I Made Vanilla Minecraft Realistic

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This is a Minecraft screenshot. Don't believe me? What about now? Still no? What about now? Do you believe me yet? What if I told you I did this in vanilla Minecraft without ANY mods installed with ONE command. And, what if I told you that that isn't even the craziest thing you'll see in this video? Like most cursed things in life it all started with Twitter. I was scrolling through cat memes when something interesting popped up on my timeline. A tweet from an account named Godlander. This person was experimenting with a tool that could turn complex models into Minecraft resource pack files. So, naturally, I got the idea to see how realistic I could make Minecraft before my computer crashed. *fire whirrs* The first thing I decided to do was figure out how to get a basic model imported. I skimmed through a bunch of different online modeling websites and downloaded a couple random models to try out. *gasp* :O We have to get the Home Depot crate! Look at it! Ohhh! Now this car looks fast. We gotta get this one. Why is this 10$?!? Next, I had to install four things. Python, Pillow, a picture of a funny cowboy, and OBJ MC, the tool this project is based around. The cowboys just there for when I start to feel lonely. 🤠 Which is... very frequently. 😔 But luckily for me, I'm completely illiterate and Godlander is super kind and they offered to include some sample models with the tool for me to try out. Okay, so it looks like I'm holding a sphere, but when I place it down, it's a... just a weird blue cube? Uh, okay, It's rainbow now? Oh, hey, there it goes! It's supposed to be a sphere. Okay, it's a rainbow sphere, look at that. *Unce, unce, unce, unce* (ミዕᆽዕミ) And then, if we do pink stained glass... Look at that! It's a companion cube. So while these models are very cool, they're only samples, and if I'm gonna make my computer explode I needed to be able to import my own models. Uhhh... 3D models... There we - Okay, these ones. It took me hours, maybe even da - It might've even taken me a week, to learn how to perfect this tool, but I eventually learned it, and got it to work, and got everything running. I'm really excited for this one... *gasp* Look at it! So small! WARNING USE BY OTHER THAN REGISTERED OWNER PROHIBITED BY LAW Wait... Does that mean this is illegal? Here, let's try to make this bigger, and then we refresh... Oh! That's... a little too big! I'm in the basket! :3 Hello! :3 Hello! I'm in the basket! Let me out ): This one looks about right... and I made it white stained glass... so now if I grab... White stained glass... They're just actual blocks you can place!? I'm shopping! (˃ᆺ˂) I'm shopping! I'm buying items! Wait, there's something I've always wanted to do in real life. Wait a second... In real life I've always wanted to stack these up and stand on them because they look so sturdy. Look at em' go! I think I'm enjoying these too much... Now that I had some simple models working, it was time to try something a little bit bigger. MUCH bigger... Probably not that big... That one...that one might be a little too big... I did some browsing... a little shopping, if you will, for a MASSIVE rock model, and I found one online, downloaded it, imported it into the tool, and by the way, all models I use in this video will be linked below. So if you really like this rock, you can go find that rock, it's down there, just for you! I think I made a mistake! o3o How do I - Where is the command blocks!? I found them in the tunnel :) There we go! Okay. Look at how cool this rock is, though! This is crazy. This just doesn't feel right, like why - This doesn't feel like it should be in Minecraft. The next step was I needed to learn how to import a model that's not only massive, but also has a ton of detail too. Because, I mean, this rock looks cool but it's really not that complicated. It's just a rock. And this is where I got an idea. A crazy idea. An absurd idea. And I know the fact of me getting an idea probably already scares you but trust me, this one's kinda cool. I wanted to import an ENTIRE world from Super Mario 64 into Minecraft. So, let's do it! I did some perusing online. I found the model, I downloaded the model, I tried to import it like normal, but then something went wrong. The model had no textures whatsoever. They came with the file, why weren't they in blender? And it was at this time that I learned something very, very important... I don't actually know what I'm doing. You see, to import a model into Minecraft the OBJMC tool can only handle a single texture file at a time. And the amount of texture files in an entire Mario level is, well... Atleast two, it's probably atleast two which is too many. But I was insistent to make this model work. I refused to quit, no matter what hap - If I got hit by a truck, I would get out of the hospital and try to make this model work. So I did some research, and I learned about a technique called texture baking. Texture baking like the name implies works almost exactly like an easy bake oven. You put all your textures in one side, you click all the buttons, you wait, something smells weird, and one really big texture file comes out of the back. And if it combines all of the textures into one texture, when OBJMC can only handle one texture, this sounds exactly like what we're looking for. But this is when I ran into my first major issue. Actually DOING the texture baking. Apparently, texture baking is an extremely complicated process that takes like hours to do even if you know what you're doing and are like a Blender expert. Which I am most definitely not. I have never used this program before. And since I'm brand new, it would probably take me like, atleast a week of non-stop Blender usage to get up to the level of an average user. Then it would still take me hours to learn how to texture bake. But that's when I found something... My wallet :D YAAAAAY! (=˃ᆺ˂=) I found out that Blender actually has plug-ins you can buy that allow you to texture bake SUPER easily with like, one button. Almost like an easy bake oven... And I've been too addicted to staring at the sun recently to learn how to do it myself, so I bought the highest rated texture baking plug-in on Blender, added every individual texture from the model, and tried it out! If I did everything right... When I click this... *gasp* I did NOT expect this to work. This does not look like Minecraft... Okay, let me see if I can raise the resolution. Hmm... I don't think this looks right... Ooh, there we go! Look at how much nicer this looks. Why don't we just bring some blocks up here... I'm not a fan of how much it stutters... I'm not really sure why it does that but it looks so cool... C'mon, we gotta give it a Mario! *rapid block placing* See - Oh boy. That is too big. *Mysty laughs* The fact that this is Vanilla Minecraft is like, unbelievable to me. Oh, you guys aren't ready for this one. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm Mario! Look at me go! I'm the funny man! Yahoo! Yippie! *OOMPH* Now don't get me wrong, this is absolutely fantastic, but don't forget that the point of the video was to make Minecraft so realistic that my computer might explode. And now that we know how to import big detailed files, then what better way then to make Minecraft realistic than to import models that are real life objects 3D scanned into a computer. You literally cannot get more realistic than that. So I went back online... Did a little shopping, did a little perusing as they say, and I downloaded a very highly detailed, real life tree stump online. Now, I don't know if there's some trend I've never heard about but the amount of very realistic 3D scanned tree stumps is... like, greater than five, which was a little unexpected, but hey, it looks cool. This is weird to see... It looks so real. Well, it compiled, so... Okay, I loaded the texture pack... Oh, well it's sideways, but it's not crashing the game? What?! Hellooooo. Anybody there? Hello? :3 Okay, second times the charm. *click* *gasp* This is like...unbelievably realistic. *Mysty laughs* I'm getting 15...14 FPS that's better than I expected. So now we got a realistic model working, although it's kinda laggy, but I wanna try something bigger that's equally as realistic. I'm gonna add the Roman colosseum - Oof, that's kinda...pricey actually. Yeah, this works. I'm gonna add the Eiffel Tower into the game, into Minecraft. Okay, so if I click one... There we go! And then if I place it down... This thing's huge! What if I put a... put a couple of them down... make a really THICK Eiffel Tower. It's the Eiffel Tiny! At this point, I was extremely satisfied with what I'd seen so far, But I wanted to push this tool to the extreme. I wanted to get as big and as realistic as I could just on the line of my computer catching fire. And let me tell you now, it was NOT easy to do. Mainly, because I found this entire Tapp Street Arch As a full single 3D model. This thing is MASSIVE. So I got the model downloaded, and imported into Blender, and I got all the textures baked on, just like we'd done for bob-omb battlefield, but this is when I noticed one MASSIVE issue. You see, models are made up of a thing called polygons which are essentially a bunch of little tiny triangles that make up the shape of the model, and the biggest model we've seen was the realistic tree trunk with 150,000 polygons. That model crashed the game. This Tapp Street Arch has 2,000,000 polygons inside of this model. That's more than I have subscribers... for now ;) I mean...you could change that. Anyways... It took me almost three minutes just to open this model in Blender. It took me almost an hour just to bake the textures. And not only that but when I try to test it in game the model would tear all over the place no matter how many times I tried it. This kinda looks like those weird laser rooms. It's like you gotta get through without touching the lasers. *Mysty imitates Mission Impossible Theme* Oh... I tried using a bunch of guides online for smoothing out the model to decrease the poly count and tried re-linking all the poly edges to fix any seams in the mesh but ultimately my work made little impact. And this is when I decided to do the taboo... the unthinkable. I decided to do what no person in history ever imagined would be possible. I asked someone for help. *=audience gasps* My friend cosmicmatt from Power Palette did some ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*magic✧・゚: *✧・゚:* on it and got it down to about 100,000 polygons. That's less than the tree trunk was. And after he sent it back to me, all I had to do left was import it into the game. *gasp* Yo! It worked! Look at this! This is real life in Minecraft! This actually feels wrong! *Mysty laughs* I don't know how to describe this! Look at this. I am in de jail ): Let me out of de jail ): This actually feels so like...wrong and right at the same time? *gasp* Canada! Wanna see more Minecraft projects like this? Subscribe and check out this video next! It's a pretty cool one. You'll like it. My macaroni's gonna - I need to run! Uhm... *microwave beeping* |\__/,| (`\ _.|o o |_ ) ) -(((---(((--------
Channel: Mysticat
Views: 863,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ybnlNxuRl80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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