FIGHTING A T-REX!! | Luigi's Mansion 3

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[Music] hey everyone in Sierre friend thinknoodles and welcome back to Luigi's Mansion 3 where we finally keep the stupid cat and we can actually get to the floor that we were supposed to go to the last episode kind of threw us a curveball there so now the key I swear if there's like a poultry panda that takes all right we're good it's in oh all right 9th floor so how are you getting there guys the unnatural history museum oh we are going to fight a fossil dinosaur I can feel it already you can get in the night at the museum vibes here up I see a boat already I see I told you this is happening don't worry it's just a dinosaur we already face Godzilla how much worse could it be yeah there's a pterodactyl right above us well I'm gonna take all this stuff off the desk thank you oh wait oh geez I didn't even have coal healthier whoa okay oops um let's open this up what whoa what is that oh that's oh that's one of the gems it's a it's a dinosaur foot great looks like the Velociraptor there's a triceratops on the whoa okay do I have to flash it there yeah you just gotta time your flash there book wait is it like forever no I think that's all of them now right yeah we got them all Oh piggy bank Oh can we do anything with the brute oh wait what are we supposed to do with the broom okay hello no nothing oh wait he's got money his mouth he'd he's been eaten money oh okay so we obviously okay this is this is a combination here well hold on let me just let me just do this oh this is fairly obvious to me in any way hey it's day Rex I knew it this is so Night at the Museum I was right okay right it moved its head totally moved and it's looking right at me I'm gonna move over here oh boy yeah there are definitely these are little Raptors here aren't they oh I wonder if that would have done it I doubt it oh this is oh it's toad wait it's another toad okay let's start like you here we go you are free saving tone number two right a bit it moved uh yep I knew it okay definitely what no wait toad still in there you're gonna hurt him don't hurt him he swallowed toad but we can still Oh weird it like totally absorbed it okay cool right well this this this escalated fairly quickly okay so obviously we have to do something with this oh he catches it and then what and then he eats it wait but that's your egg dude or I don't know actually if that's your I got what oh jeez okay oh I see and then I got to get the other one and then I have to shoot at the thing right like like this there oh okay so I probably have to do that a few you're gonna knock the whole place down what are you doing okay watch out watch out okay what's happened okay wait oh I was gonna say why do I need that but I know why I need that okay hold on I'm gonna wait for another one to appear because well before I needed to all right let's yes he catches it but then oh he's gonna drop stuff again I gotta wait he ate it right away so what do I need do I need him to do something first before I can hit it no he grabs it maybe if i flash him first or something okay it's gonna drop another one okay but can i flash him like oh no oops if only there was something other than the egg for it to chew on like who like Luigi wait a little Oh Luigi you got okay there chew on GUI gee uh oh my goodness I was only kidding wait what did he do to guiji Luigi I have an idea that just might work do you know how about letting it join we're doing that okay ah geez I wasn't paying attention I can't see I mean I was paying attention you go away with that yeah yeah I thought that's what I was gonna do there he goes boom ha ha all right okay next is hack dude if we get it whoa if we get it this quick we can probably do two in this one video to two rooms or two to two floors because this was really quit cool fish hey watch out watch out watch out okay can we get any of this stuff oh we can okay so oh there we go okay another one can I wait on this what happened there okay got a way for him to like lift up right and that wait Oh give me that I don't know what he was doing there boom get some bro how many times doctor hit this dude whoa dude he's got a sweeping attack now oh geez I've sent it the wrong way completely let me grab it wow that was close Wow yeah dude this was like the quickest floor I guess you know it kind of makes sense cuz like poultry kitty was like a level in itself and then this one was quite short wait where's oh wait we get the Hulk we got the Hulk he's like a caveman dude alright so what do we got to do with this guy he doesn't have any glasses on oh no he's got a giant bone okay so I think we all right got it okay there we go cool that didn't work he blocks it with this did he now he blocks it with the bone okay so do we have to take the bone or do we know we have to wait for his big attack there we go and then oh well so then ah get up okay so then you got a run-in come on get up wow it stuns you so you have to avoid his attack his like is like huge attack like that there he goes here he goes here he goes here he goes and out of the way oh jeez I think I'm gonna have to like because I think GUI geo that's what I should do so gooood you can avoid that a thing I don't know maybe because that goes like or can I do this to jump over it you think I can I'll try that let's see if we can jump over there we go get in there run okay did I get him no I didn't get him okay so I could out J's you just took out 20 L the one slack okay a slack right okay so I actually need to be closer so that I can get the timing okay here we go there we go go get him there we go I got him there okay yeah come on pull him in one man Bullivant beliving and smash smash give me some hearts please I would love some hearts okay so I got to stay kind of close to him but not get hit by that thing and whoa that's new go go go go go go go get him you got to stun them there we go grab him I was gonna wait smash smash there we go thank you for the heart sir I do appreciate your contributions to my health level okay I think we got one or two more before we take this D down all right there we go and maybe two more keep taking him down no no no no come on all right there we go one two three come on one more yes that's it he's done get in I was quick dude really quick and we've saved toad number two haha oh I did eat okay now let's dark light this thing and get them out oh dear oh don't cry oh we're headed to basement - you little weirdo hey Luigi yep gimme gimme ah you've managed to save another toad excellent show toad the elevator alla make sure he stays safe and a sound in the lab okay all right little fella you go and I'm going to OB to is wait what why can't wait a second whoa wait you got to get back no no don't you dare come take my b2 button are you really mad oh they're coming for me oh oh okay now then Luigi you still need to find one more toad Princess Peach and Mario we're halfway there good luck hahaha thanks I knew that let's put it in and let's head down to basement level - I'm not heading up anymore we're going all the way to the very bottom I I think it's it's below the other basement level that we were in right yep yep the boiler works oh dude this looks like a loved one so strapping guys yep I'm gonna have to fix some stuff it seems all right there's a lot of junk down here man so then oh wait wait there's a key over here huh or do we need finally should've picked that one up why oh he's got like a southern accent Oh [Music] spinner spinner oh okay watch out watch out right oh dear okay right okay first of all Luigi get that bro go get some stuff I guess I don't know because I didn't do what I thought it was gonna do so that how do we how do we link to the one there okay oh oh that is so stupid I thought it was a wall come on now are you serious yeah there it is yeah okay we got it good job GUI gee how do I get well I get back to that yes I did it yes I did it you didn't do nothing okay and okay obviously I've got some problems here this guy is I feel like he was whacking himself but I think he's friend yep no stop it whoa he's gonna get away okay here we go smash your friend smash your friend smash your friends and oh he's got a bucket on his head so oh wait hold on ah jeez too many of you guys come here come on last one one two there we go cleared it up okay now obviously so I a lot there's gonna be a lot of GUI G action in this one I think oh yeah okay alright it pooped him out too so he can't go on ladders oh oh okay oh I see I see I see here we go so we're gonna do this this one there we go okay and then so I stand oh boy I wasn't watching which ones it did how here we go let's go don't kill GUI G okay oh wait it actually hold on so once you change it uh-huh okay so then okay we'll move him wait we'll move him over here because I feel like that one's gonna come down and then we'll do this one right close okay so then this one don't get um I did it I don't know here we go so we're supposed to do this well send the power to the screen and we'll open the airlock baby that's some security yeah oh dude and there was a whole thing of coins there too it's okay we got plenty of money okay there oh you just think this looks like some sort of teleporting pad or something obviously this is okay that changes that okay that spins that around okay so we want to get up there and open that right it seems like but I don't know what these have to do with anything oh also we want to get over there - all right Luigi go do it oh that's interesting - hmm I don't know Oh so I think I go up this yeah no but there's another okay like he loves doing pranks so I can only imagine what this is gonna do uh-oh bye GUI ji huh oh no talking into the water that's okay so is Boulder pop who can walk on water oh thanks bud okay cuz apparently I can't swim oh this is the other ladder that I saw okay good puppy okay right so I can't go in the water I can't okay you've gotten yourself into a real mess sterile EG good news though the poltergeist goo has been tested in depths up to I forget really deep what's important is it's waterproof okay but because the ghosts use the switch to control the water levels your path is blocked I think you can walk along the sewer water and we should switch give it a shot you can return the water to original evers and go after okay so yeah so we have to go this way then and then once we can get the water back down we can go the other way let's get the sticky notes okay so we're gonna have to use gooey G oh no way can I control this wait wait sort of it's a little slow I can spin it there we go eggs thank you alright so obviously gooey G goes here it goes here pops out there okay and then we're gonna go here and he's gonna wait hold on is there something up there it looked like there well no no oh you went to the wrong one okay this one and we're gonna pop out here brilliant okay and then we're gonna do this I mean I guess hold on where does this go though oh yeah it's gonna pop out there it's probably gonna get me wet though okay go back through here there we go pick up the money wait can you keep going this way No not really okay so let's do this and we'll pull this back up then we'll switch to de Luigi and then slowly make our way across at least it's a little faster now stupid watermelons okay and now oh he can go he can continue across all right wait do we want him to though what was that thing there that I probably should have gone to hold on let's go back can we go back no I don't know don't know I've gone too far or I don't know actually maybe I haven't oh you dummy whoa so yet you can um ah yeah you could use your Poltergust so hold on hold on hold on let's see does this when I grab that nope wait grab it what is this yep I got it ah okay so switch put them in here that look like a piranha man okay oh dude that thing was so full with fish guts and money like so full dude okay let's go here let's jump back in look at that there we go oh whoa hold on I need to pull myself toward that okay okay there keep going all right we're good now GUI ji can pull this wow this is so complicated man okay so that is not one he can go through because oh man there's piranhas here can I shoot the piranhas with my light no they're gonna smash me though can I not all right let's just try this let's see what happens I think he's gonna get zapped right oh no he can go through it oh okay well that was stupid of my on my part to even think that I would okay what just happened what just happened like I did something wrong is that what it was I didn't do anything though like this all I did oh is it cuz of the spike oh the spikes pop it ah okay okay that's what it is so you got it okay alright see there it goes and then I've got to grab it come on come on come on come on let's go GUI gee a rear bud pull it open go pull it open for your friend your master your owner okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait here we go wait what just came in here with me all right we obviously need you back come here alright where are we going now I mean I oh you got to get in between though because oh well hang on one two three all right what's this Oh money yeah okay more money we oh here we go hold on get back over here wait what a fight wait oh no come here no oh geez I'm not doing so well here okay come on here we go that's perfect timing look at that I'll let pull it there we go go through no go in weirdo okay whoa good job buddy okay and then I guess grab this okay but wait what why well hold on why are there sharks wait you got to leave that open bud okay I think I don't want to no no no that's uh oh geez I need that oh geez II I mean it won't let me there we go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go hey I'm through let it go Luigi lock them in oh thank goodness wait did I did I lock them in I don't even know where gooey G is there you are buddy oh geez no no wait aah No they're here oh all right that's close that was lucky all right uh-huh all right Oh almost there what was that oh boy behind you okay hey let go Ichigo bud rude hey wait what what's happening here he's trying to throw oh geez what how are there so many he's trying to throw whoa try to throw a G in the water I think is there come on can I let me get your tail there but dude he is there boom boom boom one more there we go I saved your butt alright so it looks like we need to get GUI G I'm gonna put him here we need to put him through this right and then it's gonna put it up there which great fantastic okay so we don't we don't want that so what if I do this no we want the other way it's gonna go that way then up and around I think maybe it'll go there we'll have to just see where it actually goes oh wait I got it I know what to do so we got it hold on we got to get GUI G we've got to switch this one up no no I just pooped him right into the water okay so then we go here and then we use GUI G no no don't you go in there it stopped banging into stuff man and then we use guiji to switch it and this is quicker actually here then riding through it again okay final one this is it straight up to the top got it okay cool now what do you got to do huh pull it down like that do we have to like stick it yeah stick it and pull it pop and we've powered the drains right or something well there's a chest ah-ha the water is ours ah so we're in there I got it oh that's cool but we're in there what do we need that door for anymore it's gonna be this thing again isn't it Thanks alright the water's back to how it was go back to where you came from and get after the mechanic ghost are you serious there is no faster way I mean I guess we can walk now so it'll be easier but or will we he'd be able to I'm not even sure oh jeez watch out blow up the wall it's gonna blow up the wall isn't it didn't ha ha control room let's go alright now I guess we go cool it's like a fire escape nice okay and then ah just straight across all set not a good place to start though with 63 health ok let's let's open it up but what are you gonna do cuz that's where it is open the vault baby hello whoo he's up there asleep he's got bombs okay we're definitely doing something with the bombs again yeah no don't do it you're not again with the water Sky's obsessed okay there's a drain there though isn't it oh I don't oh jeez were fighting in these eyesore to control these things though okay so can I can I get that away from you oh my goodness get away get away the guy ha he nailed me okay okay what about it ah oh dude that's good I like it up here this is way better wait what what am i wait oh I see I'm blowing up a new raft that is kind of amazing I'm gonna go away from him so yeah I'm not really pleased on the health deal there can i oh geez so I don't know how to beat this guy I'm gonna probably die on this one oh he keeps slapping me hard too Oh bro wait hang on no no I want the rats I want I want to get health from them okay you cannot get health in this thing and that that pops them apparently oh great that's fun oh wait I wonder if I can get him to blow up one of the rats let's see throw throw another bomb at me bro okay so on both of those sides yes oh wow spikes everywhere oh I wonder oh wait I've got an idea though I wonder okay can I get in here oh no idiot Wow I suck at this okay so I want it nope wow that's embarrassing man yeah both the puffs I need your help thank you ah come on ah I'm gonna use up all my bones for this this is just so bad like I've not done any damage to him at all that's it I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done Oh he messed you miss no wow this is like seriously the hardest most annoying battle in all of Luigi's Mansion I hate it so much go go go get away get away get away get away okay I got you've got to stay oh geez you got to stay as close to the middle as you can the problem is like ah he slaps you like that no no no no okay okay and you cannot escape it Oh what I can't can I even I can't oh hey I guess I can't I can go get that but like okay wait so the bomb wait there was another bomb over here if I kick it oh wait yeah so if I kick it and then run away well give me a heart okay at least there's this ah okay ah so that's how you get your health back the way they stroll around over here but like it's still annoying wait what if you hit the one here watch out what cha cha uh uh get away get away stay away from the spikes there he goes oh he's spinning again wait no no no I got it so I did this before oh jeez no no here we go grab him there we go now what am I supposed to do with him oh wait am i I I was I was gonna hit him against the spikes I think that's what I'm probably supposed to do no no no I'm get out no I'm not no you turd whoa what happened what happened what happened to him what's he flipping for Oh back up back up I go whoa okay oh dude he's spinning I think I got him with the bomb can I get it can I get it okay now I'm just gonna like there look there now what Oh get out get out get out go go go go you gotta get him stupid rats get out can I get I get out hold on if I what if I can I stun him now yes yes finally now we're probably gonna have to do that multiple times but at least wait what what just happened Oh give me the heart yeah give me the heart oh dude he's all he's open oh yes to blow it up like I do okay there okay so he's back in but to do that three more stupid times I wish I had a bone right now because being able to continue after doing it once okay let's let him throw a few more of those in there baby you all okay let's see if I can knock that thing because that's what oh geez nope watch out no oh geez work ah both of us okay but you know what no it's important I got him I got him I got him come on let's go let's do that Bop and go go go go go go go go I mean I'm out whatever I got them because that's - got you both and I'm gonna get your heart one two three four yeah so one more okay cool and I got 74 health come here you stupid oh okay all right let's get back in oh there's two oh the dude did he set it off already he already set it off oh my goodness he did it to himself get him get him get him smash him let's go whoa get over there oh dude that's a long way oh I should have done it close to the ladder all right go I should have enough time oh no no no no no no wait how come he got up so fast are you serious are you serious oh that is terrible all right oh he did it himself again he did it he did it he did it oh he sent it over to me wait nobody got himself anyway all right here we go let's do this so I learned my lesson last time let's do it like like no like that did it get him there cuz go go go go go go all right he falls right there let's go out out out out and smash him nope got him Paul that was last-second dude he was about to blow that thing up let's go let's go come on no what we still one more time okay it's okay though all we have to do he just has to hit those things if he hits that thing he does it every time oh he's not doing it this time what's he doing okay watch out no no no no okay get him he's gonna get himself there get him get him you gotta get him aw dude I'm I'm actually a lot better at this now good okay let's go towards that see like I'm sort of learning the controls finally they're weird by the way if you didn't recognize that if you didn't realize come on wait why is it geez I was like why is it not taking down itself yes get in there ha finally I do not want to do that ever again super annoying give it why did it just go to the bottom there and look at all those hearts the water you okay all right um go away water out let's go drain the water where those hearts go oh no I see them at the bottom I though I don't think I'm gonna have a chance at them though nope yeah they're garden but we got it floor Ted finally Oh that was some work dude seriously all right well you know what guys I think we're gonna end it here thank you guys for watching and enjoying Luigi's Mansion if you guys are continuing to enjoy it want to see me beat this game let me know by clicking the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course your line [Music]
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,308,361
Rating: 4.8485184 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles horror game, horror, game, story mode, luigi, mario, polterpup, luigis mansion, luigis mansion 3, ghost, haunted mansion, nintendo, peach, toad, thinknoodles Luigis mansion, trex, t rex
Id: hI-v9Ec2Qlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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