Surviving the Wither Outbreak in Hardcore Minecraft

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guys what what is happening I don't know I'm going to go take a look wait wait the Golem's attacking something yeah it's fighting him why is it it's spreading stop the spread yes break it get him get in there wait it's spreading it's spreading way too fast [Applause] trying to get watch the okay I don't I don't I don't understand look at those things There's a Zombie running a spider oh yeah standing on it I'm going to go and get whatever I can from any of these build he's me he's com me Shut what guys get pillage what you can from the buildings before we lose it all yeah you guys don't step on it don't it's with it hurts you it hurts it hurts terribly why isn't there any anything in any of these buildings are are they emptied I think it did it stop there's just nothing in any of these book I don't think it stopped him the Golem is infected the Golem's infected what Don't Go Near That Thing get get uh get vegetables get carrots where's the oh my goodness get beds you have a bed yeah I got a bed if someone if someone shows up without a bed tonight I'm going to lose it I have so many beds okay okay but way did we lose Shadow no Shadow's over here Shadow are you there get oh that that I'm here I'll just uh get some more Shadow do you copy this Iron Golem is his eyes have gone dark he's not oh he's not the man he he's he's he's slaughtering the villagers at this point the cows are infecting God what Kim run run he's what is going on right now come this way this guy look at this guy knows what's called he's running away too yeah you want to take him with us let's go we he's going back where are we going I don't know just get away from the V look they're they're spreading oh no oh no go go go go go we'll find Robert and Shadow in a minute let's go oh jeez I don't like wait still an H I don't know they're they're somewhere we'll find them Robert you're outside of the city over yeah uh Robert yeah we are outside of the city uh we are south or north west or east what I'm with Kim over guys there something follow oh my God it followed I don't know what it is still following get away from the village it is spreading quickly through the village I found you okay what is that thing oh yeah I don't know run run run that thing I'm going to need food soon wait there's another Village there's a village up there okay we'll find it then we'll radio shadow oh throw me throw me a meat throw me up guys I'm so clueless what's going on right now Kim we're we're dealing with the Wither it's a thing that's spreading it's going to spread through the whole world yes and it's going to infect mobs and turn them into withered versions it infected everything every villager over there gone here here guys bread here take some bread 1 two 3 4 and it's not going to stop with that Village it's going to keep spreading thank you Robert I figured I need a sword all right let's get to that Village I'm gonna radio shout out and let him know oh yeah message for shadow I'm here I'm here we've located another another Village the echo how do we get over to it let's crawl over where oh yeah you're hearing yourself through my radio oh yeah uh I'll send you the cordinates When we arrive we see it's across the canyon right now there's iron right here if someone wants to grab it I don't have the the tools yeah I don't have a wooden pickaxe once we have the tools then we'll grab it oh this is such a nice Village too yeah grab it all grab it all before the infection spreads here 4,100 and 1,000 yeah 1,100 bucket of tropical fish yeah there this is not such a great Village actually I got some bread I got bread and baked potatoes who built this buckets of fish you know what I'll take a bu to the church I have so many beds on me right now Church guy oh there's books there's bookshelves yeah grab grab grab bookshelves this will be good we're going to need everything we need I okay we have to figure out how to stop the spread of this thing hey Library man what do you got here bunch of wool a lot of wool here Kim wool good inance what's down here Kim what I don't know something evil it looks like what's going on down here blood there's a librarian here who's willing to make some trades if the coin is right where are the tools I was hoping to find some tools yeah I'm hoping to find some tools oh what' you find I found that weird house that you guys are talking about I don't know how long it will take for the infection to spread this way but I would suspect that it won't be long Kim I we're going to work together aren't we yes we have to you kidding me so that means no taking food out of another man's furnace no never done that it means no pushing men off cliffs oh I'm lucky this time oh I where's that iron iron iron iron yeah we're all we're all fing for the iron right now nothing better than that first piece of iron you taste on a new world you know hey this video is sponsored by Factor if you're like me and you like annoying your friends by chewing food loudly 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doing whatever it is you're doing the chicken is really good anything with chicken delicious right my man who likes chicken and this was a good chicken so if you want to get some good quality food and annoy your friends at the same time head over to right now and click the link below and use code forg laabs 50 get 50% 50% jeez 50% off your first Factor box and 20% off your next month's orders that's code forg laabs 50 at you get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next four boxes so uh thanks again to factor for sponsoring this [Music] video another another you guys clearing out the entire place just walk walk around the field you'll find iron Paradise out here oh wooden D I think so you said 1,100 everyone got a bed yep shadow in the village yes I'm here I'm here okay enough of the radios we're good welcome back Shadow the infection spreading where where are you left hey no more radio oh was being sh yeah okay kill them them so many of them though I don't know where they came from fight them before they get in the village all right can we get in let's get in bed it's is scary scary times right now oh I'm going to go to sleep wow even that guy what a day what a first day it's been all right good morning hey good morning still raining though no beautiful Rainbo all right good first day yeah it was great what do you guys think we should do you think should we go back to the village and see if uh the rate at which this thing is spreading uh give me a beart to do should we should we get some I don't know armor maybe like some boots even I just want to take a PE and see if protection oh oh it's spreading what happened it's it's right there it's across the thing you can see it in the it's right there it's like already reached us almost what are you guys looking at wa I see it now it's spread it's it's spreading the W spreading yeah it's coming down the mountain right there oh there's no way it spread that far I see Iron I guess yeah let's get some armor today and then we'll start scary how to push back ooh No it's it's right here what's here where are you where are you oh my God why is it all over here [Music] it's spawning it's just spreading wherever it wants to yeah I stepped in it Robert you're being pursued I got to get iron Robert behind you at least it's slow I got to keep smelting iron what is it though like what do you see this yeah ah I stepped in it no it hit you it loves you it's coming for you all right I almost have I got a lot of iron I gotta get more iron stuff you don't want to try to kill this thing that's chasing you I don't have a weapon I killed it after we all get armor we should see what blocks it can and cannot infect and maybe we can build a base or a wall out of whatever that stuff is okay I have an update go ahead send message come back to the uh base I hate this radio I don't want to keep using it negative I'm getting iron right now rumor has it Kim does not know how to use a radio rumor has it we're we're done for not me I've got I'm going to have full iron armor soon beautiful Mist on a mountain reminds me of when I was stuck in the mountains trapped with nothing but the skin on my back and the foot I was born with what what am I saying right now weird weird thing to say oh on get back here not until I have iron the blocks are spreading here they're spreading here yeah let me see this I need I need to get a look at this with my own eyes right here right here right here oh okay can we break it does it is it okay to break oh it's it's deep it's deep oh oh oh oh oh okay okay okay it's really deep it's really deep I was trying to explain this we can't make iron weapons tools diamond weapons or tools without what is that ooh what is this sound it's right here we we pretty much we need to go to the nether if we want to make them okay well people are infected here oh God it's it's oh it's in the house in what house oh I need a furnace before any of this stuff happens the problem is we can't go to the nether without oh no what we can't go to the nether without a portal there's a portal over there there's a portal over there can't Bo we we like we can't break obsidian and we have to place the obsidian and find it then let's do that Rob we got to do what we got to do so wait we can't make iron weapons no why not cuz we need to make we need a spout and we need a mixer that that stuff's not that hard to make it's just we'd have to go to the Nether and capture a blaze to power the mixer oh my gosh okay what what what nothing what' you find up here nothing you go we're working together here it's just iron and a pair of boots what are those boots I don't they're like steampunk boots they just uses steam Jets to avoid fall damage okay cool oh that's awesome wait try it no I want I don't want to jump boots jump yeah it works oh cool wooo oh my God they're going to be Kim if they die to it they might I don't know if they spawn as one they probably oh I didn't think I forgot about the part for us oh the whole house is the house that I'm standing on is now okay we need lots of iron we need lots of and andesite yeah this whole thing is going yes we are losing the war cat still okay there can we break it me you break it I think it it makes more but it's so far down like there's no point that's we've probably been hearing there's probably a huge cave underneath us yeah all right Kim that's me time to get down there no no no no no no no no no no you have to make anything oh it's spreading even more yeah when you break it it thing that's new what thing it's like a Vine or something VI Vine oh yeah look at that you make anything with it VI stem who did you put that up there whoa quick what you do that Kim no how could you do that to us I thought he place oh oh gross uh I don't know if that's a good thing is that you putting that down guys look are you making that yeah you just right who just empti okay gu I don't want to play this game please we're supposed to work work cooperatively someone just removed all of my iron from the furnace okay you put it back what are you talking about that's a that's a shadow move that's such a shadow us let's go to sleep and then let's get some andesite let's let's dig down into this cave below us beneath us and see what we're dealing with oh God what is that you want to go down yeah cuz we need endite so I'm not afraid of you Kim get in bed yeah yeah yes close your eyes and think of peaceful days there are no search do you guys when you get in bed in Minecraft You Close Your Eyes in real life yes I do no we are every once while I peek to see if the Norwegian guy has gotten in bed yet okay let's get some and let's get this going I need to I need to make a press I need to make a mixer I need to make a and a something I don't know mixer okay Kim I'm putting you I'm giving you a job okay oh these are IDE slab is that Kim your job is to get a piece of kelp okay a piece of kelp you need kelp yeah trust me with that shadow your job copper okay Sean your job copper andesite andesite never heard of them iron I'll take that I don't even know if we can get copper with an iron pickaxe something just blew up over there yeah where did I see andesite I thought I saw it I'm probably not going to find andite up here I'm I'm doing a terrible job looking for this stuff right now I don't even know where I am right now I think if I go this way I'll get back to the Village but there's the village oh [Music] no uh we got a huge problem what the village has [Music] fallen do not do not enter the village where should we meet up the mountain next to [Music] it they're they're on the mountain next to it no I'm on the mountain next to it's fine I see one there lower down all right I do not have my my part of the thing you didn't get any andesite I couldn't find it you know what it looks like no is it like weird Cobblestone yeah yeah was not in the find it I I went to the mountain to look for it Andes sight's the biggest we need that how much you need I don't know good amount we also need a good amount of iron okay you see it what that's just great the village is gone do not go to the Village oh this is an in of site there's some caves down there we can go in that cave all right let's do it let's go we can't we can't just not have the tools iron Weaponry right now look andesite where oh I give Kim the one job to get one I need one piece of kelp Kim just one piece of kelp do you know how to use the radio Kim I don't think Kim knows how to use a radio okay well he's going to walk right back in that Village you have a block of iron SE no I need one we get iron then there's a big cave right here you got any iron here you want nine yeah just smelt that down oh okay where did you just get that from I just made it bam bam bam we got to press I need more iron though need a lot of iron you made a press hey let's not no no no don't don't be building all these Machinery here got to got to go fast no we don't this is the worst possible place I could ever imagine he do you have any wood one more piece no but there's actually no no no I got it I got it I got okay um here he goes seal hitter all what did I just do where where are those men are they coming where are you guys we are located in a big open field we're located in a big open field yeah I'm at 4400 1,000 uh we should sleep okay so Kim's radio is busted good to know oh jeez take that let's go to sleep oh I hear spiders coming oh boy oh oh hit it guys can you hear me oh my god oh jeez there you are cam oh I was on the wrong frequency that's awkward oh my God hey get in bed joh on are we still sleeping oh my God A Zombie's coming he's as sleep get come on all right we got to set up our base camp somewhere else it's not here what kind of biome is this the worst biome know toand I don't know what this is yeah I don't know how we're going to find kelp let's just keep going this way where's Kim uh there's a chicken right here oh they infected chickens and can you get do you have a lot of oh yeah look at that oh my God they killed all these chickens right here should we go back to ground zero and see what it's looking like yeah let's do that and then go a different direction it's not like this yeah we got to go find an ocean all right let's go back meet us wait what was that okay I'm wered yeah we're going to need it but we got to get ourselves oh my god oh what is that look at this a crawler craw wait the spider's trying to go and kill the Sheep No no no don't let him don't spread I won't let you do this they really spread it all over right it's everywhere making our way back not not bad actually what the original Village huh it's okay oh there's a spider uh zombie spider here yeah ow oh watch out watch out what is that it's the Villager kill it kill it oh careful behind you oh no ow behind you run run run run run all over the place oh my gosh Iron Golem Iron Golem okay why did we come back here oh my God this horrible yeah we got to get out here this horrible they're so fast go for the water if there's water where's the water at that's how I got to they're absolutely too fast is there water in this way they hit I think we to kill I think we to kill these okay you want to fight them yeah I think we need to at this [Music] point get away oh take him out take him out acquired he found KP perfect we're fighting how many hits is this going to take we're fighting for a life help requir where should we meet him if you send him that way he's going to die K where are you right now I'm at 5,2 900 so I should be getting close let meet at 4,400 900 oh no oh no come over here oh 4,400 Phantom 600 with Phantom the whole underground what what do you mean wither Phantom oh my goodness the whole underground hey well take it out take it out oh jeez how many how tanky are yeah it's all yeah the whole thing is infected down here there's a infected cow down there yeah it's it's little head is twitching all right guys let's move this way so we can meet up with Kim it might not it I think it's spreading below our feet yeah it's spreading that's why we kept hearing explosions underneath us and just crazy stuff underneath us no matter where we go it's following us did you guys pick up your beds of course not I have extras for everyone they knew you wouldn't remember all right I'm coming up from the river we made it he's here I see you guys hello okay we got to we got we got to sleep we got to get iron and we got we got to make a base we got to just make a base right now yeah but not here not where if you see those blue and pink trees don't want to be there ow all right um about that Sean I brought me back this here it's already infected purple something oh my goodness careful they're already infected there's infected cow on you ow I'm starting to run low on food yeah oh there a portal frame right there we should make our Base by it there a nice open field okay let's do it then I'll cut down that Forest there okay Sean can you promise me not to break my stuff yeah can you promise a wither skeleton what I killed him oh my gosh they spawn out of the Dead mobs yeah this is going to get a little more difficult for us I'm starting to think about dude they all they spawn out of them yeah they're already infected you can see what is is that a phantom why hasn't we all slept it's a Wither Phantom my goodness it's easier to kill I need food I need food badly that what is happening oh he a block a block destroy that walk side I killed this I I killed this zombie are you still dead what what is going on when they die they come back H yeah but it came it's coming back sideways I I can't how to kill it I know how to kill it it's it's he won't die it won't die I got him wa wo what is that what is it's his arm eggs okay okay you get it I don't know but he bit me I'm on my last legs of food here all right we got to build a wall make a farm W let's build a base here all let's go to sleep before they keep coming okay everyone go to sleep there's a bed right here Sean Sean get in a bed Oh my he stole my bed I'm take this one it's gray it's much cooler there's wither skeletons in the field right now oh guys haha came to the rescue boys oh no we need crying obsidian we got to destroy this you can't destroy that without we need two more pieces I I got two more actually oh you do yeah yeah yep okay well we we don't need to go in yet we still haven't made the things we need all right so we all going to break this we will need to find a fortress in there easy peasy are you breaking the other one cuz I'm breaking this one on the right SE what do you need a fortress for we need a blaze we need to capture a blaze do this this this reminds me of the days when Sean or Kim either one of you put put obsidian underneath our ship when you know yes and I had to break it with a stone pickaxe like five pieces all right we're going to build a base Kim as architect what do you think we should build here what suits I have a sapling and I want to use I want to keep it Sean I I'm going to take it the moment it goes down how we build the farm what should we do here yeah we need we need walls we need a farm we we just need something should we make a big glass Dome stuff away yeah sure hey slime you know I think a dome would actually really fun to make all right glass Dome yeah glass Dome okay CU glass might not get um not might not convert yeah so let's do that to start working on making this stuff right here the rest of us will get glass more glass than you could possibly imagine all right who will assist me getting sand I'm keeping the fish H what are you copper uh uh helmet Shadow yeah yeah it's special H copper see does horns there you go ground want to see my trick yeah oh my don't one heart Sean you could have killed me that's my one trick all right I need a lot of iron fellas we're also going to need a lot of [Music] glass what is this [Music] what is that for oh it's coming out of the hole it's got to be all below us Kim I brought you a ton of a ton of sand so you can build us a beautiful glass Dome beautiful I got the glass cooking just for you so high joh where are you over here I'm com sleep time I'm returning hey that's my bed can you stop stealing my beds oh goodness just sleep Kim don't worry about it come on Shadow we can't we're getting we you not sleeping okay okay small mind I've been walking in s guys no it was so close I want to hey you guys going to keep resing Am I Dreaming right now all right now sleep get in the bed get in the bed there four men four beds get in shadow um guys uh we we have a problem what's the problem what I'm you big problem what where are you what is that thing super big problem Oh what is the he's not the problem he's not the problem oh he's riding that what's the problem just just go over that Hill there here what's what's you can't burn him with fire why can't I burn him I don't know it doesn't seem like it's hurting him oh yeah I can't hit him impossible to hit that is a big problem oh that's a big blob whatever it is got some funky hit boxes yeah some of them do oh that thing that thing's growing oh yeah oh my did you hear that shadow yeah I did there's stuff coming out of it oh my God yeah yeah we're in trouble they said there's a huge problem over here go see yeah go see oh no horses wait oh God they're so fast craw over there okay guys we do need to go find a fortress in the nether I think we need to get a house built more than that let get the house built and get food going yeah I agree okay everyone start going to get sand can I doing this right putting glass here yeah yeah I mean making D huge I fig before men's living in here that's true I make did I make it too huge no it's good it's fine there's four of us we can gather it pretty fast all right where where do you get sand from the fastest swi Direction the river we got to be quick hopefully this stops the what is that sound it's never good underneath us it's underneath us okay well hopefully they can't break blocks in surface they went in the Nether Portal we need to get going deeper yeah they're they they're not helping with build the base yeah Sean the weather is uh infested over here too oh no it's spreading closer to our base so we got to get this thing built guys get out of the nether we got to we got to build this wall before the things come if we all get glass and stone we can get this done fast I love just Gathering sand me too hey you over here yep it's where the sand is what is this stuff Orum cool the witer is getting so closer base now is it hearing some scary stuff what do that sound yeah I don't I don't know how this is going to go what do you mean the Wier is almost here already where is it they're building up a tower Direction yeah they're building a tower not Tower but the stems are growing oh oh yeah oh look at that guy what okayy I'm going use him for the thumnail creeper he's spread he's spreading it oh God oh God yeah he's got weird hit box can we get there goes my weapon yeah I don't have a oh God oh God oh God oh God run Kim one heart okay I'm coming that spider's coming quick for you Kim he's very close no you're joking he's going to take a little bite out of you yep no no no don't say that oh God I'm almost dead I have saved you the vi is we oh they're coming a Wither a Wither Army a Wither Army where's shadow shadow where are you freaking out there I am still underground guys oh who the nether with me down what do you mean to the nether with you you're going to bring them into the nether with you Kim oh God I'm going to die help me help me help me trying help me they have so much health I have two Hearts oh gosh do they climb blcks survive in this uh that the spiders can how much damage good how many layers of glass just one what is that sound yeah there's some crazy sounds going on under this two layers of glass cam or just one uh yeah we should definitely have more layers right uh yeah but should I like put another one on top of the glass yeah 1 two three four five okay what do you need me to do boys get more sand there's three stacks of 64 smelting in these furnaces keep it coming all right this is looking pretty good but we need way more don't we uh there's so much stuff growing underneath us is there I hear it maybe we should put what what won't get INF infected as our floor well so far it seems like nothing's getting infested H I just fell in a hole came out of nowhere whoa all of us need to go get glass okay okay there's a desert down the river so tons of sand only man getting sand right now I have so much sand they're growing they're so close door that's not good hey I got tons of sand yeah but Sean the Wier what about it it's already here no it's not here oh it is it's right there it's getting oh it's getting very close right next to oh my it's yeah this is bad Kim what did you do when we were gone oh it just moved again Kim it's so loud I did nothing it just rapidly oh my God I don't know I don't know what to say it all T I wonder what happened to our base or glass what is that it just moved again it keeps moving it never stops it's getting bigger it's it's heading straight for the wall what do we do can we we're not going to be able to stop it what if we tried cutting it what what if I dig it up I tried burning it that didn't work you want to back oh it just moved again my way it's the B hit the wall D what can we do what can we do magma will magma DET turret stop it stop growing oh oh oh I deleted it it ate it it ate that the Mountain's in oh what mountain do we're going to lose this coal it's about to touch hey we got yeah Shadow we have a problem what look it's going to touch this second we're going to lose this wall we BL we do do we have any coal we're going to be our smelters aren't going to be working very soon I know I just came back with like seven stacks of sand what was everyone else doing I I wasand Stacks um there's a thing next to us it's a blob and it's growing it's bigger than it was last time um well let's sleep and then we'll go look atut it all right I'm just going to I'm just going to ignore that oh it just grew more all right wait we need to get uh coal let's see let's see what shad's talking about then we'll go get coal okay well there's a door I keep is bad yeah Shadow what's this blob you're talking about oh slime a second maybe you have to leave and join back oh oh I was mut oh oh oh oh the creeper back creeper back God Hey where's this blob this is the blob oh no the blob's like get out of control we can we can make traps with it yeah do you not see that blob thing over there oh so fast help you I want to get a closer look at it all this stuff damages you when you touch it oh right there we also have a problem with no food yeah been killing fish but we need we need coal that thing's going to get huge guys where's the guys yeah think we lost the wall of our house no oh my gosh it's growing oh how much just growing over there God wait let's go back go back to the house yeah no he eats everything right he eats all type of train St wait water water maybe we can stop it with water oh like a moat maybe okay okay do it no the more you break it the more it grows does it it's underneath us it's getting underneath I think so ah watch out this I see that always going up careful what should we do I'm unsure at this point in time we have use your brain another one coming in from this way there's another Mass right there oo what's happening oh what is going on oh it's underneath it's digging yeah we're seeing if it'll affect the glass it's right on see you see it under there you can see it digging into it you might maybe we actually do need to have glass flooring too what is it going on I don't even know what that sound is oh it's loud more glass floors more glass floors uh I just ate the Cobblestone here guys what okay I just ate part of cobblestone okay I ate the glass ate the glass the glass oh no we're going to lose this what do you mean to at the glass oh no look it's it's eating it all what do we do what what did we do hey you guys remember when the rats were eating our wall yeah yeah this is worse can we just can we just mine it and fix it how do you keep it away though you got to make a big wall we M all of it like a a boat and then I don't know yeah what if we separate this section from the other part let's make a moat let's make a moat about that oh no it just oh it's over here too now we got to have a PL platform you think that will work what about lava yeah but that's what I'm saying we make a moat of lava or something oh yeah if we get a layer underneath us of maybe just air or just water maybe it won't affect okay pass through yeah yeah yeah yeah all right let's do that let's do that what it's on the inside oh my got a freaking beacon in here it's growing way too fast we can't stop it I think we can we got to learn to live with it things spawn out of it what do we actually do oh I think we I think we should have built this like slightly above ground where it maybe just goes under us and not in us let's just let's just fill this section here with water like below like the like like right here like where I'm putting it okay if we have to go up cuz maybe if that water's there it won't it won't spread up hey it was definitely spreading it didn't give it didn't care about the water we just got to see fill it in boys we're still missing some it seems we kidding it have sh you're killing it I don't know if this is going to work what if it was loud I don't know what to do there's so much noises it's so loud the witer is cooking Sean where you going he's leaving us no I'm getting lava okay this is different that's very different needed to get out out of there those sounds were horrible oh so much more quiet down here how do we get to the lava without dying wither this a witer biome are you joking me you [Laughter] joking oh man how do you get down wait how did Chan get down I just climbed down how I get down oh oh you get he but you don't have a way to get up yeah my wool is all catching on fire they work I'm just seeing if it cuts it off so I want to see make sure that this green I guess it's not going to what are we uh working with here fellas just trying things just trying to see if this Green Park gets infected oh have we lost any Windows oh no it actually hasn't destroyed glass so far no one is gone over here actually it took the glass on the on the floor already Pigman are coming in through what you have to help I feel like that thing's going to get infested with wither it absolutely will be our base is looking real good with these random holes back fellas beautiful does anyone got a shovel uh I did but I used a bunch of them getting the sand I got no wood that's the problem I got yeah and I can make one for you let's see this lava seems to have stopped it from spreading right here our base what's going on here oh look at that beautiful glass you collected oh it's turned to the beds the beds oh the beds are gone oh yeah Robert you Robert you really should get out of the nether otherwise you're not coming back the say that again the Wither has is starting to touch the nether portal and I don't know if it's going to break it okay I'm almost back just hold hold hold it for me don't know how I would do that I got it I got what I needed you got the potion I got the blaze no I don't well you better use it cuz this whole thing is going to get converted into wither soon I I'm getting rid of it then we got to lose this we got to move somewhere else I think no we've been digging out the base where Shadow has been it's been so it doesn't spread if there's a hole in the way there's an air barrier it seems oh oh there's an Enderman there's an Enderman I'm getting getting up bad right now Jesus I got I got no food I got no food that thing is horrible I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die T tool I have wither tool now what eat that I got wither tool as well what is that how' you get rid of Wither tool are you good Shadow uh I think so yeah what how'd you get rid of Wither tool I never did you still have it yeah Kim do you have wither tool wither tool press e anyone got any more cool oh really I so I don't even know what that is there's an Enderman in there just spewing you guys got some what is he doing need we need to get rid of them I don't know how I can't get clo I'm going in with lava if you get closed you you get hurt anyone got food though cuz I oh yeah you get close at all you get hurt here's apples shadow where are you here I just got yes same this thing this is brutal yeah I think uh I think we have to move and build a base like slightly above ground so it doesn't touch us okay I didn't see one we got to flee I want to take one last look at where we came from and I'm going to say goodbye how did this happen the 's gone though is he is no he's not him oops what I meant to say I can't see it's sitting right in the middle you can see it freaking out in there oh I see him now okay let's leave let's go somewhere real far from all of this mess okay at least we have the means to make iron tools now we'll get far enough away that we can build something and then get ourselves ready for when it attacks don't worry about that or look at this it's following us the Wither's following us right there yes I see that the whole world's infested yeah this is a cool place area though I'm eating whoa It's A Beautiful Village two witches three witches oh it's a witch Village which witches witch oh you guys have been dealing with this [Music] too it's a cool area though got to Adit local Brewery let's keep going let's keep moving away okay we must find somewhere to build a new dome maybe in here in the swamp yeah SS good swamp Dome sounds good all right give him swamp Dome make it smaller this time right up here in this big clearing up here perfect are you certain we don't want don't want to move further away no right here what is this oh man frogs it's got to be here yeah right here here's the center the frogs are jumping around like I guess we got to start cutting down some trees and get some logs all all right cut the trees down that are far away from us though look I don't at that what am I hearing Robert's using his machine mixing up I'm I'm smelting down the iron this area is so much nicer this there's a frog hey how's it going and witches yeah all right all right we are going to need a lot of glass I have um two stacks on me right no three stacks three yeah I brought it with me from Place perfect we're going to need a ton of wood too you can make coal out of [Music] it that's a perfect Dome Kim I love that it's not done I know but I love it good D you love it do you have some Ste planks for me no I I'm right now just struggling to get food so I'll get you some wood soon Kim yeah I need a lot of wood what do you need wood for Robert to feed the blaze down here to make molten iron yeah what's the molten iron for to make all the tools we need well you think it would be faster if we just got the stuff with stone do you not want iron tools well I mean like think about how long it's going to take the iron tools versus if we just all go out and start cutting down wood and getting glass and stuff yeah what do you need me to do wood glass and whatever Kim else needs to build his Dome yeah I'm making the flooring now so we just now the Dome is complete so we just need to fill the flooring well I'll make us all Iron swords about that okay that's good I'm too frightened to go out there what are you afraid of I can't Sprint there's so many things out there creepers here let me feed you feed a hardworking man oh my goodness that's my favorite part when I'm playing with you when you feed me pum fluid pip copper she oh my goodness get up here let's go to sleep yeah's making friends going to sleep until he minute do I have another battle no uhoh uh oh oh oh oh that's it that's the thing you okay down there uhoh uh should we should we maybe break the Wither flower you think that yes anything wither related get rid of it I see some flow uh-oh I think also we should cut down I remove remove remove our stuff down here and move it back up in case we have to break the center log CU I have less object to break oh my goodness what do we need now okay what are you looking for wood yeah all right let's sleep just hoping we could sleep yeah sometimes you take a drink why I'm staring at you as a wake up first man I see in the morning oh I got an iron sword somehow how you get that I think it dropped from an enemy they Dro they drop iron swords okay what is everyone else cutting cutting up uh wood oh my God what's going on with you down there yeah all right me and Shadow will get wood can we build a base Robert you're going to go get iron for all of us yeah I need to get a lot of iron I'm starting to hear weird sounds out here yeah we got uh infected blocks out here we got like a whole pit okay we are officially on the clock now it's bad okay it's catching up with us at the the infection is getting close we need to get all hands on deck to build this base shadow shadow creeper so many of them how did he get up here oh God we're under attack I got no weapon I knocked him off okay so we need to remove all the stuff below get everything up all right now I can't get out Robert rtb what RTV Robert return to base we under attack by wither mobs we need to get this thing built there's no other priority oh look at this slime down here yeah there's a there's a whole thing spreading over there somewhere do we have the glass melting this is bad oh oh yeah get some glass melting o what does that sound yeah you want to probably want to take that bring no no skull are you serious how remove all connections it's it's oh my gosh how is it doing that break everything down below that touches the the platform all right any of this stuff so right all we need to do right now is build a base no time is so fast no side quests only thing I'm unsure about should we keep the support beam or no keep the support beam unless it starts proving to be a problem what's happening I'm removing the blocks those enchanted books came from I had them in my inventory for a while oh guys what actually let's just do a double getting up here double layer keep removing Rob keep removing more easily watch out contain it guys contain it it's it's getting really deep underground build faster Kim I'm building we both are do you need glass uh nope I have 64 I'm the removal team right here we're doing a great job here we're doing great work here Sean yeah some of some of the blocks don't disappear once you get rid of them get this dirty sludge out of here look at this I guess we didn't do properly it's we're moving we're getting it out of here keep building Kim and Shadow I hear a bad noise out here there's a lot of whatever it's called over there we are really on the clock here how's the Dome coming it's coming I think it's just hard to figure out oops figure out the first step I guess the dome it's rising before my own eyes what are you thinking Shadow what are you doing right now I don't I'm just winging it are you just winging it he's nailing it this A this a very closed Dome tight tight tight Dome he's at the very top I mean the only thing we should have done like the first layer we just made like like three three tall yeah at least then we have a a decent like height then it's fine the rest is fine hey Robert how's it going there oh I'm on my way back we have a Spore in here it's gone um look at the furnace they don't have any andesite on them look at the what andesite sorry there's a Wither guy trying to get in I sent him back down it's already become wrong this is horrible that's a there problem with two people wing get at the same time you guys are going to make it great Dome Dome is looking good it's like a started as a dome and now I think it's a pyramid there you guys SE outside the dome right now no no there's wither just chunks everywhere is there yes it's fitting in our house it's in the tree it's all around us it's out it's it's ice so long digging this all up oh my goodness it's everywhere yeah we got to get this adult this is so bad I'm so close to being able to make stuff what missing andesites yeah I just need andesite Robert and his machines Kim and his glass pyramid Shadow and his ability to help and my brain together we will defeat the Wither hey how's it going boys you want to come up not going to happen I need to go get andesite we need to get ready to fight the Dome is I just want an iron tool what is this beneath us what is this creature guys what is this creature creature look beneath that glowing thing oh no that's Robert blaz who the GL things that's the blaze is that the blaze don't break the blaze machine why is it Blaze under the floor because it needs to heat Basin above it okay I'm going to get andesite I can't deal with this we have a very small window before we skull no wi what I'm saying Wier it's already hit it yep guys I know oh we need to be fast okay they're breaching the Dome are you serious yep yeah they're in look at them is anything else they're in the doome in here no they're not in the dome yes look at this thing they're it's starting to eat the floor so we need to oh something's something's eat in the tree right here that's what we're saying U I got to get in here Robert no the the whole boy of the Dome get in there Iron yes look what are you do okay now I need a template well I'm going to make us all Iron swords okay okay beautiful I need blank pattern I need diorite diorite do we have diorite on you set up that that's nice yeah well someone put the picture there all right yeah that's me I got some plants I want to grow too don't cutter there we go we got we need to have a center pce sword head look look look guys look no John how could you a you part of them now I got to make a handle oh jeez no you can have his print up here oh we need leather do we have leather how much leather one for one I'm sorry Kim but I'm drinking this now what are you drinking beer you have one Le oh no we're good never mind I can make a sword for each of us I have one leather oh this is amazing guys you have no idea how amazing this is oh all that take that take that handle take that handle someone okay okay that's a handle for someone else and this is a handle for the last person okay okay here okay now take this handle that I'm giving you there's one for you one for you what is it and one for you Kim and combine that handle with the I never got one the blade iron sword I think I picked up two bam oh beautiful iron sword all that work for an iron sword I still don't have it Robert you got it still handle and the thing I make a shield shield I don't have any wood where's all the wood um here are some Willow planks anyone need iron for a shield anyone need a shield a I want a shield here's a shield for someone I just threw it down in front of me oh oh The Shield the sh another one you guys F and there we go we're all iron shield and sworded up our beautiful look at it spreading around the Dome this is crazy I don't know if we're ready for this fight wow it is peaceful right now I hear right there straight ahead oh my God there's something riding a hoglin here they come what hoglin it's just the spiders they can't get in our Do's impenetrable is it look at this guy look at that it's Golems too what iron golem the entire world's coming we're safe we're safe we're safe we'll just stay up in here the I took this tree down oh this is a good tree I'm getting hit can they get in from where the trees from underneath us I think I got hit from underneath I think they're swinging through the floors the Dome will hold look at this guy he's growing out of the cow do you see that yeah that was terrifying oh there's one flying here he comes oh look at that it's like Green Goblin watch out be careful getting close to the floor there yeah they're smack you through the wall the ground even like why are they fly oh it's going so fast we got to we got to get ready it's growing so fast what are we going to do they're flying all around us I don't know I don't know the Hogs are getting ready to eat us is this going to work is the Dome going to stop this I I hope so I don't know listen to all of that they're below us they're they're coming through the floor they're picking their heads to the floor they're going to want you Kim oh my goodness the swamp is disappearing look at look in the water out there look in the water out there the water in the swamp they're just hanging out down there oh my gosh there's b careful ow ow ow okay we should try to fight him I don't I oh it's corrupting the floor the floor is getting corrupted take it out take it out everything's getting corrupted oh God if you break it though they're going to get in okay yeah we have to leave it corrupted okay well I want to try I want to try to hit one of them this is so bad might be able to hit him I W do it we're losing the floor it I might attempt something crazy I want to pour lava down at them okay do that wait wait no it might it might catch the whole floor on fire uh do it in oh maybe not just do it Port Port on them oh oh how do he hit me the Dome is holding I mean it's already been infested it's been like 2 minutes the lavas do nothing I'm not I can't hear anyone being hurt yeah I don't hear anyone and Dy either gosh we can't step on this we have enough to step on Su it's getting them the lava is getting them oh we can't what do we do oh if you step on it it hurts you right what are we do in a situation like this I don't know there's going to be enough spots on this on these tables we got to send out our strongest Warrior ow Robert me Robert you got to go lure them away making a little glass platform up here to stand on are you I'm getting out of here ow you're letting him in's trying to let them in I'm trying to get out listen we're safe in here for the time being be a problem yeah you know the support beam holding up this place it's already infected is it completely look front of the door grass now yeah the glass here is infected too the glass is getting infected where more and more blocks are in getting infested infested those the zombies things riding Phantoms have way too much health that's all I know they H me through floor yeah someone built with slabs probably wasn't the best idea oh here we go it's going we go so fast it's coming through we're losing it all no oh no ow ow ow ow ow oh we're even losing the B the are the furnaces getting destroyed or they just oh man yeah destroy Robert you're machine it seems to be holding up yeah the we should build everything out of creep machines oh never mind it's we're losing stuff out of it as well I lost the Basin we we're losing everything this is bad well this is it boys are you burning don't burn anything what else we got up our sleeves anything no more tricks no plans nothing look at them they're just flying around us oh thought we just on a glass platform in a glass stone uh this is what do we do all your stuff's breaking I know oh no okay this become Sumo pit now yeah it does Kim Kim's burning the place ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow wizard ow I got no food too this is D oh who did that it's so laggy oh this is bad oh God if those light guys come through o o you're right o yeah o the whole world around us has been infested hey you know what what how I get out of here Sean you mean that you going get out of here what you mean that I mean that yeah what about you are you going to get out of here how you going get out of here I don't know I'm going to maybe jump out and run that's probably what I'm going to do I can help you no I can I can do it I'm I'm we're running out of space with this wither no oh one's going out was it a blob some's left the building I've not left the building oh my God there's so many oh everywhere W wo wo whoo whoo wo everyone's losing their mind up here right now is wither everywhere what are we going to do jump I'm gone wait Sean's leaving Sean's leaving the Dome bring them all see you guys later oh my God you brought them all away from us thanks I'm out of here I'm withered oh my look at all the Golem's coming for me it's over for me it's over for me a man can't survive there's a chicken I got to go live with the witches oh oh what happened to this beautiful jungle that we were in four people used to live here now it's a ghost town okay is that a bee oh it's a dead guy here oh oh oh I can't run I can't run I'm so dead oh I'm pigs infected who is that I'm going to get him ow oh the chicken
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 991,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Simulate, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, #minecraft, minecraft song, minecraft music, minecraft video, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft videos, 100 days in minecraft modded, minecraft civilization, 100 players simulate civilization, 100 player minecraft civilization, 100 players minecraft civilization, minecraft civilization experiment, 100 players simulate, 100 players simulate civilization in minecraft, minecraft zombie apocalypse
Id: rlLoXOkIv7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 54sec (4314 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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