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today we'll be testing parasites and scps from Level 1 to level 100. this is a level 100 SCP and this is a level 100 parasite and today we're gonna find out which is stronger my cow Bessie filled up these chests with scps and parasites from Level 1 all the way up to level 100. this is the level one SCP and this is the level one parasite oh my gosh Bro Look at that cow it's exploding to level one scps oh bro oh it exploded another one I think it's safe to say the parasites take round one that thing is gross level two is a Trevor Henderson creature called The Creeper and the level 2 parasite is a parasite sheep oh my gosh dude wait a second it's fighting back oh wait a second yo they had actually almost won but the parasites take round two these are the level three scps we're just gonna break inside of here and spot in the level three parasite it is a parasite horse oh they actually beat it the scps actually did something look how happy they are level four is chicken head I don't know if that looks like a chicken to me and this is the level 4 parasite oh my goodness dude waited actually I killed it it almost died you can literally see its organs ah that is so gross this next one is the level 5 SCP it is a big dug and let's go ahead in this corner and spawn in the level 5 parasite oh gosh dude it's a pork chop that is the most rotten piece of bacon ever and it got eaten alive the scps are actually making a comeback this next SCP is called the crawler that thing is gross let's go ahead and spawn in the next parasite this is called the Sentry we're gonna Bonk you and then we're gonna Bonk you oh my gosh in one hit the crawler dude I did not see that coming our next SCP is a young girl why am I spawning a parasite with a young girl I don't know Bessie said to do it so I have to do it oh my gosh no no dude what the parasite actually got killed by a tiny girl that's so funny this is the level 9 SCP oh it sounds dangerous oh it's just a bunch of crocodiles let's see how the level 9 parasite does what even is that thing oh my goodness what is that oh my gosh it's getting eaten alive the level nine scps that made quick work of that parasite alright next up we have the level 10 SCP which is just called horde and the level 10 parasite is a giant mutant polar bear the SCP is on the Run oh they're going after each other what the level 10 parasite polar bear jump down the SCP that was only level 10. we still have a long ways to go to get to level 100. we're gonna skip on over to the level 14 SCP how you doing there Jeffrey we're gonna spot in the level 14 parasite the mutated Enderman oh wait a second they're actually doing tons of damage but the mutated Enderman comes out on top and now you get to be trapped in here for all of eternity congratulations let's go ahead and spawn into level 16 parasite what is that thing wait a second dude oh my gosh it actually killed it oh wait a second oh it's opened in minions dude this SWAT armor just got taken over they turned the SWAT armor SCP into this giant blob of me this next one is the level 21 SCP Builder bear it is literally just a cute teddy bear oh my gosh the level 21 SCP just came out of the ground dude that teddy bear just got chomped alive and back down from the depths it goes I'm gonna get out of here before it decides I am the next Target the level 26 SCP is a predator drone will it be able to take down the level 26 parasite let's find out that is one big looking parasite oh dude the predator drones getting demolished right now it's getting smashed and it takes the L the level 26 parasite giant meatball blob only had two Health left the level 29 SCP comes with cookies how bad could it be hey guys oh look at this there's Electric Sheep all right let's spawn in the level 29 parasite which is oh my gosh disgusting oh my gosh it's electrocuting it yo no way who wouldn't guess that the Electric Sheep would be able to explode the parasites that sheep has the the power of Thor our level 33 SCP is a bunch of Japanese surgeon crabs they have some really long legs let's go ahead and spawn the level 33 parasite directly in the center whoa whoa oh my gosh dude it's eating them all this is insane it killed some of the crabs wait a second the surgeon crabs actually stand to chance wait no never mind I lied it summited minions oh no way 33 parasite the level 37 SCP is a man that goes by the name Vermin god let's see if he can survive level 37 parasite which is huge by the way look at it oh my gosh okay it's poisoned right now but I feel like it's already poisoned enough that it doesn't even care like this thing can eat probably every poison in the world and still survive it might actually gain Health what is this next one is there something down there oh my gosh there is a there's a woman let's spawn in the level 41 parasite oh my gosh it just jumped in the water with the swamp woman killed it no wait never mind it's not dead it's not actually dead I lied I lied the swamp woman is shooting out swamp stuff oh my gosh dude it beat it with only nine Health left no way the parasites drowning in the swamp water though it drowned while trying to escape the SCP I feel like we could probably call that one a draw this is the level 44 SCP it's one of my personal favorites let's see if you compete the level 44 parasite oh my gosh that thing is huge but it has to beat up all of them oh there's no way it survives they are swarming it bro they stood no chance oh wait a second bunch of little babies it just cranked out another one and then it died again the level 46 SCP does a whirlwind attack they're eating the Sheep but let's see if it could eat the level 46 parasite that is one of the most disappointing parasites I've seen today it doesn't even care it just poisoned one of them the parasite has 30 health and these guys have 60. that's it the SCP goes down why are you kissing the wall we're getting closer to level 50. this one is the level 48 SCP it is called pipe Nightmare and there is a boss battle directly in the center all right good luck this is the level 48 parasite oh my goodness yo it went right after it oh my goodness dude it didn't even stand a chance it is safe to say the SCP has won that round next up is level 50. the SCP can only be found all the way at the bottom of the stairwell here you go this is the level 50 parasite good luck oh my gosh it's huge and it can break blocks it's doing a lot of damage but the SCP has tons more Health but it did not matter dude this giant Beast of meat decided it was done with the SCP it only had seven Health left so far it seems like the parasites are winning our next SCP is called the red pool it gets opened in all sorts of scps so let's check out level 54. I hate spiders with a burning passion so this thing creeps me out all right there they go they're running directly after each other easy parasite pooped out a bunch of parasite turds the next SCP is level 59 and it looks really tiny all right let's spot it to level 59 parasite it looks like an evolved version of that thing that we saw earlier oh my goodness dude it went straight for an attack oh my goodness it ran into it and exploded the parasite definitely won that one the red pool just spit out the level 63 SCP let's see how it does against this parasite wow that thing is Big holy smokes dude that was quick next up is level 67 let's see how they do wow the parasites keep getting bigger and bigger this thing has 100 Health the SCP only has 40. the scps are getting destroyed today this next one is level 69. this is probably gonna be pretty quick oh there they go I killed the SCP in two hits level 72 is a giant octopus let's see how it does against level 72 SCP oh my gosh dude it ran directly at it but it's getting eaten alive it didn't matter though bro it got grabbed and just ate the octopus for dinner I have a good feeling about this next SCP it is called the most of an Allosaurus all right we're gonna spawn in the parasite all the way over in the other Corner that is horrifying is it going to attack the Allosaurus oh brother oh no way bro I think the scps don't stand the chance the last few scps are the only thing that might be able to beat the parasites the level 75 SCP is called banana Zilla let's go ahead and spot in the level 75 parasite oh my gosh back bonanzilla is taking lots of damage right now the parasite's barely taking any no way bro banana Zilla just got eaten alive these parasites are worthless I think this guy was a big fan of the banana my entire world is filled up with scps and parasites there is just a huge infection spreading this was Bessie's idea so she can't do anything to me guys we made it to the final 25 levels of scps and Paris Heights put them in these Pastor protected chats that's where it is ten nine eight seven six five four three two one don't tell anybody that this next one isn't technically an SCP but I did want to see what would happen if a cyclops went up against the parasite this is just a tiny guy oh gosh wait why is this guy so tidy oh we just got picked up okay wait no he jumped back down dude he's doing tons of damage to the Cyclops but the Cyclops stopped them to death let's try out the level 79 guy against the Cyclops all right this guy looks more like it look at that bro he does like 30 damage in attack he hugged him to death how about a level 79 Dreadful Pete mummy that has 550 Health okay looks like the parasite has a size Advantage here and it crashed my game we're gonna move along to the level 83 SCP which is Bigfoot and I guess somewhere in here we're gonna spawn in the level 83 parasite that is a giant warthog all right we're gonna hit you with the make mob angry stick and we're gonna block you are they gonna fight oh my gosh it just broke out would you guys please fight for me oh my gosh dude it's trying to get the Bigfoot Bigfoot just looks so innocent but if I spawn one right next to you guys oh I think it's working oh yeah it is oh Bigfoot just got destroyed let's try it again oh my gosh there they go boom get him get him big boy Bigfoot just got turned into this big piece of meat the next SCP is called the old man his special ability is he can open up a pocket Dimension why are you acting so obsessed all right we're just gonna drop the level 86 parasite in there with you good luck oh my gosh they're going in on each other is the old man gonna send the parasite into the pocket Dimension oh my gosh he didn't even have to he punched it to death he might be old but he's still scrubbed and also extremely terrifying level 89 is the sculpture as long as you look at this thing it doesn't move but as soon as you tear your head it's gonna do that let's spawn in the level 89 parasite good luck there big fella okay wow he went directly for the Statue you just you're just gonna sit there you're gonna sit sit in the corner you're gonna take it and what if I slap you with this and I slap you with this oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it's hugging it to death yo yeah that's why you don't mess with that guy guys we are all the way at level 90. and even though this isn't technically an SCP I had to include siren head in this video let's see if it can beat the level 90 parasite all right siren heads moving in he's hitting it with his ginormous toenails but it looks like this guy's summoning an even more parasites let's actually go ahead and bust out the level 94 parasite this is one of the ancient parasites will siren head be able to beat the level 94 parasite honestly I thought I'd never say this but I feel kind of bad for siren head he just got demolished but let's see if it's able to beat our very next super duper shy SCP Shy Guy shy guy for those of you guys that do not know does not like to be looked at if you do he will come and he will destroy you let's see how this Level 94 parasite does with that Shy Guy's getting attacked but look how quickly he Regents that is why he is the level 96 SCP this battle isn't really going anywhere shy guy has taken the peaceful approach so what happens if I spawn into level 99 parasite this giant Beast is called the warden guys shy guy does not look good shy guy looks very angry oh my gosh dude oh shy guys running after them oh my goodness look at it dude it's attacking finally holy smokes bro a lot of damage and it's regening so quickly well look at that the parasites changing colored look at Shy Guy oh my goodness dude bro I can't even tell who's winning this I think we might actually have to call this one a draw the parasite had 124 health and shy guy has 850. but none of them are actually really taking any damage we're gonna try this one more time the same thing happened again a shy guy gets the parasite down to about 100 health and then it goes completely Invincible shy guy is also pretty much invincible so this one I'm pretty sure just has to be a draw we'll check in on them a little bit later but guys this next one is the level 100 SCP I don't think there's an SCP stronger if we go inside this SCP I'm pretty sure can withstand Shy Guy there's heavy assault golems in the corners just keeping this thing inside of this room there it is this tiny guy the hard to destroy reptile will put him down right here oh yeah I forgot to imagine he gets kind of big and let's spawn in the level 100 parasite the mutated Ender Dragon look how much damage it's doing bro 50 damage every single hit I don't think the reptile is even faced and then over there you can see Shy Guy and the warden still going at it I spawned them both inside so they could have a fair fight and no way one two the parasite beat the hard to destroy reptile but I actually can't believe that that just happened we need to try this one more time the SCP is tail open the Ender Dragon but it's still dying again the parasites are too overpowered I thought this might happen so there is one more creature I want to try and that is a personal favorite cartoon dog let's see if cartoon dog can take out the parasite Ender Dragon it did it we have actually died the parasites win man I think the only SCP that would be able to survive against them is shy guy that is insane make sure you guys comment down below other mob battles that you guys want to see
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 767,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, siren head, siren, head, siren head minecraft, minecraft siren head, siren head game, siren head mod, siren head vs, siren head in minecraft, minecraft scp, sirenhead, siren head minecraft mod, siren head minecraft addon, siren head minecraft prank, playing as siren head, scp 173, scp creatures, scariest scp creatures, dangerous scp creatures, scp containment breach, scp scariest creatures, minecraft parasite, beckbrojack, scape and run parasites mod
Id: yARt4Gj_RK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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