GOOIGI!! | Luigi's Mansion 3 [#2]

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[Music] hey everyone it's your friend thick noodles back to Luigi's a mansion of three you guys loved this game on fan choice Friday you asked for more so here it is a make sure to LIKE the video if you want me to continue playing this and I just wanted to show you guys the title screen has changed just as the mansion has transformed in the story the mansion is transformed even on the title screen which create attention to detail there alright let's get back into the game what ah right okay hey and this is egad and everybody's like how do you not know who he got is you played this before you gotta remember I didn't play Luigi's Mansion 2 so it's been like I don't even know 15 20 years since I played the game so I forgot who he was and what he done what do you got there pulled you pop huh what what do you smell huh right I think were we we were headed for like the garage basement area right back I still okay that I forgot that the voice where jet was like a Java ok hey Luigi take a look over there it's an elevator the elevator will get us in garage in an instant let's hurry up before the ghosts find us ok go come on I wish I could move a little faster oh wait I can oh that's nice ok you can run ok uh do I have to press the button what do I need to get this out of the way dress it like ah there we go hey Louise you look at that it's money and lots of it even with all the daters here I'm sure we agree that money is still important the ghosts don't seem interested in grabbing it what's the saying you can't take it with you well I definitely want it anyway keep your eyes peeled an grab as much as you can you know while you're capturing ghosts and saving your friends multitasking yeah gimme gimme gimme gimme again I don't know what we're gonna use this for but sure let's go this is a little uncomfortable well we oh cool I love that you can okay you can see it in the mirror of all that sometimes removed all the other elevator buttons okay what happens if we stick our finger in what's going on here hmm I'm sorry for later I suppose go ahead and get that button do you want to push okay well that's convenient isn't it sure didn't seem like any of your friends were trapped on 2f that's where we were they must have been taken to one of the floors higher up in the hotel which means yeah we're gonna need to get all of those elevator buttons ah that's a lot of buttons how long is this game uh let's go dude okay oh right okay so I know where we are hold on I want to make sure that I I get all the money haha oh yeah oh yeah you think it's funny huh huh huh huh Wow oh do those gold bars up here watch out dude who's my drop on your head they heavy woo is this it ha ha ha ha ha oh I know we got a boss ghost here oh he's the he's the bellman uh oh yeah we're gonna have to deal with him hey he's scared of us okay wait wait wha what's he got what's guy huh what do you oh all right he's gonna throw it you think a ghost would have better attacks than throwing big suitcases although now that I'm okay now that I'm making fun of him it's probably not gonna be that easy so what do I need to do this guy probably flash em yep there he goes all right let's get them in there we go oh yeah smash smash so mash now give me your money dude give me all the money that you are worth get in here wha what why can't buddy maybe you have to like watch out can I do this what do I have to do to get you in here man I got you in before all right there we go night if there it is okay so you got a blind him come on dude stop it smash him so mash him smash it smash him all right so I think we got one more you have to like so I was trying to flash him when he had this suitcase and I think he blocks blocks it or whatever open oh yeah see like that that doesn't work okay now works that look come on there got him okay man smash oh no smashing oh I thought we were gonna get the where is that whoa what just what are those they're like hey what are you doing it gets trippin down he's like he's having a seizure down here all right buddy well I'm gonna check these out Oh elevator buttons [Music] so he said higher up so we got the fifth floor so we need to go oh those are definitely the elevator buttons I never would've guessed the girls had taken them who else but there are only two maybe there other ghosts out there with the rest of the buttons no matter let's go to my car I got something very interesting I want to show you alright [Music] Luigi loved that dog so much okay there's a trunk wow that's really interesting what's that [Music] don't do what it's like a don't do this here sign but it doesn't tell you what and bag buddy whoa whoa oh those aren't gonna work down here though but is it dude please explain this lab I guess a mobile lab let's go in all right we got it Luigi welcome to my lab I knew it there's another my brilliant inventions a portable laboratory it's sturdy it's safe and air conditioned I always knew I knew this one day good thing I brought it along with me right he kind of didn't it was downstairs but you want to know what I'm doing in this hotel it's it's a bit of a long story but in short I was tricked just like me I got an invitation for someone claiming to own in this hotel they said they had a precious collection of ghosts gathered from all over the world and that made you come no self-respecting ghost researcher would pass up on an appealing offer as that obviously I accept the invitation but when I arrived invitation was all yours they captured me and took my precious ghost collection oh so there weren't any ghosts oh that includes all the ghosts you'd worked so hard to catch for me before which I completely forgot about including King Boo losing him it really got under my skin he's my fave mmm-hmm what they released King Boo oh well that I thought you I think if you knew that anyway that hotel owner what has she done Luigi you're our only okay right there so okay just hold on a second with the Java speaking like language sound right and then Luigi you're our only hope like the that is also from Star Wars I'm just saying against all odds without any hesitation and at any cost to get my ghost collection back and speaking of ghost collections why don't you give me all of the ghosts you've captured so far I think I only got like oh look at the ghost interface there all right keep on catching those ghosts Oh would be sure to come back to the lab I'll set up the gallery so you can view that ghost you captured let's see I want to see it what's with that look Luigi am I forgetting something important oh that's right forget about Stevie oh sorry toad I forgot about you totally forgot me too but regardless fine ghosts and your friends you'll need to explore this hotel to help you out I'll give me one of my greatest inventions yet Virtual Boy that's like the worst console ever created well not though I mean the least successful console ever created by Nintendo I call it the virtual boo or VB for short okay it's a state-of-the-art virtual reality device fitted with a fancy red screen really cutting-edge stuff all red and red is all the rage you know yeah Virtual Boy I mean I never had one but I think that like that's what it was literally a virtual reality device and I'm doing air quotes with a red screen just wait until I finish the marketing materials on this it'll fly off the shelves I love this Nintendo making fun of themselves and the Virtual Boy and how poorly it did actually hold on a second let's see let's just look it just maybe like the sales history to see all right so Virtual Boy 32 bit tabletop video game console at least in 1995 and marketed first console capable of stereoscopic quote-unquote 3d graphics use a console like head mounted display place their head against the IPS to see a red monochrome display so already a problem I mean okay it was twenty years ago or more but yeah monochrome wasn't cutting it in 1995 but anyway red same thing and use a parallax effect to create the illusion of depth sales failed to meet targets and by early 96 they only released 22 games for the system and in 10 deceased distribution and game development yeah so here we go yeah so after systems released an intent of America projected hardware sales of 1.5 million units in software sales numbering 2.5 million by the end of 1995 Nintendo had shipped only 350,000 units by the end of 95 and the system made a number 5 on game pros top 10 worst selling consoles of all time list holy cow alright so anyway um in total I think they said only seven hundred and seventy thousand virtual boy units were sold worldwide before they cut it anyway sorry sorry I just had it you can use the VB to communicate at any time but I love that they use like something so unsuccessful and are able to part pon up themselves hey maybe we can test this communication system plus okay it'll display your kernel ejected for you to it's quite useful I want to have one more thing for you thermal detonator the very first thing you need to do is install this elevator tracker inside the elevator for me okay cool ask for what it is I'll tell you later go on and get an installed oh sure that's not fishy like anything else we've experienced here head for the elevator I'm counting on you Luigi what whoa oh is this the men this is weird it's like the menu okay wait okay no I just want how do we get I don't I just I just oh so when we're in here this is all we can do I see so let's go I just want to use the Virtual Boy I think I think I could have used it there I saw the screen that said map but let's just that it's so cool hold on I mean I'm assuming this is a lot this is probably way better than the actual Virtual Boy but yeah cuz it actually has a little bit of color okay so we're here oh wow this is really great the map is like it's a top-down map so we're in this room here we want to go here go the elevator I like so it I don't think oh yeah I don't have a map for any of these yet I guess okay cool let's go ah nice so I yeah that's really cool I mean though hey get in here spider I don't remember there being spiders by the way but nevertheless oh dude what's going on to plant the money tree I ain't got no money on it anymore but it's it's acting weird okay let's go into the elevator and install the elevator tracker and also we've got these buttons we can put in here right well is that okay let's just see if you'll do ah okay good you did it way to go Luigi can I see what you're looking at dude oh oh hey sup hey Luigi seems like the solution was a success now then as to what this device actually does in turn suited to the tower chair and now that it extract some map data about the floors from the elevator then takes all that data and displays it on the monitor isn't that great hey why don't you take those elevator buttons you collected and certain metal panel ah ha ha number one so that's the lobby whoa or is that a seven I think it's a one that's definitely a five well done all right so now now you're able to view the map of a new floor there's another surprise Luigi this device that device links with the Virtual Boy the map data's automatically sent to the VB so you can view the map anywhere anytime if you open the maps of the beam I mean you can check out an even more detailed map don't go forgetting about it kay what about the mini-map because there's also let me break it down for you the map is super helpful for exploring new floors while you exploring the hotel you should go I thought he was gonna like actually like make it rhyme or something you should hunt down the elevator buttons yeah those buttons will let you reach new floors ripe for exploration oh and you might find your friends there hahaha one more thing before you go we need to do a quick test of Evie's comm system open it up select egad hotline I'm counting on you alright you get huh got it testing testing 1 2 3 this is egad resident genius coming through loud and clear fantastic it appears that the bee bees communication system is working properly that means you can use this content anytime you need tape you build an even talking to just do exactly what you did for the test I may be able to offer some advice in a tough situation very good oh you can also check out the log it using the very same system let me know why you're calling and you'll be able to see your progress ok test my inventions is fun back to work can speak and work I have a job for you so you're gonna take the elevator to 5f now right I was actually staying at a room on that floor there's a briefcase in my room could you fetch it for me Luigi my room number is Oblast what was it yeah you got a map you'll figure it out try to come back alive right okay so wait guides settings is that the log he was now now we'll figure this out on our own we don't need no guide right okay let's press some cool whoa but I like that not VIP suites the Riv suites come on this elevator is slow I wonder if it takes longer to go up to 5 than it does actually from where we were it actually goes up 5 floors so we went from the bottom all the way to the penthouse I think would take a long time yeah we got Oh buddy buddy buddy we've got a vacuum we're good you okay cool look there's a wanted poster wait what oh I didn't notice that he actually puts it on Louie James remember something important I neglected to mention the Poltergust goo of yours has a new feature that I like to call suction a shot it'll work as a weapon for you on your adventures use Y to fire the rubber plunger you can stick it on to flat and smooth surfaces if you use it to suck up the rope and then oh my goodness wait what and then suck up the rope and press hey you can tug on objects and pull off a powerful slam to break them you start shooting at things right away practice makes perfect after all no don't forget my briefcase okay what what what what's he talking about okay so first of all so wait what I'm supposed to I okay this is like it's kind of awkward to use that and then use the thumb stick to point it but okay can I can I shoot on this aha now what now oh I see and then you do this get the rope in and smash it with a devastating attack I see okay BAM and that of course opens our away Oh can we can we get this thing to let's do that yep let's go and song oh come on buddy try to press it a lot come on yeah sir I think that one's okay let go let go let go leave it alone dude that one I think is too big it's not gonna let us go that direction okay so oh okay don't know what happened there but sure I would expect that this probably isn't his room however let's go check it out there's a lot of rooms on this floor let's go to the bathroom here oh geez no oh look at this check it out look at that so yeah you got to pay attention cuz there's coins up here that's pretty cool so I guess we're gonna oh is this what we're supposed to pull back or no I think we can probably just yeah do it with this come on pull pull pull and what is that old Noonan in a new get that thing out okay yeah take a look take the towels and suck the spider up we don't need to be dealing with that all right maybe we need something for that later wait what what's going on here huh oh you know oh I thought he was eating the toothpaste all right so we have brunch on his butt all right oh wait oh whoa okay problem come here buddy wait oops hold on hold on hold on let's grab this guy whoa where you going where you going no wait no some mash smash yeah just watch me wreck your friend it's okay good I think I just like that combo those guys cuz I smashed him into his friend I guess there we go and you there you go buddy hey get back here nope no no no smash smash smash smash give me your money and it got a little brighter in here so I see we were supposed to go I didn't I didn't realize it the mini-map was actually telling us exactly where we were supposed to go we were supposed to go here I wasted a lot of time it's one of those keepers mm-hmm we in it why she just looks like right at us didn't even care oh no no no no no no no no touchy no touchy I need that flasher flash her oh it's suitcase oh come on no nope really all right oh wait hold on let's watch this thing though isn't that this is one of the there we go let's open this baby up oh yeah there we go barf up coins dude gimme gimme gimme we got another one here more coins more coins oh what goodies potions oh okay there coin potions or something what okay that one didn't do anything so these two then or is that whoa dude his room is so full of money this guy is rich wait like dude what are you doing my briefcase is gone hey Luigi stars busy and got back to my doesn't it is it important what's the status of my briefcase what a ghost main took off with it that won't do no that won't do it all just don't just stand there get after her oh oh I just beat these dudes or okay good night okay well they got me locked in it's okay if these are just like the other two wait oh I'm in here though okay here we go can I can you what is happening why can't I get [Music] whoa really usually I can I can't even decrease the students health come here yeah there we go there we go there we go okay now smash him on his friend come on smash him on his friend I did not oh I got him a little bit there we go come on get in there and smash it smash him smash him haha you got shocked dude I know it's a shocking thing for me to do but I did it haha oh yeah wait should we go out here hold on let's just check out here real quick hello whoo and you do this there we go bye um give me some money it's nice oh wait wait wait there was something we can do can we oh yeah look we can do something what where is it yeah we can look through the telescope this is cool can i oh yeah I can control it too what a beautiful view is that it oh oh man okay you jump scared us to the telescope I like that come on buddy come on here we go you're getting caught wait why can't I catch you well I got him I got him I got him here we go oh dude this is like catching big fish dude okay get him smash him smash him smash him dude that was one of the hardest ghosts I've ever caught oh we got a gem haha no wonder it was hard alright so it looks like she went left which is this room here right and I see like the feather duster there she is alright get her we got her okay come on wait what why is this what are you doing leave my face a look wood what a weirdo come on can we okay what are we supposed to do to her how do we how do we okay how do I make her I can't smash her or anything oh maybe Oh am I supposed to like wait there was an X here somewhere oh no that's for the door oh maybe oh she's a hard one to cat thank you we'll have to outwit her if we want to have any chance okay how we gonna how are we gonna do that the briefcase she spawn is flat and sturdy okay I was thinking that maybe in Gran Fondo with a suction shot okay got it dude don't waste your time searching every room and look at every okay okay okay okay I'm not do just show me on the map or something I got it a certain ghost leave traces behind in areas they passed through use dark light with X check the walls and doors for clues what what oh all right let's check the walls and the doors for clues aha okay well that makes a little bit easier got it so now we want to like wait what what what happen there there okay now we grab it okay and we smash we smash we smash okay we do it again hold on let me just grab my coins here up she went that way okay oh that that's pretty easy oh wait can we go that oh yeah we can oh well did she let's see let's let's use the dark light wait that's not the dark light this is a dark light do we have I thought oh yeah look show so she went to that wall okay so we gotta go the other room yep okay uh-huh let's go lady there we go grab it grab her belly grab her belly there we go some mash wait what happened there wait what happened there no no no don't take it off don't take it off I need that I need wait oh no no it didn't work it didn't work cold hot Oh ow she just stabbed me with her feather duster rude oh my goodness lady all right smash smash smash all right and we got to do that again I think well actually okay she left that's what I figured here again now this is where we started isn't it yeah we can check but I I don't I don't think the girl oh she is okay I was gonna because this is the room we started in so I didn't think that it would oh here we go got her right away and expect to get her that fast you're done get in my vacuum lady there she goes all right let's did it all right can we what do we gotta do now do we have to actually oh here we go we're gonna open it okay don't ya let him open it what oh yeah well done bud it seems you've also acquired a new elevator button along with my briefcase well done come on back to the lab okay will do bud yeah the minimap is really useful all right let's go oh right put in floor number three all right it does it itself there you go but we are headed oh okay yeah before you had there bring the briefcase I know I know I know I wonder what would happen if I'd I'll just go we're getting all odd numbers oh there we go he's got security cameras outside now welcome back Luigi my briefcase Wow okay it's bigger than he is this is just what I wanted the time has come to use it in battle I'm too old to be out catching ghosts myself rather than give up on my ghostly pursuits I thought I'd create a help her to take my place what about me what is this but again okay the latest invention from the brilliant mind of Professor egad I give you GUI G the development process is a real challenge to say the least fortunately a little help from someone to test the prototype hmmm how is this gonna help now now take it easy here Luigi I'm gonna attach this to the Poltergust goo turnaround from you would you okay oh oh okay look I thought I was gonna sneak off the back okay it's all set up Luigi let's practice a bit follow me outside mmm okay [Music] Howie what are we doing wait are you about to drop a kid on me that that is not cool all right I guess we trust you he's a good dude right okay I've caught you in my trap Luigi oh don't worry I'm just kidding but I'm gonna need you to stay locked up why you ask because I want you to use GUI G to try and help you escape from yourself you can activate guiji with our to recall them this tank press R twice okay oh no way tada this is your very own personal assistant can we if you can slip through tight spaces like Greeks or vents his body is incredibly soft and malleable it's really quite amazing go and see for yourself okay Oh weird so I I control no way I control the GUI G and like I'm asleep there you go he moves basically the same way you do so controlling him shouldn't take much getting used to oh and that reminds me pressing R once Luigi's active lets you switch between him and yourself remember that so wait what the Oh Andy do you like powers down oh but he has like wait Oh No whoops how did he get back in here dude he has like only 25 health so he has a lot less health hey buddy now what how do i oh how do i oh no hey what happened oh he's not remotely waterproof he gets wet a tile he melts and disappears be careful with him getting around anything wet okay oh oh I didn't realize he has like a vacuum and everything okay so he's got like oh dude he's got everything okay so what do I need to do here do I need to like do that ah there it is okay that uh dude wait oh no like I said before you can switch between yourself I did I just did you can do it while you're in the middle of some other action ah you could've told me that before bro so like this and then there we go ah so he continues yeah well nailed it yeah Luigi I feel like I can let you run loose with GUI G alright we're done with your training at least for now let's go back to the lab nice work Luigi very impressive must say that reminds me of something I wanted to tell you've been running the sensors in the lab you detect the presence of a mysterious building like this hotel we're in the fact of the ominous looking tower is very close to this very hotel I guess not Luigi I know you really want to find all your missing friends but if you want to break from that you could head over to the tower it was just a multiplayer one a screen park I think our scares Reaper probably crawl it goes that you can catch go and test your skills there for Saints I've made arrangements so they can access the tower from the lab just like scare scraper and multiplayer have fun oh wait just remembered something else you can check out the screen park if you're feeling a little bit lonely one have some fun that's eight people can play and compute it without another fun hahaha oh right you get to a new floor now head to the elevator take it to 3f right guys I think this is a good place to end the episode what they new for and also of course our friend GUI G so if you enjoyed it you want to see me continue playing your Luigi's Mansion 3 let me know by clicking the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and I'll see you guys again soon uh thanks for watching and of course [Music]
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 779,545
Rating: 4.9188313 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles horror game, horror, game, story mode, luigi, mario, polterpup, luigis mansion, luigis mansion 3, ghost, haunted mansion, nintendo, peach, toad, thinknoodles Luigis mansion, gooigi, goo igi
Id: XKUmc_WrYrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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