking him straight to the West underwater cave there's really not much in this cave except for eels and bassies are actually immune to being electrocuted so and despite the shocking amount of eels in this water was actually pretty easy I did have to go to the above ground section to grab the Explorer notes though I was easily able to grab all three of the explore notes and then I found this flag blueprint that was well there's a lot of synonyms for good but this one surpasses them all by like 30 times and just like that I had all the AR facts I needed to take down the MEAP picus on day 78 I went on a pretty decent sized metal run and then I fast traveled back to green OB and as soon as I got here there was death text at the top of my screen so I checked my tribe log and every single one of my water Tams just died so I immediately flew back to my base to investigate and yeah my py was just laying here un alive no explanation on the tribe blog either like he didn't get killed by a shark or anything no nope just py died yeah thanks Arc anyways at this point the were pretty much fully leveled on their health and they were healing pretty well and I was ready to take on the swamp cave but I needed more Crystal to make some scuba gear I'm too lazy to make an actual gas mask and then while I was here I had a pretty crazy idea if that Giga is still stuck in the wall I probably won't be able to get him out but I could still have a tame that counts towards the achievement um anyway so he was finally down and I flew up there to try to land Terren next to him but then teren tried to sabotage dude veered to the left right into the lava long story short I can't access the gig's inventory and I'm also stuck oh and I'm also on fire why don't we just bring everyone to the volcano um I was actually trying to you know pull my body in but that works I guess I me and the squad grabb this explor note on the way back to base I had the crystal that I needed to make all the scuba gear and I carried a dude that really hates bugs to the swamp cave by using a giant bug and this really shows you how lost I am without cryopods me ethereums cannot fit in the swamp cave so I Death Punch this terror bird so hard that my game lagged and being the problem solver that I am I'm just going to take a baby megatherium into there don't worry it's not technically child labor because I'm going to wait until he's an adult before I put him to work he's just going to you know completely grow up inside the workplace so I left him some food and I made sure he was a couple feet away from the poison and after going on a quick metal run I flew over to the snow cave to make sure that my theory could fit and at this moment a series of events began that slowly started to make me lose my motivation to play this game first of all the the is too tall to fit in the snow cave despite them making the entrance massive in getting rid of the Crouch spot yet there's no way I'm fitting through there and then as I flew down the side of this mountain my theory got caught on this rock and then dude just got stuck there no matter what I did I could not get him out I even restarted my game I tried to pick him up from all these different angles I tried to ride them there was nothing I could do and at this point I was annoyed I was just like all right whatever dude I'll breed another one let me go check on my meum at the swamp cave then I got stuck in the entrance and I had to restart my game and as I headed into the cave I noticed that the me theum wasn't there I checked my tri blog he's not dead I checked my tracker and I should have known that this was going to happen the dude was under the map yeah I quit playing the game for like 48 hours after that but I wasn't ready to give up just yet when I came back Doug was number one on my hit list so I uploaded all my 40K Health theories for the MEAP picus I hatched a bunch more for the dragon that I was going to leave at 20K I induced a mass extinction event as I farmed the Saddles and then I observed the fact that 2/3 of my dinos are lit Lally under the map this is the part where I go and leave a negative review on steam and then play another 2,000 hours after doing it anyway I headed back to the green op and everything was healed up so I decided to start The Brood mother fight I was a bit nervous though because Alpha difficulty is kind of insane having a Udi was helping a ton and using megatheriums is the best in slot option for this fight yet the bruid mother is so strong that despite my preparation the megatheriums began to die those me ethereums are insanely bloody that was close so after that massive Victory all three brood mother fights were complete so I went ahead and grabbed all the the settles that I made I brought them over to the blue OB and I went ahead and downloaded all the theories and got them ready for the fight and now I just had to wait on them to heal but I still needed some more Megalania Toxin and spinos Sals to start this fight so I headed back to the central cave hoping to kill a couple Megalania and after wasting a bunch of time just wandering around the cave I realized that they actually don't spawn here so I headed to the cornal island cave where they do actually spawn on but one of those Wing spiders told me that they actually moved out about a month ago so I flew over to the library I found some information to track the guy down I eventually found out where his residence was and I snuck in the back I uh convinced some of the neighbors to let me in and then I shot the guy in the back with like 34 Tran arrows dude didn't even Flinch but anyway when you knock these guys out you actually can still get the Megalania toxin from their inventory so I tamed a Megalania and I also got the last couple Megalania toxin that I would need to fight the mega picus and then on the the way out I almost lost my RG to a rock and after dropping this guy off at base which I expect him to be under the map when I come back by the way I headed back to Blue OB and I now had all the artifacts and tributes needed to beat gamma and beta for the MEAP picus the monkeys typically regarded as the easiest boss and this was on gamma difficulty so I thought it was going to be a breeze and I didn't really think too much of it what I didn't account for however was that the's be knocked back due to their low drag weight if you make it up to the monkey fast enough you're in an enclosed area so this isn't a problem but of course I didn't do that and I wasted a bunch of time standing around doing literally nothing and by the time I made it up to the staircase it was too late my theories kept getting Hulk smashed into the void and there was nothing I could do but watch [Music] so yeah the gamma MEAP picus is now dead but unfortunately four of my theories fell into a wormhole so I flew back to my base to borrow some of the Dragon boss theories and despite the uh skydiving accident we're not going to let anything stop us and we're taking on the beta MEAP picus when we got to the arena I whistled all the theories and we ran as fast as their little feathers would take them but luckily the monkey wasn't even really concerned with us he was too busy dying his hair [Music] blonde [Music] [Music] if he would focus more on combat training instead of fashion choices maybe he wouldn't have died so easily so now I'm approximately 2/3 of the way towards taking over the Planet of the Apes but several of my theories went skydiving without a parachute and they're still not back yet so I borrowed some of Doug's boss theories and I uploaded them to the ob to use for the MEAP picus fight and then I hatched some theories back at base to replace those Dragon ones but it was now day 86 and time was starting to run out I still need three more artifacts to take on Doug so while the E theories healed up for the alpha MEAP picus I grabbed my megatheriums and I headed back over to the SW SW cave I want ahead and breed these guys again because this cave is death and while I was waiting on the jet station I went and grabbed my Sabertooth you know as back up and now the baby meum was finally born so I named him Shrek you know because he's going to be living in the swamp cave for his entire life so me and the saber escorted our baby Shrek into the swamp cave like responsible parents but then I realized that I forgot the Scooby gear and I forgot to get this guy some berries so I walked about 10 ft away you know just for 5 seconds and when I got back my child was G like dude you cannot make this up Shrek and my Sabertooth are both under the map I literally turned around I walk 10 steps and then I turn around and he's gone you know what it's a feature in the game okay let's just pretend it's intended I went back to base and I went to grab another saber-tooth but they were all under the map but luckily my RG is able to uh phase through the wall with his Talons and grab one of them that one lowkey kind of sucked though so I managed to get this other Sabertooth and uh yeah hopefully he doesn't get disintegrated so I claimed another baby megatherium and then I slowly escorted him into the cave making sure that there was never more than like 1 millimeter in between us and then I'm not joking I just literally sat here and stared at this dude while he grew from a baby into a full grown ogre took about an hour so now Shrek Jr was finally raised I am so glad that I did not forget anything in this cave and I mean what would Shrek be without his donkey right saber tooth's close enough anyway since I literally can't leave the cave I don't really have an option I can't wait on him to heal so we're just going right in honestly it's kind of stupid that I even leveled his hit points in the first place not going to lie the height of this ceiling was really scaring me and I really couldn't see like anything the entire time but besides that with his bug buff Shrek was pretty much just one-shotting everything and this cave was going really smooth until we reached a certain point where Shrek couldn't fit so I decided to try to go around the other way in the cave I actually found my first explorer note over here as well but I did have to part with Shrek and to be honest when I was riding donkey this cave went from easy to absolutely terrifying I now had to worry about Arrow just disintegrating my armor not to mention there's like nine leeches on my back right now I finally realized I actually needed to replace my scuba tank and I was super low Health at this point also on a side note isn't it like so cool how Ark has all this realism built in like for example if I wear a SCUBA tank and a mask and even the pants right but I don't put put on my sco of flippers I will die from Suffocation but eventually I finally made my way around to the second Explorer note and I got super lucky as donkey just absolutely tanked some Arrow spit for me and i' finally made it around to the artifact although I was still missing one Explorer note I didn't really want to go back out there though so I just kind of sat in here and waited on the artifact to respawn twice and eventually I finally made it back out to Shrek so I slowly walk towards him in my scuba flippers that I can't take off then I abandoned him like 30 seconds later sorry buddy as I made my way back to base with a camera angle that's probably going to give me nightmares I put the artifacts in the Obelisk and day 88 came to an end and now it was time to take down one of the hardest things in this entire game the snow cave I crafted some standing torches and grabbed some the eggs and I started making my way across the map when I made it through the entrance to the cave I dropped all my eggs down while there was a Yeti staring at me clearly it was too cold I don't really know why I dropped the egg first so I set up all my standing torches started a bunch of fire and while I was waiting since I can't leave the cave I decided to investigate all the different ways that I might die anyway after just like standing here for 15 minutes the the's were finally hatched and so I claimed all three of them and well now it's day 90 I've wasted like two entire days just staring at things growing up I'm really not sure if I'm going to make this by day 100 but it's going to be close anyway I brought in my three boss fight very very high level Theos to take down the snow cave right well they were going at it for a while and the only thing they managed to kill was a saber-tooth salmon and they both just got absolutely destroyed by a polar bear about 20 seconds after reaching adulthood and then everything just focused me it's like absolutely insane how fast these dudes can do 10,000 damage somehow I actually managed to get out of there but yeah that entire day was wasted and all of the theories I brought in are completely dead and then to top it all off while I was looking at my tri blog just to kind of recap what happened a polar bear somehow got all the way out of the entrance and the worst part is that my otter is now dead so I made my way back to base and I decided that I'm going to try to go for a bit of an unconventional strategy you might recognize this if you play the game right when it came out in like 2015 essentially I'm basically spending all of my life savings to craft 200 grappling hooks so yeah that took a while and after that I had to go find another otter of course there's literally a negative per chance that I'm doing this cave more than once this otter is going to be carrying so many artifacts and after traversing the entire river that goes through the center of the map I finally found one of these guys and I started flying back to the snow cave and I'm actually extremely worried at this point this is one of the most dangerous and risky things you can possibly do I'm not going to lie I was lowkey terrified to even attempt this but as soon as I walked in the cave we had a problem all of those dire bears that just absolutely absolutely visil rated my three the's followed me to the entrance and this entrance was way too low for me to Grapple above them and to make matters worse three of them were almost level 300 I didn't really know what else to do so I just kind of started shooting so I'm not going to make you watch all this but just know each one of these dire Bears was literally tanking like 80 to 100 arrows so I was like sitting here grinding arrows trying to repair my crossbow but after like 45 minutes the last level 285 one was finally control all the deleted and now that the entrance was clear I repaired all of my armor and lowy I was so worried that I may have went on a test server and practiced this several times but anyway as I enter the cave I uh I started stalling but then this peroia like started running at me and I paniced grappled to the ceiling and at this point there was no turning back I knew the route really well because like I said I practiced this and there's a lot of really sketchy sections but if you're really fast and you properly kite things off cliffs it is possible to beat this cave with just grappling hooks the scariest part is when you detach your grapple and you start falling you got to get up as quick as you can which is why I brought so many grapples cuz I can't just shoot long sections cuz I'll be falling for extended periods of time I have to go super fast and super short distances when I made it to the first tunnel section of the game everything was kind of like off to the side so it really wasn't too bad right here but then when I got to the end I realized that the reason for that was one of the developers was feeling like a menace that day at the office man decided to place every single polar bear in IA spawn on the exact same pixel if I get hit by a polar bear I'm probably going to die and if I get hit by a peroia I'm going to get dismounted from my grapple and there was like no way I was getting past that so I set up the storage box and sleeping bag that I had on my otter I've kind of practiced this a few times so essentially I just ran over here naked with a primitive crossbow and I grappled to the ceiling baiting out all the Pras and getting everything to follow me over here and then I just kind of chilled up here while the polar bears underestimated their range on their bite dude ended up picking up like 38 counts of third degree manslaughter but seriously why is it even possible for there to be this many level 300 creatures in one spot this cave like how do you even complete this cave without doing this anyway I got annihilated by this polar bear and then I headed back over with all my actual stuff on me and I got super lucky because these polar bears were like blocking the path so the Pria weren't able to actually hit me to be honest I probably should not be alive right now but I'll take it but then I fell from like 6 ft in the air and almost died instantly and luckily this next section of the cave was really easy I just kind of jumped across all these gaps and at this point I made it to the second tunnel which is like the second hardest part of this cave and it's also really close to the end so I grappled to the ceiling right above the 82 Psychopaths and then a Pria with a 35,000 in vertical attempted assault on me I don't know how I survived that but also why is there like an astronomical amount of creatures underneath me right now so then I just world record speedran all the way to the side the key here is to make sure that you go over the water because as you see here they'll literally just walk right off the cliff into the water and then they won't be able to get back up and I waited until it was safe then jumped onto the cliff I did a quick Double Take You Know analyzing my surroundings but then this dire bear just straight charged at me and I was able to cut him into the water but dude got a massive hit in and now my health is insanely low so yeah I ate like a four course meal with two barats and a bunch of cooked meat and I came up to this direwolf in prelia and I mean I tried to you know kite them away but they were literally just stuck there just going to squeeze right past you right there so I could now see the artifact but there was also a bunch of other stuff right here and then I just suppressed any kind of fear that I might have had ran straight down to the pit grappled up dinosaurs flying past my body prv is jumping 80 ft in the air so yeah we actually made it I made it to the artifact of the strong without killing anything so I threw up my otter stuff my artifact in his inventory then I sat here for 15 minutes I ended up grabbing the artifact four times because if I die I'm not coming back in here again on the way out everything was pretty much still stuck and there was some complications but overall it was way easier than on the way in and after making it back to my base I had everything I needed except for the last artifact to fight Doug so I got all my scuba ready and I hopped on my Bassie I found this squid on the way over there and I was considering taming it but it was kind of a low level so I just killed it for the squid tentacle tributes and since I was already here I killed a few bassies to get the Bassie blubber tributes as well and then as I made my way closer to the cave I found an alpha too which I did actually need to kill for the alpha overseer and I'm not going to lie I thought this was going to be easier than it was this literally took me like 10 minutes this guy had an insane amount of Health he's he hasn't even hit me once the dude's just chilling he's just taking it like a man so I got pretty lucky in that aspect because if he actually was fighting back I'm not really sure how I would have killed him so yeah apparently that squid had 24 tentacles but I also got his eye 100 absorbit sub St an ascendant fishing rod and a lifetime supply of prime fish meat assuming my lifetime is in the next 24 minutes before it spoils so yeah we just kept on swimming straight through the night I found another squid but instead of trying to kill me he just uh did this but it low key worked I almost died of disgust anyway I set up a little storage box and a bed right outside this cave and apart from almost drowning because I forgot to put back on my scuba tank this cave was actually extremely easy because the bases are like extremely overpowered I actually managed to avoid all the level 300 tusos and Moses out there but then when I made it to this Cavern there was just megalodons for days anyway I managed to get the artifact I dropped it off at my storage box and then while I was going to get all the Explorer notes I got attacked by this level 250 Mosasaur I tried to run away but then I found this doorway I'm pretty sure I just saw into the future and after bringing two more artifacts out and grabbing a couple more explor notes I needed to get my otter so I could carry all these artifacts back to base so I fast traveled over there but then as soon as I spawned in over here my Bassie literally spontaneously combusted so now that like every single water tame that I own has randomly died I think I understand enough about how games work to explain why this is happening so essentially the AR QA testers told the devs hey some of our stuff is falling under the map when we render in maybe the dinos render in like a couple milliseconds faster than the textures so then they start falling and then whenever the textures render in they're inside the map and the arev said okay so how about when we render them in we just move them like a foot higher than they are and then they'll fall back into place this is why you kind of see stuff kind of fall down whenever you render in sometimes but they didn't consider the fact that if a water Dyno gets put a couple feet higher than it is it'll be outside of the water and it will drown I'm pretty sure that this is what's happening so wild card instead of doing this how about when things aren't rendered in they just aren't affected by gravity and then when they do render in give them like a solid half a second buffer where they're still not affected by gravity that's all you have to do anyway there's probably some technical reason why I sound like an idiot right now but I've tamed 93 different creatures and about 70 of them are either dead or under the map so I think I have a little bit of room for complaining sorry for that tangent but anyway anyway I headed to the Redwoods to get a couple more thoc claws for the boss fight and I'm I'm not even going to describe what I just found just just look look for yourself keep in mind this guy died like 20 days ago you know how I said my my py disappeared my fish I found him Man became a zombie and they just flew up to 50/50 in the Redwoods anyway I spent the rest of the night just killing a bunch of thos for their claws the pain shocks have treated me like I'm the bloody and while I was here I decided to go ahead and T A galy because I still needed one of those and then I failed to T oh there's no way you just got up here anyway now that I had all the Tho claws I needed I headed back to the blue up and I started up the alpha Mega picus fight just like last time I sprinted up there I had to make sure that this dude did not meet us at the stairs and uh once again he changed his hair color man's looks like a straight fire engine anyway this fight was pretty easy as his giant rocks bounced off my theories like wet noodles I was pretty overprepared to be honest this dude tried as hard as he could to be intimidating and I applaud his effort but this dude was about just as intimidating to my theories as Lord farquad and this officially marks the halfway point on bosses we have six out of 12 I'm officially the king of the spider monkeys and now at the start of day 97 it was time to take on my mortal enemy Doug so we cautiously loaded into the arena and we sat in anticipation as Doug continued to be a coward and would not land after about 45 seconds or so the dude finally decided to land and he got stuck on a rock what a loser anyway I pulled his attention away from my theories and my theories just hit him while the dude was still stuck in a rock but he was lowkey doing a lot of damage to my Udi so I kind of got out of there I started doing my YY Roars from a distance you know providing some support and then Doug blew fire like 35 ft over my direction gave me a little Quick Heat check and I almost had a heart attack that was super close though because my beauty was now at less than 3,000 Health but it didn't matter because Doug's Health was at zero I like how I'm talking so much trash while I'm dressed like this nice so now that I had no water Tams and I I really didn't need anything crazy I decided to just go ahead and tame a low-l squid I was kind of Holding Out for a better one realistically I don't really need it so this will make it much easier to tame anyway I just used my Saro to get grabbed by the squid and then while he was just absolutely manhandling my Saro I swam up to his beak and just gently stuck 50 black pearls inside dude ate them all in one bite if this guy was a higher level that would have took way more feedings and I would have needed to actually tank damage so that worked out pretty well anyway I used this guy to kill an alpha mosa for the tribute for the alpha overseer Squidward got a bit of a glimpse into the Afterlife right there but then I was able to pump a bunch of stats in him from killing that MOA and even low-level squids like they just have insane stats anyway there was one last tribute that I would need to do Doug on beta and Alpha and that is a giga heart and I did happen to know where a giga was and honestly I needed to kill him anyway because he's preventing more from spawning on the map so I was trying to like pull this guy out so I could actually hit him but for some reason just like Terren my RG just randomly turns and walks right into the lava and despite how large my muscles are that Giga bit straight through them so I brought Elon mosquito over and unfortunately my RG was dead but I was able to sit here and hit the dude with the Elon mosquito for literally 20 minutes by the way dude has like no damage and the Giga has like infinite health but he actually couldn't hit me back for the most part so like free gig heart only costed me like all of my sanity anyway while I was here I checked the terminal for the overseer just to make sure I was on track with everything and yeah I actually do have all the tributes that I need I just got to finish the alpha Doug so I took out Elon mosquito as we mourned the death of agent Travis I wanted to find another Giga and hopefully a carker as well car that's how how do you even say that car kantos saurus anyway when I headed to the snow I grabbed an Explorer note which gave me the achievement for getting 30% of all Explorer notes on the art and I know that there's like a ton left but don't worry I will get them all I just have to actually focus on it and I'm doing other stuff right now after grabbing another Explorer note I tried to get the achievement for landing on ark's highest mountain peak but I tried like four five different areas and I guess none of them were the highest mountain peak anyway I found two more Explorer notes but then I got super lucky and I found myself a a car Caro car kadosa surus I found a car kadosa surus so I crafted a bunch of standing torches and I set them all up right here on this rock and then I hatched these three the eggs that I already had preincubated and whenever I went on Top of the Rock I actually ended up kinding him into this little corner so it only took me two gates to trap him and after uh committing exactly three war crimes I went out a render real quick so he'd stop AG growing onto the Stone Gate and then as I started to offer my five-star meal to this very fine gentleman he accidentally ate one of my arms but that's okay after he finish his appetizer I decided to let him out of his cage and essentially whenever you feed these guys after you get their trust meter all the way up you just get on their back and then you just have to go around and kill a bunch of stuff this part is super easy and yeah now I have myself a uh a carodon asaurus and yeah I'm probably never going to see the dude again but I hope he has a nice life anyway I added the Giga heart to the Obelisk and now I had everything that I needed to take down beta Doug and then I finally managed to find an alpar Rex it's about time and this is the last tribute that I actually needed for the overseer and yeah we're looking pretty good on boss fights and now I was almost time to fight Doug but I did want to make a few veggie cakes so I grabbed my honey and then I realized that I don't have any sap so I flew all the way to the Redwoods and I set up a tree platform and a tree sap tap and I don't think I really want to wait to try beta so we're going to just jump right in everything's healed up and then hopefully by the time we're ready to start Alpha we'll have enough sap to make some of those veggie cakes but for this fight specifically we'll have to go without veggie [Music] cakes I'm extremely nervous for this [Music] fight the dragon still had a lot of health and my theories were already beginning to die so after waiting for the next cycle when the dragon landed again I tried my best to keep his fire from hitting all of my theories I think we can still do this but I'm going to have to be [Music] perfect [Music] so here we are day 100 with eight out of 12 bosses taken down 81 out of 93 tames and roughly like 40% on the Explorer nodes which that one's not too big of a deal so we didn't get every achievement in 100 days but I'm not going to give up and I think I can do this in the next 10 hours so the new goal is to finish by day 110 so for the next day or so I kind of went on a speed run taming a bunch of stuff that I missed the Titan bow is pretty easy this time around because they don't actually aggro on the rinos next I went for the star of my previous video this was pretty easy I just hadn't found one up until this point and then I kidnapped this hyena and I petted him on the head pretty cool dude and then after searching around the snow for solid like 10 maybe 15 minutes I got pretty lucky and I actually did find another ois so Elon mosquito snatched that man up right out the snow this is got to be one of the most terrifying things that's ever happened to this sheep in his entire life just gets abducted by a giant mosquito anyway I stopped by my tree platform so I could grab all of this sap and then when I got back to base I made some Veggie cakes and I used one to turn this guy into OV one Kenobi and then there was this random trudon that was practicing his synchronized swimming routine underneath my Obelisk so I bred a few the eggs and the the's entered this world right in front of a trudon and the trudon just kind of toyed with his food for a while you know how when sometimes they knock you out and then they don't even finish you off they just kind of leave you there a fate truly worse than death but eventually he was tamed you know there's some creatures in this game that taming them instead of killing them just feels like a painful thing to do this is definitely one of those creatur creatures I don't want this to get too repetitive but essentially I tamed a dire bear and I tamed an akatina I headed back to the central cave with some bug repellant and I finally tamed an Arthur pla dude had to stay here though cuz I didn't really want to turn my house into a horror film I also managed to find another Megalosaurus in that same spawn as earlier but dude couldn't keep his eyes open for more than 5 minutes so I decided to just leave him there let him get some sleep and then last and also least I tamed a hesperornis so yeah all that's left now is a giga and a Titan yeah I was kind of putting those off and uh now it's at the point where I actually have to do it so uh I went for the Giga first because that's the one that I actually know how to tame I spent the entire day 104 searching like I looked around the volcano the snow the other mountains but eventually I found him like stuck on the side of the mountain next to this ruin and while I was here I grabbed the four times note and then since you can actually use your crossbow while you're on the back of a rhino I just kind of hovered above the dude and shot him this was like the easiest Giga knockout I've ever done oh oh I should have used this guy for the quetzel when he went down I already had all the narcotics and prime meat on me that I would need so it was pretty straightforward and then after the dude was finally tamed I put on the saddle that I got from that supply drop earlier and I got an achievement for riding on a giga I still need one more Giga heart for the alpha Doug fight though so the next day I checked around this mountain again just to see if another one had respawned I didn't find anything and in fact I didn't find anything for the entire day looking in every single Giga spawn point and I struggled a little bit trying to get the highest peak achievement again but at the end of the day I finally hopped off my Rino and I like ran around this peak of the volcano this achievement is like really finicky I guess is the right word I had to sit here and like run in circles until eventually the game just decided to give it to me so yeah I got the highest peak achievement and then on the morning of day 106 I heard some footsteps and I didn't need to tame this guy I just needed to kill him so I started shooting with with my compound bow and then I ran out of arrows and then I started shooting with my crossbow and I ran out of arrows and then I just started shooting the dude with Tran arrows and then instead of killing him I actually knocked him out so would have been an easy kill but then this happened are you serious right now after repeating that entire Giga process I headed back home and I noticed the Titan sitting on the hill by my base this was the very last tame that I needed for the master zoology just achievement but first I had to breed a couple more boss theories who replace all the ones that got murdered by Doug and I'm not going to make you watch all this but for the next couple days I made an insane amount of Veggie cakes that I needed for Alpha Dog and also hatched an astronomical amount of baby the's and I did keep a couple but there was just so many and you know I wouldn't want there to be any overpopulation it was an added benefit that I got to level up a massive amount of times and I did happen to get the achievement for reaching max level on a Dyno but anyways it was now day 112 we went a little bit over there but I have five veggie cakes in all of the the's and it's time to take on Alpha Doug when we made it to the arena I let Doug know that I had arrived and then when he finally came to answer the doorbell I was able to turn him around and get him to breed fire on the Udi instead of all of the theories and when they did get hit the veggie cakes just healed them anyway this fight was actually super easy and I was not expecting this but I'm going to be honest I'm kind of embarrassed to call Doug my Nemesis dude literally died in one cycle so yeah we've officially taking down all nine of ark's Guardians and all that's left at this point is to ascend at each difficulty meaning I have to defeat the overseer but before we can do that I still need to tame the Titan that we saw earlier in order to get the master zoologist achievement so I grabbed my uh pretzel I slapped a literal Cannon right on that man's back and as I was flying over to him I realized I've never actually done this solo and I don't even know if I've ever seen anyone do it I know I've done it before with the cannon on the back of the quitzel and we have two people you know like flying around in front of them you literally have to sit here get off of the quitzel load the Cannonball and then tell it to shoot but then once you do it and the dude starts running like how are you supposed to shoot him a second time I I literally just can't line it up after that he's moving too much anyway this clearly wasn't going to work because dodo deck says it's going to take me 2 five shots to knock this man out and I literally can't even hit two so I saw something on Reddit saying that if you want to solo team these guys you should use a rocket turret because they're a lot easier to aim and all that and I thought that that sounded like a pretty good idea so I spent two entire hours grinding resources and going on several Expeditions for Crystal and obsidian and everything else you need for cementing past and electronics and Midway through day 115 I set up a rocket turret on my quetzel and when all the gun powder finally finished crafting around the end of the day I crafted like a 100 rockets and do deck says you only need like 78 so I'm hoping that this will be enough so I made my way over to the Titan and I started trying to knock this guy out and I will admit it was a lot easier to hit the first shot I can literally sit and mount the rocket turret I can aim it it shoots a little bit faster you know everything is a little bit easier Until you realize that despite it being about 10 times easier to hit than the cannon the chances of hitting a cannon or like zero and uh for you math Majors out there what is 0 * 10 there's no chance I'm hitting 77 of these so clearly I need to change my strategy so after watching a six-year-old YouTube video I built this little platform on the front and while it's literally the same thing as I was doing four it's just a little bit elevated I was honestly desperate at this point in anything that would possibly maybe work I was willing to try as I anxiously flew out to the Titan I was already starting to think about which one of my friends I might have to invite to help me to get the master zoologist achievement but I wanted to give this one solid shot because honestly it's kind of cheating if I don't do this by myself and while it did take me a long time to line up and I did miss a good bit of shots this platform is really easy to use because as soon as you Dismount the quitzel you can run straight up to the cannon and instantly shoot from the elevation I was a bit discouraged at first because of how many shots I actually was missing but once I hit that first shot I gained a bit of motivation and then I hit my second shot and then I hit my third and uh I'm not going to lie to you guys I'm I'm kind of good at this so yeah I finally found my rhythm and I started hitting shots left and right and it took a long time and after a very very long and very focused 45 minutes this big fellow right here finally came to his knees so I walked over to his massive unconscious body and I placed a saddle in his inventory which instantly woke him up so yeah I now own earthquake simulator on Steam uh Hey guys uh you got room for one more this is actually insane so after taming that Titan I took a break for a day or two before I came back to the game and when I loaded in I realized something I didn't get the master zoologist achieve so I checked my spreadsheet that I've been keeping this whole time and yes I did tame all 93 creatures they're in this video you well you could see them if they weren't under the map but I still don't have the achievement and after a little bit of research I realized that the reason for that is it doesn't count as a tame unless you already grabbed the Explorer note dossier for that species when I look at my explor notes here there's a little circle in the corner with a check mark you have to get the Explorer note first and then when you T the dyno the check gets gets marked off if you get the Explorer note after the tame it does not get checked off so yeah apparently I've only tamed like 20 dinos according to this game and I'm not going to lie I was pretty upset because you know I spent 120 days doing this but I'm not going to get 100% on this game anyway because the arc devs decided to put an achievement in the game that's impossible to get yeah there's literally one for killing the bosses on the center and the center is not in the game anyway we're still going to get all the rest of them though so I decided to build a massive platform on my quitzel it's time to take down the [Music] overseer [Music] exception access violation reading address Ox fatal error exception access violation reading address oxa nice so I booted up the game I loaded in I crashed I tried it again and I crashed and I tried it once more and I crashed I was in a crashed Loop essentially and my file was corrupted so I grabbed the anti-corruption backup which is literally from before I tamed the Titan but then I still couldn't load back into the game so I dropped everything down to medium settings I turned off dlss frame generation and I put the game in windowed and then it finally let me load in oh it worked oh my game looks horrible but it worked victory anyway I was a bit afraid that my game might crash again so I didn't waste any time starting the gamma Tech cave and I should probably mention now that I don't want to wait on my things to heal and I'm not sure if they're actually going to come out of the fight alive so I'm using the megatheriums for gamma I'm using the low Health theories for beta and I'm using the high Health theories for Alpha the quo got a pretty good workout today and everything was going pretty good until this only like five of them oh oh no help bro these dudes just want me to die at this point um excuse me hello what what is happening bro I I uh I seem to be stuck oh oh why thank you my good sir what bro so I discovered this new glitch and it happened again right after I mounted the mega theum Again by the way every time it happened I had to restart my game and hope it didn't crash and it happened more than 10 times dude okay really what is this [Music] man anyways despite my many struggles I continued to make my way through the tech cave and I will admit uh all of these getting stuck in crashes was leaving me a bit impatient and I wasn't properly whistling things to Target Pras and micro Raptors and my negligence LED this to [Music] happen so at this point all my megatheriums are dead and I just feel like a complete idiot but I still do have all my theories and I have all the tributes so let's at least beat the beta in Alpha fight all right let's do it are you actually serious bro so I uh reluctantly loaded back into the game may have considered uninstalling it but when I loaded back in it was actually set back to the me ethereums in the tech cave I mean I didn't do this on purpose so I guess it's not considered cheating I look I deserve a break I'll take [Music] it 2 3 7 7 9 [Music] 8 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] whoa whoa whoa who what no my game crashed so we beat beta and Alpha and ironically we failed the easy fight but not because I died because the game literally crashed but honestly I wouldn't have beat the fight anyway because the megatheriums wouldn't attack I was basically One V oneing the overseer the entire time and I think the main takeaway from this video is that this game has a lot of bugs and they really need to be addressed I wasn't able to get all the achievements in 100 days and I wasn't even able to get them all in 122 days but we did take every dinosaur and that's a huge accomplishment and we beat every boss on Alpha difficulty don't forget to download raid Shadow Legends using the link in my description or the QR code on screen for two free epic Champions and if you want to see me beat Scorch Earth without killing a single living organism not even the mantore click right here
Channel: Juztify
Views: 429,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, Ark Survival Evolved, 100 days, survived, hardcore, challenge, 0x, rates, the island, Gather, Harvest, Boss, Tek, Overseer, Broodmother, Beat, Surviving, Survival, Survive, Without, Tame, Island, Map, Can I, Is it possible, Mod, Hardest, Ark survival ascended, platinum, trophy, achievement, all, every, 100%
Id: lACFjV9qb0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 39sec (7779 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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