"I See You Now" | Ivan Rubio

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hey church family welcome to church lv online thank you for welcoming us into your home do us a favor like this video subscribe to our channel maybe leave us a comment if you're new here at churchill v have a simple way for you to get connected take out your phone and text the word church fam all one word to the number ninety four thousand we'd love to meet you and help you get connected into community well hey i know today is gonna bless you here at churchill v we're all about leading people to encounter new life in jesus and i believe that that can happen right where you are i want to encourage you lean in open up your heart and get ready for what god wants to do in your life today god bless i want to go into my first scripture uh here in job for one one and it says like this there was a man in the land of us whose name was job and that man was blameless and upright one who feared god and turned away from evil now i'm going to go to my next verse which is job 42 1-5 and it says this then job answered the lord and said i know that you i can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be sorted who is this that hides counsel without knowledge therefore i have uttered what i did not understand things too wonderful for me which i did not know hear and i will speak i will question you and you make it known to me i heard i had heard of you by hearing of ear but now my eyes see you now let's pray father god right now we thank you for this word the word that you have given me but also given us father god the word that goes out and does what it's intended to because you are a good god you are a god with intentionality and so right now we put ourselves in your hands [Music] i humble myself before you and i just say jesus take over this atmosphere take over every single heart in this room some of them are here and they need an encounter with you they need a touch of your presence i ask you to move and use words that might be simple but that cut to the heart and change our lives in jesus name amen amen amen so today's title of this message is i see you now i see you now here we're talking about a man his name is job and as we read the first verse we see that this man is a good man but before we even start with the whole story of what happens to job and how he navigates certain issues i want to establish a few parameters i want to establish a few principles the first principle i want to establish is this the god our god your god is intentional that everything he does is intentional that sometimes in our lives we might be walking through very good times and sometimes we're walking through difficult times and our prayers change from day to day and sometimes we say god i need this god i need that or sometimes i said god thank you so much for this but the reality is that our god is intentional in everything he does so when we cry out to him he works whether we know it or not that every single step we take he knows because the bible says that every day has been written in the book even before one of them came to us so he is a god that is intentional that he works when he's working and when we don't see him work and we don't see him move and we think where are you he's still working he is a god that literally is intentional with every action he takes because he is a god that every time he sews every time he invests into something it gives the fruit that it's intended to give he he's he's not a god that doesn't know what he's doing but he has a specific plan and a specific purpose for you and for me the second principle i want to i want to share with you is the principle of perspective so we know our god is intentional and the second principle is the principle of perspective what does that mean that where you sit determines what you see and what you see determines what you do what a practical way of of seeing this is right now i am on this platform i get to see what you guys can't see and it's not because you don't have eyes and i don't have like no we both have eyes but your perspective is different because you're sitting down and you can only see what's in front of you you have some people next to you so if you turn around and you look at them it's going to be a little awkward to be like oh i don't know you like come on but for me i could look at all of you i could see every single thing in the room because i am in a different elevation i'm just i'm just higher than you not because i'm better than you it's just i'm on top of this now we have to understand that god as intentional as he is and the perspective that we have is different than his perspective because he is higher because he is above all things he is seeing the beginning and the end at the same time which is a concept that is very difficult for us to understand because we only get to see what's in front of us we only get to see what's in front of us now we can never truly understand a person or understand god unless we sit ourselves where he's sitting so to truly understand somebody we need to see what they see and sit with their sit or stand where they stand but the bible says this that god has come and he has placed us in heavenly places that he has elevated you and me when we encounter jesus when we get to know jesus he has lifted us up and now we are able to see the way he sees and we are able to navigate life the way he does now do we get to see everything no but we get to trust in the one that does because we're sitting next to him because we're sitting next to him and we that seat is unmovable it's it we're there he is with us and we are with him that's a promise he gave us not based on our abilities but based on his goodness so as we understand those two principles now i want to start going into the story of job as i said job was a man that was upright a man that was blameless a man that was perfect a man that loved god with all his heart and by every measurable parameter he knew god by every single parameter he he fasted he loved god he served god he gave offerings he gave sacrifices because we're talking about the old testament so this is before jesus so what that meant is that he would give all the sacrificial offerings he needed to give every time of the year he would do all the rituals that needed to be done and before jesus you had to follow a list of commandments a list of things not that we don't have to do it now but now the the reason why we do it is different it's not because you're gonna get killed or destroyed but now it's because it's motivated by love that's what the new testament did for us that's what jesus did for us so this man walked perfectly blamelessly but yet there was a time where all of a sudden in the story it goes through all the things he has so he was a man of influence he had he was a man of wealth he was a man that had everything he wanted he was blessed he had children he had ox he had camels he had sheep he had everything he wanted he had servants but yet at a certain moment in the story we see that there is a strange encounter that takes place and this strange encounter is this all of a sudden god calls up all his servants his angels his uh all the spirit beings and has a meeting and among those is the enemy is satan and all of a sudden jesus says satan have you seen job that he's blameless and upright and almost it's like why is he mentioning this this doesn't make sense why is he bringing this up because the response of the enemy of satan says well yeah you have placed a hedge around him so he has everything in his life is perfect but take away all the things you have given him and he will surely curse you now what's really interesting to me is as you read this scripture and i'm going to encourage you i'm going to be jumping through the scriptures quite a bit i'm going to encourage you to go home read start job for uh one and just read the whole thing that way you could actually meditate and think about what i'm saying right now so as i read this part it never said there's no portion where it says god put a hedge of protection around job but the only reason the enemy knew there was a hedge of protection around job was because he had attempted to go against his stuff but he found that there was a barrier between these things and what god has given him and what the enemy intended for them so what i'm realizing is sometimes like joe there's a hedge of protection around us and we might be a little critical about our situation whether there is a job issue maybe there's a relational issue maybe there's a there's a health issue or something going on in your life but there's still a hedge of protection over you and so even though certain things all of a sudden come to your life god still protects you keeps you and keeps the enemy away from you without you even realizing it or knowing it because god is that good he is that type of god that he's always there he always knows he's always navigating now all of a sudden as we continue the story we see that god puts job in the firing line you know he he makes a target out of job and then god all of a sudden says what about my boy look at me i'm proud of him the enemy says you know what take away everything he has and we'll see what happens so then we go to the next part and we see that the enemy starts trying to attack job and he doesn't just try he actually does and what he does is this and we read from verse 14 i'm just going to read it really quick or quote it really quick the first attack of the enemy toward job is this he takes his oxygen and his donkey donkeys raided and killed his at farmhands all the sheep all the shepherds burned up stole all the camels and killed his servants and his sons and daughters all died by a windstorm that destroyed their house so all of a sudden what happens is we could see a strategy of the enemy against job and the strategy of the enemy is this i'm going to do everything possible to make this person joke blameless and upright enter into doubt of god's goodness and god's existence so all of a sudden the enemy exposes himself and says i'm going to kill steal and destroy that's what the bible says that the enemy his intentions are towards you and towards me he wants to kill steal and destroy so we see this very clearly when he takes everything that job has all his possessions all the things that are very dear to him and job has the worst day of his life if i put myself in his shoes and all of a sudden i see all this attack my first instinct as a person normal person like you and they and i i would come to the conclusion wow god hates me wow i'm getting punished for something i did and all of a sudden the conclusion would be wrong because it never says that god hated job it never says that god didn't like joke he was proud of job but still things came in our lives there's going to be moments where things will make sense oh this is a repercussion this is a consequence to a specific action i took but it gets crazy when all of a sudden those actions and those repercussions don't line up when all of a sudden you are somebody that's trying to follow the word of god somebody that's trying to serve god at the best of your ability and we're all human so we all fail we all kind of try and and god makes up the rest because he's a good god when we do it whatever we can then he mix up the rest but when all of a sudden trials tribulation pain suffering come and we don't know the why behind it it is because the enemy is trying to attack the foundation of our faith and what is the foundation of our faith that god exists and that he is good that is the foundation of our entire belief system is that god exists and he is good that he is a good god that his character is always good that he always wants the best for us that because he is in a higher elevation he could see things that we don't see so even though things look bad it will always produce a good fruit in your life and in my life that's what romans 8 28 says that he will work together all things together for the good of those who love him so all of a sudden the enemy attacks and it's a systematic attack that creates a compounding effect on job one of those is enough to buckle you two of those it's like oh man this is this is the the worst day ever but all them one after the other so as we go into understanding the attack of the enemy and how he attacks us and how he sets it up we know that he is a liar and everything he says is a lie and so what he tries to do is give you and start speaking words into your life specifically when you're navigating through difficult moments he tries to tell you i thought god said this no he did say it and he will do it that's our response he comes and says well look at your neighbor he doesn't even serve god but yet look at his life he got everything you want and you got nothing now every single one of us needs to stop and apply this word the way it the way it applies to us and realize that sometimes the enemy will try to put little seeds in your mind and we think oh that's just a normal thought but it's not it's legitimately a attack of the enemy trying to come because if we see this story and we simply say well god not god the enemy took everything from job that doesn't apply to me i don't i don't have all that stuff i don't i don't relate to that but we have to bring it down to where we live in the everyday life that we experience the chaos that is our world at moments where we hear the news where we hear this we hear that all of a sudden job loss all of a sudden my your child is is going through a difficult time sickness all that stuff and we have to understand that god has still favored us that god is still with us that god is still for us that god is still there with us even when things don't look very good so we've been seeing how the enemy attacks and what he did to attack job he took everything from him and if you continue reading the book he didn't just attack his things but he had talked attacked his body his body got sick he he he felt that it wasn't just an external thing coming it was internal all of a sudden his wife started speaking bad about him his friends started speaking bad about him so there was a compounding of issues and that was bad but i want to see how job responded to all these attacks the man that was upright the man that was godly how did he respond and we read and we know that the first thing he did is he wept the response of a man that would be exemplary for each and every single one of us her response was weeping now this intrigues me because our culture at moments doesn't value the reality of understanding that something's overwhelming we are a culture which i love but we are a culture that says pick yourself up from your bootstraps get going ignore it faith faith faith faith and that's not really happening but the reality is this job wept job understood the heaviness of the situation and understood that it was too great for him to deal with so he wept now one of the things that i felt he understood is this faith isn't denying reality faith is understanding that whether god changes the circumstance or god can change you in the circumstance understand that god will always have the fruit that he intended to have at the end of the of the trial at the end of the the moment so it's really understanding that faith is not denying reality but understanding how big god is in the middle of the reality understanding that he is over all things and he is faithful that he is with you and he is for you because he declared that over you when the thing the circumstance changes or the circumstance changes you you will be changed for the good that god intended for your life one of the biggest things that i feel that i saw during job's weeping moments was this that he became real with god that he simply opened up to god and said i am overwhelmed it is too much for me i don't understand where it's coming from i don't understand the why i don't understand what you're building in me god i don't understand what the outcome of all this is but i understand your character but i understand you're good but i understand that even though i don't like it i like you i love you and my heart will be with him as christians as christ followers sometimes we just need to stop and be honest with god and share with god our honest thoughts our honest heart and be transparent because the moments where i've seen god move the most in my life have been the moments where i'm not on a stage i'm not hyped up with a specific worship song that i know that hypes me up when i hear it but it is when i feel completely and utterly alone i feel it but i'm not when i actually ask the hard questions god why did he do this why do i feel this way you said that you would be with me but i don't see you i don't feel you i don't know if you're here and i feel like you're not fulfilling your promises for me some of us have been going through a lot of despair and a lot a lot especially this past season where lives have been taken and we have prayed and we have stand in the gap and we've declared healing and restoration and all of a sudden death still came i personally and i get a little emotional about this one i lost my best friend pastor paul and i prayed and i believed and i said god you could do it god you can do it i've seen you do it i've seen you heal i've seen you restored i've seen you do this and the end result seems to be contrary to what i wanted in those moments the thought goes through my mind and i said does god find what i'm doing blasphemous does god find my questions to be too overwhelming for him and i'm going to answer those questions for you right now he does it i think the more real we are with him more genuine we are with him the more we offer up this burnt sacrifice of i can't do it the more he's able to show up and actually minister the heart much more than just the mind because if i had the specific answers to the why i could potentially reason my way out of certain things but there are some issues that no matter how much i know or even if i knew that why it would still not be enough so what he deals with in this season's job seasons in our lives is our heart he deals with the way we process things and the way we see him so that's why i encourage you christian life is not one that fits in a little box we come here on sunday once sunday's over we go eat we go get some good food because it's sunday evening so we're gonna get some good munchies and then all of a sudden a monday comes over we forget about church we live our entire life and then we do what we want and then we come back on sunday god's calling us tomorrow god's calling us to a christianity where all of a sudden we're honest with him and he could be honest with us because as we open ourselves up to him that automatically opens ourselves up and allows us to hear his voice i've been i've been navigating uh this with my i have a beautiful daughter uh she's 16 and i had this conversation with her just a few days ago and she was just sharing a few things i'm not going to go too much into it because she's here and she's going to get embarrassed got you but we were talking about the voice of god and how to hear the voice of god and whether or not it's audible or is it like a little voice in your heart or or what is it and she was sharing and opened up opening up her heart really honestly with me and i was just saying well michelle god is always speaking sometimes we don't hear him because we're not making time for it we're not we're not actually stopping and wanting to hear what he has to say now that's not a dock on her or anybody in here but our lives at moments are so busy that we don't stop and hear what he's saying or how he's speaking is sometimes he speaks in a calm small voice sometimes he moves things around your life for you to pay attention to him but the reality is that god's speaking god is with you so when job weeps he's opening himself up to say god i'm listening i'm broken it's too much come speak to me come share what you want to share with me the second things he does is job worships job worships now this seems like something simple we do it all the time right up here we come in here and it's more of an introduction we're walking in and the other song is playing it's for us to feel good and feel welcome but worship is not just a song worship is not just a group of words that come together worship is a putting god at the first place putting our focus on him and from our heart saying i'm grateful for the good and i'm grateful in the bad not for the bad in the bad i'm grateful for what you're doing i'm grateful that you are a god that's intentional that even though i don't have the perspective to see the outcome i believe that you have a good outcome for me so worship goes beyond just playing a few songs it's a position of your heart it's a submission it's saying god you are higher so you receive all my praise all the glory i could have i defer to you like a mirror we become like mirrors before god where we reflect his glory back to him as we worship him that is truly what worship is because in us there really isn't any glory to be given but as we position ourselves as a mirror it will only reflect what you're seeing what's in front of it so we position ourselves and we say god my eyes are in you my heart is in you you are the reason i have life you are my motivation you are everything and worship also creates a stronghold in our mind a god ordained god established stronghold against the enemy because like i said the enemy comes to kill steal and destroy he lies in the middle of trial as we respond with weeping and worship we establish a stronghold in our mind that says the reality that god is good is unshakable in my life the reality that god is real is unshakable in my life the reality that his ways are better than my ways are unshakable in my life the reality that god is with me is unshakable in my life when we worship it's not just [Music] a passive response it's an offensive response as well because we let the enemy know he can't mess with us we let the enemy know that he can't come and take away the foundation of who we are and the foundation of who we are is only found in jesus it's only found in god and his goodness his grace his love now as i was studying this and i was studying the things and how joe responded to the worst day of his life the worst month of his life the worst year of his life the worst year of anybody's life i said what was produced in this time and this word has been i i want to use the word haunting but it's not haunting it's just been coming to me over and over and over and over and over again and i'm just like god what does this word meekness mean because i was studying it just kept on coming and it just kept on coming and i'm like all right god what's going on here then i went to the dictionary and i found out what this word means and it says this power under control meekness meaning [Music] restraining one's own power so as to allow room for others it's been defined in several ways righteous humble teachable patient under suffering so all of a sudden as i see the story of job [Music] i start understanding that this trial this tribulation this pain this senseless pain actually had a reason it was to create meekness in him and understanding that his god in him is greater than the person that's outside is greater than the enemy in the attack that's coming against him [Music] i kept on studying it says meekness does not identify the weak but more precisely the strong who have been placed in a position of weakness where they were they they persevere without giving up so what i see here is this god trusted him with a trial god trusted job with a trial it was a process that not everybody could have handled but the reason why god brought him up was because he was proud of he knew he knows me and he will know me more he was being called to intimacy he was being called to a different level in god a different level of knowing god a different level of understanding god not just seeing him from far not just hearing about him from afar but knowing him intimately and knowing that he is good creating that stronghold in his heart where it says god you are faithful god's your good god you're consistent this season sucks [Music] but i wouldn't change it for anything because it revealed the god that you and i serve [Music] there's times in our lives that we run away from pain we run away from trials we say god keep me away from that and i'm not going to be foolish enough to ask for it but [Music] i had seasons in my life that i actually hated and i'm sure you have too but they wooed me to god they brought me to his feet and reminds me of where i'm standing reminded me that even though i didn't feel very good about myself and i had every single reason to put myself down i didn't have the right to do so because i was now standing in heaven places with him i those moments of trial have allowed me to see god in a different light where no matter what happens in this world the stronghold that god is real the stronghold that god is good the stronghold in my life that god is faithful the stronghold in my life that god is consistent that he is always there nobody can take away from me and we see in job 42 after all these trials he says this [Music] i had heard you of you by the hearing of years but now my eyes see you an upright amazing man that by every standard seen like he knew god says there's more to god there's more to god than i knew and i am here to share this with you today there's more to god there's more to god than what you've seen there's more to god than the victories you have experienced there's more to god than the trials you have experienced there's more to god than the issues that come at you and attack you god [Music] can work all things together for your good thank you for joining us at church today i have a few ways that help you stay connected the first way is if you would like prayer go to churchlv.com forward slash prayer we have an amazing team that would love to agree with you in prayer today another way to get connected is to join a group we believe in community here at church ov so you can go to churchlv.com forward slash groups and join a group today the last way you can get connected is to follow us on instagram at thechurchlv where we post content all week to help you stay connected let me declare some truths over you today before we end god you are in control you are fighting for us may the peace that passes all understanding guard our hearts and our minds in christ jesus may the lord bless you may the lord keep you and may he make his face shine upon you god bless
Channel: ChurchLV
Views: 103
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: christian, church, Las Vegas, Benny Perez, Wendy Perez, christian church, Holy Spirit
Id: fIJrVhchag8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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