I Speedran Genshin Impact with Every Player's Dream Team

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use kaya e does it actually work stabilize what that you could do that what well that's uh you learn something new every single day yeah nice before you do some genjin content today i found something very interesting i want to share with you guys so apparently gentian impact has a character's popularity index by google search volume what this is is that they take in all the data of how many people searches gentian impact plus that character's name as keyword they organized them by popularity and the dates actually range from september 2020 to september 2021 that is an entire year so if we actually play from the beginning you'll see that venti is the most well official is the most popular now and then venti and shelling okay now shelling's being venti and then it's mona then it's cli it keeps going going and if you scroll all the way to the end right here where we are today we have ryden that is absolutely obliterating everyone in terms of popularity and then we have shaolin chao child deluxe and so on and so forth genji is actually one of the the first games i've seen where uh where guys are just as popular as the girls and if you scroll down just a bit more we have uh we have a different list so now we have uh yeah we have this one so now if we uh we actually look at the distribution here lisa absolutely leaving everyone behind in the dust gene is catching up and now we have amber if we scroll all the way to the right venti is number four very very interesting now if we scroll down a bit more it just keeps on going it does not stop we scroll all the way to the right venti is somehow still on the list now that is what i call a universal character so what i thought for today is that since we did four kids already we can do the opposite which is four handsome gentlemen but eula's banner is coming out soon so i guess i'll let you guys choose i think i'll try to speedrun it so i only want people that actually have built their characters to join oh my god you guys really want that one it's actually winning by a landslide now the question is who should i be based on the popularity list we have john lee child deluxe and kaia in this order okay i'll be john lee this is why i play video games to be someone who i could never be tall and handsome it's great i love it there's the timer let me test if it works and it works perfect so we need a child of the luke and a papaya wait bob don't you have polar star on official why do you have a free to play weapon on de luke oh this one's good okay our child is good okay here's the loot's pretty good actually oh my god one last one oh my god actual genjin impact esports player what's your kaya like this is not bad it's not horrible i think if you switch to jade i think we're good enough oh there it is there it is jade cutter you triple footed again we haven't even started yet you already triple footed should we work out our rotation first let's go from top to bottom i guess a nemo q prior regis fine electro hypostasis wolf pryor cube geocube oceanid hyrule flower the primogeo fish shop and then we'll leave estaha to last child oh my god okay child and that's just for this continent and then we will go from right to left on inazuma we'll do the mechanical array pyro cube kinky then geocube then we will do the thunderbird last i forgot senora okay thunderbird and then signora now that's if i remember what i've just said it's gonna be a long video no it's not because we're speed running it we're speedrunners i'm really good at this game watch although i don't know how we're gonna do oceanid cause the only character that can hit it is child oh my god why did i think this through whatever it's fine we're going to be fine we're going to be fine other hilarious jokes i could tell myself ready let's go go go go i'm starting the fight when i get there join the fight whenever you can but you really took the long way around find them kill kill one rotation boys one rotation oh my god so close no got it gotta get it get the orbs get the oars was child even here for the fight did you just arrive that's fine it's fine just beat it down feed it down probably just fine let's go let's go hurry hurry hurry no time to relax luke break the shield to luke she'll broke his shield broken burst it down a bobby do not die you cannot afford to die doing it we're doing it kill it one rotation one nice good job electrocute go go go go oh my god there has to be a faster way to climb up this stupid hill ah oh no no okay okay okay we're good go start start just start gather around get ready to burst it down go go go go do damage no no come back kill it please please nice good job uh how are we going to break these ones oh no there's actually yeah oh da luke solidify good job good job wolf wolf it's only been four minutes oh my god we're blasting through but i can't kill the ocean it that's the problem the ocean it's gonna take so long if it's someone's birds starting i'm starting i'm gonna die we're good i'll just take everything i'll take everything don't worry give me heal kayak heal kaya almost second face five minutes and 30 seconds okay our kaya died and it's coming back it's fine with me around the boss will never reset almost that almost dead fill it and cryo cube next okay cryocube six minutes 48 seconds all right let's go let's go i'm starting i've accurate taking everything i'm tanking everything kill it one rotation can we one rotation it i don't think we in one rotation oh my god i'll take it i'll take this one too i think i picked the easiest character kill it nice break your shields stand close do you just miss who did that who did who did that almost dead with that nice good job crowd cube geocache which way's faster this way well there's no way this way is faster right that's like the long way around oh no a bobby and kaia you're literally on life support yeah you need food you're full oh my god i regret not getting c2 john lee if i knew i was gonna do this much co-op i would get c2 john lee i regret everything break it break it nice good job oh what i got i got it i got it i got it i broke it dps take it down one rotation one rotation oh my god actual one rotation we got it everybody got it i think this one this one break it break it break it next one oh this one's a bit tricky um child good luck oh i think i can hit the birds too with my burst i'm starting i'm sorry i'm starting the animation literally takes an entire minute wait our child's basically useless here you can't use his e all he does is shoot his little sticks from his bow all right you guys have to dodge this i don't have to i just hang it real creatures oh don't die at bobby do not die bobby dodge this dodge is a bobby okay hit the burst into the birds bang get him get him team okay i gotta hit the burst with the e i think it does absolutely no damage though this this is gonna take a while uh uh a bruh it doesn't even give me energy what's the point of this thing shoot him child yeah nice good job good job child all you all you child all you let you climb pillar you can't it breaks the pillar you can't have the pillar on on this platform oh nice good job good job oh my god a bobby why did you do that why why'd you do that use kaya e does it actually work stabilize what that you could do that what well that's uh you learn something new every single day yeah nice good job dodge it dodge it i don't have c2 or just tank it that's fine as well last phase burst again pillar up pillar up climb the pillar climb the pillar it broke it broke nevermind please the birds dude how could someone burst twice that's so unfair shoot it shoot it with your arrows oh my god good job good job all right next one next one pyro flower that took like five minutes no wonder no one likes to fight ocean ed brake shield nice good job good job bang you're gonna get down good job good job prime moji bishop let's go at least one person on my team is always on life support at any given time i love it oh you're full you're full we should have brought a healer there's no guy healers isn't that weird we need we need a tall handsome healer on this team bennett then it's short john lee c6 oh that is true uh let me just get c6 johnny real fast get blocked i can i can reflect it boom it's done it's done go kill it where'd it go wait where'd it go oh here here here over here i got it i got it oh my god i didn't kill it oh my god that's fine i got the last hit all right next one child child versus child you can't heal just stay in the corner and shoot your little uh little arrows i think our kaya just died you got one clap it's good it's good we're fine we're fine i carry i'm the carry all right second face your arrows actually hurt oh my god 4k per tap are you using the physical builder right now oh my god bobby do you not crit with 70 crit wait what happened wait you killed it that fast what happened kaya kyo yeah you're back to life why'd you just stand there oh my god my speed run please just please just kill him all right almost dead almost dead i got it i got it he's down he's down okay get out get out final boss of the continent it's me i can take everything but you guys will have to stay alive by yourself ocean it took five minutes child took like four minutes and this one it's probably gonna take another five minutes why is it so hard watch out watch out doing his thing don't go it's gonna clap you gonna stomp like three times when you're dead do not get hit by this boss when it's infused with an element it will not be fun oh my god i think our child and kaia is dead okay child just stand at the edge of the map and shoot your little uh hydro arrows at it i'm gonna take it right i can tank it like would do no damage how's it possible instead all right get out get out get out where's the exit where's the exit zuma inazuma mechanical array okay i'm starting it you guys can heal up and join me heal up and join me don't come here just to get one tapped okay huge damage huge damage by me huge i mean it has a lot of physical resistance it's not my fault guys i need help i can take nuke bang i actually need help please i'm just gonna stand here and tank everything okay don't stand close to me if you don't want to get hurt all right which one is it this one this one it's down dps windows open boys can you guys kill it within this rotation go go go go almost almost dead oh good job good job nice all right power cube child i hope your e is not on cool down please it's all child child you need to break the shield bobby i think it's time to switch to physical dilute that didn't nothing to a shield how's that even possible i threw a meteor at it and it didn't do anything it's almost down it's almost down nice shields down shields down i think i think shields down get ready get ready for dps window please tell me your e is up chop i think you kill i'm gonna kill it unless you get it oh good job good job we got it we got it kinky kinky nice one rotation that's a huge time save please don't dodge that miss oh my god every single time i swear to god watch out you guys watch out i don't have to watch out i have a shield keep going keep going almost down almost down hydrocube i mean deluxe should theoretically erase this boss right theoretically okay child is useless again no help help me where's our to luke three vaporizes boom boom boom and it's dead half hp half hp i think we need one more rotation we need one more gate oh my god yep it's open kill it get it i can tank dolphins come at me dolphins all right get the get the slimes get the slimes this is what oh no no no oh good job good job nice thunderbird i can take it i can take it i can take it it broke my shield i tanked that entire thing by the way boom 40k meteors is that good i think akaya died or kair's life barely barely alive oh our child died though it's almost dead it's almost that okay that's it it's ignorance ignore heal up can we do it under 40 minutes wait where's the flies flies i got a child can you just get the flies and shoot an arrow at it one more butterfly who got it good job nice childhood 50k with it's first that's pretty good considering the fact that it didn't even vaporize almost half hp can we do it under 40 minutes oh my god 39 oh no no no no no please please i'm a gamer i'm a real gamer almost dead almost dead i think we might be able to do it just under 40 minutes tornado face oh my god this tornado phase is so long please stop spinning please please ten seconds it's not stopping five seconds we can't do it we can't do it no am i soloing it oh my god team team i got this i got this i got this wait it's actually probably faster to reset it this is so dumb this is so dumb oh my god let me heal where's my energy i don't get energy this runs so break why am i even here i can kill i can kill it i think stop running come back time oh my god 41 minutes and 55 seconds all right let's take a picture like let's take a picture together i'll be in the middle i'll be in the middle i need to be in the center of attention go down a bit you're too high you're starting to lose get down a bit get down a bobby can you not like closer closer okay too close to too close i think we're good [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 1,539,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Id: c6v0QqytT4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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