I SAVED MARIO!! | Luigi's Mansion 3

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[Music] hey everyone it's your friend thick noodles and welcome back to Luigi's Mansion three this may or may not be the final episode we've got deal but what I think is the last button here it is the 14th floor guys nope ultra pity though the 15th whatever yes the 15th floor right cuz there we go floor at number 15 now guys I do want to set a likes target in this video as well I've been doing it on all my videos lately and you guys I've never done one on this video but I think that we can easily hit 2571 like so please I need you guys like the video so we can hit the likes target for hopefully maybe what might be the final video in this series oh dude the elevator it's like it's almost like it's it's an outdoor construction elevator on top there cuz we've reached the but I feel like with this game we're gonna get a thrown curveball a curveball thrown by the game and it ain't gonna be the final floor oh there we go give me some of that cash though oh do the elevator just left whoa dude is this like a screening room it's really nice oh here we go oh hi wait she can see it what she could see us wait what so what's happening here how come I see so incompetent there's no way Luigi should have gotten this far I suppose I underestimated you and that Professor just attack congratulate it is time sunken what did she say but I'll read congratulations on making all the way up here that doesn't mean you've won yes she's not really saying anything actually this can be very very good you Luigi you're about to become the ultimate gifts once I capture you and offer you the King mu he'll be absolutely delighted with me you know a way this worked out splendidly you might as well have wrapped yourself like a mummy maybe King Boo will decide to display you next to this painting I'll have to ask him wait she is Mario I thought I thought boots took both of boots hook princess and all right took peach and Mario Luigi if you want to save Mario you have to come and find me kind of debate from sheer terror before then I'll be waiting in anticipation so here okay so I think that we have to beat her save Mario and then we go peach which I did not expect I expected our brother Mario Oh Luigi did you see that that was your big brother that means hotel owner is finally making an appearance okay it's finally time for you to face off track down the hotel owner and rescue Mario yeah I thought we would rescue like my brother he'd be the final one but I think we're gonna rescue Mario and then vu has peach okay and then maybe Mario's me no you have to rescue her I love her okay wait first of all Oh dude wait look at that why is there okay first of all let's get that but there's like in that little hole there there's a painting of Luigi isn't there all right and I assume Luigi can just go right through there I mean oh okay it oh dude there's a ton of money in here look at all this gold and spider so it's just it's it was just a poster I thought it was a painting I thought it was like maybe to lure me in here so that something would happen like and I don't I'd get sucked into the painting who knows all right what can I go in this one yep right okay interesting I wonder what that's gonna do let's grab the coins first Oh what come here give me it there we go and pull ah wait oh here we go oh boy okay that's pretty cool all right oh no no no wait I didn't I didn't want you to fall buddy you okay hold on I got a check over here cuz this looks like sand that we can yep that's what I thought get some money out of Oh be out hook it up no gem in there huh I was open ad oh here we go dude there's a lot of mirrors oh look it's uh a nest cam or something okay so obviously she's watching us whoa I was gonna I was about to say like okay hold on hold on hold on I got you um I was about to say it's gotten a little too quiet in here but yeah there we go so he's blocking a door him can you can you pull the tongue pull pull there you go and let me just make you up and smash snot oh we only have to smash once okay don't done okay there's a door here let me go in there oh oh we're gonna need that dude that is a cool key looks Wade yeah dude that's a gem key I don't think it's gonna be that easy let's uh whoa oh my goodness there's lasers I don't know what I did to set those off I did that and then like it started them so I think it's just that I got in the area where they start okay okay I see this I see this all right here we go actually you do it dude okay mmm oh I see okay right go there you go okay all right GUI G what do we got now oh wait let's get some money there's some money here I see wait no your money yeah there we go okay now Oh doo doo doo doo doo doo - dude I got it I got it okay I got it hold on let me just put on this and I did it I did it and I didn't even sacrifice any of my life I did it with good Ouija just in case he dies fine don't care that much yeah okay wait hold on let's let's collect some stuff though oh whoa weird so that was like purple yeah I know that and then whoa what do we got in here I can't really say oh just a bunch of golden rat that's what we got okay yeah there's like a vault in here all right let's go grab this key was focused on Oh what we're here for there's like a yep there's a pearl there I saw anything else and just books okay look at the boo there yeah let's grab this okay so we got the yellow gem key oh whoa what do you guys do win wait oh geez watch out watch out holy cow hey stop wait where did they go come on boys oh dude really whoa whoa whoa whoa okay geez what is wrong with you dude hold on let me just get around the back here and all your friends are here great this is not good can you okay this is a lot easier to see now hold on here we go come on air and there smash him see I'm smashing you too dude I got you I got you well actually I didn't get him but where are you I can't see man come here come here so I got him mostly I hear you dude you're making a lot of noise where are you there you are come on man seriously you thought you could get away from me I am Luigi king of the ghost sir well you know king of oh okay that looks like it opens you see the split in the middle there does this this just okay wait let's try this then hold on no but there's definitely no oh dude check this out what just stop it would you stop it here I'll take your money fine because there's something behind here whoa what is that I don't know okay I guess I'm supposed to get in there I guess oh maybe I'm supposed to get into each of these four well okay so there's a sense there's a doorway here nope yes my first successful dark light all right okay I see it I see it okay so that we have two oh there's gonna be some lasers okay what what are you that's a key doesn't even look like a key okay so okay okay so when you do that oh can we just go through the shower door here oh that's easy oh no can do so okay this one is gonna be fun all right should we do it as let's do it as Luigi let's take a let's take a risk okay that was bad timing okay there okay so where did that one go I lost track of it oh I see okay okay all right we good we good we good okay so I see the thing moving and job no that's bad timing hold on whoop there we go and we're through now we're in the shower is anything I'm cold oh dude I just thought there's bubbles through this that's cool oh wait what am I supposed to my supposed to do anything with this or I don't know I mean I can build water I wonder oh wait I can shut it off and then put gooey G down there yeah go down what's down here oh I guess it's just spiders and money okay oh jeez I did not know it extended that far okay we're good and there we go oh dude I want that too oh whoa yo ouch okay I need that I need that heart okay okay all right I see what I have to do there we go oh wait no oh right I can't like it's hard cuz you can't there we go you can't run and jump at the same time you okay we can shut this off is that true wait who wife sir Oh wife stare but with money that is a roll of money toilet paper yeah you know we shut it off okay let's go into the tub here oh do I have to fill it in water maybe we have to fill it up and make it float out [Music] cool it's in like a little like a boo inner tube right here I think yeah okay we had a dark like this door because this is gonna have this is one of their like four rooms for keys yeah oh just had to go back to this one where we got in here any lasers no lasers okay oh but there's a fire so I see the like okay what happens to gooey G in the fire does he okay he melts okay so so it said that he like water like destroys him or hurts him but they didn't say anything about fire so okay I was gonna I thought we might have to go get the water bucket never mind okay okay okay okay I can do that I can so that water bucket from the shower is what I was thinking we needed but oh geez no no no no oops okay oh oh dude there's a gem there how do i okay what am I supposed to do with any of these okay come on oh okay hold on so if I do this let's spin it and stop what stop it doesn't stop oh it does okay cool oh there are lasers okay so there was okay hold on hold on there was one cool oh no okay I got it so I got to be on the other side oh wow look at all this Oh once we turn it off okay so yeah I have to walk across hold on lay down here we go this work okay go in there yep cool flip the switch and now okay now we can go get this stuff but I still don't see how that helps the key oh jeez wait Luigi oh just oh it doesn't okay it knows just like no no no okay so that doesn't help us how okay let's try it lets the other way can you go the other way okay here wait can he go through oh oh yeah there were lasers did I see them on the body where they were on that well they would have been on the bottom okay so there we go we're good oh dude no no no no no so stupid [Music] nevermind I thought I couldn't do that I was like I'm stuck over here dude alright so that is three of four and I guess the last one's gonna be red whoa what happened out here dude there's okay wait oh there's mummies I one minute 57 seconds later are you like wait I thought I was so set yeah yeah knock him down right or something yeah there we go and now I can yeah there it is okay yeah forgot about the mummies like yeah spit them around and now get the ghost got him oh dude all cool whoo we stick all of the keys onto booze tongue over there okay so here is oh it's this so do we darkly you go hold on before I do that oh look at them oh it's so cute hold on all that get get these get these oh look they're sitting on a boat in the sunset that's cute let's grab some money the OE the money no no no I didn't want to ha dude there was some money there whoa Oh get the slippers oh geez okay oh okay well then we got here let's pop this thing open can we open that yeah okay there we go okay there's money it's a toolbox okay wait what what what's it blocking that we can't reach oh I see where we're supposed to go weak so can I just go like this can I make it though oh yeah yeah oh wait Oh grab the sheets off the bed let's get it let's get that I want it I want ya the pillows in oh wait oh okay and the slipper I want the slipper there we go give me the slippers okay so I go this way yeah so we just do this this looks harmless I guess oh okay right let's go okay I got it okay okay I think I know what to do so we have to go up so we have to go like this oh oh okay Hey whoa kuai ji almost just died okay hold on okay so this thing's gonna lower you have to do anything with this can i push it can i grab it oh wait can I grab this no okay so I put GUI G on this no no no okay right okay so like no okay now what if I do this ah I got completely zapped I think we need both of them okay no no stay on the middle dude oh dude there's a gem oh I gotta get that I gotta get that can I get that okay go go go go get a get a get a get in I got it Geronimo okay brah no no no and get up get I gotta get I gotta get up why can't I oh dude sorry bud right like this yeah look at that easy okay I thought I was gonna have to use Luigi and GUI G but I don't have to I don't have to sacrifice any of my health for that um so now it should be pretty easy because Oh wake it up kid okay don't fall don't fall sorry actually let's let's come on let's risk it right Luigi I know you don't like taking risks buddy but go go go go go go oh no no no no no no no oh my goodness okay here we go dude here we go dude go get it hey we did it buddy you me all right run quickly oh no no no no no no no nope no no no oh I'm sorry wait wait come on no come on don't oh my god playing Super Smash Bros right there all right here we go we got all four tongue keys tongue he's got tongue piercings that's what this is okay oh well that doesn't oh it's an op two armies two aren't what top down I like it you know what I do geez look at them all I just was just one of those oh geez it's one of these things I love about this game is like everything is so different and they like they bring out the top down like at the end of the game this is so cool okay that thing okay that is that was not moving before why are there so many then there's Oh regular ones too okay hopefully like we can use ah dude go away everyone go away please relax okay let's grab these dudes Wow why are they oh they try to take me there ah come on I was trying to hit him are you kidding me here we go okay there we go he's got twenty elf laughs let's go come on ten another than that okay oh geez GG I gotta go I got it Oh give me all those yes they just gave me full health hahaha oh I needed that so bad let's go we've got what we need put him in Pierce's tongue why is this done glue oh this is gonna be quite a long little scene here isn't it Thank You buggies uh-huh where are they coming from man like that's it's nowhere on your body in your backpack last one Jim it is aha it's so beautiful oh is it him wait oh I thought we're good I thought he was actually coming out I thought oh dude she lives in a bank vault behind the boo wow she has to do that every time she wants to go to her office it's Mario know well well well how does he didn't think you'd have a scaredy-cat like you making it this far you're just full of surprises ha ha just wait mm-hmm you ransacked my hotel capture my stuff with a strange vacuum of yours and to top it all off you catnap my sweetie my little darling my precious oh no not again this isn't how it was supposed to happen oh she's so ugly she was kind of beautiful before for ghosts and now you're supposed to run away from King boom like a filthy coward if you just let yourself get caught in that panty King Boo and a shower me praise my brother trapped but instead I've lost everything because of you wait what's happening yeah oh oh that's what she stays pretty mm shall we begin I suppose I'll just have to deal with you myself then King Boo will trust me once more and recognize how useful I can be then you Randy Luigi do you do try to make this enjoyable for me okay I guess we're fighting in here wait what are we doing okay well it's a bit weird another desk oh okay so first of all I'm noticing wait she went into the TB so I see that's what I was afraid of okay so I see this oh my what hold on first of all let's do this hold on what's what's in here okay dude you got a job man wait oh I have no control over myself okay so what is it what is oh okay so alright so GUI G let's drop him down here first let's see what does that go oh okay all right now what what is I don't I don't know what these spinny thing oh boy okay wait oh here flip it what does that do watch out let me view watch out watch out oh wait did it do anything to her okay wait can we G oh here we go here nope you can't go past there okay wait oh there was another one I missed that one I missed that one hold on hold on hold on can I get there but I can't seem to get there ah okay I know what I have to do okay this is so slow alright GUI G oh and and there's lights that we have to flash - so let's flash that I don't know what that does but okay okay wait hold on let me go let me go grab that real quick and then we're gonna do this flip it flip it flip it flip it why are you dude watch out oh my goodness what is that he flipped it though right didn't he he did he didn't flipped it didn't he or did he flip it I can't tell it's supposed to turn it off there ah oh I see what's happening here so we're turning off the beams so now if I do this what happens okay here okay that's cool I guess but if I what if I shoot this thing what does this do wait watch out okay watch out watch out whoa Joe Joe Joe aren't you going after me okay I need to do that oh dude wait I'm just 600 oh come on No no no there we go come on now she got 400 hell yeah dude and I got 59 69 health okay cool now what happens what does that do gives me hearts okay oops well actually we want to be down here don't we oh dude I'm gonna get oh oh so as long as I don't okay but hey this one I have to run from ah okay so you can run away from it does a full 360 but what Oh watch out watch out nah no I was not paying enough attention there okay now what are we at wait okay we got this thing again oh wait they're back oh my goodness so okay okay I've got it so what we have to do is you need to go down go down go down go down drop drop drop okay so he has to go shut this one off right wait how does he oh wait hold on watch out okay oh I can get her again oh oh okay okay I'm now I'm understanding here so he can't shut that one he can it looks like wait honey can we get any of them so here's the deal the deal oh ouch okay ouch so the deal is that okay I need the deal is that I need to go get that heart there but yeah what happens is GUI gee well I don't know how we dim some of them and I have a heart please thank you all right what are we okay it's coming from there which way it's going that way so be easy enough all right coming from that one so we're gonna stay here and it's gonna go that way again cool cool and then where is it coming from okay that's it cool oh dude come on that is so unfair what water what's that mean water income okay bye okay so yeah GUI ji can shut off some of these but the thing is I don't know oh yes I do hold on I know how he can get to them like this one he can get to right hold on oh no he did not go the place I thought he would but if he shuts ah see the problem is that when I hit her and it pull I use the vacuum it pulls me toward these things so we need more space that's why you have to have him shut them off oh no I was good I thought ah dude how am I supposed to know oh I bet it's because of the way that the the siren is spinning or the light on top is spinning because I was trying to figure out how am I supposed to know which direction it's it spins right and I think that's how whoops again really oh and I bet when the water goes through it changes the like I bet it change the dynamic inside let's go check and see what it did like it changes the gates or something yeah it does cuz now Oh watch out watch out watch out watch out I might be able to get hurt here because come on hold on hold on don't hit it don't hit it there yeah yeah yeah so you only really need Oh watch out watch out no you idiot you walked right into it alright okay which way oh it's going it's going clockwise so oh my yeah but you see because the light on top is going clockwise okay we're good so now when we watch it open oh now wait okay I was wrong I don't know well I mean ah I was right but then also it like changed so it's things moving faster it looks like to me come on go okay it's gonna feel like okay it's gonna go clockwise right nope ah you know what it actually might ah okay so I think what it does it actually goes in the direction it thinks it can reach you most quickly oh yeah he can do yellow though here we go yellow hello get it okay watch out oh yeah now we got you now we got she come on go go go we're gonna beat her dude and I might not even need poultry puffs I might I might still need pull chip up though but I'm not sure throw the mirror throw it yeah that's right come on you got it no no no don't want me don't want me here we go yeah yeah that way that we go there we go that's what we needed right there come on come on come on we got her boom yeah and I did not need a rescue from vulture oh yeah she wants to look beautiful inside my vacuum whoa give me all those arts let's go rescue Mario come down here Mario you have to like yes here we go yes let's hug he's so happy yes oh man what's up bro come on we gotta save the princess there argue about where to go wait okay it's me and Mario versus King Boo and will finally beat Luigi's Mansion three and save the princess you're looking forward to that let me know by clicking the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and don't forget to tap the bell I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course you live
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 2,513,720
Rating: 4.916913 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles horror game, horror, game, story mode, luigi, mario, polterpup, luigis mansion, luigis mansion 3, ghost, haunted mansion, nintendo, peach, toad, thinknoodles Luigis mansion, save, save mario, helen gravely, boss fight
Id: hRm-Iq2ZMyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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