200 Players Simulate Civilization in ARK

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[Music] possibly get on to because they needed to escape there were even players such as a man named Mr Bean who started forming raft convoys to group up huge amounts of players grab grab one of the big boats grab one of the big boats if we [Music] can we properly start day one by taking a look at a group of players named blackout these guys had formed because they wanted to build on Caro Island however a tribe had already claimed Caro Island meaning they were now stuck south of the map so Mr Bean is Mr Bean is still alive they're trying to build on car by the way like in the cave the group that ACC claimed Caro Island was called The Bean vengers and they had also claimed one of the beaches north of Blackout's location at the moment Land Ho Land Ho boys forever to tra this Rock The Bean vengers were led by two people one named Mr Bean and the other named tactical meat have you guys all moved on to the island yet a bunch of us are here the bean vengers had the largest group on the entire their player count was around 45 players he's oneing everything the [ __ ] he just L1 everything dude this guy what did you guys leave in the bit everything are you guys [ __ ] kidding I told you they stole from us before wait hold up the I thought it was just the stupid rustic thing I don't know the Smith you [ __ ] serious I told you these guys stole from us before oh my Lord dudee we can make a toilet bro I now introduce you to a rather hectic tribe called the goopers this group was led by a PVP player named Fat Albert however the goopers were getting all of their stuff stuff literally stolen because the item containers weren't lockable in This Server Albert was not happy about this group of solos stealing his loot so he was getting prepared we need to just get ready for tomorrow's PVP there's going to be a [ __ ] fight with these guys we now go to a really unorganized tribe could Polie their plan was to enforce laws upon the whole server why are we building here and not on the opposite Cliff the opposite Cliff only has two uh Bridges police was the second largest tribe of about 35 players however they were very un organized and they also spread all around the map we also have a group called America who wanted to start an oil Monopoly and they had settled about 5 minutes away from P's base America was full of PVP players and they were incredibly organized over on caral island the bean vengers had started to go on edge because word had spread that blackout absolutely despised them for stealing Carno Island at the start blackout is just up the mountain from where we had our be for the duration of day one blackout was basically forced to move up the mountain and build some sort of settlement because north of the beach they landed at was the bean civilization and South was a very dangerous swamp as night fell one of the blackout members decided to give us a little speech all right how we doing today guys everybody doing good I'm not going to get up here and I'm not going to promise all these things but I will tell you what we're going to do we are going player by player every single person on this map will be destroyed and killed listen we haven't lost a single person yet and I think we're strong leadership we won't lose a single person this whole entire event I think we have a leader all as my First Act of business I will appoint Serpent and swanky as my two councilmen congratulations and that about sums it up for day one it was a pretty calm day PVE was enabled so not too much happened the server was now closing and it was time for the players to log off day two would be very very hectic as PVP would be turned on PVP is now enabled and the goopers took full advantage of this by killing one of the solo members that originally stole from them in the beginning oh let me check out that loot back back back it's agent D oh he DC he DC kill him kill him kill him he DC he dead he he not dead he [ __ ] DC Oh I thought he died guys this RG is flying away everyone come over here and [ __ ] start beating on it off the goo managed to kill this solo player they started setting up Auto turrets as fast as possible because it would not be long before more players tried to come over and get some Revenge back after the goopers had secured their tree platform as best as they possibly could they decided to have a few members stay and craft items whereas the rest of them would go out and try and hunt for the rest of the solos these guys wanted the Redwoods their land they didn't want anyone else press passing see see him uh that P on the guy he's like parachuting guys watch out he's right next to I like the I got him I got him where right here right here right here like I'm literally right next to you guys they had managed to hunt down another solo too easy after that it was on to another and a player named Goose had managed to take care of him oh let's go they had finally taken care of every single solo that stole from them in the early game the gropers rightfully now had their control over the entire redwoods area of the map anyone that entered would be killed on site America was also preparing for some PVP because they want to move to that cave all right I'm just going to Rally everything all the animals and it's all gone in a blaze of glory if this is it whatever animals you got follow me we're going up to the cave police also wanted to claim this cave so they began fighting America to try and get it I'm glitched I'm glitched as [ __ ] bro what is this now as we know the American members are very good at PVP and so they started absolutely decimating all of the police members I'm Pig I'm almost I'm dead I'm ped I'm ped I'm I'm dead I'm dead I'm damn it after killing many of the police members America had finally managed to take control of the cave this was an insanely good position to defend and they could for sure get up a strong base instead of being led by an individual leader America decided to lead themselves by the group and this was very interesting cuz we really never see this we now move to the bean Avengers and they were setting up very very well on caral island they had structures absolutely everywhere and their team was dedicated to building the best base possible the official leaders were Mr Bean and tactical me however they decided to elect some other people be glory glory the plan for this election was to elect people that would manage things like farming or taming but they were interrupted by a very interesting surprise just got [ __ ] blown up what the nice [ __ ] try nice [ __ ] try though they're shooting Rockets [ __ ] weirdo a player on top of that ledge just shot a rocket launcher straight at the podium trying to kill be he even had C4 planted underneath the podium in hopes of killing more players this man was an Insider and no one had any idea why he just done what he had done however there was no way he was going to escape because a mammoth just picked him kill him kill him kill him kill him he's killable now to up for [Music] us after The Insider was killed and Hope was restored in the tribe they began to get ready for their election again blackout had been hard at work they had moved their base location from the mountain opposite Carno Island all the way over to the snow this was completely across the map and it was for pretty good reason as we know blackout absolutely hates the bean vengers but there is no way blackout could fight against the bean vengers because the number difference is so large this would mean blackout needed to go down a different route and they had been planning for a little while right serpent can you try and see if you can get in touch with your spy see if if is all he can do it minute the man with the rocket launcher that just tried blowing up the entire Bean election turns out was working for blackout the entire time he was planted in the very early stages of The Bean progression blackout has some very intelligent players one of which being a man called Serpent and serpent was working with this Inside Man to try and Destroy bean from the very beginning but even after the bean Avengers killed the Spy blackout was still receiving information anyway it had seemed the goopers were on the Move Fat Albert and one of his friends Lou were going over to the ice to try and obtain silica PS from the ocean this is so they could build more turrets Albert I just [ __ ] DC it again are you [ __ ] serious now Lou had dced out of nowhere and there was a random player heading straight for Albert oh no there's guy with an RG coming this is so ass L can you get back in quick bro oh and he's trying to [ __ ] beef with me that's really good this aggressive player was going straight for L's unconscious body and Albert had to do everything power to try and defend him until he loged back on Lou you got to log back in quick I'm like actively fighting this guy I'm I'm in I'm shielding okay okay okay get on the PT get on the PT let's go all right fly fly fly fly where is it after Lou had finally logged back on he went straight on his bird and they both flew straight out of the ice we now go back to the bean vengers election and my favorite man was stepping up shoulder man my name is Smithy also known as shoulder guy because my shoulders are and I am a guy uh I have worked shoulders to support the whole tribe do that crafting getting that Ghillie getting all this Flack getting the guns and the ammo and the gunpowder and all that stuff we're going to get turrets online soon the other tribes they can try they can try and kill us but it's just not going to work cuz we're built different it's all glor shoulder man won the election for quote the lead speecher but it was now time for a member named Jad to step up for the lead farmer so hi I'm Jad I am an experienced uh farming leader I Le in multiple Nega tribes I have a plan all set up to how to get all the materials that we need as far as we know everyone's against us one of the members however was very interested in Jad scuba suit leggings we are the bean vengers under the flag of Mr Bean give it up for J guys Chad was elected the head of the farming Institute next up we have a motivational speaker my fellow Warriors my champions my men we are the biggest tribe but to be the strongest tribe we need good T got my for more beans and Glory I think you guys could make Mr Beanie boy pretty happy if you commented beans and Glory anyway it's time to go over to America they were living rather peacefully inside their cave and they managed to get a decent few turrets up they're also working on setting up plant X and they had an amazing crafting station inside their base America was very very productive and these guys I think in the future would be a powerful force even though their tribe was small America was also talking about may be having relations with blackout and even forming an alliance and that was the end of day two we start day three by visiting McDonald's a little restaurant set up in the south of the map we even had a few players under the rule of Mr Bob's Burgers building a little restaurant a group of around 11 Bean vengers were called over to the shore because there was a small tribe named British Navy and they were patrolling with basos and their one boat round the Waters of The Bean vender the beans in no way like this and they said they're going to raid these guys if they don't surrender and move away we'd like to know if he would like to surrender and offer us a tribute and we'll let you go dude I would [ __ ] on you y trash there is 11 of us outside I don't give a [ __ ] it seemed the British Navy really did not care about how many beans there were these guys were going to fight no matter what and so the bean vengers began flying over with their PTS hoping to launch a Seal Team on top of the raft the problem was the easiest way for the seal Bean six team to enter this raft was to blow through the main door as it saved a lot more explosives than going through the stone so they had to jump into the water and then go up the ramp to get to the door what the sealed beans did not know however was a baselo was about to hit them into the water luckily the players on top of the raft managed to escape through argies however tactical meat was killed by the baselo this was the co-leader of the entire Bean vengers tribe this forced for all of the beans to retreat back to base and abort this entire Mission back over at Blackout's base Swanky triple and serpent the main Council leaders of blackout decided to have a little meeting to consult about the day they just had first of all let's let's decompress on what we've done today we've lost 50% of our men and we lost our leader to goopers and bean well I think we need to use our Inside Man to get a bit of a extra what their plan is it's now very clear that blackout does indeed have a second Inside Man and this Inside Man had been stealing loot from the bean vengers base going underwater with a baselo and delivering it straight to serpent from blackout yeah Gather in play the slow game yeah we're playing slow because um we just have too many enemies right now and we know that bean still has a [ __ ] ton of people I know America has been frequently scouting us I know we discussed being allied with but itn't we got an now I've broken it by using the inside men planted in Bane vengers and having the alliance with America blackout seems to be standing high within the server back over in the Redwoods Fat Albert had launched a mission because one of their members tie was missing and he was about to be killed in the midst of PVP [Music] whatever yeah the give him a while the other members of the goopers distracted the man on the PT Albert tried to go in for the pick so he could save Tai and get him out of there guys I don't like this situation I'm going to pick Ty up let's go home Lu sh game on my don't okay I got I got tie can everyone is everyone safe to pull out yeah all right everyone get the [ __ ] out of here me away then Albert had a little break and he decided to build some more tree platforms there we go it was then straight back to the PVP because one of the members Goose was picked by a player in the Redwoods I'm shotgunning in his ass how you like that goose managed to escape the pick by shotgunning the PT and then Lou managed to pick the member that was aggressing them in an attempt of killing this man Albert nearly got picked he's coming down guys you ready his buddy just Tred his buddy here on PT someone use shotgun who shot got picked you like that little champ can you B it can you B oh I killed his PT I killed his PT Albert managed to kill his PT and very luckily he didn't have a parachute oh [ __ ] sorry go he's dead I heard him from PA damage you [ __ ] idiot let's go it was time for the Coopers to begin heading out of there because day three was coming to an end we start day four and blackout had managed to tame a carker this thing would be incredibly useful for any PVP scenario British Navy had also sailed all the way over to Blackout's base in the ice and they were doing some negotiations on maybe talking about an alliance the bean vengers once again were going out on a PVP Mission and they had arrived at Blackout's new base this time however it was the good group of The Bean vengers pvpers this was jakester Halo and albertus a very capable Trio when it comes to it however these guys weren't using the best of plays oh oh oht yeah n be careful they want to ba you in real bad instead of pvping properly these three bean vengers players decided to pick one of the blackout members and fly into their own turrets blackout was not happy and they were going to tell every single tribe on the server that bean vengers did this over at the gooper tree base in the Redwoods they were doing something very interesting they were trying to get a rhino gania one of the most overpowered flying tames there is this thing is very very good especially when it comes to PVP the question was would they be able to get one or would they all die oh there we go there we go yeah it should start it should do the spinning thing all right donkey don't get closer but what happened to the [ __ ] there you go there you go there go you pregnant uh I don't see I don't think so he missed it missed he hit the Box instead move up I'm going to move donkey can you move back didn't you I told you like [ __ ] a minute beforehand bro okay a minute even that is pretty greas okay I dropped it there jeez oh why do he move like that right here hold I'm claim and so the Rhino gantha was claimed this thing would grow up to be an absolute Beast if the goopers could keep it alive however Albert had to jump straight on his PT and go straight outside the Redwoods because one of his members was again getting jumped by the bean Avengers there's plants next to you so do be careful how did K die he wasn't even like could you say in uh in the uh no did Lou just die [ __ ] dude all right I got no we're dead the bean vengers boded Lou and then placed C4 on his body and managed to blow him up and end his life not need a heroin overdose dude come on okay oh my Lord no that's real that's really good action all right well there's three of us guys unfortunately donkey committed suicide by eating polymer there were now only three goopers left and it was looking pretty tough for them they just got attacked after attacked after attacked we now are going to watch a raid that is beyond the level of utter evil you remember the Little Shack McDonald's they're just trying to sell some food give some discounts to Alpha tribes well it seemed the bean vengers were going in to wipe them or at least cause some disruption now why on Earth is the bean vengers wasting their time raiding McDonald's well the bean vengers actually have an alliance with the other restaurant named Bob's Burgers and they don't want any competition from some randos called McDonald's the only solution that they saw was to just blow McDonald's off the face of the planet these dudes inside were probably stressing their asses off wondering why is their base getting Sea fored by a massive tribe of about 40 players they went straight downstairs placed some turrets and tried hiding for their lives now as all of this is going on I do want to tell you that we are going to be hosting a scorched Earth event very very soon this event will be completely crossplay supported on every single platform so go down in the description join the Discord and you can participate in this event and appear on one of the future videos we start day five and Mr Fat Albert himself was planning something destructive he wanted to absolutely destroy these beans after the strats they used on his tribe I think what beans did yesterday was kind of corny because two of my guys died to that even though we're supposed to be Allied so I've come to talk to you today about the possibility of an anti- Bean Coalition but all we're asking is that we just make an effort to focus on beans cuz they have about [ __ ] 20 guys and there's only about 40 left on the server they're like half sounds good I agree with that yeah sounds good I'll add you to like a group like Discord all of the main leaders from all of the main tribes agreed to start an anti-ban Coalition with the goopers this included blackout America police and British Navy but Albert and his fellow tribesmen had a special plan they were not going to fight the bean vengers with the rest of the alliance for the Maximum Destruction of The Bean vengers Albert's plan was to Martyr himself and his tribe to show the utter loyalty he had in the alliance people chasing me I pck I picked him picked him I got picked shoot a b [ __ ] okay I'm coming can I [ __ ] reload here whist still uh whistle neutral on our [ __ ] so it helps [Music] you Albert's accomplice RBZ was Boward and they began throwing knock nades [ __ ] cornball dude I don't have any [ __ ] stems on me oh my God was knocked out and this would leave Albert to defend him the players were actively trying to kill RBZ as he was such an easy target being unconscious Albert was picked one more time [ __ ] died just managed to escape by killing the pterodon some gu some guy's picking me some gu's picking I can't [ __ ] ping right here right here right here nathia [ __ ] help us out here how how long till you're awake dude my shotguns are not registering bro Albert was experiencing some serious lag problems and then he got picked up in the air [ __ ] he's on my body he's on my body come on grapple what the [ __ ] is this grapple dude I'm going to die to turrets this I got killed by hail or that same [Music] [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you oh my n grenades his plan was to turn off and blow up the RO up the [ __ ] he successfully managed to detonate C4 however it broke his armor this now left Albert very vulnerable if the turrets were turned back on Albert got picked by the best PVP Halo and he was dragged into the air I'm Dad they put the turrets back and that was the end of Fat Albert he mared himself to show the loyalty to the alliance there was now only one gooper left and that was palander who was crafting at base all Albert hope now that he was dead was at the rest of the alliance managed to defeat the bean vengers once America heard of Albert's death they decided to hit Bean where it really hurts the bean vengers were allianc with Bob's Burgers the newly built restaurant and so America did what they had to do if somebody's going to sell Burgers it's going to be us all right [Music] so oh wait I think I found Bob he's over here yep that's that's Bob himself Bob began running for his life wondering why on Earth he was getting attacked he's jumping off pinging down here right he's like right there because of the aggression from One Tribe it means innocent people have to suffer oh I see him I see him he doesn't know I have flippers is he in the water oh yeah he's here come here Bob come here Bob he's dead Bob is dead got him the end of Bob we start day six by the last gooper palander giving a little rundown of everything that's happened we lost our beloved Rino which took a lot of effort and many people to tame see yeah uh I'm the only one left that's pretty obvious and yeah that's about it from what I saw on day six it seemed every single tribe in the anti- bean Coalition was getting ready for one simple objective gather resources gather tames and eventually raid Bean but it was time for a speech for my favorite Bean members is day six the tribe is flourishing even more as you can see we've got these massive crocodiles that are trying to eat Johnny for some reason and Glory Glory you can say what you would like about the pvpers of The Bean vengers however shoulder man and beef cake will always have a place in my heart outside Carno Island mysterious mines were appearing in the water and this is because a tribe we haven't seen in a while appeared this was police and they'd been hiding in an underground cave the entire event after America basically killed off all of their members after Fat Albert's death police were the first ones to do something by attacking Bean they started to just blow anything they possibly could up these guys had a decent amount of C4 and a decent amount of rocket launchers so they wanted to do a little bit of damage is it Tower down tow now all right that's demolished a bit they began blowing up the rafts with their rocket launchers this would be a pain if Bean did try and defend however once again the bean vengers saw this coming and they had players on the way oh [ __ ] chcken run what he's pick by an RG oh he's still alive you know he just managed to escape but then again he was picked by a PT oh rep chicken boys rep chicken chicken's gone no oh chicken's gone just drop him drop him drop him drop him there we go there we go the other police member began placing C4 outside the main gate to try and distract them I died my [ __ ] it [ __ ] me oh I had that I died I died I accident blew myself up and I got beam red the last and final day day seven the main pvpers of The Bean Avengers had arrived at Blackout's base this includes Halo albatron and jakester Halo really wanted to get on the nerves of blackout so he decided to blow their main sign the second that sign was blown blackout was immediately notified and they sent their group out with boats now jakester was flying out on this ice and there was a boat heading straight towards him with many many turrets jakester was shot and he was off his PT he somehow managed to survive by going inside the water and just escaping the line of fire of these turrets he got blitzed again but he still managed to escape Halo had then killed one of the blackout members and began running for his life Halo had no tames on him Halo needed to make it to the water but he got picked by PT and he was then stuck inside it Halo was 100% Going To Die the player nearly bowed him but then they pulled out a shotgun and began shooting somehow a wild Argy hit Halo out of the PT and managed to save him from what I can see here there is no way any of the tribes have enough tames to go against the bean vengers it looks impossible look at the absolute Mega Army these people have but it was time for blackout to play their Wild Card explosives explosives back Bas back base back up her base back up base black out had ordered their Inside Man to start blowing up the entire of The Bean base why is one of our giggers red some unim somebody unclaimed the Giger I think I'm checking whoa the Giger Sayad unclaimed the gig Jad in here Jad is not in chat it was Jad the entire time he'd been working against blackout from the very beginning Chad had been stealing loot from the bean vengers and delivering it to blackout on every single day he started to gain trust within the tribe and he helped on the elction explosions so hi I'm J I am an experienced farming leader he made Fabricators offshore to craft C4 without anyone knowing he took gasoline out of generators so the turrets would turn off America was notified of this inside attack and they brought all of their dinos on the way by quos the same with blackout they had a pleasur and they started moving in their roths wait so what exactly did he Bo like he's blown up all of their turrets and he still alive the be Avengers seemed to be at a check weate they would have to wait for the uncoming raid and so the gates were blown they're rocking they're rocking he my bird he my bird we got that bird back get back from the gate back from the G the beans began retreating instantly they had to fall back to their main base to defend proper by working together there is a chance this anti- Bean Coalition could be successful it would be very difficult but there's a chance the bean vengers began trying to soak with stos and move away the rafts but these rafts managed to seriously do a lot of damage T are shooting T are shooting Bird's dead Bird's dead these sters you see here have Halo and jaker on them and they killed both of those players these are the best pvpers that just died it was not looking good any players that were out in the front were instantly killed by these turret RS the beans knew it was all or nothing they began lining up their teams for one last final push with stos up front to try and soak the turrets they got [Music] ready a player named mini yanam Mori LED these dinos in they're whistling everything into our base put everything on oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] whistling all their stuff into our base all their teams are coming all their teams are coming what the oh [ __ ] I think they're going for like a fin push what should have broken oh my Lord cannon ball hit it right in the head oh me I H the G for 900 so many tees were getting turreted to death and anyone riding them was instantly taken care of however there was a clear winner America and blackouts Tet S one they had killed nearly all of the bean Avengers teams and there was no way they could fight back one player named mini yanam Mori got a message from an unknown person this person was Chad and he had built a base in the middle of nowhere he had a secret hideout with C4 laced on the floor and he wanted to kill mini anorei cuz that was the person who kicked him out the tribe [Music] [Music] Minnie had shown up to the base brought out a rocket launcher and exploded the front [Music] door he was in there firing at Jad yeah all right Jad he managed to end J's Life mini was fulfilled even though the team of the bean vengers had lost the event the feeling of killing The Insider was worth it a massive Victory to the antiban Coalition if you do want to play in these events join the Discord in the [Music] description
Channel: Mr Smart Guy
Views: 1,352,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark civilization experiment, ark ascended, ark ASA, minecraft civilization experiment, ark pvp, mr smart guy, kingdoms, dinosaurs, civilization in arc, factions, funny, ark battle, 100 days, ark modded, happy, rich vs poor, peace or war, society, ark experiment, ark survival ascended, Ark the island, 2024, asa civilization, asa experiment, war, 200 players ark, i made 200 players simulate civilization in ark survival ascended, 200 players, 200 player experiment, 200, stranded, noteam
Id: Vf0GRbklelM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 27sec (2067 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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