I Spent 100 Days in Ark Primal Fear... Here's What Happened

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this is the newest addition to Primal Fear unofficial extras and I will be playing with Natalie visa for 100 days pikon's revenge is known for being the very end game Boss but what if I told you there exists one Beyond peacock in order to find that out I will have to take down the Demonic empress a Celestial Emperor Nova the Destroyer pick on the Creator and the Colossus Elementals but will I be able to defeat all of these bosses within 100 days well to find that out I gotta put this to the test so let's get over to the beach [Music] all right we are in it's me paper back with another video it's been a very long time since I last played primal fear but I am ready for an adventure I was in the middle of gathering and I climbed up on this rock here just to avoid the very buff deadly dodo oh come on okay aside from my first death I have now partnered with shark bites if you guys are in need of a server use my code to get final five percent off your first server purchase but yet again when I was looking at the engram list I got backstabbed I'm about fun I had to try retrieving my gear then I saw a primal to do in the water but it was whatever at this point I retrieved my gear without too much worry but I had to try working on getting a bed down and a bowler to defend myself better saw a couple of easy Targets on the beach so I tried killing this pegomastics but he was being an ass and not dying gone from there he was starting to resemble a porcupine more than anything I just wanted to go back to my campfire but there was a stupid rap that there now instead I managed to make the Bola and I ran back to my campfire to bowl at the rafter and pick up my campfire I am sheep I'm very sheep well the Raptor was Bola and I wanted to see if I could kill it but I honestly didn't realize it was a freaking Apex Raptor they have quite a lot of HP I heard a couple of explosions and I decided to go the opposite way instead I crossed over the river and I got jumped by a raptor only to be killed by fish oh okay that's my death so I got back to my body but I got pushed back into the water by piranha oh my God I really couldn't get back in the water again there was a whole school of piranhas waiting for my naked butt dude you camp in my body well they swam away and I could pick up my gear and move on this was my first time playing the Olympus map and it had Explorer notes interesting and Alpha DOTA was clocked in my way so I had no other choice but to fight it I bowl at it and I almost got packed today ouch oh my God I was so hurt right now and not having a bed down really puts me in a bad position so I started Gathering a bit of stuff for some structures and a bed I've been so close to dying this many times already I put down some foundations with a couple of beds there was also a new engram that I haven't seen before so it's been a good while since I last played Primal Fear toxic veggie cupcake that's new there were a lot of flames in the distance but there was no way I was gonna go find out who made it I managed to find a dead toxic Toad on the beach but I quickly harvested only to be chased by an angry try further into the sticks I found a couple of metal rocks I wanted to mine but this corner was just hanging around for no reason and chased me real good I saw a demonic monkey in the distance and I was gonna chance it and lead the corner to it but I never made it oh my God I kind of put myself in a bad position so I threw my fist against the monkey here help me monkey um I did not feel that very smart at this moment getting my stuff back wasn't exactly easy why is there so many dinosaurs here please then I was out of spawn points like oh my God I was contemplating if it was worth trying to get my stuff back or make a new set but an apex Raptor violated my rights somehow I managed to get back to my base but I still haven't been able to recover my body so I decided to make a new set in tools and paper armor so now I could run back to the metal I saw from before so I harvested it I need better tools ASAP um so that's new Elder fjordhawk out of nowhere interesting I had to get some narcotics and a flyer going this place is just way too dangerous while waiting for the meat to spoil I'll make a crossbow for now those explosions I hear in the distance is very worrying to me I was able to make some track arrows and we were off looking for a possible flyer I went for a drop with the circle around it and I almost got killed by piranhas again yeah I forgot that Alpha creatures including parasaurs are aggressive now I got the saddle now I need a Dino I managed to scout one in a distance but a stupid Alpha dodo clearly wasn't gonna let me tame it in peace Ebola this Terra Anna shoved up some meat into it I named it Peter because it kind of looked like one now when I had a flyer I could Scout for possible base locations but it seems like this beach was ending here so I flew to the opposite direction instead I got up to the green Obelisk but there is no shot I am living up here there was a small little island but I quickly turned around when I saw some Fjord Hawks I found a bit of metal that I just had to grab it was safe here back at base I saw the very Fjord hog that killed me once and I tried to Bull it but no it almost killed me and Peter freaked out I managed to escape safe and sound with Peter that was definitely the cue to pack my bags and move my base on day 3 I checked out this pillar and it didn't seem like anything spawned around here it felt perfect for now so I put down my stuff here for now I had to make a trip back to my old base to grab everything I left there was a buffoon ferox nearby and these guys are extremely aggressive I think back on the mainland there was a female for my peter so I went to act quickly and talk her into dating my peter it must have been a good talk because Gwen is now on the team Gwen clearly doesn't know how to handle the landing so I had to jump up on her back and guide her to the tip of the top and forcing them to have some sexy time together so I could have my fertilized egg to give it to your mom I put the egg aside for now since I wanted some Crystal for a spyglass and some soul balls and I managed to scout some kind of cave and it actually had a bit of Crystal there was a bit of silicon War too but it didn't feel entirely safe though a dolphin was aggressively swimming towards me with the crystal I obtained I was able to make an awesome spy glass and finally get the reading where the hell I am I wanted to explore the island more thoroughly but the spirit Rex had me sweating so I flew back but I wasn't alone no no don't do it oh why are you guys following me oh okay birds attacking my base now okay there goes Gwen and I die too Matt I was gonna try getting back to my body and I died to fall damage a second time yeah lag okay well yeah let's just experience it again I was out the bed spawns again and I died on the beach so I went to AFK to grab some food until the beds were available again so I am now stuck up here with no flyer and getting up and down from here will be a bit annoying well that isn't exactly true I still had that fertilized egg but I needed to hatch it so I put down some fired I made a bit of cementing paste so I can make a grappling hook to get up here easier then I went down to my body using a parachute so there was no risk there I'm terrible at this game upping the armor might help a bit I think on day 4 I went for night exploration sweating my ass off but that was really desperate for a new flyer that's a necrotic I don't want to do any I saw it I saw another Terra where I tamed the other one before but he didn't want to come to the beach so I tame the parrot instead I ran down the beach only to be backstabbed by an acryptic dodo I didn't even see it a Danga Jump by a buffoon ferox I never saw Primal Fear well the terror baby had finally hatched so I just gave it a bit of food and then I made a new set of tools before jumping off the spire to take out my anger on the dinos on the beach I got stuck watching a buffoon megatherium fighting a monkey clearly the megatherum was the winner and it gave me The Spoils of the monkey very nice it was getting really late so I had to put up my load up mannequin then log out for the day on day 5 while I was logging in I logged into magic or killing me and my new dino what is that login bro what the [ __ ] I made some flag armor that probably won't help at all but now I'm basically forced to find new pterodon and move from this spot I was gonna be somewhat smart and prepped to look for a new flyer but the mantor had other IDs so he destroyed my beds in the process while he killed me now this outcome was very bad well then now I have to work on getting a few tools going again just to get up to my destroyed base I put up a temporary base I will be able to melt a bit of metal and make some tools but it was going to take a while so with a bit of editing we're gonna fast forward this after making all of the preparations for a new tame I saw a Terra I know I knocked it out fed it and picked up my new temp base while it was taming up alright now I got an upgraded Peter 2 with higher levels and everything so it was time to see if my bot was still there I managed to get back up there and there was just a few minutes left on the bags and my corpse but so far everything seems to be there after the RJ did a surprise attack maybe it was time to make some sort of box for now to keep everything safe the box was not fully closed up so no more surprise attacks please game after that I went to the cave to kill off an RNA over some counting then I would be able to make a bit of cementing paste after making a bit of paste I could make the fabricator I started making some Electronics immediately then went out to look for a new possible team to get then I managed to find high level females a bowl out and tried knocking it out but I had aggro destruct Fable Morello tops all of a sudden well I got away by being a spooder man there was also a toxic though that I could kill to feed the terror oh my God it was taking a while so I went out in search of a mantis or something to kill for some polymer but I couldn't find any so I went back to my Terror and I headed home a case I offered to make a trade for some polymer if she could have some tools made so with the polymer trade I was able to make the awesome teleporter I guess I'd given us a few tasks to accomplish before day 100 is over alrighty Mike I've got some challenges for you before day 50 you'll have to kill your first origin boss for techgrams before day 75 you'll have to kill Nova pick on and Skynet and before day 100 is over you'll have to defeat pikon's revenge and the hidden bosses a secured area under my base so nothing bad would spawn there and get my base destroyed again then I went out in search of penguins but they didn't see Anissa picked up a bit of oil instead since I was there I picked up some pearls too despite it being very danger in the water then I managed to find some penguins who were willing to give me some polymer how nice of them I was gonna try taming them first but the track arrows did NADA yeah that's not gonna happen let's go to the bag full of loot so basically YOLO did I had farmed a bit of resources and I was trying to head home but there was a lot of dangerous creatures wanting a piece of me oh yep 18 and done well I knew it it is now day nine and I was looking for a new possible base spot and I flew around for quite a bit then I found a very beautiful area where it looked safe so I went back home to farm some Stones so I can make a few gates to block off the area I wasn't sure how much I needed to block off this section but this would just have to do for now I was gonna try making somewhat of a base that was safe I like the sound of that then I went back to my old base to grab everything I needed for the new base [Music] so that's interesting when I teleported back some scorpions had spawned in for no apparent reason is my Foundation span not blocking enough spawns huh there was also a potential doughert I can tape up in my base so I locked it in between some Billboards for now I had switched up the dumb settlers designed to stone for now I remembered how easy normal Dino can destroy itself and fall into stone I was gonna need that do it now so I decided to knock it out so I could use him to farm some Stone I need he joined the team after his belly got fell to the brim then I took him out to find that great deal of Rock I continued building the base while a kiss was waiting for me to open a portal for her so she could form metal so I had to go open the teleporter for akiza I took this opportunity to farm some resources as well I was gonna try killing a few bugs for some kite then but the tarantula had me cornered oh no oh I had my fair share of fun in the caves so I continued building the base for now there now the base was fully protected from most things in this mod waking up to Manticore killing me wasn't exactly pleasing then I formed a bit more Crystal so I could build a greenhouse for crops they are very important in fact and knocked out a few dodos and I shoved my Bears into them I needed these so I would be able to make the first tier of kibble for people who haven't played Primal Fear before I just want to quickly explain how to advance in the tears there are eight tiers of creatures you can tame to progress throughout the mod starter toxic Alpha Elemental Apex Omega fabled Celestial and demonic and then spirit and chaos and to advance throughout the tiers you need eggs from the previous tiers and some crops down the line I found a few trilobites in the river here that I dragged up on the beach to kill for black pearls then I will be able to make a minor Grill I think I got too greedy for trilobites oh okay I'm dead Alpha carcinos a bit later I went out to farm some metal while a monkey found some interest in me why is the monkey trying to cook for me why did it lag there um um suddenly I had sheep in my base hello that means that demon shaping is going there I had to put down a few foundations outside to prevent random ass spawn of dinos near my base I had to go out and search for a team that could form Bears easier I found the flower field then preceded trying knocking out the parasaur while at hick Raptor swung by for a quick snack then a container of building my Greenhouse towards the end of the day the greenness was finally built and the Kisa came over to flush the toilet for me since I had no dung beetles yet then I went out again in search of a parasaur and I actually came across one but it was very close to demonic para but that was kind of chance okay yeah that was a very very bad idea over at the green Obelisk I managed to find a Paris or to tame that was relatively safe that was so messy just to get the parasaur Tana formed a bit outside the base but they barely gave me any seeds I needed so I went over to another area for any kind of bushes and it gave me all the seeds I needed for the crops I planted the seeds and all I had to do now was wait so I could make my first tear up kibble I've been having to listen to this stupid bulb dog for the entire playthrough today it's been quite annoying and for the rest of the day I stayed up on the Spire afking the next day I made two beer barrels for some beers so the gardener stays happy I asked the kids to come help me kill these stupid because I wanted him off my property we finally killed it and I harvested it for some keratin so I would be able to make an S Plus Hatchery and I made a few bone gates to keep the wildlife off the beach that Bulldog had me going mental and kisses had to come over and flex that she made it to the alpha tier already I haven't even reached toxic oh my God you like my dodo no so the reason why me and the kids haven't rubbed off yet is because we wanted to reach the alpha stage on our own so we will get more of a genuine starter experience well it was time for me to make some toxic kibble and get started everything was prepared for it now I used the Primal spear to knock out the toxic dodo very cheap and effective for this I got my first toxic dodo and now I need a female the male will just increase the production speed of eggs I slapped them into the terminal and enabled egg production and all I gotta do now is wait after a few minutes they have produced two eggs for me so now I was able to make the alpha cable and get myself a pair of alpha dodos I went out in a themed Alpha dodo which put me in the alpha stage now thank you so before the day was over me and the kids are thrived up welcome to sentian sea slugs in case I had to show off Foreign so it's been more than a week since I last played but the dotas have been very productive and maxed out this old terminal Jesus the crop Lots had run out of fertilizer too so we had to produce some more akisa was so excited to show off her new mask it's kind of odd how she keeps finding these things I had to try them out for myself well the next day we're gonna try to go out and tame an elemental Dino I spotted a Kamikaze dodo on the beach which was already lit on I hope they would die and explode from one track error but he fell asleep instead so um we tamed it either way I was leading a caustic parrot in the Trap and then Matera died from it no yeah I do not think we're ready for Elemental dinosaurs yet the Tran cameras alone weren't enough on the very next day I went out in search of an alpha Griffin instead so I had something to use to kill with so then I placed down my Gates and then lured the Griffin in the Trap I didn't really have any tracks on me so I had to use the Primal spear for this and it did really good foreign I was out looking for another grip Fin and I almost died to some sort of cast iron I couldn't see a bit later I found another Griffin but it was next to Spirit Griffin which could prove to be a problem so I looked for a flat surface and then a place down with trap getting into Griffin's attention was a bit tricky but he eventually followed I am such a dumbass I accidentally opened the front gate no no no I opened the gate while I was poking this Griffin with a stick a doe Divine backstabbed me oh I was able to teleport back to the Griffin but the doe Department was still there what was I thinking with well there are times the charm like they say and the dod environment was nowhere to be seen now we have a pair of them in case we just Tomahawk get any of them killed still I had no clue what to do with the Kamikaze dodo but he was super sus so we left it in the corner of the base there was an Iguanodon outside the base that I knocked out I would need this conversion of bears for seeds so I would be able to make some more Primal Fear narcotics I then tried out the grip and I needed quite good damage I went on a killing spree killing most of the favorite creatures I could and this bracket dropped the very Primal shotgun it's a beast for killing PF dinos on day 20 I found a bit of metal against this I was waiting for a kisser to get ready to get some Elemental dinos we're gonna get these caustic parrot since I believe they do torp her to dinos I got the parrots attention now and they followed me into the Trap like a good little boy hey Keith have tried out their toxic turtle and it took so much damage the parrot knocked out the keys in the process I poked the parent would just stick up his bum and it became my friend a bit later we found a man for it but it was a bit trickier to alert into the Trap this time oh no akiza got knocked out again in the Trap ah managed oh my god dude well done now we had a pair of them so we could obviously breed them but we would need their eggs for the Apex kibble as well a bit later a bunch of babies were finally grown up for both me and akiza we made a few healing stews so we could heal up the Paris because we were gonna try them out the Paris poison can knock you out what no oh my God you can apparently knock out yourself I guess I was wrong also the caustic pair doesn't do any corporate to any wild creature at all we went a bit later through the tippy top Mountain on Olympus to kill the twin centurions for levels I made an industrial cooker as well and a primal food cooker because why not the industrial cooker would be useful for some Veggie cakes for snails and their Primal food cookers seem new I haven't seen that one before the Primal food cooker had some interesting recipes especially the veggie cupcake we made a few of those cupcakes and we're gonna try them out with the parrot oh the cupcake was a lie oh wait what it doesn't work at the holy Giza interesting I didn't realize it because of the bugs living in this cave but the cave was filled with the crystal I have been looking for Thunderman for a food break while the case was playing around in the base she managed to kill a Kamikaze dodo and blow herself up in the process wow that precious comic acid order was killed by one punch from ikiza so before we were turning off of the day we were gonna go tame some Apex Telos so I made a bit of Apex kibble I went out and I found a pair of Apex Talos perfect [Music] so knock them out and attain them slam them both into the terminal and I called it today I wanted to make a bit of that juicy Elemental Advanced Cable but we were lacking out on the electric feathers so I would have to go out and get that when I got to the desert I found a biorex it was just the humongous techcricks I don't know what it's for the desert will stockpiled up Titanosaurus for sure I managed to find an electric parrot I could help with some feathers but when I was gonna chainsaw and acrostic dodo came over and stole the corpse of its feathers oh hell no no I didn't get any feathers [Music] well that didn't end well so I had to go out and look for another electric Dino but stumble upon the selective Griffin I got a few feathers of him but hopefully it was enough for some cable that was a light feather light up in the Redwood seventh back to base to see if I could make a few pieces of kibble oh we can do eight perfect now I have no clue what came over me I could have simply a shafted again and possibly survived it went out after two shots and she happily joined the team a bit later I found the male feather light I was looking for it was a bit scary try taming it since it was literally next to a necrotic vibrant [Music] I got it though I got back home and akiza told me to be careful around the gate since we had a lurking buffoon dodo outside it could level our entire structure like it's not even there then I made a few Apex narcotics since I wanted some better darts we were gonna try going for an advanced Elemental Griffin today we had located a light Griffin but leading it into the Trap proof to have some design flaws I was trying to come up with the temporary solution when he has flew into the Trap willingly it worked for some reason now but when the kids are teleported to the location she opened the gate and baited a loot boss okay so what the [ __ ] you opened the gate the wandering loot bus was still there so I had to try leading him away I succeeded in leading him away so I picked up the Trap and I moved it to another spot and I took squawks to the Trap and a case I closed the door it was fun I really are sad to die for that we knocked him out and I've had him we just needed a female for him now so we could breathe him I didn't quite realize it but the satellite was actually quite decent I've been relying too much on the Griffins lately I was gonna try leading the buffoon dot away from our base but that didn't end well OH Close um interesting I think the new gododo killed the buffoon as well because I couldn't see it around anymore I killed my first demonic 2 which wasn't too difficult it dropped some good loot for me though when I was just about to clear the terminal all these dodo eggs a kiss I was messing around like the usual oh my God I took sharpshop to the swamp to farm some rare flowers since we need them for some more narcotics then a Capper joined my shop shop from me [Applause] it's done a container farm with sharp shop what controlled I was Lulu sharp trap is killing me oh my god well I got back to the swamp to pick up chop shop and a raid squid for the day I started the day by throwing out some fairy lights for breeding I will need quite a lot of Elemental feathers I noticed we had a visitor as well the Primal outside was scaring me a bit so I put down more gates just in case I went out in search of a Griffey corn but when I was about to put down my track a Reaper backstabbed me I got back to the griffic horn and I got my revenge on the reaper Queen I was very close to being caught by Spirit stylist attack that was very surprising to me I somehow trapped the grifficorn in the Trap and I managed to fly out oh wait I could do that [Music] one Griffin corn down just need a mate for it I flew around for a bit looking for another graphic horn but came across a skeletonized T-Rex own meal oh yeah oh God it needs cable and feathers from everything and it's souls in its demonic Amber assault Celestial empressle okay A bit later I spotted a necrotic Environ it has terrible heatrake that's just no rain it wasn't a hit I managed to fly into this attacking and I got grounded and saw loot was coming for me [Music] Environ and I did him dirty with a sneak attack from the sky yeah that was kind of dumb and I risked it to tame this virus oh well done when I came back to the Viber it wasn't teamed by it put food in to the given I gave it fabled cable I'm a dummy I had the proper cable this time and I've had it but I got chased by a lot of random dinos oh the Primal is back I managed to get away and back to the viver alive the necrotic environment is like a glass Cannon it does some really good fire damage and grounds flyers I took out the captain black bowler without too much of a struggle and a demonic parasaur apparently I had to try it out again the demonics take quite a lot of damage from the necrotic violence this dodo vibrant didn't stand a chance against it what a wonderful creature this is yeah I got it oh well the fun is over I had the task at hand and that was taming a few fabled pterodones for their eggs and while I was taming one of them I had trouble on the beach epicomastics took to teleporter of course on the beach then I went for a second female with a terrible heatrag [Applause] foreign I killed my first Celestial 2. I had a lot of fun with this narcotic Viber a bit later the fun was finally over when a buffoon ferrox ruined my day and scared me that is the last Fable Terra I needed a male to increase the production speed for eggs I came across a buffooned up which is new to me so I wanted to tame it this time I shot a few darts and kept my distance away from the Nuka dodos oh yeah it's relatively easy to tame and the minions with salmon is pretty fun to play around with boom [Music] Oh my God a bit later into the night I found a buffoon terror bird these guys are really fun I've heard [Music] I ran into problem however I was out of Dodge I went back home to make more when I came back there was a loot boss nearby me so it made everything aggro to me I managed to get back to the terror bird and knocked him out and fed him the damage they did was surprisingly good I could take out the Demonic Bulldog without any problems not even his demonic shapes stood a chance against this Beast of a bird I even took out the skeletonized Tyrannosaurus with this the bird was just too good I took out my first Primal creature in a quite cheesy way though [Music] this is awkward I didn't really think through it so I died for my own Bird's fire well done I got back to it squirts to harvest up the blood I was gonna need that to make my first Primal darts in order to tame a first demonic creature enough threw out a few babies to grow up with the end of the day the next day I logged into the server I started by Samsung up some federalits for feathers and fabled for blood so we were gonna need some toxic narcotics for darts but we were out of rare mushrooms then I went out for fable serosino since they can Harvest up to four or five times as much as normal I believe I saw some kind of structure that I believed had an Explorer note nearby but I didn't realize there was an origin Audrey nearby so I just lost a theracino I didn't even get to use it oh no then I had flown over to another swamps with some trees that could be harvested for rare mushrooms but there was a chaos nearby killing Sharp Shop with its aura so I asked the case of her help but she was occupied with the Primal shark after the shark was dead we went back to the swamp and in case it was going to kill the bee with the terror bird but we got jumped by a demonic cat bro oh yeah I was killed by a demonic capacitus bird the next day I had decided to tame a fabled sticker to try it out to see if it was any better than the most shops so I knocked it out and I went back to base to make some fabled kibble wow to be honest it wasn't that good so I used the chainsaw instead which gave me way more than the stego did I was able to make some more toxic narcotics so I could make the Apex and then turn it into darts and get some omega dinos [Music] I settled for an Omega Sarco and I was trying to track it demographic got Noggin controlled well I got back and I attempted it up but I got attacked on apex wolf damn this mod is brutal Jesus is that an apex of course we couldn't find any more Omega sarcos so we had decided to tame two Omega Alloys that were close to each other in the desert the female however was in a really bad spot with the celestial aloe and a spirit Griffin nearby so I had to try leading the celestial aloe away Tana timed it up and we had a pair of them aloes packet base I bred the aloes for another egg and I got the female then I threw out all of the babies as a sacrifice since we needed those Elemental feathers I logged in the next day with an abundance of Flyers to harvest for the feathers and blood it was now time to finally get some demonics and get some big pump damage dealers I also made a few Primal darts because it's a demonic retaining those Apex Stars would probably work but after a few hundred yards so yeah then I found a high level demonic but I will just have to wait for it to wander away from the other one a bit so I gave it until the morning well I did start aiming it in a Cheesy way but I was trying to lead it to the mainland I was doing my best to avoid every bit of Hellfire of spikes and get as many shots in as possible but I didn't pay attention to one thing and I ran out of darts oh no I ran out of darts so I had to go back to the base to make a few more darts then got back to the thorny dragon and had to chase him around you're so close nice now I got my very first demonic so I will be able to attempt my first origin boss it's been so long and getting the feelings back to this awesome kind of damage was a great feeling oh my God I killed the Primal shark with ease a bit later I spotted An Origin orgy that I took out it took about five minutes to kill but at least I was able to defeat my first origin before day 50. I went for another origin RJ on the island along with the car now they gave me a few good armor pieces with zero durability now that's what you call an upgrade so on day 37 I was able to make my first origin arrows and they knock out anything with one Arrow I flew around for a bit trying to see if I could find any demonics but I went back to the one from before the one that was close to the first one I better the way this was kind of easy with the arrow but it would literally once up with satellite if it got hit by the spikes [Music] so now with these demonics I could breed them for some more [Music] I went for an origin Raptor this time to get the token and some tech grounds then a bit later I went to An Origin dire bear he did a lot of damage but he was not alone this guy is not messing around especially when I have two of them I killed them both by day 38. there was an artifactor next to the green Obelisk I had to kill for its heart attack since it's very important for making cable and tokens then I went out to take on an origin kairuku since we're still missing a few Tech grams like the replicator back at the base I was able to make the S Plus replica now and attack generator awesome I was gonna show a case at the entrance to the app cave I found but there was an origin rex on the way there so we were gonna kill that first oh he's gonna die oh nice it took quite a while to get it down but I got some cool engrams on the token of course so when I was gonna show a kiss at the way to the cave entrance I got shot down by Celestial ferrox you're gonna be very shocked oh what just killed I barely survived that I am kind of sad I lost that very Griffin but it's fine I had other things at hand to work on especially this origin spino it went down on day 39. nah you don't want these demonic Bulldogs we had to knock it out it was super zoomy in the water did you see what he did he just he assumed up there I looked around the whole map and I couldn't find any origin environments so I decided to make the Summoner for it this one is so annoying to do and takes a while so akisa came to the rescue it got killed after a few minutes and we got our last set of tech Rams nice then a bit later after killing all of those Origins I had some origin arrows made so I can knock out these Turtles David passively produced rare flowers and mushrooms I need for healing potions well I figured it was about time to get some Celestial since we needed their eggs as well I had set my eyes on an orgy and I actually missed the origin arrows that's very expensive oh I missed again this time I tagged it whoa come on come on come on I hear explosions there was another high level next to it that I didn't realize so I knocked it out as well [Music] obviously I started breeding them since I wanted more of them in this whole terminal the next day I started by making a few fabled health potions since we had Turtles passively producing the flowers now so I didn't have to be shy with our stuff a case I hadn't seen the buffoon dodo yet so I had to show it to her oh he's beautiful the Nuka notes were very successful at demolishing our walls like they weren't even there including a Kiza so while it was tracking down the Manticore I got kicked out of the server oh no I crossed out of the game so when I logged back in I was dead probably because my character felt its death I died of course well I had located a manticore but it proved to be some difficulties what and then it just died to some chaos Griffins my federalized got knocked out from one of his abilities events were not a demand according to put in this whole terminal for Boss X all I had to do was the under swap it I went on a killing spree killing Penguins for polymer since I couldn't make a mutator from generous waffling demand decor a bit later I took out an artifactor since I couldn't make any more boss cable I was completely out of artifacts I decided to tame broodmothers instead for egg production since there were two of them on the map then attempted out the last food mother I needed so towards Alpha next I took the celestial Audrey out to try it and while it does some impressive AOE damage it's not stronger than a demonic for DPS but it was definitely fun to use started by killing a bunch of Origins by day 44. it took a while but we needed their blood and tokens I am somewhat of an idiot why in the heck did I decide to land on top of an enemy that's so great I got I got fumbled To The Ground by Raptors well I managed to get back and get my revenge akisa needed some Aid tracking and Celestial Seeker she wanted I had to take a hit for it but that's okay on day 46 I had made the tier 2 Summoners for the Demonic Reaper and Emperor and some health potions I set out an area where I could summon the bosses this area looks pretty good we are doing the monogram for Empress first attack attack the ground right oh don't bring her over to me I'm trying to get out button head [Music] akisa brought her potting head for this fight the innocent poor Bulldog was tanking it like a beast we did it it gave us two pieces of demonic gear then we summoned the emperor three two one boom eyes and when we killed them we get the tameable Summoners from the bosses it's pretty easy taming this with the origin arrows [Music] akisa gave me her Summoners 2 for me to track out [Music] next stop was the spirit and Chaos boss but they required a lot of things to farm ah well done let's get to work I had an interesting encounter with the tortuga which summoned all of the stupid birds and if they stole all my health potions you kidding me [Music] while I was out farming for Souls I managed to run into demonic Empress I quickly called the case of Rahel yikes I ran into an artifact as well for artifacts very important for making boss cable then I continue the next few days forming a bit of demonics and celestials which took forever [Music] [Music] [Music] so on day 56 I made the Summoners for the chaos and spirit boss I summoned it in in a very flat area oh while we were fighting the spirit Guardian a kiss accidentally dismounted so I jumped off my Mount to save her indominus I died because of it and for some reason the spirit form it did is literally one shot to read for empress whoa that's scary I I go back to the fight on my thornade and I shot from a distance I guess I had loaned me her empress and we were fighting in the desert now the boss had pushed us this far whoa boy when a kiss around past me the boss fired its homing missile at me he did not end well I do believe you may have died after I fell to my death I guess I followed with her last emperor we had oh no oh yeah I was I had all the potions activated it didn't stop it we were almost out of dinos so I got back to the spirit vibrant and basically let it circle around me and my Hellfire hmm yeah it seems to work with the Reaper while I was tanking the boss a case I shot from a distance with the thorny we finally killed it before the day was ending it took us one and a half hour to kill this boss bro that was intense finally the boss finally killed I was able to make the spirit orb to tame a first Spirit Dino there was a decently leveled Spirit armor knob so throughout my origin Arrow at it and basically Kyle it around the map until it got knocked out I'm now drowning there was also a second one up but it was a really low level but I could basically just let them breed continuously until I had a perfect merge one oh I flew around on my new killing machine and it was super strong for being a low level one on the start of day 60 I made a bit of alpha boss cable since I was gonna go tame an alpha Donald and not too far away there was a female nearby so I came there up too then I would have some Alpha boss eggs so I could work on getting Apex bosses afterwards next day I saw another high level Spirit environments I made a few origin tracks and the spirit orb and event how to tame it then obviously I started breathing in at high level one to get some better ones [Music] pretty late into the new night the Byron was ready and I had to try it out it had absolutely no problem of taking down An Origin boss what there was one of the skeletonized Tyrannosaurus again but this time I actually wanted this one because it was quite high level it does seem to be immune to origin arrows so I tried a few Primal darts too but they didn't seem to do much so I decided to go out and pay myself an apex Manticore I tagged it I got back to the Tyrannosaur and I started blasting into the man before it was almost knocked out so I went back to base to make a bone meal so I could tame it wow I finally got my first skeletonized tyrannosaur he walks extremely slow but he looks so cool then it was time for the other Guardian the vibrant of Chaos um it one shots the spirit Byron now that's interesting I had to try it I had to try it but the Tyrannosaur got one shot too like what the hell [Music] it took a very long time but then we're about to be killed it maybe it's actually better if you start off with the chaos Garden instead of spirit it might be that the chaos creatures are supposed to go up against the spirit Garden but I don't know I haven't played this in a while I don't remember then I was able to make my first chaos worb I had set my eyes on a high level chaos Griffin so I shot my error and waited for it to fall asleep on day 66 I was gonna get the case at B because she has been complaining to me this whole playthrough that she wanted the chaos B the hitbox on this dumbass bee was almost non-existent and the original Arrow didn't actually work to knock it out and it took quite a while [Music] here you go man I was gonna try making the artifact of Summoner but we didn't have enough he is very expensive to make but he can drop about 18 to 24 artifacts the only thing I didn't have was a good Apex Creator to harvest blood from so I went out to tame two Apex thornis I killed off a lot of dinos for their blood since we were gonna need an extreme big amount of it for Summoners foreign I threw out even more of the babies to grow up so I could Harvest even more none of them out in search of Origins to kill for tokens we killed a lot of Origins for tokens and since there are two of us we get twice as many tokens [Music] I was finally ready and able to make the artifactor descended [Music] oh my God 250 million HP thank you after we killed him we got a buck load of artifacts on day 71 I was throwing out more babies to kill [Music] there was another chaos Griffin up some made the chaos orb and I flew out to it there we go I tamed it up and then back at the base I threw it into the propagator and now I let them breathe for more babies well a kiss had dropped my base again and then she had to show off the new secret base she was building I wasn't allowed to see it despite I knew she was working on it this was a really good looking masterpiece anyways today's task was to take down all of the bosses in tier 5. Nova the Destroyer pick on the crater and Sky Net on my way to the battlefield I spotted an empress out in the wild quite frightening oh here we go we summoned in our first Nova the Destroyer it's very dangerous [Music] we killed it by day 73 but I had trouble finding the egg [Music] I honestly thought it didn't drop it or it got meshed foreign pick on the Creator so how I like to do this fight is with the spirit vibrant the boss is big and the build they'll have is a very big range for this so it's perfect and for some reason take on the Creator is attracted to the spirit virus we got the fertilized egg so we went back to base to drop it off to incubate the next day it was time for the Skynet boss and he grants Flyers immediately gonna be honest I have no clue what they can do ouch he bites me for one million I'm dead a case I was thinking the skeleton ice Rex is the one to use with this pie they've also pretty high level one up then I took my Apex Manticore to knock out the skeletonized tyrannosaur with the Ascension and dissension item I can make the infernal transformation item for the skeletonized tyrannosaur foreign Battlefield and it was time for round two fighting the Skynet boss the boss seems to summon a lot of Primal Minions that are actually hard to kill a second am I really thanking him yeah bruh are you serious infernal wrecks was definitely the one for this fight stand up to the Skynet boss somehow [Music] so we killed Skynet by day 75. it took a very long time to do this fight but we did have a problem after we killed it however do you guys see what I'm seeing yeah this is a very important item for making this Skynet so the Skynet drops a blueprint on the ground to make your own Skynet but I couldn't pick it up since I had a horde of Minions on me and before the day was over I threw out pick on Anova to grow up we didn't have too much to do so we just chilled and waited for picking Anova to race up until day 81. the babies had finally grown up so I had to check what was on the agenda today on the scanner we want to kill the wild indominus real quick then we track down the reaper Empress as well So today we're gonna do two novas and two pickons for the soul since that's all we need for the Colossus and pikon's revenge and since we are two we get two Souls instead of one so we started off by killing a few Origins [Music] I was able to make two novas and one picon so we would have to fight the Demonic Empress again somehow the minions dismounted me in the middle of that what they dismounted me I got back to the fight and I got soul when we summon the Nova The Infernal skeletonized Tyrannosaur got melted by we needed that Rex to try skying it again since we didn't get the blueprint last time we needed that for um Skynet but I had all the potions what do you mean had all the potions did you use them yeah we then killed Nova after a while more purple [Music] and summer didn't pick on the crater but he was nowhere interested in the Griffin or the Nova he worm come get me so I decided to jump up on a spare environment to attract his attention and it worked after he had his fan of pushing me around the map he got killed we needed to fight him again though so I died I died when I got back pickle was stuck in a waterfall so we killed him there we went out to tame another skeletonized Tyrannosaurus we could use him for the Skynet boss again time to summon in Skynet this one had way more HP than the last one this fight had my PC Up in Flames literally my Spyglass was so bogged out but the case I notified me that it was half HP during the fight I actually disconnected so it was just too lag gapping I got disconnected my Nova had died while I was trying to reconnect I grabbed another Nova and I joined the fight this time a spyglass was actually working so hopefully normal disconnects please 200 million ma'am you gotta love that pass I have about 10 million under 100 million nice come on [Music] nice there oh my God we killed it I guess I got the blueprint then we both died somehow what I died I died too well to summon your own Skynet you had to make a lot of other stuff beforehand I left the Keyser to make all of the remaining stuff to make a sky in it while I went out to tame another Apex manticore [Music] when I came back to base I made artifact that they ascended since we needed a bit of artifacts again oh my God that's so many artifacts I was just making a few preparations for four Colossus boss fights it says the precautions so we don't accidentally you know pull the items 88 and we're still making stuff for our own Skynet to this day I specked into full crafting skill to make this blueprint then we summoned him in our old base give us a beast with almost 40 million HP oh my God his damage was so destructive that my internet couldn't handle it oh outgoing reliable buffer overflow on day 89 I spotted a spirit man either on the scanner so I made the spirit boss cable for it I tracked him down but I only got one shot at this because look at that that's really sick I managed to tag him so all I had to do was avoid his attacks and wave oh attack him oh monster he is an absolute Beast of a creature [Music] [Applause] I could tell the kids had been here due to the missing trees finally I was able to make the Colossus boss Summoners we'll stand time for the electric Colossus and for some reason the infernal Tyrannosaur couldn't survive its attacks now it was just me and the boss and some of the minions can actually Dismount you well that's unlucky I got apparently hit by one of his one shot abilities I decided to give this a try on my spirit man Decor so we could kill the minions easier let's see anything oh he's just standing still now yeah I'm just gonna give her Instagram stuff this was a very long flight but we got The Medallion so now we would only have to fight three more Colossus bosses in summoned in the ice Colossus afterwards and it felt relatively easier than the electric one [Music] well we did kill him by day 91 and got The Medallion on day 92 a quesad requested for me to go out and tame a spirit beat since she won the one she was taming a new skeletonized Tyrannosaur instead I had to go back her up since she ran out of darps oh that'd be so much easier we had a very weird Encounter With An Origin Rex who had a poop of death the moment none of those times by the fire Colossus oh yeah I forgot to say it but we had installed the Mr fister's toggle damage numbers potion it helped a lot with the frame rate afterwards it was time for the caustic Colossus well what a joke he was so easy Jesus today was time to defeat the last bosses in tier VI the Demonic empress and Emperor rematch oh it's a fallen 563 million I'm gonna be honest with you it wasn't that difficult to defeat the Fallen Empress nor the ascended emperor [Music] we got the dissension and Ascension items from the bosses that we could use on our dinos the damage difference was quite a lot wow that's cool pretty good actually on day 96 I made the Summoners for pikon's Revenge since it might take a while to defeat this is the case's first time fighting pikon's Revenge so I explained it to her to always keep herself heal and the dino we have damage numbers off here so we don't have to hide our UI to look at our HP 3 2 1 go he had 13 freaking bill in HP holy [Music] foreign [Music] to me otherwise he wouldn't do that ability [Music] [Music] it is a surprise dude well I guess I'll just sit here and take it where is it oh it's standing there [Music] finally he went down on me like seven we pulled through and no one died when we killed him he gave us the torch of Destruction which tossed millions of damage and torpor so we made it we beat Primal Fear or did we pekon's Big Brother Nova had appeared and wanted Revenge and when I said it wanted Revenge I wasn't kidding he clever other diamonds like they weren't even there Jesus [Music] come on we're so close we're gonna be finished with the mod if you do this come on oh my God wait what what does that mean I will not fall here I can't move I'm literally stuck here not until every last one of you survivors is cold and dead oh my God of destruction [Music] I'm back you backed up dude Nova's God of destruction had appeared the very God of Primal Fear she's in my face health potion disabled she disables health potions I can't deal yeah Noah God of destruction tends to be more dangerous than pikon's revenge this is not beatable I joined back on my Fallen Empress but she went down like I wasn't even there no it's not possible yeah the only thing we had left was the Sky Net the reason why I didn't use it is because it's causing a lot of buffer overflows well this might actually be doable with the sky in it as long as it doesn't disconnect me Nova God of destruction had my 100 full attention if I just blinked I would possibly die I basically face planted my health bars and healing timers this was the very last creature I had left to use much much later she managed to join the battle on her ascended indominus with Max points into HP it was doable for her but she could barely damage him [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] despite went on for an entire hour and we actually Beat It I honestly thought that this fight was gonna be unbeatable because akiza died with so many creatures and we lost literally everything except this guy in it the loot we got from the God of destruction was a mini gun it doesn't use any ammo at all but the design is super cool [Music] the minigun well we had to try it out and we took down An Origin Raptor with this [Music] well to sum it up Nova God of destruction is on a whole different level than pikon's revenge one boss fight you will remember it had me stressed out the whole time when we were fighting it but nonetheless Primal Fear is still a very fun mom to play this will probably be the last time I will play Primal Fear on Ark survival evolved since I will be waiting for Ark survival ascended anyhow I hope you all enjoyed the video so here's some shots of the basic Giza build [Music]
Channel: Paper
Views: 326,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dM4gFfqMwGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 27sec (4287 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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