Church Conf. 2017 | Pastor Judah Smith

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if you have a Bible cool if you don't probably put it up on the screen but John John chapter 14 John chapter 14 pastor Benny thank you for having me you changed my life he was a youth pastor in Marysville and I was this Bible College student essentially an intern and spending time with pastor Benny was an honor and a thrill and still is to this day I look back now and realized he had ulterior motives but you know it's cool you know he really took a liking to me wait a second I got used but I still look back on it fondly so it's cool man it's cool just keeps calling me this is crazy okay John chapter 14 John said 4:14 and I'm just gonna read like four four verses and I'm excited to share the message with you share some Scripture with you John chapter 14 verse verse 1 it's in read in the words of Jesus remember now contextually we're at the most famous dinner in human history maybe you've seen the painting which is exactly to scale and it's the Last Supper the last dinner the you know the the the big long table and it starts with 13 guys as you know it dwindles down to 12 because Judas gets identified and he runs out so by the time we get to John 14 we're down to twelve eleven dudes and Jesus himself and they're having this dinner basically the whole point of the dinner is Jesus is gonna like sit him down nice meal he's gonna say okay I've told you this don't freak out I really am going this time like I'm going and so by the time we get to John 14 the reason Jesus says let not your hearts be troubled is because all eleven guys are completely troubled they're frustrated they're agitated they're confused they're they're sad they're starting to grieve they're thinking to themselves Jesus we left everything literally and we have identified with you you are the best thing that's ever happened to us we're actually got a little bit of street cred now people actually talk nice about us my mom our moms are proud of us mostly like this is this is this why are you leaving and he says let not your hearts be troubled by the way if you are troubled tonight for whatever reason this message is for you let not your hearts be troubled Jesus says believe in God so believe also in me in my father's house are many rooms if it were not so would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you that's basically Jesus saying I've never lied to you I'm not gonna start now why would I I'm not I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and we'll take you to myself that where I am you may be also and you know the way to where I'm going you love that part in Thomas's like no doubt don't say that ah I hate when you talk like this no we don't know where you're going right it's this awesome well you're like I like that guy Thomas he gets no camera time right no air time but when he talks it's always something I can relate to right no I don't know where and Jesus goes on and says you do know the road I'm the road bro I'm the way bro I'm the life bro and he's like oh oh you know I love Jesus I want to tie with this message and this I hope it's not an offensive title because I think I think more about that what I'm gonna title this but I think I think I'm gonna title it up the little in that could okay that's the title of the message the little in that could thank you so much for playing the piano it felt really really nice and now that you stopped it doesn't feel nearly as cool in here do you know what I mean that was a vibe it's gone okay oh my word see you soon though okay come on you and me okay let's pray Jesus thank you so much for the time and the moments that we share we ask that you take these few moments that we do have and that you'd make a matter with your presence and your nearness got I thank you so much for this city I thank you for my sister my brother-in-law I thank you for the church LV my family I thank you for what you're doing in this city Lord we ask right now that you would mend broken hearts that you would grant us a peace that passes all understanding to guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus and Lord take these brief average moments and make them matter and significant and supernatural and heal hearts tonight and thank you Lord for the big win against the Los Angeles Rams thank you that I get to be here tonight to prove to my brother-in-law and the Seahawks God loves more than the Los Angeles Rams in Jesus name and everybody said amen man man you had the winning touchdown though Benny right through his hands it's as if the Lord Himself just man's crazy man it's crazy it's crazy God doesn't care about sports look at the score 1610 oh man what a night you know I mean we are gonna have a night are you a good driver are you a good dry you are a good that was very very yes and your friend next to you're a good driver too you're both good drivers do you even know a bad driver or it's just you do is he here notice I said he is he's not here he's not here couldn't make it good and drive here I'm uh I'm a bad driver I'm gonna tell you both that I'm a bad driver and you know what when I think you could just kind of tone it down a little bit yeah you did your part this is my part uh-huh no for real I'm a bad driver I'm a horrible driver and and and and I've been criticized I've been criticized for being a bad driver and I was like really oh you're gonna criticize me for being a bad driver because you know why I'm a bad driver I'm a bad driver because I care about people man and I never drive alone so when I'm drivin I don't want to focus on the road I want to focus on the person that's in my car it's not about from here to there it's about the people you do it with it's like weird stuff bad drivers say yes I'm like a distracted driver right I'm gonna distract I get talking and like if you're there and I'm like really no way right and we we veer and it's it's kind of a nightmare in fact I didn't even really know how bad of a driver I was until Elijah and Amory waters they pastor a community we have in Los Angeles and today today later on we were driving on famous Mulholland Road right and anne-marie is driving and I literally am like anne-marie you are the worst driver in the world you know people who like they drive with two feet you're not supposed to but they do like I mean I'm like Amory this is insane well ironically my son Elliot I wasn't in the car he was with anne-marie and her kids and they were driving l-dog is now 10 he's 10 and he's gonna be like 6 foot 8 350 pounds and he's gonna pay all he's gonna pay my mortgage off when he gets to leave you know I mean come on it's about the Lord but he's in the car with a marine he's like maybe they call her Mimi Mimi this is crazy you drive just like my dad I spanked him when he got home see if you say that again slugger right but I'm a bad driver I'm a bad driver I I don't I don't know this stuff when I'm driving I just like enjoying life so much so I had a very interesting experience recently I when I go to a gas station I'm always like oh wait a second which side is the gas tank on am i right anybody in here you got that same problem right you pull I'm about to solve your problems we're doing serious work here tonight right and that one night well one day I'm driving in with my cousin and Chelsea's in the car my wife of 18 years and I pull up to the gas station and I have one of these one of these moments I wait which which side is the gas tank on writes my car it's my car right it's not paid off but it's my car technically the bank's car but it's my car right and I'm like which and Tracey wild goes like this she goes what what did you say I got I'll trace I'm just I always forget which side the gas tank is on she's like what does the arrow say I'm like is this again is this like what is the dog say Brook look I don't know what the arrow says let's just say shoot me like what does the and she says it in that way that she's prover but like she's verbally patting my head what does the arrow say buddy and I'm like what do we what do what I mean I had no idea this is recent history I had no idea that in recent modern development in automobiles they put they inserted gosh they think of everything they inserted a little arrow that points left or right to tell you when you approach the gas station which side the tank is on but up but up I had no I dia hey and you know it's bad you know it's bad when it's the tone that gives it away though isn't it it's the tone it's not the actual words that are chosen by your friend or your cousin right it's it's the tone what what did you say what does the arrow say you know like when the cadence slows down can they treat you like you still in kindergarten what what does the arrow say it says punch you in the face that's what it says right like that's what I wanted to but I'm like I can't do that I'm a man of God and so it's the tone right tone says so much right tone even funny though like we tweak the simplest things we can't see we can't see the forest for the trees sometimes I am a grown man been driving for too long out on these streets and had no idea that there was a little itty-bitty arrow that would save me consternation it was right there the whole time and based on the tone of my cousin I gathered that most people notice this and most people are aware of this information but if you didn't and you just found out tonight raise your hand in the err like you really do care some grown men and here raising their hand I just want to identify Keith did you just raise your hand all these years Keith I had so much respect for you kidding I love you that's awesome welcome to the party well listen that's that's all I got I love you guys so much great being here you know like that whole thing god bless Tejon is such an interesting thing and and and and I don't know if you picked up on it tonight but Jesus has a tone about him oh maybe we're mid dinner maybe ish that dinner goes from like John 12 to John 19 ish so we're kind of you know he's getting we're getting to the meat of the dinner and Jesus listen to his Thomas listen again listen see if you can hear the tone let not your hearts be troubled believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many rooms Alissa's if it were not so what I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you listen to his tone he's like guys cuz they're all still like do you have kids yesterday one of my eight-year-old daughter she found out the kids got twice as much candy as she did and she no longer can enjoy the candy she currently has and immediately her posture just I think we should incorporate that as adults it feels good you know I mean just at work you're mad at your boss preachers are getting no love from their church so these guys are all around the table just and Jesus is like I'm going in the father's house there's it's it's room for everybody I'm gonna go prepare a place for you I wouldn't lie to you I've never lied to you I'm not lying to you right now listen to his tote it sounds so similar to the tone he used with his parents when he was 12 do you remember that remember that whole story like they're in there for the the High Holy Days and the whole caravan the family members and then they exit right and history tells us there's some three days out caravan and finally Mary and Joseph realized they lost God for real and they're like what so they make the trek back and here is 12 year old Jesus right just reclining on the synagogue steps and they are like remember Mary's she's like why why would you do this to us right she is trying to tone it down but remember remember remember it's been 12 years and he seems like he's a great kid but he's a kid I wonder if they forgot a little bit because listen to his tongue look what are you doing here you can find this in Luke chapter 2 and verse 49 do I know my Bible that well no but I prepared so Jesus says this he's like you were looking for me why were you looking for me what did you just say little buddy hey who do you think you are you know he what why were you looking for me why did you not know that I must be in my father's house it's the same town isn't it fast-forward to his 30s and he's with the dinner and he's picking up on the same town he's like hey what do you know and it's a tome that tells us some it's that we are missing the obvious point that's what the tone is telling us the tone is saying you guys like mom and dad you had to look for me wait what remember who I am I'm not just your kid I'm God guess where God is a church like live that's what he's telling his mom and dad they're like uh I love the parkas like and Mary took all these things and pondered them in her heart yeah I bet she did she's like Mary you are so dumb what did you knew this Mary remember right Jesus says let not your hearts be troubled and the reason he says you ought to be troubled is because I'm going to your home which tells us something by the way this is not our home and that ought to encourage us in times like these we don't this isn't my home I don't fit here I'm just I'm an alien I'm a sojourner I'm a foreigner I'm just passing through but someday I'm going to be home and home is in the father's house and home Jesus says I will come back for you and I will take you to myself which tells us he's given us a synonym it is synonymous the father's house is synonymous with the father himself for his house is his heart in his heart is his house right in his heart has plenty of room for all of his kids all 7.2 billion are his kids and so there's plenty of room for all of God's children and-and-and-and and someday we will be home but we're not home right now and home ultimately will be when we're in his arms and by the way he will physically tangibly actually literally be held in his arms you know that you'll literally be in those arms I don't know about you but there's been some days recently I wouldn't mind going home we don't fit here Jesus wants them to know you're going to have troubling times what remember I'm going home and he says he goes and I'm gonna prepare a place for you and what's the redundancy you see that what's the yeah that's not an accident he goes and I told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again like that's not really great like like it comes across wonky verbally think about it's like and if I go up a better place for you again he goes and if it were not so what I've told you that I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you like that's like you just said that a second ago that's Jesus he does not want us to miss this idea of him preparing a place and by the way it's mentioned twice and it has two meanings the first preparation Jesus has made for us second Corinthians 5:21 he who knew no sin became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus he's literally saying I am going to go before you I'm gonna prepare a place for you at the in the arms of your heavenly Father which is impossible for you to do for yourself for all of sinned and fallen short of the glorious standard of God so you cannot help yourself so I will do for you what you cannot do for yourself and I will take your sin and you will take my righteousness and there will be an exchange and now you will have a place in the I go to prepare a place for so evidently when we're troubled in our short brief stay here on earth we are to remember that we're not home and our place has been signed sealed and delivered and I am righteous forever and I cannot be unrighteous I am forgiven I am accepted I am loved because he went and he prepared a place for you now but then the second idea that comes with this ancient word is this idea of Jesus is going to make ready and he has made it ready in the seventh statement he said well the six hours his lungs filled with blood on the cross do you remember what it was it was it is finished in other words the place has been prepared oh who believe can be with him but the second meaning it means it means he stays in the state of readiness and we see this for instance in in the story Jesus tells remember he gets criticized in Luke chapter 15 by the preachers and the teachers in the synagogue they say man you hanging out with with a rough crowd these are bad people and Jesus says do you want me to tell you why he says because I see people differently than you see people and so then he tells us one parable that has three parts do you remember the parable right we've got a shepherd with a hundred sheep lose this one we got a woman with the coin collection ten she loses one then we got a we got a father with two sons dude so Jesus is trying to tell the synagogue teachers the reason you don't understand who I hang out with is because you don't see people like I see people you use arbitrary categories and you put all these little hoops that people got to jump through I don't function like that I don't move like that so Jesus is telling us I got to get through this really fast and setup where we're gonna go so bear with me because I'm talking really fast it's so much fun now right so Jesus is saying sheep that's interesting he's saying I see people like sheep they're prone to wander I see people like coins they bear my image and I see people like sons or children so Jesus is saying see you don't hang out with who I hang out with because I see people like like like like like my image bearing children who are prone to wander but they're of infinite value to me so so you don't stand where I stand you don't eat where I eat you don't befriend who i befriend because you don't see people like I see people they're all my babies and I know they're prone to wander I know they're dust I know they're sinful I know they're broken I know they're fragmented but they bear my image and they're my children so I want them to come home so that's why I eat with them oh oh that's why yeah yeah that's why you see church people and bad people I see my kids that's what he's telling the preacher's son so he's telling them so and you see exclusive groups and elitists and you have a guarded gated community and I've come to do something different right so so so and remember at the end of the parable Jesus says and the father of the one son this is crazy the father of the two sons one still in the house one's gone the prodigal son remember the posture that the picture were given that evidently he is outside of his house looking scanning the horizon looking for this just one possible perchance glimpse of his wayward son returning home and he runs to him ferociously right what well he stays in the state of readiness you know it's crazy revelations chapter 2 tells us he's gonna make or revelation 20:1 says he's gonna make our home with us you know what's crazy not only is he our home but we are his home and maybe just maybe he can't fully enjoy his home until all his kids are home could you could you could you enjoy your home so evidently this dad in our story who's liking to the Father he can't he not even in he's not in the ranch he's out on the front porch he's not enjoying his home until all his babies are home he stays in a state of readiness now leap over to Luke chapter 10 and I'm reminded again that we get a portrait of someone who seems to be in a state of readiness do you remember the story we have a Jewish lawyer approached Jesus and he says how do I get home how do I get to eternal life and Jesus I love Jesus he's like well what is the lock what's your reading of the law and this lawyer will he's sharp he says well I think it all sums up in love God without your heart soul mind straight and just any strength and love your neighbor as yourself and I love Jesus tongue-in-cheek he says well then go do that no one's ever been able to do that he goes will then go do that and you'll live and you'll go home you'll be in the father's house you'll prepare your own place that's what you'll do so go do that and the lawyer is smart enough to know that's impossible all the time so he says looking for a loophole the message Bible says he says who is my neighbor I mean I live in a high-rise yeah whatever yeah who is my neighbor and Jesus has one of his moments he says I'll tell you story he says yeah he says well um he says there was a traveler this is there's a traveler and and he's traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho famous freeway highway and he gets beat up by the robbers that was happening a lot in Jesus day and he's left for dead he's hemorrhaging he's dying he's bleeding and he says a priest come by and Levite come by and they can't be bothered they walk to the other side and then as Samaritan and his predominately Jewish audience would have sucked there and thought to themselves this is Grace I'm sorry what is Samaritan he says yeah and the Samaritan saw and the Samaritan had compassion and he moved towards him and he got down off of that is animal and he started to pour some of his expensive things like all I wanted took care of him and then he and then then he put him on his animal and walked him down to the end he stayed with him the first night and then he went on a trip for two days and said he would come back and anything the in spin on him he said he would repay and he says hey quick question mr. lorry sir who so who was a neighbor I love Jesus he said who is my neighbor and Jesus says who acted like a neighbor right and they did it again Jesus again and and and and he says well the lawyer goes well I guess it's the guy who showed mercy he won't even utter the word Samaritan so much racism won't even utter and Jesus does it again he goes then just go do that Jesus tells an impossible story and it's bookended by two impossible statements oh you got the law that's it go and do it well who's my neighbor tells another impossible story and then ends by going go and do that this is classic Jesus it is he's constantly bringing men and women to the end of themselves and what this lawyer can't see is that the fulfillment of the law he asks about it's right in front of his nose he said well I think the law says this in Jesus that's good so go do it and what he wants the lawyer to say is I can't and Jesus would say I know you need a hero you know late hero in know the rest of songs I like pretend I do come on I was born in 98 but um like chudat don't lie bro not at the end of your sermon much has been made of this of this of this parable and and and I'm gonna take some Liberty because we're at conference work conference right I'm gonna take some Liberty but I got a hunch that Jesus it's not just telling us how to do charitable work in our neighborhoods I actually think real time contextually I just think he's trying to tell the lawyer who is in front of him think away don't think about doing he says there was a man traveling from here to there there was a traveler there was a sojourner there was a journey man in that life we're always somewhere going from here to there aren't we that's just that's like aren't we fickle - I keep telling myself now I've been here - there a lot of times but now if I could really just get there I'll be happy cuz that's that's the key I just I just and that's human nature isn't it why why tell them that is human right we we we I've been missing - MJ like all weekend just bear with me okay I'm starting right but it is true though it is true it is true it is true we're always trying to get to the next thing always trying to travel from here to there and in the meantime what happens we get hurt we get hurt and the wages of sin is death and this world and this broken planet leaves us hemorrhaging and the Bible says Jesus uses an interesting word that literally means half dead and that funny half dead who are you describing Jesus are you describing the human plight in the human condition that we can be alive on the inside but dead on the inside are we half dead are we at wait is the lawyer the man in this story are you telling the lawyer who he is because then you tell us Jesus came up with the story by the way then he says and while he's dying half-dead here comes the leader preacher teacher of the law and a key cannot help him not even a teacher of the law which is somehow is he telling us all these years you're hemorrhaging and dying traveling from here to there getting nowhere and the law cannot bandage your wounds and save you mr. lawyer sir but then he says the Levite came by the law came by canal but then he says but then then a Samaritan came by and all of these prejudiced Jewish men and women would have been like excuse me Jesus what are you saying that's right the one rejected by the Jews came on by the one who was overlooked the one who was rejected the one who could not even be acknowledged by his own he came and when he saw the man who ignored him and hated him and overlooked him and couldn't care less about him he didn't move away he moved towards him and he came down off his animal he came down that sounds familiar he came down and he moved towards the man and he started bandaging his wounds and then he they traded places cuz he put him on his animal and now the Samaritan walked lazy lazy gentleman this Samaritan is so good I can't live like him and neither can you I don't think that's the point I don't think we're supposed to read this passage ago man I really got to do better on Mondays mondays are a bad day for me I just get I get road rage I don't I don't think it's the point I think the lawyer is being told something I think we're being told something that I am that man and then I don't know then this is where I ended and do you want to play the piano with me again thank you you know I mean are you guys ready I'm ready like I'm ready to get the vibe going um but then then something crazy kind of kind of walkie in the story I don't know why does Jesus tell us this detail what does this have to do foot the lawyer I think the lawyer is getting the point right like Jesus you have uncovered a lot of things in this poor lawyers heart and he says and then the Samaritan walked him to this in this in this in and I'm like West was to end got to do it and he says he stayed with him that night he took care of him and then why would Jesus tell us the conversation or the statement that that he excuse me the Samaritan makes to the innkeeper notice what he says he says take care of him and if whatever more you spend listen to me I will repay and do you know how this story ends it ends with the Good Samaritan saying I will come back I will come back now that sounds interesting because I think in John 14 we just read jesus said I'm gonna come back but until then I wonder in the meantime if the inn is just a hint at the community Jesus was going to build you know what's crazy about the hospitality code of conduct in antiquity do you know what the code of conduct was you would teach straight treat strangers like guests and you know in Israel's history to this day I've got Jewish friends who had the gift of hospitality you cannot understand it's steeped in the heritage because Abraham was a wanderer Egypt wandered without a home and the story of Israel goes a nation who was not a nation became a nation and wandered they were foreigners they were strangers but they were welcoming and their God made them a family and so even amongst modern Jewish people today they will tell you that they are implored to have a hospitality that is extraordinary and extensive because a stranger must be treated like a like a like a guest Jesus at the dinner is doing all the things that were hospitality to wash their feet to have a room to feed him a meal he's telling them I'm your father and this is how I want you to relate to human beings and then he throws into his metaphor his parable the strange place called the end due to how ends were invented because traveler traveling had become so dangerous in Jesus day people were being robbed pillaged raped and stolen from and so all the sudden smart people realized if we put these little ends right where it's dark right where it's dangerous we will take these strangers in like their guests and we will protect them now Jesus audience knew that about the ends we don't know that but they did and I wonder if they picked up on what we can't pick up on because it's 2017 when you hear in you think holiday in Jesus is not making a reference to hotels or motels he or Holiday Inns Lauren save us now help us disease keep this one on the cross he's I think he's saying something he's he's saying something I'm gonna I'm gonna come back but in the meantime I wonder if he's asking us to build little ends that could and I wonder if we can pick up on where carts and cultures go into how the world is changing so fast I wonder if we'll be able to pick up on what the brand managers and the artists and the actresses and their picnic cultures changing it's going so fast and we are the charts but are we missing in all of our programming in all of our processing and all of our doing and all of it is Noble and right and I am for all of it but I wonder sometimes is the tone of Jesus telling us something have we miss the point a little bit the he just wants all his kids to come home could we be one of those mean time Inns where we take it you know what I love about the story I'm done cuz I'm down to ending you know what I love about this story no one ever asks the man why are you bleeding it doesn't matter why you're bleeding it doesn't matter what it doesn't matter if you did it to yourself doesn't matter if it's your own fault we'll just a little in there could our door our light as always on our doors are always open and I'm gonna tell you right now I want to be committed to the little in in the words of Jesus he says whatever you spend whatever whatever you spend I suggest I propose I declare that we spend all of our energy all of our time all of our money all of our efforts all of our passion all of our intellect all of our to be there where the people are bleeding and broken and dying our doors will be open it's gonna be messy man it's not gonna be pretty but we're gonna be who God called us to be that's who we are and Jesus says whatever you spend I will repay you because what you do for the father's children will not go unnoticed your father in here you know what I'm talking about you do something for my babies it's over it's done we're family for life what you do done what do you want anything you took care of my kids you know man somebody's gonna somewhere along the line somebody's gonna run into some of us and they're gonna say man what are you doing what do you mean well I'm mother Teresa must have been a real inspiration you must have loved dr. King you must have you know what I do I think those people are great it's just a charitable person it's a really passionate person I might be but do you got a minute so I could tell you my story sure if I could take us and tell you why I live like I live it's not as noble as you think see I I was traveling with this one time and I was on my way and I was sure if I could get there I was gonna get a business deal and I was gonna build my career and it was gonna get real good and you wouldn't believe it I had my life fell apart I was on my way I had everything that a man could ever want but I had nothing and I I was done I couldn't breathe I laid on the floor I was dying and then he came to me whoo-hoo-hoo Jesus oh you one of those Christians they call me whatever you want man he met me and then he took me to a place where people loved me and I just got involved and 30 years later you're over having dinner at my house telling me that I'm a charitable person I'm just grateful I'm just forgiven he put my life back together again and I just want to be a part of what he's doing nothing god speaking of some pastors in here some leaders in here I pray to God that we take time alone with Jesus to pray about Lord what are you asking the church to be like as the world is changing so fast and I look at this and I think God I think there's something in there for us spiritual leaders God may our church not get so polished and programmed and big and fancy that we lose sight of broking broken bleeding people just outside our doors what if the charts could be that in I believe we are I believe that's who we are and what God is building and I must admit I can't wait for him to come back I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna sit up here and lie to you sometimes I want to go home man I don't fit here this isn't my place but God if I don't fit here and this isn't my home what am I doing here oh that's right all right I'm gonna go out to the highways and the byways and I'm gonna start bandaging some wounds I can't wait to see you and I'm torn but in the meantime I'm gonna play my part in the little Inn that could [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you Jesus would you pray with me is it okay if we stay standing just for a moment would you pray with me but I don't think there's anybody in the room tonight that can claim to be an expert on the future stuffs happening so fast down here so many natural disasters and in horrific events and tragedies it is officially overwhelming and we're down here and all we want to do is do what you're doing and build what you're building so I'm asking just an average ordinary night in Vegas that you can make extraordinary through your presence and your person walking the aisle ways of this auditorium I am asking that you would help us to prepare for the future help us to build for the future help us to be far more committed to the future than we are the past help us to innovate how much to change help us to be molded and shaped and God if you got a break stuff break stuff to make new stuff so we can reach people we're not reaching open up our eyes to people we don't normally see and naturally see help us god to see people like you see people help us to see your children your image bears that are prone to wander help us to see them with the infinite love that you see them with help us god then lord I pray for courage and I pray for strength that I pray for fortitude and I pray for focus and I pray for faith and I pray for energy in consistency amongst these men and women that lead communities churches Oh God help us Lord day by day I declare the steps of a righteous man ordered of the Lord order of the Lord order of the Lord every step is ordered every step is ordered every step is ordered Jesus help us help us to start moving at the mention of your word even if we don't know exactly where we're going just like Abraham help us to start moving start moving I just believe there's some pastors in here God has been haunting you in a holy way if you will with some new ideas to reach people that maybe you hadn't even noticed but God has prepared those people he's gonna put him on your heart and I promise you this he is not going to let it go he's gonna keep visiting you in the night he's gonna wake you up in the morning he's gonna show you faces he's gonna show you communities he's gonna show you neighborhoods in some cases they're men and women in here he's gonna show you cities he's gonna show you continents and countries God gives his beloved sleep but sometimes in the night he will awaken you to speak to you and that's happening for some minutes some women in here and it just felt like God told me to tell you in Las Vegas tonight that it's not what you ate it's him and he's trying to talk to you so stop and listen right as fast as you can right the vision make it plain though it tarries wait for it and many will read it and they will run and do not despise the day of small beginnings do not despise the day of small beginnings for I can take a small thing and I can make small things many small things become one great thing and I believe God is speaking of some people some little ins he's gonna just spaces and places where people can come Oh God help us to see like you see open up our hearts and our minds to see things we've never seen before
Channel: ChurchLV
Views: 14,149
Rating: 4.9103141 out of 5
Id: xABYV9lgv7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 19sec (2599 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.