The Starting Line | Benny Perez

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hey church family welcome to church lv online thank you for welcoming us into your home do us a favor like this video subscribe to our channel maybe leave us a comment if you're new here at churchill v have a simple way for you to get connected take out your phone and text the word church fam all one word to the number ninety four thousand we'd love to meet you and help you get connected into community well hey i know today is gonna bless you here at churchill v we're all about leading people to encounter new life in jesus and i believe that that can happen right where you are i want to encourage you lean in open up your heart and get ready for what god wants to do in your life today god bless i i really want to continue our series on essentials the essentials of a follower of jesus and that's what we are when you say yes to jesus just like in the bible they became followers of jesus and that's what we are we'll be covering some key elements of a follower of jesus the essentials of a follower of jesus and this is the book of ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 it says this and his fullness fills you somebody say god's fullness come on everybody come on participate say god's fullness fills me look at your neighbor hey say neighbor god's fullness fills you look at each other everybody say hey neighbor something else filled you last night it looks that way and his fullness fills you even though you were once like corpses dead in your sins and offenses and it wasn't that long ago that you lived in the religion customs and values of this world obeying the dark ruler of the earth realm who fills the atmosphere with his authority and works diligently in the hearts of those who are disobedient to the truth of god the corruption that was in us from birth was expressed through the deeds and desires of our self-will and we live by whatever natural cravings and thoughts of our mind we whatever thoughts came in our mind we live that way and and and we were dictated by that living as rebellious children and subject to god's wrath like everyone else but verse four but god somebody say but god say a little bit stronger say but god it says but god still loved us with such great love he is so rich in compassion and mercy even when we were dead even when we were dead and doomed in our many sins what made us dead in doomed it was our sins and he united us into the very life of christ and saved us by his wonderful grace and he raised us up watched me with christ the exalt one and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm for we are now co-seated as one with christ verse 8 look for seven excuse me first say yes verse 7 therefore throughout the coming ages will be the visible display of the infinite limitless riches of grace and kindness which was showered upon us in christ jesus for it was only through this wonderful grace that we believe in him nothing we did could ever earn this salvation somebody say nothing say allowed to say nothing come on all locations nothing that we did could ever earn this salvation for it was the gracious gift from god that was brought us to christ so no one will ever be able to boast for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving we have become his poetry his workmanship a recreated not recycled not redone not refinished come on a recreated people that will fulfill his destiny has given each of us for we are joined to jesus the anointed one even before we were born god planned in advance our destiny and the good works which would do it which we would do to fulfill it father thank you for your word i'm gonna preach concisely let let lord let this this this message not be a marathon let it be a sprint in jesus name come on everybody said amen amen thank you so much i i want to just dive right in to the message for the sake of time and i just encourage you to take notes on your phone or maybe uh paper and in really our goal as a teaching preaching team is not just to give you information but revelation that will spark you to do your own bible study so that you go home and examine what we say and and begin to interact with the scriptures and not just take whatever anybody says and just says okay well my pastor said it must be true listen to me i've said a lot of things in the past and i look back and i'm saying wow i i think i didn't really get that one right but but thank god that i'm learning i'm growing so you we need to make sure come on we study the scripture together okay just want to make sure we say that we're in the series called essentials and if you're wanting the title of the message title of the message is the starting line starting line starting line how many have been watching the olympics how many watching the olympics okay we got three people that are patriots in the place i absolutely love the olympics i'm kind of bummed out that there is come on no people in the stands right and these people have worked years to finally get to the olympics and and i love the olympics number one i love america i'm very patriotic america is not a perfect nation because there is no perfect nation but i've been to a lot of countries in the world and you know what i still love america and though we have some things we need to continue to get right there's no better place come on somebody than to live in america if it was that bad we wouldn't have millions of people trying to get into the country if it was that bad we wouldn't have people coming from literally around the world and trying to get into this country i'm telling you america is a great nation and america listen to me i still believe that we have a great future in america as america turns back to jesus can i hear an amen well you must not know about all the stuff that's going on because if you knew all the stuff that was going on listen to me i'm a great father even though i have stuff going on we're a great church even though come on our church has some stuff going on in other words if you're waiting for perfection to get behind this nation then listen it's never coming okay we i didn't even know all right we got some haters here that don't like america if i was really mean i'd say then leave but i'm not me i'm not me try going to some countries where they'll kill you just because you have a different opinion okay you don't want to talk to me you have the ability in this nation to be outside this church on public grounds and protest against jesus and be a god hater and say stuff about me and i will actually support your right to begin to say what you want to say even if i don't agree with it because that's the constitution [Applause] okay i better stop there it is good this country was founded on different opinions so you want to be vaccinated be vaccinated if you don't want to be vaccinated don't be vaccinated do what's do what's good for you my body my choice it works for other decisions i'm just saying okay i'm going to go there because i just i just feel this as well why so i clear out the church now they told me if i got vaccinated i couldn't i wouldn't carry the virus but now they have breakthrough cases what's it telling me it's telling me this is america do your research and if you get and we have staff members that i've got vaccines and we have some that have chosen maybe a different way but i'm here to tell you let's not let the vision come into the church between vaccinated unvaccinated here's my question are you a follower jesus or do you love jesus can we agree on jesus can we agree on what's really important because the blood of jesus i'm just saying i'm just saying i don't care if you're republican or liberal or democrat or or or any of that i just don't like when it gets political what i'm trying to say is i will have coffee with you no matter what your standing is i have coffee with you if you don't agree with me okay i got one yes and people are gonna be lining up out the door i want coffee with you i want coffee with you okay let's get back to the scripture it's just silly man i am losing relationships with people motivated by stuff that is crazy we'll look back five years from now and say oh my gosh why did i break a relationship with them because they wanted to wear a mask and i didn't like for real five years from now when no master being wear that mask in the bank say it's my right to wear my mask i i you know what i i just feel a little bit ornery today because i want to provoke you to think to think that's what i want you to do is to think and not think right or left think kingdom think kingdom michael as young preachers and g as young prayer don't do this wait till you wait till you get to my age and you just say you know what i have nothing to lose now because i'm approaching 60. and why did i wait till i was approaching 60 to finally just begin to say what i believe we need to hear let's begin to love one another and if you don't agree you're not my enemy if you don't agree i'm not going to make you my enemy if you don't agree all right let's get back to the to the bible not the constitution all right let's go it says this it says it started let's go back to the olympics and i don't know how i got off on that and my wife will correct me and she said don't ever do that again we want to have a church you know and if you notice when i talk like this it's crazy the crowds grow because controversy doesn't weed it out weed people out controversy draws people in who what's he saying oh man he's got some guts to say that yeah because i have a backbone not a wishbone [Applause] gymnast have a wishbone while i wish somebody i wish i wish i wish i wish i wish i wish i wish i wish no no i have a backbone because i just want to say god i think and listen this whole stuff is affecting my own personal family it's like really come on man anyway where was i at starting line how many like the olympics let me go back into that let me go back to the olympics okay now i love i love track and field anybody love track and field i look at i'm built like somebody for track and field okay i'm not built as a power lifter okay but and i love track evil and i love swimming anybody loves swimming so i mean i love it i love it the four by one and they're like going and they're cl i mean i i mean i don't know but i get up and i'm screaming i'm i'm shouting but but those two particular are very important because they really have a starting line so much so that if you are watching track and field they have a starting line they get in the blocks and there's somebody and that says ready set and they they hear the gun and when you hear that gun one shot it is a fair start if they hear two shots boom boom that means that somebody had a false start you got to go back why because the starting line is very important you cannot get to the finish line until you start the right way even with swimming if you watch swimming they have those blocks and they have judges literally watching every swimmer that's there and and they're making sure that they do not leave the blocks prematurely that they have to make sure that they're not jumping in the water too soon and and if they do they'll they'll flag them or a red light will come on why because you need to know that you are starting correctly i fear for a lot of us because i don't know if we really understood or understand the starting line in our spiritual life i don't think a lot of people in america understand where we all started from where we all came from because when you talk to people like i do and you ask just probing questions or spirituality comes up they say stuff like this and i say hey you know who do you think goes to heaven and particularly if not most of the time they say oh good people go to heaven how many have heard that good people go to heaven but the fact of the matter is that is not in the bible the bible does not say good people go to heaven it doesn't even say bad people go to hell that's not in the bible and so what happens is if you don't know where you're starting you will end up at the wrong finish line you will actually begin to run a race that if you started wrong you actually going to run wrong and you end up in the wrong place because if we think that salvation or getting right with god is is because i'm a bad person and now i'm going to do a lot of good works and run this life doing good works and helping old people across the street which will be me in a few years and and buying groceries for old people which will be me in a few years and and and and coming over and painting their house because they're too old that'll be me in a few years we think now that because we do the good works that now we qualify for something but you missed it because the starting point isn't that you were bad the starting point isn't because you have to do enough or earn enough the starting point is very clear and that's why i'm going to preach a message on doctrine people don't like doctrine because it's boring but the problem is is if you don't understand basic doctrine if you don't understand basic theology the study of god and his ways based in scripture we have a whole generation of young people and adults that didn't get the starting line right and if you don't get the starting line right you run the race the wrong way so i'm here to take out that gun why because there's been a false start i'm going to say it this way if we're not careful we have false conversions if we're not careful we have false thoughts if we're not careful we have this false ideology and throughout the scripture why are you yelling i don't know i i only have one speed i only have one gear i drive fast oh god please forgive me henderson pd and some of you are laughing because you're right with me hey i i'm so i'm so burdened because i just feel that we have so many of us that end up running for our lifetime and here's what i'm hearing so much i used to go to church i i used to believe in jesus i i used to follow god but it became so hard and i think the reason why it became so hard is because you started wrong and you ran wrong and you ended up getting tired you got you got tired why did you get tired why do i get tired because if i run this race in my own strength if i run this race and my own ability if i run this race based only on morality if i run this race based on do's and don'ts if i run this race based upon my performance if i run this race based if i look good if i run this race that i did i crossed every t and dotted every eye if i run this race that way i will come to the place that says listen i am just too tired so when i talk to people good people bad people the reason why i say this and i keep saying this over and over again is because if we go good bad you could always find somebody better than you i could always find somebody gooder than me i live with her my wife she's gooder than me she's better than me she's hotter than me and it's her birthday today today august 8th happy birthday pastor wendy 29 never looked so good and she's actually is 29. how did you get her i'm a vegas wedding baby come on now you know i'm talking about listen there's so many people all over the place i talk to people all the time and i'm taking time to set this up because the message really isn't that long i only have three short points and let's start with the first starting point number one write this down this is who we were number one this is who we were the bible says very clear is that we were dead in our trespasses and sins we were apart from jesus we because of our humanity we were before christ dead it wasn't that we were bad or good that we were dead we had no ability to be alive spiritually because of what took place in our lives the scriptures begin to teach us in in in verses one through three he begins to teach us in in hebrews excuse me in ephesians chapter two that we were dead in our trespasses and sins go to verse two please if you could have it because i want them to see and it wasn't long ago that you were obeying the dark ruler of this earthly realm who feels the atmosphere who fills the atmosphere with his authority another translation says okay you were dead because of your sins please hear me when i say that a dead person has no ability to resurrect themselves when paramedics roll up or somebody rolls up there is no heartbeat there is no pulse there is nothing what they do is they have to be an outside source it is called the paddles and they rub them together and they put that power on and they say clear clear and they put that out out that power that's outside of that body and they apply it to that body to somehow shock that body back to life and if it doesn't work they turn it up more and they say back up and now they put the paddles on there this is the imagery is that you and i we were physically emotionally mentally listen to me not physically spiritually dead separated from god oh yeah i could be a good person oh yeah i could do right but i'm talking about what is the starting line and we need to understand this is who we were before jesus we had a certain direction which is the world the world the world system your life goes in the direction of your thoughts listen to me it's not in the direction of your circumstances or situations it's how you view it and he says before jesus we let the world system determine how we now process what is happening to us and if we're not careful we begin now to come to the wrong conclusion it's a thought pattern based on philosophy i've lived long enough help me preach whatever location i'm preaching to that that now watch me what was wrong with culture 30 years ago is right with culture today what what we said was a certain kind of institution and this is the way it is now it's different today i've lived long enough at 57 years of age to recognize that culture keeps adapting we keep adapting and i think there's some areas we need to adapt in but there are some areas that are foundational there are some areas that is very clear in scripture and if i'm not careful i allow the world system of philosophy to begin to dictate how i live that's how i was and it says this it says that the enemy is the prince of the power of the air he controls the atmosphere how do i know i'm not spiritually alive because i make decisions based on the atmosphere around me i make decisions on what's popular around me i make decisions on atmosphere and now my decisions are based on convenience not conviction there are some things that you cannot i i know i'm going to say it that that culture may keep going a certain direction and you're going to say well when's pastor and i got going to catch up when when is pastor going to be enlightened when is pastor going to see it the way culture sees it and if the bible doesn't see it the way culture sees it that i got to stick with my conviction and that is the word of god because i was dead and you were dead and that's how we used to live because god doesn't make bad people good he makes dead people alive alive this is who we were this is who we were but number two big point number two but who we are now if you're a follower jesus this is who we are now verse 4 makes it very clear in ephesians chapter 2 i love these two words it says but god somebody say but god but god watch still loved us aren't you grateful that god loved you before you loved him when we were lost in our trespasses and sins and said that god still loved us with the great love yeah god loves the world i preached on this he doesn't love what's going on in the world but he loves the world god loves you sinner god loves you saint but just because god loves us doesn't mean he condones everything we do in our life i love my kids i don't condone everything they do in their life but my love does not change and if i really love my kids i will sit down and have a conversation with them i love my wife that will never change she doesn't agree with me 90 of the time why because she's being influenced by the prince and the power of the air i'm not kidding it's called the shopping network the prince of the power of the air you know it's called the internet nordstrom's now and all joking aside me and wendy because she says she's dramatic let's just be real she's strong she's strong and some of you men are afraid of strong women the only reason why you're afraid of strong women is because you don't have strength and some of you women are afraid of strong men because you don't have strength i didn't get any hand claps that way i got you her strength should intimidate me her strength should strengthen me but because we're both strong oh we got fireworks not just on the fourth of july we never argue we have heated discussions and sometimes they keep heating up and sometimes we have to walk away because it's getting hot nobody's helping the preacher preach right now but just because she loves me and i love her she confronts me on things see i just want to make sure that god loves you but trust me he loves you enough not to let you keep living a certain way he says this but god who is rich in mercy even when we were dead verse five even when we were dead and doomed in our many sins god united us to the very life of christ and saved us by his wonderful grace so starting line where do we start this is who we were separated dead not able to comprehend the spiritual things of god because we didn't have the holy spirit inside of us we had no ability to save ourselves this is the starting line it wasn't because i was a bad person i was a good person you could be the best person on the planet and i really have a good neighbor than a bad neighbor no problem with that but this is not the doctor the doctrine of salvation is that mankind has fallen mankind is separated mankind is separated because of sin but god broke it broke his heart but he had a plan and his plan was i'm going to redeem i'm going to bring back mankind i'm going to now watch me i'm going to build the bridge back to mankind because mankind cannot build a bridge to me i i'm not going to let them fall into religion that is trying to get them to somehow get to me but i'm going to come down have you ever noticed when you read the bible god came down god came down the woman that was caught in adultery religion stood up and pointed down but it was jesus that came down into the dirt i'm grateful for a god that keeps coming down and coming down and coming down and coming down the veil in the inner in the inner chambers is ripped from the top to the bottom saying they're flying god said no i'm gonna break the barrier i'm gonna do this i know who you were but now i know who you are you're gonna be my son you're gonna be my daughter because of my great love and rich mercy are you to pour it out upon you this is the gospel this is good news then this is now because of god he made us alive he raised us up and the bible says in verse 5 that he seated us with christ in heavenly places let me just deal with this just for just for one minute seated with christ we are co-seated with christ in heavenly places why is that important well um if you sit in a higher place you could see a lot more than you could see by sitting in a low place let me use this example here at gv i'm in an elevated place right now on the platform i could see everybody at a glance but nobody seated on the floor can see everybody like i could see them i could see the board people that are sleeping right now i see you i see the distracted people right now on your phone and you just got shooken up and you're just like oh my gosh how does he know i'm on espn i can see some of you are texting people and you're texting saying pastor's on fire make sure you watch at 11 30. that was an assumption because i'm higher i could see further because i'm higher i could see more because i'm higher i could tell you your perspective is limited i could tell you the way you change your perspective is to get into a higher seat i i could tell you that there is somebody that is seated at the highest place his name is jesus i could tell you that what he did is he just didn't ascend and sit at that seat but he says when you come to me and i make you right with me because of my grace because of mercy i will now put you in that seat and why is that important because the seat is an imagery for perception because if i sit in a high receipt i perceive differently why because i see differently here's a principle where you sit determines where you what you see and what you see determines how you respond i say it again because where you sit determines what you see and what you see determines how you respond so if i now i'm seated with christ in heavenly places and now i understand the word of god is my conviction i understand i became a living being like adam when god breathed to me his holy spirit so now i am seated with christ so now i have a perception that is different so now when i go to the doctor and the doctor may not be seated in a heavenly place he's doing his best he says there's nothing else we can do this is all we can do thank you doctor thank you for all the medicine thank you for everything but i still want to believe another report i still want to trust in god i still want to trust and even if god doesn't heal me on this side of heaven oh my goodness when am i breathe my last breath i'm gonna be living in eternity in a perfect body my friends what would happen if we say this is who we are now that's why as a follower of jesus you should not have a victim mentality that's why as a follower jesus nobody owes you anything because your father gave you everything listen to me that's why you can't have this mentality while they're not opening up that door that door is shut to me you are sane as if you are still dead on a lower seat but you can say this oh they don't get me they don't get me it's okay the bible says that promotion comes from the lord and god's gonna do something and you may not understand it you may not perceive it but i gotta trust in a god why because i'm seated in heavenly places when i was growing up we had the avocado tree that my parents still live in pika riviera california and i'd be in the backyard and i would climb that avocado tree you want to know why because there were cheerleaders that were across the street practicing outside i don't be like that creeper that's sitting on a lounge chair as a sophomore or a freshman just staring at them no i climbed up that tree and i began to look over the roof of my of my house and i could see the cheerleaders from saint paul high school and i'm like yeah thank god for a tree my mom goes where are you and i would lie i'm in the avocado tree picking avocados you've been there a long time isn't it crazy isn't it crazy that the house didn't move but my place that i was moved why are you waiting for the house the obstacle circumstance to change when you could climb a tree you could climb a tree it's called the cross you could climb that tree and like jesus no jesus you paid for it all and now i'm seated on a seat that is above every situation oh i know i know that house and the house is still there and the tree is still there and every once while when i go back i want to climb the tree but a little bit too old so i made bj climb the tree because if bj fell down he's young enough and he will he will bounce back i would ask you a question are you so focused on the house and if you are it's because you're sitted in a seat that's at the same level it's who you are it's who you are i don't want to be mean but the victim mentality doesn't work around me well you know you know those people those people are usually the people that don't agree with you or have a different race okay it's going to get real quiet those people oh they're they're higher economic strata than you is there inequalities absolutely because it's called humanity and if we try and solve the issues in our country apart from biblical values and apart from jesus it will never be solved it's never going to be solved we can maybe move forward a little bit the greatest the greatest change that ever took place in america was usually motivated by those that understood the seat they sit in like dr martin luther king who said i long for a day that people would judge by the content of their character not by the color of their skin i know you clap i know you clap and i clap because i think it's true that we need to stick to that statement and not vilify everybody because they're white or they're black you know you know where i grew up i'm going to say something and wendy close your eyes because i'm going to say it we need to deal with brown on brown crime i know nobody wants to say amen to that because where i grew up my own people were killing my own people but we don't want to talk about that we don't want to talk about that why because it's easier to always make it about races do your research what's happening in chicago do your research what's happening in la do your research and i'm a brown man i'm not a white guy saying this so that somehow it's like oh no no and and i'm grieved i'm grieved why because we don't see it because we're sitting in a lower seat but i gotta raise myself up and say i gotta deal with some stuff because that's your brother regardless of color that's your sister regardless of color this is part of humanity regardless of your color and if we could just say it's not just black and white or brown and white but it's brown and brown it's black and black it's white on white that's humanity what would happen if we raised up and said i'll fight for you because it's not about your color it's about the content of your character [Applause] i i i am so so god help me i'm just so upset you know that seat that seat is open to black that seat is open to white that seat is open to brown that seat is open to man that seed of jesus is open to every ethnicity every background rich and poor it is open to everybody [Applause] and there's some places i can't go because he's too conservative there's some people places i can't go because i'm too liberal you're all mad at me because i went to go see trump some people left the church at the trump church so president biden invites me i know some people leave the church that's the bite in church but if jesus was invited okay don't clap because you might be sitting next to a republican you know i i believe this wendy i believe this if jesus was invited he would go jesus was invited to sit down with people you don't agree with he would go so if he would go why don't we go if he would sit down with tax collectors and sinners why won't we let me rephrase that a tax collector or a sinner is somebody you don't agree with it's getting quiet now we can debate about the constitutionality and and freedom of religion and gathering and all that and and i'll obey the highest law of the land which is the constitution i get all that i'm not talking about all that kind of stuff i'm just talking about as followers of jesus my heart is hurting it's overwhelmed because it's impacting my own family a lot of preachers that want to talk like this typically they have an all-white church we know how they lean oh black church we know how they lean and all brown churches we don't know i can say that because i'm brown if you say it we're going to hurt you my heart hurts because it tells me what seat we're sitting in i know it's uncomfortable that's why i'm making you just sit in silence so you were how did this all happen we're ending somebody comes back to the keyboards because people want to run out of the church today how did it happen please put it up how did this happen well the bible says it this way in the verse for you are saved by grace not of anything you've done unless anybody should boast that i made this happen grace is unearned undeserved favor given by god to a person what's mercy and mercy is god doesn't give you what you deserve aren't you grateful that god doesn't give you come on somebody what you really deserve but grace is i'm going to give you what you what you don't earn which you don't you you cannot ever ever somehow earn it or deserve it i'm going to give that to you oh by the way because of this i should give you this but i'm not because i'm merciful i'm grateful for god's mercy in my life i'm grateful that god come on is slow to wrath abounding in mercy that's how it happened this is starting point this is a starting point this is the starting point so as i end [Music] and i'll make a quick run out of the church what's the result of all this well the bible says it this way in one translation we are god's workmanship another translation says we are god's poetry in other words the result of all this is that's who i was this is who i am seated born again right with god how did it happen it wasn't because i was i was doing everything right it wasn't because my good works i didn't earn it i deserve it so the finish line is this here's the finish line we are god's poetry workmanship what does that mean it means everybody's sitting around the world every physical location it means this that you're unique special with the calling that only you can do listen to me greeters you're not out there because we need warm bodies to greet people no do not serve at a church because you feel like they're short of people you start serving in an area that god created you to be a difference maker and you have a passion and desire to make people feel welcome when they come in you have a passion and desire to help people park even though they blow by you and don't do what you tell them to do you have a passion and desire because you love kids and that's not babysitting that's raising up a new generation of world changers come on history makers listen to me you love working with young people because young people drive other people crazy but you remember how you were you remember that somebody stepped in you remember somebody was there for you and god put it in you to go back and help the next generation god maybe put it in you to be a pastor and lead a church and start from scratch and say let's dig something out of the ground let's dig something now why because there's thousands of people that need to know the good news of jesus christ raise your right hand everybody raise your right eye and say i am say louder say i am a poetry say i am god's workmanship i am god's masterpiece [Music] it's not just your neighbor it's you here's what we do why do you keep comparing your masterpiece god's doing for you with somebody else's it causes discontentment quit coming up to me and telling me how great pastor what he is as a preacher you better watch out stop the madness because you know what you're not going to try and get us to compare each other she's gifted she's talented when she gets up she's fashionable she's amazing she has no notes i mean she's articulate it's her birthday so i'm doing this happy birthday i can but listen to me well pastor michael you better watch out pastor benny because he's coming up strong you better watch out pastor betty because he's gonna he's gonna what he's gonna what god put me in this place and when god is done with me it doesn't matter and by the way pastor michael and jia and every young leader is going to go further than us do more than us build the kingdom of greater than us you want to know why that's the way the kingdom works the kingdom doesn't push down come on somebody the kingdom lifts up we keep lifting up higher go ahead younger generation go a little bit further go ahead younger generation go ahead go ahead because my ceiling is your floor baby every platform i've been on it's because god has you in mind so i see sons and daughters running all over america that came out of church lv whether they want to acknowledge me or not baby i am the godfather i am the one that god used i sent a proud statement it's not some arrogant statement i know my place baby and i wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for ken squires i would be standing here if there wasn't pastors and leaders that believed in me i feel something breaking that we are all masterpieces and god's hand is on every single individual [Music] and here's the here's the end here's the end here's the end here's the you're the smart experience because you know i have to end because i have an 11 30. it says that he's prepared good works for you [Music] aren't you that great for god who's prepared good things for you [Music] good works that you may walk in those good works the reason why your business is being blessed is so that you can walk in the good works of generosity the reason why your business is being blessed you can walk in the good works of hiring people the reason why you have these good works in your life and god's doing good things isn't just for you it's for other people let somebody drink from the well let somebody else get a refreshment let somebody else say man i got around mike and when i got around mike my life was different when i got around sam my life was different why because the good works isn't to brag the good works is to spread it all over the place thank you for joining us at church today i have a few ways to help you stay connected the first way is if you would like prayer go to forward slash prayer we have an amazing team that would love to agree with you in prayer today another way to get connected is to join a group we believe in community here at church ov so you can go to forward slash groups and join a group today the last way you can get connected is to follow us on instagram at the church lv where we post content all week to help you stay connected let me declare some truths over you today before we end god you are in control you are fighting for us may the peace that passes all understanding guard our hearts and our minds in christ jesus may the lord bless you may the lord keep you and may he make his face shine upon you god bless
Channel: ChurchLV
Views: 342
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: christian, church, Las Vegas, Benny Perez, Wendy Perez, christian church, Holy Spirit
Id: hs7nT5H7JsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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