Flying 240 Miles In 22 Minutes

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[Music] [Applause] today i'm heading to winston-salem in north carolina um and i'm gonna be there for a few days i've got a project that i'm working on there and uh in time like i said depending on when this video comes out i would have either announced or i would announce after this video uh because what i've got going on is aviation related uh but i hope you guys stay tuned but it's a beautiful day today it's all blue skies so great weather to fly um and i also want to be there probably before hold on one second we're at delta now let's turn the delta my goal is to touch down before 3 30 uh because of the appointment i have um and right now if i can find my phone but i'll i'll focus on taxing first number 661 like golf texas straight ahead cross runway two five at delta turn left whiskey too fast all right well cars two five a dollar ten turn left to whisk it on my golf okay so uh yeah so the goal is to touch down before or by 3 30 and we should be good and uh hope you guys enjoy the flight i will be using flight falling for this trip i've got for the most part should be uh smooth flying in terms of you know airspaces to look out for i know we've got a bravo that is close to my touchdown location so either i get transitioned through that bravo or clearance through that bravo well i would have to come down from my uh altitude and that's happened before where you know i've asked for clearance and they're like yo no we can't give you that clearance so but we'll keep an eye out guys as you know i always encourage eat before you fly you don't want to feel like poop when you're flying because you're using a lot of mental energy whenever you fly so make sure you eat before you fly that's my that's my practice and speaking of practice another practice i have since i've gotten this plane is to make sure i record all of my flight uh with my code flight app so easy peasy i just load up the app boom boom put up my flight and what that does is it just helps me keep record of uh the plane itself and when i'm due for a certain maintenance or just preventative stuff so cold flight has been great for that for me and i encourage everyone to use it and if you actually use my promo code in the description uh you get up to 60 days absolutely free just to try it uh if you're an aircraft owner and pilot i definitely definitely recommend it so that's how i use it and we're coming up to the run up right now uh the infamous pothole so let's cross here all right let's do our run up when i tower november six six on my golf is holding short runway two five northeast departure november six one six six one mike golf in the tower i'll show runway two five landing traffic hold short one might go november one might golf turn right on course north east runway two five flip take off alright two five clever takeoff all right my emergencies here bring it to my head if something happens before while we still got runway we'll cut the power off we're good we can climb and land if not we got the parachute option let's go far november zero paw patrol traffic gonna go it's gonna be a great turnout flight runway hitting runway two five flip take off the departing inside arches traffic three mile final all right runway head clear to go to five paw patrol [Music] [Music] good afternoon granite tower uh piper lance seven six two two foxtrot with foxtrot about uh 100 kilometers northwest of the full stop please okay uh just climb into our cruise altitude here we're still in the gwinnett county airspace so once i get out of there i'll uh i'll give approach a call and hopefully get some flight falling to our destination and uh one landmark i'll be using as reference today is the 85 which basically stretches all the way from georgia to uh to north carolina so that would be a good landmark for me to use still climbing down about a thousand feet a minute here i could climb more if i want to but i like this steady cruise clown so one thing also that uh i've noticed in flying out here in georgia and the east coast in general i typically don't get handed off you know like they tell you they basically hand you off to the next uh frequency but i don't get that here for whatever reason so i'm just going to switch up once i get out of this airspace i'll give him a call now around the 661 my golf request 795. maintain 5000. 5000 exceptions approach good afternoon my golf request requesting flight following just stand by a second please [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're still following our uh [Music] we're about 43 minutes out from our destination so we're getting closer number one zero three seven whiskey contact atlanta center one three five point three five six four my uh clearance to the bravo remember when mike brown will be talking to charlotte here in about eight miles and uh they'll have instructions for you roger that i want my goal all right uh as you guys heard that um i was trying to get clearance through the bravo coming up uh but they they're gonna basically transfer me over to another frequency so 25 contact retailer 120.1 [Music] but in the meantime i may have to divert but i'll keep i'll keep an eye out either i need to descend or basically stay clear but i'm hoping that i'm able to get clarence through the bravo and i think this is actually a a point example uh for those who have been listening in the comments like hey why don't you get clearance to the bravo it's not easy cut oftentimes you can't get clearance but also there are sometimes when you do ask for clearance uh they tell you no my charlotte approach 120.05 [Music] one two zero zero five for one my goal troy's gonna have to do november six six on my golf with you 9 500. this is what my golf show would approach us oh my god i also get a clearance to the bravo oh it's departure sky master 326 leaving 1 800 off gastonia got master three two six are you looking for your knife r hey brown three two six alright hang on a sec all right let's see what he says four one my golf uh down to eight thousand five hundred eighty five hundred fifty the problem eight thousand five hundred for my goals thank you all right we got something so [Applause] [Applause] gastonia airport what's your altitude right now three thousand two hundred three two six three two six club may take five thousand cleared to stanley airport via heading zero nine or zero five five five thousand zero nine zero three two six all right switch off your tanks here i'm gonna get down that down faster all right we got clearance to the bravo yay so i'll i'll write through it at 8 500 which is 661 golf contact approach on one two 0.5 [Applause] one two zero point five for one my golf six home my gov [Applause] see what i can use as landmark here i've got some i still have my uh my 85 highway [Applause] i know i've i normally use that smoke stack over there but i know there's more moving forward jacksonville um one two four point seven up today two four seven you as well i use this uh route often i wanna try to make sure i have don't delay career approach [Applause] specific landmarks that i use are multiple at least so okay so far so good guys uh things are looking good we've been cleared through the bravo at 8 500. and that's what i'm flying right now and literally once i get out of the bravo davidson county airport is like right there so i'll start my descent almost immediately after that or shortly after that [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] i believe i have my runway inside i don't know if you guys can see it it's all the way down there right at my 11 o'clock close to 12 o'clock but we'll keep descending so right now traffic use extreme fast repair drop activity 13 000 feet and below please do not overfly barnburg max almost directly aligned with runway six but again i'm gonna stay left of it uh because i'll be using runway two four because i listening to the unicom i believe that's the active runway so i'll do a left downwind for runway two four that's the 751 julia's here show it's first radar contact maintain five thousand and for a headache three one zebra november one my golf looks like there's one aircraft just south of the field i'm not sure if he's in the pattern or not change to advisory squawk one two zero zero first change one two zero zero [Applause] oh that's this this traffic to my right but i'm looking here where i have my airport inside just keep tracking this six four my goal ten miles west inbound for runway two four three thousand five hundred the center davidson that's it at my one o'clock there so i'm gonna now bear so i think one of the tricks i'll have moving forward coming to this airport is to crush that road now i admit this is still one of the things i generally struggle with obviously it's going to take some more experience to train your eyes to spot an airport i do have my airport in sight uh so we'll do a live down one for runway two four here i'll maintain at twenty five hundred traffic november six and twenty golf six miles west two thousand six hundred descent inbound for runway two four davidson all right fuel pump on just the takeoff get ready to land that down to pound altitude here is 1800 this is traffic to my okay he's going that way traffic november 6 and 12 my golf five miles west 2 300 descending inbound for runway 2-4 will be joining the left downwind one might go david davidson traffic november 661 mike golf three miles west just approaching left down for runway two four davidson all right i have my wrong way davidson inside traffic davidson county traffic ramp one crossing midfield at alpha 2 davidson county [Applause] traffic carson midfield uh state of location davidson trapped november 6-12 my golf is left base i've been left down under runway 2-4 davidson davidson traffic november 661 mike off his turn left base for runway 2-4 davidson [Music] david's traffic november 1612 my golf is turning fine on runway 2-4 davidson 500. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right see if we can get this we'll take the next one okay we touched down safely we're here in uh lexington north carolina i believe the davidson county airport all right we're here guys that was a very smooth flight thanks to the gods of mother nature i want to thank you all for for taking this ride with me we are now at davidson county airport in north carolina and uh if i could slow this plane now it just wants to keep going i'm gonna be pulling up to my buddy's hangar here thank you all so much for watching please give this video a thumbs up and share it if you enjoyed it i hope you learned something i'm learning every time i get in this left seat guys uh thank you all so much again and also make sure you check out my personal channel mike ojo where i talk about business related stuff and just just random stuff so if you want to get to know me a little bit better you can check me out on that channel and make sure you subscribe to this channel if you haven't here uh and turn the notification bell on thank you guys and catch you on the next one be safe and fly safe [Music] peace you
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 499,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aircraft, private pilot, sling tsi, mojosling, rv-10, cirrus sr20, cirrus sr22, airplane, single engine aircraft, airplanes, experimental aircraft, mike ojo, sling high wing, atlanta, atlanta ga, airline, private airline, private jet, sling ngt, atlanta airport, driving, long drive, drive, long distance, speed machine
Id: mEV9cmhVjXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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