Trapping My Friends in the BACKROOMS in Minecraft

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these are my roommates and today i trap them in the back rooms the back rooms are a place outside of reality full of yellow dreary hallways rooms and the scariest monsters you've ever seen there's three different levels and the deeper you go into the back rooms the scarier it gets you might be wondering jack why would you trap your friends in this awful place well the other day i noticed that things mysteriously started missing from my house so i decided to set up a security camera to figure out what was happening this is what i i found he's sleeping let's go let's go [Music] he has to catch on by now yeah it's the third day in a row bro there's no way he doesn't know oh my gosh let's go dude so i found out they were stealing from me that's when i set up a trap come on come on come on this is the fourth day in a row now we're going to steal things from this stupid backproject come on come on i wonder if if check it you restart yes cookies cookies don't move don't move don't move oh oh he's trying to trap us what a dumb one [Laughter] let's go the boys are in the back rooms so for those of you guys that have never seen the backgrounds before this is what the boys are now stuck in it is an infinite maze made up of yellow wet carpet and different rooms and there's also stains everywhere this is why you don't steal kids i don't know man i told you we weren't supposed to steal his cookies dude it's like someone peed on the carpet look it's stained welcome to the back rooms welcome to the back room they have no idea where they are so right now we're on level zero but if the boys can find the portal down to deeper levels it'll keep getting scarier and scarier and i have so many tricks up my sleeve make sure you guys watch this is gonna be good well how did we get out well let's think about this backwards have you heard of a front room before i've never heard of a front room no okay i'm lost then wait wait the back rooms no wait no no what are they just going to stand here they're not even trying to get out this way what is it you've never heard of the back rooms it's just coming back to me now dude it's i don't even want to tell you but what is it oh is it like a poop stained office if we don't get out of here soon we're going to die is all i'm saying we gotta follow these signs i think someone's trying to help us that just gave me the chills this way a little further a little further a little further oh gosh okay let's go i don't like this i think it's about time we added in our first mob the weeping angel if we get trapped down here like we we actually can go insane no it's one of those angels what is this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no wait you have to keep eye contact with it or it'll chase you and kill you so the back rooms notoriously have some insanely weird creatures so i decided to add in a few of my own like the weeping angel i think i accidentally just walked into the weeping angel all right we gotta keep going the sign said this way i think i found a portal i don't go i don't go i found something i'm going in what is this they just found the portal to go deeper into the back rooms that happened a lot faster than i thought it would oh my gosh i went into some jail cell where are you wait where are you all right so the boys are now on level one this is where it's gonna start to get good and the best thing is they're separated oh no i think we got separated oh no are you in a jail cell tell me your surroundings it's like a white brick is everywhere i guess a joke okay so i would describe it as such okay i think we have to play a game of marco polo to find each other marco oh i found stairs i found stairs to go upstairs okay it looks like alex coming this way what i can do is summon in a clone of adam so that he thinks that adam is just glitch out it's getting louder the office noise wait we can use that to try and get to each other can we keep moving until the office noise gets super loud okay let's go right in front of alec and then we're just gonna summon a clone oh my goodness look at it he's so confused oh hi wait i see you wait you're not moving wait what that's not me that's not me run run oh what do i do there's two of you that's not me dude he's gonna kill you this is awesome he has to be freaking out right now i found stairs up going up there's four of you dude i'm telling you that's not me you gotta get out of there i'm running i'm running i'm on the second floor oh god there's more of you dude someone's torturing us what do i do what do i do marco we can add in clones of alec we're just going to surround him are you still on the second floor no i couldn't get up siren i found you you can't stop and stop me wait no i think i found you oh we'll add in a sign that says want to play a game dirt boy wanna play a game dirt boy ah no i'm breaking the sign i'm out of here bro i would be so terrified i'm i'm gonna communicate back i said no nice you told him he said no we're gonna add in clones of himself just to freak him out even more wait okay there's more there's a lot of me now how close are they to each other right now alec has been aimlessly running through the level one back rooms for a while now where am i where are we supposed to go like where are we what am i supposed to do i don't know we have to find each other i think while they're in the back rooms they're not going to be able to make any tools food or weapons there's a couple chests that they can find around but i don't think that they've found any of them yet there's someone playing a game with us that i don't want to play i told him no so hopefully he'll he'll listen did you say please did you use your nice words no i said no but i said it assertively so he'll have to listen adam i think i just heard noises let's go ahead and add in my friend pinky oh he sees him picky sees him he's chasing him down while he's dealing with that let's go mess with adam a little bit it looks gross bro what what what is it i don't know it was a big purple man i'm covered siren oh i found the portal wait come to me wait adam found something but we're gonna add in something right there oh my goodness we just added in a flaming scholar get out of here okay i'm coming i'm losing there's a david get here now i found a portal we'll add in a couple more to guard okay i'm going through it i'm going through it i'm leaving you mine i'm going through mine oh my gosh there's so many i'm going hallelujah did you make it through i made it through it did not help at all i'm still on the flipping white bricks everywhere it's the same exact thing bro they have to be going insane right now they have been trapped in the back rooms for over a half hour this office looks a lot smaller i don't think there's a way out wait i'm like trapped i think alex's been alone too long let's add in some villagers there's like a thousand stupid villagers here what is going on what is this place dude i don't know i'm gonna offer up my cookies demon lord of the bathrooms take my cookies it'll leave me alone i think that worked they do not stop running adam and alec are panicking right now they have no tools or no weapons they are just frantically running around the back rooms we gotta get out of here if we get trapped in the back rooms didn't you say we die no we don't die i wish we would die we're trapped here forever we go insane i think that's already kicking in to be honest i see you right now he found adam they actually got to each other but they're stuck behind the wall take me out you break the bottom block i'm breaking the top one third point be free they're digging to each other this is the perfect opportunity to add in something right behind dalek i think i ran by a chest maybe there's a pick oh my gosh how thick is this wall i'm hearing things me too i need to get out [Music] adam i'm seeing things hearing things help me dig what is that dude help me dig out summerfish got through hell based oh my gosh oh wait adam broke through the door i'm gonna add in a gun right there let's see if they can actually use the gun wait is that a pickaxe what is that oh you gotta go and shoot it it's immediate oh this is the worst gun ever shoot i'll also give them an argent pickaxe so they're able to break through the wall i feel like it'll be way better if the boys are together and that way they can both get scared together he's just shooting at him with the gun you just shoot me yeah it's called the minigun oh i gotta i got a pickaxe i just got mining fatigue and slowness are you having fun yet are you having fun yet no die side man next time that signing man pops up i'm shooting him in the face oh what is that adam see that's what i was spooked at earlier shoot that thing oh okay i'm shooting i'm shooting it oh it shoots fireballs oh i shot it i got it again yeah nice oh what is this an argent energy here you can have that there's also a couple music discs that i just found at the mod so let's try one out this one's called pigstab okay dude what is that whoa whoa whoa do you hear that music it's coming from here you found the jukebox that was so fast let's add in another one over here this one we can just do music disc 11 which is notoriously creepy go no no music discs okay i'm not i don't like that i'm not a fan okay this gun is out of ammo you wasted all the flipping bullets yeah i don't i wouldn't call it a waste oh yeah yeah that's that's sweet follow me i see a chat yeah yeah yeah i see i told you there was a chest when i was well there's another one right here oh they found some chess string bro i just got straight why are there so many endermen oh my gosh i flip it string i feel really bad for adam so i think i should give him a gun we're going to give him a really powerful gun just so alec gets mad i don't even know where to go from here neither do i i think we need signed up madam look i found another portal oh there's a gun get the gun whoa don't shoot oh my gosh that was insane and look at that the voice found the next layer down come on let's go through the portal let's follow them inside alec it's all black again [Music] um where'd you go this entire place is just a huge infinite maze of pipes oh wait there's a turn up here the pipe turns wait wait wait wait it turns yeah do you have any weapons to protect yourself i have an argent pickaxe oh my gosh you're dead okay alex running all the way down here let's add something for him at the very end okay so he could either go this way or he could turn this corner if he turns the corner he's going to find his oh oh gosh oh hear noises he has entered a messy level two and he also just found this a huge cyber demon's legs he's trying to fight it there's like a giant minotaur or something that's suffocating in the in my room what are you saying i don't know i think you're going insane a little bit get it together sir what do i even do it's gonna kill me oh it died okay well while alec is digging let's go check up on adam i found a leaky pipe he is trying to break the pipes we're gonna add more pipes there's nowhere to run dirt boy oh i found a portal i found a portal i found a portal should i go through or should i wait for you save yourself man i would have done the same all right i'm gonna go i'm gonna go good luck bro wait alex just entered level three he actually got here oh my goodness bro he's at the final level i can't believe he got this far i'm back in the prison but the ceiling is now leaky pipes again oh yes i found it i found a secret entrance i added in a possessed scientist that'll maybe stop him [Music] yes i found the portal i'm going through okay this has to be the exit um i need your gun bro i tp back to the leaky pipes oh my gosh dude adam on the other hand can't figure out how to get to where alec is he's been aimlessly running around at level two where there are just pipes everywhere for miles and miles and miles are you in like the white room now or what no i i'm in the same room oh my gosh it's a flying angel i just smoked it let's go i'm gonna give adam an item called daisy's foot this will supposedly make him a little bit faster oh my gosh yes i got a lucky foot yes i got super speed but let's go put something up here so that he goes directly into one of the scariest creatures in the entire game come on come on get me out of here well i didn't want a little bit closer ah what is that is that you it's definitely not me bro there's some kind of war vet here he's stuff getting the wall oh my gosh just blew up this dude just has bombs trapped in his chest we're adding in tons of these bad boys this will freak out him out gg so that guy oh my gosh everything behind me is blowing up i gotta take to be out of here now that he's strapped in a corner we should probably give him a pickaxe so that he can get through just a little bit faster oh i found a chess oh i found a pickaxe and a golden apple yes i got a pickaxe whatever you just did it give me a pickaxe except the pickaxe can't break any blocks i don't think this pickaxe works and someone just patched up the one block i just dug fantastic i'm getting trolled up i opened the chest hold on i think i just freaked out like out what what what oh i'm getting trolled someone is opening and closing a stupid chest next to me open shot open shut open shut open shut i think i'm going crazy bro i think i'm going crazy i've been running forever midterm it's just it does not change i'm running down the same hallway and i see the same gosh darn pipe oh this guy looks pretty fun his name is zombie man oh that is a lovely sound zombie man yes something keeps moaning in my ear i don't know what it is it's going what am i supposed to do when the best part of me is i fall into pieces why is there so many things oh my goodness dude he just took out that zombie dude uh what is a prowler whoa that thing looks terrifying yes the end dude i ran all the way to the other side and there's no portal it just died right in front of his face why do they die down here i'm trapped in a gosh day tunnel i hit it i hit it hey i i i do just hit that gosh dang you're not taking this seriously siree i mean at this point i'm just going crazy i hit it boy okay good i'm lowering him into a corner this is a perfect opportunity to spawn in whiplash ah dude what are these things that are spawning in here bro it's gonna kill me the scariest part about this place is that every corner you turn there could be something different or it could be the exact same because it's just an infinite maze don't die you'll get trapped in the back rooms forever you have to find the exit actually you cannot die [Music] i got nowhere near you dude alec died and then he teleported right back next to adam they took your soul adam thank you wait it's me stop don't shoot me it's me get away from me seriously it's me i don't think alec trusts adam and adam does not trust alec right now they they're just yeah they're just about to fight each other we're gonna create npcs of both alec and adam just to make them even more confused they just killed you i think they have your soul back up hey you just hit me yeah cause you but you stuck a gun in my nostril adam stop stop look what i gave you back up though okay i'm i'm out there to your right okay i'm with you that's my left i no i'm to your right look behind you that's me that's me get away from me they have your soul don't shoot me you fingers they have your soul dude i can't trust you anymore they're catching up you've been eaten by the bathrooms those things are catching up do you not have super speed no do you no that sounded like a yes guys i don't think i could trust a siren he literally was killed by one of the people from the back rooms so where are we going how what like what's going on with your this pipe have you learned anything about it yeah just follow me you'll be safe with me why are you saying it like that adam adam why'd you say it like that guys i don't know if i should kill him or keep him close just follow me dude this hallway goes on literally forever look i'm going full speed in spectator mode and i still haven't reached the end of it the portal on the other hand is right over here what we can do is split them up and put the void right there but we had him turn around i'm not even kidding turn around it doesn't why are you shooting me oh my gosh there's a portal he's turning back around we can add in pinky oh my gosh [Laughter] they just keep getting stuck inside of the blocks bro bro i knew it i knew it you're trying to set me up when it turned around oh they're funny together oh gosh adam just jumped right inside of the portal there was no hesitation they both just went in deeper i'm getting into the portal they're going go in oh my gosh dude i'm back in the same gosh dang room they both went back into level two so the portal has a small chance of just putting you in a different spot in the same level that you're already stuck in and that's what happened to both of them okay we're just gonna keep giving them board blocks to jump into i knew you were lying to me adam i wasn't lying what are you talking about oh yes i found another portal i'm going through later sirens oh i found another portal yes yes i made it out oh my gosh that's cool i'm out i'm out about adam turner you're out i'm here alex escaped the back rooms wait no way no we got to put him deeper wait adam escaped too no boys that was too easy is it you is it actually you this is me okay okay i think we should never ever ever go inside i am never going to jack's house again i'm hiding in the bar and i'm going to flip to sleep i'm coming yeah i'm coming out of here we're going to create a little room for the boys just so they know i am not to be messed with we never bring this up to him either never even let him know that we know what the back rooms are i don't even know what they are is you know they're surrounded let's put on another one there another one there another one there what the heck just happened what's up i'm killing them all i'm killing them there's so many of me i kill that not me they're they're invincible they're invincible i'm out of here man i'm sorry i gotta go do you think it was him this whole time oh my gosh we're back in the background i thought we were safe that was an illusion made by you hey boys adam is this you hello that one is moving oh that one is moving he's looking at me real funny i'm out of ammo dude i'm gonna vanish i'm gonna go right behind at him oh he disappeared he disappeared i'm calling he's behind us now i'm going i'm going follow me i'm going go go go they're on the run i knew it was jack i'm popping through this portal and i'm never coming back take me back home they went through the portal to go back deeper into the back rooms we got to get out of here we got to get out of here jack's going to kill him oh my gosh joe's gonna kill us all all i can do now is hide we are about to put them in the deepest section of the back rooms they're trapped up here forever i think i'm in heaven my gosh we're free can we fly free oh i think we're free adam turn around oh no all right jack we're sorry man we're sorry we we took your cookies i won't do it again i'm giving them myself it's all a siren it was the siren it wasn't me it was the siren no it wasn't me jax it wasn't me take your cookies back it was it was yeah give him give his cookies he tried giving back the cookies no what is that they're heretics oh my gosh he's brought his stuff in and run we're spawning in every creature the biggest and baddest of the creatures in the back rooms ah one hit me i'm dying adam that might be the best way to go out man oh my gosh i just wrote they're everywhere just run everybody for themselves [Laughter] i wanna go home i'm sorry make sure you guys leave a like or else i will trap you in the back rooms
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 5,950,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, backrooms, the backrooms, minecraft backrooms, minecraft backrooms mod, backrooms minecraft, beckbrojack
Id: uX74Snqoj4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2022
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